Describe A Historical Place That You Know About

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1. Describe a historical place that you know about.

I have a special interest in visiting famous places and on my list historical places always
get preferences. I have visited many historical places like Castelul Bran and Mânăstirea Voroneț,
The historical significance and the site attractions sometimes mesmerised me.
The historical place that I would like to talk about today is Castelul Bran which is
situated between the Bucegi and Piatra Craiului Mountains, 30 km far from Brasov. Is the only
touristic point that attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists because of a legend: Count
Dracula’s Legend.
Walking through the rooms we Bran Castle, I discovered what it means "luxury". Simple
walls, thick walls, small windows, doors painted, the furniture, all these're going to think of a
rustic world that is increasingly more endangered. Also, Bran Castle, meet many medieval art
objects which unfortunately few remember the reign of Vlad Tepes. Much of the furniture and
pottery reminiscent of the period in which Queen Mary lived in it, and only a small fraction of
the weapons presented are from the reign of Vlad Tepes.

2. Describe a happy or funny event of your life.

The happy day of my life was when I was taken in Greece. It happened in 1980, when I
was 8 years old. I went in Athena with a very comfortable bus, with a my family. The house,
which we had to stay in was surrounded by a very beautiful and huge garden. In the courtyard
there was a swimming pool and a spring board. We especially enjoyed the spring board.. They
bought us many toys, and fancy clothes. In a very sunny day we decided to take us to the seaside.
I was very excited and impatient, because I have never seen the sea before. It was amazing, it’s
paradise. We swam in the sea, collected shells, we also visited an underwater museum, and we
had lots of fun.

I hope that I will go back there again.

This was the happy day of my life

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