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FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS HAZARD ANALYSIS 6 CRITICAL CONTROL POINT(HACCP) MANUAL (COFFEE SECTION) ISO 22000; 2005 STANDARD (VERSION 3) FSMS - HACCP PLAN MANUAL ‘AUTHORIZED BY: GM sSsasini auonpeS REVISION NUMBER: 03 | SERIAL NO: SGIFSMS/Hi008 DATE OF ISSUE: APRIL 2013 UENO: DISTRIBUTION LIST NO OF COPIES 1. GENERAL MANAGER 1 2. COFFEE MILL OPERATIONS MANAGER 1 3. ESTATE MANAGERS 8 4. QUALITY CONTROL MANAGER 5. PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR 1 WRITTEN BY FST FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT | Page 2 of 37 SYSTEM ‘This isa Controle Copy an should not be duplicated A printed copy ofthis docu ment is tnoud wiles stamped “Authorize Cop” bythe GM = FSMS — HACCP PLAN MANUAL ‘AUTHORIZED BY: GM Sasimi APPROVED BY: FST REVISION NUMBER: 03 ‘SERIAL NO: SC/FSMS/H/008 DATE OF ISSUE: APRIL 2013 ISSUE NO: 3 DISTIBUTION LIST 1. ABBREVIATIONS 1. INTRODUCTIONIPURPOSE 2. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS. 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 3.1RAW MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS. 3.2 FINAL PRODUCT CHARACERISTICS 3.2.1 GREEN COFFEE COFFEE GRADES AND SIZES OTHER GRADES CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS 3.2.2 INSTANT COFFEE MICROBIOLOGICAL LIMITS 3.2.3 ROASTED GROUND COFFEE/ ROASTED COFFEE BEANS MYTOXIN 3.2.6 PACKAGING AND LABELLING 4, FLOW DIAGRAMS. 4.4 PARCHMENT COFFEE PRODUCTION 4.2.GREEN COFFEE PRODUCTION FLOW CHART. 4.3. ROASTING & PACKAGING OF COFFEE 5. DESCRIPTION OF PROCESS STEPS AND CONTROL MEASURES ........ cece 5.2 EXISTING CONTROL MEASURES. 6. OPERATIONAL PRE-REQUISITE PROGRAM (OPRP) .. 7. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION AND DETERMINATION OF ACCEPTABLE LEVELS. 7.1 HAZARD ASSESSMENT. 7.2 CRITICAL LIMITS ® NN Booman 10 1" 2 18 13 16 15 16 7 18 Fo GIRTTIGAL Gs NTROE POINTS PLAN 7.4 VERIFICATION PLANNING. 30 7.5 TRACEABILTY 33 7.6 PRODUCT LOT IDENTIFICATION 36 7.7 CONTROL OF NON-CONFORMITY. a7 WRITTEN BY FST FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT | Page 3 of 37 SYSTEM Thi ts a Coninlid Copy and sould not be dupcai. A paid copy of tis docu mont evil wales stamped “Authorized Copy” by the GM. = FSMS — HACCP PLAN MANUAL ‘AUTHORIZED BY: GM Sasimi APPROVED BY: FST REVISION NUMBER: 03 ISSUE NO: 3 ‘SERIAL NO: SC/FSMS/H/004 DATE OF ISSUE: APRIL 2013 1 ABBREVIATIONS cop cL opRP HACCP PRP KEBS OTA NEMA MSDS PCPB GAP CRF Company FST FSMS PPE EMCA P1238 PL MH ML us FIFO uvi MC MD cM PHI SAS PH Doc No Rev No cR LP. Critical Control Point Critical Limit Operation Pre-requisite Program Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Pre-requisite Program Kenya Bureau of Standards Ochratoxin A National Environmental Management Authority Material Safety Data Sheet Pesticides Control Product Board Good Agricultural Practice Coffee Research Foundation Sasini Ltd Food Safety Team Food Safety Management System Personal Protection Equipment Environment Management Control Act Parchment Coffee Grade Parchment Light Mbuni Heavy Coffee Mbuni Light Cotfee Under Grade Coffee First In First Out Ultra Violet Sheet Moisture Content Managing Director General Manager Pre Harvest Interval Sasini Limited Acidity or Alkalinity Document Number Revision Number Cleaning Records Local purchase order WRITTEN BY FST FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT | Page 4 of 37 SYSTEM ‘This isa Contoled Copy und should not be Gupte. A printed copy ofthis docu ment ts txouidwatess stamped “Authorized Copy” bythe GE = FSMS — HACCP PLAN MANUAL ‘AUTHORIZED BY: GM Sasimi APPROVED BY: FST REVISION NUMBER: 03 ‘SERIAL NO: SC/FSMS/H/004 DATE OF ISSUE: APRIL 2013 ISSUE NO: 3 4. Introduction/Purpose This document is developed using the guidelines of ISO 22000;2005 clause 7 and & with respect to hazard Identification, evaluation, control and monitoring. This document presents a detailed HACCP study for the Sasini products and processes and it contains: a) Food safety hazard(s) to be controlled at the CCP. b) Control measure(s) c) Critical timit(s) d) Monitoring procedure(s). €) Correction and corrective action(s) to be taken if critical limits are exceeded. f) Responsibilities and authorities g) Record(s) of monitoring WRITTEN BY FST FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT | Page 5 of 37 SYSTEM ‘Ths isa Contoled Copy und should notte Gupte A printed copy of ths docu ment ts noid watess stamped “Authorized Copy” bythe GE Sasini moans | censon nome ISSUE NO: 3 3 SERIAL NO: SC/FSMS/H/004 DATE OF ISSUE: APRIL 2013 2. Terms and Definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 22000;2005 shall apply: 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ee eee ee ES OSSD OS 1) Green beans 2) Instant coffee 3) Roasted ground coffee 3.1 Raw Material Characteristics. The raw materials in processing of final products. 3.4.1 Red ripe Cherry. Biological The red ripe cherry is raw material for green coffee production Itis sourced from Arabica coffee variety of SL28, 34, K7, and Ruiru11. The coffee cherry is made of, Exocarp Endosperm Chemical ( << Outer skin Silver skin Mesocarp ‘Composition includes among others, Chlorogenic acid, caffele acid, Ferulic acid, Quibic acid, sterols, tocopherols Kahweol, polyphenols and kauranic derivatives. WRITTEN BY FST FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Page 6 of 37 ‘This isa Contoled Copy und should not be Gupte. A printed copy ofthis docu ment ts txouidwatess stamped “Authorized Copy” bythe GE Sastimi FSMS — HACCP PLAN MANUAL AUTHORIZED BY: GM APPROVED BY: FST REVISION NUMBER: 03 ISSUE NO: 3 ‘SERIAL NO: SC/FSMS/H/004 DATE OF ISSUE: APRIL 2013 Physical Red ripe mature berry (a) No additives or processing aids are involved. (b) Coffee berry is produced in a large plantations of Sasini limited and from out growers. Plantations includes; Kamundu, Kakindu, Ting’ang’a, Doondu, Gulmarg, Ruiru mills, Mweiga and Wahenya Estates a) Coffee cherry is packed in nylon bags and delivered from the field to the processing factory using trailers. b) Coffee cherry is processed within 6 hours after picking. ©) Hand- sorting to remove sticks, under ripes and mouldy beans is done Prior to processing on clean mats or clean concrete floors. d) Coffee cherry should be free of mouldy beans, sticks, and stone. Kept on clean surfaces on raised table or concrete floors to avoid contaminants. 3.2 Final product characteristics 3.2,1_Green coffee The green coffee under KS 593:2011 specification Is raw material for ground roasted coffee in the value addition. 4) Biological, chemical and physical characteristics. Physical characteristic - Shall be practicably free from extraneous and foreign matter - Shall be free of contaminants - Shall be free from foreign odor - Shall be free from live infestation by pests, rodents and derivatives - Shall be free of fungal infestation - Shall be free from adulterants - Color grayish green , brownish green or bluish green ») Moisture content Shall not exceed 12% when tested according to ISO 1446. WRITTEN BY FST FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT | Page 7 of 37 SYSTEM “This ea Conincled Copy and ohould not be duplcaed. A pried copy ofthe docu mont i toad wales clamped “Authorized Coe” bythe GM. aa 7 FSMS — HACCP PLAN MANUAL ‘AUTHORIZED BY: GM Sasimi APPROVED BY: FST REVISION NUMBER: 03, SERIAL NO: SCIFSMS/Hi004 DATE OF ISSUE: APRIL 2013, ISSUE NO: 3 Coffee Grades and Sizes ‘STNO Grade | General description ‘Screen appeture KS 474 7 E lephant-(Retained on 27) two beans jomed Size diameter 8 3mm together, it is a genetic defect. And includes very Jargo(bold) AA it AA Flat beans- (through screen 21 retained in 18) | Size diameter 72mm a AB Flat beans-(through screen1/,retained on 17) | Size diameter 6 35mm. i. PB Poa borries-(through screen 17,Retain on 12 One ovule develops instead of the usual two Size diameter 476mm v. c ‘Smaller beans- (through screen 16 retained on | Size diameter3. 96mm 10) vi Tr Light density beans, from AA,AB and E grades | Not applicable by air extraction vi T ‘Smallest, consists of broken and small C(ihrough | Size diameter 2 9mm soreen 7) WRITTEN BY FST FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT | Page 6 of 37 SYSTEM ‘This isa Contelled Copy en should wot be duplicated A printed copy of ths document istucald wales stamped “Authorized Cozy” bythe GM. >| FSMS-HACCPPLANMANUAL | AUTHORIZED BY: GM Sasini ‘APPROVED BY: FST REVISION NUMBER: 03 SERIAL NO: SC/FSMS/HI008 DATE OF ISSUE: APRIL 2013 ISSUE NO: 3 Other Grades ‘SINo Grade General Description L MH Mbuni heavy te ML Mbuni light M. UG Ungraded Mw ‘SB Sorted beans vu ‘HE Hulled ears Packaging -Average net weight of each package -bean grade -coffee year -outturn number Chemical characteristics a) Heavy metal contamination ‘SINO Contaminants ‘Max Limits(m@/kg) i Lead 10 i Tin 250 itt. Arsenic 05 WRITTEN BY FST FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT | Page 9 of 37 SYSTEM ‘Ths isa Contd Copy and should not be Gupicted A printed copy of ths docu ment ts noid wales stamped “Authorized Cop” ty the GE Sasini FSMS — HACCP PLAN MANUAL AUTHORIZED BY: GM APPROVED BY: FST REVISION NUMBER: 03 ISSUE NO: 3 ‘SERIAL NO: SC/FSMS/H/004 DATE OF ISSUE: APRIL 2013 b) Pesticide residues Only pesticides approved by relevant government body (PCPB) and CRF shail be used. Levels of pesticides shal! NOT exceed recommended levels by Codex Alimentarius commission for coffee 3.2.2 Instant coffee The raw material for preparation of instant coffee is spray dried Robusta coffee. The material must meet Kenya standard specification for instant coffee KS 175:2011. 4) Biological, chemical and physical characteristics Physical characteristics - Shall free from extraneous and foreign matter - Shall be free from foreign odor - Shall be free from fungal infestation _ Gheil he free from edijiterante Shall be free from contaminants The coffee shail not contain chicory Shail have characteristic of coffee flavor WRITTEN BY FST FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Page 10 of 37 ‘This isa Contelled Copy en should wot be duplicated A printed copy of ths document istucald wales stamped “Authorized Cozy” bythe GM. Sasimi FSMS - HACCP PLAN MANUAL ‘AUTHORIZED BY: GM APPROVED BY: FST REVISION NUMBER: 03 ‘SERIAL NO: SC/FSMS/H/004 DATE OF ISSUE: APRIL 2013 ISSUE NO: 3 Chemical SI Parameter Requirements Test method i Moisture, % by mass, max. \4 ks 1039 Total ash (on dry matter basis)by | 1.5 KS 1039 mass, max iit. Acid insoluble ash,% mass, max | 1.0 KS1039 iv. | Caffeine content(on dry basis),% by | 2.8 KS 1S0 4052 mass, min v. | Solubility in water Dissolves readily in 30 | KS 1039 swith moderate stirring vi. _| Solubility in cold water at 16° C+ 2° | Soluble with KS1039 c moderate stirring in 3min Microbiological limits For granulated coffee the maximum moisture content will be 5% by mass The coffee shall comply with the microbiological limits tested through KS 220 method. Characteristic Limits Test Method Coliforms/10q Not detectable Salmonelia/30q Not detectable kS220 S.aureus/10g Not detectable Yeast and moulds/q Less than 100cells WRITTEN BY FST FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT | Page 11 of 37 SYSTEM ‘This isa Conteled Copy en should not be duplicated A printed copy ofthis document istucaid wales stamped “Authorized Cozy” bythe GM + 7 FSMS - HACCP PLAN MANUAL ‘AUTHORIZED BY: GM Sasimi APPROVED BY: FST REVISION NUMBER: 09 ‘SERIAL NO: SC/FSMS/Hi008 DATE OF ISSUE: APRIL 2013 ISSUE NO: 3 (2) Packaging - instant coffee shall be packaged in food grade containers that guarantee quality and safety of the product throughout the shelf life (b) Labeling- shall comply with KS 40 the following information shall be legibly and indelibly marked on the package: -name of the product as instant/soluble coffee -brandfrade name -name, location, contact details and physical address -country of origin -date of manufacture -expiry date -storage instruction -net weight in metric units -batch/lot number 3.2.3 Roasted Ground Coffee/Roasted Coffee Beans The roasted ground /beans coffee characteristic shall be guided by KS 1052:2011 Standard. Physical Characteristics - Shall be free from any extraneous and foreign matter - shall be free from foreign odour - shail be free from infestation by pests and their derivatives. = shail be free from fungal infestation -Shall be free from adulterants -shall be free from contaminants. Biological Characteristics i Roasted ground coffee and roasted coffee i lini microbiological limits indicated below. beans shall comply with the WRITTEN BY FST FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Page 12 of 37 ‘This oa Contre Copy end should notte duplcned. A pried copy of ths document i trond unter stamped “Authorized Copy” ty the GM. Sasimi FSMS — HACCP PLAN MANUAL AUTHORIZED BY: GM APPROVED BY: EST REVISION NUMBER: 03 SERIAL NO: SCIFSMS/H/004 DATE OF ISSUE: APRIL 2013, ISSUE NO: 3 Characteristic Limits Test Method Coliforms/10g Wot detected Salmonella/30q Not detected 5220 S.aureus/10g Wot detected Yeasts and moulds/a less thon 100ceils Mycotoxin Roasted ground coffee and roasted coffee beans shall comply with the mycotoxin imits of maximum of 5 ppb ‘ST No. Parameter ‘Maximum limit(ppb) | Test method Ochratoxin A 1S 15141 part 1/2 3.2.6 Packaging and labelling Packaging -The coffee shall be packaged in food grade containers that ensure the quality and safety of the product throughout the shelf life. -The weight of container shail be ascertained with calibrated scales. Labelling The following information shall be included Name of the product - Brand name - Name, location and physical adaress of the manufacturer - Country o f origin WRITTEN BY FST FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Page 13 of 37 “has ta Conteled Copy and should not be dupcaed. A pried copy of is docu ant tenon wales stamped “aathoraed Coy” bythe GN Sasini FSMS - HACCP PLAN MANUAL ‘AUTHORIZED BY: GM APPROVED BY: FST REVISION NUMBER: 03 ISSUE NO: 3 ‘SERIAL NO: SC/FSMS/Hi008 DATE OF ISSUE: APRIL 2013 - Date of manufacture - Expiry date - Storage instruction - Net weight - Batch/lot number WRITTEN BY FST FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Page 14 of 37 ‘Ths i2 Contncled Copy and should not be duplcaed. A pried copy ofthis document i bnowid wales clamped “Authorized Cod” by le GM. Sasimi FSMS — HACCP PLAN MANUAL AUTHORIZED BY: GM APPROVED BY: FST REVISION NUMBER: 03 ISSUE NO: 3 ‘SERIAL NO: SC/FSMS/H/004 DATE OF ISSUE: APRIL 2013 4. FLOW DIAGRAMS. 4.1 PARCHMENT Ct OF FEE PRODUCTION GOOD FIELD AGRICULRAL PRACTICES q Weshed cherry Water rom rivers, dams PULPING: + Muni coffee 2 DRY PROCESS. T Wetertoreeveing pupte | Pre-aracing channet ‘decomposing Walertowaste «—_| Sing channel heaves Water‘o waste <—| ¥ ¥ Formeniation tare Cherry reception'sorting t [wera pubes Skin ory Fupbish towaste +—| x Liphts to re- pass Sun dying ¥ ard lights separately ¥ ‘Skin drying: remove all ftea! excess water t ‘Sun ard for mechanical drying STORAGE WRITTEN BY FST FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Page 15 of 37 This ea Contnclled Copy and should not be duplicated. A pried copy of is docu anti taoald wales cbzmped “Authorized Copy” sSsasini FSMS — HACCP PLAN MANUAL ‘AUTHORIZED BY: GM APPROVED BY: FST REVISION NUMBER: 03 ISSUE NO: 3 ‘SERIAL NO: SC/FSMS/H/004 DATE OF ISSUE: APRIL 2013 4.2 GREEN COFFI Fubbist/stonos etc vaste Parchment shels | ‘Dust to waste-shells/ears to begging off «| EE PRODUC’ IN FLOW CHART PARCHMENT MILLING <—| re cleaningidestoning | upbishistones etc to waste ¥ Mitingyhuting > Husk ¥ racing by bean size ng by bean Ly vustto waste snensears to bagging off Led + Gradina by bean density (gravity tabi) ‘Manvel sor Remove rejects and foreign mattar "OL Remove rejectvand foreian mater ¥ Quality evaluation and Classification a GREEN COFFEE Bagging off shipment in bags WRITTEN BY FST FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT | Page 16 of 37 SYSTEM This ia Contneled Copy and should not be duplcaed. A pried copy of hs document i txoaid wales clamped “Authorised Cop” by le GM. = FSMS — HACCP PLAN MANUAL ‘AUTHORIZED BY: GM Sasimi APPROVED BY: FST REVISION NUMBER: 03 ‘SERIAL NO: SC/FSMS/H/004 DATE OF ISSUE: APRIL 2013 ISSUE NO: 3 4.3 ROASTING & PACKAGING OF COFFEE RECEPTION OF GRADED GREEN COFFEE BEANS | Removal at damaged diseased ea Nossa [-—Pbeans, reign matier Torogn mater y Green coffee trom Mil ‘SORTING ROASTING Teme [in| 18 ame | 20 QUAN | eoKGS: ROASTING c0o1NG, Time 2 minutes Teme 415 t0 70 GRINDING + FINE MEDIUM COURSE ee FINE, MEDIUM OR COURSE ROASTED PACKAGING TINS SATCHETS: STORAGE POUCHES PACKING. Pouches Sachets/Tins v Temporary storave At room temperature (On rows and bavs ‘On Wooden pallets ¥ Distribution Covered clean van WRITTEN BY FST FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Page 17 of 37 Thi ts a Coninlid Copy and sould not be dupcai. A paid copy of tis docu mont evil wales stamped “Authorized Copy” by the GM. Sasinmi FSMS — HACCP PLAN MANUAL AUTHORIZED BY: GM APPROVED BY: FST REVISION NUMBER: 03 ISSUE NO: 3 ‘SERIAL NO: SC/FSMS/H/004 DATE OF ISSUE: APRIL 2013 5. Description of Process Steps and Control Measures 5.2 Existing Control Measures a) GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) Chemicals residuals-PHI (Pre harvest intervals) is maintained to ensure that chemicals on trees are completely dissipated before picking can be done. Tree hygiene to remove mouldy and diseased berries. b) Ground collection Cherry fallen on the ground contains moulds which can introduce affiatoxin collection from the ground shall be prohibited or ground covers are laid during picking. ¢) Sorting After cherry is picked sorting shall be done to eliminate contaminants. 4) Clean vessels (Harvesting vessels). Harvesting vessels, bags etc and trailers shall be kept clean before picking commences to ensure no contaminants are introduced to the coffee. e) Pulping Pulping machine can damage the coffee bean and introduce moulds during the drying process Proper setting shall be done to ensure no damage occurs on the beans. Machines moving parts shall be olled and greased routinely to ensure no metal fillings are introduced into the parchment. The type of the grease used to oil the machine should be food grade, which does not increase hazard in the chain. f) Fermentation The monitoring of fermentation process shall be followed to ensure No moulds formation takes place between the periods before complete drying takes place. WRITTEN BY FST FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Page 18 of 37 “has ta Conteled Copy and should not be dupcaed. A pried copy of is docu ant tenon wales stamped “aathoraed Coy” bythe GN Sasini FSMS - HACCP PLAN MANUAL ‘AUTHORIZED BY: GM APPROVED BY: FST REVISION NUMBER: 03 ISSUE NO: 3 ‘SERIAL NO: SC/FSMS/Hi008 DATE OF ISSUE: APRIL 2013 g) Drying Drying on the table to reduce moisture content from 65% to 11% shall be made such that the coffee does not acquire moulds due to prolonged wetting Monitoring of the moisture levels shall be conducted frequently. Minimum of 14 days between the times the coffee was placed on the tables should not be exceeded. In the event that the weather does not allow for sun drying taking place, mechanical driers or UVI tents shall be used Any coffee that gets Into contacts with soll during this process shall be discarded. h) Storage Mould formation during storage should be eliminated by ensuring that coffee is kept 30cm from the wall on raised wooden pallets. WRITTEN BY FST FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Page 19 of 37 “This ea Contnelled Copy and ohould not be duplcaed. A pried copy oft docu mont i toad wales clamped “Authorized Copy" Sasinmi AUTHORIZED BY: GM APPROVED BY: FST REVISION NUMBER: 03 ISSUE NO: 3 DATE OF ISSUE: APRIL 2013 6.0 OPERATIONAL PREREQUISITE PROGRAMS (OPRPs|) PROCESS] HAZARD | CONTROL | MONITORING | CORRECTION —| VERIFICATION | AUTHORITY RECORDS OF STEP MEASURES | PROGRAM | AND RESPONSIBILITY | MONITORING Corrective ACTION 1 | Picking and | Ochratoxin | inspection of | Factory ‘Soitng end | Extemal Test | Estate Manaver | Supenvsors reception ot | & ineaming aw | Superisort | asearaing araiyis fom puling record coffee chorios matenais. | checktho | mouldybeans | KEBS Book saving end extraneous ratier Isolate and handle 25 per the procedure for ranging potently lnsate products Pulping Stones | Eneure hare | “Chock sieves | isola and Check tho Facton’ machine | Anrual ‘saceauate | forintacness | handle as per | presence of | aoerator ‘mentenence naterin | deforeand | tha procedure tor | Stones in he ‘ecards reservor | ofier handing vet parchment operations | potetity on fables lnsate products Presence of Encures tho | waterinthe cnoce | discareset | nagara pro Annual Puper, Senice uber discs | propery to | grader mantenarce ot | Estate Manager | records book Bret nzing the aoe ining the ewan! | Ue te assembly picking season develooment | Standard ‘ofmoutas” | geuge device foset the a30 3) Byng Denraionn | Diy ose aco Tie caibrated | Facory SupenBor | Moire TS A requred — | anaiois dove | euperviaorto re- | moisture records mostire | onevery | dy monies | meters contert’ | aton anor | righ increase beeen | everySdavs | chrnatme seek 108 an sunanty to se 1% mc, mechanical ers | wing sions | vegulaie | Gheckor | incase air ow | Wanutacirers | Ati Operator Records, far wnbraton, ar | stonesinthe | by ageing re | manuat on inspection of foward | product oy | lever change | trouble final proc sopeorine | Samningine | mesipe orme | shoctre. ‘eck Geancofes | deckand Mentenence er every run | fnciease the records oration MAITTEN Srret PRE SARE TT MANAGEMENT | Page be within accepiable disease conto sms: may perSstIPGAP | KS 095-201 (3 no! observed. 2 Processing ‘Wouly Bears may contain | Wax ni ‘Weulis contan KS F08Z:2047, Cehratoxin 2 Octratorin A that “Spob may cause Lver | Mex mit

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