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Oh, no!

captain hook!
• Have you ever tried fishing? Were you able to catch a fish?
A lot of patience is needed, right? But Satan is more
patient and smarter to put something on a hook to catch
your attention and keep you away from God and a fulfilling
life. So, what attracts you? Is there dangling in front of you
every day? Like lust, money, career, or fame? Take your

• The devil tempts you at your weak point. Remember, in

every temptation, there is a hook.
Words to Ponder
1 Corinthians 10:12-13

12 So,
if you think you are standing firm, be careful
that you don’t fall! 13No temptation has
overtaken you except what is common to
mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you
be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when
you are tempted, he will also provide a way out
so that you can endure it.

To tempt means Satan can dangle something All temptations

”to lure”. that looks good in front of our can be beaten!
From the Greek word very face, but this contains Everyone has to deal with
“deleazo”, meaning hidden danger like the bait on temptation at one time or
”bait”. To hook or set a the hook. another so you don’t have
trap with a bait, to to feel embarrassed.
entice victims into a The bait can be very attractive, but wait However, you don’t have to
mortal trap, tempting until you’re bitten by the hook that hides give in to it like the fish
them through their own within it! It gives you quick satisfaction because it is something
selfish desires. but a long-term regret. you can overcome! You just
need to make up your mind
that you’re going to be the
conqueror and not the
Dig Deep

• Has satan done anything good to you? Are you

tired of being fooled by him?

• How can you beat temptation?

• What’s your weakest point? How did you attempt

to get away from temptation?
Life Application
• Temptation is not yet a sin, but can give birth to sin, leading to death.
Sin is missing the mark, just like when you aim your arrow to hit the
bullseye on the will of God. But somehow, you missed the mark
because you were aiming you arrow on another target that satisfies
your flesh (like lust, money, smoking, career, etc.)
• Why death? An egg that is conceived in sin destroys the baby, and
eventually gives you a stillborn child. You think sin will make you rich,
feel loved, and complete, despite losing your integrity. In the end, it only
leaves you an empty wallet and hurting relationships, leaving you,
defeated, incomplete, and without peace.
• But JESUS is your answer! He promised that He is faithful to make you
win the battle if you let Him. He won’t give up on you. He’ll even find a
way of escape and make you rejoice in victory!
Life Application


1. FLEE from temptation on its first onset.

2. FIX your eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of your
faith. Stay in the word; stay in His will.
3. FINISH the day, worshipping and acknowledging God.
Run away from sin, and run towards Jesus at all times
and at all cost!

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