BG Chapter 4 Summary

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Bhagavad Gita - 4

Transcendental Knowledge
Based on the
Teachings of His
Divine Grace A.C.
Bhaktivedanta Swami
oà ajïäna-timirändhasya jïänäïjana-çaläkayä
cakñur unmélitaà yena tasmai çré-gurave namaù

çré-caitanya-mano-'bhéñöaà sthäpitaà yena bhü-tale

svayaà rüpaù kadä mahyaà dadäti sva-padäntikam

vande 'haà çré-guroù çré-yuta-pada-kamalaà çré-gurün vaiñëaväàç ca

çré-rüpaà sägrajätaà saha-gaëa-raghunäthänvitaà taà sa-jévam
sädvaitaà sävadhütaà parijana-sahitaà kåñëa-caitanya-devaà
çré-rädhä-kåñëa-pädän saha-gaëa-lalitä-çré-viçäkhänvitäàç ca

he kåñëa karuëä-sindho déna-bandho jagat-pate

gopeça gopikä-känta rädhä-känta namo 'stu te

tapta-käïcana-gauräìgi rädhe våndävaneçvari

våñabhänu-sute devi praëamämi hari-priye

väïchä-kalpatarubhyaç ca kåpä-sindhubhya eva ca

patitänäà pävanebhyo vaiñëavebhyo namo namaù

çré-kåñëa-caitanya prabhu-nityänanda
çré-advaita gadädhara çréväsädi-gaura-bhakta-vånda

hare kåñëa hare kåñëa kåñëa kåñëa hare hare

hare räma hare räma räma räma hare hare
Summary – Chapter 1 & 2
Chapter 1 Arjuna's reasons for not
wishing to fight
Observing the Armies
Compassion Enjoyment

Saintliness and
fear of sinful
of Family

Chapter 2
Lord Krishna instructs Arjuna
BG 2.6

surrenders to
Lord Krsna
BG 2.7
Summary – Chapter 2
Lord Krsna
Since Arjuna was horrified
at the thought of Killing
all the
His relatives, Krsna begins
His teachings
instruction of
Bhagavad Gita

Sankhya Buddhi Yoga or Symptoms of Self

Karma Kanda
Philosophy Niskama Karma Yoga Realized Souls

If Arjuna Art of all Work

dies in battle Free from
Analytical study Work in Unattached Have a steady
desire to enjoy
of Matter and he will be the mode to the mind
the senses
Spirit (Soul) promoted to of selfless results of
heaven service the world
Indifferent Have a taste for
With Mind from good & devotional
Soul is If He wins With Resolute activities
focused on evil
eternal, the battle, Determination
He will rule Being thus
imperishable Control the
situated at the
the earth Fight simply because it senses by
time of death,
engaging them in
Material body is Krsna's desire the devotional
one can enter
Dishonor into the kingdom
is inert and activities
outer covering
will Results of God

of soul overcome
Able to get One who is not connected with the
Him if He Do not get supreme or not doing devotional
out of the
leaves the any Sinful
cycle of birth activity cannot have Steady Mind
battlefield Reaction
and death or Peace or Happiness
Summary – Chapter 3
Arjuna confuses
Lord Recommended Buddhi Yoga as
Arjuna asks Buddhi Yoga retirement from
Why Lord active life
Krsna wants
Him to fight? According to
Condemn Fruitive Arjuna the War
Activities was a Fruitive
Lord Krsna
Purpose of Bhagavad Gita
says He has Soul Active by nature, One will be
giving up work pretender as the Work only for
recommended Analytical without purification senses may be
1 process with Lord Krishna
2 stages ie
Study of materialistic restrained but the
Purifying senses by contamination will not mind will dwell on Without Following
Karma & Self Teachings
Philosophical Process get perfection sense objects.
Jnana Motivation Faithfully

Without Free from

Result Envy Lethargy
Lord Krsna Karma-yoga Performing work in Work in devotion
replies that devotion(KC), one’s performed for Free from Attain
there are 2
Niskama prescribed duty is satisfaction of Vishnu Bondage Perfection
ways to Karma better than not
will cleanse the heart
of materialistic
realize self Buddhi-Yoga performing any propensities and make
Working in Devotion work. one free from bondage
Lust–All devouring Enemy
Sitting places How to
If one cannot perform work in Act to set an example of Lust conquer Lust?
devotion with detachment, One fully absorbed in Perfected soul still Senses, By regulating
then perform work as KC has no other duty to performs one’s Mind & Senses, Performance
of duties with
prescribed in the Karma perform and by working prescribed duties with Intelligence
detachment, steady
Kanda section of the Vedas by thus with detachment detachment to set an covers the mind by
one will attain the example. Eg. Janaka, soul's
performing Yagna/sacrifices deliberate spiritual
Lord Krishna knowledge intelligence – KC
for the pleasure of Vishnu. Supreme
Lust Covers
binds us to
Material World
Surrender All
Work to Lord
BG 3.30 With Full
Karma Yoga Highest Level
Dutiful detached work
Knowledge of
of Karma Yoga Krsna
Without desires for
profit, No claim to
Chapter 3 proprietorship and
Leads to Free from Lethargy

What is
Transcendental Knowledge?
Chapter 4
How it
should be

Elevates us from
Award our intelligence Purifies
Sakama Karma Yoga
the strength to consciousness from
to Niskama Karma
overcome lusty desires Passion to Goodness
Chapter 4 - Sections

Section Verse Description

A 4.1 to 4.10 Transcendental Knowledge about Krsna
B 4.11 to 4.15 Applying transcendental knowledge to
C 4.16 to 4.24 Understanding karma on the platform of
jnana (Transcendental Knowledge)
D 4.25 to 4.33 Sacrifices lead to Transcendental
E 4.34 to 4.42 Conclusion -- Summary of Transcendental
Summary - Section - A
Verse 4.1 to 4.10
Transcendental Knowledge about Krsna
1-3 This Bhagavad-gita was previously spoken by Krsna and later
repeated by the disciplic succession of saintly kings. Now, as the
succession has been broken, Krsna will speak it again to Arjuna.
4-6 Krsna can remember speaking Bhagavad-gita in a previous birth
because He is the unborn Lord who possesses a transcendental body
that never deteriorates.

7-8 Krsna advents Himself whenever religion declines and irreligion

rises. He delivers the pious, annihilates the miscreants, and
reestablishes religion.

9-10 One who actually knows the nature of Krsna's birth and activities
attains Krsna's abode. Freed from attachment, fear, and anger, many
persons have become purified and have attained love for Krsna, by
being fully absorbed in Krsna.
Transcendental Knowledge
Verse 1~3
Lord Krsna speaks about History of Bhagavad Gita & Disciplic Succession
(120+ Million Years)
Lord Message of Bhagavad Gita is meant for Rajarshi Rajarshi
Sri Krishna Vivasvan (King+Rishi)
Sun God
King of all Planets Manu

Lord Krsna has descended to

Re-establish the Message (5K)

3 Devotee of BG 9.1 Qualities

Krsna required to
Bhagavad Gita
Friend of Two classes
Bhagavad In disciplic of Men
Gita As It Is Succession

Devotees Demons
Only Commentary of BG by Devotees Sura Asura
should be accepted Accept Krsna Do not accept
as Supreme Lord Krsna as Supreme
Useless Commentary
Transcendental Knowledge
Verse ~ 1
Transcendental Knowledge
Verse 4~5
Arjuna’s doubt and Lord Krsna reveals Transcendental Knowledge
Supreme Living
Arjuna’s Eternal Personality of Entities
doubt Associate Godhead
Appeared as
4 5 the Son of Spirit Soul
Devaki body
How Krsna Never affected
instructed Sun by 3 Modes of
God who is Vaidurya Stone
Material Nature
senior by birth? Forgets
Does not change Everything
Arjuna has no doubt in
Krsna’s words. his body

He has put forward this

question to clarify Following points are discussed
doubts of demons. Spirit Soul changes body, hence subject to forgetfulness of past
life. Arjuna is addressed as Mahabaho (mighty armed), still he
Lord Krsna describes
will be never equal to Supreme Lord, though liberated.
about himself
(Transcendental Lord does not change body hence remembers everything (past,
present & future) even when he descends to Material World.
Transcendental Knowledge
Verse ~ 6
Lord Krsna is Transcendental ~ body never deteriorates
Prakriti (Nature) or Svarupa (Original Form)
Appears like He appears in He appears in Original eternal
human but His own body same original form with two
remembers all (His body does body, by His hands holding a
His past births not change) internal potency flute.
He is ABSOLUTE His body does
TRUTH. No difference 6 not deteriorate
in Form, Self, Qualities like material
and body. body.
Lord is conscious of all Krsna appears to take
His previous birth, change to
appearances He childhood, boyhood,
performs Super Human Youth hood. Never
activities on earth. ages beyond Youth.
Appears to take
Person in the
birth in Multi

His appearance Never He is Sat, Cit, Neither His

is like rising of contaminated by Ananda. Changeless body,
Sun, moving Material Nature in His intelligence ever
and then or covered by Transcendental body deteriorates or
disappearing Maya and intelligence changes
Transcendental Knowledge
Verse 5~6

Courtesy :
Gauranga Priya Das
Transcendental Knowledge
Verse ~ 7
Eternally present in
7 Purpose of Lord’s Appearance Goloka Vrindavan

Srijami Lord is Not Created

Manifest or Born

Manifest’s by His free

Purpose of
SB 6.3.19 Lords Scheduled
appearance Incarnation, end of
Vedas Dwapara Yuga, 28th
Establish cycle, 7th Manu. No
Principles of obligation to the Rule
Sometime He
descends Himself or
sends representative
Predominance Avatars
of True
of irreligiocity
Religion Avatar’s comes
with a Mission
Establishes Highest Mentioned in
principles of Principle Scriptures
Religion BG 18.66 Lead people to God
Consciousness and
Obedience to
Principles of Religion
Transcendental Knowledge
Verse ~ 7
Previous Manvantar Future Manvantar
1. Svaayambhuva (Druva,Prahlad) Vaivasvata Manvantar 8. Saavarni
2. Svaarochisha 9. Daksha-saavarni
3. Uttama 10. Brahma-saavarni
11. Dharma-saavarni
4. Taamasa (Gajendra) 12. Rudra-saavarni
5. Raivata 13. Deva-saavarni
6. Chaakshusha (Kurma) 14. Indra-saavarni

Once in day of Brahma Lord

Krsna & Lord Caitanya
appears in Svayam Rupa Satya Yuga 17,28,000 Years

Treta Yuga 12,96,000 Years

Dwapara Yuga 8,64,000 Years

Kali Yuga 4,32,000 Years

Transcendental Knowledge
Verse ~ 8
8 Purpose of Lord’s Appearance
Lord Caitanya - Sankirtana

Avatar in the Age of Kali

Purpose of Lord’s Appearance

Prime Purpose

Deliver the Annihilate Miscreants. Reestablish

Satisfy His
Pious This can be done by Principles of
(Sadhu’s) Lords Agents. Religion


Mitigate anxieties of pure Lowest of

Sadhu is a man
devotees who are anxious
in Krishna Foolish the
to see His Vrindavana
Consciousness (Duskrtam) Mankind
Transcendental Knowledge
Verse ~ 8
Lord Krishna – The Supreme Personality of Godhead
Prabhava Reference
Prakasa CC Mad 20.165 Onwards
Rupa Vaibhava
Svayam Rupa
Svayam Purusa Avataras
Lila Avataras 1st Quadruple expansion

Avataras Vasudeva
Yuga Avataras Sankarsana
Rupa Pradyumna
Vilasa Aniruddha

2nd Quadruple expansion
Bhagavad vilasa
Avesa Sankarsana

Avesa Rupa Saktyavesa Karanadakasayi
Aniruddha Visnu
Courtesy : Vibhuti Ksirodakasayi
HG Radha Krishna Prabhu Visnu
Lord Krishna – The Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Personality of Godhead Lila Purusottama

Original Supreme Lord

Svayam Rupa Avesa Rupa

Sri Krishna Sri Balarama

Immediate First expansion
Cowherd boy Svayam 2 hand form
2 hand form
Svayam Rupa Cowherd boy
Prakasa No difference except color

Prabhava Vaibhava
Prakasa Prakasa
Same features form Different emotional features
Examples Examples
• Rasa Lila • Sri Balarama
Courtesy : • Marriage with 16,108 • Son of Devaki – 2 handed form
HG Radha Krishna Prabhu queens of Dwarka Ref - CC Mad 20.165 Onwards
Lord Krishna – The Supreme Tad-ekatma Differently Manifested
Features differ in Form & Emotions
Personality of Godhead Rupa

Personal Unlimited
Svamsa Vilasa Pastimes Form

• Less Important, Less Potency

• Examples
• Purusa-avatara
• Lila avataras Vaibhava Prabhava
• Manvantara avataras vilasa vilasa
• Yuga avataras

2nd Quadruple expansion 1st Quadruple expansion

Purusa Avatars Vasudeva Vasudeva

Karanadakasayi Sankarsana Narayana Sankarsana
Visnu Maha Sankarsana
• Resides Karana Ocean
(Viraja) Pradyumna Pradyumna
• Source of unlimited
Material Universes

Garbhodakasayi Aniruddha Aniruddha

• Expands in each universe • This 2nd catur-vyuha forms reside in
• Lord Brahma born from the 4 directions. • Originate from Lord Balarama
Lotus • They each expands 3 times first. • Lord Balarama is also
• Source of Guna Avataras
These 12 forms are the predominating manifested in them
• Resides in Garbhodaka
Ocean Deities of the 12 months. • They eternally reside in
• The 2nd catur-vyuha again each Dwaraka & Mathura
Ksirodakasayi expand 2 times.
• These 4 Pastime forms are
Visnu • Most of them eternally situated in
spiritual sky but some of them are unique & gives rise to unlimited
• Supersoul of all matter &
Living entities also in material world. quadruple forms
Courtesy : • Resides in Svetadvipa • Differs in dress and features from the
HG Radha Krishna Prabhu Prabhava vilasa Ref - CC Mad 20.165 Onwards
Lord Krishna – The Supreme
Personality of Godhead Avesa rupa

Divine Absorption Divinely empowered Indirectly empowered

Saktyavesa Vibhuti

Eg. Kapiladeva • 7 Main or Foremost Eg. BG Chapter 10

Rsabhadeva • Sesa Naga in Vaikuntha for
personal service
• Anatadeva to bear universes
• Lord Brahma to create cosmic
• 4 Kumaras to distribute
transcendental knowledge
• Narada Muni to distribute
devotional service
• Maharaja Prthu empowered to
rule & maintain
• Parasurama empowered to cut
down rogues and demons

Courtesy :
HG Radha Krishna Prabhu Ref - CC Mad 20.165 Onwards
Transcendental Knowledge Conclusion
Verse ~ 9 Cultivate KC with Faith &
Knowledge and Attain
9 Perfection
Result of Understanding Lord’s Appearance and Passtimes
Path’s for Faithful devotees accept
Fate of Others Living Entities Perfection of Liberation Krsna’s protection with
Philosophers and seeking faith
Mundane Scholars Liberation
One who accepts Krsna
as SPOG, Has many
forms and relation with
Waste of Time unalloyed devotees

Does not waste time in

May get important Philosophical
roles in Material Path of speculation.
World but No Path of
Devotees in
liberation Impersonalist’s
and Yogi’s
Analogy – Licking
bottle of honey from

Not Easy, Very Easy, One has to

Takes many understand Lrods Birth
many births. and Passtimes

Destination Brahmajyoti Only Partial

Complete Success,
Abode of Krsna
Only Hope –
Causeless mercy of Destination Vaikuntha
Lord protects from
the devotees of the Falldown High Risk of Lords Protection falldown into Material
Lord. Ref : SB 10.2.32 Falling down. Ref : BG 15.6 World
Transcendental Knowledge
Verse ~ 10
10 Attaining Transcendental Love for Krsna
Result understand
personal nature
of Lord

Raga Bhaya Krodha

Strong Material Fear of Personal Conception of Void resulting
Take complete Attachment Spiritual identity from frustrations of Life
shelter of the
Lord Leads to For them, Merging Becomes angry at all sort
into Impersonal is of spiritual speculation
Negligence of
Under guidance highest out of hopelessness
Spiritual life
of bonafied Too absorbed in bodily
Takes to
Spiritual Master concept, retaining personality
after liberation frightens them,
due to past bad experience.
Follow disciplines and
regulative principles Analogy : Impersonalist compare Accepts hallucination
of devotional life living entities to bubbles in the as Spiritual Vision
ocean which merges into ocean.
9 Stages of Devotional
Service, Frees one
from the Raga, Bhaya
and Krodha. …Next Page
Transcendental Knowledge
Verse ~ 10 Nine Stages of Bhakti
Pure Love for Krsna





Anartha Nivriti Nectar of Devotion 1.4.15-16

Decreasing Unwanted adau sraddha tatah sadhu-
sango 'tha bhajana-kriya
Bhajana Kriya tato 'nartha-nivrittih syat
Performance of
Devotional Service tato nishtha rucis tatah
Sadhu Sanga athasaktis tato bhavas
Association of
tatah premabhyudancati
Weeds sadhakanam ayam premnah
Adau Sraddha
Faith Ref CC-Mad-19.151-161 pradurbhave bhavet kramah
Summary - Section - B
Verse 4.11 to 4.15
Applying Transcendental Knowledge to Work
11-12 Everyone ultimately surrenders to Krsna, for it is Krsna
who awards fruits of work.
13-14 Although Krsna creates the Varnasrama system
according to the modes (so that people can attain the
fruits of work that they desire), He is beyond the system.
No work affects Him nor does He aspire for fruits.
15 Knowing Krsna as the awarder of the results of all work
and as the transcendental creator of Varnasrama, all
liberated souls act without becoming entangled. Arjuna
should perform his duty and fight for Krsna, but with
Transcendental Knowledge
Verse ~ 11
Krsna rewards everyone, according to their surrender
Everyone is looking
11 for Krsna in different
3 Levels of aspects of His
Realizing Manifestation

Absolute Truth
Krsna is object
of everyone’s
Who realizes
Krsna Fully?
Only pure devotees Krsna Reciprocates based on DESIRES
Type of Devotee How Lord Reciprocates

Brahman Fruitive Worker Yagnesvara

Without coming
to highest Impersonalists Brahmajyoti
perfection of
Yogi’s Mystic Power’s
KC, all attempts
are Imperfect Devotee’s 5 Primary Rasa’s

Everyone All kinds of Spiritual

Akamah sarva-
depends on process are but
kamo va
Krsna’s mercy for different degrees of
SB 2.3.10
success success on same path
Transcendental Knowledge
Supreme Lord
Verse ~ 12
People worship Demigods, to get quick results
Lord Narayana First Purifies Heart,
Approach Purification may
Supreme or Vishnu does take time.
Lord Krsna
not belong to
Lord is ONE material
to satisfy
needs Obtains their desire,
Ref Sankaracarya when reward is
achieved, devotee
no longer wants it.
Eg. Dhruva Maharaj

Madness of Human Society

Demigods-Parts and Parcel
12 Parts and Parcel of Mad after
Lord temporary
Living entities with material
Material Powers things
Even Lord Brahma
and Lord Shiva
worship Lord
'Iha-devatah' – Any
Demigods powerful man or
demigod in this Worship Worship Not
material world Demigods to temporary
quickly get leaders, so
People approach in KC
their needs called big guns
them to quickly
satisfy their needs,
but their boons are
like bubbles in
Conclusion : People are rarely
ocean interested in Krishna Consciousness
Difference between Lord Krishna & Demigods
No. Demigods Lord Krishna
1 Many One
2 Parts and Parcel Supreme Whole
3 Always worship Supreme, as obedient Supremely Worshipable
4 Created by Supreme Supreme Creator
5 Exists within Material Nature Beyond Material Creation
6 Delegated with various grades of Supreme Controller
power to manage the affairs of the
7 Subordinate to the Will of Supreme Supremely independent
8 Have material bodies, hence, subject Completely Spiritual body, NO Birth,
to birth, old age, disease and death Death, Old Age and Disease
9 Come under the influence of the three Completely beyond the influence of
material modes to different extents the three material modes
10 Temporary Posts Eternally the same Supreme Lord
Transcendental Knowledge
Verse ~ 13
Krsna creates Varnasrama dharma so that people could purify themselves
Lord Krsna does not Varnasrama
belong to any of these Dharma
classes b/c He is Creator Creator
Division based on
and Not a conditioned Guna and Karma

Vaishanava Brahmana Kshtriya Vaisya Sudra

Higher than Mode of Mode of Mode of Passion, Mode of
Brahmana Goodness Passion Ignorance Ignorance

'Brahmana' by quality is Purpose of

supposed to know Brahman, this system
The Supreme Absolute Truth
but most of them approach
only the Impersonal Brahman
One who transcends limited Process of
knowledge and reaches Elevate People could purification for one
knowledge of SPOG is a from animal purify whose material
'Vaishnava' status to themselves desire inhibits him
KC includes knowledge of all human by regulating from directly
different plenary expansions status desires approaching
like Lord Rama, Nrsimha etc. Krishna

Lord Krsna & one in KC is

Transcendental to all Systematically develop Krishna consciousness
divisions of society
Transcendental Knowledge
Verse ~ 14
Krsna is free from all Material attachments hence unaffected

Creator of unaffected by like
Varnasrama activities of
Dharma Material
Proprietor not
King not subject responsible for
to state laws activities of workers

Results of Lord is not interested in any kind of

Understands law of
Understanding material happiness, even heavenly
Karma and does planets just like a proprietor is not
Lord Krsna’s Krsna is aloof
not get entangled interested in the low grade happiness of
Nature from Material the workers
Actions and
Reactions Eg. Rains not responsible for different
types of vegetation's, although without
rains, there is no possibility of
Thinks activities of Results of Not vegetative growth
Lord to be Understanding
Lord only gives facilities through
Mundane and get’s Lord Krsna’s material nature, living entity is
entangled Nature responsible. Ref. Vedic Smrti: Lord is
only Supreme cause, the immediate
cause is material nature Ref. Vedanta
Sutra: Lord is never partial to any living
entity, but living entity is responsible
for his own acts; Lord only gives the
facilities through material nature
Transcendental Knowledge
Verse ~ 15
Previous liberated souls perform their Varnasrama dharma for Krsna's pleasure

Two Classes
of Men

Freed from
Materially Material
Polluted Contaminations
Krsna Conscious

Lord Krsna’s
KC is KC person may Advise to
They take to KC
for gradual beneficial act to set an
cleansing process to both example

Neophytes in KC wants to Retiring from Follow footsteps of

retire from activities without battlefield & sitting previous disciples &
having knowledge of KC aloof making a show engage in the
(escaping attitude) of Krishna discharge of duties
Eg. Arjuna's desire to retire from consciousness is less adopted by Krsna.
battlefield important Eg. Sun God Vivasvan
Summary - Section - C
Verse 4.16 to 4.24
Understanding Karma on the platform of Jnana
(Transcendental Knowledge)
16-24 Activities in service to Krsna are Akarma, actions
without reactions. A person acting with mind and
intelligence free from sense gratification, without a sense
of proprietorship, accrues no sinful reactions. Free from
dualities and envy, satisfied in both success and failure,
one will attain the spiritual kingdom. Thus Krsna has
explained how karma can be seen as Jnana.
Transcendental Knowledge
Verse ~ 16
Krishna explain’s how to perform Akarma
No one can Manufacture
religious principles by
Lord Krsna explain’s imperfect speculations or
difference between experimental knowledge.
Karma, Akarma and Dharmam tu saksad (SB 6.3.19)
Avoid independent
work, otherwise work
Why Lord causes bondage
Arjuna Perform Action’s under
We should
directions of authorized
follow Arjuna,
person in parampara
b/c Lord Krsna
Mahajano yena gatah sa
instructs Arjuna Whom Even most
Lord’s panthah
should intelligent man
we get bewildered
Hence, we Mercy
follow? on this path
surely don’t get

Krsna directly Only action

explaining to Arjuna performed in Krishna
so that His devotees consciousness can
can understand deliver a person
Mahajano yena gatah sa panthah
SB 6.3.20-21 (12 Mahajan’s)
Mahabharata (Vana-parva 313.117): CC-Mad 25.57
svayambhur naradah sambhuh kumarah kapilo manuh
tarko pratisthah srutayo vibhinna
prahlado janako bhismo balir vaiyasakir vayam
nasav rsir yasya matam na bhinnam
dvadasaite vijanimo dharmam bhagavatam bhatah
dharmasya tattvam nihitam guhayam
guhyam visuddham durbodham yam jnatvamrtam asnute
mahajano yena gatah sa panthah
Lord Brahma, Bhagavan Narada, Lord Siva, the four Kumaras, Lord Kapila
Dry arguments are inconclusive. A great personality whose opinion
[the son of Devahuti], Svayambhuva Manu, Prahlada Maharaja, Janaka
does not differ from others is not considered a great sage. Simply by
Maharaja, Grandfather Bhisma, Bali Maharaja, Sukadeva Gosvami and I myself
studying the Vedas, which are variegated, one cannot come to the
know the real religious principle. My dear servants, this transcendental
right path by which religious principles are understood. The solid
religious principle, which is known as bhagavata-dharma, or surrender unto
truth of religious principles is hidden in the heart of an
the Supreme Lord and love for Him, is uncontaminated by the material modes
unadulterated self-realized person. Consequently, as the sastras
of nature. It is very confidential and difficult for ordinary human beings to
confirm, one should accept whatever progressive path the
understand, but if by chance one fortunately understands it, he is immediately
mahajanas advocate.
liberated, and thus he returns home, back to Godhead.

Lord Brahma Narada Muni Lord Shiva 4 Kumaras Lord Kapila Manu

Prahlada Janaka Bhishma Bali Maharaj Sukadev Goswami Yamraja

Transcendental Knowledge
17 Akarma
Verse ~ 17
Intricacies of Karma are difficult to understand
Conclusion of Bhagavad Gita
To know every
living entity is
servant of
Lord Krishna

Action in
is free from 3

How to Learn this?

Lord Krsna explains Why one
difference between need to
Karma, Akarma and understand

Karma Akarma
If one is serious It’s difficult
Working with Vikarma about liberation, subject matter,
Actions in one need to speculation
Attachments Forbidden
Krishna understand won’t help, learn
according to Actions
Consciousness distinction from Authorities
Transcendental Knowledge
Seeing Action in Inaction and Verse ~ 18
18 Inaction in Action
Work with Results Good Reaction.
attachment Following Varnasrama
Karma according to system according to
Shastra’s quality and work

Work with
attachment Results into Bad
Vikarma against Reaction and
scriptural Sufferings
All acts done to
please Lord
Krishna Enjoys
Intelligent Man Akarma No desire for happiness (not
One who is in the sense available to
gratification impersonalists)
position Acts as eternal

How to get Akarma

immunity to
Acting but no reaction to

reactions of Inaction in work, acting in platform of Renunciation

work? Action Soul OR acting in
constitutional position
By sense of Renunciation of Work
"Eternal A sannyasi without TK of
servitorship Krishna appear not to be
to Krishna" Action in working, liable to all
Inaction reactions. Eg. Breathing,
walking, eating accrue
Transcendental Knowledge
19 Verse ~ 19
Activities of one in Full Knowledge is devoid of Sense Gratification

One in Full Actions or Reaction of

Knowledge Endeavors Work

Devoid of Actions only Burnt of by the

Sense in Krsna Fire of perfect
Consciousness Fire of Knowledge
Gratification Knowledge


of eternal
servitorship of the
OR acting in
Transcendental Knowledge
20 Verse ~ 20
Activities of one in Full Knowledge –Detached, Ever Satisfied,
Sadhaka Stage Independent.

Engaged in All Kinds

of Action

Detached Performs
from the NO
result of Fruitive
activities work

Actions or Ever
Endeavors satisfied

Freedom from Of external
bondage of source of
Action Happiness
Transcendental Knowledge
20 Verse ~ 20
Activities of one in Full Knowledge –Detached, Ever Satisfied,

Actions or causes Leads Sufferings in

No reaction Actions in Reaction to
Endeavors to Material
work KC Work
(Work) World

Akarma Performs
Unattached works with
to Results of following
Work consciousness

Visible signs of one acting fully in Transcendental Knowledge

Does his duty

Acts out of
Not even Nor to protect to the best of
pure love for
attached to his Not anxious to things already his ability,
the Supreme
personal secure things in his Leaves
Personality of
maintenance possession. everything to
Transcendental Knowledge
21 Verse ~ 21
Activities of one in Full Knowledge – Free from sense of
proprietorship, acts only for bare necessities.

Actions or causes Leads Sufferings in

No reaction Actions in Reaction to
Endeavors to Material
work KC Work
(Work) World

Understands that
Akarma Performs Knows that He the part played by
Him is not his own
Unattached works with is part and activity but is only
to Results of following parcel of the being done through
Work consciousness Supreme him by the
Supreme. Eg. Part of
a Machine
Visible signs of one acting fully in Transcendental Knowledge

Maintains No Real Fully engaged For

Does not
Desires himself by his Independence. in self- maintaining
Mind and always No desire work just to Eg. Like realization, body and soul,
good or
Intelligence dovetailed for personal remain fit for Animal, he has very little he does not
are fully with the sense action in the has no time to falsely require unfair
results in
controlled desire of the gratification transcendental proprietorship possess any means of
supreme loving service even over his material accumulating
of the Lord. own body. object money
Transcendental Knowledge
22 Verse ~ 22
Activities of one in Full Knowledge – satisfied, free from duality, does
not envy, steady in both success and failure.

Actions or causes Leads Sufferings in

No reaction Actions in Reaction to
Endeavors to Material
work KC Work
(Work) World

Akarma Performs
Unattached works with
to Results of following
Work consciousness

Visible signs of one acting fully in Transcendental Knowledge

Independent in his Does not hesitate to

Does not Satisfied with
livelihood. Labors Does not allow work for satisfaction or
make gains which
honestly as far as anyone's service of the Lord and Therefore
much are obtained
is in his power. service to he can participate in steady both in
endeavor of their own
satisfied with hamper his any kind of action success and in
even to accord.
whatever is own service in without being failure
maintain Neither begs
obtained by his KC. disturbed by the
his body. nor borrows
own honest labor duality.
Transcendental Knowledge
23 Verse ~ 23
Acting fully in Transcendental Knowledge, Unattached to Modes >>>
Merges entirely into transcendence.
Become liberated Freed from
b/c He knows his Person contaminations
can is Freed from hence
Constitutional Fully Acting of Modes of
position in relation all dualities Material
in KC
to Krishna Nature


Mind cannot
be drawn from Merge into
Kåñëa transcendence

Whatever he All his All His Results
does, he does acts work is
for Kåñëa
Does not
All His work is Material
for satisfying effects
Transcendental Knowledge
24 Verse ~ 24
All activities of a Person fully absorbed in Krishna Consciousness is Absolute
Absolute in Nature - Brahman
Everything is situated in that
The Lord is spiritual
Brahmajyoti but when the The The The
and the rays of His
jyoti is covered by illusion or Contributor Contribution Consumption
transcendental body are
sense gratification, it is called
called Brahmajyoti
The Leader of
The The Result or
Performer Ultimate gain

Entanglement of Jiva Analogy

Indigestion caused by milk
Acting in this consciousness
products is cured by another
milk product i.e yogurt or curd
Samadhi or
How to Perform activities of Trance
remove Material World in Mind fully
Material KC, by complete absorbed in KC
Veil? absorption

Entangled in Sure to act in Anything done in All the

material the material KC is process such components
contamination atmosphere of converting transcendental involved in the
illusory consciousness is sacrifice
Brahman consciousness called “Yajna” or becomes one
means into Brahman sacrifice for the with the
Spiritual (Spiritual) Absolute Absolute
Symptoms/Qualities of One Working in Transcendence
Qualities of One
Transcendental Knowledge
Working in
Verse 19~24 Transcendence

19 24
Main characteristic Absolute quality of a
Works without
22 Siddha sacrifice performed in
attachment (Detached) Krishna consciousness
to sense gratification
Self-satisfaction – has no reaction
Satisfied with whatever
comes by providence Summarized Akarma
with no over-endeavor
20 Sadhaka 21 Siddha 23 Yagna
Detached from fruits Self-control – Freedom from
– Acts without fruitive Mind and duality – nothing Detached from the
attachment, although
engaged in all intelligence fully can hamper his modes
undertakings controlled service

Freedom from Steadiness – Fully situated in

Ever-satisfied and
sense of Steady in success transcendental
proprietorship and failure knowledge

Such kind of work

Desires only bare Freedom from
merges into
Courtesy : necessities envy
Gauranga Priya Das
Summary - Section - D
Verse 4.25 to 4.33
Sacrifices lead to Transcendental Knowledge
25-32 Some yogis perfectly worship the demigods through
sacrifices, and others sacrifice to Brahman. To control
the mind, some sacrifice their hearing, their senses, or
their breath. Some sacrifice their possessions, perform
severe austerities, practice yoga, or study the Vedas. All
who sacrifice advance toward the Supreme. These
sacrifices, approved by the Vedas, suit different workers.
Knowing this, one becomes liberated.
33 The fruit of all varieties of sacrifice is transcendental
knowledge, which leads to liberation and ultimately to
pure devotional service.
Sacrifices in Summary
Transcendental Knowledge
Verse 25~33

Why variety
How to
Goal of

Varieties of Sacrifices This purifies Different types Perform

are described in verse 1st
Goal one of all sins of Sacrifices are sacrifices in Realization
25-33 which are Control Senses and makes one appropriate for consciousness of Brahman
described in Veda’s happy different types mentioned in (4.24)
of workers Texts
2nd Goal Text 4.19-24
Sacrifices leads to explains how according to (4.19 – 4.23)
Gain one’s position
Transcendental sacrifice uncovers
Transcendental Brahman (Spiritual in Varnashrama
Knowledge Nature) & reveals
and their level
of realization
3rd Goal
Devotional Courtesy :
Service Gauranga Priya Das
Transcendental Knowledge
25 Verse ~ 25
Different categories
Sacrifices to Demigods and Supreme Brahman of sacrifices by
Sacrifice of
different types of
worldly performers only
possessions Aim of superficially demark
Sacrifices is the varieties
Divisions of One but
Factual aim of all
Sacrifices varieties differ sacrifices is to satisfy
superficially the Supreme Lord,
Vishnu who is also
Sacrifice in known as Yajna
pursuit of
transcendental Comparison of
knowledge Various

Demigod Krishna conscious

Worshippers devotee

They worship Sacrifice their

Sacrifice Sacrifices They Sacrifices all Arjuna
demigods for material
material various material own self regard the Sacrifice their material sacrifices
designations, end
possessions benefits and are into fire forms of their individual time in possessions everything for
for called 'Bahu- altar of demigods existence by philosophical and own self satisfaction of
material isvara-vadi' “Supreme as merging into speculation for Krishna’s Krishna (First
(believers in existence of Class Yogi) without
enjoyment Brahman” temporary Supreme
Satisfaction loosing His existence
many Gods)
Transcendental Knowledge
26 Verse ~ 26
Sacrifices by Brahmacäré’s and Gåhastha’s
Sacrifices - Brahmacäré Sacrifices - Gåhastha

Purpose of

Brahmacäré Gåhastha

Hearing - Only words concerning The householders, who have some

Krishna consciousness, Vänaprastha Sannyäsé license for sense gratification,
especially engaged fully in "harer perform such acts with great
namanukirtanam" (Chanting and restraint
hearing the glories of the Lord) Sex life, Intoxication & Meat-eating
Controls Mind by Meant to become are general tendencies of human
Restrains society. Regulated householder does
- Staying under Perfect Yogés or
himself from not indulge in unrestricted sex life
care of bona-fide
vibrations of
spiritual master Transcendentalists and other sense gratification
and abstains from
sounds Yagna
sense gratification It's Yajna because the restricted
householder sacrifices his general
Hearing is the basic principle of tendency towards sense gratification,
Understanding. for higher transcendental life
Parag-atma Transcendental Knowledge
The soul attached
to sense Verse ~ 27
Sacrifices by Yogi’s
The soul 27
unattached to
sense enjoyment

Goal of
Pratyag-atma Principle
Yoga System

Functions of Air
Patanjali system instructs
Prana-vayu What The soul is subjected how to control the
Interaction of senses
with sense objects and happens to the functions of functions of the body’s
ten kinds of air at air in a technical manner,
their engagements in when one is work within the so that ultimately all the
activities outside the
self enlightened? body and this is functions become
Apana-vayu perceived through favorable for purifying
Goes downwards the breathing system the soul of material
Vyana-vayu One engages
Acts to shrink and all these airs
in searching
Adjusts equilibrium for Self-
Udana-vayu realisation
Goes upwards
Overview of Prana
Type Vayu System Action Direction Organs Chakra Element
Prana Respiratory Controls breathing, Moves from outside Head & Chest Anahata Air
intake of Vital to inside to center Vayu
atmospheric energy of body
Udana Nervous Controls vocal cord Moves from inside Throat, Brain Visuddhi Ether
and intake of air and to outside, from Akasa
food center of body to
Main head
Prana Samana Digestive Stokes the gastric Along the center of Stomach Manipura Fire
acids, aids digestion, the body Agni
integrates whole body
Vyana Circulatory Pervades the entire Circulates through All over the body, Svadhisthana Water
body, distributing the out the body specially near Jala
energies thru nadis, skin
arteries & veins
Apana Excretory Elimination of semen, Moves downwards Lower abdomen Muladhara Earth
feces, urine. and surroundings Prthvi
Naga Regulates Burping Little above the
Kurma Governs Blinking In the eyelids

Krikala Governs Sneezing Above the

Upa stomach and the
edges of trachea
Devadatta Controls Yawning Upper end of
trachea & in
Dhananjaya Controls the In the bones,
Functioning of the flesh, skin, blood,
Heart Valves receptor sensors,
hair etc.
Transcendental Knowledge
Verse ~ 28
Other Sacrifices - dravya-yajïäù, tapaù-yajïäù, yoga-yajïäù, svädhyäya-yajïäù
All these Yogé’s are faithfully engaged in different types of sacrifice and are seeking a higher status of life

Dravyamaya Tapomaya- Svädhyäya-

Yajïa Yajïa Yajïa

For higher elevation in Engages themselves in

Sacrificing their life or for promotion to different kinds of Engage themselves in
possessions in higher planets within the mystic yogas like the studies of different Vedic
the form of universe, voluntarily Pataïjali system (for literatures, specifically
various kinds of accept many kinds of the Upaniñads and
merging into the
austerities such as Vedänta-sütras, or the
charities Candräyaëa & existence of the
Säìkhya philosophy
Cäturmäsya Absolute), or haöha-
yoga or añöäìga-yoga
Open various kinds of These processes entail (for particular Kåñëa Consciousness
severe vows, rigid rules perfections).
charitable institutions like
and sacrifice comforts of is Transcendental
dharma-çälä, anna-kñetra,
life. Eg. Under the It’s direct
atithi-çälä, anäthälaya and
Cäturmäsya vow the And some travel to all service of the
Open many hospitals, old candidate does not shave the sanctified places Supreme
for four months during of pilgrimage. These Lord. Can
age homes and similar
the year (July-October), Only be
charitable foundations are sacrifices for a attained by
he does not eat certain
meant for distributing certain type of Mercy of the
foods, does not eat twice
food, education and perfection in the Lord and His
in a day or does not leave
medical treatment free to bona fide
home. material world.
the poor. devotees.
Transcendental Knowledge
In the beginning
practiced as
Hatha Yoga
System of Yoga
for controlling Verse ~ 29
(different breathing Sacrifices by Yogi’s – Hatha Yoga and Pranayama
postures) process 29
Consciousness is

KC is direct KC can be
Service to the only attained
Goal of
How to Supreme Lord by the Mercy
practice of a devotee
Hatha-Yoga Automatically
controls all the KC cannot
This practice involves senses by engaging in
To control senses controlling the airs within
be attained
KC activities.
the body so as to reverse the by the
Eg. Offering Bhoga
directions of their passage sacrifices
Increase longevity: Being constantly
Yogi’s wants to Apana Prana mentioned
engaged in KC
achieve spiritual Goes Goes
activities, naturally earlier.
downwards upwards
perfection in one transferred to Krsna
life only, therefore Recaka
Puraka Offering the
loka at death,
needs increased life Equilibrium exhaled breath therefore no need to
span for perfection state into the
increase longevity
inhaled breath
in spiritual By Devotional
realisation Kumbhaka-yoga Service, one
When both air currents are
completely stopped
To help in transcends the modes
spiritual By Kumbhaka-yoga one and elevates to
advancement can increase life span Spiritual Kingdom
Overview of Astanga Yoga (Patanjali Yoga) System
Hatha Yoga Samyama

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Yama’s Niyama’s Asana’s Pranayama Pratyahara Dharana Dhyana Samadhi

Five Five
Restraints Observances
Ahimsa Sauca
Non-Hurting Purity

Satya Santosa Spiritual

Non-lying Contentment absorption

Asteya Tapas
Non-stealing Austerity Concentration
Brahmacarya of the
Svadhyaya Senses
control Study
Control of vital
force : Prana,
Aparigraha Isvara Apana, Samana,
Non Pranidhana Udana, Vyana
possessiveness Surrender Asana – Poses
Astha Siddhi Attainment of various Siddhi’s Siddhi’s
Primary 8 siddhi’s Mentioned in SB
Patanjali Yoga Sutra
tri-kala- advandvam
Anima Mahima
Reducing one's Expanding one's jñatvam Tolerance of heat,
Knowing the past, cold and other
body even to the body to infinitely dualities
size of an atom large size present and future

para citta adi Aparajayah
Becoming Becoming almost abhijñata Remaining
Knowing the minds of unconquered by
infinitely heavy weightless
others others
Prakamya agni arka ambu visa adinam
unrestricted access Realizing whatever pratistambhah
to all places one desires Checking the influence of fire,sun,water,poison…

Isitva Vasitva Secondary Siddhi’s

Possessing Domination over Hanumanji using Siddhi’s to serve Lord dura-sravana
Undisturbed by hunger,
absolute lordship the entire creation thirst & other bodily Hearing things far away
Nava Niddhi’s (Type of Wealth) manah-javah
Moving the body dura-darsanam
One’s soul entering into the On acquiring this vidya, a Person is not affected by change
wherever thought goes Seeing things far away
body (sensorium) of some other person feels neither hunger of seasons, i.e. by summer, SIDDHI (astral projection)
Person become capable of
person or animal or bird. nor thirst, and can remain winter, rain, etc. Person shall
flying in the skies and para-kaya
Through this knowledge even a without eating food or not feel cold even if he sits in the kama-rupam
dead body can be brought to drinking water for several snow mountains, and shall not traveling from one place to
another in just a few seconds. Assuming any form pravesanam
life. days at a stretch. feel hot even if sits in the fire. Entering the bodies of
Person becomes capable of KANAKDHARA PRAKYA SADHANA This solar science is one of devanam saha krida
increasing or decreasing the SIDDHI Yogi can direct his disciple to the most significant sciences.
size of his body according to his take birth from the womb of a Using it, one substance can mrtyuh anudarsanam
One can acquire immense
wish. Hanuman had woman who is childless or be transformed into another Witnessing & participating in
and unlimited wealth Dying when one desires
miniaturized his body , while cannot bear children. through the medium of sun the pastimes of the gods
through this Siddhi.
entering the city of Lanka rays
yatha sankalpa ajna apratihata
samsiddhi gatih
Through this knowledge even a dead person can be brought back to life.
Perfect accomplishment Orders or commands
of one's determination being unimpeded
Summary of different sacrifices that leads to Transcendental Knowledge
Transcendental Knowledge Different types
Verse 25~29 of Sacrifices

Demigod Worship

26 Dravyamaya-yajna
Unadulterated Hatha Yoga &
Sacrifices into Brahmacharie’s Pranayama
Brahman Hearing process and Austerity
senses in the fire of Tapomaya-yajna
mental control

Regulated Yoga Yagna

Grhasta’s Sacrifice for a certain
Objects of senses in the perfection in material
fire of the senses world

Astanga Yoga Study of

(Patanjali Yoga) Scriptures
Svadhyaya yajna
Transcendental Knowledge
Verse ~ 30
Results of Sacrifices - Cleansed of sinful reactions & Advance toward Supreme
Purpose of
30 Performing

Sacrifices help Gain

Advancement in
Common Aim one to become Transcendental
life, One become
cleansed of the Knowledge and
happy and
sinful reactions gradually
opulent in this
of material Devotional
existence Service

To control
senses End of Life enter
into the Eternal
Kingdom of God

Since, Sense
gratification is the
root cause of Impersonal
material existence Associate
Transcendental Knowledge
Verse ~ 31
Sacrifice - Essential to live happily on this planet or in this life and next
Cycle of Material Life
Ignorance Purpose of Vedas
Human Form of
Dragged Life
into Sinful
Material Life
existance How Veda’s
Help us
Reaction to
Sinful Life …Next Page

Life of Krsna Consciousness Tired from Next, from Dharma Explains

Kama, Veda’s
Highest kind of recommends
Artha comes results into Path of
happiness achieved Moksha Kama Artha Religion
thru promotion to
spiritual planets by One is elevated Path of religion,
to the platform
When body fully Dharma
practice of KC satisfied, next is or different kinds
of Moksha. This of sacrifices,
to satisfy senses, Artha
results from automatically
Vedas prescribe
performance of solves our
KC Solution to all sacred marriage
Yajna, hence economical
for regulated Kama
problems of material Yajna very problems. Eg. By
sense Yajna we get
existence important for
gratification enough food, milk Moksha
Cycle of Appearance of Padma Puräëa:

Klesha Desire and it’s Reactions

aprärabdha-phalaà päpaà
küöaà béjaà phalonmukham
krameëaiva praléyeta
Distress & The viñëu-bhakti-ratätmanäm
cause of distress Avidya For those who are engaged in the
Ignorance devotional service of the Supreme
Personality of Godhead, all sinful
How Klesha Appears? reactions, whether fructified, in the
stock, or in the form of a seed,
Ignorance of gradually vanish.
Avidya one’s relationship
with Lord Krsna
Ignorance, The root
cause OR eternal Bija
servant of Lord Sinful desires

Bija Cycle of
Vasna – Material Kutam Papam
desires (enjoyer) Prarabdha Appearance
Manifest Reactions Sinful of Desire Sinful
(SB 5.25.8) disposition actions
and it’s
Sinful Actions Aprarabdha Aprarabdha
Unmanifested Unmanifest (SB 4.22.39)
Reactions reactions Solution - KC
Birth, Death, Old
Age, Disease
Adhyatmika, Adi- Aprarabdha 1 Aprarabdha 2 Manifest
bhautika, Adi-
Prarabdha Kutam
Courtesy : Direct Physical or Indirect suffering – By
HH Dharurdhara Maharaj Emotional increased sinful
Sufferings proclivity
Waves of Devotion
Sacrifice - are born of different types of Work & Transcendental Knowledge
culminate in Transcendental Knowledge Verse 32-33
To achieve
32 33 complete
Purpose of
Why varieties of To gain release
Sacrifices? Sacrifices all
from material
Sacrifices miseries
To engage in
loving service to
To suit the different the Supreme Lord
types of worker
deeply absorbed in Different Sacrifices takes different
the bodily concept types of forms according to faith
sacrifice of the performer

Mystery When one's faith reaches

behind Sacrifice with stage of TK, performer
knowledge is considered more advanced
different than simply sacrificing for
Work Work Work either sacrifices material possessions

either either with Without attainment of

Sacrifice without knowledge, sacrifice
with Body with Mind Intelligence knowledge is remains on the
material platform

Karma Kanda
Sacrifices are Divisions of Furtive
Depending on
ultimately Activities
Sacrificial "Differences in
recommended Consciousness"
Activities Jnana Kanda
to get liberation Knowledge in
from body pursuance of
Summary - Section - E
Verse 4.34 to 4.42
Conclusion -- Summary of Transcendental Knowledge
How to achieve transcendental knowledge
The fruit of transcendental knowledge
Who can successfully achieve transcendental knowledge
The symptoms of one who has successfully applied transcendental knowledge to work
34 How to achieve: To receive transcendental knowledge, approach and surrender to a self-
realized spiritual master with submissive inquiry and service.

35-38 The fruit: After acquiring knowledge one never again falls into illusion, for he knows all
living beings are in Krsna and are part of Him. (35) Transcendental knowledge destroys all
miseries, for it eradicates reactions to all material activities. It is the mature fruit of both
mysticism and devotional service. (36-38)
39-40 Who can achieve: One who has faith can acquire transcendental knowledge one who doubts,

41 The symptoms of success: One successfully working in transcendental knowledge desires no

fruits, has no doubts, is not bound by work, and knows he's an eternal servant of Krsna.

42 Conclusion: Slash with knowledge all doubts born of ignorance. "Arjuna, armed with yoga,
stand and fight."
Transcendental Knowledge
Verse ~ 34
How to Acquire TK? – Approach Bonafied Spiritual Master, Inquire
submissively and render service unto Him.
Bonafied Path Non-Bonafied Path
Lord Krsna Manufacturing Mental
Original Spiritual Master Speculation
one’s own Cannot
Path of Religion is process is the Dry Help One
fashion of Arguments
directly enunciated by Lead to a
Lord foolish Independent Right Path
SB 6.3.19 pretenders study of books
dharmaà tu säkñäd bhagavat-
How to get Path of Spiritual
Spiritual Realization is
Disciplic Succession Understanding? undoubtedly
He does not manufacture
rules against the principles
of the revealed scriptures Satisfaction of How inquiries are
& Never presents anything self-realized Approach Bonafied
not to be found in Vedic spiritual master Spiritual Master in Submission, Service
literature is Secret of Disciplic Succession
Advancement Inquire One must be able to pass
Never claims to be God in Spiritual life the test of the spiritual
Submissively from master, and when he sees
Never contradicts Self Realized Soul the genuine desire of the
Teachings of Shastra’s and disciple, he automatically
Render Menial blesses the disciple with
other Bonafied Sadhus
service unto Self genuine understanding
4 Bonafied Sampradaya’s Realized Soul With Submission and
Brahma, Sri, Kumara, Rudra always ready to render
…Next Page Blind following &
service, the reciprocation of
Absurd Inquiries are knowledge and Inquires
Condemned become perfect

Disciplic Brahma Lakshmi Rudra Kumara Mayavada

Succession Sampradaya Sampradaya Sampradaya Sampradaya Sampradaya

Other Madhva Sampradaya Ramanuja Sampradaya Rudra Sampradaya Nimbarka Sampradaya Smarta
Sri Sampradaya Visnuswami Nimbaditya Sampradaya Sampradaya
Srivaisnava Sampradaya Sampradaya Sanakadi Sampradaya
Vallabha Sampradaya
Acharya’s Madhvacarya, Ramanujacarya Visnusvami, Nimbarka Shankaracarya
Lord Caitanya Vallabhacarya
Commentary Purnaprajna-bhasya Sri-bhasya Sarvajna-bhasya, Parijata-Saurabha- Sariraka-bhasya
On Vedanta Govinda-bhasya Anubhasya bhasya
Tattva Madhvacarya: suddha- Visistadvaita-vada Suddhadvaita-vada Dvaitadvaita-vada Advaita
dvaita-vada (purified (specific monism) (purified monism) (monism and dualism) Kevaladvaita
dualism) (monism)

Lord Caitanya: Acintya-

(inconceivable oneness
and difference)
Four Vaishanava Sampradaya - References
Garga Samhita, Canto 10, chapter 61
Verses 23, 24, 25, 26

vamanas vidih sesah sanako visnu vakyatah

dharmartha hetave caite bhavisyanti dvijah kalau
Lord Brahma Laxmi devi Lord Shiva 4 Kumara’s Vamana, Brahma, Ananta Sesha and Sanaka Kumara will appear as
brahmanas by the order of Visnu, for the preservation of eternal
righteousness in kali yuga.

visnuswami vamanangsastatha madhvastu brahmanah

ramanujastu sesangsa nimbaditya sanakasya ca

Visnuswami, Madhvacarya, Ramanuja and Nimbaditya will appear

respectively as a portion of Vamana, Brahma, Ananta Sesha and
Madhavacharya Ramanujacharya Vishnuswami Nimbarkacharya Sanaka Kumara.

ete kalau yuge bhavyah sampradaya pravartakah

samvatsare vikrama catvarah ksiti pavanah

These four saviours will be the establishers of the four authorised

and empowered spiritual channels of disciplic succession in the
period calculated from the reign of King Vikrama in 54 B.C.
Brahma – Madhava - Gaudiya Sampradaya
subsequently through the 432,000 year cycle of kali yuga.
Isvara Puri, Nityananda Prabhu, Advaitacharya
Lord Caitanya sampradaya vihina ye mantraste nisphalah smritah
Rupa Goswami, Svarupa Damodara, Sanatana Goswami
Raghunatha das Goswami, Jiva Goswami
tasmacca gamanang hyasti sampradaya narairapi
Krsnadasa kaviraj Goswami
Narottama das Thakura These four authorised and empowered spiritual channels of disciplic
Visvanatha Chakravarti Thakura succession are to be fully accepted by all beings; as any word,
Sri Baladeva Vidya Bhushana, Jagannatha das Babaji combination of words or formulation of sound frequencies, invoked
Bhaktivinoda Vinoda Thakura or addressed, audible or inaudible, secret or revealed, ancient or
Gaurakisora das Babaji Maharaj contemporary outside their auspices prove to have absolutely no
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura efficacy.
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada
Qualification of A Bonafied Guru
Teachings Character
*He speaks only of Krsna and matters related to Him (Bg 2.54 +p) *He must be a perfect devotee (PQPA page 27-28)
*He never presents anything not to be found in Vedic literature (Iso *He must be fully in control of the six pushing senses (agents)
13p,1st para) (NOI 1)
*He never contradicts sadhus (saintly persons) or scriptures (sastra) *He strictly practices what he preaches (Bg 3.21 +p)
(Bg 10.3p last para) *He is an "acarya", one who teaches by example (Bg 3.20 +p)
*He does not manufacture rules against the principles of the revealed *because even Krsna Himself acted to set an example (Bg
scriptures (Bg 3.21p/Bg 4.34p) 3.22,23 +p)
*He is able to answer any question on spiritual life without *He is by nature very kind and compassionate to the disciple
hesitation, having understood all Vedic knowledge (Bg 15.19 +p, 3rd and tirelessly instructs him (Bg 4.34p end/Bg 18.72+p)
para/Bg 2.7p 1st para)
*He never says "I am God" (Bg 5.16p)
*He must be a master of the science of Krsna (Bg 2.8p 1st para)

Realization Ability to liberate Others

*He must be fixed in the Absolute Truth (Iso Intro 11th para) *Krsna or His bona fide representative are the only persons
*He must have the symptoms of one on the transcendental platform who can release a conditioned soul from bondage (Bg 7.14p
(Bg 18.51-53 +p, 54 +p 2nd para/Bg 14.22-25 +p, 2nd para/Bg 2.55- 3rd para)
57, 58 +p/Bg 5.20 +p, 21 +p) *The spiritual master knows the nature of his students and is
*He must be 100% Krsna Conscious (Bg 2.8p 1st para) thus able to guide them to act in Krsna Consciousness (Bg 2.41
*He should have attained the platform of uttama adhikari (NOI 5) 3rd para)
*He knows the science of Krsna (Bg 2.8p 1st para) *He can change the materially conditioned nature of a person,
gradually elevating him to the perfectional stage (Bg 17.2p)

Disciplic Succession Activities

*He comes in the disciplic succession (Bg 4.34p) *He is always glorifying Krsna (Bg 9.13 +14)
*And therefore does not deviate from instruction imparted millions *He never tries to imitate the Lord but always follows in His
of years ago (Bg 4.42p last part) footsteps (Bg 3.24p)
*He must have heard the Vedic knowledge from the right source (Iso
Intro 11th para)
*The importance of the disciplic succession ... (Bg 18.75 +p)
Qualification of A Disciple
One must be One must have a firm One must have faith in One must be
awakened to one's respect for the the guru and Krsna submissive (Bg 4.34
position of suffering Supreme Personality of (Bg 6.47p 5th para) +p/Bg Intro page 6-7
in the material world Godhead (Bg Intro or 6 Mac)
and one must desire page 7 or 6)
to find the ultimate
solution (Bg Intro
page 7 or 6)

One must be fully One must be humble

obedient (NOI 4 page (Bg 13.8-12p 5th para)

One must have a One should consider One must respect the One must be anxious
serving mood (Bg the order of the guru guru as God (PQPA to satisfy the guru (Bg
13.8-12p 5th para) as one's prime duty in pages 26-27/Bg 5.16p) 4.34p)
life (Bg 18.67p, last 2 One must serve the
lines/Bg 2.41p 3rd other disciples of
para/Bg 2.53p last one's guru.
line/Bg 3.35p 1st part)
Srila Prabhupada’s
Unique Position as
Founder Acharya

Present Message of Lord

No political intension Krsna WITHOUT ANY
in preaching or for ALTERATIONS
name & fame.

Preacher’s Job is
Beware of Ritvik present the
Philosophy and Message of Lord
Impersonalism Krsna. Connect
Bhakta to Lord
Promoting Your Guru

Respect every Bonafied Never conceal devotees

disciple of SP and from mixing with other
senior preacher’s, as devotees for ulterior
You Respect Your motive. Allow them to
Diksha Guru hear other’s opinions.
How to take shelter under A Bonafied Spiritual Master?
Acting on Incorrect
correct Understanding
Understanding (Do Not Take Initiation
on the basis of

Come to Complete With this mind

correct set, Serve them
Understanding that with sincerity Force from any
All the Bonafied whenever You Devotee or any
Disciple of Srila get an Teacher
Prabhupada are opportunity Based on
Uniquely great in Friendship
their own aspect When You Based on
sincerely Relationship
Srila Prabhupada Serve the
Each of them reflect Some Devotee
is our Founder Pure
unique qualities of favoring You in
Acharya devotees,
Srila Prabhupada different ways
Krsna within
Your heart Siksha Guru's
Srila Prabhupada will reveal Initiating SP, b/c
is representing a Each of them is He/She has helped
Bonafied DS capable to take You You.
Back to Godhead Sincere Student
Accessibility of A
Spiritual Master
Acts on correct
Each of them Understanding Peer Pressure
Mission of Srila
carrying out the (All my friends are getting
Mission of SP initiated)

Courtesy : Nritya Gauranga Prabhu Good Disciple Good Preacher

Result of Acting based on Incorrect Understanding
Gradual Disintegration of ISKCON
Purpose of ISKCON ISKCON is Philosophically Very Strong, Only thing that can
DESTROY US, is Disharmony Amongst Ourselves.

Competing with
Instead of devotees to make
disciples instead Other people
Krsna being might follow
of delivering
center, we what we are
pure message
become center doing
Do You want to be part of this???

All Kind of Disrespect,

politics & Disunity,
cheating to Uncomfortable
maintain power talking to each
or for personal other etc. etc.
Represent the Training the glories
Message of Lord devotees to
Krsna in Disciplic Practice Pure By Acting in such a
Succession Devotional Service way we will be
displeasing entire
Go Back Home Parampara &
Jeopardizing their
Back to Godhead hard work.
Transcendental Knowledge
Verse ~ 35
Result of obtaining TK – Never remain in Illusion, See living entities as parts of Lord.
What does What is the entire
What is How
liberation / teaching of the
Maya? Mayavadi
freedom from Bhagavad-Gita
Ma-Not, Ya- This Thinks? targeted towards?
illusion mean?

Sense of an Thinks that we Liberation means to be

have nothing to do Wrongly think Living entity is
existence separate situated in one's
with Krishna, who that Krishna loses
from Krishna is is just a great His own separate
constitutional position as an eternal
an eternal servitor of servitor
called Maya historical existence in His
personality & many expansions, Cannot be
Absolute is only SB 2.10.6
This thought is separated from
the Impersonal muktir hitvänyathä-rüpaà
Example of material in nature
Brahman svarüpeëa vyavasthitiù. Krishna at any
one in Maya time
Impersonal Failure of How to get Any sense of
Brahman is the Mayavadis to such Pure identify apart
Arjuna’s thoughts effulgence of understand the from Krishna is
of temporary Knowledge?
Krishna meaning of the Maya
bodily conception (Ref BG 4.27) Absolute.
Krishna is the understanding is Only from bona-fide What is the level
cause of all that, when a thing Spiritual Master of perfect
To think
Come under causes, even the is fragmentally Knowledge?
bodily cause of distributed, it loses Result Supreme soul
conception millions of its own original One learns, All living
from Krishna, is the
& recognize incarnations identity. entities are parts &
with bodily and all the supreme shelter
But “Absolute parcels of Supreme
under living entities of all living
relationships Truth” means: Personality of
illusion (Ref. BS 5.1) ‘1+1=1’and ‘1-1=1’ beings
Transcendental Knowledge
Verse ~ 36
Even most sinful of all sinners, when situated in the boat of transcendental
knowledge, will be able to cross over the Ocean of Miseries
Transcendental Knowledge - Boat

Spiritual World
Directly from Krsna

Material World

of one's
position in
relationship to

Material World
Only TK (Boat) Ocean of Severe Ocean Forest Fire
can lift one from nescience struggle for
the struggle for
existence which
(Ignorance) existence
goes on in the Even an expert
ocean of nescience swimmer cannot swim across the
ocean but has to be lifted out of the
ocean by a suitable boat
Stages of Reaction Transcendental Knowledge
Padma Puräëa:
aprärabdha-phalaà päpaà
37 Verse ~ 37
küöaà béjaà phalonmukham
Avidya krameëaiva praléyeta
viñëu-bhakti-ratätmanäm By that knowledge of Self & Supersoul and their
For those who are engaged in the relationship, one burns all sinful reactions
devotional service of the Supreme
Personality of Godhead, all sinful
reactions, whether fructified, in the stock,
or in the form of a seed, gradually vanish. Burns up Fire of Knowledge (TK)
Bija reactions
Sinful desires to Material
Cycle of
Kutam Appearance Papam Types of
Sinful of Desire Sinful Reactions
disposition actions
and it’s
Reactions Transcendental
Pious Impious Knowledge
Aprarabdha (Dutiful acts) (Sinful acts)
Unmanifest Compared to
Priori Posteriori
From the From the
Prarabdha Earlier Later

Manifest 4 Stages of Reaction

reaction Reaction in Reaction
making fructifying
Reaction a
Sufferings achieved
Transcendental Knowledge
Verse ~ 38
Transcendental Knowledge - Sublime and Pure, is the mature fruit of all Mysticism
Ignorance is Transcendental
cause of Knowledge
Bondage Spiritual Understanding

Mature fruit of Sublime & Leads one to

all mysticism Pure Liberation

Person engaged in DS, Mature Fruit

38 enjoys peace within
himself Devotional
Such a Person does not
look for peace

Last word in Bhagavad Gita

Culminates Krishna
in Consciousness
Transcendental Knowledge
Verse ~ 39
Who can acquire transcendental knowledge? The faithful, with dedication and sense control

One who thinks that simply by
acting in Krishna consciousness, How to Who can easily
one can attain the highest attain perfection
perfection attain in the Knowledge
Faith? of KC without

One who
Performing One who is
Chanting has control
Devotional faithful to
Hare Krsna over the
Service Krsna

Cleanses Material
Dirt from the
CC Mad 22.62 Heart
’çraddhä’-çabde—viçväsa kahe sudåòha niçcaya
kåñëe bhakti kaile sarva-karma kåta haya

“Çraddhä is confident, firm faith that by rendering

transcendental loving service to Kåñëa one automatically
performs all subsidiary activities. Such faith is favorable to
the discharge of devotional service.
Srimad Bhagavad Gita Transcendental Knowledge
Verse ~ 40-41
Faithless cannot attain the Perfection of God Consciousness, No
sinful reactions can affect one who performs his duties with TK
40 Worst
Different Those who have no
Solution categories of faith and is always
to Success disqualified people doubtful, make no
progress at all

Follow the principles of

revealed scriptures with Persons who are almost like
faith and rise to the animals have no faith or
platform of knowledge knowledge of standard
revealed scriptures
Only this knowledge
Best of all Standard & will promote one to the
Even if they have knowledge,
Authoritative Revealed Scriptures transcendental platform
or can sight passages from,
of spiritual
understanding the revealed scriptures, have
Result of 41 Result of
actually no faith
following Action in full Follow in the footsteps
instruction of Krishna of great acharyas who
are in the parampara Even if they may have faith in
Bhagavad-Gita consciousness and attain success scriptures, they do not believe
in, or worship the SPOG
He is well
established in self-
One becomes free
from all doubts by
the grace of He is undoubtedly
Transcendental above the bondage to
Knowledge action
Such sacrifice, if not Transcendental Knowledge
dovetailed for
spiritual realisation, Verse ~ 42
then such sacrifice
becomes material Lord Krsna : Slash Ignorance by the weapon of Knowledge, Armed with Yoga, Fight
Who can One who follows the
understand these path of Bhagavad-
Sacrifice of one's
Chapter 4 two divisions of Gita AS IT IS
material possessions Two Divisions Sanatana-yoga spiritual activity?
Under a bona-fide
Sacrificial Refers to the spiritual master, with
eternal activities service and surrender
performed by the Follow the path as
Knowledge of the self, How to Study
which is pure spiritual living entities expressed in the
Bhagavad-Gita? Bhagavad-Gita itself
activity to perform a
sacrifice with a spiritual Beware of self-interested
objective is the perfect
sacrifice 42 people after personal
Such a person can easily
understand the
transcendental activities
of the Lord as discussed
By different in the beginning of this
How to chapter
types of Spiritual
sacrifices Activity One who does not
BG 4.25-29 KC? Benefit of such understand Bhagavad-
understanding? gita is faithless and is
misusing his fragmental
Two Divisions independence
Regulated How to remove In spite of such
Action based Truth
Common basis regarding the ignorance? instruction one who does
of all sacrifices on Self Understanding’s not understand the real
Realization Supreme nature of the Lord is a
of one's own self By gradual
Personality of fool number one
Godhead acceptance of the
One who seeks principles of KC
Real student of that objective
Bhagavad-Gita of Self- Who is liberated from the very beginning of the study of Bhagavad-Gita?
Realization One who understands Lord as the Supreme Person and His activities as Transcendental
Summary of different aspects of Transcendental Knowledge
Transcendental Knowledge Transcendental
Verse 34~40 Knowledge

How to achieve Who is Qualification of Glories / Fruits of

Knowledge? disqualified for Guru Transcendental
4.34 & 4.39 Knowledge? 4.40 4.34 Knowledge 4.35-38
What is the result
Submissive of that Knowledge?
surrender to Guru, Ignorant 4.35
No absurd Inquiries Self-realized

Relevant inquiries, Goal Tattva-darsinah One sees as follows

No blind following Is to please Faithless Has seen the All living entities
Guru truth are part and parcel
Service, without of Krishna
false prestige, in Can impart
menial mood Doubting Soul knowledge unto Any sense of
you identity apart from
Krishna is Maya
4.39 By that knowledge of self By that knowledge
and Supersoul and their he will never fall
How? into illusion
Control Senses By Regulation & relationship, one burns
4.39 by Intelligence all sinful reactions 4.37)
(from Guru, By that knowledge you
Sadhu & Sastra) will cross over the ocean
Self-Realization-mature of miseries, even if you
Courtesy : fruit of devotional are the most sinful of all
service (4.38) sinners (4.36)
Gauranga Priya Das
Transcendental Knowledge
Chapter Summary
Kåñëa Armed with
Lord Krsna commands
Arjuna to
Conclusion destroy His
doubts by
Knowledge Stand and
Knowledge Fight
Krsna describes
Lord Krsna appearance Krsna
Krsna different types of
and activities reciprocates Krsna creates
explains the sacrifice
are Transcendental according to Varnasrama
intricacies of recommended in
degree or System
action Vedas that
culminates into TK.
Krsna Reasons of
remembers His
Everyone Krsna creates the How learned Kåñëa reveals process for
about All appearance
ultimately Varnasrama Man in Full attaining TK - By
past, while approaching a self-realized
Deliver the surrenders to system according knowledge acts
Arjuna guru (with submission,
Pious Krsna, for it is to the modes. He and is unaffected
Forgets service and humble
Krsna who awards is beyond the by the reactions
Annihilate fruits of work system of work? inquiries)
Karma does
not apply Ultimate knowledge is that
Reestablish Renounces self
Krsna All liberated souls act without becoming all Jévas are part of Kåñëa
dharma interested actions,
entangled, knowing Krsna gives result and acts only for the TK destroys karmic
Krsna’s Prime Purpose creator of Varnasrama Supreme, Giving
Satisfy His reactions and brings
body is not up all sense of attainment of “The
material. proprietorship, Supreme Spiritual Peace".
acting only for the Faithless, however, attain
Arjuna should therefore, perform his duty
One who understands do bare necessities of neither happiness nor God
and fight for Krsna, but with detachment life
not take birth again. consciousness.
Summary – Chapter 4
Here for the first time in the Bhagavad-gita, Lord Krsna clearly distinguishes Himself from ordinary souls by
saying that while He remembers past appearances, Arjuna has forgotten them. And unlike ordinary souls,
karma does not impose birth and death on Lord Krsna; He appears for His own reasons which are to deliver the
pious, to annihilate the miscreants and to reestablish dharma, or religious principles, One who understands the
transcendental nature of His appearance and activities attains liberation. Those who take refuge in Him are
purified by such knowledge and achieve love for Him.

Kåñëa reciprocates with the jévas in accordance with their degree of surrender unto Him. Everyone ultimately
surrenders to Krsna, for it is Krsna who awards fruits of work. Although Krsna creates the Varnasrama system
according to the modes, He is beyond the system. Knowing Krsna as the awarder of the results of all work and
as the transcendental creator of Varnasrama, all liberated souls act without becoming entangled. Arjuna should
perform his duty and fight for Krsna, but with detachment.

Kåñëa again explains the intricacies of action and how, by being situated in transcendental knowledge, one
becomes free from karmic reactions. The learned man, in full knowledge (that his self is spiritual and
subordinate to the Supreme) renounces self-interested actions and acts only for the Supreme. Giving up all
sense of proprietorship over his possessions and acting only for the bare necessities of life, he is unaffected by
the reactions of work.

Kåñëa describes different types of sacrifice recommended in the Vedas and states that they all culminate in
transcendental knowledge. He then reveals the process for attaining transcendental knowledge ie. by
approaching a self-realized guru (with submission, service and humble inquiries), and He explains what that
ultimate knowledge is that all jévas are part of Kåñëa. Transcendental knowledge destroys karmic reactions and
brings attainment of "the supreme spiritual peace". Those without faith in transcendental knowledge, however,
attain neither happiness nor God consciousness. In conclusion, Kåñëa commands Arjuna to destroy his doubts
by spiritual knowledge: "Armed with yoga," he tells Arjuna, "stand and fight."
Compiled by Amritananda das, Seattle email :
End of
Bhagavad Gita - 4

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