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1. Andromeda Galaxy is the nearest spiral galaxy to our own

2. Dwarf planets Pluto diameter of 2300 km and Eris diameter of 2400 km
3. Diameter of our solar system is 1170 crore km
4. Planets of solar system are divisible into two groups 1) terrestrial planets, the planets of
inner circle 2) the giant planets, the planets of outer circle
5. Inner circle or terrestrial planet comprises Mercury Venus earth and Mars
6. Outer of Giant planets contain five planets namely Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune and
Pluto AQ Venus and Mercury are planets that have no satellites
7. Jupiter the largest planet 11 times larger than earth it has 16 satellites
8. Venus and Uranus are the only planets that rotate in clock wise direction or backward
direction from east to west their one rotation completes in 243 earth days
9. Moon is earths only natural satellite
10. The nearest star is 7000 times away then the most distant planet in our solar system
11. Planet is a celestial body that orbits around the star but is not itself a star has a sufficient
mass for self-gravity to make it roughly spherical in shape and has cleared the
neighborhood in its orbit. Venus in solar system is named after a female.
12. Mercury and Venus are the two planets laying between the sun and the earth
13. Earth ranks 5th in solar system in terms of size. Selenology is study of moon.
14. The ecliptic is the yearly path of the sun around the heaven
15. Pluto was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh 54 AQ Mercury is smallest in Diameter
16. Sun is 3,33,422 times larger than earth. Its diameter is 860,000
17. Distance of Neptune from Sun is 30 Astronomical unit
18. Light of sun reaches the earth in 8 minutes 20 seconds
19. Average solar temperature is about 12000f AQ Mars is also known as Veiled planet
20. Cosmic year is that year in which the solar system takes 224million years in completing
one revolution around galactic cycle.
21. In suns mass there is 71% hydrogen 26.5% helium rest elements 2.5%
22. Tem of outer surface of Sun is 6000 c AQ Traveling speed of the sun rays is 300,00km
23. Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system
24. Venus takes 224.7 days to complete one orbit around the sun
25. Mercury is the planet nearest to the sun takes 88 days for one orbit around sun
26. Mercury is the fastest planet in our solar system, Mars is the next planet after the earth
27. Mars is also known as red Planet Uranus 1st planet discovered using a telescope in 1781
28. Mars has two small satellites Phobos and Deimos
29. Two missions were led towards mars Viking 1 and Vikings 2 for assessing life there
30. Saturn the least dense of all planets with 22 satellites Titan its biggest satellite
31. Uranus was identified by William herchel has 27 satellites
32. Moon takes 27D,7h,43M,and 11.47 seconds to complete one revolution
33. The most unusual feature of Uranus is it tilts
34. Uranus is a cold planet
35. Neptune was discovered by J G Galle in 1846 has 14 satellites
36. Neptune emits about 2.5 times as much heat energy as it receives from sun
37. Pluto was discovered in 1930
38. Satellite are bodies which revolve around the planet.
39. There are approximately 79 satellites in our solar system
40. 59% of earth surface is visible from earth
41. It takes 1.26 Sec for moon light to reach earth
42. There are 50,000 known Asteroids in our solar system
43. Asteroids are also known as Planetoids
44. Gravitational pull of Jupiter prevents the Asteroids from turning into one large body
45. The largest asteroid is Ceres 1025 Km Diameter
46. There are about one lac comets in our solar system
47. Last time comet appeared in our solar atmosphere was in 1986 named Hailey comet
48. Comet shoemaker is a comet discovered in 1993
49. Axis, an imaginary line which runs from north to south and passes through earth center
50. Earths layers Crust, Mantle, Outer core, Inner core
51. Lithosphere is the rocky outer part of Earth its coolest and most rigid of land surface
52. Total land area is 148.9 million Km
53. 12742 km is diameter of Earth
54. Ceres is the closest dwarf planet to sun in inner solar system
55. Radius is the center of the Earth to a point or near of its surface is 6371km
56. 1,083,206,916,846 is total volume of earth
57. 29.08% land area and 70.92% water area
58. Planet that spins the fastest is Jupiter
59. Earth has two types movements Rotation or daily movement and Revolution or annual motion
60. Equinoxes, dates when days+nights are equal. During these days sun shines directly on equator
61. Solstice when diff between length of days and length of nights are largest. During these days sun
shines vertically over a tropic
62. The earth is between Venus and Mars in solar system and has one satellite the moon.
63. Equatorial diameter of earth is 7926 miles and polar diameter is 7899 miles.
64. 40,075 km is circumference of earth. Jupiter is called bodyguard of earth as it averts comets
65. One square foot is equal to 144 square inches and 1 meter is equal to 3.28 foot
66. 1 nautical mile is equal to 1.852KM
67. Orion is most beautiful constellation of the sky
68. Proxima Centauri is nearest star to our Sun AQ the great red spot is on planet Jupiter
69. Asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter AQ Venus is easily visible from earth
70. Neptune is outermost planet in our solar system AQ the sun belongs to yellow dwarf category
71. Sun generates energy by converting Hydrogen atoms into molecule and helium
72. Solar flares are the huge explosions on the surface of the sun
73. Comet revolve around the sun highly elliptical orbit
74. When the sun reaches maximum distance from equator is solstice
75. A white dwarf is a dense stare typically with a size of a planet it is formed when a low mass star
has exhausted all its central nuclear fuel and lost its outer layers as planetary nebula.
76. Snow coated mountains are present on planet Pluto
77. Jupiter has shortest rotational period of 9 hours 55 minutes Venus has longest with 243 days
78. Since its discovery Pluto will complete its orbit on 23 March 2178
79. Venus has largest quantity of CO2 that is 95% Jupiter as king of Roman Gods
80. Space age begin on 4 Oct 1957 when Russia sent Sputnik to space
81. Neptune revolves very slowly around the Sun and Sun has 8 planets that circle around it
82. The sun has three main inner layers the Core, Radiative zone, convection zone it also has three
outer layers Photosphere, chromosphere, the corona
83. The moon takes 28 days to return to the same position among constellations
84. Doppler affect is used to calculate speeds of Distant stars
85. Saturn Jupiter Neptune and Uranus are called Gaseous planets
86. Saturn was first planet known to have rings Venus as Roman God of beauty
87. Blue dwarfs are the young stars AQ shooting star is another name for Metroid
88. Galaxies are classified on basis of their shape proposed by Edwin Hubble in 1926
89. Mars is roman god of War and Mercury as Roman God of Travel
90. Icarus is the most distant star from the Earth 14 billion light year away from earth
91. Pluto has 5 moons biggest of them is Charon

1) Venus is also known as Horned Planet Canopus is 2nd brightest star in the universe
2) Earth revolves around the sun at the speed of 29km/sec
3) Distance between sun and Earth is 149 million sqkm
4) In order of their distances form Sun Jupiter and Saturn lie between Mars and Uranus
5) In Astrology the ruling planet of communication is Mercury
6) Pulsar is a celestial object a rapidly rotating neutron emitting pulses of radio waves.
7) Asteroids have their orbits between Mars and Jupiter
8) 40,075km is length of Equator or 24,901 in miles UY Scuti is biggest star in the universe
9) Equator passes through 79% of water and 21% of land
10) 4 seasons are not encountered by countries near to the equator
11) Locations near equator witness shortest sun rises and sunsets
12) 12750 is radius of earth but 43 km longer near equator
13) Equator passes over 13 countries AQ planet Mars has pink appearance
14) Venus planet is known as Earth Twin
15) 10,002 km is distance of equator from either of poles
16) Equatorial circumference is 68km greater then polar circumference
17) The equator cuts through Borneo Island
18) Pluto is the most distant planet AQ Earth is on greatest distance from sun on 4th July
19) One degree of longitude on equator is equal to 69 miles distance
20) Veiled planet is Venus because being nearest to earth covered by thick cloud cover
21) Diamond rings occur in total solar eclipse
22) Sea of tranquility dark spot in northern hemisphere of moon it’s not body of water but
a lower altitude plain as a result of lunar volcanism it is filled with darker solidified lava.
23) Mare Imbrium or sea of showers is a vast lava plan on the moon and one of largest
craters in solar system AQ A shooting star is a meteor
24) The highest clouds of earth atmosphere is Noctilucent clouds
25) Earth speed of rotation is highest at Equator
26) Thermal equator is found in the north of geographic equator
27) Neptune total moons are 14 and triton is biggest AQ Regur refers to black cotton soil
28) Alpha Centauri is nearest star in solar system AQ Titan is biggest moon of Saturn 82
29) On 4th of July earth will be at largest distance from Sun also called Aphelion day
30) The earth rotates around an axis pointing towards polar star also called Polaris
31) Minimum distance between earth and the sun is on 3 January
32) The earth rotates 1 degree in 4 minutes and 15 degree in one hour
33) Geographic grids are lines intersecting lines drawn on maps and globes
34) Time at a place is determined by parallels of longitude AQ Sun atmosphere has 3 layers
35) Temperature increase rapidly after Ionosphere AQ Low tide is tide if minimum rise
36) Time difference between each side of international date line is 24 hours
37) Water cycle takes place in troposphere of atmosphere
38) Ocean of storms is a vast volvanic plain on the western edge of the moon’s near side
39) Utopia planitia large plain within utopia largest recognized basin on Mars and in solar system
40) Parsec is a unit of length used to measure large distances its equal to 3.26 light years
41) Neptune takes longest time to orbit around the sun Uranus is also called lopsided planet
42) Rising of evening star indicates west when sun sets in west direction Venus appears.
43) Astronomers use term Blue shift to describe object moving towards us or other object
44) Gibbous moon is more than a half moon but less than a full moon
45) Waxing gibbous is when lit up part of moon grows bigger it starts after first quarter
moon and lasts until the first moon. AQ Super Nova is a dying star
46) Amount of water vapour present in air is called absolute humidity
47) Amount of water vapour air could hold is called relative humidity
48) Neptune is named after Roman God of Sea Jupiter moon Europa has water
49) Lunar seas are plains of solidified Lava appearing dark on the moon’s disc
50) The earth annual circuit round the sun cover 966 million km.
51) Hubble telescope launched into in space 1990
52) Hailey comets can be seen from earth only once every 76 years
53) Caldera a depression formed when a volcano erupts and collapses
54) Planet that has identical day length and axis tilt to that of earth is Mars
55) Enceladus is moon of Saturn AQ Astronomer call red sky before sun rise as Aurora
56) Russian Luna 9 and US Surveyor 3 landed on site of Ocean of Storms on the moon
57) Astronomical observatory 2 first telescope sent to space in 1968 US remained 1 month
58) Aerology is study of planet mars
59) The Big Crunch is the event that will end the Universe
60) Artemis twin sister of Apollo is also God of moon and hunt in Greek mythology
61) Artemis I launched from Kennedy space center Cape Canaveral 2 Sept 2022 crewless
62) Artemis will land on Moon’s South Pole where no human has ever been before
63) Artemis III will take first woman to walk on the surface of the moon in history
64) Artemis III will be America’s first crewed moon landing since Apollo 17 1972
65) Artemis program will carried out by space craft under development called Orion
66) Artemis 1 will last for 6 weeks means 39 to 42 days
67) Manikin or Moonikin an anatomical model that simulates human body used for training
emergencies rescue recording acceleration vibration of spacecraft to understand how to best
protect crew members. Venus slowest rotating planet
68) Commander Moonikin Campos will be positioned in Artemis 1 space craft
69) Mercury and Venus have no satellites Giant ice volcanoes identified on Pluto
70) Luner gateway small space station orbiting moon as laboratory+short term habitation module
71) Surface of mercury looks cratered like moon resulting from collisions with Metroid and comets
72) Project Gemini 1961 was Nasa’s 2nd human spaceflight prgrm btw project Mercury and Apollo
73) Olympus Mons is largest volcano in our solar system on planet Mars
74) Apollo 13 NASA’s 3rd moon landing mission canceled after tank explosion
75) Flocculates Pendulum device first proved that earth revolves around its axis
76) Pluto has a moon as big as planet itself Sally K ride first US women in space
77) Only one planet in the solar system has a day which lasts longer than its year its Venus
78) The gap that divides the Saturn rings into two parts is known as Cassini Division
79) Heliocentric means measured from centre of the sun
80) Triton Neptune’s moon has an ocean on it made with liquid of nitrogen and methane
81) Greek Astronomer Hipparchus classified stars according to its brightness
82) Fireballs or bolides are names given to bright meteors Planet Venus has Sulphuric acid clouds
83) Carbon dioxide gas is main component of atmosphere of Mars
84) Voyage 1 was a space probe launched by NASA in 1977 to study outer solar system
85) Last planet visited by Voyager 2 is Neptune also the first and last spacecraft to Visit Neptune
86) Magellanic clouds irregular galaxies that share gaseous envelope in sky near south celestial pole
87) Mars atmosphere is 95% CO2 and other molecular nitrogen and argon gases
88) Uranus atmosphere is made of helium hydrogen Van Allen two radiation belt surrounding earth
89) When two heavenly bodies occupy same longitude they are said to be in Conjunction
90) According to Kepler’s laws all orbits of the planets are Ellipses 6 manned moon landing till now
91) Heliopause is sun’s outer boundary of magnetic field Pluto has greatest Eccentricity
92) Mars moon Titan densest atmosphere than its planet Mars Maria is Latin name for lunar seas
93) On planet Venus sun would rise from the west 29.5 days is period from one full moon to other

1) Albedo fraction of light that surface of planet reflects back Device siphon won’t work on moon
2) Saturn rings are composed of billions of tiny solid particles Largest volcano is on Mars
3) Mercury and Venus are inferior planets because their orbits are with earth’s orbits
4) There are four mountains on Venus made up of heavy metals containing minerals
5) Copper does not contain covalent bond Cystitis is infection of Urinary bladder
6) Tensely coined the term Ecosystem Jupiter is named after God Zeus
7) The most distant galaxy HD1 has been discovered uptill now by Fabio Pacucci
8) Solar eclipse of Mars moon Phobos captured by Perseverance Mars Rover of NASA Apr 20 2202
9) George star of Gerogium Sidus is other name of planet Uranus Selene is Greek Goddesses Moon
10) There are two mount Olympus’s in our solar system Greece and Mars.
11) According to NASA Mars rocks are purple. Radius of earth is maximum at Equator
12) The most distant human made object sent into space is Voyager 1
13) Prime meridian and equator intersect each other at Gulf of Guinea. Frog heart has 3 chambers
14) Saturn is less denser then water and also it can float on water. Uranus known as winter planet.
15) In astronomy Pallas, Vesta and Davida are asteroids. Uranus has 27 moons.
16) Uranus circles the sun every 84 years.

Crater. A hole created on the surface of an object or body, made by falling meteorites or by
erupting volcanoes.
Coronal holes. From where fast solar winds spurts into space
Crescent moon. Moon visible in sky either BW a new moon and first quarter or bw the last
quarter and the succeeding new moon where less than half of illuminated hemisphere is visible
Sidereal year. It is time taken by earth or other planetary body to orbit sun with respect to fixed
stars. A sidereal year is 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes and 9.5 seconds of solar mean time.
Sidereal month. Period in which the moon completes an orbit around the earth and returns to
same position in the sky

Lunar eclipse. Earth comes between the moon and the sun is called lunar eclipse. The shadow
cast by earth on the moon is called eclipse.
Solar eclipse. When the moon comes between the sun and earth is called solar eclipse.
Monometer is an instrument for measuring gaseous pressure.
Ambrometer. measures rainfall
Flare star. A star that goes under dramatic increase in brightness and for few minutes
Moonshining. Moon shines because its surface reflects light from the sun. It reflects on 3 to
12% of sun light. The perceived brightness of the moon depends on where the moon is in its
orbit. The moon travels earth once every 29.5 days and during this journey it lits differently on
different angles from the sun.
Opisometer. An instrument used for measuring curved lines. Consisting of a screw an wheel
shaped nut that is made to rotate along the curved lines. Inventor Edward Russel Morris
Lipids. Molecules that contain hydrocarbons and make up building blocks of structure and
function of living cells. These are insoluble in waters.
Escape velocity. The minimum velocity required by a projectile to escape the particular
gravitational field.
Doldrums. A geographic phenomenon where a belt around earth near the equator where
sailing ships sometimes get stuck on windless waters.
Block Mountain. These are mountains when larges areas of earth are displaced vertically. It is
the result of damage caused by tensile and compressive forces caused within earth interior. The
Vosges mountains in France are example of this.
Fold mountains. These are created where two or more earths tectonic plates are pushed
together. At these colliding rocks and debris are wrapped and fold into rocky outcrops, hills and
mountains of even mountain ranges.
Tropopause. It is an atmospheric boundary that demarcates the troposphere from the
Telescope and Microscope. One can distinguish in Telescope and microscope by observing the
size of the lens.
Autumnal equinox. Also called, as September of fall equinox is the astronomical start of fall in
the northern hemisphere and of the spring in the southern hemisphere.
Perigee and Apogee. For the moon and other objects moving around the earth, the distance
between object moving and the earth keeps on changing throughout orbit. Thus, at a point
when this distance of moon/object is at closest approach to earth is known as Perigee. Similarly
when the object/moon is at greatest separation from the earth it is called as Apogee.
Hybridization. Defined as the concept of mixing two atomic orbitals to give rise to a new type of
hybridized orbitals. This intermixing usually results in the formation of hybrid orbitals having entirely
different energies, shapes, etc.
Photochemical smog. A mixture of pollutants that are formed when nitrogen oxides and
volatile organic compounds (VOCs) react to sunlight, creating a brown haze above cities. It
tends to occur more often in summer, because that is when we have the most sunlight.
Gegenschein. Is a faintly bright spot in the night sky centered at the antisolar point. The back
scatter of sunlight by interplanetary dust cause this phenomenon
1. Quartz is composed of two elements oxygen and Silicon
2. Seconed Ozone layer was detected aver Tibet
3. Hawaiian type of Volcanic eruption is usually not explosive
4. Green panther is a lover of nature
5. Mae Jamison first African American women in Space
6. Bromine is a red liquid AQ Parasitic plants get food from other plants
7. Mercury is also known as quick silver
8. Fimbria is thin hair like filament usually found on bacteria surface
9. Silicon is nonmetal AQ Carrey Trees evaporate maximum amount of water
10. Solar and Lunar eclipses are known as Syzygy
11. Uranium 235 is responsible for nuclear fission
12. Axial Skeleton of Human Body consists of 80 Bones
13. Bile juice is stored in Gallbladder
14. Researchers have discovered Tubarial glands in throat
15. Central and hottest part of Earth is the Inner Core
16. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune correct order starting
from sun
17. Super moon is also known as Perigee syzygy moon
18. Animal without red blood cells is Earthworm
19. Nuclear sizes are expressed in Fermi
20. Bar code scanner were invented in 1970s
21. Richard Trevithick is inventor of a railway engine AQ Rein is found in kidney
22. Cetology study of whales and Dolphins
23. The elements Bromine’s name was developed from Greek word Stench
24. Largest vein in human body is inferior vena cava
25. Deltoid a muscle found at the top of arm and shoulder
26. The occipital bone is found in Head
27. Neowise is a comet AQ Mesosphere layer of atmosphere has lowest temperature
28. Octopus had 3 hearts AQ Lithotripsy crushing of gall and kidney stones though laser
29. The lightest metal is lithium
30. Silica is the element present in large amount in rocks and minerals
31. Orographic rainfall is related to rainfall in Mountains
32. Dead sea is lowest part of Earth AQ Egg laying mammals are called prototherians
33. Equinox occurs in March and Sep AQ Bacteria is a Unicellular organism
34. Marble is an example of Metamorphic rock AQ DDT discovered by Paul Muller
35. Smallest planet is mercury AQ anhydrous means without water
36. The number of days in a fortnights is 14
37. 21 Dec 2020 Jupiter and Saturn came close giving a look of double planet
38. Osmium is heaviest metal in the world
39. Copper is refined by Roasting AQ water loss from leaves through stomata is transpiration
40. Tooth enamel is hardest part of Human Body
41. There are generally 13 vitamins in Human
42. Human body can make D and K vitamins
43. Cow milk contains 80% water AQ Animals obtain CO2 from starch
44. Plasma is fourth state of matter AQ squirrels are herbivores
45. The material inside mitochondria is known as Matrix
46. Mitochondria is also known as the power house of cell
47. Respiration takes place in mitochondria
48. Animal leech has 32 brains AQ Aspirin medicine reduces brain
49. Henri Becquerel identified Alpha particles while Beta particles by Earnest Rutherford
50. Gapes between nerve cells is called synapses
51. Halitosis is medical term for bad breath
52. There are 9 major organ system in human body
53. Hypothalamus the part of Human brain controls Hunger
54. Cytologist one who specializes in cell study
55. Lower Jawbone is also known as Mandible
56. Chemical symbol for tungsten is W AQ Mammals have only one lower jaw bone
57. Cobalt a material strongly attracted by a magnet
58. The human heart is a myogenic heart
59. Sedimentary rocks are formed by a natural process known as lithification
60. Chemical name of caustic soda is sodium hydroxide
61. Common salt chemical name is sodium chloride
62. Golgi Bodies were discovered by Camillo Golgi in 1898
63. Earth surface and crust are constantly evolving due to change cycle
64. In plants Golgi Bodies are called with the name of Dictyosomes
65. Chemical name of Baking soda is sodium hydrogen carbonate
66. Chemical name of bleaching powder is calcium hypochlorite
67. Chemical name of Gypsum is calcium sulphate
68. In human body the huller is Big toe AQ Angina is medical name for chest pain
69. Human brain is enclosed in a bony case called cranium and meninges a three layer
protective tissue protecting brain
70. Body temperature, hunger and thirst is regulated by Hypothalamus
71. Pulmonary artery takes blood from heart to lungs
72. Transport of water from roots in plants is done by Xylem
73. Pellagra is skin disease AQ thickening of inside of arteries cause heart disease
74. 130/80 is considered as high blood pressure and 120/80 is normal
75. Combination of protein and carbohydrates is called as Glycoprotein
76. Chemical name of washing soda is sodium carbonate
77. Three kind of energy waves are released during earthquake
78. Heart attack medical definition is Myocardial infraction
79. Calcium sulphate hemihydrate is chemical name of plaster of Paris
80. Basic characteristic of living organism Metabolism AQ honey main component is fructose
81. Epiphytes are plants that grown on other plants, highest amount carbohydrates Banana
82. Penicillin antibiotic obtained from Fungus, Sodium Benzoate is used as food preservative
83. Human belongs to Hominid family AQ conversion of AC into DC is called rectification
84. Biological death of person means death of tissues of the brain
85. Eye lens is between Iris and vitreous body AQ hemophilia is a hereditary disease
86. Hypothalamus gland maintains body temperature AQ Parkinson is disease of Brain
87. Anemia is caused due to shortage of red Blood cells
88. T cells for defence in body are produced by Liver AQ Glucose gives human brain energy
89. Acid rain contains high levels of Sulphuric and nitric acid
90. Lower two chambers of heart are called Ventricles and upper are called atria
91. A blood clot formed in vein is called as Thrombus AQ 92 is number of natural elements
92. All vein carry deoxygenated blood except pulmonary veins.
93. Vitamin B is known as Vitamin complex
1) 60cm of blood is pumped into arteries on each contraction of normal human heart
2) Russian scientist Alexander Oparin proposed chemical evolution of life
3) Charles Ginsberg of Ampex team made first video recorder
4) Nucleus of atom consists of protons and neutrons
5) Other name of red blood cell is erythrocytes
6) The urn plant and Venus flytrap eats insects
7) White corpuscles a blood constituent takes food to all tissues of body
8) Other name of white blood cells in Leukocytes
9) The sciatic is the longest nerve in human body AQ Pupil is black part of the eye
10) Robert Noyce in 1959 invented integrated circuit
11) Radium is not present abundantly in earth crust AQ visible part of the ear is called Pinna
12) George Lemaitre proposed big bang theory AQ Ophthalmology deal with eyes
13) A reaction giving out heat while happening is known as Exothermic reaction
14) Biotype means all individuals having same phenotype
15) The speed of a ship is measured by unit knot AQ Quarks are smallest particles in world
16) Lock jaw difficulty in opening of mouth is symptom of Tetanus
17) Poplar woody material is used for paper pulp AQ GM counter detects nuclear radiation
18) Lungs are in thoracic cavity AQ Dilute acetic acid is chemical name of Vinegar
19) Deficiency of pyridoxine vitamin reduces hemoglobin production
20) Rodenticides chemical to kill mice and rats AQ Mandible low jaw bone of human body
21) Basel metabolism fuels essential processes body needs
22) With Infra-red waves night vision is possible AQ Origin of pieces book in 1859
23) Most of weather disturbance take place in troposphere
24) Exobiology study of life in outer space AQ Sucrose is food transported in form of sugar
25) Dengue fever is diagnosed with high platelet count
26) A form of heart disease in which the blood supply to heart lacks is Angina
27) There are 20 primary teeth and lungs are protected by Ribcage
28) Liquid that evaporate quickly are known as volatile
29) Fruits without seeds like banana are called parthenocapric fruits
30) Silver fish belongs to Insect AQ third shell in an orbit can hold up to 18 electrons
31) All bodies fall with same acceleration was said by Galileo
32) Hydrogen has three isotopes protium, deuterium, tritium
33) Compounds made up of hydrogen and carbon are known as hydrocarbon
34) A greenish Yellow poisonous gas is chlorine AQ Acid Rain causes soil pollution
35) Finest filament that grows from skin is Hair AQ patella is knee bone
36) The ovum is the largest cell in human body AQ Dactylography study of fingerprints
37) Any solution in which the solvent is water is called Aqueous solution
38) Pounds of Sq inch unit is used to measure air pressure in vehicle tires
39) Epistemology is philosophical study of nature origin and limits of human knowledge
40) The CAT triplet in DNA codes for Valine AQ chemical name of quartz is Silicon dioxide
41) Albert Einstein proposed the concept all motion is relative
42) The upper 200 meters of the ocean is called Euphotic or sunlight zone
43) Atom is made up of 3 different kinds of sub atom particles
44) Rubisco is the most abundant protein in chloroplast AQ Vitamin A is imp for dim li8 vision
45) Profundal zone of lake is mainly nourished by detritus
46) When Iron rusts its weight increase AQ Alzheimer is neurological disease
47) Typhoid and cholera are typical examples of water born disease
48) Planet in solar system revolve due to Gravitational force
49) Powder type fire extinguisher is used for petroleum fire
50) Carbon Monoxide is produced when coal is burned without enough air supply
51) Metacarpal bones are found in hands of Human body
52) Sleep Apnea is disorder characterized by breathing problem
53) Grass and grass like plants are called Graminoids AQ Vitamin c is destroyed on heating
54) Acid rain is formed due to combination of carbon di oxide and Sulphur di oxide
55) Medulla oblongata connects small brain with spinal cord
56) Appendix is part of large intestine AQ Cerebrum largest part of Human brain
57) Soil has major source of nutrient for plants to grow, potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus
58) Helium Neon Argon are noble gases AQ Uranium is also called strategic metal
59) Blood clotting factor in Human body is produced by Liver
60) By mixing blue red and Green color a color television makes color
61) The seven sided flat shape is called Heptagon AQ coal is formed from Organic matter
62) In Rainbow Yellow color comes between Orange and Green
63) The color of star gives us Idea of its temperature
64) Human mouth produces a 2 to 3 pints of saliva a day
65) Renal cortex is outer darkest part of Kidney AQ Greek letter Nu denotes frequency
66) Bats navigate and find food by Eco Navigation
67) Word paper is derived from papyrus ready plant
68) In sedimentary types of Rocks coal and petroleum are found
69) The volume of blood in human body is approximately 7% of body weight
70) The chewed food passed form Ulva to stomach is called Bolus
71) The world is divided into 24 time zones each 15 Longitude wide
72) Parabolic mirror is most suitable in for using as a reflector in car headlights
73) E Coli a unicellular and nonpathogenic parasite is found in human intestine
74) The most abundant carbohydrates found in nature is cellulose
75) Cell has more than 80% of water AQ Saliva helps in digestion of starch
76) Arthropoda is the largest phylum in animal, kingdom in respect of number of species
77) One degree of longitude on equator is equal to 50 miles
78) Bats produce ultrasonic sound
79) When the first metal tool came into being it was used for clearing jungle
80) The maximum difference in spacing of the longitude is at the equator
81) The pollutant vehicles release is lead(pb) causes mental disease
82) Orographic rainfall leads to the formation of windward and leeward side
83) In spleen of human body lymphatic cells are formed
84) Silver metal is present in photo films AQ Germ plasm theory given by Weisman
85) In tropical moist deciduous forest teak and Sal are principal trees
86) Adiabatic process is process in which no heat enter or leaves
87) Decomposition of Rock is called weathering AQ Zygomatic Arch is in our cheeks
88) Gypsum in non-metallic AQ Ringworm disease is called Tinea corporis
89) The sum total of all different gene in population is called as Gene pool
90) In the Anthracite type of coal the percentage of carbon is highest
91) Analogous organs are morphologically different but perform same functions
92) When magnetic materials are strongly heated they lose their magnetic property
93) Oxalic acid is used to remove ink and rust stains from clothes
94) Hydrargyrum is old name of Mercury
95) Xerophytes are plants that are adopted to grown on dry places

1) Exchange forces holds neutrons and protons in atomic nucleus

2) Animal goes into winter sleep due to low temperature this is called aestivation
3) Plants of tropical and sub-tropical regions are called Vegatherms
4) Hydrofluoric acid dissolves glass
5) The Sartorius muscle is the longest muscle of human body
6) Most humid continent is South America AQ Gabbro is a type of Igneous rock
7) Eucalyptus tree is now considered as environmental hazard
8) Doldrums belt is near equator AQ Babul tree requires minimum water for its growth
9) Boiling of egg is a chemical change AQ Xenon also called as strangers gas
10) The most important feature of perspiration is regulate body temperature
11) Of the total volume of earth core forms the major part
12) From evolutionary point of view most primitive animal is turtle
13) A substance that can act both as acid and base in called amphoteric
14) Isotones are the atoms of elements that have the same number of neutrons
15) The structure oxysomes is present in mitochondria
16) Pyrex glass is heat resistant AQ Bone Labyrinth is in our ears
17) Very high frequency have shorter wavelengths
18) In equatorial regions rain occurs all the year
19) Temperate lows are sub polar low pressure belts
20) Caldera feature is associated with Volcanoes
21) Ventral nerve code is common to both earth worm and cockroach
22) From evolutionary point of view Dolphins are closer to man
23) Coriolis force causes deflection of wind when earth rotates
24) Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 broke in 1994 and collided with Jupiter
25) Energy transferred to person through gamma rays is measured in Rontengin
26) Platinum metal has highest density AQ Circle on north pole is Arctic circle
27) Owl bird can see Blue colour AQ Syrinx is vocal organ of Birds
28) Human bodies have 45 miles of Nerves AQ Birth rate is also called Natality
29) Ginkgo balboa is called as living fossil because these plants are on verge of extinction
30) Pancreas secretes its enzymes in Duodenum
31) The most sweat glands in human bodies are in the feet
32) Normal cholesterol level in human body is 180 to 200mg
33) Citrus foods are normally grown in Mediterranean region
34) The highest radius of earth is at Equator AQ copper metal was first discovered by man
35) Enzyme ptyalin is present in our saliva AQ Circle on South Pole is Antarctic circle
36) Pioneer 10 was NASA’s first mission to outer planets
37) Pioneer 10 is first man made object to leave the solar system
38) Temporal bone is a cranial bone above the ear.
39) Elisa test is test though which HIV infection is detected
40) Covalent bond is most common in organic molecules
41) In human body diverticula is in large intestine AQ paleontology is study of fossils
42) Zoos are example of ex-situ conservation AQ Otitis affects our ears
43) Bamboo plant die after flowering AQ Anaconda is largest reptile in the world
44) Erythrina tree is known as Coral tree AQ At low elevation cloud nimbus are to be found
45) Flower Butea Monosperma is known as flame of forest
46) Scientists have identified more than 5,400 mammal species on Earth
47) Indonesia has most number of mammal species
48) Habitat loss is current single greatest threat to biodiversity
49) Cambium tissues are important for secondary growth
50) Geophage is the one who eats earthly substance i.e. soil and clay and chalk
51) Red data book is book that lists the endangered species maintained by IUCN
52) Gymnosperms are plants that produce naked seeds
53) Acromegaly a disorder which is caused when pituitary gland produce too much growth
hormone during adulthood and bones increase in size which is also called Gigantism
54) Tropical cyclones of Bay of Bengal are usually called Typhoon
55) Choroid is part of eye where pigment lie which decide the colour of eyes of person
56) Bright disease affect kidneys AQ Thymus gland disappears with old age
57) There are about 700 muscles in Human body, 3 types, Skeletal, cardiac and smooth
58) Carbon, diamond and graphite are together called as Allotropes
59) Summer solstice has longest days and shortest nights
60) Protoplasm is physical basis of life AQ Anosmia is loss of sense of smell
61) The animal that has no blood but respire through skin is Hydra
62) A person feel fatigue due to disposition of lactic acid in muscles
63) Phylum Echinodermata includes exclusively marine animals
64) Fatty tissue or adipose tissue help keep the body warm
65) Movement that occurs in opening and closing of flower is Nastic movement
66) Insects that can transfer disease to human is called to as Vectors
67) Cooking gas is a mixture of Butane and propane AQ metal gallium melts at 30 degrees
68) Thanatophobia is extreme fear of death AQ Cornea only part of human receive no blood
69) Chromium iron and carbon is composition of stainless steel
70) Only aquatic animals that cannot breath under water is dolphin and whale they have no gills
71) Nuclear particles responsible for holding nucleus together are mesons
72) Salt calcium phosphate is present in our bones
73) Vancomycin is drug of last resort for human beings
74) The ration of RBC to WBC in human body is 600 RBC for 1 WBC
75) Pylorus is the opening of stomach into small intestine
76) The organ of balance in human body is found inside the inner ear called as vestibular system
77) Blue body syndrome mainly occurs due to nitrates in contaminated water
78) blood vessels blood does not coagulate due to heparin because it has anticoagulant property
79) Osmoregulation is process of maintaining salt and water balance of food and water through
excretion in the form of sweat urine etc.
80) Sheep and Goat can tolerate more summer heat
81) Animals that maintain uniform temperature are homoeothermic. Birds ,mammals examples
82) Chemical compound found in human kidney stones is calcium oxalate
83) Entamoeba histolytica is found in the intestine of our body
84) BMD testing is done to diagnose osteoporosis disease
85) Ligaments join bone to bone AQ thyroid gland in human body is called as Adams Apple
86) 7.20% is average fat content in buffalo milk AQ Mad cow disease is caused by Prion
87) Eclipse is a partial or total blocking of light of one celestial object by another.
88) Greatest number of sweat glands are present in the palm of our hands
89) Cystitis is infection of urinary bladder AQ Estrogen hormone is a steroid
90) Tendons connect our muscles to our bones AQ cow milk is rich in vitamin A
91) Blood vessels with smallest diameter are capillaries
92) The masseter muscle is the strongest muscle in human body
93) There are about 10,000 taste buds in human tongue
94) In human body there are 5 layers of Skin in the epidermis
95) Somatotropin hormone affects body growth AQ Ultrafiltration unit of Kidney is Nephron
96) Vasopressin hormone controls blood pressure
97) Cerebrum part of brain is more developed in comparison to other brain parts
98) Cardamom Ilaichi is Queen of Spices AQ Rennin enzyme takes part in digestion of milk protein
99) Membrane that cover the brain and spinal cord is Meninges

1. Eustachian tube in ear gets blocked in bad cold causes problem in our hearing ability
2. Blood pressure is pressure that is exerted on wall of Artery
3. Adhesive force is attraction between molecules of two different substances.
4. When we desquamate skin or epidermis cells shed
5. Each ear of human has 3 bones both the year have 6 in total
6. Chromium is used to make an Iron rust free AQ Meibomian gland is in Eye
7. Human skull has 22 bones 8 cranial and 14 facial AQ there are 7 basic SI units
8. Satellite keeps moving in its orbit due to centripetal force
9. Transformer works on the principle of mutual induction
10. Pyrometer measures temperature of the sun AQ Arsenic metal pollute water
11. Carburetor is a device that produces a mix of air and patrol in internal combustion engine
12. Sulfur oxide, carbon dioxide ,NOX or Nitric oxide are 3 gases produced when coal is combusted
13. Potassium 40 is radioactive element most commonly detected in humans
14. Radio isotopes used in medical diagnosis are known as Tracers
15. A short duration wave is known as pulse AQ Acetone is present in nail polish remover
16. Magnetite is the only natural magnet AQ Funny bone is a nerve in our body
17. Water moving up in a straw is example of capillary action
18. Turning of radio is example of antenna resonance AQ 78 C boiling point of Alcohol
19. Monocytes are the largest and platelets are smallest cells of the blood
20. Bulimia is eating disorder AQ stem cell can develop into any kind of cell
21. In nerve tissue of man no cell division occur after birth
22. Silver iodide is used for artificial raining AQ polygraph detects lie
23. Cybernetics is study of communication between machines and living things
24. Most insects respire by trachea system AQ Titanium is called metal of future
25. Tundra region gets no rainfall throughout the year AQ Farad unit of capacitance
26. Ischemia when some parts of our body like brain or heart does not get enough blood
27. Renal artery supplies the kidney with blood. AQ Barn is unit of Area
28. Oviparous is a female animal that lays eggs to produce young ones
29. BCG vaccine immunizes us from tuberculosis AQ Adrenal glands related to excitement
30. Terameter is length of one trillion meters AQ Cone cell disorder leads to color blindness
31. Egg shell is made up of calcium carbonate AQ Hydrogen sulphide smells like rotten egg
32. Blood groups O have no antigens AQ Pineal gland is in Brain
33. Oxygen and helium gases are used by sea divers AQ Brain is not part of immune system
34. The mass in grams of one cubic centimeter of water is one gram
35. Human cannot digest grass because it contains cellulose
36. Diansurs were present on earth in Mesozoic age
37. Light travels 9.46 trillion km distance in one year AQ Snake has maximum number ribs
38. Air has maximum proportion of inert gas that is Argon AQ Coffin joint in horse’s foot
39. Snow line altitude in particular place above some snow remain on ground all year
40. Frontal lobes control motor skills of human body AQ Metatarsal arch is in our foot
41. In human body in eyelids the skin is the thinnest AQ high Blood pressure cld silent killer
42. Lysosomes are called suicidal bags of cell AQ Ades mosquito carry Zika Virus
43. Hearing function is associated with temporal lobe of Brain
44. Retrovirus inserts a copy of its RNA genome into DNA of host cell that it invades, thus changing
the genome of that cell. AQ There are 9 major organ system in human body
45. Rhino virus the most common viral infectious agent in humans and is the predominant cause
of the common cold. AQ There are 4 types of tissues in human body
46. The pineal body or pineal gland is on the back portion of brain also known as third eye
47. Neap tides occur in first and third quarter of moon, Hepatitis B is transmitted by blood
48. Hepatitis A E and F are transmitted through contaminated food and water
49. Hepatitis D infection will only occur if the person has hepatitis B as well
50. Popliteal fossa is diamond shaped space behind the knee joint
51. Epithelial tissue cover the exterior the body AQ There are 78 organs in human body
52. Animal jellyfish is also known as Portuguese man of war AQ 95% of cucumber is water
53. Myosin and Actin are contractile protein of muscles AQ Occipital bone is in Skull
54. Transverse colon is segment of large intestine AQ our scalp consists of 5 layers
55. Litmus paper is used to test acid and Alkali AQ Tricologist treats hair problems
56. There are three major types of transpiration AQ Clavicle bone weakest bone in human
57. Erytheroposis is process of production of red blood cells
58. Sedimentary rocks are porous AQ Bats are only free flying mammals
59. Latex is a white milk kind sap found in plants or broken trees
60. The respiratory problem shortness of breath is in smokers known as Emphysema
61. Black mamba is fastest snake in the world AQ Average ocean depth 3.7 Km or 2.3 miles
62. Atherosclerosis is disease hardening of arterial wall of heart due to fats
63. Long beaked echidnas are the largest egg laying mammals in New Guinea
64. Umbra is the inner most and darkest part of the shadow AQ Hexagon has 6 sides
65. Penumbra is a partially shaded outer region of the shadow
66. Antumbra is moon shadow that extends beyond the Umbra
67. The flow of current means the flow of electrons in a circuit
68. Sound waves are longitudinal waves AQ Each day human breath 15k to 20k liter air
69. Horizontal row are called as periods and vertical rows as Groups in periodic table
70. SI unit of thermodynamic temperature is Kelvin AQ RH factor relates blood transfusion
71. Approximate average thickness of earth’s continental crust is 25 miles or 40 Km
72. The neutrons carry no electrical charge AQ Mantle is thickest layer of earth
73. Position of an element in periodic table is determined by its proton number
74. Ships use Echoes to find the depth of ocean beneath them
75. Isomers are molecules of identical molecular formula and different structural formula
76. Human organ less susceptible to harmful radiation is Lungs
77. 212 F is boiling point of water on Fahrenheit scale
78. Body of a penguin is covered with feathers AQ 12 is atomic number of magnesium
79. Epistaxis is medical name for nose bleed AQ CH4 is natural gas formula
80. Transcription is a process by which MRNA is formed from the DNA
81. Water freezing point in F 32 and Centigrade is 0 ice melting point in F 32 and C 0
82. 1971 scientists became able to cut and unite DNA
83. 1 cubic centimeter is equal to 1000 cubic millimeter
84. Thermometer that measures our temperature is Clinical thermometer has a kink in it
85. Transfer of heat from colder to hotter body is conduction
86. Sigmoid colon is part of large intestine AQ Small pox is caused by Variola virus
87. Animals living in tree trunks are known as Arboreal animals
88. Animals that can fly are known as Volant animals
89. BOD value of water indicates amount of oxygen needed to break water organic matter
90. Spectacles used in viewing 3D films have polarized glasses
91. Heart murmur are sounds created by turbulent flow of blood in heart these can be
heard by stethoscope
92. Geographical name for a lands end is called as Cape
93. Oozes are associated with pelagic deposits AQ Lysozyme enzyme is in tears
94. The vertebrae column in human beings consists of 33 vertebrae
95. Ligaments are responsible for holding bones together
96. Three elements for healthy growth of plants nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium N P K
97. A light of 5500 angstrom is what colour? Yellow Green
98. Greek letter Nu is used to denote frequency AQ Aqua Regia can dissolve platinum
99. Paul Emile Boisbaudran discovered gallium AQ There r 4 heat valves

1) Ringelmann scale measures smoke density AQ Deformity disease affects the joints
2) Moho or Mohovicic discontinuity is boundary bw earth’s crust and its mantle
3) Obstetrics is study on pregnancy child birth and postpartum period
4) Any element that have atomic number higher than 82 are radioactive and emit radiation
5) Uranium Radium and Polonium are three radioactive elements
6) Mohs scale measures the degree of hardness of Minerals AQ +2 charge of Alpha particle
7) Cirrhosis disease affects liver of human body AQ Gamma radiation have 0 mass number
8) Bagasse is used to produce heat and electricity in sugar mills
9) Ohms law says current is directly proportional to potential difference
10) Shaddock is other name for grapefruit AQ Nectar from flowering plants mosquito food
11) Purlicue is space between thumb and forefinger AQ RH factor used in blood transfusion
12) Stealth technology means coating of aircraft reducing visibility of it for radar detection
13) The light of laser is monochromatic AQ Subcutis is inner layer of skin
14) All reaction which release heat are called as Exothermic reactions
15) The deficiency of electron in a particular place in atom is called as Hole
16) When meteors enter the earth it burns due to friction with air
17) Nine inches in nautical measures is called a Span AQ Ph. of water is 7
18) Name of bone on which eyebrows grows is called as brow ridge
19) Osteomalacia is softening of the bones due to lack of calcium or vitamin D
20) Fish do not close their eyes when asleep because they have no eyelids and neocortex
21) Oncologist is one who specializes in Cancer treatment
22) Cooking gas is mixture of Butane and Propane, Lactic acid produced when milk get sour
23) Cyclonic type of rain occur at places having continental type of climate
24) Aphyllous plant have no leaves AQ Theodolite measures angles
25) Energy of moving charges is called Electrical energy
26) Laser is used to produce three dimensional image called Holograms
27) Geiger Muller counter is used to detect Protons
28) Galvanized iron sheets are coated with Zinc
29) Diatom is example of Planktonic algae AQ Bolometer measures heat radiation
30) Choroid layer of eye that is filled with blood vessels brings oxygen and nutrients to eye
31) Lithium is first psychotropic drug AQ Glabella is space between eyes
32) Least distance for distinct vision of normal eye is 25 CM
33) Oncocytoma tumor affects kidney of human body AQ Antibodies are proteins
34) Image formed on Retina of eye is real and inverted AQ Helium is used a fuel is airships
35) NASA audio recording has announced that planet mars has two speeds of sounds
36) Reflex action of body is controlled by Motor Neuron spinal cord
37) Gay Lussac scale measures % of Alcohol in liquid AQ Potential of pure water is zero
38) Trade winds are winds blowing between tropics
39) Virga is rain drop that evaporate before reaching the ground
40) Burning potassium has purple colour flame AQ Stratocumulus is low level cloud
41) Tetracycline is drug used to fight infection caused by bacteria
42) Petroleum is found in sedimentary rocks AQ Coxa is hip joint
43) Diffusion of light takes place in atmosphere due to dust particles
44) Transition zone between two ecosystems is called An Ecotone
45) Our olfactory organs helps us to sense a smell
46) Alkali metals react with water to produce hydroxide
47) Cerumen is technical name for Ear Wax AQ Fat digests in small intestine
48) Growth movement in plant due to light is called Phototropism
49) Calcium Phosphate salt is found in large amount in Bone
50) Exfoliation is removal of rock layer by layer Bryophytes have no roots, leaves and stems
51) Plants that lack stems roots are called Thallophytes Flowerless plants are Gymnosperms
52) Titanium metal is used for making boats AQ Itai-Itai disease is caused by Cadmium
53) Alluvial soil suitable for cultivation of cereals Echo of Big Bang can be heard in cosmic rays
54) Null island is in South Atlantic ocean having o degree latitude and o degree longitude
55) Equator cuts directly through the island of Borneo
56) Pacific ocean has no north south submarine ridge AQ satiety patient lacks desire to eat
57) Hypothalamus controls temperature of body AQ Protein made up of polypeptides
58) Alphabetically first element in periodic table is Actinium
59) Hydrogen first and helium is 2nd element of Periodic table
60) Term truncated Spur is associated with Glacial process
61) The pancreas has both endocrine and exocrine function
62) Process of adding small amount of impurities to semiconductor is called doping
63) Borax carmine is an example of Nuclear staining nucleotide is basic unit of nucleic acid
64) Grana is the site for light reaction of photosynthesis
65) Factory for protein synthesis is Ribosome an orbital can accommodate 2 electrons
66) Group of ribosomes attached to mRNA are known as Polyribosome or polysome
67) Magnification power of microscope depends on power of ocular lens
68) Centromere is a point where two chromosomes of chromatids are held together
69) Ingestion of solid material through cell membrane is called phagocytosis
70) 1×10−10 m is scientific notation of Angstrom AQ 7 base unit in System international
71) 1×10−12 m is scientific notation of Pico Meter AQ Gold Stein discovered Proton
72) Physical quantity strain has no unit and no dimension AQ Density is a scaler quantity
73) Physical quantities Torque and work have same dimensions AQ weight is a vector quantity
74) Cathode rays when strike with heavy metal produce X rays hematite is ore of Iron
75) Rocket works on basis of Newton’s third law lactose is composed of glucose and galactose
76) Electron proton and neutron are fundamental particles of an Atom
77) Wavelength of X ray is lesser than microwaves rate of change in momentum is called Impulse
78) Quantitative measure of inertia of a body is its Mass peptide bond is between amino acids
79) Meaning of protein is primary or of prime importance derived from Greek word Proteios
80) Building blocks of lipids are fatty acids AQ proteins are the most diverse molecules in the cell
81) An ATP molecule is consisting of Nucleoside Animal fats at room temperature are solid
82) Lipids are Hydrophobic they are insoluble because they are non-polar molecules
83) In Double helix DNA the two strands of DNA are coiled over protein sheath
84) Glycogen is also known as Animal starch the bond between water molecule is hydrogen bond
85) When different organic molecule join together they from complex molecule called polymers
86) Aqua Regia only acid that can dissolve Gold pineal gland is the smallest gland in human body
87) Sun must be at 40 Degree above the horizon to create a rainbow
88) One thousand watt power is equal to one kilo wat hour winds and waves have Kinetic energy
89) Phenomena of Lunar eclipse gives the evidence of spherical shape of earth
90) During rainy season wooden doors are hard to open due to Imbibition
91) Planet in our solar system not named after a God is earth Chemically inactive gas in air is Argon
92) Electron emitted in beta radiation originates from inner Orbits of atoms
93) Dye laser is used in laser printer element Helium has 2 electrons in K shell only
94) An enzyme with its coenzyme is called Holoenzyme Koshland 1958 proposed induced fit hypothesis
95) Enzymes involved in cellular respiration are found in Mitochondria
96) Substance upon which an enzyme acts is called as Substrate
97) Catalytic activity of enzyme is restrictive to its small portion called Active site
98) 37.5 C is optimum temperature for enzymes in human body
99) Activation energy is minimum amount of energy required to carry out chemical reaction

1) Third equation of motion is independent of Time human eye biconvex lens

2) Friction is non conservative force AQ Fossil fuel is not a source of energy of Uranium
3) Metal Thorium is not only magnetic but also radioactive
4) Pb is symbol of chemical element Lead there are 12 pairs of cranial nerves
5) The element depleted most from soil after harvest is Potassium
6) Allotrope of carbon used in drilling in cutting is Diamond
7) Slow wobbling of earth as it spins on its axis is called precession
8) Dialysis involves process of Osmosis weight of adult human brain in 3 pounds of 1.3 KG
9) 20% of oxygen is consumed by brain of total oxygen in human body
10) Brain is 2% of human body in terms of volume
11) Fiber coming out of cell body is called axon or nerve fiber
12) The triangle shaped structure inside renal medulla is called renal pyramid
13) Brian is enclosed in a skull called cranium box Bronze is 88% copper and 12% tin
14) Medullary sponge kidney, nephrotic syndrome, renal artery stenosis are kidney diseases
15) Average human kidney is 3 cm wide and 3 cm thick
16) Spinal cord is enclosed inside a vertebral column AQ Brass is 66% copper and 34% zinc
17) Cytokinesis is process of division of cytoplasm
18) Candela is unit of visuals intensity of light sources like light bulbs or torch bulbs
19) A normal heart beats 60 to 100 times in a minute
20) Fundamental unit of time in SI is Seconed C12H22O11 is formula of Sugar or sucrose
21) Human body 65% oxygen 18% carbon 10 % hydrogen 1% phosphorus 2% calcium
22) Brassica Compestris is scientific name of Mustard C6H12O6 Glucose formula
23) Number of bio elements in living organisms is 6
24) Lime stone is also called calcium carbonate formula is CaCo3
25) Positively charged ions are called cations and anions are negatively charged ions
26) Chromosomes have 2 short arms called P arms and 2 long called q arms
27) The cells produced as a result of meiosis are called four gamete cell
28) Rutherford bombarded the thin gold foil with Alpha particles
29) Eugen Goldstein coined the term cathode in 1876
30) Nucleus discovered Ernest Rutherford 1932 James Chadwick confirm neutron presence
31) Electrons radiate energy when they jump from one orbit to another
32) Average size of atom is 0.1nm and also 1 Angstrom is equal to 0.1 nm
33) Nodulated root contain nitrogen fixing bacteria
34) BCG vaccination is to boost immunity for Tuberculosis
35) By submergence of mountain ridges running parallel coastline Dalmation is formed
36) Amu is atomic mass unit is to measure atomic mass of an element
37) Halogen constitute a group of 7A in periodic table and group 8A are Nobel gases
38) Linus Pauling gave concept of electronegativity
39) D block elements are also known as Transition metals
40) Atom size gradually decreases from left to right in a period
41) Elements of group 1 are called Alkali metals Mushrooms belong to Fungi
42) Word Malaria is derived from Italian language means bad air
43) Euglena belongs to kingdom Protista zea mays is botanical name of maize or corn
44) Female mosquitos of genus anopheles is mosquito involved in spread of malaria
45) Ecologist Robert Whittaker introduced 5 kingdoms system
46) The colour seen after closure of eyes is called Eigengrau young bats are called Pups
47) Only mammal that can kneel on all four legs is Elephant
48) Rice crops is affected by disease called Blast limestone rock turns into Marble
49) Four types of eukaryotes are found hydrogen has 3 isotopes Pyorrhea is Gums disease
50) Ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain Scapula is shoulder bone
51) Pisiform bone is in women wrist plants that have flower but no leafs are cactus
52) Metal tungsten gets it name from Swedish heavy stone
53) C2 H5 OH is formula of Alcohol lungs of birds consist of Para Bronchi
54) White lung disease is prevalent among the workers cement products and mining
55) Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral composed of flexible fibers that are resistant to
heat electricity and corrosion Oncogene is responsible for cancer disease
56) Element common to all acids Hydrogen Plaster of Paris is produced by heating gypsum
57) Left chamber of heart pumps fully oxy blood to aorta and full body
58) Tetanus germs enter through wounds it takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 to frown
59) Weight of our skin is 8 pounds about 20nm is the size of smallest virus
60) Cytochrome A is present in all aerobic species Meander means a bend of rivers
61) Number of pairs in cranial nerves are 12 common name for star Sirius is dog star
62) Insufficient secretion of iodothyroxine in adults result causes Myxedema
63) Speed is scaler value and velocity is vector value
64) When the velocity decreases with respect to time it is known as retardation or negative
acceleration is called retardation Hydroponic growing plants without soil
65) Scalar quantity has magnitude without any direction of action
66) A quantity that has both magnitude and direction is vector quantity
67) GM bacteria are genetically modified bacteria modified in laboratory used for human
protein medicine CaCo3 is formula of calcium carbonate
68) Carbon di oxide and water are the reactants in photosynthesis
69) Calcium oxide Ca and CO2 is obtained by heating calcium carbonate
70) Balanced chemical equation is equation that has equal number of each type of atom on
both sides of the arrow there are 5 basic types of chemical equation
71) In prokaryotes cell wall is composed of peptidoglycan
72) Normal percentage of lipid in cell membrane is 50% Nooloogist study mind
73) Alloy used for making magnets is Alnico Orogeny forms mountains
74) Quinsy is inflammation of body organ tonsils due to abscess
75) The couple btw base bonding of DNA is through Hydrogen Bonding
76) The inner core of earth is also called as Nife AIDS destroys immune system
77) When the sun and the moon are perpendicular to each other neap tide occurs
78) Vertically developed clouds are about 12000 meters high
79) To date scientists have explored only 4% of universe or space
80) Horology is study of devices used for measurement of time
81) Aphid a small insect that sucks juice from plants sextant measures height of object
82) Nerve cells stops dividing after the birth of a child in the body
83) Sclera is white portion of our eye AQ Fats gives maximum energy in metabolic process
84) Cricket ears are located on tibia of forelegs Veg Onion got its name from precious stone
85) Eyes of animal GOAT have rectangular pupils oxalic acid is used to remove ink spots
86) Trunk of tree increases due to cell division in Meristematic tissue
87) Sodium benzoate is used to preserve fruit juices Santa Ana blows in Southern California
88) Metal calcium sulphate found in plaster of Paris sclerenchyma tissue are dead in plants
89) Adventitious roots developed from any part of plant Dielectric constant of water is 80
90) Conversion of alternate current into direct current is carried out by Rectifier
91) Forces acting at a point are called concurrent forces Vit B-9 is known as Folate
92) Nephoscope determines movement of direction of clouds
93) 118 elements in modern periodic table and 94 are naturally occurring
94) Forces of attraction present btw all types of atoms and molecules is Van der Waal
95) Major chemical compound found in human kidney stones is calcium oxalate
96) Mircro wave radiation emitted from the sun has highest wavelength
97) Metal extracted by thermal reduction process is copper Jonquil is hade of yellow color
98) Physalia or Siphonophore is also known as Portuguese man of war
99) Entamocba histolytica is found in intestine of man Myologist studies muscles
1) Toenails in human body contains most gold 12 is atomic number of Magnesium
2) Synthetic fiber Rayon is known as Artificial silk Cirrhosis disease affects Liver
3) Formation of pot holes on river beds is an example of Corrosion
4) Crookes glass can cut of ultraviolet rays Shortest wave length of audible sound is 1.7 cm
5) Porphyrins are special molecules found in ring shape Podobromhidorsis is smelly feet
6) If an alloy is an amalgam it must contain metal mercury Nidologist studies birds’ nests
7) Alternative scale to measure earthquakes instead of Richter is Mercalli scale
8) Terrapin is a turtle that lives in brackish water a paddling a is group of ducks
9) Plant Iris was named after Greek Goddesses of Rainbow Hours Doeurve mean extra dish
10) Zinc oxide is called as philosophers wool ore heating in absence of air called calcination
11) CD4 cells of T cells are affected by AIDS virus water source of oxygen in photosynthesis
12) Body part sensitive to radiation lymphocytes (white blood cells)+blood producing cells
13) North of Geographical equator the thermal equator is found pluviometer measure rain
14) Saddle plane or pivotal are body joints Tetraplegia is full body paralysis
15) Somatology branch of Anthropology where human evolution nd classification is studied
16) Interior part of earth Mantle is nearly half of the radius of earth Talc is softest substance
17) Part of neuron which receives messages are Dendrites Coma bacillus causes cholera
18) 7 image will be found if two mirrors are fitted adjacent walls and one on ceiling
19) Ethane distance btw two adjacent carbon atoms is longest Krebs cycle forms citric acid
20) Fat content in Buffalo milk is 7.2% Earth rotates around axis pointing towards pole star
21) 8 oxygen atoms are transported by each hemoglobin molecule
22) Osmosis is ultimate cause of water movement in plant sys against gravity
23) Plant mint produce seed but not fruit Pluto is farthest from the sun
24) Shoal is a place where a sea lake or river is shallow hockey goal is 12 feet wide
25) Orange belongs to Rutaceae family process Galena produces metal lead
26) Plant potato is attacked by Colorado beetle Ants live in a formicarium
27) Scientific study of Fishes is called Ictheologist Iris control amount of light entering eye
28) Bromine only nonmetal remains liquid at room temperature EMF electromotive force
29) A process where glucose and fats oxidize to liberate energy is called respiration
30) Deficiency of Zinc causes loss of appetite and poor growth Fe chemical symbol of Iron
31) El Nino is unusual warming of surface of water in eastern pacific ocean
32) Element present in large amount in minerals and rocks is Silicon
33) Stainless steel is an alloy of Iron Chromium and Nickle 7.5 to 8 is pH of human blood
34) Islets of Langerhans are involved in controlling level of blood sugar
35) Primary chemical composition of Marble includes Iron Oxides
36) Chloroform discovered by James Simpson Phosphorus is 1% in Human body
37) Infrared radiation by sun are strongly absorbed by C02
38) Carcinogenic material cause cancer protoplasm is living substance of cell
39) Era of earth history ranging from 600 million years ago to 270 m years is Paleozoic era
40) Magnesium element is least in % in human body
41) Atacama desert has largest deposits of nitrates Average male brain weighs 49 ounces
42) 31 pair of nerves arise from vertebral column southern cross is a constellation of 5 stars
43) In a sitar wire Stationary transverse waves are produced
44) 0.15% amount of sodium in Weight of Human body female brain weighs 44 ounces
45) Guitar wire transverse waves are produce Sodium metal is kept under liquid Kerosene
46) Glandular tissue produce different secretary products
47) Pediatrics deal with medicine for children and their disease
48) Non-toxic gas Acetylene helps in formation of enzymes which ripen fruit
49) Silicon is required for solar energy conversion CIX in Roman is 109
50) imaginary line with zero longitude crossing Greenwich is called prime meridian
51) ethylene reacts with Sulphur Monoxide to form Mustard Gas
52) acetylene gas is used in welding industry cardamom is known as Queen of spices
53) Meristematic /permanent tissue in cells have lost capacity of cell division
54) Radiation of Gamma rays carry maximum energy Brain is affected by Meningitis
55) Water vapour turn into water droplets through condensation
56) If dew point is below freezing it is called Frost point Dipthena disease is of throat
57) In liver carbon hydrate is stored as Glycogen At 4 degree C water has maximum density
58) Hot dry winds Foehn blow on the eastern side of Alps mountains
59) Peat represents first stage of formation of coal Magnesium is extracted from sea water
60) Granite best representative of acid igneous rock CaSO4.2H2O formula of plaster of Paris
61) Appendix and muscles of earlobes vestigial organ in man Joseph Black discovered CO2
62) Lunar eclipse gives evidence of the spherical shape of the earth
63) According to Charles law gas is directly proportional to temperature
64) Low level of CO2 favours opening of stomata Bromine is red liquid
65) Diaphragm is a thin skeletal muscles in body related to respiratory system
66) Isotopes can be separated by Distillation Chronometer by John Harrison
67) Ability of metal to be drawn in to thin wires is known as Ductility
68) Enzyme Rennin takes part in digestion milk protein appendix attached to large intestine
69) Month Feb of a calendar year can lack a new moon Chromium is used in making alloys
70) Canyon is deep steep walled V shaped valley cut by river through resistance rock
71) Fe, Co, Ni may best be called as Transition metals our eyeballs are 3.5% of salt
72) Copper tin and Zinc are ingredients of Gun metal Water glass formula Na2O nSiO2
73) Heating element of electric heater is made up of Nichrome Graphite is used as Lubricant
74) During total solar eclipse there is most likely to be a decrease in rate of photosynthesis
75) Study of interaction of antigen and antibodies called serology 73% human brain is water
76) Amount of energy in wheat in calories in 340 and in grams is 100
77) Amalgams are alloys which contain mercury as one of the contents
78) Brass gets discolored in air because of presence of hydrogen sulphide in air gases
79) Quartz crystals used in quartz clocks are chemically silicon dioxide
80) Characteristic which enables animals to tolerate dehydration is Anhydrobiosis
81) Thermostat in human body is in Hypothalamus tube ureter joins kidney and bladder
82) Oxyntic secrete hydrochloric acid in stomach Radium is obtained from pitchblende
83) Heavy waters used in nuclear reactors is called Deuterium oxide
84) Running down the inside part of human elbow is a nerve called as Funny bone
85) Ordinary water is used as moderator in nuclear reactor Marsh gas is methane
86) Steel is more elastic than rubber because ratio of stress to strain is more
87) Stone in human kidney is made up of Calcium osalate A Barn is unit of an area
88) EEG is recording of brain waves from outer surface of head Electron has the least mass
89) Water is good solvent of ionic salt becoz it is a high dipole moment
90) In human body liver has the capacity to regenerate Calciferol chemical name of Vit D
91) Mesotherms are plants of tropical and sub-tropical regions. Pyrite is fool’s Gold
92) Air bubble in water shines because of phenomenon of total internal reflection
93) The age of most ancient geological formation is estimated by Uranium lead method
94) Avogadro hypothesis small particle of element capable of indp existence is molecule
95) Acute lead poisoning is also known as Plumbism Emphysema is disease of lungs
96) Transfer of heat through horizontal movement of air is called advection
97) If an animal is oviparous it lays eggs Cathode ray is not electromagnetic in nature.
98) Murrah is a breed of animal Buffalo Dense fluid filled region in chloroplast is stroma
1) Bacteria pathogens cause disease which can be treated by antibiotics
2) Nylon is commonly called polyamide in plants there are 3 main types of tissues
3) Detergents used for cleaning clothes and utensils contain Sulphonates
4) In vulcanization natural rubber is heated with Sulphur Hepar is other name of liver
5) Glycine is simplest amino acid most commonly found in animal protein
6) Joints btw flat bones of immovable junction btw bones is called suture
7) Daily weather map showing isobars is an example of chropleth map
8) Darwin finches is referred to birds human eye is 576 megapixels
9) Jet stream fast flowing narrow air currents encircling the globe some miles above earth
10) In human parathyroid hormone regulates blood calcium and Phosphate
11) Vitamin b12 also known cobalamin helps in formation of red blood cells and antibodies
12) Soap is a mixture of mono carboxylic acid Paraffin wax is a petroleum wax
13) Each turn of DNA contain 10 nitrogenous base pairs Apitoxin poison in honey bee
14) Chlorine acts as a bleaching agent only in the presence of moisture
15) Joint appendages characteristics of Phylum Arthropoda rain water action forms Gully
16) Alnico alloy is used for making magnets for hearing aids Oxygen % in air is 21%
17) Iron and nickel constitute internal core of earth Nail polish remover contain Acetone
18) In compound HClO4 chlorine show oxidation state +7 Quartz chemical name sodium silicate
19) LIGO detection detects Gravitational waves Metal bearing rocks are called Ores
20) Species with same number of electrons are Isoelectronic Shrimps heart is in its head
21) Rectified spirit contains 95% alcohol 5% water Dasymeter for measuring density of gas
22) Other than spreading malaria anopheles mosquitoes are also vectors of filariasis
23) Plants grown in saline water are halophytes pyorrhea is disease of gums
24) Hydroxy propanoic acid is also known as Lactic acid phaeophyta is brown algae
25) When alcohol reacts with phosphorous halides it gives alkyl halides
26) Gold fish only fish that can see infrared and ultraviolet rays snail can sleep for 3 years
27) A mosquito has 47 sharp dagger instead of teeth Albatross can sleep while flying
28) Food in fungi is stored in the form of glycogen Iron rusting is example of slow oxidation
29) Atmospheric condition affects the UHF waves ultra-high frequency waves of space
30) Ore of both calcium and magnesium are contained in Dolomite
31) Sun shining brightly in one part of the sky after rain two rainbows are experienced
32) Golden algae is also known as Chrysophyceae phloem is tissue found in mammals
33) Nitrogen in plant and animals occur in the form of protein
34) Pro cariotiqu was word suggested by Chatton for bacteria and blue green algae
35) Greatest diversity of animal in lake is found in the littoral zone
36) Cytokinins are plant hormone that induce cell division
37) Most of the red blue and green colors of plants are due to pigment anthocyanin
38) Plants growing on sands area called psammophytes CaCo3 is limestone formula
39) Cold welding a process when two solid metals are bonded without heat of fusion but by
applying adequate pressure.
40) 78% earth surface is covered with sedimentary rocks 95% of earth crust is igneous rocks
41) Solanum tubersome is scientific name of Potato and Allium Cepa of Onion
42) Worms have no eyes they have receptors that tell them about light or dark
43) Outer covering of virus made up of protein is capsid Rhizopus is called black bread mold
44) Ozone molecule contain dative bond and covalent bond both of them
45) 47 is number of chromosome in down syndrome Spider is not an Insect
46) Haploid is most suitable for study of mutations Anemophily is pollination by wind
47) Plants that grow under average temperature and moisture are mesophytes
48) Number of moles of solute present in 1 KG of solvent is called its molality
49) Smelting process where metal is obtained in fused state Frozen dew is known Black ice
50) H2CO3-HCO3 is main buffer system of human blood Ascomycota largest group of fungi
51) Heat required to raise temperature of body by 1K is called thermal capacity
52) Octane number 0 is assigned to n-heptane. Seed can germinate in absence of light
53) Metal used for hydrogenation of oil is Ni Ethylene is monomer of polythene
54) 39KJ of heat energy is produced when body metabolizes 1 gram of fat
55) Number of water molecule present in a drop of water at room temp is 6.023 of 1019
56) Gold is not malleable metal Bi Convex lens is found in human Eye
57) Heating of water under atmospheric pressure is an isobaric process
58) Near their critical temp all gases occupy volumes less than that of ideal gas
59) Substance whose atoms can be split are known as Fissionable vitamin B9 is folic acid
60) Diamond is harder than graphite because of difference in crystalline structure
61) Magnifying power of electron microscope as compared to eye is 250000x
62) Greater wax moth has sharpest hearing ability Neon is monoatomic gas
63) Thermoset material can be depreformed permanently by heat and pressure
64) Ethylene gas is used for artificial ripening of fruit Drug marijuana is sedative
65) HF molecule has highest percentage of ionic character
66) Methyl Alcohol used to denature ethanol Hydrogen gas has high amount calorific value
67) Apparent weight of person when elevator is accelerating downwards is Zero
68) Septum is the muscle that separates the right side and left side of heart
69) Main chemical constituent of clay is aluminum silicate Number of electrons in H+ is 0
70) Number of g molecule of oxygen in 6.02X1024 CO is 5 gram of molecule
71) Nitrogen forms maximum 4 covalent bonds trypanosome organism cause sleeplessness
72) Biogeographical regions are also called realms.
73) Cotton fiber is least prone to catch fire. Oxidation involves loss of electrons
74) Asthma is caused due to Spasm in bronchial muscles
75) Place with most sun shine is Yuma in Arizona USA Thyroid hormone contain iodine
76) Biopsy is done on the tissue taken from living body ATP is macromolecule
77) In 92 natural elements 16 considered bio elements. DTP called as triple vaccine
78) Dry powder fire extinguisher contain sand+sodium bicarbonate carbon in steel o.1/2%
79) Solvent extraction is efficient to purify a substance Iron rust quickly in sea water
80) Polysaccharide carbohydrate is tasteless Halophytes plants growing on saline soil
81) Specie inhabiting different geographical areas is known as Allopatric specie
82) Carotene pigment on oranges gives it its colour
83) Calcitonin controls balance of calcium in the body coal tar chief source of Naphthalene
84) Candle is a mixture of paraffin wax and stearic acid Molasses byproduct of sugar
85) Loudness of sound varies directly with the vibrating body’s Amplitude
86) Component liver works as energy storage device in human body
87) Movement of earth material as a unit along curved surface is called Slump
88) An antibody is made up of 4 chains of polypeptide Highest radius of earth at Equator
89) Temperature danger zone for food is 8 to 60 degree or 40 to 140 F.
90) Aluminum can be recycled many times Amylose is soluble in hot water
91) 574 amino acids in molecule of hemoglobin Aqua Ragia dissolves noble metals
92) DNA bacterium consists of ring like pieces known as Plasmids
1) Polymer used in making plastic crockery is Melamine Hg symbol of mercury
2) Vitamin is present in large amount in adrenal cortex of body
3) Sounds with below 20Hz frequency are infrasonic 14 number chromosomes in pea plant
4) Plaster of Paris is made by partial dehydration of gypsum salt
5) Embolia when a mass of clotted blood or small amount of air blocks blood vessel.
6) Fata Morgana is type of mirage in which distant objects appear inverted, distorted or
multiplied. It is particularly seen in strait of Messina. Asbestos is mineral fiber
7) Rhodopsin purple pigment that enables eye to see in the dark
8) Copper does not contain covalent bond. D Iwanowski discovered virus
9) Algae responsible for largest amount of oxygen on earth Silk fiber is chemically protein
10) Sputnik meant literally as Fellow traveler. Angelica is Green colour
11) An orbital can hold two electrons. Subshell p has dumbbell shape
12) When electron jumps from lower to higher orbit energy is absorbed.
13) Greater the value of principle quantum number the larger the size of atom
14) Optimum temperature for enzyme in human body is 37.5 oC
15) Optimum temperature is temperature at which an enzyme works at its best
16) Dobson unit is used to measure ozone. Cooley’s anemia other name of thalassemia
17) Green mould is common name of penicillium Dorsal mean back or upper side
18) Volvox colonies are found in fresh water pounds Synapse gap present btw two neurons
19) 43 total number of peripheral nerves in men and 31 is pair of spinal nerves
20) High concentration of nitrogen in air causes Bronchitis
21) Nickle oxide imparts deep blue colour to glass Denier is measuring unit of silk thickness
22) Semiotics is study of signs or symbols Helium hydride first molecule discovered in space
23) Pulse can be felt when an artery passes over a bone. Maize is an example of Monocot
24) lines of paschen series for hydrogen atom lie in the spectral region of Infrared band
25) Eye irritant present in smog is Peroxyacetyl nitrate
26) Arsenic is most poisonous pollutant in water. Ratio of pure gold in 18 carat is 75%
27) Pollutant NO is main product of automobile exhaust.
28) Methyl bromide is ozone depleting pesticide. At 961.8 C temperature silver melts
29) Alphonso Laveran first discovered Malaria in 1880. Matter of our sun in plasma state
30) Plasma in blood takes food material to all tissues in body.
31) Asbestos sheets provide better protection against heating. 4.24 inches golf hole
32) Average acceleration caused by gravity per second is 30 feet or 9.8 meters.
33) Silver corrodes due to hydrogen sulphide in air Quintal is 100 kg. Kalium old name of potassium
34) In human body parotid gland produce saliva. Insulin in human is protein.
35) In human body Villus is found in small intestine and diverticula in large intestine.
36) Islets of Langerhans in our body secrete insulin and other hormones.
37) In our body, luteinizing hormone is produced by pituitary gland.
38) Hypoxia is decrease of oxygen to tissue despite adequate blood flow to tissue.
39) HCV hepatitis is more contagious. Utilization of digestion products called assimilation.
40) Kangaroo has abdominal pouch known as Marsupial. Graphite is not a mixture
41) Damage to Abducen nerve could result in defect of eye movement.
42) Liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen will be used as fuels for rockets.
43) H2 gas is used for converting vegetable oils into saturated fats.
44) Property of hydrogen that distinguish it from alkali metal is its non-metallic character.
45) Hydrogen is not found in atmosphere because it is the lightest gas.
46) Mitochondria contain enzymes for cellular respiration. Secretin is not enzyme.
47) Sulphur is a secondary plant nutrient. When hydrogen burns, it produces water.
48) Science of growing terrestrial plants in an aerated solution is called Hydroponics.
49) Aniline is a derivative of benzene which contains Amino group.
50) Most important photosynthetic pigment is Chlorophyll a.
51) Deficiency of Magnesium causes yellowing in pigment. Man has 3 pair of slivery gland
52) Complete breakdown of glucose molecule takes place in Aerobic respiration.
53) Cadmium metal does not react with water to produce hydrogen.
54) Diphtheria disease affects Throat in human body. Algophobia fear of physical pain.
55) Bacteria having flagella all over surface is called Peritrichous Bacteria.
56) Pellagra is nutritional deficiency Vitamin B3 NIACIN and B1 is Thiamin
57) Hysteria is not a contagious disease. Lunar eclipse are three types
58) Pulsar is a neutron star which produces regular pulses electromagnetic radiation
59) Geodesy is branch of math that deals with measurement of surface of the earth.
60) Water vapour content in atmosphere is 2 to 3%. N2O is not greenhouse gas
61) Epiglottis prevents food from entering the windpipe
62) Substrates are substances that assist enzyme to act. Keto group is represented as CO
63) Chlorination of water is harmful if it contains ammonia. H2SO4 is not primary pollutant
64) The yellow colour photochemical smog is due to presence of nitrogen oxide
65) Exposure of low temp stimulates plants to flower this is called vernalisation
66) Olfactory nerves enables smell sense. Penicillin used to fight bacteria. plasmodium 1897
67) Platelets other name is thrombocytes. There are 180 latitude lines
68) Crystalline solids are called true solids trypsinogen enzyme secreted by pancreas
69) Molar heat of vaporization of water is 40.7Kj/Mole. Argon laser for eye treatment
70) Lymphocytes cells are destroyed in AIDS. Hemophilia is a hereditary disease
71) When we move from left to right the atomic volume of element increases
72) Radio waves are electromagnetic waves. water 50 times viscous than air
73) Device which converts analogue signal into digital signal is Modem
74) Increase in pH of blood has plus ve effect on oxygen carrying capacity of hemoglobin
75) Oxygen content per liter of air is 200 ml. Tachycardia is increase in heart rate
76) Maximum oxygen blood absorbs and carries at sea level is 20ml per 100 ml
77) Whale has two separate circulatory pathways. NaoH is caustic soda
78) C-H bond is potential source of chemical energy for cellular activities.
79) Chemical name of bleaching powder is calcium hypochlorite
80) 8 is atomic number of oxygen. Solar eclipse are 4 types
81) Infection of slivery glands by virus leads to mumps. Titanium is metal of future
82) Herpes zoster virus cause chicken pox. Sickle cell anemia is due to Genes
83) Manometer measures vapour pressure of liquids. Silicon is called earth maker
84) Selma Waksman gave term antibiotics. B-lymphocytes produce antibodies
85) 65% water in brain cell. Mars is losing its atmosphere faster than the earth
86) Short sightedness is due to elongation of eye balls. Aerated water contains CO2
87) Water pollution in river is measured by dissolved amount of oxygen
88) Ultraviolet rays used in water treatment disinfectant Higher vascular plants seed plants.
1) Pteridophytes have largest number of Chromosomes. Oxygen doesn’t react with Helium
2) Calvin cycle promotes growth in plants Phenol known as carbolic acid
3) Arterial blood contains 50ml of CO2 per 100 ml of blood. 14 teeth’s known as milk teeth
4) Maximum permissible concentration of total hardness in drinking water is 200
5) In chemical terms alums used for purifying water for drinking is double Sulphonates
6) Brown stains in vessels and clothes indicated presence of high quantities Iron in water
7) If water smells bad it can be removed by adding activated carbon
8) Diethylamine is strongest base in aqueous solution. There are 7 tectonic plates
9) Sour taste of Coca Cola is due to presence of phosphoric acid
10) Gossypium Herbaceum is scientific name of Cotton. Octopus is a mollusc
11) Simple substances combined to form complex substances are called Anabolic
12) Two or more atoms complete their electron shells by sharing electrons covalent bond
13) Chromoplast impart red colour to red petal. pH value of pure water is 7
14) Pitcher plant opens its mouth when insect sit on its lid. pH scale ranges from 0 to 14
15) Compound used in heat powder to prevent sweating is Boric acid.
16) Acoelomates animals in which body cavity are absent. Litmus obtain from lichen
17) Collision of two bodies will be elastic bodies are solid and hard
18) Antacids found in drug gives relief from stomach ache. Rain water pH 5.6
19) Vinegar is diluted formic acid. Squid is the largest invertebrate
20) Animals floating on water surface are plankton. There is No chlorophyll in fungi
21) 25 vertebrae in human vertebral column. Louise brown worlds first test tube baby 1978
22) Lichen is used as air pollution indicator. Pneumonia is caused by bacteria cocci
23) Vitamin B contain nitrogen B also helps in absorption of calcium
24) At stage of its life cycle known as pupa silkworm yield the fiber
25) Average thickness of earth crust is 32 km. 24 carat diamond is equal to 480mg
26) Ammonia gas dissolves in water and makes it basic. Alfalfa is name of Grass
27) Carbon 14 is used for dating old objects of archeological importance
28) Carbon black is used as filler in tyre of a rubber. 1 carat of diamond is equal to 200 mg
29) Water gas mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Bacteria are in kingdom Monera
30) Plants that live in soil but depends on water are Bryophytes.
31) Saragossa Sea is referred to as oceanic desert. Casein main protein found in milk
32) Spraying DDT on crops cause pollution of soil and water
33) Reverse osmosis treatment of water pollution. Aluminum can be purified by electrolysis
34) Siderosis disease is caused when iron dust in inhaled. Carbon strengthens stainless steel
35) Aqueous solution of potassium chloride is strong electrolyte. weil disease affect kidney
36) Bleaching powder is prepared by passing chlorine over slacked lime
37) Nitric acid secreted by glands in stomach walls. Hydrochloric acid 2 nd name muriatic acid
38) Calcination is heating of a ore below its melting point without air
39) Stainless steel made by alloying steel with chromium and nickel. Fe3O4 is a magnetite
40) Mercury can form an amalgam with other metals. Silkworm feeds on mulbury leaves
41) Algae and fungi collectively known as Thallophytes. Vitamin B contain nitrogen
42) Bauxite is used as raw material by aluminum industry. Vit D absorbs calcium
43) Bacterium which reduces fertility of soil is Bacillus dentificans
44) Stamens of flower produces pollen grains that are yellowish in colour
45) Example of nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil is Azotobecter. Copper is not alloy
46) Organisms found living near bed sediments of river or lakes are known as benthic
47) Bridgmanite is earths most abundant mineral. Copper is refined by roasting
48) Percentage of carbon in steel ranges from 0.1 to 1.5 Anthology is study of flower
49) Metal extracted from bauxite is Aluminum. Galena is a mineral of lead
50) Highest percentage of Iron ore is found in hematite iron too is extracted from it
51) Iron ore which contains 72% of iron is magnetite. Wrought iron is purest form of iron
52) Cast iron contains maximum % of carbon. cryolite does not contain oxygen
53) In Fe2O3 maximum iron ore is found. carbon % in cast iron is 3 to 5
54) Y rays radiations has strongest photon. Photon Is also massless
55) Fungi which get food from dead organic matter are decomposers
56) Approximately 200 species of bacteria are known to cause disease in human
57) Zoonotic disease which are transferred from animal to human
58) Tuberculosis is known as white plague Meibomian glands are in Eyes
59) Aluminum powder is used in wielding iron rails and machine parts
60) Manufacture of iron from iron ore involves process of reduction
61) Tungsten is not present in stainless steel copper is found in pure form
62) Slag name is given for molten alumina. humerus bone in arm. Vit A is not fat soluble
63) Marasmus is associated with deficiency of calories. Rickets caused due lack of Calciferol
64) In carbohydrate ratio hydrogen oxygen 2:1. Irish potato famine disease+starvation 1845
65) One mole of CaCl2 has minimum freezing point. Fungi can tolerate pH from 2-9
66) Water of crystallization can be removed by heating. Smooth muscles are in stomach
67) One molar solution of glucose in water weights 180g/dm3. Trachoma is eye disease
68) ATP is chemical link between catabolism and anabolism. 27.3% carbon in carbon dioxide
69) DOTS treatment is given to patients suffering from tuberculosis. Anemia is due lack Fe
70) Aedes mosquito is carrier of Zika Virus. Gold is the heaviest metal
71) Most productive ecosystem on biosphere is estuary. Gold is king of metals
72) Gold platinum copper silver found in free state in nature. Zinc oxide is philosopher wool
73) Substance which does not expand on going from liquid state to solid state is type metal
74) Fluorine is most reactive gaseous element. Mercury is also called quick silver
75) Organisms that feed on excreta of other organisms are called coprophagous
76) Kilo calories in one gram of fats is 9.45. Gama Rays by Paul Villard
77) Only living cell in body without blood supply cornea. Nitric acid does not react with Gold
78) DNA coordinates operon group of genes activity. oxygen mass in CO2 72.7%
79) 27% nitrogen is in ammonium sulphate. Nitrogen in water is found in form of Nitrite
80) Methane gas emit from rice field. Vit B destroyed on heating. Carbon atom tetravalent
81) Tourette syndrome is related to neurology branch of medicine
82) Ethylene gas is used in artificial fruit repining. Methane is simplest form of Alkane
83) Helium has highest ionization energy. Electronegativity has no unit
84) Francium has lowest electronegativity value fluorine highest. Sulphuric acid is dibasic
85) Vitamin D acts like hormone vitamin B12 act as coenzyme
86) Sclerenchyma tissue makes plant hard and stiff. Ibne Haitham father of Optics
87) Excess of fat in body is stored in Adipose tissue. Diplopia is disease of double vision
88) Hydrosis is medical term for sweating. Mercury symbol Hg stands for hydra Rgyrum
89) Benzene cannot undergo elimination it is also simplest aromatic carbon
90) Chloropicrin is one of the constituents of tear gas
1) Cambium are cells that take part in secondary growth
2) Connective tissues are most abundant in body. There are 3 types of plant tissue
3) In permanent tissue cell lose the capacity of cell division
4) Camels hump is made up of adipose tissue. Rayon is artificial manmade fiber
5) People living in mountains and high altitudes have larger number of red blood cells
6) Artherosclerosis is condition that leads to heart attack Tin has maximum isotopes
7) Temporal lobe in human brain is associated with hearing. CHCL3 Chloroform formula
8) Red cell disorder in our body is responsible for colour blindness
9) Blattodea is scientific name of Cockroach. Saphenous vein longest vein in human body
10) Protochordate animals do not have jaws. cell use RNA to make protein
11) Pineal gland smallest in human body. Cotton is pure form of cellulose
12) Methyl alcohol and H2O are used in anti-freeze in automobiles
13) Acetone is not anesthesia to be used in surgical operations. N2O is used as anesthetic
14) Gun powder is mixture of potassium nitrate, powdered charcoal and Sulphur
15) Edward teller developed hydrogen bomb. Silver iodide is used for artificial rain
16) Aspirin is chemically known as Acetylsalicylic acid. Ethephon also helps in fruit ripening
17) Semiconductor laser is used in laser printer. Calcium carbide is used to ripen mangoes
18) Silver bromide is used in photography Zinc phosphide chemical name of rat poison
19) Tear gas to disperse mobs contain chlorine. A seed is ripened ovule
20) Pleura membrane cover the lungs
21) Process in which energy stored in carbohydrates release is respiration
22) Muscle get tired with shortfall of ATP. Accumulation of Lactic acid leads to cramp
23) International date line run down through pacific ocean and bering strait
24) Only element that burns with nitrogen is Fluorine. Glucose syrup is made of Maiz
25) Sulphuric acid is colorless. Alizarin is a natural dye
26) Phosphoric acid is used as sowing agent in preparing soft drinks
27) Potassium iodate is used to iodise common salt. tear gas is carbonyl chloride
28) A thick paste of cement sand and water is called as Mortar
29) Firefighting clothes are made of Asbestos Aluminum is not a donor atom
30) Ammonium chloride has all three bonds NH4CL thickest skin of human is in sole
31) In ice number of hydrogen bond per water molecule is 4
32) O+2 has the highest bond order shortest bond length and maximum bond strength
33) Minimum energy required for effective collision is Activation energy
34) By complete oxidation of glucose number of ATP molecule formed is 38
35) Radicle is first root produced by a seed. Skin is an example of epithelial tissue
36) Ferrous sulphate in water treatment as Coagulant aid and Charcoal as adsorbent
37) Adipose tissue formed beneath skin btw organs summer sleep by animal is aestivation
38) Normal temperature of human body on kelvin scale is 310k
39) Cold blooded animals are known as poikilotherms Cycas produce only seed not fruit
40) In metaphase chromatids are found in cell starch gives blue colour with iodine
41) A typical chromosome has two parts centrifuge and centrosome
42) In Anaphase centrosomes divide and chromatid separate in chromosomes
43) Two daughter cells are formed after completion of mitosis
44) Laying horizontally maximum Bp in the body have smallest value
45) Concentration of red blood cells in blood is 50% Blood is Alkaline
46) velocity of fluid increase where pressure is low Blood group AB has not antibody
47) Mercury emits into air by burning of garbage Minerals not found in plasma membrane
48) Mustard gas used as chemical weapon in WW1 Organic compound ester as fruity smell
49) In animal cell division starts with centrioles Gametes are product of meiosis
50) Sphygmomanometer measures blood pressure in arteries
51) Neutrophil types of WBC are abundant in human beings
52) Heavy metals got their name because to other atoms they have high atomic masses
53) Lithium exhibits greater tendency to lose electron. Atomic number of mercury is 80
54) Os or osmium is heaviest metal on periodic table. N2 gas most stable at room temp
55) Sodium silicate is chemical name of Quartz. Calcium oxalate is found in kidney stones
56) Potassium is used in manufacture of fertilizers White phosphorus is most reactive
57) Calcium sulphate chemical name of Plaster of Paris. Plasma cell produce anti bodies
58) Chile saltpeter is common name of sodium nitrate. liquid nitrogen boils at 77 kelvin
59) Sodium bicarbonate if heated becomes sodium carbonate
60) Plaster of Paris is made of partial dehydration of Gypsum salt
61) Aquatic animal excrete nitrogenous waste in shape of Ammonia
62) Joints present in skull are examples of Fibrous joints. Radium is not alkali metal
63) Main component of liquid bleach Sodium hypochlorite. cadmium cause Itai Itai disease
64) Presence of pollutants in environment is said as Parts per million ppm
65) Proteins from amino acids are made from process of dehydration synthesis
66) 10 electrons can be accommodated in D orbital. zinc sulphate non soluble in water
67) Positron is antiparticle of electron. nuclear radius is expressed in Fermi
68) Arteries supplying blood to heart are called coronary arteries
69) Sounds heart make are made by closing valves endocardium innermost layer of heart
70) Monocytes largest cells in white blood corpuscles. Thyroxine hormone contain iodine
71) Sunflower oil does not contain fatty acids 12 hydrogen and 6 oxy atom in glucose molecule
72) Nitrogen is essential constituent of all proteins. Thymine not present in RNA
73) Apparatus used to test acidity of aqueous solution is PH meter
74) Alkali metal Lithium has highest specific heat. oxygen is colorless
75) Alnico alloy is used in making magnet. Uranium oxide is also known as yellow cake
76) Trans uranium elements are elements having atomic number greater then 92
77) Zirconium element is non radio active. Pancreas gland is both endocrine and exocrine
78) Oxytocin cause emotional disturbance. Different kind of genes are called allele
79) Uracil nitrogen base is not found in DNA. 23 pair of homologous chromosome in man
80) Xerophthalima is not a genetic disorder eye can differentiate btw colour due to cones
81) Distance of a distinct vision of human of a normal human eye is 25 cm
82) Outer tough cover that covers the brain is called as dura mater inner most is Pia mater
83) 12 pair of cranial nerve in man. weight of brain in total huma weight is 2%
84) Elements with same number of neutron is isotone. Ph of milk is 6.7
85) Jupiter is formed of helium and hydrogen gas. Glutamic acid is biomolecule
86) Xerostomia refers to dry mouth. intermediate neurons are in Brain
87) Ammonium acetate an aqueous solution is good conductor of electricity
88) Williamsons synthesis is widely used in the laboratory preparation of Ethers
89) German silver an alloy does not contain the metal silver
90) Ultra purification of metal is done by Zone melting 55.5 molality of pure water
91) Brass gets discolored in in air due to exposure in presence of hydrogen sulphide
92) Aluminum chloride is Lewis acid. Natural rubber is polymer of Isoprene
93) Melamine polymer is used in making of plastic crockery. ozone consists of oxygen only
94) Polymerization of ethylene is used in manufacturing of polythene industry
95) Viscos polymer is used to make parachute. Bakelite is a polymer
96) Hydrogen peroxide is used to restore old oil paintings. % of lead in lead pencil is 0
97) Chloroform is most dense liquid form below. clay is highly plastic
1. Tree which sends down roots from its branches to soil is known as banyan
2. Oxygen released during photosynthesis comes from glucose
3. Non biotic pollutant underground water is Arsenic. 3.5% average salinity of sea water
4. A man with color blindness will see red as Green. Size of pupil controlled by Iris
5. Ciliary body helps the eye adjust the focal length of lens. Monazite ore of thorium
6. Islets of Langerhans are present in Pancreas. Filtration of blood occur bowman capsule
7. A vessel Afferent arteriole bring blood to bowman capsule. Marsh gas is methane
8. Photometer measures transpiration in plants. Bromine is red liquid
9. Deliquescence is property of substance to absorb moisture from air on exposure
10. Group of metals such as Fe Co Ni may best be called as Transition metals
11. Carbon diamond and graphite are together called as Allotrope. 1 fathom equal to 6 feet
12. Sodium metal is kept under kerosene. Radium is obtained from pitchblende
13. At present most of active volcanoes are concentrated in pacific ocean
14. 2.5 to 3% of earth water is fresh 97% of earth water is contained in oceans
15. Black soil is sticky when wet and creates cracks when dry W is symbol of Tungsten
16. Bering strait is nearest to international date line Labrador is cold water current
17. Pilgrim father earliest immigrants to north America A ray least penetrating power ray
18. 4 calories in 1 gram of carbohydrate. Cotton is a polymer known as cellulose
19. According to Einstein light travels from one place to other in form of photons
20. Circadian rhythm are human body cycle like mental and behavioral changes
21. Only rock that floats in water is pumice stones. animal myxine is jawless
22. Argon only noble gas for treatment of cancer Diameter of lens is called Aperture
23. Sporozoite is ineffective stage of malaria parasite The metal ion present in B12 is cobalt
24. Small time intervals accurately measured by Atomic clock Chronometer measure time
25. Alpha ray is positively charged particle emitted by radioactive element
26. Isotopes are separated by distillation. Nuclear fission is caused by impact of neutron
27. Nylon is polyamide natural rubber is protein. Cobalt oxide gives blue colour to glass
28. Metal bearing rocks are called ores. Percentage of oxygen in air is 21%
29. Insectivorous plants grow in soil which is deficient in nitrogen
30. The word amphibian mean two lives Brain uses 20% of oxygen and blood in human
31. Human noses, earlobes and ear muscles never stops growing. Water vapor is gas
32. Red blood cells do a complete circuit through circulation in 60 seconds
33. Human bones 31% water and Skin 64 %. Human eye can distinguish 1 million color
34. Human body is 1cm shorter when sleeping as compared to waking up in the morning
35. A large loop like bend in river is meander. Ischemia is insufficient blood supply in body
36. Necrosis is cell or tissue death within a living body. Moth is an insect
37. Vit B 5 is called as Pantothenic acid and Biotin is B7 while Cobalamin is B 12
38. Amount of CO2 we exhale is 4% and Oxygen is 16% Metacarpal bones are in palms
39. Tropical grasslands of Brazil are called as Campos and Canada as prairies
40. Euglena possess characteristics of plant and animal. There are 8 bones in wrist
41. Rose is an example of Mesophytes. Red to orange pigments are carotenes
42. There are 20 spiracles in cockroach Lava solidifies to from Basalt
43. Main reservoir of phosphorus in biosphere is Lithosphere. Milk pH 6.5
44. Ozone layer thickness is measured in Dobson. Crude oil in sedimentary rocks
45. In our body Macula is located in eye center of our retina
46. In Astronomy Pallas, Vesta and David are asteroids. 31 pairs of spinal nerves in man
47. Widal test for diagnosis of Typhoid
48. Meeting of warm and cold currents in ocean gives rise to fog
49. In plants there are three basic types of tissues. Glycine is simplest amino acid
50. Hypertension refers to increase in blood pressure. Gypsum is non-metallic mineral
51. Types of kidneys present in frog Mesonephros. Limestone rock transform into marble
52. Zero spark plugs are needed in diesel engine. Atom made up of 3 subatomic particles
53. Radio active isotope of hydrogen is called tritium. MRI machine use magnetic wave
54. Fission reaction produces most harmful radiation. North pole in 1909 by Robert Perry
55. Average salt content in liter of sea water is 35gm. There are 0 neutron in hydrogen atom
56. Polysaccharide carbohydrate is tasteless. Chlorine oxide is not component of smog
57. For red color the refractive index of a glass is minimum. Oxygen molecule is diatomic
58. Hydrogen peroxide can act as bleaching agent. Hydrogen chloride is diatomic.
59. Chemical name of quick lime calcium oxide. Methanol alcohol is most soluble in water
60. Dengue fever is also called as break bone fever. Maltose is not a macromolecule
61. Absence of supply of oxygen to a tissue is called Anoxia
62. Percentage of calcium in calcium carbonate is 40%. Size of Covid 19 virus is 29 to 30 Kb
63. Every human has 20 milky or primary teeth. Torque unit is newton meter
64. pH value less than 7 indicates that solution is acidic. Aglophile loves pain.
65. Farmers neutralise the acidity in soil by adding slaked lime
66. Baking soda does not contain water of crystallization. 18.5% of carbon in human body
67. Our body works in pH range 7 to 7.8 to survive in atmosphere
68. At 100 C gypsum heated to make plaster of Paris. Fluorine has highest ionization energy
69. Smallest size of cell that can be seen with naked eye is 100 micron
70. Aprosexia is human inability to concentrate and Anhedonia is inability to feel pleasure
71. Hypermetropic or Hyperopia means being able to see distant objects.
72. 1/10th % of iceberg can be seen above surface of water when floating
73. An antibody is made of 4 polypeptide chain. All insects have 3 parts of legs.
74. Aqua Regia is prepared with HNO3 and concentrated in HCL on ratio of 1:3.
75. Liver produces albumin, a protein.
76. North pole of a magnet repels north pole while attracts south pole
77. Black soil is also called as Regur soil. Hydrogen bond are weakest in nature
78. Graphite is an allotrope of carbon which is good conductor of electricity and heat
79. Four single bonds in methane. Neutron is 1842 times heavier than electron.
80. Speed of earth rotation at equator is 1000mph. hydrofluoric acid dissolves glass
81. Mendeleev periodic table was published in 1869.
82. Sagittarius A is black hole that lies in galactic cycle of milky way.
83. Schist is example of metamorphic rock. Renal artery supplies kidney with blood
84. Increased level of SGOT in blood indicates Hepatitis
85. Most abundant gas emitted from volcanoes is water vapor.
86. Diopter is unit for measurement for lens. Gabbro is igneous rock.
87. Nucleosome is basic structural unit of Chromosome.
88. In whole periodic table lithium is most reducing agent.
89. Neon group has two shells both are completely filled.
90. Nipah virus spreads through animals first discovered Malaysia and Singapore in 1999
91. Argons name comes from Greek means lazy. Hypodermic mean under skin
92. Thickness of silk is measured in Denier. Quantum numbers are numerical values
93. Earth takes 4 minutes to cover 1 longitude. Rubisco most abundant enzyme in world
94. In HNO3 compound nitrogen has maximum oxidation state
95. % of oxygen in expired air when person is resting is 16%. Palade discovered Ribosomes
96. In the Alveoli part of respiratory system gaseous exchange take place
97. Chlorine has highest bond energy among halogens. H2S looks odd.
98. Chlorination of water may be harmful if it contains CO2. Kalium old name of potassium
99. 1% of light reaching the earth is used by Photosynthesis.
1. Whale has two separate circulatory pathways. No DNA in lysosomes called suicidal bag
2. People with Hypertrichosis have many hairs. Paludism is old name of malaria.
3. Syphilis disease is transmitted sexually. Nitrogen oxide defuse more quickly than oxygen
4. Ammonia NH3 has lowest density at room temperature.
5. Atom name given by Democritus. Phonetics is study of speech sound.
6. In Gas state matter has lowest density. One ton refrigeration is equal to 3.5kW
7. Partial pressure exerted by water vapour is called aqueous tension
8. Linus car Pauling is father of molecular biology. Tidal energy utilizes potential energy
9. Four building blocks of DNA called nucleotides: adenine, thymine, guanine, cytosine
10. Reading of barometer going down is an indication of Rainfall
11. Dyspepsia is incomplete or imperfect digestion. DNA is an example of molecule.
12. 13 essential Vit required for human body to function properly.
13. Mineral Iodine controls growth and weight of body.
14. Sodium helps in regulation of blood pressure and blood volume.
15. Excessive intake of calcium in diet results in kidney stones.
16. Elements having high I.P values are non-metals.
17. Ionic bond is produced after complete transfer of electrons.
18. Yellow colour of urine due to urochrome. Bolometer measures heat radiation.
19. Plants require 17 essential nutrients. Binary number system uses only digits 1 and 0
20. Myopia is also known as nearsightedness or short sightedness.
21. Uranium is extracted from pitchblende. Epistaxis mean nose bleeding
22. Iron makes 5% of earth crust and Sodium makes 2.83%. Osteopath is a bone specialist.
23. The heaviest man made element is ununoctium. 6th, is longest period in periodic table.
24. Bond between amino acids is called peptide bond. Brass not attracted by magnet.
25. When two or more waves overlap is called interference. Pomology is study of fruits.
26. Out of 92 naturally occurring elements 16 are bio elements. Thanatology study of death
27. Element with lowest melting point is helium and highest is carbon.
28. Pernicious anemia disease is caused by lack of Vit B12. Uranium is metal of hope.
29. 3 major gases have been used in refrigerator since its invention.
30. Chemical name of H2O is Dihydrogen oxide. Bacteria will die at 149F or 65C
31. Main factor in determining a regions climate is Latitude. Octopus has 9 brains.
32. We see Eigengrau colour when our eyes are closed. 92% of water in watermelon.
33. Pure limestone is called calcium carbonate. 26 bones in each foot.
34. Solstice when sun reaches maximum distance from equator. Ibex is a wild goat.
35. One complete turn of DNA contains 10 nucleotides. 3 year child has 20 teeth.
36. Nephoscope instrument detect directions of clouds. Boiling point of pure water 100c
37. Human nerve grow in body of part of Pupil of Eye. Sheep killing is ovicide.
38. Huge cloud of gas and dust in universe is called as Nebula. Arthrology is study of joints.
39. Small pox was eradicated in 1970s but great pox known as syphilis still remains.
40. Talc is hydrated silicate of magnesium. Newspaper can be recycled 5 times.
41. DO BOD COD are measures for quality of water. Vit E reduces requirement of selenium
42. For purification of portable water the coagulant used is alum.
43. KMnO4 can be used for disinfecting water. Polio virus is smallest known virus.
44. Chlorination of water may be harmful if it contains Ammonia
45. Known number of crystalline phases of water is 18. Animals are found in Vivarium.
46. Fission reaction produces most harmful radiation. Tin has maximum number of isotopes
47. Cutaneous exchange is exchange of gases through skin.
48. N is quantum number which tells the energy of electron.
49. Non-polar organic molecules are insoluble in water. Valency of carbon atom is 4.
50. Percentage of calcium in calcium carbonate is 40%. 35 ounces in KG.
51. Chemical name of heavy water is deuterium oxide. South Pacific least polluted ocean.
52. Calcium carbonate is chemical name of marble. Dolomite is ore of Magnesium.
53. Father of homeopathy Samuel Hahnemann. Water is 50 times more viscous than gas
54. Mars is losing its atmosphere at faster rate then earth.
55. Part of neurons Dendrites receives messages. ELISA test is to diagnose AIDS
56. Mach number is used in connection with speed of Aircraft
57. Organs spleen and liver are affected by malaria. Tungsten chemical symbol is W
58. Proportion of hydrogen to helium in sun is 3:1. Seven bones in human eye.
59. Chorology is study of geographical areas, plant and animal distribution.
60. Saros cycle a repeating pattern of eclipses occurring over period of 18Y and 11d where
sun earth and moon align in specific way resulting in either solar or lunar eclipse
61. In whole periodic table lithium is most reducing agent. Tannic acid used in Ink.
62. Annealing is cooling a steel after great amount of heat. 6.5 pH of milk.
63. 17.031 g/mol is molecular weight of Ammonia. 2.20 Pounds in a KG.
64. Dopamine drug is used to treat Parkinson disease. Proton number is denoted by Z
65. Permanent hardness of water due to sulphate of metal can be destroyed by zeolites.
66. White bellbird is worlds loudest bird. 8 bones in the wrist. 55% of our blood is plasma
67. Sodium chloride has strongest bond in solid state. Melioidosis is infectious disease
68. Vapour pressure of water at 100C is 760mm Hg. Gastric juice has lowest ph.
69. Graphite is a conductor but not malleable. Ice is a molecular crystal.
70. At the time of solar eclipse rate of photosynthesis will decrease.
71. About 50% of earth crust including the water on earth and atmosphere is oxygen.
72. Van der wall attraction present btw all kinds of atoms and molecules.
73. Conversion of AC into DC is carried out by Rectifier. Mesosphere is the coldest.
74. Crystalline solids are called true solids. ATP is currency of body cells.
75. Dielectric constant of water at 18c is 80. Fe3O4 formula of magnetic oxide.
76. According to Charles, law gas is directly proportional to temperature.
77. Apparent weight of a person when accelerating Zero.
78. Synthetic vinegar chemical name is Acetic acid. Convex lenses in human eye.
79. A plant require 17 essential nutrients. Silver oxide cell not rechargeable.
80. Decrease in oxidation number is called as reduction. 2 types of growth in plants
81. Period of pendulum is determined by its length. Olfactory nerves affect smell sense.
82. Guoy balance can determine number of unpaired electron in orbital.
83. Polarimeter can detect enantiomer. Agar is commercially obtained form Red algae.
84. Insulating materials has nature of dielectric. 746 watt equal to 1HF.
85. Triglycerides are made up of glycerol bond. Glucose is most common monomer of carbohydrate
86. Because penicillin prevents peptidoglycan synthesis, it is more effective on gram pos cells.
87. Viruses require host cells for reproduction. 3 blood vessels in umbilical cord.
88. Lipid rich component of bacterial cells are cell membrane. Bamboo die after flowering.
89. Most abundant gas in stratosphere is Nitrogen. HF cannot be stored in glass bottle.
90. Medical term low blood sugar hypoglycemia. Perspiration cools body by latent heat transfer.
91. BOD of a river water is high which means water is highly polluted.
92. Surface waves are most destructive earthquake waves. Earthquake occur at plate boundaries.
93. In satiety condition patients lacks eat. Source of energy in ecosystem is sunlight.
94. Insufficient blood supply in human body is referred to as Ischemia.
95. Ability of eye to see in dark due to purple pigment Retinene. Coal is deforestation resource.
96. 51 amino acids in insulin molecules. Dengue fever diagnosed by low plat let count.
97. Dividing and undifferentiated cells are known as callus. Pyrex is heat resistant glass.
98. Retinal Vit acts both as hormone and visual pigment. Cotton is grown on black soil.
99. Chromium is added to steel to make it stainless steel. Silver melts at 961.8 C temperature
1. Natural element Tungsten has highest melting point. Ph of acid rain is 5.
2. Critical angle of water is 49. Cadmium is not radioactive element.
3. Innate immunity is present in us from birth. Word Alkali means Ashes.
4. Heating element of electric heater made Nichrome Vegetable cabbage contains Sulphur
5. Tocopherol chemical name of Vitamin E. Pumice stone floats on water.
6. Inhaled air passed through the bronchiole at last. Frozen dew is known as black ice.
7. Cosmic rays trapped in our galaxy by magnetic waves. Typhus disease is spread by fleas.
8. When a single month has two full moons the second month is called as blue moon.
9. To distinguish btw transverse and longitudinal waves is through property of polarization
10. There are 18 known crystalline phases of water. Beta cells secrete insulin.
11. Zerlina reactor is used for studies of uranium of heavy water lattice.
12. Split ring in motion called commutator. Ammonium nitrate contain 35% nitrogen mass.
13. Two processes to remove fluoride from water ion exchange and lime softening.
14. Temporary hardness in water is due to magnesium carbonate.
15. Greenish yellow is color of Chlorine gas. Hydrofluoric acid is weakest acid in water.
16. Bleaching powder is example of mixed salt. Human uses 550 liters of oxygen per day.
17. Dissolved oxygen in water should be 4 to 5 ppm. 0 C is melting point of ice.
18. Water vapour beyond the dew point result in condensation.
19. Non-polar organic molecules insoluble in water. Hydra has no central nervous system
20. If sun is shining brightly in one part of the earth after rain then 2 rainbows are observed.
21. Sulphur is used in parlors for hair setting. 4 kinds of bones and joints in human body.
22. Deliquescence property of substance to absorb moisture from air on exposition.
23. % of aluminum in earth is 8.23%. largest latitude circle on earth is Equator
24. Afternoon rainfall in equatorial regions are result of influences of convectional.
25. Warm air lifted off the surface in temp depression is called an occlusion.
26. Damage to Abducen nerves results in defection in eye movement.
27. Anti-Diuretic hormone secreted by pituitary gland. Aluminum can be recycled many times
28. Water has same % is bacterial and in mammalian cell. Carbon atom is tetravalent.
29. 85% water in brain cells. Specific heat of vaporization of water is 574Kcal/Kg
30. Ribose is an example of pentose. 0.08% of glucose present in our body.
31. Starch gives blue color with iodine. Glycogen in abundant in animals.
32. 170 total number of amino acids so far discovered.
33. In hemoglobin molecule total amino acids 574. Ocean current example of convection
34. Insulin molecule has 2 polypeptide chains. Heart beat originates from SA nodes.
35. Each turn of DNA contain 10 nitrogenous base pairs. Sodium is softest metal.
36. Substance whose atoms can be split are fissionable. Gastric juice has the lowest ph.
37. Name of body organ pancreas translates as all flesh. Plantalgia is pain in soles or feet.
38. Maximum amount of urea is present in Hepatic vein. Kayser measures waves.
39. End of chromosomes are called as Telomeres. Size of smallest virus is 20nm
40. Primary chemical composition of marble comprise calcite.
41. 4 calories in 1 gram of carbohydrates. CO2 gas to extinguish fire.
42. Pituitary is smallest endocrine gland in human body. Gold found in free state in nature.
43. During radioactivity, Cathode rays are not emitted. Sulphuric acid is dibasic.
44. Compound n heptane has least number of octane number.
45. If limewater is kept in the air its turns milky due to presence of CO2.
46. Aspirin chemically known as acetyl salicylic acid. Magnetic waves used in MRI machine.
47. Radioactive substance C-14 is used in dating geological object.
48. D type monosaccharide are majority found in Human Bodies.
49. Smallest carbohydrate is glyceraldehyde. There are 5 types of antibodies.
50. ATPASE enzyme is required for muscle contraction. Asbestos is a mineral fiber.
51. Rate of transpiration increase when atmospheric pressure is low.
52. Movement of materials from leaves to other tissues in plant is translocation.
53. Sodium conducts electricity and also melts below 100 C.
54. ATP is connecting link between Catabolism and Anabolism.
55. In a rechargeable cell chemical energy is stored in the cell. Petrol has least density.
56. Violet shows maximum deviation when passed through a prism.
57. The highest volume of gases on lower atmosphere is comprised of nitrogen.
58. Antacids are found in drugs that give relief to stomach ache
59. Water has highest value of specific heat. Maximum electrons in M shell can be 18
60. Pressure has no effect on the velocity of the sound.
61. Calcination is heating of ore below its melting point in absence of air.
62. Device photovoltaic cell converts solar energy into electricity.
63. When hydrogen starts burning in air its starts producing water.
64. Hydrochloric acid is known as Muriatic acid. Gold is king of metals.
65. The gas dissolved in water that makes it basic is Ammonia.
66. Carborundum is another name of Silicon carbide. Nitric oxide is colorless gas.
67. The north pole of the earth magnet is in the geographical South.
68. Longitudinal waves cannot travel through vacuums.
69. Nitrogen is important mineral nutrient. Gypsum is a non-metallic mineral
70. Hypoglycemia is medical term for low blood pressure.
71. Lactic acid build up in body during excessive exercise. Nitrogen gas to inflate car tiers
72. Light waves are transverse waves. Na2Co3 is used to soften hard water.
73. Nitric acid is used for purification of Gold and silver. Iodine obtain from seaweeds.
74. Molarity will decrease when we increase the temperature. 3 bones in inner ear.
75. Metamorphic rocks are formed when continental plates collide.
76. 8000 meter is known as death zone with insufficient oxygen. Lignite is brown coal.
77. Maldives is the lowest country in the world. Silver iodide used for making artificial rain.
78. Pivotal joint where our neck joints the head. Copper is a coinage metal.
79. With Widal test, Typhoid fever can be diagnosed. Copper test checks blood.
80. Carbon-14 used for dating object of archeological importance.
81. Name of unreactive gas is Nitrogen. Na will replace hydrogen from acids to form salts.
82. Sudden fall of atmospheric pressure indicates storm. Glycine most simplest amino acid.
83. Kwashiorkor is a protein deficiency disorder. ADH controls the concentration of urine.
84. The longest phase in a cell cycle is interphase. 21 March international forest day.
85. Chromosomes structure can be observed best during the metaphase.
86. The largest latitude circle on earth is The Equator. Galactose is a reducing sugar.
87. Lakes gives the source of terrestrial moisture. Crust is thinnest earth layer.
88. Vibrational motions are present in solids. Dengue fever also called break bone fever
89. The nitrogenous base different in RNA as compared to DNA is Thymine.
90. Bacterial component of Ribosomes are least likely to have useful antigens.
91. RNA biomolecule is more distributed in cell. rRna is most abundant RNA in cells.
92. Hemoglobin has quaternary structure. Carbonic anhydrase is fastest enzyme.
93. Three other types of nutrients for plants besides light to carry out photosynthesis.
94. In plants, water potential is determined by two major factors.
95. Cooley’s anemia is another name for thalassemia
96. Water cycle takes place in troposphere of the atmosphere.
97. Temperature increase rapidly after ionosphere.
98. Mauritius most densely populated African country Bermuda in NA, Ecuador in SA.
Geography 118 done history 28 done

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