Risk Mastery

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Risk Mastery: Strategies and Techniques for Leading and Managing

Risk in the Workplace

Managing risk in the workplace is a crucial responsibility for every leader and manager. In
today's complex and rapidly changing business environment, identifying and mitigating risks
can mean the difference between success and failure. This comprehensive course, "Risk
Mastery: Strategies and Techniques for Leading and Managing Risk in the Workplace," is
designed to provide leaders and managers with the knowledge, skills, and techniques
necessary to identify, assess, and manage risks in the workplace.

2 days

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
 Understand the key principles and frameworks of risk management.
 Identify and assess the risks associated with your workplace and industry.
 Develop strategies and techniques to mitigate and control risk.
 Develop effective communication strategies for reporting and managing risks.
 Build a risk-aware culture in your organization.
 Develop a risk management framework that aligns with your organization's goals and

Course Content
Day 1:
 Session 1: Introduction and Course Overview
o Welcome and introduction to the course objectives
o Overview of the course agenda and materials
o Icebreaker activity to help participants get to know each other and establish a
positive learning environment
 Session 2: Risk Management Framework
o Definition of risk management
o Overview of the risk management process
o Identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks
o Developing risk mitigation strategies and contingency plans
o Principle of risk management
o International standards requirement – ISO31000
 Session 3: Types of Risks in Operations
o Operational risks and their impact on business performance
o Types of operational risks, including human error, system failure, fraud, and
legal risks
o Identification and assessment of operational risks
 Session 4: Risk Assessment Tools and Techniques
o Quantitative and qualitative risk assessment techniques
o Risk probability and impact analysis
o SWOT analysis, risk mapping
o Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA)
o Root cause analysis (RCA)
o Prioritizing risks based on severity and impact
Day 2:
 Session 5: Mitigating and controlling risks
o Strategies for mitigating and controlling risks (e.g. risk avoidance, risk
reduction, risk transfer, risk acceptance)
o Developing a risk management plan
o Risk management plan implementation and monitoring
 Session 6: Risk Communication and Reporting
o Effective risk communication strategies
o Developing risk management reports for senior management and
o Using risk dashboards and scorecards to track and monitor risks
o Risk reporting best practices
o Communication in risk management
 Session 6: Risk Culture and Governance
o Developing a risk-aware culture in the organization
o Risk governance and the role of senior management
o Building and implementing a risk management framework
o Roles and responsibilities in risk management
 Session 7: Case Studies and Group Exercises
o Analysis of real-world risk management case studies
o Group exercises to develop risk management strategies and plans
o Sharing of best practices and lessons learned
o Developing a risk management framework
o Aligning the risk management framework with organizational goals and
o Monitoring and evaluating the risk management framework
 Session 8: Course Review and Action Planning (60 minutes)
o Review of key concepts and takeaways from the course
o Action planning for applying the concepts learned in the workplace
o Closing remarks and course evaluation

 Lectures: lectures to introduce the key concepts, principles, and frameworks of risk
 Case Studies: Case studies will be used to analyze real-world scenarios and identify
the risks involved.
 Group Discussions: Group discussions will be used to facilitate conversations around
the identification, assessment, and mitigation of risks in the workplace.
 Role-Playing: Role-playing will be used to simulate risk scenarios and identify
possible solutions.
 Exercises: Various exercises will be used to develop risk management plans and test
them against potential risk scenarios.
 Presentations: Attendees will be asked to prepare presentations based on a specific
risk scenario and present their findings to the group.
 Collaborative Activities: Collaborative activities such as brainstorming sessions or
problem-solving exercises will be used to identify and assess risks and develop
effective strategies to mitigate them.

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