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For a closed system, difference between the heat added to the system and work
done by the gas, is equal to the change in ……..
(a) Enthaply
(b) Entropy
(c) Internal energy
(d) Temperature

2. Air is compressed adiabatically in a steady flow process with negligible change in

potential and kinetic energy. The work done in the process in given by
(a) -∫pdv (b) + ∫pdv
(c) - ∫vdp (d) + ∫vdp

3. Correct statement for First law of thermodynamics

(a) Total energy of system and surroundings remains constant
(b) Work done by the system equals to heat transferred by the system
(c) Internal energy of a system remains constant during a process
(d) Entropy of a systerm remains constant during a process
4. The product of mass and specific heat is……….
(a) Latent heat
(b) Difference in temperature
(c) Heat capacity
(d) Heat transfer rate

5. If the heat is flowing from cooler to hotter body it implies that……………..

(a) COP = ∞ (b) COP = 0
(C) COP < ∞ (d) COP < 0

6. Specific heat is defined in terms of ………………

(a) Rate of volume change
(b) Rate of internal energy change
(c) Rate of heat transfer
(d) Rate of temperature rise


7. Entropy of a system depends on ……………
(a) Pressure (b) heat
(C) Temperature (d) volume

8. What does the first law of thermodynamics deal with ?

(a) Conservation of heat
(b) Conservation of momentum
(c) Conservation of mass
(d) Conservation of energy

9. What is the following statement known as “energy can neither be created nor
destroyed, but it can be transferred from one form to another’’ ?
(a) Zeroth law of thermodynamics
(b) First law of thermodynamics
(c) Second law of thermodynamics
(d) Kinetic theory of gases
10. It is proposed to make a direct heat-to-work converter out of an elementary
system which absorbs heat while doing isothermal system which absorbs heat
while doing isothermal work exactly equal to the heat absorbed, thereby keeping
internal energy constant, such a system is :
(a) Not possible
(b) Possible
(c) Not desirable
(d) Commendable

11. During a process on the closed system its internal energy increases by twice the
units than the heat added to it. It is possible due to :
(a) Radiation of heat from surroundings
(b) Lowering of the temperature
(c) Increasing of the temperature
(d) Performing of shaft work on the system

12. Which of the following represents the perpetual motion of the first kind :
(a) Engine with 100% thermal efficiency
(b) A full reversible engine
(c) Transfer of heat energy from low temperature source to high temperature source
(d) A machine that continuously creates its own energy REFERAL CODE : YOGI10
13. A perpetual motion machine is-
(a) A thermodynamic machine
(b) A non-thermodynamic machine
(c) A hypothetical machine whose operation would violate the laws of
(d) None of these

14. According to Kelvin-Planck’s statement, a perpetual motion machine of ……………

(a) First kind is possible
(b) First kind is impossible
(c) Second kind is impossible
(d) Second kind is possible

15. A carnot engine reject 40% of heat absorbed from a source to sink at 27⁰C. What
is the value of source temperature in ⁰C ?
(a) 54
(b) 477
(c) 327
16. A tank containing air is stirred by a paddle wheel. The work input to the wheel is
14000kJ and heat transferred to the surrounding from the tank is 5000kJ. The
change in internal energy of the system (air) is:
(a) +9000kJ (b) -9000kJ
(c) +29000kJ (d) -19000kJ

17. Which of the following defines the useful property called ‘energy’ ?
(a) Zeroth law of thermodynamics
(b) First law of thermodynamics
(c) Second law of thermodynamics
(d) Third law of thermodynamics

18. The work done equals ∫pdv for:

(a) An irreversible process
(b) Unrestricted expansion
(c) Non-flow quasi-static process
(d) The arrangement where work is done on the gas as the paddle wheel turns by a
failing weight
19. Indentify the statements which is applicable to a perfect gs and is also true for an
irreversible process ⌠Where Heat content of gas = Q, internal energy = U,
Pressure = P, Volume = V, Temprerature =T, ⌡, (all per unit mass)
(a) dQ = dU + PdV (b) TdS = dU + PdV
(C) dQ = Tds (d) dQ = TdS + dU

20. For a closed system, the difference between heat added to the system and work
done by the system, is equal to change in :
(a) Internal energy
(b) Enthalpy
(c) Entropy
(d) Temperature

21.If two liquids at different temperatures are mixed, then the final temperature of the
mixture of liquids can be obtained by using
(a) Zeroth law of thermodynamics
(b) First law of thermodynamics
(c) Second law of the thermodynamics
(d) Third law of thermodynamics REFERAL CODE : YOGI10
22. Heat supplied to system equals the work done in case of non-flow process carried
(a) Isochorically
(b) Isobarically
(c) Isothermally
(d) Adiaabatically

23. Which aspect does not pertain to a free expansion process ?

(A) Pressure remains constant
(B) No change in the temperature of the system
(C) No gain or loss of heat
(D) Work done is zero

24. The isentropic expansion of initially superheated steam through the nozzle may
approximately be given by the equation
(a) PV1.135 = Const
(b) PV1.3= Const
(c) PV= Const
(d) PV1.2= Const REFERAL CODE : YOGI10

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