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Topic :Factorisation of Polynomials.
Objective: To interpret geometrically the factors of a quadratic expression of the type r + bx +C
using square grids strips and paper slips.
Previous knowledge required
1. Area of
rectangle, square.
Splitting of middle term to make factors of a quadratic polynomial.
3 Multiplication of polynomial.
Square grids, strips and paper slips.
Preparation for the activity
Case - 1

Take b = 6, c = 8 . The polynomial is r + 6x + 8.

The numbers whose sum is 6 and product is 8 are 4 and 2.
Therefore, + 6x + 8 =*+4x + 2x +8.
) Take a square grid of dimensions 10 x 10 [x = 10] as shown
in Fig. 6la). It represents r-.
) Add four strips of dimensions x x 1 as shown in Fig. 6{6) to
the Fig. 6la), we get the Fig. 6(©).
) Fig. 6(c) represents a rectangle of dimensions (r + 4) x x.
Therefore, its area is x+ 4x.
Giv) Add two strips of dimensions x x 1 as shown in Fig. 6(e) to Fig. 6 (a)
the Fig. 6C), we get the Fig. 6(d).
(D) Area of the two strips
added to Fig. 6(c) is
2xx x 1 = 2x.
Therefore, total area
of Fig. 6ld) is
x+4x + 2x.

Flg.6(b) Fig. 6 (c) Flg. 6 (d)

Candid Laboratory Manual in Mathematics-9

1 as shown in Fig. 6{) to Fig.
6(a), we get Fig. 6-
(vi) Add eight strips of dimensions 1 x


Flg. 6 (e)

(vii) By adding eight strips to Fig. 6ld), a rectangle is completed of dimensions (x

(x +2) in Fig. 6(g). Now, the total area ofthis rectangle is r< + 4x + 2x + 8.
Result: Area of rectangle formed in Fig. 6(g) x< + 4x + 2x +8

Also, dimensions of this rectangle is (x + 4) x (x + 2)

Area (x + 4) x (x + 2)
( x + 4 (x + 2) =x+ 4x + 2x + 8
( x +4) (x + 2) = x+ 6x + 8.
Case II
Taka h -

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