J1IG Common Error

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GST - STO - Common error in transaction code J_1IG_INV

Following errors are thrown while executing transaction code  J_1IG_INV:

1. Balancing field XXXX in line item 001 not filled.

2. Required field TAX_CODE was not transferred in parameter ACCOUNTTAX.

3. G/L account is not defined in chart of accounts XXXX.

4. Required Field VENDOR_NO was not transferred in parameter Accountpayable.

5. Balance in Transaction Currency XX (INR) Message no. RW022.

6. Taxes by item is not activated and therefore not permitted in transfer Message No.

7. Field Payt Terms is a required field for G/L account XXXX XXXXXXXXX. Message No.
F5 808.

8. Incorrect doc.no.: $ 1. Select document number between XXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXX

Message No. F5151.
9. GST Fields(HSN/SAC Code, GST_PART, PoS) not updated in BSEG for J_1IG_INV

10. Account XXXX requires an assignment to a CO object.

11. Syntax Error in Include J_1IG_STO_GET_DATA for VBFA table.

Procedure steps for GST STO invoice

below steps in order to re-generate

 First, create stock transfer order.

 Now create the outbound delivery document and issue the goods
 And then create GST outbound invoice
 Now post goods receipt
 At last, create a GST inbound invoice document with the help of t-code 'J_1IG_INV

Config check step

 First please make sure the customizing for STO (Stock Transfer Order) are in
accordance with the document provided in SAP document 2416018.
 The business place has been activated for the country code 'IN'
 The plant assigned to Business place
 Info record has been maintained and referred in STO PO for tax code determination
 The business place must be defined for company code
 Also make sure that the condition names CGSTSOFFAP, SGSTSOFFAP, IGSTSOFFAP,
IGSTAR, CGSTAR, SGSTAR in table/view J_1IEXCDEFN must be classified in t-code
 In table J_1IT030K_V Tax code/Accounting key/Business place relevant GL account
should be maintained
 The Accounting key must be assigned to the condition types

 Maintain the condition record for atleast one condition from tax procedure with 0 rate and
key combination 'Tax Classification' (A003 table) for the tax codes created for GST.
This is required to make the tax code active for the tax procedure.

2416018 - GST India: Stock Transfer


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