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1. What is curriculum?
2. Why is the knowledge of curriculum studies important to a teacher trainee?
3. Identify the concepts and terminologies used in curriculum studies?
4. State and explain five types of curriculum identified in curriculum development.
5. As a teacher explain how you will integrate different types of curriculum for maximum learning?
6. Analyze the 21st century skills and their relationship to competency based curriculum?
7. List and explain the sociological factors that influence the curriculum development
8. Explain the role of psychology in learning
9. Analyze the philosophical ideas and principles that informed curriculum development in Kenya
since independence.
10. List and explain factors that informed curriculum development in Kenya after independence
11. Why should various foundations be considered in the processes of curriculum development?
12. Explain how curriculum theories and models support curriculum development process.
13. Identify and explain the best theory and model to be used in curriculum development and
explain how each model has been applied in CBC.
14. Explain how the principles of curriculum development applied when facilitating learning
15. Design a sample of curriculum using elements of curriculum in the space provided below.
16. List and explain three dimension of curriculum applied in curriculum designs.
17. How are the various dimensions of curriculum useful in learning?
18. Why should we refer to the dimensions of curriculum in curriculum development?
19. Explain the historical development of curriculum in Kenya.
20. Describe the stages of curriculum development cycle used in Kenya and explain the importance
of each stage.
21. Explain why it is possible for a country to have more than one curriculum and list different
systems of curriculum used in Kenya.
22. Explain why are the various learning taxonomies important in curriculum development.
23. Which is the taxonomy for generating learning outcomes in the;
i. Cognitive domain
ii. Affective domain
iii. Psychomotor domains
24. Explain what determines the choice of learning taxonomy used in generating learning outcome.
25. Using bloom’s taxonomy, generate six learning outcomes for different levels of knowledge.
26. Using the taxonomies of learning, develop a sample of curriculum design

Curriculum monitoring and evaluation

1. List and explain the purpose of monitoring a curriculum.
2. List and explain the concepts used in monitoring the curriculum.
3. Discuss the principles of curriculum monitoring in the context of competency based

4. List and explain what should be monitored in the competency based curriculum.
5. Identify and discuss the various aspects of the curriculum that should be monitored.
6. Explain why a teacher should observe ethics in the process of curriculum monitoring.
7. Discuss the various challenges experienced in the process monitoring a curriculum in relation to
8. Explain what roles does monitoring and evaluation play in a curriculum
9. Explore and explain the various concepts of curriculum evaluation in relation to competency
based curriculum.
10. Explain why should a teacher monitor learner’s progress in school
11. List and explain which factors should a teacher consider when reporting learner’s performance
12. List and explain the tools used in the processes of curriculum monitoring.
13. Explain the concepts of curriculum evaluation in relation to competency based curriculum(CBC)
14. Explain how to evaluate learner’s progress using various methods and tools used in learning.
15. List and explain various factors to be considered when reporting learner’s performance
16. Explain the roles of different agencies in curriculum monitoring and evaluation


1. List and explain all the factors necessitating curriculum change in a country.
2. Discuss on the process of curriculum change and implementation.
3. Differentiate between curriculum review and curriculum reform.
4. In your own words discuss and explain the process of curriculum change and innovation in
5. List and explain the strategies to be used in the process of curriculum change
6. Explain what is meant by the term curriculum innovation
7. Examine the curriculum innovations in competency based curriculum and discuss their
8. Elucidate the importance of curriculum change in Kenya and how it responds to international
focus and trends in education.
9. Evaluate the strategies of curriculum change in relation to 21st century skills in Kenya.
10. Evaluate all the curriculum changes in Kenya since independence.
11. Explain how curriculum is dynamic and continuously respond to the societal needs and changes.
12. Explain the difference between curriculum review and curriculum reform.

Curriculum framework.

1. What is curriculum framework?

2. Explain the importance of having a curriculum framework.
3. Explain on the curriculum frameworks used in the following countries;

4. Explain the philosophy, visions and missions of the competency based curriculum framework in
5. Discuss and elucidate the philosophy and pillars that guided the development of Basic Education
Curriculum Framework (BECF) and Teacher Education Curriculum Framework in Kenya. (TECF).
6. Analyze the components of the current Basic Education Curriculum Framework (BECF) Teacher
Education Curriculum Framework (TECF) in Kenya.
7. Justify the shift of curriculum from the content based curriculum to the Competency Based
Curriculum (CBC) in Kenya.
8. Analyze the organizational structure of education outlined in BECF and TECF
9. Discuss the components of the Basic Education Curriculum Framework in Kenya.
10. Identify and discuss how the components of Basic Education Curriculum Framework (BECF) are
applied in the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) in Kenya.
11. What are the importances of each of the components of the Basic Education Curriculum
Framework (BECF) to a teacher?
12. What are the importances of having Teacher Education Curriculum Framework in Kenya?
13. Analyze all the components of the Teacher Education Curriculum Framework in Kenya.
14. Discuss and explain how the components of Teacher Education Curriculum Framework (TECF)
applied in the learning process in Kenya.
15. Discuss and explain the attributes of a curriculum design in Kenya.
16. Discuss and explain the principles of curriculum design in curriculum development in Kenya.
17. Discuss and explain the components of a curriculum design in Kenya.
18. Discuss and explain the development of a scope and sequence chart in curriculum design.
19. What are the importances of curriculum design to a teacher in curriculum implementation.
20. Differenciate between the learning experiences and learning activities.
21. Discuss and explain the meaning and importance of values in the society.
22. Explain the concept of the Value Based Education in the learning process.
23. Identify various approaches used in incorporating values in the curriculum designs.
24. Determine the principles of Value Based Education (VBE) in relation to the Whole School
Approach (WSA)
25. Outlined and interpret the core values identified in the basic education curriculum framework in
26. Distinguish between parental empowerment and parental engagement in the learning process.
27. What are the importance of parental empowerment and engagement in the learning process?
28. Discuss and explain the pillars of parental empowerment and engagement in the learning
29. Analyze and explain the strategies of parental empowerment and engagement in the learning
30. Discuss the role of stakeholders in parental empowerment and engagement in the learning
31. Discuss and explain the legal and policy framework for parental empowerment and engagement
in the learning process.
32. Discuss and explain how parents can be empowered and engaged in the learning process.

33. Discuss and explain the concept of community service learning in enhancing learning process.
34. Distinguish between the community service and community service learning.
35. Identify and explain some of the community service learning activities that promote the process
of learning.
36. List down the importance of the community service learning in the learning process.
37. Identify the principles of the community service learning in the learning process.
38. Discuss and explain ways in which the community is engaged in the community service learning
39. Discuss and explain the components of community service learning in basic education.
40. Using the curriculum designs identify the community service learning activities that addresses
the challenges in the community.
41. Develop a community service learning activity which incorporates all the skills in different
learning areas. Apply project based learning process in the activity. Use the appropriate tools to
assess the project done.
42. Identify some of the challenges one can face when carrying out the project in Q41 above and
how to mitigate the challenges.
43. What is the meaning of pertinent and contemporary issues in the society?
44. Explain why pertinent and contemporary issues be integrated in the curriculum designs.
45. Discuss and explain how pertinent and contemporary issues be incorporated in the lesson
during delivery.
46. Discuss the effects of pertinent and contemporary issues on the school community’s wellbeing.
47. Discuss and explain the advantages and disadvantages of integrating pertinent and
contemporary issues in the curriculum designs.
48. Discuss the meaning of gender issues in education and explain the place of boys and girls in the
home, school and society.
49. Explain how can gender based violence be brought to an end.
50. Explain the appropriate approaches to be used to support the victims of gender based violence
in a learning institution.
51. Explain the concept of gender mainstreaming and how well it can be implemented in a learning
52. Discuss and explain the effects of sexual and gender based violence on learners, learning, family,
school and community. Discuss and formulate ways of eradicating gender based violence on
learners in different situations.
53. Discuss the gender responsive school environment (analyze available resources and their
allocation as well as utilization)
54. Discuss and explain the effects of female genital mutilation in the society.
55. Defend the reason for interventions to end FGM in the society (importance of ending FGM)

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