Tle-He S4 Peac Inset2023

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2023 PEAC JHS SUMMER INSET © PEAC PRIVATE EDUCATION ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE SESSION 4: Assessing and Differentiating Levels of Mastery in a Scoring Criteria STANDARDS BASED: Y PLAN (SLRP) TEMPLATE id ensuring students’ Torte What wil students show _ssevidence of mastery? 2023 PEAC JHS SUMMER INSET @PEAC { PRIVATE EDUCATION ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE el PTX elie ua SU ANALYTIC RUBRIC CRITERIA 4 3 2 1 OUTSTANDING | SATISFACTORY | DEVELOPING | BEGINNING ‘An Analytic Rubric is a two-dimensional rubrics with levels of achievement as columns and assessment criteria as rows. Allows you to assess participants’ achievements based on multiple criteria using a single rubric. You can assign different weights (value) to different criteria and include an overall achievement by totaling the criteria. 2023 PEAC JHS SUMMER INSET Proficient Use geometric I canidentify I candescribe —_ | can model | can evaluate shapes and their geometric geometric physical objects the quality of propertiesto shapes(e.g., shapes and their using geometric models model physical triangles, basic properties. shapes. representing objects. physical objects. “Scoring criteria describe the quality of evidence at different levels of Pee eee rca sie eee ect) are an essential component of a proficiency-based system of learning, designed to promote equitable, challenging, and personalized Cnet cue Sea detniton of aunt wide range of pease 2 teacher cla Scievemant te esse sts tasks and-assessment ae, the expectations i Coon ©PEAC ‘9 PRIVATE EDUCATION ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE o RUBRIC WITH SCORING CRITERIA Proficient, 2023 PEAC JHS SUMMER INSET Use geometric I canidentify _Icandescribe —_I can[model | can evaluate the shapes and thelr geometricshapes geometric shapes physical objects quality of models propertiesto (eg, triangles, andttheirbasic using geometric _ representing. [modelphysical quadrilaterals, _ properties. shapes. physical objects. objects. and other polygons). 1 MASTERY EXPECTATION prea rr 2 ee MASTERY MasTERY mastery (EGS EXPECTATION. [EXPECTATION EXPECTATION DOUBLE MINUS MINUS mi SLRP Learning Learning Target: Learning Target: Learning Target: Competency Ica Tecan, Ian, 1 MASTERY EXPECTATION Ped BL00Ms 4 aes 2 BLooM's MASTERY MASTERY mastery [ita EXPECTATION [EXPECTATION EXPECTATION DOUBLE MINUS MINUS: Pus aw ¢ ©PEAC | aaa JHS SUMMER INSET PRIVATE EDUCATION ASSSTANCE COMMITTEE Tewe RUBRIC WITH SCORING CRITERIA Performance | Emerging | Developing | Proficient | Distinguished Indicator [Enumeratefthe | Ican list | Ican describe | I can Tean types of the types of | the types of summarize the hazards and hazards in hazards and the types of | types of risks inthe | the risks inthe | hazards and | hazards and workplace | workplace. | workplace | risks inthe _| risks in the workplace. | workplace for safety precautions. 1 ce 4 3 MASTERY 2 ois bible ee EXPECTATION mastery [Sh EXPECTATION EXPECTATION a DOnCTATION [pe DOUBLE MINUS ‘MINUS a = Pen ey [oon [Norver Done | 1. The learning competency of the SLRP is written under the Performance Indicator. 2. The key skill indicated by the verb in the LC is marked. 3, The key skill is reiterated in the learning competency’s corresponding learning target from the SLAP and is placed at the Proficient Level beginning with “I can.” 4. A learning target that goes beyond the requirement of the Proficient level is written in the Distinguished column. The learning target uses verbs in Bloom’s HOTS (Application, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation) or by extending the ‘competency’s product or context. 5. Alearning target that is below the proficiency level is next written in the Developing column. The learning target uses verbs from Bloom's LOTS (Knowledge, Comprehension). 6. A learning target that is below the Developing level is lastly written in the Emerging column. The learning target uses verbs from Bloom's Knowledge level. 2023 PEAC JHS SUMMER INSET 2023 PEA JHS SUMMER INSET ‘STANDARDS BASED LEARNING RECOVERY PLAN (SLRP) TEMPLATE* Directions: Make a plan for undertaking leaning recovery in your school by completing the table below. Check your plan for alignment aross columns and review other indicates given forthe rubric ofthis plan SUBIECT: GRADE: QUARTER: TOPIC TEACHER'S): 7. a. Write scoring criteria for missed or partially covered learning competencies’ learning targets 2 3 beginning at the Proficient level Som | Ses, waetle b, Write succeeding learning targets sees at the next proficiency levels of Distinguished, Developing and Emerging Wat | What | Hohe | WaT What he What —| “Howe wil | — Whee Standard | standard | standard expectation or | terial | wntode ediressed standardand | dicators | will be wed | the ander and tee curent “ond cs (eg mint | inert he | for doing ‘rode ‘isson, | missed or | ihe actions RAPATANDED| 1. This session focused on assessment of achievement of mastery expectation indicators expressed as learning targets. The assessment involves preparing a set of scoring criteria, Pe eure ce ea eT ue ia POC UU a ec CE Su ac sua eee re Ue oa EU tn ee EU CRUE a CU Ruri ao Tug 4, We then complete the Distinguished level by using skill verbs from Bloom’s taxonomy of Higher Order Thinking Skills or HOTS. We also consider extending the Saenger cn un etc Pee ee ee ee ered Bloom’s taxonomy of Lower Order Thinking Skills or LOTS. CACO CLR Cue uu ULC aL eR SCs

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