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Since 1972 1

Jake Bernstein's
A Comprehensive Guide to Trends, Timing, Cycles & Seasonals in Futures

Website: Vol 2007 #10 5 March 2007 Published 2 March 2007

Volatility Grows - Forecast Confirmed

Like It Or Not - It’s Here To Stay my clients to read a fabulous book entitled “One World -Ready or
Not” by William Greider. This prophetic book discussed many of
For many months now I have made it my mission to inform all of the implications and ramifications of economic and industrial glo-
you that volatility in all market sectors was not only here to balization. And we are now there. Nothing short of a worldwide
stay, but also that it was likely to increase. I pointed out that a depression or serious military confrontation between the leading
number of factors and forces have combined under the rubric of world economic powers can change what has developed. Whether
“progress” to create conditions that are ripe for massive market we like it not our international interdependence will grow and with
volatility. But what exactly do I mean by “volatility” and why is it it so will the factors and forces that influence markets. And this
happening? Here are my thoughts, as well as my suggestions, will, in turn, lead to more actively traded markets, more violent
as to how we can harness the energy of volatility, while at the price reactions, more reactions to even the most seemingly insig-
same time now being stung by its sharp teeth. nificant events, or in other words, more volatility. Those who know
how to profit from volatility will prosper - those who do not will be
My Definition Of “Volatility” grist for the financial mill.

The dictionary definition of “volatility” as it applies to the mar- Electronic Trading - Friend Or Foe
kets is as follows:
Now add to the already complicated mix, electronic trading.
Add the ability to execute trades instantly at the push of a
1. “The characteristic of a security, commodity, or market to button. Remove the floor broker and/or the market maker from
rise or fall sharply in price within a short-term period of time.” the equation and you have removed an important buffer. Whether
removing the middle person from the equation is a positive or a
Yes, there are other definitions that are more technical, but negative is not the issue. What has been happening and what
this definition is sufficiently descriptive to explain what I mean. will continue to happen is increased volatility as traders react
Yet another definition that I prefer is the one for “volatile” which instantly to even minor news events. The reaction of traders
is obviously the root of the term “volatility.” Several definitions often sets off a spiral or an avalanche of buy and /or sell orders
are listed; of these, there are two that I particularly like: and with it wide and wild price swings. Those who know how to
profit from volatility will prosper - those who do not will be grist for
2. Tending to violence; explosive: a volatile situation with the financial mill.
troops and rioters eager for a confrontation.
Your Choices
3. Flying or capable of flying; volant.
As I see it there are several choices. If you want to ignore the
Without a doubt these latter two describe the kinds of markets volatility and maintain a clinically dispassionate stance then
that we have witnessed in the last few years and, in particular, you will need MUCH LARGER stop losses than ever. If, on the
in the last few weeks. As I said earlier, I expect market volatil- other hand, you want to take advantage of the opportunities
ity to increase in the future. But why? that increased volatility brings with it, then you will need to
LEARN how to do that. These are no longer the markets of the
Global Economy: Good News Or Bad News 1950’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s or even the 90’s. These are new, vi-
brant, responsive, high volume, and high volatility markets that
The last decade has witnessed the largest economic global- can be your friend or your foe. Some of you will need to learn
ization in history. When the stock market sneezes in China how to trade short-term for small moves but for more frequent
markets throughout the world react. An economic or political moves. Many old time indicators will fall by the wayside. Tra-
crisis in Europe can have vast ramifications throughout the fi- ditional moving averages and other timing methods that are
nancial centers of the world. Several years ago I advised all of slow to change will be chopped to pieces. So is increased
volatility your friend or your foe? It will be your friend if you
know how to tame that bucking bronco and how to ride it.
In This Issue
” Volatility Grows - Forecast Confirmed ” Daily Seasonals ” Commentary & Analysis

© 2007 Network Press Inc. • P.O. Box 1970 • Highland Park, Illinois 60035 USA • e-mail: • 847-831-6900 Fax 847-831-2637
2 03/02/07

COWS (Corn, Oats, Wheat, Soy Complex)

The grain and soybean complex markets have corrected Corn: The drop in prices is expected to find good support. I
lower in sympathy with sharply declining stocks. This will recommended exiting longs at resistance after a large rally
be a very important test of support for the grain and soy- developed. I recommended entering the long side again on
bean complex markets. And all indications on my techni- the current decline to support. The correction down is de-
cal work is that the tests will be passed. The long July vs. veloping. In spite of recoveries to resistance I advised
short November soybean spread, a classic spread to enter you that the market remained in a strong resistance area.
in a bull market, may have made its low and is now testing Await follow up recommendations via the e-mail hotlines.
that low. I believe that the decline in these markets is a My commentary last week was “the behavior of the market
healthy thing since it will clear the air of weak longs and as we go to press suggests that a further decline to weekly
attract new short positions that will add fuel to the bull move support may develop.” That is now happening and I con-
once it resumes. The hotline recommended a long in corn sider it to be reasonable and normal.
on the decline. Follow up accordingly. My work suggests
Wheat: The market rallied strongly, however, a short-term
that these bull markets are not over yet.
top was expected and it has been made. As of this writing,
Soybean Complex the intermediate-term trend remains bullish, in spite of the
continuing decline. I recommended a short-term long posi-
My bullish long-term expectations for the soybean complex tion that should have been closed out at about breakeven
remain fully in effect. I continue to believe, based on my indi- when the market failed to perform as expected. Await an-
cators and analyses, that prices can still go much higher af- other buy recommendation soon.
ter the developing corrections have run their course. Many of
you have asked me “why” the markets are dropping. My reply Oats: Trading volume in oats is too thin for specific recom-
is several fold. First, we have been in major bull tends for quite mendations. The market led the entire complex by show-
some time; markets do not go straight up without correcting ing persistent strength for many weeks. I advised you that
at some point. Second, the markets are falling in sympathy the recent decline was likely to be nothing more than a
with stocks, and third, the markets are being sold by those correction to support. I remain bullish. Although prices have
who believe that we are entering a disinflationary economic fallen sharply with the other markets in this complex, they
trend in which commodity prices will decline due to decreased are now at intermediate-term support where one might con-
demand.This is NOT indicated by my work. My work sug- sider a long position. Should the oats market fail to find
gests that such a decline in demand is likely to be phasic short-term support in the 233-238 area (May futures), I will
rather than basic (i.e., temporary). be concerned about all grain and soybean markets.

Cattle / Hogs
Day Trading Mastery Seminar
My long-term forecast for both markets(and the other Los Angeles 14-15 April 2007
meats) has been bullish. Prices have recovered well from
recent corrections and the cattle market appears to be in a In response to many requests, I have scheduled a 2-day
solid uptrend as expected. Await a new recommendation seminar on day trading only. With the virtually explosive
to go long and/or spread recommendations. The sell-off in growth in online electronic trading there are now many
stocks has also brought a small decline in the meats, but viable day trading opportunities in many of the markets.
my indicators and work has not changed on a long-term This seminar will focus exclusively on these opportunities.
basis.These markets are still likely to move to all time highs The seminar is filling up and space is LIMITED so that I
over the next 12 months. can give each student the attention they need.
03/02/07 3

At Critical Support
03/02/07 5
The markets are still in long-term bull trends in spite of the the $707 level as my next target. I told you to “ WATCH for a
large corrections down. The rallies in platinum, copper, silver possible short-term selloff first.” That sell-off is now in process.
and gold have reasserted the underlying strength of these
major bull markets and the sell-off in stock markets all over Silver: Long-term investors who subscribe to my services
the world has forced some liquidation due to margin calls and reports were advised to hold positions in silver and silver
in stocks. I do not see any immediate danger to the mining stocks with trailing stops to lock in profits. Silver
continuation of these bull trends. Declines to long-term has major upside potential. I consider declines to be buying
support have previously, as predicted, proven to be buying opportunities. There has been a seasonal tendency for lower
opportunities. I advised short-term traders to be prepared prices over the next few weeks. That decline is now in
for a correction to the downside. This does not, however, process but it should find good support.
alter my long-term or intermediate-term bullish expectations.
The gold market could very well be headed for $1000, but a Platinum/Palladium: My long-term bullish forecast for both
decisive close above resistance is necessary first. markets remains in effect. The recent downside corrections
were expected and were seen as reasonable developments
Copper: Although the decline was sharp and steep, I told in secular bull markets.I believe that palladium has
you that good technical support was likely to develop. And
considerable upside potential and that it may be the best
it did. The current rally COULD challenge major resistance.
Given the extreme price volatility in this market the odds of percentage play in the metals. Because trading volume is
a large loss are substantial. I, therefore, advised most very thin, I advise caution and the use of LIMIT ORDERS
traders to AVOID this market. Should copper futures only in palladium as well as platinum. Palladium remains
overcome their March highs AFTER the month is over, a one of my favorite long-term buy and hold markets, however,
move to all time highs could be next. The seasonal rally the thin volume necessitates the use of limit orders in order
developed as expected. to avoid a bad price fill. The markets have been relatively
immune to the selloff in stock markets.I still consider declines
Gold: I advised you to get ready for another rally. This rally is
now in process. See comments above. I am still bullish with to support to be buying opportunities.

Aussie $: I told you that the expected low in metals and US Dollar: I am long-term bullish on the US dollar. The short-
energies would likely result in a short-term Aus$ rally. The term trend remains bullish as expected.The hotline
short-term trend topped as expected. A top appears to recommended a short-term long position that should have
have developed. been closed out at a profit. The short-term trend is bullish
Eurocurrency and Swiss Franc: Both markets rallied to with another test of long-term support developing.
projected long-term resistance areas and topped as expected. Canadian $: A buy recommendation was given via the
I advised you that “some of my indicators have turned bearish.” hotline. Bullish divergence continues to suggest that a major
The decline has developed. Short-term trends have now turned low could come at any time now. Hold longs.
bullish with a test of intermediate-term resistance likely.
BrPound: The market has made an 8.1-year cycle top almost
Japanese Yen: I told you to expect a MAJOR rally in the exactly as predicted. I expected the rally to end at or near
Yen vs. US dollar over the next few years. The market has long-term or intermediate-term resistance. Trend remains
tested 2005 lows, and has turned sharply higher on my short- intermediate-term lower and short-term topping. The market
term indicators. Short-term trend remains bullish. has encountered considerable resistance.
6 03/02/07

Cocoa: My forecast has been very bullish and it remains term top as yet. As we go to press, the technical situation is
very bullish. My advice has been as follows: “There are nu- beginning to change. The huge bull market may soon be
merous signs on my indicators that the breakout has started.” revived.” I told you as follows: “Unless prices can recover to
The market has literally come to life as the very strong uptrend recent highs over the next few weeks, the odds favor a potential
continues. I consider this trend to be part and parcel of the decline to long-term support in the 175 area, as the expected
overall commodity bull market that is likely to continue and decline continues.” Prices found strong support and have
spread to other markets in this sector. The market has proven rallied to test highs. A new leg to the upside may be unfolding.
itself in recent weeks as it continues to head to long-term
resistance as discussed in my 2007 Annual Forecast. Coffee: My long-term cycles have been telling me that coffee
prices were overdue for a major rally that could take prices
Sugar: The market declined to support, as it has been much higher in 2006 and beyond. Although the market has
attempting to form a major bullish divergence pattern that declined in the last few weeks, my long-term outlook has not
should explode to the upside at any time now in spite of changed. I believe that coffee could very well go on to become
the general short-term downtrend in commodity prices. In- the next big bull market. Indeed, on a long-term basis the
deed, the upturn in energies could help this move occur. market is well overdue for a rally. And we know that rallies in
Due to my long-term bullish expectations, I recommended coffee tends to be very strong, large and persistent. Yet this
rolling the long March trade to long July. There are some new is not a market for the new trader or the undercapitalized trader.
signs of bullish life in the sugar market and my long-term Risk is high which prompts my: RISK WARNING! The coffee
bullish expectations could soon come to pass. market has had a history of major volatility and the
Orange Juice: My outlook for OJ has been as follows: “I market has been too quiet for too long. Price fills can
DO NOT see any significant technical indications of a long- be very poor if you use “at the market” orders.

Jake Bernstein Webinar

Thursday, 8 March 2007 8 PM CST
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Cotton: I continue to expect a strong intermediate and Lumber: A major low COULD BE developing based on the
long rally in cotton for the intermediate and long-term. Based long-term and intermediate-term cycles. The long-term cycles,
on my long-term trend and timing indicators, as well as the as well as the yearly seasonals that I have been studying for
cycles I follow, I believe that it’s just a question of time and many years, suggest that lows are very likely. I do not
patience before cotton prices begin a substantial rally. All anticipate giving any recommendations unless trading
recommendations in cotton are high risk due to the large volume increases to at least 5000 contracts daily. I believe
intraday volatility. that demand for lumber will remain high,and that a longer
term upward cycle has started. The decline in the stock
The recent decline in cotton prices has set up a buy pattern market has taken lumber with it as lows are being tested.
for the next rally. The daily indicators I follow have turned This is the prime time to begin watching for a bullish
bullish and have tested support successfully. The market divergence low to develop. Bearish sentiment is pervasive
should now rally in spite of weakness in the grains. which is another reason that lows might be developing.
03/02/07 7

TBonds/TNotes Stocks
My expectation of higher interest rates is coming to pass and Stocks finally collapsed in a long overdue correction to an
I believe that there is more coming AFTER the current decline extended bull market. And so my advice prior to the decline
in rates has run its course. My forecast has not changed. was clear and concise as follows: “BUY only quality stocks
Money is moving into bonds as stocks move lower, but bear on declines to intermediate and long-term support. AVOID
in mind that the correction in stocks was long overdue and highly speculative stocks and new IPO high flying stocks.
should come as no surprise. HOLD and BUY precious metals shares as well as shares in
I expected rates to decline over the short-term and to rally stocks that are related to underlying commodity price moves.
over the long-term.The long-standing and reliable cycles and This conservative approach will, in my view, serve you well in
patterns suggest that we will see inflation, as opposed to re- the long run although you may not be happy in the very short
cession, and with that, higher interest rate trends. run. In the past such very lengthy periods of bearish diver-
My cyclical analyses lead me to conclude that interest rates gence had resulted in large and sudden declines. CAUTION!”
will move higher - perhaps considerably higher - and for sev- I told you that stock markets all over the world were overex-
eral years as an inflationary “blow-off” is likely to develop in tended in their rallies and that when the drop came it would be
commodity prices. Overall, I believe that many commodity fast, severe, and furious and “seemingly out of nowhere.” His-
markets are still low priced.The current decline in commodi- tory has once again repeated, but what’s next? Watch for an
ties is, in my view, a reaction to margin selling in stocks. The equally severe reaction back to the upside once this panic
hotline recommended a long position in TBond futures. This selling has run its course. And that recovery rally could begin
position was rolled into June futures and closed out at a profit sooner than many would have you believe. The recovery rally
on the recent rally. could be much stronger than many expect.
8 03/02/07
Petroleum Complex
I advised you several weeks prior to the current strong recov- The rallies that are now beginning are part of what I believe to
ery rally that a turn was imminent and that it could be a fairly be a 2-3 year cyclical low that should bring prices generally
large correction in an otherwise bear trend. The corrections higher until late 2007, and possibly into early 2008, at which
up have started but they are not without their large price time a resurgence of the longer term bear markets will likely
swings. I believe that all of the energy complex markets are develop with lows not likely to develop until 2009.
likely to continue their short-term uptrends.
Sanity and Good Sense in Times of High Volatility
Page one of this issue discussed the expansion in market volatility throughout all the financial markets and in virtually every
world economy.While volatility can present many profitable opportunities, it also presents significant challenges to the disci-
pline and psychology of traders and investors. Times such as these require, indeed they demand, sanity and good judgment
if financial survival and profits are your goals. The more volatile the markets become and the larger the price swings become,
the more severely your discipline and psychology will be tested. As always these two factors are the weakest links in the
trading chain. These are the times that test the very core of your being and essence as a trader and as an investor. Don’t fall
victim to panic, self doubt and the irrational behavior of others. Be a contrarian - when the lemmings are jumping off the cliff look
for opportunities and, in the process, you will likely find some of the best trades and investments you have ever made.

The “Rocket Scientist” and The Trader

About nine months ago I had the good fortune to meet a trader who came to me as a student. He wanted to learn my
trading methods. He was an experienced trader in stocks and commodities who had achieved a good degree of success
as a longer term investor, but he wanted to learn short-term trading methods that he could apply to markets such as the
S&P and currencies. In my meetings with him I came to discover that he was a highly qualified engineer working for a
major aerospace and aircraft company. Slowly he began to share some of his observations and trading experiences with
me. His insights were remarkable and very apropos to my trading methods. I am never too old to learn and never too self-
absorbed to feel that my work is perfect, or that it cannot be improved. His concepts combined with my methods have
been a revelation.Together, Steve and I developed an S&P trading system that represents a major advance in trading
systems for this volatile market. Await additional information in the next issue of this newsletter.

There is a risk of loss in futures trading

Comments in this letter are subject to change as a function of market conditions. Recommendations are given via hotline, fax, e-mail, Internet or tape updates.

Network Press, Inc. P.O. Box 1970 Highland Park, Illinois 60035 USA
E-Mail: Jake Bernstein at 847-831-6900 Fax 847-831-2637
Standard Subscription Rates: Annually $895 Semi-Annually $495 Quarterly $295
Network Press, Inc., publishes Jake Bernstein’s Weekly Commodity Trading Letter as a service to their clients only. The information contained herein is subject to change without
notice and has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but it is not guaranteed as to its accuracy or completeness.Those using the information herein for trading purposes are
responsible for their own actions.This letter is not to be construed as an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any commodity futures referred to herein. No claim is made that recommendations
will be profitable or that they will not result in losses. It should not be assumed that future performance will equal or exceed past results. Network Press, Inc., its directors, editors,
employees and clients may purchase and/or sell the commodity futures referred to herein.Subscription fees are not refundable.Consultations with Mr. Bernstein are available by
appointment only.Reproduction of this letter by any means is prohibited without prior written permission of NWP. Brief quotation is permitted provided complete source credit is given.

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