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LAB 4: 90 phút

• Design class of Employee include properties: ID,
name, address, birthday, working department,
worked years, dailySalary, numDay. The methods
comprise of: calculateDaySalary, calculateBonus
(30% of dailySalary * inputted monthly bonus
between 0-1 and it is 100% if worked years > 5
else only 50%).
• Write a Java program that allows users adding/
removing/ updating/ finding/ listing/ sorting by
daily salary of the employee from the list.
• Design class of Manager include further
properties: salaryManagerCoefficient (value from
1.1-5), position. The methods are the same
Employee but it multiplies with
salaryManagerCoefficient for both of Salary and
• Design class of Director include further properties:
salaryDirectorCoefficient (value from 4-8),
branch. The methods are the same Employee but it
multiplies with salaryDirectorCoefficient for both
of Salary and Bonus.
• Design class of OvernightEmployee include further
properties: salaryOvernightCoefficient (from 1.1-
2), gender. The methods are the same Employee but
it multiplies with salaryOvernightCoefficient for
both of Salary and Bonus and 150% for female and
120% for male.
• Use Java Polymorphism to write a Java program
that allows users adding/ removing/ updating/
finding/ listing/ sorting by total income of the
employee from the list. Display top (x) employee’
• The Java program is requested to use of
overload, override in constructors and
other methods.
• The extra techniques of usage OOP in
Java of your implementation will be
graded higher.

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