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Change of entropy depends on

(a) Change in volume
(b) Change in specific heat
(c) Transfer of heat
(d) Change in mass

2. For an irrevrsible process entropy change is :

(a) Greater than δQ/T
(b) Equal to δQ/T
(c) Less than δQ/T
(d) Equal to zero

3. The change in entropy is zero during :

(a) Hyperbolic process
(b) Constant pressure process
(c) Reversible adiabatic process
(d) Polytropic process REFERAL CODE : YOGI10
4. Increase in entropy of a system represents-
(a) Increase in availability of energy
(b) Increase in temperature
(c) Decrease in pressure
(d) Degradation of energy

5. Slop of constant volume line on temperature entropy diagram is given by-

(a) Cp/T (b) T/Cp
(c) Cv/T (d) T/Cv

6. The area under the T-s diagram curve at any thermodynamic process represents:
(a) Heat rejected only
(b) Heat absorbes only
(c) Work done during the process
(d) Heat absorbed and rejected


7. The value of ∑dQ/T for an irreversible process is :
(a) Less than zero
(b) Greater than zero
(c) Equal to zero
(d) Any one of these

8. A perfect gas is heated at constant pressure, the final volume of the gas becomes
1.5 times the initial volume. IF its initial temperature is 30°C, the final
temperature will be :
(a) 45 °C
(b) 20 °C
(c) 181.5 °C
(d) 330 °C

9. In a process the final pressure and volume of a fixed mass of an ideal gas are twice
that of its initial pressure and volume. If the initial temperature of the gas is 27 °C,
its final temperature in °C would be:
(a) 54 (b) 108
(C) 927 (d) 1200 REFERAL CODE : YOGI10
10. Molar volume is equal to
(a) 22.41 m3 at NTP
(b) 2.41 m3 at NTP
(c) 29.27 m3 at NTP
(d) 1.03 m3 at NTP

11. Molal specific heats of an ideal gas depend on

(a) Its pressure
(b) Its temperature
(c) Both is pressure and temperature
(d) Number of atoms in a molecule

12. Charle’s law states

(a) p1V1 = p2V2
(b) p1/T1 = p2 /T2
(c) p1 /V1 = p2 /V2
(d) V1 /T1 = V2 /T2
13. Specific volume of a gas is the volume of
(a) Gas at NTP
(b) Unit mass of that gas
(c) Total amount of gas at some stated temperature and pressure
(d) Gas at -273°C

14. The general gas equation in given as

(a) Pv = mT
(b) p/V = mT
(c) pV = mRT
(d) p/V = mRT

15. For any gas

(a) CP = CV
(b) CP < CV
(c) CP > CV
(d) None of these REFERAL CODE : YOGI10
16. The degree of disorder when two gases are mixed is
(a) Less than that of individual gases
(b) Higher than that of individual gases
(c) Unpredictable compared to individual gases
(d) Same as that of the individual gases

17. The internal energy of a gas obeying van der waals, equation (p + a/V²)(V-b) = RT
depends on its
(a) Temperature
(b) Temperature and pressure
(c) Temperature and specific volume
(d) Pressure and specific volume

18. The value of the universal gas constant (Ru ) is equal to

(a) 848 m Kgf/kg-mol/K
(b) 8.48 m Kgf/kg-mol/K
(c) 84.8 m Kgf/kg-mol/K
(d) 0. 848 m kgf/kg-mol/K REFERAL CODE : YOGI10
19. For a gas with n degree of freedom, what will be the value of CP / CV ?
(a) n+1 (b) n-1
(c) 1-2/n (d) 1+2/n

20. A perfect gas

(a) has constant viscosity
(b) has zero viscosity
(C) is incompressible
(d) None of these

21. which gas can attain be highest efficiency for the same compression rise ?
(a) Any of the gases
(b) diatomic gases
(C) mono atomic gases
(d) Tri-atomic gases


22. Gases have
(a) Two specific heats
(b) Three specific heats
(c) One specific heat
(d) None of these

23. Equal volume of different perfect gasses at same temperature and pressure
(a) Unequal number of molecules
(b) Equal number of molecules
(c) Any number of molecules depending upon other condition
(d) None of these

24. The process in which temperature remains constant is known as:

(a) Isochoric
(b) Isothermal
(c) Isentropic
(d) isobaric REFERAL CODE : YOGI10

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