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ICCCT 2014 
Embedded Systems Design: A System-On-Chip


Dr. Amlan Chakrabarti
Associate Professor and Coordinator
A.K.Choudhury School of Information & Technology
University of Calcutta

Tutorial Abstract:
Modern embedded computer systems perform complex data processing jobs and hence often requires a
large set of processors (homogeneous or heterogeneous) for higher performance. To support the various
application needs the embedded system platform integrates various types of processing elements into the
system, including general-purpose CPUs, application-specific instruction-set processors (ASIPs), digital
signal processors (DSPs), as well as dedicated hardware accelerators implemented as application-
specific integrated circuits (ASICs) and intellectual property (IP) components. This converges to the idea
of System-On-Chip (SoC) design and more commonly Multi-processor System on Chip Design (MPSoC).
However, the large size and complexity of these systems poses a great challenge to design and validation
using traditional design flows. System designers are forced to move to higher levels of abstraction to
cope with the many problems, including large number of heterogeneous components, complex
interconnect, sophisticated functionality

This tutorial will present the key techniques and challenges in regards to the efficient design of
SoC/MPSoC based Embedded Systems with some important case studies.

Goals and Objective of the Tutorial
This tutorial will enable the participants to learn the tools and techniques of present day embedded system
design starting from high level design abstraction phase to low level implementation phase. Participants
will also get an exposure to the embedded design tool flows for FPGA targets and the process of run time
debugging and verification. In a whole the participants will get an overview of the state of the art
Embedded Design Philosophy.

Tutorial Proposal 
ICCCT 2014 
3 Hours 

This tutorial is addressed to faculties, PhD students, M Tech students as well as engineers from industry
having interest in Embedded System Design. 

Prior history of related tutorial presentation and number of past attendees: 

1. Task Mapping and Scheduling in Reconfigurable Heterogeneous Embedded Systems, Invited Lecture at
the Alumnus Software Annual Conference, Kolkata, April 2014. Participants: 70

2. Multi/Many-Core Embedded System Design: Recent Trends and Challenges, Tutorial at AICTE
Sponsored Faculty Development Program at ETCR department Jadavpur University, December 2013.
Participants: 20

3. Multi/Many-Core Embedded System Design: Recent Trends and Challenges, Colloquium Lecture at
the University of Arad, Romania, June 1st 2013. Participants: 30

Detailed Course Outline: 
1: Introduction to Embedded Systems 
 Applications 
 Motivating Examples 
 Embedded System Design Flow 
 Hardware Design Issues 
 Software Design Issues 
  2. Modeling Behaviors 
 Discrete Systems 
 State Machines 
 Behaviors and Traces 
 Hybrid Systems           
3. Embedded Processor and Subsystems 
 Application‐Specific Embedded Processors 
▪ SoC Design Trends 
▪ Multi‐Processor System On Chip Design (MPSoC) 
 Memory Architecture 
 I/O Subsystem and  Bus Communications 
 Bus Architectures for MPSoC 
4:  OS & Software Development For SoC based Embedded systems 
 Embedded Software, Concepts, Methods, Tools 
 Micro‐kernels 
 for Embedded Systems 
 Multi Threaded Program Development 
 Basics of Thread Scheduling, Synchronization and Control 

Tutorial Proposal 
ICCCT 2014 
 Real Time Operating Systems 
 Software Hardware Co‐design 
5: FPGA based Design of SoC and MPSoC Embedded Systems 
 Introduction to FPGA 
 Advantages of SoC Design using FPGA 
 Hard and Soft Core Processors 
 SoC System Design 
 Case Study: Xilinx EDK  
 Software Development 
 Case Study: Xilinx SDK 
 Hardware and Software Debugging 

Biographical Sketch:
He is at present an Associate Professor and Cordinator at the A.K.Choudhury School of Information
Technology, University of Calcutta. He has done his Doctoral research on Quantum Computing and
related VLSI design at Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, 2004-2008. He was a Post-Doctoral fellow at
the School of Engineering, Princeton University, USA during 2011-2012. He is the recipient of
BOYSCAST fellowship award in the area of Engineering Science from the Department of Science and
Technology Govt. of India in 2011 and Indian National Science Academy Visiting Scientist Fellowship in
2014. He has held Visiting Scientist position at the GSI Helmholtz research laboratory Germany in 2007,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the New York State University at Buffalo, U.S.A in
2010, Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of Bremen in 2014 and Department
of Department of Computer Science and Engineering IIT Kharagpur in 2014. He has published around 60
research papers in referred journals and conferences. He is a Sr. Member of IEEE and life member of
Computer Society of India. He has been the reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Computers, IET
Computers & Digital Techniques, Elsevier Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory, Springer Journal of
Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications. His research interests are: Quantum Computing, VLSI
design, Embedded System Design, Video and Image Processing Algorithms and pattern recognition.  


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