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Prof. Vijaya Rani is a learned scholar of Indian Philosophy has a very wide
Indian Philosophy, specially of the
GREAT THINKERS spectrum, in which there were

Buddhist Philosophy and Logic. After developed so many philosophical
completing her Post-Graduation, she did systems. In the same tradition, with the

her Ph.D. on an abstruse topic related to advent of Lord Buddha in 600 B.C.,
the Buddhist Philosophy and Bhāṭṭa
Mimāmsā, under the meticulous BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHY there appeared a new religion and
philosophy named as 'Buddhism'. His
guidance of Late Prof. D.N. Shastri and
Late Prof. S.N. Shastri, both renowned
(Life, Works and Philosophy) mind appealing teachings were very
scholars of Vaidika and Buddhist
much liked and appreciated by the
Philosophy. She joined the Deptt. of masses due to his practical and logical
Sanskrit, Pali and Prakrit, Kurukshetra outlook.
University, in 1977. After holding
different positions there, she got retired After the Mahāparinirvāņa of Lord
as the Chairperson of the Deptt. Under Buddha his original teachings were
her profound guidance, more than 20 collected by his followers in three big
Ph.D. and 35 M.Phil. students completed treatises called 'Tripitakas'. But in due
their research work on different topics. course of time, there started to grow
Besides that, she had attended and divergence of views among his
presented research papers in several followers and the system got splitted
International and National Conferences. into two branches Hīnayāna and
To her credit, she has about 40 Research Mahāyāna, which were again divided
papers & several Scholarly Books on into four philosophical schools,
Indian Philosophy, specially on Buddhist
namely, Vaibhāṣika, Sautrāntika,
Madhyamika (Śūnyavāda) and
LIST OF PUBLISHED BOOKS Yogācāra (Vijñānvāda). In each one of
(From PARIMAL PUB., DELHI) these schools, there emerged several
(i) The Buddhist Philosophy as thinkers like Nāgārjuna, Vasubandhu,
presented in Mīmāṁsā-Śloka-vārttika Dignaga, Dharmakirti etc., who
(1982). enriched the Buddhist philosophy with
(ii) Śrījñānāmṛtam, (Ed.) their vast knowledge and sharp
A commemoration Volume in the intellect.
memory of Prof. Sriniwas Shastri (1996).


(iii) Pramāņa and Prāmāṇya-vimarśa In the modern times, it has been
With special reference to Tarkabhāṣā of realised that there should be some
Kesava Miśra (2006). volume depicting the Life, works and
(iv) Vijñāna-Sārathi, (Ed.) Proceedings philosophical-views of different
of the National Seminar held in Sept. Buddhist Thinkers in one bound.
2005 at KUK. on 'Science and
Having this very purpose,in mind the
Technology in Ancient Sanskrit Śāstraic
present endeavor, entitled as 'Great
Traditions' (2006).
(v) Māmameyodaya, with Translation, Thinkers of Buddhist Philosophy'
Explanation and Annotation (2013). has been made.
(vi) Doctrines of Buddhist Philosophy,
(A critical study) (2022). PARIMAL PUBLICATIONS It is expected that it will prove to be of
great importance to the students and
(vii) Concepts of Buddhist Logic Office : 27/28, Shakti Nagar, Delhi-110007 (India)
(2022) Ph. : +91-11-47015168
e-mail :
DR. (MRS.)
RANI Buddhist scholars alike.
(viii) Great Thinkers of Buddhist url :
Philosophy (2023)

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