Sport Management-Safety Measures

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Most of the injuries reported in school usually occur during physical education lessons and
games. Therefore a major concern of safety should be to prevent situations that cause
accidents. A physical education teacher should be able to recognize potential high risk situations
as well as possess a clear understanding of the hazards and potential dangers of an activity.
Some activities pause high risks for injuries than others. For example serious and sometimes
fatal accidents occur during PE. Therefore every physical education teacher should ascertain the
medical and physical background and conditions of his / her learners. This can be done by
consulting the school history cards, school health authorities, parents / guardians and learners

The teacher has the duty to establish a safe and healthy environment by ensuring proper
condition of equipment and apparatus. Any defects or potential safety hazards should be
eliminated as soon as they are noticed or reported to the relevant authorities for necessary

All play grounds should be made safe. Cluttered floors, dangerous and sharp corners, posts and
rough should be eliminated and activities be planned in such a way that these hazardous
conditions are avoided. Slippery floors and inappropriate footwear causes accidents and
therefore they should be discouraged.

Lack of supervision is one of major causes of accidents / injuries. The ratio of teachers to
learners being supervised should be taken into consideration. A teacher supervising a large
group of learners is not likely to be effective depending on the nature of activities being done
thus increasing chances of injuries.

A physical education teacher should have basic knowledge of first aid that would enable him /
her deal with any injuries that may occur. It is also mandatory that a first aid kit be within easy
at reach at all time


Physical education teachers are exposed to greater liability for accidents and injuries than other
areas of the school curriculum. This is mainly because of the nature of physical education
classes, which take place indoors, e/g gymnasium, swimming pool, and playground. It is
therefore important for P.E educations strive to;

1. Understand what constitutes legal liability

2. Understand what may lead to legal action
3. Understand how such problem, may be reduced or avoided

This is a term meaning that someone is at fault that this fault has caused injuries to another
person, and that someone is legal responsible. A physical education teachers may incur legal
liability through the following ways;

 Negligence
 Being part of agreeable nuisance
 Misconduct


In real language, negligence is defined as failure as part to act in a manner viewed to be

reasonable, careful and cautious.

Any physical education teacher who fails to supervise physical education activities properly may
be considered negligent.

NB: Negligence may be claimed but it must be proven in a court of law. The following factors
must in totally be present to constitute negligence.

i. Established duty
ii. Breach of duty
iii. Legal cause
iv. Damage


It must be established. It must be established that the teacher concerned has a duty to follow
certain standard of conduct that protects the learner from unreasonable danger.


A P.E teacher has the established duty of supervising all activities during the time tabled P.E.


This must proven

When an established duty has been determined, the next step is to prove that the teacher
actually failed to comply with this standard of conduct.

During a physical education classes, the teacher decides to go to receive a phone call leaving
the class unsupervised.


This must also be established

If a breach of duty is proven the next move is to decide if there is a reasonable relationship
between the teachers’ breach of duty and the injury receive.


When the teacher went to receive the phone call, the unsupervised class is left behind and a
learner falls off a vaulting box


This refers to the actual injury or loss. This must be determined and more so if legal cause is

If proven injury or loss the plaintiff is entitled to compensation for physical discomfort and
financial loss.

It at all, all the four of the conditions for negligence are proven, then physical education teacher
is determined to be liable. The only way a teacher can defend herself / himself against this, is
to prove that the four aspects of negligence are absent.


P.E teachers should strive to infuse and integrate some of the contemporary issues in society
within the physical education lesson and sport situation.

Among those issues are;


Learners should be sensitized on the conservation and preservation of the environment as

physical education lessons and sports competition are usually held outdoors, this calls for
outdoor facilities such as playing fields, courts, swimming pools walking and jogging trails,
camp sites and other general play areas and equipment to be well planned, and maintained in
an environmentally friendly manner.

Policies and procedures should be instituted in such a way that learners appreciate and use the
facilities and equipment well while emphasizing on safety conservation and preservation. For
example play and P.E lesson areas should not be littered. Wastage of natural resources like
water should be discouraged. All forms of pollution to the natural environment must be
discouraged. While improvising, preference should be given to biodegradable materials.


P.E teachers should create a free atmosphere where issues pertaining to HIV and AIDS and
sexually transmitted diseases can be discussed and information shared amongst learners.



 In case of open wounds, bleeding should be immediately stopped and the open wound
dressed appropriately.
 Encourage routine use of gloves or other precautions to prevent exposure when in contact
with blood and other bodily fluids.
 Clean all contaminated surfaces and equipment with disinfectants like Jik, Detol etc
 Practice proper procedures to prevent injuries caused by sharp objects and equipment.
 Mouth pieces, resuscitation bags and other ventilation devices should be used to avoid
contact with body fluids e.g saliva among others, during emergency mouth to mouth
 Contaminated materials such s towels, dressings, and other equipment should be properly
handled, disinfected and disposed.


P.E lessons should be conducted in ways that promote acceptance of set rules and regulations,
self respect, respect for others and property. Situations that are likely to encourage cheating,
bribery and corruption in P and sports should be avoided. Such situations include purchasing
equipment, distribution of the same, awarding of grades, officiating and judging, and
individualized and private teaching / coaching involving the opposite sex. Learners should
display sportspersonship values like fair play, justice, sharing, team work, and respect for
authority e.g coaches, teachers, prefects and responsible peers left in charge.


P.E teachers should make learners aware and educate them on the dangers of drug and
substance abuse. The use and abuse of substance and drugs such as tobacco, bhang (cannabis
sativa), cocaine and heroine among others must be discouraged. Learners should also be
educated on the negative effects of banned sports substances such as anabolic steroids and
blood doping
NB: Positive effects of participating in regular P.E and sports programmes such as development
of physical fitness and health should be taught to learners and encouraged. They should be
discouraged to participate actively in sporting activities while out of class.


P.E teachers should sensitize learners on issues related to respect of child and human rights.
Teachers too should know and respect the same. Negative incidents and situations that
encourage abuse of child and human rights should be discouraged e.g P.E activities like running
and press ups must never be used as methods of punishment. Learners should also be
accorded freedom of expression, freedom of association, and be informed of their right to
recreation, play, and use of appropriate equipment and facilities. P.E lessons should display fair
play, justice and respect of others.


P.E teachers should accord equal opportunity to both boys and girls for maximum participation
in all activities. There should be no discrimination and negative stereotyping to access and use
of equipment and facilities, teaching / coaching, grading and application of set rules and

NB: there are equipment befitting each gender eg short put for men and women etc thus there
should be no excuse of failure to participate.


Inorder to assist the country in achieving the set goals for industrial transformation and vision
2030…… need to emphasize on the use of modern information technology ……… enhance
planning, teaching and provision of feedback. Use of modern sports attire, training and playing
equipment need to be encouraged.


Equipment, facilities….. are of primary importance as no meaningful learning process can go on
without relevant resources. Before purchasing any equipment, it is important to assess their
condition to suit the user and activities to be performed. Procurement is solely determined by
what equipment and supplies are necessary and their value. Its main objective is to maximize
the buying power and minimize cost. It is therefore the role of the P.E teacher games
coordinator or sports club manager to select or choose the most suitable equipment paying
special attention to quality and value.


 Quality and durability of the equipment. The material which the equipment is made of will
determine how long it will last.
 Correct quantity
 Price / cost
 Urgency / need purpose of equipment
 Best source
 Mode of payment / delivery etc
 Suitability – Its important to buy equipment that all types of learners can comfortably and
effectively use. It’s vital to consider the left / right hand users which purchasing hockey


After receiving equipment, the P.E teacher must;

 Inspect the contents the quality and quantity. If not conversant with some of the equipment
one can request a professional to do it.
 Test functionality e.g could inflate the balls and leave for a few days
 Stamp / engrave list of purchase
 Label the equipment
 Record / open an inventory
 Store


 Helps in identifying and locate equipment easily

 Provides information on serviceability
 Plans future buying
 Helps in value estimation
 Helps in identifying theft and damage issues


 Keep equipment in a secure place under lock and key controlled by one person
 Store the most valuable items in the most inner rooms or far from the entrance if it’s one
 Proper storage environment; keep in the least damaging environment e.g low humidity,
away from sun and appropriate temperatures.
 For ease to access and safety. Storage state. There are certain ways to store each
equipment e.g baseball / softball gloves should be stored with a ball in them, nets should be
hooked up appropriately to avoid tangling, tug of war and climbing ropes should not have
sharp bends or knots when stored to avoid breakage etc.
 Keep equipment organized


i) Equipment

Balls, whistles, nets, mats racquets hockey sticks, wickets for cricket, sports attire, floaters in
swimming ,shot put, discus, javelin etc. not considered expendable much since they are used
for a number of years a longer … before being replaced

ii) Facilities

Play fields / pitches / courts, available spaces such as dining hall, empty classroom, and
assembly hall. Swimming pool table, tennis tables and supports field markers / station markers
and labels.

Goal posts, goal rings, nets and wire mesh for hockey

iii) Supplies

Expendable materials there have to be replaced at frequent intervals e.g tennis balls, swimming


Facilities and equipment play an imperative role for any meaningful learning process to take
place in P.E. however, acquiring such resources may be very expensive for most of our public
schools and other related learning institutions, yet the teaching and learning of P.E has to
continue irrespective of the availability and adequacy of finances. It is therefore the role of the
P.E teacher to be creative and implement efficient and effective ways of the facilitating the
learning process.

Definition of improvisation

i. The process of using the existing materials (wood, paper, strings, nails etc)and
resources (expertise/ personnel, time, money etc) to design and construct specific
physical activity equipment that is similar to the actual one
ii. The process of utilizing a given sport facility for many purposes (multipurpose)

 Any sport equipment can be improvised

 Improvised equipment / facility should resemble the actual thing in many aspects, shape,
weight, circumference / radius, colour, pressure, etc
 Improvised equipment / facility should be functional / useful
 It must be safe
 It should observe the principle of aesthetics
 P.E teachers should encourage learners to improvise since in enhances creativity

NB: Give examples of how various equipment / facility could be improvised.

When can a P.E teacher improvise equipment?


 Check the wooden and metallic facilities regularly

 Play grounds should be well kept by trimming grass at manageable level
 Discourage misuse of playground by not allowing the community to use it as a driving
school facility
 Animals should not be allowed to graze on play grounds
 Use the right foot wear for particular surfaces
 Open holes within the grounds should be filled
 While marking the athletics track, use lime (white wash), used oil, saw dust and ashes


Ports have huge impact on people’s lives, as they create unity; promote values, and community
pride. This therefore, calls for all athletes, administrators, coaches, officials, and supporters
taking part in specific sports to take personal responsibility to ensure that their sport is fun and
fair for everyone. This is an implication that morals ethics and values are more than rules or
laws of the game.


Ethics: Expected mode of conduct / behavior

Sports Ethics: Designated code of conduct that should be adhered to during sporting
activities. These are implied on duties and (or) actions displayed by players, coaches, judges,
referees and the spectators.

 Fairness – quality of treating people equally

 Integrity – quality of being honest & having strong moral principles
 Equity – system of natural justice allowing a fair judgment in a situation where the existing
laws are not satisfactory.
 Respect


 They form the basis for moral behavior

 Form basis for true sportspersonship i.e handling of success and loss diligently
 Promotes compassion, empathy and recognition of values and worth of other players
 Enhances moral sense of responsibility in players executed in their actions towards others
 Helps one judge between right and (or) wrong


 They must protect and develop moral and ethical bases for all sporting activities
 Protect the sport and athletes against exploitation from; political commercial and financial
interests and from harmful humiliating activities.
 Promote and support sport organizations and persons who have demonstrated solid ethical
principles in their work in the sports that they engage in.
 Undertake suitable public relations and educational measures for popularizing the sport
ideals and fair play in order to promote mutual respect between the athletes and spectators
as well as for better active sport practicing.
 Take measures against use of anabolic steroids, blood doping and all forms of social
 Ensure safety of the sports grounds
 Ensure that the athletes, sport officials, technical and managing persons and the spectators
shall oblidge to observe the sports ethics

NB: discuss the causes of violation of sports ethics, effects of violating sports ethics and ways
of enhancing sports ethics.

Polite behaviors towards others

 Stimulates honest competition among business competitors
 Helps obtain the best or lowest prices of commodities
 It promotes quick or on-time delivery of goods
 It helps spread the purchasing among more vendors
 It reduces the risk of procuring poor quality merchandise

Gifts or favours should never be accepted from the dealers in the process of making purchases
of supplies and equipment. This is because gifts or favours may be used to compromise the
purchaser at the expense of ensuring that only quality goods are supplied.

Purchasing should be made on the basis of inventory analysis. The quantity of supplies and
equipment at hand (in store) and their condition should be ascertained in advance of the
procurement of new ones.

Procedures for checking, storing, issuing and maintaining equipment and supplies.

1. When an order of supplies and equipment is delivered, they should be carefully checked for
any flaws and the number of the items reconciled against requisition
 Payment should not be made until any discrepancies are corrected
 When the supplies and equipment are delivered, the manager or other designated
person signs the receiving note.
2. After receiving and signing for deliveries, all newly acquired items should be properly
marked or stamped with the organization’s logo for ease of identification.
 The marking or stamping also helps to trace and locate missing articles
 The marking / stamping also discourages misappropriation of the items and
determine what is and what is not the organization’s property
3. Procedures for issuing and checking in supplies and equipments should be established and
followed so that items are issued and received back as prescribed
 Properly prepared forms or records should be maintained so that all items are easily
traced and incated
 The records are important for avoiding loses and for accountability purpose
4. A suitable room or store should be provided for securing the sports items
 Convenient racks, shelves, hangers, and accessories should be availed for the
storage of the sports items
 Temperature, humidity and ventilation of the sports equipment store should be
regulated to protect the items from damage.
 All equipments should be repaired, replaced or serviced as required.
5. Garments need special care in terms of cleaning and storage in cool and dry place with low
 After garments are used, they should be inspected for any tears / defects and have
them repaired and cleansed.


Equipment and supplies represent the tools that sport / recreation personnel must have to
facilitate their sports and recreation programmes. They are also vital for ensuring the health
and safety of participants. Supplies are materials that are expendable and have to be replaced
at frequent intervals; examples are tennis balls, swimming pool chemicals.

Equipment refers to those items that are not considered expendable but are used for a number
of years. Examples are hockey sticks, net balls, goal-posts playing kit etc

Determining the need for equipment and supplies

The need for sports supplies and equipment in a sports organization must be determined before
procurement is made. The factors to consider establishing the need for supplies and equipment
include the following;

i. The need for supplies and equipment depend on type of sports programme that is on
offer. For instance. A programme that involves ball Games and athletics will need
supplies and equipment that are specific to these activities areas.
ii. Consider availability of space for the sports/ recreation activities. Some organizations
might have only very limited sports/ recreation programmes due to limited number of
facilities. Under such conditions, the supplies and equipment needed might be limited as
opposed to those settings where more spacious and sophisticated facilities exist.
iii. Consider nature of clientele, that is, the age, gender and number or population of those
involved in the sports/ recreation programme. These factors will dictate the kind and
number of supplies and equipment that should be availed. An organization should
provide supplies and equipment based on the number of enrolled clients.
iv. Health and safety provision of each sport/ recreation activity is also a determining factor
on the type and quantity of supplies and equipment that should be purchased/
procured. Protective gear and equipment must be provided for participants involved in
activities that carry inevitable risks to injury.
v. Requests made by users also dictate the type of supplies and equipment that should be
procured. The potential users of the supplies and equipment may have different tatstes
for various sports / recreation activities and hence, can make requests based on the
activities that they would like to engage in.
vi. The available budget / amount of money also determine the quantity and variety of
sport / recreation supplies and equipment that can be purchased at any one given time.
Limited funds can lead to prioritization and limitation on the number and variety supplies
and equipment that can be bought.
vii. Inventory analysis serves as a basis of determining the type and quantity of supplies
and equipment that should be availed. The inventory shows number of available items,
losses and damages and hence, can provide guidance on which items should be bought
or replaced / repaired.

Guidelines for selecting equipments and supplies

1. Selection should be based on identical local needs of the sports institutions and factors
programmes. This is important as it ensures that whatever supplies and equipment are
selected should be those that fulfill the programme’s objectives or activities.
2. Selection should be based on quality and durability of the items. Selection of items of low
standard or poor quality should be avoided.
3. Items should be selected in such a way that they are budget or maintenance friendly.
Selected equipment should have readily available spare parts or replaceable parts.
4. Consider whether the equipments are guaranteed or not. The terms of the guaranteed
should also be clearly specified.
5. Selection of supplies and equipment should be made by professional personnel,
knowledgeable and competent sports / recreation personnel who are meant to use the
items should be involved in the selection of the items
6. Safety of the users should be considered when selecting supplies and equipments. The
items should protect potential users from risk of injury.
7. Consider the disabled persons when selecting the supplies and equipment. Members of
various special groups may need special type of equipment to participate in some of the
activities that are part of sports or recreation programme.
8. Consider service and replacement needs. Select items which can be easily serviced by the
business firms that deal in them.
9. Select items on the basis of acceptable standards or specifications. Ensure that the
equipment meet the international and national standards that have been set
10. Select the latest models of equipments and avoid old ones that are likely to be out of
fashion (outdated)

Guidelines for purchasing equipment and supplies

1. Purchase of equipments and supplies should be based on the institution’s requirements and
the approval of the management. Only items that are needed should be bought and with
adherence to the organization’s purchasing policies including approved documents such as
invoices, voucher etc
2. Purchases should be done in advance of time that the materials will be used to avoid last
minute rash which can lead to mistakes.
3. The prices of the items should be kept as low as possible without compromising the quality.
4. Purchases should be made from reputable firms that are known to have reasonable prices,
reliable items and good service.
5. Consider local firms when making the purchases. If the local firms can offer equal value,
render equal or better services for the same money and are reliable, then preferences
should be given to them. This is because the local firms are readily accessible and can
provide quicker services than firms located further away.
6. Bids (or quotations) should be obtained for any supplies and equipment that are to be
bought. Competitive bidding has the following advantages.

It eliminates favorism of any commercial firm

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