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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


S.Y. 2022 - 2023

DIRECTIONS: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of your answer and write it on your answer sheet.

1. Jim was performing an experiment where he turned wood into charcoal. In rocks, which type of weathering creates new substances that is similar
to Jim’s experiment?
A. decolorization B. decomposition C. disintegration D. dissemination

2. It is the breaking down of rocks into fragments.

A. erosion B. flooding C. runoff D. weathering

3. Billy visited a beach when he was 5 years old. He played hide and seek on a big boulder of rock near the shore. After 20 years, he came back to
the same spot of the beach where the rock is placed and now it is faded and smaller. What do you think happened?
A. The rock decomposed. B. The rock disintegrated. C. The rock melted. D. The rock was pulverized.

4. An archaeologist was exploring a forest using an ancient map. According to it, the place they should go has roads made of big rocks. Despite no
rocks being present in the forest’s ground, the archaeologist knew they were in the right place. Why do you think he concluded this?
A. They know the rocks were removed.
B. They know the rocks were weathered.
C. They know the rocks were buried.
D. They know the rocks were blocked by the trees’ roots.

5. Olivia wants to create her own soil in a process that truly occurs in nature. Which part of the horizon do you think she should start to
gather materials and turn into soil?
A. Horizon B. Horizon C. Horizon D. Horizon

6. After all the processes and materials she has chosen, do you think Olivia finally has a fertile soil?
A. Yes, because the rocks are now smaller.
B. Yes, because the rocks are now able to sustain a plant.
C. No, because it still lacks decayed organic matter and nutrients.
D. No, because she needs decayed organic matter and thousands of years to make soil fertile

7. Your mother asked you to transfer her favorite plant. With the knowledge you gained from your Science class, which will you look for in a soil to
put your mother’s plant?
A. Presence of mixture of humus on the topmost layer of the soil.
B. Presence of fine particles on the topmost layer of the soil.
C. Presence of weathered rocks on the topmost layer of the soil.
D. Presence of earthworms as it gives fertilizer.

8. Dan saw his younger brother planting a seed near the sea and told him to stop since it will not grow anyway. Why do you think Dan said this?
A. It will be destroyed by the waves. C. The type of soil here does not hold the tree.
B. It is not a fertile soil. D. All of the given answers are correct

9. Your father shoveled deep soils. You then decided to put this soil in a tree you are planting. Do you think this soil is good for your tree?
A. Yes, because it has lot of minerals good for the trees.
B. No, because it may have toxins and poison the plant due to its age.
C. Yes, because it has rocks to hold the tree.
D. No, because it was not exposed to oxygen so it may be harmful for the tree.

10. Which of the following do you think act as agents of soil erosion and agents of weathering of rocks?
I. Wind II. Humans III. Animals IV. Temperature
A. I and III C. I, II and III
B. I and IV D. I and II

11. What do you call the process by which humans extract stones from the mountains to construction materials?
A. digging B. flattering C. quarrying D. weathering

12. A crusher is a machine that mashes things into smaller pieces for recycling and better waste management. Which of the following functions like
a crusher in a soil?
A. blender B. decomposition C. disintegration D. demolition

13. Katy wants to transport and to deposit her rocks into different places.
A. animals B. humans C.water
D. wind
14. Soil erosion contributes to water pollution. This happens when rain washes away the topsoil and carry to bodies of water. Knowing this fact, how
could you help to prevent soil erosion?
A. Remove grasses on this area.
B. Plant grasses to cover and hold the soil.
C. Build dikes along the river.
D. Place boulders of rocks to the soil.

15. Soil erosion contributes to water pollution. This happens when rain washes away the topsoil and carry to bodies of water. Knowing this fact, how
could you help to prevent soil erosion?
A. It is compacted so the wind cannot carry its particles.
B. t is strong so the cannot destroy it.
C. t is flat so the wind will not reach it.
D. The wind is not strong enough.

16. A piece of soil from a canyon fell in the sea. Can you still consider this an erosion?
A. No, because it fell in water. Erosion only counts in land.
B. No, because there was no agent of erosion involved.
C. Yes, because the soil changed places.
D. Yes, because the soil moved.

17. You visited your hometown near a mountain and a river, while going there, you noticed that the soil is not fertile anymore and the river is
muddy, clogged and lifeless. What do you think is the reason?
A. It is because of the presence of trash and toxins.
B. It is because of the presence of increased population.
C. It is because of the presence of soil erosion.
D. It is because of the presence of climate change.

18. A piece of soil from a canyon fell in the sea. Can you still consider this an erosion?
A. Damage food crops.
B. Destruction of habitat.
C. Destruction of properties.
D. Increase in the number of animals and plants.

A. I only B. I and II C. I, II, and III D. I, II, III and IV

19. Charlotte was driving on a road in a valley then suddenly it stopped by large pieces of rocks and lumps of soil in her way. What do you think
caused this?
A. Human Activity B. Landslide C. Tornado D. Typhoon

20. Water is a common agent of erosion. The following below are the effects of erosion by water EXCEPT one.
A. Affects the fishes in river and seas. C. Loss of topsoil
B. It worsens the quality of air. D. Roots of trees will be exposed.

21. Elizabeth was sitting on a bench when suddenly she felt that there was a sudden force of air pressing down in her location. Why do you think this
A. It is because of the presence of low pressing area.
B. It is because of the presence of low pressure area.
C. It is because of the presence of low pressure depression.
D. It is because of the presence of low pressure disturbance.

22. Your grandmother told you that during her time, it was rare for weather disturbances to have around 200 kph. What weather disturbance do you
think she is describing?
A. Super typhoon C. Tropical Disturbance
B. Tropical Storm D. Typhoon

23. Which of the following do you think is best related to weather?

A. Body energy C. Body mass
B. Body liquids D. Body temperature

24. Carolina wanted to simulate weather disturbances for her Science project. She already placed an air in her simulation. What air classification does
she need to observe, to become successful in her project?
A. Force B. Motion C. Movement D. Pressure

25. For items number 25 and 26, refer to question number 24. Which element can bring this result to her?
A. The presence of fast air and slow air. C. The presence of hot air and cold air
B. The presence of moving air and stagnant air D. The presence of light air and heavy air.

26. In the end, with all the factors and materials she has chosen, which weather disturbances do you think will Carolina produce?
A. High pressure and low pressure area C. Tropical depression
B. High tropical cyclone and low tropical cyclone D. Tropical disturbance
27. Your teacher told you to arrange the four ( 4 ) different weather conditions according to their strengths. Which of the following is the correct
I. Damage food crops.
II. Destruction of habitat.
III. Destruction of properties.
IV. Increase in the number of animals and plants.


28. While wearing her headphones, Karen saw the weather report from the television in the bus. She saw a white circle spinning in an organized
manner. What do you think she saw?
A. Intense tropical B. Tropical depression disturbance
depression C. Tropical D. Tropical storm
29. Central Luzon was experiencing continuous rains for the past five ( 5 ) days. On the sixth day it intensified, and strong wind and rain was present.
Why do you think is the reason?
E. It is rainy season.
F. There is a super typhoon.
G. There is a tropical storm becoming a typhoon.
H. There is a typhoon.

30. Weather disturbances are devastating. It can cause damage to our life and properties. During typhoon, there is always food shortage. Stated below
contributes to food shortage EXCEPT one.
I. Heavy rains destroyed crops. Roads and bridges are damaged.
J. Flooding makes transportation of foods difficult.
K. Roads and bridges are damaged.
L. Typhoon makes farmer lazy to harvest their crops.

31. A calendar in your grandfather’s house has different moon phases. One day you saw it torn, with only 3 moon phases. How many moon phases
were torn apart from the paper?
A. 2 moon phases B. 3 moon phases C. 4 moon phases D. 5 moon phases

32. While abroad, you took a picture with a castle at night and came back a week later. As you saw the picture, you noticed that the moon is now in a
different shape. Why did the moon’s appearance changed?
A. Because of the movement of the sun C. Because of the movement of the moon
B. Because of the movement of the earth D. Because he was in a different place on earth.

33. You were playing patintero with two of your friends. While between them, you suddenly remembered the phases of the moon. What phase of the
moon resembles your situation?
A. Full moon B. Lunar Eclipse C. New moon D. Solar Eclipse

34. You were playing patintero with two of your friends. While between them, you suddenly remembered the phases of the moon. What phase of the
moon resembles your situation?
A. Next week B. Next Monrth C. On the third week oft D. Two more weeks

35. You’ve read from a fiction book that werewolves transform every full moon. You looked up in the sky and saw there was no moon. What phase
of the moon is this?
A. Full moon B. Gibbous moon C. Descending moon oft D. New moon

36. Beth’s friend told her to bury a letter under their favorite tree on the third quarter of the moon. The moon is currently in waxing crescent. How
many moon phases does she need to wait before she can bury a letter?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

37. You looked up and saw that only a small portion of the moon is lit. In fact, it is less than half. What phase of the moon is this?
A. Gibbous moon B. Crescent moon C. First quarter moon oft D. Last quarter moon

For numbers 38-39.

Fiona works for a subscription channel for nature and was tasked to document the movement of the moon into different phases. However, her
video clips got mixed and disorganized.
I. New Moon, Waxing Crescent, Waning Crescent
II. Waning Crescent, New Moon, Waxing Crescent
III. Waning Gibbous, Full Moon, Waxing Gibbous
IV. Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous

38. Which of the following shows the correct order of moon phases from the First Quarter to Third Quarter?

39. Which of the following shows the correct order of moon phase from Third Quarter to First Quarter?

40. Hearing about this, Fiona’s friend asked if she filmed for a whole year just for this project. Fiona said no. How long do you think Fiona filmed all
the moon phases?
A. 29 days B. 29 ½ _days C. 30 days D. 30 ½ _days

41. What do you call a group of star patterns in the sky?

A. galaxy B. constellation C. solar system D. zodiac

42. They are the ones who discovered majority of star patterns we have today.
A. Ancient Romans B. Ancient Greeks C. NASA D. IAU

43. John wanted to name his small dog who resembles a bear after a star pattern. Which star pattern resembles this description?
A. Large bear B. Small bear C. Ursa Major D. Ursa Minor

44. Shane wants to see Cassiopeia in her childhood house before she turns 18. What time of the year should she go?
A. Aug to Sept B. Dec to early Jan C. Jan to Feb D. Sept to early Nov

45. Dexter has a list of all the star patterns he wants to see. However, he placed some of them under North Polar and South Polar categories. What
does this mean?
A. They are star patterns that can be seen in north and south pole only.
B. They are star patterns that is in the north and south of each other.
C. They are star patterns that is in the north and south pole.
D. They are star patterns that cannot be seen throughout the year.

46. Joe is a pirate lost at the sea. Which of the following stars should he use as a guide?
A. Betelguese B. Polaris C. Rigel D. Ursa Minor

47. Orion has two stars. One of which is a red giant and a bluish star. Which of the following is located on its right shoulder?
A. bluish star B. red star C. red supergiant star D. both of the star

48. Ursa major and Ursa minor are both famous star patterns. Which of the following is one of their differences?
A. Ursa major have big dipper while Ursa Minor have little dipper.
B. Ursa Major have big dipper while Ursa Minor have little dipper.
C. Ursa Major have the North star while Ursa Minor have Alioth star.
D. There are no differences.

49. Jack wanted to give his friend who is a soldier a drawing of one of the star patterns. Which of the following best fit the description of his friend?
A. Cassiopeia B. Orion C. Ursa Major D. Ursa Minor

50. Allan was heading to the Arctic when he realized he lost his compass and map. What should he use as a guide and why can he use this?
A. Orion star, it has two brightest stars that can give light at night.
B. North Star, it is located almost directly above the North Pole.
C. The waves will bring Allan to his destination.
D. The wind comes from different directions like North wind and East Wind.

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