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Structural Health Monitoring Systems: an Overview

Carmelo Scuro, Pierpaolo Antonio Fusaro

Physics Department, University of Civil Engineering Department,
Calabria University of Calabria
Rende, CS, Italy Rende, CS, Italy
2022 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Living Environment (MetroLivEn) | 978-1-6654-0893-6/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/MetroLivEnv54405.2022.9826933

Abstract—This paper presents an overview about the

nowadays Structural Health Monitoring systems from a
metrological point of view. Indeed, many SHMs technologies
were developed during the last years, especially as concerning
with signal processing, innovative hardware architectures, IoT,
and informatics, but the literature has highlighted few
investigations about fundamental metrological aspects as
accuracy, and reliability analysis. These are fundamental to
reduce risk of false alarm or the missing of necessary alarm
provoking a waste of money, in the first case, and risks for
human line in the second one. The final aim is to stimulate the
research in this field by presenting, without any sake of
completeness, the state of the art of the technologies and
achieved results.

Keywords—Structural Health Monitoring, Accuracy, Fig.1 Block Diagram

Measurements, Distributed Measurement Systems, IoT, BIM.
To fulfil this lack, this paper would present the recent
I. INTRODUCTION research in SHM, with no aim to be exhaustive, due to the
The advance in sensor technologies, electronics and huge research outputs only in the last 2 years, but to be a basis
computer science has brought to an unprecedented spread of to stimulate the metrological research in the field.
monitoring systems to protect living environment [1],[2], to The paper is organized as follows. In section II the SHM
reduce its impact on environment [3],[4], to monitor its architectures are presented by focusing both on hardware and
safeness [5]-[12], to make an inventory [13],[14]. In the last software architecture. In section III the application of IoT
two years, IEEE published more than 200 journal papers and paradigm is presented highlighting the potentialities and the
300 conference proceedings about Structural Health metrological lacks. In Section IV the application of Artificial
Monitoring (SHM) [15]. This impressive numbers are Intelligence for the automatic detection of critical events is
justified by the importance of these systems in protecting our described. The Conclusion follows.
life in home, working place, and more in general to protect
human living environment. II. SHM ARCHITECTURES
The Internet of Things (IoT) [16],[18], unmanned systems A. Hardware Architectures
[19], mathematical models [20], [21] and automatic classifiers As shown in the block diagram of Fig. 1, a SHM is
based on artificial intelligence have boosted the research in the typically composed by several measurement nodes, each one
field. In [22] and in [23] examples of SHM systems based on equipped by several sensors, a conditioning section used for
IoT are given. In [24] an IoT monitoring system for masonry to drive the sensors if need and to condition the signal for the
structural health monitoring is proposed, the paper gives also successive elaboration, one or many digital to analog
interesting examples of innovative applications. In [25] a converters, a storage memory, an elaboration unit, and a
layered IoT architecture for structural health monitoring is communication section to send the measurement information
proposed. The paper gives a logical divide the SHM in layers, over the network.
describing, for each one the metrological requirements. In
[26]-[28] SHM systems based on artificial intelligence Many different sensors and sensing techniques are used for
algorithm and acoustic emission analysis are proposed. In SHM.
[28], interesting applicative aspects peculiar for ancient and
Temperature and humidity sensors are typically used to
heritage buildings are considered and managed by AI. In [29],
correlate these parameters to the increasing of visible or
the automatic crack classification by exploiting statistical
hidden cracks [32]. For these studies, the temperature and
event descriptors for deep learning is proposed. This work
humidity sensors typically used give accuracy of humidity +-
arises on the ability of machine learning to classify analog
2% and temperature +- 0.5 Celsius.
signals [30].
Crack width sensors are used for the monitoring of visible
However, few research is available about the detection
crack. They are directly appended to the crack and change
accuracy and reliability of such systems. The importance of
their resistance with respect to displacement. This resistive
metrological aspects come from the waste of money caused
sensor typically uses full bridge strain gauge circuit as
by a false alarm or the human life risk for a miss of a necessary
conditioning section of the overall data acquisition system.
alarm. These aspects are introduced in [31] where the B-value
technique is used to classify the signals used to detect the Linear Potentiometer sensors are typically used for load
structural hazard. testing of bridges as well as monitoring the displacement of

978-1-6654-0893-6/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE 232

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cracks. The resistance of linear potentiometer changes with Decision Support System (DDS), and (iii) capability of
respect to movement of shaft. It generates an analog output synchronization and triggering of multiple AE sensors.
typically ranging from 0 (GND) to 3.3V DC (+VCC) and offer
an accuracy of 0.1 mm. For these sensors, bridge condition An innovative approach for the reduction of the sample to
sections are typically used, also. be stored and processed come form the compressive sampling
[41]. In [42] a preliminary assessment of the performance of
Accelerometers are used to evaluate the displacement of four Compressive Sampling (CS) algorithms used for
monitoring points of the structures. The monitoring points are Acoustic Emission (AE) signals delivered by a distributed
established by experts on the basis of the mathematical model Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) system. Three random
of the structures and by their experience. The continuous CS-based methods (i.e., Random Demodulation, Gaussian,
monitoring of the point displacement, together with the and Bernoulli), already available in the literature, were
mathematical model allow the automatic detection of hazard. evaluated and compared to a deterministic CS-based
Typically, the range of accellerometric sensor is in the range approach, called Deterministic Binary Block Diagonal
±2 g up to ±6 g with resolution in the range [1.4 - 50]µg and (DBBD). The obtained experimental results show that the CS-
frequency band in the range [0-1800] Hz [33]. based method relying on the DBBD outperforms the
efficiency of the random CS-based approaches in terms of
Piezoelectric sensors have made possible the detection of signal reconstruction quality. In particular, the figure of merit
Acoustic Emissions (AEs) generated by the hidden cracks. Recovery Error (RE) has been calculated and it is shown that
Indeed, they are caused by the realising of energy following REs are below 20% for compression ratios up to 6 in the case
an internal damaging of the building material [34], [35]. The of DBBD CS method.
monitoring techniques based on AE give the advantage to not
use active sensor (think for example at the traditional Further problem tied with the analog to digital conversion
monitoring based on ultrasound). As a consequence, this kind is the ADC characteristic, often far away from the ideal one.
of monitoring is more suitable for IoT paradigm where the In order to characterize the ADC testing signals must be used.
reduction of energy consumption is a must. Promising one are the exponential signals [43]since are easy
to generate and can be used for the inline testing of the ADC
The digital to analog conversion is typically performed by [44]. Another problem that can affect the sampling accuracy
using converters with at least 10 bits. The sampling frequency is the jitter [45], [46] that although it affects the time in which
varies from some Hz to MHz depending on the dynamic of the the sampling is acquired, the facto this provokes uncertainty
input signal. Typically, humidity and temperature are in the amplitude values. Therefore, the recent literature has
monitored with a sampling frequency in the order of some Hz, proposed interesting solutions for its evaluation [47]
accelerometer signals are sampled with a sampling frequency
in the order of tens of kHz, AE signal are sampled with
sampling frequency in the order of MHz, or tenth MHz in the
case of reinforced or armed concrete [35].
For low sampling frequency, Arduino, Arancino and other
low-cost developing board are used to implement the
measurement nodes. The first advantage is obviously the low
cost, but a metrological characterization of the overall
monitoring systems using this hardware is still missing.
Vice versa, for signals needing for high sampling
frequencies (more than tenth kHz) data acquisition board and
dedicated hardware is needed. In this case, between the
challenges to overcame there are the data storage limitation
and the transmission speed.
As concerns the first problem, in [36] a promising solution Fig.2 Block Diagram of the architecture proposed in [32]
based on trigger is proposed. It allows to save only the portion Further hardware architecture part affecting the accuracy
of signals containing useful information without loose it. The and the reliability of the detection of critical event is the
core of the proposal is an innovative hardware able of synchronization of all system components [48]. in [49] an
continuous and inline monitoring. In [37] the accuracy of the interesting overview is given by considering the
damage evaluation is improved by improving the synchronization requirements at each logical level in which
synchronization among the acquisition channels. In [38] the the monitoring system is divided. It can be achieved by
problem of the possible lost of AE signals is considered and a aligning signals used to trigger the different components of the
suitable solution was the adaptive acquisition of the time node [50]-[53] or by deploying clocks. Obviously, the
interval. As concerning the second problem, valid solution is achievable synchronization accuracies are coarse in the
the detection of the interesting event and the extraction of second case, but this second solutions allow the
features, useful for the detection of critical situations and the synchronization of far-away nodes [54],[55]. In this second
automatic generation of alarm [39]. This second task is usually case a further problem to be solved is the reduction of energy
executed by dedicated or general-purpose hardware executing consumption, since often these systems are powered by
the node software architecture. In [40] a solution based on batteries. Obviously, this creates a trade-off between the
system on chip (SoC) is proposed in order to make easier the achievable synchronization accuracy and the consumed
AE instrumentation design for SHM to be Internet-of-Things power. Suitable solution is proposed in [56] where only the
(IoT) integrated. Indeed, the flexibility of the solution is due node involved in the sensing are synchronized with higher
to the: (i) on-board digital signal processing, (ii) local accuracy, and in [49] where the Authors highlight that the


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synchronization accuracy requirements change on the basis of In [32] IoT is proposed for the automatic auditing and
the logical level of the monitoring system. The testing of the structures. The aim is to propose a system where
synchronization method that can be used are different and users can see live data on the web page. The architecture of
depends on the network, as described in Section II.B. the system is presented in Fig.2. The monitoring system is
designed to monitor bridge crack width with respect to
B. Software Architectures temperature.
A first task of the software architecture is the pre-
elaboration of the acquired signals to extract the measurement Sensor nodes: Authors propose the use of linear
information. For example, look-up tables of conversion potentiometer, crack width sensor, temperature, and humidity
formulas are used to convert the voltage level in temperature, sensor. No information about the achievable overall accuracy
humidity or other physical quantities, and in the case of AE to is available. Indeed, this would imply the developing of an
detect if the acquired signal comes from a new fracture or a uncertainty model that was out of the scope of the authors.
assessment of existing ones. In this last case the information Edge: it is used for gathering the data of sensors and
can be extracted by shape characteristics [31], [39] or by using routing data and commands between cloud and sensors. A
automatic classifiers [29]. peculiarity of the Edge is the ability to manage concurrency.
A second task of the software architecture is the automatic It tracks the connected sensors and save their data in a
deployment of the network allowing the communications relational database. Then it routes data to cloud over
among measurement nodes and with the users. In the websocket. Also in this case, no information about
architecture presented in [32], a client server architecture is measurements for security and reliability are available.
proposed where the measurement node can switch on client to Cloud: it maintains the websocket connection with edges,
server mode based on a command received by human users. and users, receives data coming from them and saving it in a
When it is in server mode, it waits for the clients, i.e., the relational database, transmit data to users. A new user will
sensors. It communicates to each connected sensor the ID, the receive all the previous data while the old ones just the
SSID of the router, the router’s password, and other updates.
networking information.
Client Application: connects to cloud via websocket and
Once the network is built, several actions must be receives data acquired by sensors. To this aim, the software in
performed as the management of the concurrency among client application is based on React Rechart library.
measurement nodes and the storage of the information
collected by the nodes. Then the problem to keep updated the IV. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
user interface occurs and much software is nowadays Artificial intelligence is raising its importance in the
available to this aim. For example, in [32] ReactJS is used. detection of hazards and the automatic generation of alarm. In
For the synchronization of the measurement nodes, at the following some examples of SHM based on AI is given.
software levels many techniques are available to preserve the In [61] a vision-based system is proposed for the automatic
synchronization accuracy during all the monitoring. In [57] a detection and semantic segmentation of lesions to carry out
statical analysis of the received synchronization messages is damage detection. The main problem that the Authors
performed by each node to preserve the synchronization overcome is that the semantic segmentation approach
accuracy from the adding of a new non synchronized one. In separates regions that contain only objects of the same class.
[58] the problem of the communication delay on the Concrete surface damage can contain multiple cracks: vertical
synchronization accuracy is considered and in [59] a crack, horizontal crack, diagonal crack, branch crack, and
synchronization algorithm robust to the communication delay spall, that need to be segmented. To fulfil this limit Authors
is proposed. propose the Mask Region-Based Convolutional Neural
III. IOT PARADIGM Network (Mask R-CNN). The Classifier was trained and
tested over 800 images. Many parameters to evaluate the
IoT in SHM opens new perspectives especially as effectiveness of the proposal are given but a metrological
concerning the automated monitoring. study about the achieved accuracy should be boosted.
IoT paradigm allows the cooperation of many In [62], the detection and the classification of column
heterogeneous SHM devices by means of Internet. The cracks is achieved by the analysis of data acquired by
devices must be able to local processing of the data, and to microwave sensors by means of Bayesian Classifier and the
transmit the measurement information that they evaluate. probabilistic pattern recognition.
A general description of IoT based monitoring system is In [63] the machine learning for automatic processing of
presented in [17]. modal analysis in damage detection of bridges is proposed.
In [24] an overview of IoT based SHMs for masonry The aim is the automatic detection of anomalies in bridge
structural health monitoring is given. In this field the main structures from vibrational data. The Authors starts from the
uses, is to monitor individual structural elements, for the stabilization diagram obtained through operational modal
identification, detection and characterization of damage and analysis (OMA) for the clustering of modal frequencies and
degradation of construction materials. The paper focuses on their tracking. Features are extracted and then given as input
masonry structures belonging to historical and cultural to a one-class classification algorithm for the automatic
heritage [60], arguing their use for the protection from anomaly detection. To evaluate the proposal effectiveness it
earthquakes. In the paper, it is highlighted the logical design was compared with other classification methods based on the
of the described IoT systems by taken into account the logical principal component analysis (PCA), the kernel PCA
division of the cyber and physical parts. (KPCA), the Gaussian Mixture Model, and the
autoassociative neural network.


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