Excel Keyboard Shortcuts

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Excel Keyboard Shortcuts

Action Shortcut
Create new workbook Ctrl + N
Save workbook Ctrl + S
Open Print menu Ctrl + P
Open Excel options Alt, F, T
Open right-click menu Shift + F10
Protect/unprotect workbook Alt, R, P, W
Protect/unprotect worksheet Alt, R, P, S
Input and Editing
Copy Ctrl + C
Cut Ctrl + X
Paste Ctrl + V
Open Paste Special window Ctrl + Alt + V
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Copy data and formatting from the cell above Ctrl + D
Use Flash Fill Ctrl + E
Insert current date Ctrl + ; (Semicolon)
Insert current time Ctrl + Shift + : (Colon)
Navigation and Selection
Move to cell Arrow key
Move to the first cell Ctrl + Home
Move to the last cell of the rightmost populated column Ctrl + End
Move to the first cell in the current row Home
Move to the edge cell within a region Ctrl + Arrow key
Move one screen up/down Page up/down
Move one screen right/left Alt + Page down/up
Move to the next/previous sheet Ctrl + Page down/up
Select cell in chosen direction Shift + Arrow key
Select one screen right/left Shift + Alt + Page down/up
Select row Shift + Space
Select column Ctrl + Space
Select additional row/column/cell Ctrl + Left click
Select entire active worksheet Ctrl + A
Toggle Ribbon shortcuts Alt
Navigate Ribbon sections Alt, Arrow key
Open Find and Replace Ctrl + F
Zoom in Ctrl + Alt + = (Equals)
Zoom out Ctrl + Alt + - (Minus)
Visibility and Grouping
Hide row Ctrl + 9
Hide column Ctrl + 0
Open Group window Shift + Alt + Right arrow
Open Ungroup window Shift + Alt + Left arrow
Tables and Graphs
Create table Ctrl + T
Open table styles window Alt, H, T
Insert row above Alt, H, I, R
Insert column to left Alt, H, I, C
Open PivotTable menu Alt, N, V
Open PivotTable wizard Alt, D, P
Copyright © 2023 MUO. For more cheat sheets, head over to www.makeuseof.com
Open Format Cells window Ctrl + 1
Apply General number format Ctrl + Shift + ~ (Tilde)
Apply Currency format Ctrl + Shift + $ (Dollar)
Apply Percentage format Ctrl + Shift + % (Percent)
Apply Scientific format Ctrl + Shift + ^ (Caret)
Apply Date format Ctrl + Shift + # (Hash)
Apply Time format Ctrl + Shift + @ (At)
Apply/remove bold Ctrl + B
Apply/remove italic Ctrl + I
Apply left align Alt, H, A, L
Apply center align Alt, H, A, C
Apply right align Alt, H, A, R
Adjust row height Alt, H, O, H
Adjust column width Alt, H, O, W
Apply bottom border Alt, H, B, O
Apply top border Alt, H, B, P
Apply left border Alt, H, B, L
Apply right border Alt, H, B, R
Apply all borders Ctrl + Shift + & (Ampersand)
Remove all borders on selected cells Ctrl + Shift + _ (Underscore)
Open border menu Alt, H, B
Insert note Shift + F2
Formulas and Macros
Insert AutoSum formula Alt + = (Equal)
Expand/collapse formula bar Ctrl + Shift + U
Open Insert function window Shift + F3
Open Visual Basic editor Alt + F11
Open Macro window Alt + F8

Copyright © 2023 MUO. For more cheat sheets, head over to www.makeuseof.com

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