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Present Simple worksheet my room You ____ here a) sleep b) sleeps It ___ in the park a) run b) runs The dog ____ with me a) walk b) walks We ____ the recorder a) practice b) practices Emily and Tom ______ a) sing b) sings the dishes She _____ to bed late They never _____ dinner a) cook b) cooks Emma and I ____ TV a) watch b) watches The kids ____ a lot a) play b) plays Cats ____ mice a) chase b) chases a) like b) likes S3LIVEWORKSHEETS Present Simple worksheet Mark a shower b) takes My sister ____apen a) have b) has a) teach b) teaches Schools a) open b) opens early They _____ water a) drink b) drinks Chris _____ the snow a) see b) sees a) write b) writes up early This plant _____ fastly a) grow b)grows You ____ your car a) wash b) washes loudly b) falls Babies _____ a) crawl b) crawls a when I'm sad a) cry b) cries Chairs sometimes a) break b) breaks S3LIVEWORKSHEETS Present Simple worksheet fountains Erasers a) erase b) erases Some animals a) climb b) climbs This chef a) love b) loves a) wear b) wears a) watch b) watches a) feed b) feeds ----- up fastly a) stand b) stands Adults a) work b) works ween everyday Eagles ______ highly a) fly b) flies Luis and | a) dance lb) dances a) listen b) listens My friends _______ me a) visit b) visits chocolate a) love b) loves S3LIVEWORKSHEETS

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