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Tutorial Letter 001/3/2021

Total Quality Management


Semester 1

Department of Operations Management


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make sure that you have regular access to the myUnisa module
website, MNO3703-2021-S1/S2, as well as your group website


1 ASSESSMENT CHANGES for 2021 ACADEMIC YEAR .................................................................... 3
1.1 Assignment due dates .................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 The assignments .......................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Other assessment ......................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 The examination ........................................................................................................................... 3
2 ADDENDUM ................................................................................................................................. 5
Assignment 01 (Semester 1) .................................................................................................................. 5
Assignment 02 (Semester 1) ................................................................................................................ 10
SELF ASSESSMENT Semester 1 ......................................................................................................... 16

Dear Student


Due to the ministerial request to extend the 2021 registration dates, Unisa had to amend both
the semester dates and the assessment arrangements for the 2021 academic year.
During 2021 we will have only one semester and only one tuition and assessment period.
The purpose of this TL001 is to inform you of the new assessment requirements for module
MNO3703 for students registered during 2021 for the one semester period.
1.1 Assignment due dates
Please note the new assignment due dates for 2021 below. The due dates given in Tutorial
Letter 101 is not applicable anymore, since there will be only one semester.

Assignment Due date

Assignment 01 03 May 2021

Assignment 02 30 June 2021

Please ensure that your assignments are submitted on or before the due date, do not contact
lecturers regarding late submission of assignments.

1.2 The assignments

The formative assessment of this module will consist of two assignments, namely Assignment
01 and Assignment 02. Both assignments are compulsory and contribute to your year mark.
Each assignment has 20 multiple-choice questions that you need to answer.

You are required to submit at least one compulsory assignment to obtain admission to the
examination. But, as mentioned, both assignments will contribute to your year mark and hence
we advise you to do both assignments. Feedback on both assignments will be provided in
Tutorial Letter 201 later in the year.

The assignments for this module are included in the appendices at the end of this tutorial letter.
1.3 Other assessment
We have also included a third assignment for your benefit . Assignment 03 consists of essay-
type questions. This assignment is voluntary and for self-assessment purposes. Feedback on
Assignment 03 will be provided in Tutorial Letter 201 later in the year.

Please note: Assignment 03 is very important for enhancing your learning experience. It
covers those parts of the syllabus that are important for the examination.

1.4 The examination

The examination will be a non-venue based (online) exam and thus it can be accessible from
your place of choice. The examination will also be an “open-book” exam which will require you
to apply all the knowledge, skills and techniques you have mastered throughout the course.

The examination paper is set in English and the format of the examination paper will be
communicated to you through your Tutorial letter 201.

For all other information regarding module MNO3703, you should still refer to Tutorial letter 101.

Kind regards
Mr Feizel Ally and Dr. Sugandren Naidoo




Assignment 01 (Semester 1)


ASSIGNMENT 01 (Compulsory)

Due date: 3 May 2021

Unique number: 846115

Assignment 01 for MNO3703 consists of 20 multiple-choice questions, which cover topic 1

(study units 1 to 3), topic 2 (study units 4 to 6) and topic 3 (study units 7 to 9).

Answer all the following questions. Please select only one of the options 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. Each
correct answer is allocated one mark. No negative marking is applied.

1) The pace of technological change has quickened to lightning speed. How has this impacted
on customers and competition? (chapter 1)

1. Customers are more tolerant, and competition are more diligent.

2. Customers have become more demanding and competition has become more intense and
3. Customers are more vulnerable, and competition has become more relaxed.
4. Customers prefer more standard products with more loyalty than supporting the
5. Customers are more focused on costs while the competition prefer higher quality for

2) Which one of the following statements is a reference to conformance to design? (chapter 1)

1. Facilitates communication and shares best-practice information.

2. Conformance to design Is a process of transformation and a set of inputs into outputs to
satisfy customers needs and expectations.
3. Provides adequate communication and information for decision-making.
4. What the customer receives should conform to the design.
5. Ensures all specifications are adhered to when the product is produced.

3) What is the key to a total quality performance in eradicating the demanding nuisance/ idiot
view of customers? (chapter 1)

1. Better design and development processes

2. Customer focus and quality planning.
3. Better implementation and control processes internally.
4. Excellent communication between customers and suppliers.
5. Improved supplier interaction with research and development.

4) Which one of the following relate to the major features of the total quality management
model? (chapter 1)

1 Teams, systems, tools, communication, culture, commitment, process customer and

2 Facilitate communication and sharing of best-practice information.
3 Understanding, managing performance, guiding, planning, policies and procedures
4 Help improve employee motivation.
5 Develop new knowledge and skill in an organisation.

5) What is the main driver of the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Framework in guiding the
pursuit of quality performance and objectives? (chapter 2)

1. Senior executive leadership creates values, goals and systems and guides the sustained
pursuit of quality and performance objectives.
2. Operations focus challenges current practices and processes.
3. Customer focus it improves the competitiveness, effectiveness and flexibility of a whole
4. Results it creates improved goals and practices for the organisation.
5. Work force focus it compares business practices with those of world-class organisations.

6) Senior management must demonstrate they serious about quality and middle management
must grasp the principles of TQM. What must middle management do to ensure their own
commitment? (chapter 3)

1. Identify the customer needs.

2. Assess the ability of the organisation to meet all the needs economically.
3. Review the quality management systems to maintain progress.
4. Explain to the people for whom they are responsible and ensure their own commitment is
5. Concentrate on the “prevention rather than detection” of quality problems.
7) What is the process of control? (chapter 3)

1 It is the translation of the organisations philosophy.

2 It is the responsiveness of suppliers and operators
3 It is information or feedback provided to keep all functions on track
4 It is credibility given to operators
5 It has to do with customer courtesy

8) If effective leadership starts with the chief executive and his top team’s vision. What will the
organisation capatilise on? (chapter 3)

1. Shareholders and foreign direct investment

2. Market or service opportunities which continues through a strategy that will give the
organisation a competitive advantage.
3. Strategies of purpose where the supply chain is focussed on better quality products.
4. Generic strategies capatilising on production efficiency.
5. Manufacturing performance increasing customer focus throughout the organisation.
9) If strategic planning is the continuous process by which any organisation describes its
destination and assess the barriers standing in the way of reaching that destination. Who
are the real contributors to a successful strategic plan? (chapter 4) pg 67

1. Middle management
2. leadership
3. Shareholders
4. Customers
5. Participants

10) Which one of the following statements best describes strategic planning? (chapter 4).

1. Strategic planning ensure that appropriate resources are made available to map, investigate
and improve the process.
2. It projects customer needs to ensure customer satisfaction.
3. Strategic planning assists in selecting the process improvement team leader and team
4. Strategic planning is the continuous process by which any organisation describes its
5. Strategic planning is a report progress to the senior management team.

11) To support the effective operation of its processes. How should organisations plan and
manage their external partnerships? (chapter 5)

1. Must incorporate a profound organisational culture.

2. Does include the mindset of all employees within the organisation.
3. Must be in line with its overall policies and strategies.
4. Guided by policy unity and strength.
5. Inherent communication of quality standards.

12) Some materials or services are usually purchased from outside organisations. What is the
primary objective of a purchasing or procurement function? (chapter 5)

1. To provide flexibility, variation, appearance of material, and reasonable prices.

2. To obtain the correct equipment, materials and services in the right quantity, from the right
origin, at the right time and cost.
3. To employ people with the correct skills to operate equipment, understand customer needs,
be cost conscious and to be productive.
4. To enhance performsnce through trust, quality, innovation and to develop success in
product or service performance.
5. To communicate customer requirements effectively by developing products, processes, and
performance initiatives.

13) Kanban in Japan means visible record. What does it mean in the West? (chapter 5)

1. Value added to products.

2. Materials accumulated to ensure buffering for unexpected demands.
3. Process flexibility to ensue customer orders are completed according to the design.
4. A card that signals the need to deliver or produce more parts or components.
5. Value-added to items with less effort.

14) If quality of design is far more than product or service design and its ability to meet
customer requirements? What is quality of design also about? (chapter 6)

1. Identifying the need (including need for change)

2. Designing the control of the various stages
3. Developing that which satisfies the need
4. The activities of design and development
5. Ensuring the design satisfies the need

15) To ensure good relationships and communication between various groups and functional
areas within the organisation and across the supply chain, how can quality be built
throughout the design process? (chapter 6)

1. Participation between the designer and the supplier.

2. Commitment from the most senior management.
3. Applying tests at the suppliers’ outlet to ensure the design is applicable.
4. Ensuring the design parameters are in line with the product specification.
5. Re-calibrating the equipment to implement the design correctly.

16) As the human component is clearly of major importance. When key tests are used what
must they be? (chapter 7)

1. Goal oriented, meet customer requirements, consistent and in control.

2. Process controlled, correct materials, correct specification and exceptional.
3. Innovative, process managed, quality specifified, customer expectancy.
4. Transparent, non-controversial, internally consistent, objective and motivational.
5. Process relevant, customer informed, personal development and continuosly reviewed.

17) Which of the following are four elements of a performance measurement framework (PMF)?
(chapter 7)

1. Policy development, design, supplier performance and results.

2. Policy design, policy implementation, culture deployment and measurement.
3. Strategy development/ goal deployment, process management, individual performance
management and review.
4. Customer service development, risks definition, improvement and results.
5. Policy, procedures, analysis and review.

18) Which one of the following is the enabler criteria of the EFQM Excellence Model? (chapter

1. Leadership, suppliers, customers, human resources, process applications, and market

2. Leadership criteria, management feedback, customer service, impact reviews and
3. Leadership, strategy, people, resources and partnerships and processes, products and
4. Product application support, referrals, improvement plans, analysis and reviews.
5. Evironmental application, health and safety, quality reviews and improvement.

19) What are the five stakeholders that should be embraced by the values of any organisation?
(chapter 8)

1. Inbound logistics, operations, suppliers, quality control and outbound logistics.

2. Marketing, sales, human resources, shareholders and employees.
3. Revenue services, customers, storeman, foreman and suppliers.
4. Customers, employees, suppliers, stakeholders and community.
5. Suppliers, designers, shareholders, employers and customers.

20) What are the five stages of benchmarking? (chapter 9)

1. Identify, collect, process improve and review

2. Plan, do, check, act and correct
3. Process, check, correct, act and review
4. Plan, collect, analyse, adapt and review
5. Process, correct, change, analyse and review

Assignment 02 (Semester 1)



DUE DATE: 30 June 2021


Assignment 01 for MNO3703 consists of 20 multiple-choice questions, which covers topic 4

(study units 10 to 15) and topic 5 (study units 16 to 17).

Answer all of the following questions. Please select only one of the options 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. Each
correct answer is allocated one mark. No negative marking is applied.

1) At a fundamental level performance improvement is about changing the way organisations

create and deliver value to their customers. How is this recocognised in the EFQM
Excellence Model where processes are the central criterion? (Chapter 10)

1. It is a host of different approaches used to improve performance.

2. It creates an environment of uncertainty.
3. It substantiates the interaction of people and technology.
4. It is a continuous process involving setup changes in production.
5. It links the enablers and the results together.

2) In the introduction of process management how is it driven directly or connected to an

initiative? (chapter 10)

1. This strategic initative creates better market demand for standard products.
2. This strategic initiative builds better structures within the organisations processes.
3. It enables procurements to purchase materials more effectively.
4. This is a strategic initiative driven through Lean to increase customer satisfaction and
reduce working capital.
5. It creates an environment where people are motivated.

3) What are the main movements that influences process redesign? (Chapter 11)

1. New market demand and cost structures.

2. New product development and new projects.
3. Introducing new products and designs.
4. Lean production and process re-engineering.
5. New process implementation and new systems.

4) Which of the following are two important requirements that a good quality management
system should meet? (Chapter 12)

1. Customer requirements and organisation requirements

2. Documentation and implementation
3. Process and control
4. Analysis and results
5. Management responsibility and product realisation

5) Organisations concerns are to achieve sound environmental performance by undertaking

environmental audits to review and assess their performance. How can a structured
management system be conducted to be effective for environmental performance?
(Chapter 12)

1. It is a process used to increase the flexibility and transparency of the organisations

environmental performance.
2. It increases the organisations customers, increase costs and reduce inventory due to
environmental concerns.
3. It is integrated with the overall management activities dealing with all the aspects of
environmental performance.
4. The design of the environmental structures increases work output and reduces employee
stress levels.
5. This is an influence over suppliers and customers and management affairs through
environmental performance.

6) Which one of the following are two approaches of a combination desIgned to achieve a
solution to continuous improvement? (Chapter 13)

1. Process control management to improve processes and inventory control to increase

2. Operations control to improve operations and floor management structures to organise the
3. Lean approaches eliminate non-value added time and Six Sigma approaches are designed
to reduce variation.
4. Design process control to to design systems and management control to manage systems.
5. Removes all non-value activities to ensure higher productivity levels at lower costs.

7) What process do organisations recognise at an early stage when making progress

implementing continuous improvement for the whole organisation? (Chapter 13)

1. Process control charts

2. Process organisation design
3. Operational Process control
4. Process quality control
5. Statistical process control

8) The emphasis placed on lean was understanding the ’core value added processes’ and
stripping out all the non-value adding activities from these processes. To ensure the
processes run smoothly the supply and support processes need to be designed to deliver
continuous flow. How will this activity be executed effectively (Chapter 15)

1. The activity is worked through a push system where inventory is set at levels for customer
demand levels of available stock levels, faster delivery and replenishment processes that
are efficient.
2. The activity is pulled through the system by customer demand, things get done when
required, so eliminating waste activity, unnecessary inventory and time delays.
3. The activity links suppliers, inventory to operations and customer demand to ensure all
activities run smoothly.
4. The activity is a set of processes used to ensure cutomer demand is met without
compromising downtimes along the material flow lines.
5. The activity is used to develop new processes to ensure customer process control, and
management responsibility.

9) Kaizen blitz is not about planning, but about doing and keeping things simple. Which one of
the following typically describes Kaizen Blitz? (Chapter 15)

1. Is a cross functional team used to identify additional resources and invest in more
2. Is a cross functional team setout to maximise and increase the efficiency of resources over
a long term.
3. Is a cross functional team setout to to reduce the potential of competition.
4. Is a cross functional, multi level team of 6-12 members brought together to focus on solving
a specific problem in 3-5 days.
5. Is a cross functional team set out to reduce reject factors and increase productivity.

10) Which one of the following best describes the key elements of the HR strategy which is first
identified by the HR director? (Chapter 16)

1. Skills, knowledge, competency, track record, experience, motivation, comittment and

2. Discipline, knowledge and skills, communication, trade union involvement, motivation and
3. Skills alignment, communication, employee activation, knowledge profile and capabilities
and role play activities.
4. Skills, recruitment and selection, health and safety, appraisal, employee benefits,
remuneration and training.
5. Skills profile, cross-functionality, team work efforts, safety profile and environmental care.

11) Which one of the following are three common initiatives successful organisations place
great store by? (Chapter 16)

1. Corporate employee suggestion schemes, company wide culture change programmes and
measurement of performance indicator’s KPI’s
2. Build communication among employees, create a common culture and promote training and
3. Identify projects that need to be worked on, motivate people to work better and establish
new standards.
4. Mentor people, promote people, provide incentives
5. Create an environment of team work, build an organisational culture and increase training
and support.

12) Kaizen Teian is a Japanese system used for generating and implementing employee ideas.
How is Kaizen Teian improvements best described? (Chapter 16)

1. As an end-to-end operating system.

2. Structures and teams used to document information systems.
3. Six Sigma used for system flexibility.
4. Are small-scale quick solutions in the workers own area which are easy and quick to
5. It is solutions provided to improve costs through management strategies.

13) The unique feature about quality circles or Kaizen teams is that people are asked to join and
not told to do so. Which of the following are four elements in a circle organisation?
(Chapter 16)

1. Members, leaders, facilitators or co-ordinators and management.

2. Leaders, operators, assistants, cleaners and managers.
3. Process engineers, secretaries, senior management and operators.
4. Organisers, facilitators, administrators and general workers.
5. Office personnel, storeman, foreman and middle management.

14) Teamwork to support process management and improvement has several components. It is
driven by a strategy, needs a structure and must be implemented thoughtfully and
effectively. What does the strategy that drives the improvement comprise of? (Chapter 17)

1. Values, processes and improvements

2. Vision and mission of the organisation, critical success factors, core process framework
3. Leadership, resources and organisational results
4. Culture, organisational direction, and the core values that improve employee performance.
5. Mission and vision, core values, objectives and future long term plans

15) With regards to teamwork the preference types and their interpretation are extremely
powerful. Which of the following best describes the extrovert and the introvert? (Chapter 17)

1. The extrovert communicates a lot and prefers to explore while the introvert is comfortable
being secluded.
2. The extrovert is outgoing, while the introvert remains stagnant.
3. The extrovert is adventurous, and the introvert is meticulous.
4. The extrovert communicates all the time, while the introvert is silent and engrossed in work
5. The extrovert prefers action and the outer world, and the introvert prefers ideas and the
inner world.

16) If total qualty management significantly changes the way many organisations operate and do
business. What changes will be required? (Chapter 18)

1. This change requires the planning, organising and implementation of strategies developed
by top management.
2. This change requires direct and clear communication from top management to all staff and
3. This change requires top management to develop effective strategies to take the
organisation forward.
4. This change requires a cultural change within the organisation to promote successful
5. This change will require the reduction of conflict amongst top management and employees.

17) Total quality training material and support will be of real value only if employees are
motivated to respond positively to them. Which of the following are two mutually supporting
aspects to base the implementation strategy on? (Chapter 18)

1. Marketing any communication initiatives and avoiding resistance to change in a conflict

2. Marketing any form of product innovation and implementing new promotional ideas to
enhance business initiatives.
3. Marketing new ideas with new formulations and increasing the ideas of cultural freedom in
the organisation.
4. Marketing any TQM initiatives and a positive logical process of communication designed to
5. Marketing any product that creates value and allows for customer interest.

18) When knowledge is made explicit by putting it into words, diagrams or other
representations, it can be typed, copied, stored and communicated electronically. What
does all of this become? (Chapter 18)

1. Knowledge
2. Information
3. Intepretation
4. Speculation
5. Exception

19) Total quality management may be integrated into the strategy of any organisation by
understanding the core business processes and involvement of people. What would be a
recommended framework for total quality management? (Chapter 19)

1. It starts with a vision, a plan and all the organisational resources that make up the business
2. It starts with an idea, a philosophy, a vision and the organisations top management
structures who plan and create an environment of certainty.
3. It starts with the vision, goals, strategies and mission which should be fully thought through,
agreed and shared in the business.
4. It starts with a financial plan than converted into an organisational plan with top
management’s brainstorming and ideas.
5. It starts with ideas carried out by designs and than implemented by acquiring resources.

20) The concept of total quality management is basic and simple. Each part of the organisation
has customers. The need is to identify what the customer requirements are and set about
meeting them to form the core total quality approach. What are the three hard management
necessities that requires good performance? (Chapter 19)

1. policies, procedures and resources

2. systems, perceptions and information.
3. people, knowledge and change
4. planning, processes and people
5. specialist skills, practical solutions and new life into the business.




Assignment 03 for MNO3703 consists of essay and short questions. You can expect these
types of questions in the exam.

Self Assessment Questions Assignment 03

The following questions refer to study units 1, 2 and 3 of your prescribed text book.

Question 1

Explain the difference between quality and reliability; and between quality of design and quality
of conformance. [4]

Question 2

Present a ‘model’ for total quality management, justifying the various elements of the model. [9]

Question 3

What features of leadership are key to a successful total quality approach? Explain how you
would go about helping a senior management team in a hospital gain the commitment of the
medical, nursing and administration staff to deliver quality health services to the local
community. [15]

The following questions refer to study units 4, 5 and 6 of your prescribed text book.

Question 4

You are the manager of a busy insurance office. Last year’s abnormal winter led to an
exceptionally high level of insurance claims for house damage caused by strong winds, and you
had considerable problems in coping with the greatly increased work load. The result was
excessively long delays in both acknowledging and settling customers’ claims. Your area
manager has asked you to outline a plan for dealing with such a situation should it arise again.
The plan should justify what actions you would take to deal with the work, and what, if anything,
should be done now to enable you to take those actions should the need arise. Explain what
proposals you would make, and why? [12]

Question 5

Identify and explain the key stages of integrating total quality into the strategy of an organisation
of your choice. [10]

Question 6

Justify the preparations required for the negotiation of a one-year contract with a major material
supplier and explain the major factors to consider in partnering with key suppliers. [7]

The following questions refer to study units 7, 8 and 9 of your prescribed text book.

Question 7

Identify the main categories of the US Baldrige Performance Excellence Model and explain how
the criteria may be used as basis for a self-assessment process. [12]

Question 8

Benchmarking is an important component of many companies’ improvement strategies.

a) Explain what you understand by benchmarking. (5)

b) Distinguish between benchmarking and performance measurement. (5)

c) Suggest a strategy for integrating benchmarking into a TQM approach. (5)

Question 9

A major South African construction company is concerned about its record of completing
projects on time. Considerable penalty costs are incurred if the company fails to meet the
agreed contractual completion date.

a) Explain how you would investigate this problem. (6)

b) Justify the methodology you would adopt in addressing the problem. (6)

The following questions refer to study units 10-18 of your prescribed textbook starting
with Question 10 in your Tutorial letter 101.

Question 10

See study unit 10 or chapter 10; p. 205 and 206 of the prescribed book

Using an appropriate process modelling technique, show the core processes for a company
manufacturing and selling fast moving consumer goods.

a) Identify the key inputs and outputs for each of the processes. (10)

b) Explain how you would engage senior management of the organisation in developing the
process framework for the business. (10)

Question 11

Explain the basic philosophy behind quality management systems that are specified in the ISO
9000 series. [10]

See study unit 12 or chapter 12; p. 245 and 246 of the prescribed book

Question 12

How can an effective quality management system contribute to continuous improvement in a

manufacturing organisation or a service organisation? [10]

See study unit 12 or chapter 12; p. 261 of the prescribed book

Question 13

‘Lean thinking and systems are used widely in organisations to bring about performance
improvement. Prepare a presentation on ‘lean’ for the senior management team of your
organisation showing them the concept of the organisation’s building blocks. Recommend a
suitable system systematic approach and toolkit to senior management. Propose how they
should go about implementing ‘lean’ throughout the organisation? [20]

See study unit 15 or chapter 15; p. 317-319 of the prescribed book

Question 14

You are a management consultant and invited to make a presentation on total quality
management (TQM) to the board of directors of an organisation manufacturing injection
moulded polypropylene components for the automotive and electronic industries. The South
African Ford Motor Company approached management to supply a new product line to achieve
their supplier registration status. The board asked you to stress the role of quality systems and
statistical process control (SPC) in TQM. Prepare a presentation with references to appropriate
models for management. [20]

See study unit 12 or chapter 12; p. 257 of the prescribed book

See study unit 13 or chapter 13; p. 283-286 of the prescribed book

Question 15

Explain the key stages in integrating total quality management into the strategy of an
organisation of your choice? Justify your answer by applying the appropriate total quality
management strategy. [20]

See study unit 18 or chapter 19; p. 411-412 of the prescribed book

Question 16

Explain the critical elements of integrating total quality management or business improvement
into the strategy of an organisation you are familiar with. Illustrate your approach with the
organisation. [20]

See study unit 18 or chapter 19; p. 412 of the prescribed book

Question 17

You have been appointed as the new Quality Director of an electrical component manufacturing
assembly and service organisation. Some senior management members had some brief
exposure to six sigma and lean. You have been appointed to consider plans for implementation.
Summarise and justify your plans to include any training needs, outside help and additional
appointments required to meet the timescales of the implementation process. [20]

See study unit 17 or chapter 18; p. 386,387, 389 and study unit 15 or chapter 15: p. 308
and 311 of the prescribed book

Question 18

Read case study 3:

Lloyd’s Register improvement programme-group business assurance then answer the following

What role could benchmarking play in the development of the OMP methods used? [20]

Question 19

Read case study 6:

Process management and improvement at the heart of Fujitsu UK & Ireland BMS and then
answer the following questions: [20]

a) Compare the links between the process frameworks developed in Fujitsu and the BMS deployment.
b) Explain the role of bench marking in the development of the BMS in Fujitsu?

Question 20

Read case study 10:

Establishing a capability for continuous quality improvement in the NHS and then answer the
following questions: [20]

a) Review the measures of the CDDCHS used to evaluate their programme. Why is it important to have
both activity and outcome measures for such a programme?
b) Discuss how the approach CQI might need to vary between a service-based organisation such as
CDDCHS and a manufacturing organisation.

UNISA 2021


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