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os @PEAC & EE, [HANDOUT NO._['S5_HO1 QUESTION CREATION CHART “TITLE: =QUESTION CREATION & HIGHER ORDER QUESTIONING SANPIE . = T T Boe ot {Wana Covi ay? 6 yy te government pese vAT? erm ign the gverament vive neROTC pope? Htpedleducstionoace comlgraphi-orgmizorsqueston- craton hart Higher-Order Questioning with Q-Charts: Verbs | BR | ace | Sam, | ae woke | SS tna | oan IDeA 2017 “Ww fees @PEAC ‘3 eats [HANDOUT NO._[ SS HO7 FIVE LEVELS OF SCAFFOLDING TITLE = GEE FIVE LEVELS OF SCAFFOLDING FEANEWORE Five levels of scatfolding Claim-Evidence-Reasoning framework. Most Seattotding So Provide? Key tere in fgecates the iopractee Indeocnde-ty chosce remsoning Kentance starters bea conecia Lita the guieng lrseperterty fr @PEAC | ct, HANDOUT NO. [SS HO10 CER RUBRIC “TITLE: SCLAIM-EVIDENCE- REASONING RUBRIC (HOLISTIC AND ANALYTIC) In adcition to Level 3 response, student's reasoning shows in-depth inferencd that goes beyond other compeliing evidences related to the text. Claim is correct. Cited evidences from article supperts claim. Reasoning is logical and connected to the evidence. Claim Is partially correct. Some of cited evidences do not support the claim. Reasoning is partially not logical and not connecred to the evidence. Claim is incorrect. Some of cited evidences do not support the claim, Reasening is incomplete. No claim, evidence or reasoning is found in the ee eee ues acre and hese corastbut Gives aninaorectenaver complete snsser—incarlctsnaer recs rot ve eny enter theprodlam posed EvioENKE reves vroieszpercpratebut voesretprsideay2et Taefromavideor — sepoviite wd inallertion rununke han etuleu pbh proslemetde>afidostoirom orprblemthatsupports tat saopertshocsrn thatwovorste sone necronnat ‘sin ecemce REASOMING roveee Proviesspariaer Doesrotrcuideay Evponction of kowor apts hal ior drain span tai en lrthesited tte Sosa thetstovatheeernection why sine a roatee upportthedim —— omocton or © orrcaion/bcterdencce_ othe cm. or raves sclotonaoet —tetherkin, fplaaton rt slteite Ceiecree tothe ‘eeoimer enderess 2023 PEAC SOMMER SET © HANDOUT NO. [SS HOU? ARTICLES OF THCT ANALYSIS “TITLE: SYIELD TESTING & STANDARD PORTIONS ‘Vidd Testing ‘Yield in calnary terms refers to how mach you will hive of 2 finshed or proceed product. Professenal recipes shold always sate a yield for example a tomsto soup recipe may yield 4 gallos or 15, and 2 muffin recipe may yield 4 muffins Yield can alo refer tothe amount of usable product after it has been processed (peeled, conked, butchered, et) For example, you may be preparing 2 recipe for cant soup. The recip requires 2Ibs or lkgof carr, which you purchase. However once you have posed them znd removed the tope md tps, you may only have 16 Tb or 800 grame of caros left to wse Tn order to do accuntecostng, ‘yeld testing must be camed out on all ingredients and ecpes. When lookin 3 yields, yourmast always consider the loses and ‘waste iavelved in preparation and cooking. Thee is always dalla Value that is atached o vegetable peel, neat apd fh im, and packaging like brine: and-yrop:. Any waste or loss been psi fr andi ll money thn hs been spent. Thi coat mustabeay> ‘he incladed inthe monn price Note: Somotimes tic “wats” cam be wad a aby-qroduct Benes frm meatand fch con be med into stocks. Taimmines from vegetables can be added to those stods or if there enough, made ino soup_ Al products must be ‘measued and yield tested before cosing2 mena Ideally, everyitem on a menu shouldbe yield tested before being processed. Most ‘big esblihments wil have dic information on file, and thre are mary books that can azo be weed ae 2 reference for yielés, auch as The Bock of Yields: Accuracy in Food Costing and Purchasing. Bxcerp flan tps unin ound hay, ‘Standard Portions A standard recipe includes the sizeof the portons that will make up a serving ofthe recipe. Controlling partion size bas two advantages in food management: partion coc: fr the item will be content ual ingredinto Iabour cot increaze, and cutomer: ‘wil receive consistent quunies each tne they order a given plate or drink. ‘Standad portions mean that every plate ofa given dish that leaves the kitchen wil be almost deatcal in weight, comtor volume. (Only by contoling portions i it pela fo contol fed cort. Ione onder of bacon and ogg: ge out wid st rrbers of acon 2d anther goes out with thre chars, # ic imporsblato datermina the acta cost af the mena tm. Adhering to the principles of standord portion: is crcial to keeping food coc: in line. Without partion contol, there is no ‘cosisency. This not only could have drastic effects on your food cor: (having no real constant cece to tudet fo) but alzo on ‘your customer. Customers appreint consistency. They expect tat the fod you prepare wil taste good, be presented propery, ‘nc bethe same portion sze every tine they oréer#. Conder how the customer would feel if the portion ze fucrasted with the ‘cocks mood. A cook's tad mood might mean 2 smaller portion oy, ifthe cook was ina goed mood because the work week was ‘ove the portion mgt be wer Inge. It may be hard fo grazp the importance of consistency with one single porton, but consider if ‘ic foed outlets didnot have pertion canfl. Their cons 2s well 2c their ordeving and inventory cysoms woul be incredibly ‘naceuate all of which would impact nesatirely on ther ofitmarzin As @PEAC & PEE, [HANDOUT NO._[ Ss HOU MOST SCAFFOLODED EXAMPLE (Choose one) “TITLE: “HOW TO CALCULATE FOOD COST PERCENTAGE. How to Calculate Food Coot Perceninge [Restaurant food cet percentage: help operators to track overall corts nd indivdsal ingredient price: — empowering opestr: to sake data-driven deczions fr optimized spending thathelps foster profil. [Lets ay int Jcephine rme a successful restaurant that zerves 350 customersperdzy. che doesn't pay attention to her food oss, and her menu items are incorrectly pricedby 50:7, Josephine could ose nearly $100,000 m reveme per yea. (G50 cestomers = 365 days ina yen) $0.75 121,750 eetemers per year $075 ~ $95,812.50 ‘With your group you will need to creste an argument hat answers the following question: Why is measuring inereients moperly according fo recipe requirements to acuately calculate the cos of production important? (CLAIM (Circle ONE of te flloming which answers the question) ‘AL Measuring ingredients properly accerdirg to recipe requirements ensues standardized recipe 1B. Measuring ingredients propery accrdig to recipe requirements fo acutely caleute the cost of production lead to ‘protic. C. Caleusting the cect of production by wing the formals ancure: customer stsficion, EVIDENCE (Circe TWO ofthe following facts from th data that support your claim) Itboomts saffsattaction wih the bsizes, Teteacke overall oct and individual mgrediant prices of yeu product Ttensures the food item's popularity Ttempower business omer: to male dits-diven decisions fr optimizing spending andcelling ofthe food items. Itdiscounges the product's competiion. REASONING (Cicle ONE ofthe fllowine lookire fr fat tht eolains your claim and evidence ) ‘A. Measuring ingredients propery zccerdig to recipe requirements ensues standardized recipe The evidence mentioned _arein line with what the question is looling for because measwing ingredients propel 2ccerdng to recipe requirements land accuntely compute he cort of rodacton woud easue cona:teny. Therefore, i mower othe question, messunng ingredients popely according to recipe requirements and aceurately computing the cost of rodacton is important ‘becawe it ncares eonsiioney. B. Measuring ingredients propery accrding to recipe reqirements 2nd accurately computing the cost of production lend to _proBibilty beasce it woul help tack overall cox: and individual ingredient pices and expower operators to mk decisions for optimizad pending that helps foster proftabiity. Therefore, in mower othe question, mex=uring smgredent propery according fo recperequrements and accurately computng the cost of rodicon amportant rca assures prota. C. Meaaaring ingredint propery seceding to rcpereqairamants-nd securntily computing he cout of rodaction ascent ‘product cempstitn. The question is lodkng fer importance of measuring ineredients propel according to recipe requirements and accurately computing the co: of production and this means the ati beeen the cost of raw materials that makeup a dich 2nd the revenue generated by tat dich Therefwe, in answer the question, measuing ingredient: _propely according to reape requirements and accurately computing the cost of production i important becmse i sires Teser competition, mon wp os @PEAC wo of San [HANDOUT NO._['S5_HO14 SEMI SCAFFOLODED EXAMPLE (Choose one (2) Student Wdentiied (1) “TITLE: SSTANDARD RECIFE ‘Standard Recipe “Your standard recipe serves as the guide for your costing process. Always double-check if you've included every item fiom the list of ingredients in your cost. Because to help you gain better coatrl of your numbers, you have 10 cost ceverything-including every pinch of salt, drop of olive cil and milliliter of water. For specific, quantifable items, make suc to avoid approsimating prices. Remember that even centavos wil affect your cost. Whea purchasing «1-kile tub of| chicken powder, compute the cost of every gram of the product 20 you can apply that when celculating outlay. In thio ‘cae, each gram of chicken powder cost PO.105. This meme you camot apply the same coat of Pl used for salt or pepper ‘becaute you have specific prices and weights. ‘With your group you will need to creste an argument iat answers the following question: Why is measuring inzreients openly according fo recipe requirements and accurately computing the cos ofproducton important? CLAIM (Cincle ONE ofthe flowing) ‘A. Measunng ingredients propery 2ccerdig to ree requirements 2nd accurately computing the cost of production lend to content produc. 1B. Mascaring ingredint properly sccerdin to recip requirements improve: booklaeping. CC. Caleuatne the cot of production accurately ensures better inventory maragement [EVIDENCE (Wiite TWO fist from your dats thet supports your clsim inthe pace below) L 2 [REASONING (Circe ONE ofthe fllowing iat gvea fact to back wp your claim and evidence) A. Measuring ingredients propery accerdirg to recipe requirements lndto better inventory management. The question is locking for accurately computing the cox of production and this mears the rao between the cos of,aw materials that sake wp 2dih and Ge reverae generated by tht dah, Therefore in anower fo the question, mesoarng ingredients _propesly according to recipe requirements i escent beeaseit zoids idequate inventory management 'B. Measuring ingredients propery accrdirg to recipe requirements 2nd accurately computing the cost of production lands to 2 consistent product became when measurement: of ingredients ae dane conecty,itavids approxamating the prices of the mgredents and ensures comect computation forevey gram ingredient used. Therefore, proper measing of {ingredient and accuntely computing fr cost of produston ensures precision withthe cet of Your ingredients cece: stndrdined recipe C. Measuring ingredients propery accrding to recipe requirements ensues better management of pricing and cos. The cexidence I mentioned are in ine with what fhe question is looking for because measuring ingredient: properly according to rece requrement and accustely compan the cost of production would manage the costof the food tem. ‘Therefore, manswerto the queston. measuring ngredent: propel according to rece requemens ad 2eeustely computing the con of predartion eset becawe it nsure: beter manapemea! of cox os @PEAC ‘@) (Peat, [HANDOUT NO._['S5_HO1S SEMISCAFFOLODED EXAMPLE (Choose one (1) Student Wdentiied (2)) “TITLE: ABASIC GUIDE TO FOODCOSTING. ‘A Basic Guide to Food Costing ecom/amp:/fnoreport oh/10287/s-basic guide > fo0d.cost Food costlets you tack portion sizes and apply any subtle changes where needed. When prices for a paticularingredient {goa bit higher and you see it affecting food cost percentage, then you can look for other suppliers to source from. You can alo become more minifil of reducing food waste as every itl thing counts Make 2 CLAIM shout your aticle (Why ic menvuriag ingredient: propery according to secipe requirements and accurtly computing the co: ofpreduction important?) ‘What EVIDENCE wel support te claim you made? (What data from the atl helps us know your claim is coreet”) ‘Select ne REASON from the listebelow tht explains your dim and evidence A. Messuing ingredients properly according fo recipe requiremeats and scewately computing he cost of production emu bir inventory management hen meacerementsofingredints and computation af food production are dene comectly and accurately, itleds to tracking of prton sizes of ingredients 2nd veduce food wastes. Therefore, proper measring of imgsedents and accurately compuing for cost of production is impartat becawe it proves ‘etter management of inventory. D. Measuring ingrediens propaly according to recipe requirements ensures customers satisfaction. The evidence ‘mentioned ar inline wih what he question is locking forbecrue tf: dedication lends fo accurtely computing the cost of production. Therefore in answer tothe question, measuring ingredients rropely according o recipe requirements is important because i assure: staffs dedication. (C. ‘Measuring ingredients properly according to recipe requirements lad best brand of ingredients to we. The question is looking for acurtely computing the cost of production and ths meas the ratio between the cost of raw materals ‘Mat makeup a dish and the veveaue generated by that dish Theeloe, in answer the question acurae compulisg ‘of food production ic exenil buemace it lend to batter decision of the brand of ingredient owls. iM, ©PEAC “9) 11023 PEAC JHS SUMMER INSET ‘STANDARDS-BASED LEARNING RECOVERY PLAN (SLRP) Diections: Make a plan for undertaking learning recovery in your school by completing the table below. Check your pln for ‘alignment across columns and review other indicators given forthe rubric of this plan 2023 PEAC 1S SUMNER SET SUBJECT: TLE GRADE: 8 QUARTER: 4 TOPIC: COOKERY (EXPLORATORY) ‘TEACHER(S): 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 Missed | Cunent | Existing Curicdar | Stand | sawey | _ntsery | Rubsic | seems | Plan For | Tinelice fer Standard | Sandard |" Materals | Alone or | ®ve" | Speco | Focus |. s,,.| Cumicalar | Texting md LCs | and LCs Lyeed | Sf | S82 ‘Sega | Matenals ta | prs | ‘Simi see stair | “Semed | smi acre | ‘Comma mesomt see. orate cola > Whar | Whars | Howizemized | Witte | Whaic |Whaticthe | Wher | Wier | How wilt | Wharmonh preview | he standardar pareally | missedor | ino" | master) | rubric | intement | exsing | uitimodile standard | standard | covered sandardand | parnalty | mastery |expectaion? | méicctor| anor | curncilar | andor eons cutie | nd Levadiracedn | “covered |espctr [Skids | sclot | rmatias | marie be | wil he mixing swore |Tearime | extsingcuricuar | stmndrd lion? |reauredto | clin? | "on | wamfored | orparialy tmizedor | camprtnc |“ matwisis? | andLcs | Skits |mastorthe | Wher | cratesiec | gpdited or | covered parily | es atthe taand |rogeired | mizedor | willbe | ccton. | addedto | Semnderdand Covert? | current cionein [to |partaly | defocus | reoources | accomplih the | ZC. be ade teacine. | maser [covered | iiicatr| dicot | imerventon or | covered? 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