The Birth of Ecological Archaeology in D

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List of contents Preface Eulitorial Introduction co the Papers Anders Fischer 12. The Birth of Beologieal Archaeology in Denmark Kristian Kristiansen 3, ‘The Discovery of Kitehen Middens from the Stone Age LuLS. Steenstrap, G. Forchhammer and L.A. Worsaae 4. Concerning a New Division ofthe Stone and Bronze Ages JIA, Worsaae 5. On Professor Worsaae’s Division ofthe Stone Age Jedapetus . Steensirap 6. Kitchen Middens from the Danish Stone Age IS Mille, C. Neergaard, C.G-J. Petersen. E. Rostrp and i. Winge 7. Means of Calculating the Time of Accumulation of Kitchen Middens CG. Johames Petersen 8, Early Neoithie Pottery from Bogs Cx. Becker 9. ‘The Influence of Prehistoric Man on Vegetation loharnes Iversen 10, Ecteboile Culture Farmer Culture: ten years’ excavations inthe Amose J. Troels-Smith 11, The Early Neolithe Settlement at Store Valby, West Zealand “I Beekor 12, Ivy Mistletoe and Elm. J. Troel-Smith 13, Stone Age Man's Transformation and Exploitation of the Primeval Forest Johannes Iversen 14, The Relationship between the Southern Seandinavian Funnel Beaker and the Ertebolle Culture Jorgen Skaarup 15, “The Transition from the Barly ¢o the Late Stone Age Soren H. Andersen 16, The Tatroduction of Cereals and Cattle into Southern Sea Anders Fischer 17, High Atlantic Food Gathering in Northwestern Zealand Carsten Pala Miller 18. The Laziness of the Short-Distance Hunter eter Rowley-Camy 19, Population Plasticity in Stone Age Denmark Pia Bennie and Verner Alexandersen 120, The Ertebolle Culture and Neolithic continental Europe Lt Klassen 21, Coastal Farmers —the Neolithisation of northernmost Germany ‘Sonke Harte, Dirk Heinrich and Harald Libke 122, Food for Feasting? Anders Fischer Index imate Indicators ~ Fodder Plants 3 43 37 ® a 89 103 7 us 16s 195 am 219 a1 2a m 289 303 19 a 395 ‘scr and Kristiansen (ede) 2002: The Neoluhisation of Denmark Introduction to Chapter 2: Kristiansen vee Science fn ation: The Deparzent of Nana Seiences ofthe Dans Nationa! Museum, Mareh 258 1957 Tre Rim the archives ofthe Deparment of Nawal Sciences, photographer unknown. When the National Museum in Copenhagen stashed a separate natural scinos depart ‘ent in 1956, tsi photo ws taken to Htostrate the effeesve scientific atmosphere of the department. The three pollen, botanists free aed p with microscopes ad in white Tab dtess From left to rigt Jorgen Toes- Sith, Svend Jorgensen and Beot Preis “The mail adress ofthe autor of Chapter 2, professor, Dr, Pil Krista Krstansen (born 198): Gatcorg University, Department of Archacology, Olaf Wigan 6, Krisian Krisianser and Anders Fischer 2. The Birth of Ecological Archacology in Denmark: history and research environments 1850-2000 Kristian Kristiansen Introduction “The formation ofthe archacological, geolog- icaland biological scence daring the 199 ce {ary as par ofthe bith of modern times and pew perception of history and. scence {onmin and Goodteld 1966, Grayson 1983) he bistorcal sequence covered by the fetected articles in this Book begins wih this Fonmiive prod, which was followed by the formation and acparton of knowledge ito Specialist dsiplins andthe rise of scenic [Mnguage. tis ls characterised by periods of Inte, systematic fterdsepinry research {hat moved the mtr of knowledge Fords, followed by longer periods of Hing in and ‘Sonslidation, of even standing il “The research history behind the articles increfore offers an opportunity to study the Sociology of researc othe establishment and maintenance of selentfe authority the ‘dynamics of iterdissplinary research environ ‘Bont inthe eveation of ew knowledge versus the more closed archaeological research envi- ronments inthe consolidation of knowledge ‘We re ab to ee some ofthe constituting Taco in sch processes as wells some ofthe ‘storia eguerties they eet inthe forte tion of scenic knowledge Tshll ace some ptthes elements inte following pages, and in {he conclesion T shal make ay Aempt & ‘xtoeting their undelying historical cegai- 1849-1869. The First Kitchen Midden Commission and the constitution of archaeology Iti well knowa to atchaclogists that dis tance in time creates ditanes to understanding {To wanseend that borderline of otherness feoveen now and then is afterall, what trchncology is about Tt is ess well acoepted that he history of archaeology iets by now fo long hat also demands contexts iner- ‘retains (Giatateon 1999), reflected in a Fevvel of the bibliographic geare (Nonbladh 1995; Baud 1998 Gilbeas 1998), and in titerative histories, gone (Diaz-Andreo fd Sorensen 1998), A few texts from the ‘hildhood of archacology, however, stand out by peaking direst to us in a es and intel ble manner, Among tes Irate some of he Ely tents by. Worse, a8 exemplified by (Chaper#in his volume. “The reason why certain texts appear ‘an quarian” and other “modem” is of course Tnked tothe fact that te ater ntoduced 3 how way of thinking and wating that stil th sy whereas the antigua texts belo © Shoutdated way of tinking, The later may be ftsinting oe and they nay wel have had feat historical sigaifisnce, ot be important fr understanding the Historical epoch {Gehnapp 1996, Jensen 1998, but they belong {oa diferent siete cosmeiogy. That ithe ase of most erly 19 conta sting om his toy, einography and ectaclogy, including ‘Sven. Niscon’s importa chnographic! Sehocologcal work onthe evolution of human Soci rom 43 (Sejemgust1983;, Hepat 1996) and C.). Those’ technological dive sion ino Stone, Bronze and Won Age ftom 1837 Paasayya 1998; Sorensen 1999). They ae theoretically and empiilly outdated bt they pve the way for wha wast follow ~ the development of new meindaogial rinei- Dies of tneralin and rewoning in grloes Zoology and scacology thal coasted them 3S scientfe disciplines, mest of which bap= peed during the decade 1850-1860, ‘Wil this itrical poses has been given a fl tretnent a far a8 England and France is Concerned, mos econ by Orayson (198), the parallel Danish contributions have mainly ban presented in ealier Denis publications, Sich as Cl Peterien's (1988 bok onthe pei: ‘88 1776-1865, or Svestad's 11995) book onthe femtion of archaeological knowledge, both most anknow outside Scandinavia akhough Glyn Daniel (1967 and. 1975) in his books feferred quite extensively to the works of ‘Thomsen and Woraae. We shall therefore esate some of thi research history, forming the buckround to the mater in Chapters 3-8, The Neolhsation of Denmark Figure 21, The main charactors in he first Kitchen Midden Commision. photographed around 1870. To the left Jens Jacob Asmussen Worvase (1820-1885), he bile’ archaeologist: tothe Pederson 1988 and which demonstrates the close connections that existed between the archacologiss i France, England sn Denna “Two sequences of events bocme dtrminant for inducing the new age of resoning and knowledge in archaeology, both linked to the name of 3.8. Worsae(Fig2.1, le). The fist ‘wat the young Worst eit rela ofthe tse of historia mth o explain archaeological ‘monument and relict, which had been domi fant unt thee, aad which ad prohibited the evelopment of archaeology aan independent Slonpines In 1842 Worse publ Tig of the imerpreaton of a bog body found some yer eri as an historical person fom, the sagas~ “Queen Gunhilde™ He serutnised te evidence, and made comparzons vith other sla fads, concluding tht tis was the out ‘ome of common tein he Ion Ages the ‘madieal perio, sa way of punishing people as we now know a correct conelasion His most spectacular atk on historians’ uncial use of archaeology was, however, his devastating eiique of a fous intepration of so-aled runic inscription on a rock in Blekinge in Sweden, called Runsmno, which tad been published in &750-page book by the historian Finn Magnusen in 1841,” Although debated, twas not until Worse cared out Scientific documentation ofthe rock, inching eas that he could demonstrate tht previous ‘ight, the original and wide-ranging zoologist. Japon S.Scensinap (18131897). fer ravings wore adapted to ook lie ues. By comparison with ober similar gelogcal phe homens, be could demonstrate at Ranaino ‘was a perfectly nomal geologic phenome. ‘on. Ths, the whole reading was bie on an ition. ‘The eigue was publi in smal booklet in 1844, and eested healing inthe academic establishment However, Warsae's Satie aim was made clear whan he wrote “Admit, in this case the magination, which ideo payed far to geal olin te stl of the pas, seems to have reached ie Deak. Fea stmlar mstakes sence wl ‘ow undoubtedly Team fo adopt anor xl titde so the atempted reading of Runa, father than arming science, may exerise & highly beneficial influence’ over ste fiture evelopment” (translated fron Peteren W3et10), “This prophecy was fulfilled ring the period 1850-1860. "Having relegated hiria myth from the sepetoire of archaeological intrpre- latin. g new set of methodologe! pring had fo be invodaced to replace the writen sources. ‘That became the new diacovered ‘ssological pncpls of satrap, hich, in ‘Combination with zoology, ere applied’ to chacological felgwork T have chosen the year 1849 t deine the Intemational beginning of archaesogy as an independest dsspine, In that year both “Thomsen and Worsue'sboks about archaco- logy sppeated in English for a wider reader- Shipvandeeceived much atentin. At the same Time the archacologial excavation began of ‘mounds of sells n Denmark, which proved 1 te man-made eine filed ih tools and relics fiom a hitheno unknown Stone Age of fishing fd bunting, ‘The Danish word okkemmoed dng (sitchen iden) was applied to deserve ‘hom, and entered the interatonal archaeo- logis vocabulary. The kitchen iden examination was the fist, systematically planned nterdsciplinary exca- ‘ation project in archeology nd i was apid- Iy published in reports by the project leaders, ‘The interdiaciplinary commision consisted of the zoologitStenstup (Fig21, righ), the fsologst Forchamer and the archaologst ‘Worse, Thad been formed in 1848 by the Danish Academy of Science and Ltrs, a 3 ‘sul of Stenstrp's zoologieal excavations of ound of oyster shell, whic be presented in Tee using their evidence in 2 discussion of land upheaval Ths waka peiod of inte plinary optimism and openness. ‘Thus, he year before, 847, the famous physicist HLC. (rst had proposed that an interdsepinary ‘Commitee of archaeologist ad natural sien fists fom the ‘Nordic counties. shouldbe formed. Instead the Danish commit was founded and could soon septs fst esl ‘Onginally it ws eae the Lee Commitee snd i was aly late, in retrospect, hat twas ed the Pir Kitehen Midden Commission’ ‘Soon after, a dispute aroa between Worane and Stcenstrp (Fip21) a the interpretation fhe results Tis intresting to noe the pin- ‘nal difference inthe arguments: Steenstup Innitained. an" coonomictunetiona explans fon, which is fully logical and in harmony ‘with an eealogiel approach, whereas Worsae, Fefering to Thomsen's work, sessed techno. Togialevoltion and comparative cases in Europe, Worsate was sight and Steeasiup ‘wrong. but te evidnce avaiable at the time trae ot cleat However, Worsiae'sarchaco- Togiet! knowledge and vison was of higher fonder than Stenstp's, ad bis fina ema fon the change in world view which followed ftom these results domoustrate hat (see (Chapter 4 his volume). "The decade 1850-1860 thus revolutionised the clasial, biblical perceptions of the ‘niquity of Mian, and lad the fousations not ‘only forte modera word view, but also for its ‘iene based foundations in geology, 200l0gy Sd archaeology. I was a long proces of pio- Doering Works during the T850s and 1840s, Krisnsen: The Birth of Ecological Archaeology long met with traditional scepticism, which calminated ding the 18804 and 18605 ih tase publications by Chales Darwin (The Origin of Species, 1855) md Charles Lyell (the Geological Buidence & the Antiquity of ‘Man, 1863) in England, ued Laren Boucher de Peres in France (basi aces snd books in 1839-1861, see excerpts in Danie! 1967, chapter 3) ind Worsaae and ‘Steenstup io Denmark (Several articles and reports (fom the socalled Kitchen Midden Commission between 1848-1860, the most ‘rnportnt rans and rept here) "Fosse works had several hings in common: they were all based upoa feld investigations fd carefully documented observains, includ ing principles of stratgrophy, find coment and typological change, which atablshed a new [teaie practice tht all wiped ot a tinal soeptcsm (Grayson IPSS, igure 6.710 169), They were based spon iiedseplinary ‘work, which was o remain dominant Feature In archaeological practice unl ths day. Thus these ground-breaking wor esublished the baste methodological principles of archaeo- Inga exewvaton and Observation, andthe ws ofthe natal sence. "The resus were immedstely appliod and discussed in both Barope nthe Usted States {Girayoon 1983), ‘This was ta high degree due to sclntfe nonwork link the main set oth Lartet and Boocher de Petes refer in their works fo the Denist Kitchen Mien {Commission's fist rauts om 1881 35 sup- poring evidence, and Worse sted Boucher Ee Perio in Abbeville We know his travel Ting route fom a eter fom Prosper Merinée to Worse tom Desembe 288 1881, where he proposes tor fom Pais to Tours, fom “Tous fo Saumur and on to Vannes Via Nantes. Then follows asses of suggestions far sites to visit, mega in Britany, ete. Worsaae ‘hicklypublsed the results oF his journey ina {epotothe Academy of Sciences and Lets in 1852, and Merino alo refered extensively 1 Wore inhi later works, "Worse also refered to fot the French nd english raul in is 185) arile peated here as Chapter 4, noting that it i a strange incidence that only afew months after my few division ofthe Stone Age, dscassd in this Academy, entirely independent observe tions have heen mie in Fgland and France, ‘which are inslmost verbatim agreement with the reasons given hee foray proposed dsine- tion berween an early and late Stone Age’ His reaulty were widely appreciated. in England, where his anaer to Steensrup's = The Neolihsation of Denmark tig (Chapter 5), an article from 1862 on 2 ‘new division ofthe Stone Age, was repriate i except in The Gendoman’ Magacine fom May 1862. nan ace called “On an caer and Inet period in the Stone Age’, Professor George Stephens commented oni He bes 'No one has Tabouted more ssiuoysly ed pationtly inthe due discrimination of the sver= Al schools and stylet of our national, and European’ remains than Professor J.J ‘Worst. One o his test des, ot to i= overt, sth the large class of objects, snd the long pevod they cover, usually called the ‘Stone Age, must undergo the se tment a the Iron aad Bronze periods, at be divided into two. This us, of cour, met with oppo tion. Especially Professor Stcenstup has given the weight of his authority gaint Profesor Worsane therefore reams to the subjects and has jst printod, in the Trensactons of the Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters. most valuable paper on tes stone antiquities. “Though not yet published, copies ae now in {he hands of siete men, and 2 werd or two respecting it cannot but be weleome, Professor Worsaae opens the ditession withthe fllow- ing clear and instuctive observiion: "In Denmack, archcology continually gous futher and futher back, om tie called historic fo terior and dim ages. Whee, about thirty ears ago, efforts were made forthe fist time fo bring some order ino this mast of rnains and graves by dividing them info peciods of ‘Stone and Bronze ad ton, and it began tbe ‘apparent thatthe farthest and lest heathen tage must be of long duration and presto many veces loudly protested. 1 wa imposs ‘le, people sai, for this divishn to be tue ‘The vaclous antiguies Which cow up were merely derived ffm varius class, frm rich ‘nd poor, the objects themselver being neatly Sentemporaneous. The ual postulates of “wistory” would oerwise be in pest danger. ‘But what was “impossible” toot place. The shove arrngemeat of periods sis acknow ‘ged and became universal, fo achaclo. ts of weight now doubting is somecnes This thetorical constuction: but what was impossible tok ple’, was then repeated for ‘oth the Bronze and Irom Age, url plied on Figure 22. Te International Archaeology Mecting in 1869, taken on the Selager Khe. ‘midden in northern Zealand ding the excursion Each pariipan apparels reeled the ‘photograph and his one from an untnowm Danish member of he gro, assigned 9 ey of "he partcjpants. Worse isting om the midden othe lef wearing ap he, eee. Pe iS OR NY ae eee Kristiansen: The Birth of Ecological Archaeology the Stone Age: Worsese was « master of 1885-1900. The Second Kitchen cmd ee inn of Midden Commision and he Theor le ti trotoningbe consolidation of archaeslOgy areal rt inthe unto, Worone's inte cette bre aban Tete mac uring thai fe work stan Noelle eceches 8 Ic Tyetens comme den, ands Sue ate rpms cates de Serle pede eclogite i 1861 em ces we) eeces Morel, # BS cael, va 15, re ae mums Sree Senay ad Waren Work we ork af he Kitchen. Midden Patents the aplied Danish ca etkomorng i tc OP HEE ae ted. "mas en Dane ee pe de othomoetng, iene. Bees ae Caine (One bs. payed 8 ‘Deis ane Bodkemmondng, Healy chen Mion (ay wasabon) Tey rhage mere ta wt co Sn eve ely th he ne¥ Sra of tampa, sea boas Sd trader the Iso ete wa Tend meng um ie ‘imal carlo songs that heed and the fob pew res, ent seer detent of acecogeal nett ecole! ection 25) reset apt, tn 1809 the meine (ee Copebingen Here he ithen men a rt enn sand was ste an Seer ts then of he pean 2 a Se emilee (Fn22) THE iat cand wehacoogcal paren oF ae ics was mw wel met, ‘eee ab he wont of Lares, Dari od Some Waa was snes ning Stein Eup acoetoy tne ema, power, national queasy mine dessins (We {955° Aa Seo oon revival and nation {Sonxion ha beg it ope, a wih at thet of astnclogy sso pally change, ie rss and ener goss (Fila reon wath est prance han revo (ager 19; Camp and Han Eerie Sy into R26) Sosyueny new). 2geneaion pased Soetoro the Lien mans and Beet oe Stoe Age wa kee ‘gui in Denmark, and now for very different During the ltr part of the 19% centry achacology was consolidated as x sintifc ‘Gouipline in town righ, whit own st fone museums, pubieaons ete. Worsae ad {ios in 1885, but ne developments headed by ‘Oscar Monel in Swescn and Sopbus Mallet SiDeama had seta new agents: one of sit ‘apie dovurentton ad erring of ae Fea stes and moniments. While Montetius ‘Morte his way trough the Bronze ad ron Dav cultes of Europe (Monts 193), after feng entalished the Nordic Sronze Age and {he method of typology in 1835, Moller eon PEueued on developing, Danish prchistory ‘fibogh system excavation campaigns and (Nliasons of material, New methodol undards, were. established for excavation (Gublihed in 1897), ad the Single Grave Cuiteein sland was cubeequenty discovered ‘trough e ge excavation campaign. Worsnae fh started he sjstemtic surveying of mont ‘peat and sites 1875, which Miller speeded ‘and fhe ysteratisod A major symhess ‘SPDanishpretistry by Mole: conluded these Sitievements in 1897 (Geman tansltion awe 198 century arctneology hadbeen coisa as ¢ siete discipline wit, 2 ‘Seitdstined repertoire of methods and techy Tague, inlading publication. Mollers Ond- Ming af Danmarks Oldsager (Ordering of ‘amish Antigen) i. sever volumes fom TSBe S98, signalled dhs ew order, where ‘Nenbing had it place chronologically and Gilly, These books became standard refer Shee work for Iter arcavologist' descrp- ions ia museum ledges for the following foverations (when describing ap objest,one ‘Spically wed the pase: “ike ‘Ordning” no. BPicnd so", saving weting. and spe). Monographs ‘cownod sucessful excavation “tapas and research, andthe, National ‘Muar was te inetitonal fumework tht orto and processed the materi, according Te defined rules of recording conservation and Morng inte by Thoms, but refined and ‘Sevloped farther under Worsage and Mallet ‘sito Miller an his co-workers had estab fed new and sete methodological teria ve Sewaion, elsificaien and, publication han prviosiy practised ander Worse, he Rinilerd Worsaae as the great founding Phe Neoihsatin of Denmark igure 23. The Second Kitchen Midien Conenistion nicely organised around a bural at he Amelie mien at Mariage ford in Jutland” From lf to right the geologist KV Sens. the archaeologist AP Mase sting), C.Neergaard (hing the organiser Spas Males the oolgist CGA. Petersen (apctale in molluscs) and Ht Wing fhe oteoogin). To he rig i ‘he Botanist B:Rosrup. After Kind Jenaen 1974 father of modem archaeology, expressed in his feel epy in 189, nthe Danish Aerbger obituary (Maller 1886), {for Nordisk Oldbndiged ents ‘About te In ti aew centralised iscipinary universe Divan ofthe Nord Stone Age (ny transla. there was less room for amateurs, weer they ton). Soon after the ‘well not amateur were private or lnked to local museums. This arcaeologit tnd vicar Ludvig. Zick pub> Yeas in some opposition to the preceding lshelalite book, Sewaderstudier Stone tee Re Aci SE See ‘ram riage ete 30 sry lh = See ere Ss foiesreere Seals mae Bibliography Aste fr nd Oye 188, Cision “es ann tor“ Ania, S975 Orepngn se lege pvc Inf Sma ond Mak {872644 ete ome) ‘Aden SH D9, Ron nda ‘she cso vty secs pec. Joa of anh choy 8a win S103" Dna sti ao ‘tag othe Lifer nah and Sal Ben chet 8 56 wien Sian men Et Eee aed. Joa of anh chlgy $311 Aden ALC al ae) 19K. The hpi ar" Gore Sie Akela Sor Ne steeds Ul ofc adie ego So haiorearett, oto SEstaarai tc ear te ERNE (Gir to tame end 8s Baya Stina: "sm pone al open sect Soke on tet oor Eh 1h, Pte an, a Si Binedansln Bede ous. ‘Bini 8 se Bid LR Co) New Pope Arcsin Cag, Abie ‘int bi Baw ret i) ih “one as nti cage ‘tc fg Cavers rea cts od) ST Les Pl Anthro Tc pts en (00 1 Bt 86) Begone dt ede: sah oy tema nrc om ag ‘Sep Uap PD, Uso one Comp Et nnn) 19% te on Thine: tne med det Ant OW Sen Seater one ca Doran Cnn trigesan, A-)185 Troag Aha? "Fa hsp fect (sew Sa i aa Ce dig HS oe iby i be See {ei tit Sasa al 6B Te nga Goeth “ich Hamer rags oak ui SW re ile, tan a6 tna fc ofS ea ee shy gS Ee a an Sa en, Modeling scant TS en a High hack poate rote ean te ‘arog meas aera. Forside natnre Ser TOTS. Facet A199. Soe Age Amon: rine inti pened he ing Co (he td Scanlan ee) 45 9 ch Saree ke lr Cater A 198: Bap in tion ace. og IA: Andnon ea a) (R24 30 cnt tie). Fra Taner Came SoM ean, DR 98 The Ef Hama “ny Neon Acne re ristansen: The Birth of Beological Archaeology Gea, 1980, Broun tot md fr 1982, ay apa dr: mation ‘essences een lcm Sig Sa ‘rt 196 Pally alana coy: ary enter, Ke Dn prot en ato ock ‘homme attca) oes See Ci he ga ae atta B98, Te bof Proc eee ‘or es eve ale ee en ch Oe fuera eres 0. wen an eon 940-1, ‘ine Kew conyers, OF Sed Kar 1908 ‘Me pen” Cre ees ag “rig Haran Sosa, Spt a man, 143 Peeing wah Oe Nee ‘Onion A i Kao, ce) 199. Giger och "Fn Dra ea morte nr ‘eg fi or each in Eg Nise on — ace McA 20, innit de Medan dK 161, Bada: nite ow mee Ls eine ‘Seeger ener jie ented seg cust aj ed ura oe cous anpaoge dcr pce edger Lmao ee) 183 Analg ap ne Me (2201 201-20, eg Tone Sven hitnon ote meen "Sn ont f ee a “ieee. Cin Sd ri ‘cn iat Sct tice ig, £8 et) 97, Papers Rene Pry. Knee 0.17, Foye stele 1893 ‘Cbd, Cantilo han 8-1 iggy £3: (1) 978 Panny popes ie Kinde 9,4 Hs of Sandan nop? oa Coase deta Lda, Tamer ce, iene cee 17 Beir, ig 8 ei MLR 169, Te vgn si Kan) 20, at Sado SY Th chorea Aa hy Dh a “der Surge. Bhagat ew- logy in ui -t {hiaviacamnggss tes mee Witce ite oer he gtr fe as ior sv icisoees saings og! brie ntfs ule 2 Stn SS aceneorDemed” WD Ree) ari} 197% ete nsoern ean eden sew ot Nomen ivioc~ sie, Ol turds eo. Epa Rees OSES ar rfc bo te ayo hans enh L107 Poenmnbite Tenens ae hong 4108 ‘ide Meni ops iw haiones Kachin le 178, Sonne "New Brn Sodan asi Toe DSL Lana amare Sonal? oo —__‘Copetugn Te haa Ma “alesis Ung trate xan FE ce dr ohio. “Er vt getting. isan ew Yor War Ona (Gaede n Bm Sone ar atm anon 4 Natoma Fel ‘ct ft fan ferme cee Bake pci ra of So ey wnt dient Gor Saucde ‘uit inkemgse Ste ote‘ Cennpe, Lane Ca K inp Ife Pee tere, Mea of Manon igen ‘oma lem tae 2204 Cae ‘Dunes Gelpie VoieoseNRasiebé ‘Alcan Ko Hane es Sues ct SINE Coenages Rete chap, hrvel~ “ecg der tei tata eh eH dsr Tackle pooner. “Rowe necepam Boreal boca Le at nek (Ging Ubetis Re Be Ne 3 Otindehdo Pre 83888 io Moin A ie: Se Neca ©; cen “Ghia cauneaon Dov. tog 80 jalepe peta Des Sw of Demon Hero ‘eager None eae ta) ‘sia ‘Spegen Ree (Capes sano ‘am MR Baty Nand aman, Node) Made BR. Whe al shes 5? A » ‘The Neolhisaion of Denmark somes of epi epie nD Fagg iit ada 1957, Goan, Ea mess ‘Slat ne oe a 30 Sem ie fr oma nnn 96, Seater Aamo ‘eto fm Tee Sal an Sen Coups Ne ote ins, T De Ms Telit). 10 ce Bemis (Gerona suman Oe Ko Dt (Geeta Seah, ope Seer en sah ner re et slr i atarane Gace ct esata ie sal nt err ek in Sa wets aut eer ser ects Sn as ‘retaeoa # oii Rodeo om te “esd Gear en Uo ‘GOTARC Sere © asinine No.0 nye K 101 C3 Thee nthe Tse AS So ond roe 129-10 ashore Tt His atte taator Zu ep enn ond megaman Tere 2 Sirsa Peete T9t, Ste: Fa ps in, prj ge eng fr rs ‘oetetnomesten pine + 3p Sl aro and prance te ‘hay te on eon of ms), Por meg her enn F189, Naas iran eb rected ind Om eam “rons | en ie Sle | ant, (Goel sary en fai he of SEES ae Oe ‘vege Bot ater Sia ‘Bee so” Capers, ca [Cher vote) acne 8 Sly Brae Jed: "Sag dient erm hore [re ies Copy Leva ol Milo sus 1998 We dial eos oe rr pl 9 anh caclgy 139-10. pag and Wy Ae 189. Cit! Pons emery ahaa ep hep op Nery nd ei ptf oases Sean, Came vet rae ice TD Comply oom Sarge lyS nero () SST ‘i 'TD ot. Alton ep ci mooi “satin tre mt IA recy i TD and own 1588, Prarie janet ere of Cv Attenc es. SB sh Sts A 1982 Taio apenas, Pry can she, AB) 1995, Lat “hos ie Par Now Proper on he ‘pln Towne ce. 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