Bce Spring 21

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& Ethics
Ms. Hira Khadim
Types of
Barriers in
Levels of communication
 Intrapersonal communication
 Interpersonal communication
 Small group communication
 Organizational communication
 Public communication
 Mass communication
Information Flow in
1. Jay Walker names 4 different manias besides English Mania. Name
2 of them:
2.How many people are trying to learn English worldwide?
3.How do many people in China try to practice English?
4.What one word does Jay Walker use to answer the question “Why
5.How many high school students have already taken the Gaokao
6. What percent of the Gaokao score is based on English?
7. According to Jay Walker, what are the benefits of learning English
– list at least 2?
8. What global problems can people discuss because of English? List
3 out of the 4 mentioned.
9. List the 3 Universal Languages and what each is a language of:
______________________ = _______________________
 the symbols that carry the message. There are three basic communication
 ● Language (verbal code): Spoken or written words used to communicate
thoughts and emotions.
 ● Paralanguage (vocal code): The vocal elements that go along with spoken
language, including tone of voice, pitch, rate, volume, and emphasis.
• Nonverbal cues (visual code): All intentional and unintentional means other
than writing or speaking by which a person sends a message, including facial
expressions, eye contact, gestures, appearance, posture, size and location of
office, and arrival time at meetings.
 A channel is the medium selected to carry the message.
  Examples of communication channels are face-to-face discussions, video
conferencing, telephone calls, memos, emails, instant messages (IMs), blogs,
newsletters, social networks like Facebook and Twitter, magazines, radio, and
 Feedback is the verbal and visual response to a message.
 Feedback can be a self-monitoring response that allows us to modify our
behavior until it meets our expectations.
 Feedback is also the only way we can know whether messages we send are
interpreted as we in- tended.
 Without feedback, all we can do is assume that the messages have been
received correctly.
Advantages of Feedback
 Supervisors who encourage their employees to give feedback find that it
improves the accuracy and productivity of both individuals and groups (Deal
& Kennedy, 1999; Harrison & Rouse, 2014). Misunderstandings often occur
because people honestly think they have understood the boss’s or peer’s
instructions well enough that feedback is unnecessary. The few seconds that
it would take to verify the assignment could save both time and money.
 Another advantage is that feedback increases employee satisfaction with the
job and can help with giving employees a sense of identity with the organi-
zation (Young & Steelman, 2014).
Disadvantages of Feedback
 Despite the ad- vantages of feedback, many managers and employees avoid
its use for several reasons
 First of all, feedback can cause people feel psychologically attacked. Even
the most experienced manager or em- ployee can become defensive when
feedback seems negative. Sometimes, feed- back indicates that the message
was not communicated very well.
 Another disadvantage is that feedback is time-consuming. It takes time to
make sure that everyone understands, but it takes more time (and money) to
redo tasks that should have been done correctly the first time.
Disadvantages of Feedback
 In addition, feedback can be difficult to obtain. Many people seek feed- back
by asking, “Are there any questions?” or “Are you sure you understand?”
Then they can’t understand why no one ever has any questions. Asking oth-
ers if they understand pressures them to say, “No, I don’t have any ques-
tions” or “Yes, I understand,” even when the opposite may be true. When
employees are afraid of appearing stupid in front of the manager, they will
pretend to understand whether they do or not.
 Another reason people are reluctant to give feedback is past experience.
They may have reacted negatively to feedback in the past, or others may
have reacted badly to their feedback.

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