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Write the past tense of this verbs:

be _______

become _________

do ___________

email ___________

get ___________

have ___________

hide _________

laugh __________

lose __________

move ____________

open ___________


Complete the spaces with the verbs above.

My best friend in school_______ Michael. He and I ________in

Mrs. Gilbert's third-grade class, and we ________ friends.

We often _________ crazy things in class, but I don't think

Mrs. Gilbert ever really ___________ mad at us. For example,

Michael ___________ a pet lizard named Peanut. Sometimes he

___________ it in Mrs. Gilbert's desk drawer. Later, when she

___________ the drawer, she always ____________ loudly, and

the class ___________. After two years, Michael's family

________________ to another town. We ___________ each other for a

few years, but then we _____________ contact. I often wonder

what he's doing now.

Answer these questions.
1. Where were you born? ______________________
2. Did your family move when you were a child? ____________________
3. Did you have a favorite teacher in elementary school? ________________
4. What hobbies did you have when you were a kid? _____________________
5. When did you begin to study English? _____________________________

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