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Handball is a fast and exciting sport for men women in which players try to score goals
by throwing a ball into their opponents’ goal ‘Team handball can be played indoors or
outdoors. Modern team handball at the international level is an indoor game Handball
has been an event in the Summer Olympic Games since 1972.
Teams consist of event players—six court players and a goalkeeper. A team handball
court is 40 metres long and 20 metres wide. A goal line runs the width of the field at
each end. Sidelines enclose the playing area lengthwise. A goal is centred length
wise on each goal line. It consists of two posts 2 metres high and 3 metres apart. A
horizontal bar connects the posts. A net is attached to the posts and bar. The ball in
men’s competition is 58 to 60 centimetres in circumference. The ball in women’s
games is slightly smaller.

Games are divided into two 30 minute periods. Many of the rules resemble soccer
rules except that players can use their hands but cannot use their feet to pass and
dribble the ball. Two referees supervise play.



Handball may have developed from ancient games of various countries. Such Games
include a game called Urenia played in Greece, Hapstons played in Rome and
between 130 and 200 AD In Germany Another game called Raff ball was played in
Germany between 1846 and 1911. In 1906, A game called Hazena was introduced by
a P.E. teacher called Kristol in Czechoslovakia this may too have developed to
handball. Handball was also played in Ukraine. Out of all these ancient games
developed into the modern game of Handball.
At the turn of the century handball was popularized in Denmark by a teacher called
Hozer Nieben. The first rules of the game were issued at----Gymnastic school.


A Garman called Hirschmann is credited for popularizing handball in Germany around

1912, and by 1917 Mar Harier was developing handball for women. In 1920, the
German sports Federation established official rules for the games. The official rules
were used during the all-Garman handball championship in Hanover.

In 1928, the international handball Federation was started. It held their first meeting
this year. During the Berlin Olympics, the 7 a side rule was applied.


The game of handball was introduced in this country through the national youth
service in the ‘70s it spread to the military and other institutions in the ‘80s. The game
is ran by the Kenya amateur handball association which was formed in 1972. In 1973,
Kenya participated in international competition in Kampala Uganda.
The German government has continued to support handball in Kenya to date through


Handball is the second fastest game to ice hockey. it is a team game of 14 members.
It is basically played by hand and involves passing by throwing. Men and women play

Handball is a team game. A team is made up of fourteen members. it is second to ice

hockey in speed. It is played by players passing the ball around a field of 40 by 20
meters. Both men and women play handball. A goal is made when the ball passes
through the goal.



The handball court is demarcated with lines 5 cm wide except at the goal line that is 8
cm wide. These lines have different names and purposes.

1. The Sideline
This marks the side boundary of the field. When the ball goes over the sideline, it is
put back through a throw in by the opposing team while other members of the
opposing team are three meters away. The player taking the throw in must have one
foot on the line. The sideline if forty meters long.

2. The Goal line and the outer goal line.

The goal line is the line that joins the two goal posts. The outer goal line is the line
that joins the goal to the corners. These two lines mark the boundary of the fields
widthwise. If the ball goes out through this line, it is put back to play through a goal
throw or a corner throw if a score is not made. A goal throw is awarded when an
attacker takes out the ball while a corner throw is awarded when a defender takes the
ball out of play. The player putting the ball back to play must have one foot on the line.

3. The centerline
This line demarcates the field into two equal parts it is marked at the center to indicate
where the player taking the throw off will stand. At the time of the throw off members
of each team shall be in their own court. The referee’ throw is also taken from this line.

4. The free throw line

This is a broken line drawn 3 meters outside the goal area line. When a foul is
committed outside the goal area, by the defending team, the attacking team takes the
throw from outside this line.

5. The goal area line

This line defines the goal area. Attackers must not step inside the goal area when
scoring. A player is allowed to land within the goal area when shooting but must
release the ball before he lands.

6. Goalkeeper’s restraining line

This is a short line about 15 cm long immediately in front of the goal. It marks the
furthest the goalkeeper can advance when a penalty is being taken by an opposing
team. The goalkeeper is not allowed to step on it nor go beyond it. It is marked six
meters from the goal line.

7. The penalty line.

It is directly in front of the goal and parallel to the goal line. It is one meter long. When
taking a penalty. A player is not allowed to step or go beyond the line.

8. Substitution line
Marks limit of the substitution zone. It extends from the centerline to a distance of 4.5
meters along the sideline. It extends 15 cm along the sideline and 15 cm outside the

9. Goal line
It extends from one goal post to the other.
This line is 8 cm wide whereas all the other lines are 5 cm wide.

10. Outer goal line

Extends from the outer edge of the goal posts and makes an inter section with the
sideline it extends for 8.5 meters .


1. The ball

Made of leather or synthetic material

It must be spherical. The surface must not be slippery.

Different sizes of handballs.

Circumference Weight Size Category of players

58 - 60 cm 425 – 475g Size 3 Men and male youth over 16 yrs

54 – 56 cm 325 – 375 g Size 2 Women and female youth over 14 yrs

Male youth 12 – 16 yrs
50 – 52 cm 290 – 330 g Size 1 Female youth 8 – 14 yrs
Male youth 8 – 12 yrs

Note: Size and weight of mini-handball is not regulated

At least 2 balls should be available for the game
The ref decides when to use the reserve ball.

2. The goal

Shall have interior height of 2 meters

Width of 3 meters
Shall project on the crossbar 1 meter at the top and one and a half meters at the
Shall be painted in bands of contrasting colors
They shall have nets fitted so that a thrown ball remains in the goal
They shall have nets fitted so that a thrown ball remains in the goal.

Playing Time

A game of handball is played in two equal halves with a break in the middle. For
players aged 16 years and above, they play for 30 minutes with a break of 10 minutes.
For players aged 12 – 16 years, there are 2 halves of 25 minutes with a 10 minutes
break. For juniors of 8 – 12 years have two halves of 20 minutes with a break of 10
If at the end of the regular time, the score is a tie, more time of 5 minutes is awarded.
The 5 minutes are divided into two with a break of 1 minute in the middle. If the tie
remained, more 5 minutes is awarded. If the tie remains the rules determines the


1. Uniform
Handball players are required to wear uniforms that are numbered from 1-20. The
numbers should be 10 cm high at the front and 20 cm high at the back. The uniform is
supposed to be a short and a shirt. Players are required to wear sport shoes. A team
is identified by the color of the uniform it wears. The goalkeeper wear a different color
from the other players. The captain is required to wear a band.

2. The goalkeeper
The uniform of a goal keeper comprise of a shirt of a different color from the other
court players and protective clothes which includes.

 Chest guard
 Groin guard
 And gloves

The team
A team of handball is composed of 14 players. Not more than 7 payers may be in the
field at the same time and a team must have a goalkeeper at all time during play. A
goalkeeper can be a court player. When this happens, court rules shall be applied to
him/her. At the start of the game, a team must have at least five players. A team is
allowed a maximum of four team officials who include:-

 The coach
 Trainer
 Team manager
 And a team doctor

A team player or official is recognized only if he/she had registered i.e. the name
appears on the score sheet. If a player or an official arrives late he/she must report to
the timekeeper or the scorer who are usually at the officials’ bench.


Substitution in handball may be done repeatedly without notifying the officials of the
match as long as the substituted players had already left the field. Substitutes shall
leave and enter the field through the substitution zone. These rules apply to the
goalkeeper and during time out except during a team time out. The penalty for wrong
substitution is a suspension for two minutes.

1. Team Captain
He/she participates in the tossing of the coin to choose the throw off or the side he/she
may talk to the referee for clarification of the rules.

Match Officials

2. The referee (2)

Two referees with equal authority shall control the game and apply the rules. The
referee inspects the court, goals, balls and players before the game starts. They
decide which ball to use in the game. They ensures that those on the substitution list
are present, supervise the coin toss in the presence of the captains and the other ref.
If one ref is unable to finish the game the other one does it along up to the end.

The refs keep the scores and time of play. Refs wear black. Their decision is final.
They can halt the game or end it.
The refs whistle to:-
 Start or end each half of the game
 Enforce a penalty
 Start and end the penalty shot
 Indicate when the ball has gone outside the court.
 Signal a goal
 Restart the game after a penalty whether a goal is scored or not restart the
game after a goal.
 Stop the game for any reason and restart after such stoppage.

3. The timekeeper.

The timekeeper is responsible for playing time, time outs suspensions. he is the only
one who can interrupt a game when necessary.

4. The scorekeeper

The scorer is responsible for rosters, score sheets and entering players who arrives
after the match has started. Together with the timekeeper, they have joint
responsibilities of controlling substitution and other officials of the game.


Start and re-start of the game.

1. The Throw off

The game is started at the centre line with a throw off. The throw off can be made
towards any direction by the team that won the toss and chose the throw off. The
team that chose sides starts the second half. When taking a throw off, the player must
have one foot on the centerline. After a goal is scored, the team that conceded the
goal restarts the game. The player starting or restarting the game must wait for the
referee’s whistle and take throw before, 3 seconds elapses. At the start, teams must
be in their own half, except when a goal has been made. They must be at least 3
meters from the person taking the throw. Another player must touch the ball before
the player taking the thro touches it.

2. Ball-crosses the sideline

Throw in is awarded and taken without the whistle signal. The opponents of the team
whose players last touched the ball before it crossed the sideline take it.
Taken on the spot where the ball crossed the sideline. Throwers must stand on one
foot on the sideline until ball leaves hand. They are not allowed to place the ball down
then pick it up. Another player must touch the ball before thrower touches it again.
Opponents must be 3 meters away.

3. Ball crosses outer goal line.

i) By attacker
Started by goalkeeper throw (done within the goal area)
ii) By a defender
Throw in taken by member of attacking team at the intersection of sideline and
outer goal line

4. Scoring a goal
Scored when the ball crosses the whole the goal. The goal line ref confirms the score
It cannot be awarded if interrupted before it completely crosses the goal line
Awarded to opponents side if player plays ball into own goal except during
goalkeepers throw. Awarded if some one prevents the ball or somebody not
participating in the game and the ref is convinced it would have been a goal.
A goal once awarded cannot be disallowed after the whistle for throw-off has been
blow. The team with the highest number of goals is the winner.

5. Offside
There is no offside in handball.
Conduct of play.
1. Players are allowed to:-
 Throw, catch, stop, push or hit the ball with open or closed hands, arms, head,
torse, thighs and knees
 They are allowed to take a maximum of 3 seconds and a maximum of 3 steps
with the ball.
 Bounce the ball once and catch it again
 Dribble the ball
 Roll the ball on the floor and catch it.
 Move the ball from the ball from one hand to another.
 Play the ball while kneeling sitting or lying on the floor.
 Use arms of hands to block or gain possession of the ball.
 Use the body to obstruct an opponent even when he is not in possession of the
 Make body contact with an opponent when facing him in order to monitor and
follow him

2. Players are not allowed to:-

 Touch the ball more than once before it has touched floor, another player or the
 Fumbling is not penalized (fumbling is failure to fully control the ball when
catching or stopping)
 Touch the ball with the foot or leg below the except when the ball is thrown by
an opponent (play continues if the ball touches the referee)
 Keep the ball in a team’s possession without making any attempt to attack or
shoot (passive play)
 Pull or hit the ball out of the hands of the opponent.

 Block or force away the opponent with arms, hands or legs

 Restrain, hold or push, run or jump into an opponent
 Endanger an opponent with or without the ball.
Note: Actions directed at opponent are punished progressively (awarding a throw
to the opponent and a personal punishment)
Note: Endangering and opponent include
 Pulling the throwing arm of a player who is in the process of throwing or
passing the ball and
 Striking the head or neck of an opponent
 c) Hitting an opponent with the foot or knee and includes tripping
 d) Punching an opponent who is running or jumping leading him to lose
control of the body (loose balance
 e) Hitting a defending player in the head with the ball, including the
goalkeeper during a penalty.
A player is not allowed to assault another player, match officials, team officials and
spectators. (Assault in a forceful and deliberate attack). Spitting is also
considered as assault.

3. A goalkeeper is allowed to:-

 Touch the ball with any part of the body while defending inside the goal area
 Move with the ball freely within the goal area but shall not delay or waste time.
 Leave the goal area without the ball and participate in the game (subjected to
rules applying to other player)
 Leave the goal area when fumbling with the ball and play it again

4. He is not allowed to:-

 Endanger opponents in the act of defense
 Leave the goal area with the ball under control
 Touch the ball outside the goal area after a goalkeeper’s throw before it is
touched by another player
 Touch the ball when it is stationally or roll outside the goal area when he is
inside the goal area.
 Take the ball back intro the goal area.
 Re enter the goal area from the playing area with the ball.
 Touch the ball with the foot when it is stationally in the goal area.
 Cross the goalkeeper’s restraining line during a seven meter throw (penalty.

The goal area

Only the goalkeeper is allowed in the goal area.

It is considered entered when a player touches the goal area line
It is not penalized when;
 A player enters after playing the ball
 A player enters without the ball
 3 a defender enters after an attempt to defend but does stop a clear chance of

 The ball belongs to the goalkeeper when it is in the goal area.

However it is permitted to play it when it is in the air above the goal area
If a player plays the ball into his own goal area:-
 It is a goal if the ball enters the goal
 It is a free throw if it comes to rest or if it touched by the goalkeeper but does
not enter the goal.
 It is a throw in if it goes out through the outer goal line
 Play continues if it crosses the goal area and back into playing area

Formal Throws
 Throw off
 Throw in
 Goalkeeper’s throw
 Free throw
 7-meter line throw (penalty)
Question: Give situations that result in these formal throws and the procedure of
doing it.


 1. Warning---Yellow card
 2. Suspension----- 2 minutes out of play
 3. Disqualification - Red Card

Question: Give situations that result in these punishments and the procedure of ding

Time out in Handball

The referee decides when and for how long playing time should be interrupted

Obligatory time out.

This is awarded during;

 2 minutes suspension
 2 an award of a free throw
 Faulty substitution, istle from the timekeeper is blown
 Consultation between referees

Team time out

 Lasts for one minute

 A team receives one in each half.
 It is requested by the responsible team official by use of a green card

Time out for other situations.

 External influence e.g. if the court needs to be wiped

 During an injury
 If the team is clearly wasting time
 If the ball touches the ceiling or a fixture above the court and is deflected and
goes very far.
 If outdoor, when the ball goes very far
 The game is restarted by the whistle after time out

Handball skills

Handball requires such skills as :-

 Catching
 Passing
 Shooting
 Dribbling
 Feinting/Dodging
 Screening
 Goal keeping
 Offensive Skills
 Defensive Skills


 Best done with two hands

 Relax fingers
 Spread fingers
 Close fingers in once ball comes into the hand
 Absorb shock


 Chest pass
 Bounce pass
 Underarm pass
 Shoulder pass
 Side-arm pass
 Hook pass

 Straight shot with blocking step
 Vertical Jump shot (jump shot high)
 Stride jump shot (jump shot long)
 Shots while falling (dive shot)
 Running shot
 Reverse shot (swing shot)

 One hand
 Alternate dribble


 Body feints
 Ball feints

 Individually
 In group

Goal Keeping
Using hands
Using legs

Offensive skills
Fast break
Piston (outnumbering situation)
Positioning of players i.e. Wingers, pivots and centreplayers

Defensive Skills
Blocking (individual/group) Cheking
Falling back- Back pedaling
Man to man defense
Zone defense
a) 6–0
b) 5–1
c) 5–0–1
d) 4–2
e) 4–2–1

Prepared By Miss Ouko Typed by Micheni Njoka

( c) 2004


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