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beko eeeeereeeeen Oven User Manual Virykle Vartotojo vadoves Krasns Lietotaja rokasgramata M5 FSE62110Dx EN/LTSLY FED ANSE TRAM ES EGE FPePAODSIE Plows read Wis user ruariual first! Beer Cannan Wik wales puis airy Wig 3 rravfertnes attt hoy i tS TS POT )a U3, Ae 1s 9887 ar ariel arr Slur ue su HL TE LESL 38, Y Inerafir, cba Dds ill be eal cla re edinite reriel symbols weet retical thet: Leet Topertert ni Tealizr oer saf Pr ACE ga. Marin al acankds ollusbat sill rego te Il ert pn ating sFelecirk: shed, pi WaT SATA A ; Marines Sl [eal $url Arcelik 8.5, Kareaga¢ cadeesl h.o:2-6 $2225 Sithices bler bal STL RAL ce fade n TURKEY eilyglnise ally uli itt ve Vie owe cm bain Plimpartant instructions and warnings for safety and environment 4 ered 3 < ‘ater eekly] 3 Eleshaidsully.. . . mu Interest - is tidter . woe . Uigpacity ol Uns SH peaduc g fete, ’ Derk ITT El General Information 10 Iecrri¢al poalicaliers lps - EJinstallation li later histalitar an ecrrecti E] Preparation 20 9 How to use the hob Fl Geren] irforires 04 at ad UST UE TIS ee wl nw to operate the oven 2a zt ileré. oF 11 Leki rg, reslig eel gen) Heo tr oper Ihe ect cer v Tpere rg irene, m4 Usn Weeder dtth Meeklip - mae table. Hose ne ger the gi ” hing i, a suiling. fj Maintenance and care a sured Mla... 4 Tvoubleshooting 31 S Gusrantee Detalls rrr! Bookmark nal defined, this section catta rs zatety ns lla tle prs sonal ray or pre 28. Failure co te boi instrLstiors sha | vols any warerty. General safaty «This acc ianes ser be usec! sy fil er dyed (ren 8 yvars and and persons with ecLeed asta sAgOniGnie 3 been fur ‘ gapebt ilies or lac and knowledge if sey suinenision or istri Chica stall nt play wth the govlae:. Cleenig aid user Maiieaanra stall nat be without s.2ervi . is otto be used lrg chilsrani yaical, senso or hack a the epel ©) lfthe product s aanded over te SOMES a Or PRanna ke 1 seoond-ha vl wee pursoses, the “ey ser manuel, product las ulher r ceaurionb: prscleins ei | ‘ur press * Instel ation and reps r pr Milet cleays ¢4 Serormes Li Aulhorisod Scr oe Agents, he manuacte Tat bo hed reapensit é for cat i Gin pe osedunss cal ric ial aul ot unaLtherised pe q c the werrany. Bats lion), Gee Ube instr clions cacfully © Lo tof anerats the pre Hehe dam @ bose frat ths Knabe aa ew use Satety when working with gas = Apywcrey orig 2qJ prion land sqayo7y be carried ot by autacriged q.tali° es perscas whe ete Sus So -ueisterad, «© Prorts the itstallatior, engut: fiat the lara cistribuc en covltiqgg (nature o° the cas ard roduct *rictisa acl ott fier every attertiaa shall kk naga 14 CAST ON: The ese of gas sovkiigy a in ths production 7 aad moisture hte roo i Crsurc thet che apfety chalng: The aevdigriss wel ve sear UE al Ur veil. 1s Saatizd ks erred etter: ifyaur predunt has 1 safety chain Thu wiiliiias YLl Leoatrus yd elu kaa Faluts Lodcte ska it tz vis ate Roum wintilafun Alrecrr rutile ar asad reo, a beu td al, Arr Teena EHTS aL ey ne TIT AET Ser™ serrausliat is lake isa Why rsa ait ach Roceas with doors andor windrves which open flireenly ta tha cutar arwircnment ts werkras nal (ror fice Sruing al hs sirusistsepodtive it Ihe abe aches afiet $Me Aire srk ea peeser ET FEIT bts epriarce is besariea ehecilisalio tela & Wi vase we che rete a “ac tinal ter eetatt ae, Sais pu SL weak eenfl cer sageles car per aaa aes okt. Aroma thet do not haw epanable doors and‘ar sini Ventllation : windows thal open direct ta the oucer erlonmant ad seta rel 3 tio. y Me he afr ther civ ys snciata: acl or » 18 (eisai AL Inee stevie 4z% uw is ballet lets thed thar 2 1 ad Terie dd cha eneecaten tte mals cheer That ceser nity bet becca] irc haiti VSB Ui Na se Aste hy = nul: ssutuisal aistini Ihe caus stu. asjastel ses A of, finer car Tk 2 Cho SOS 2 pone Sarvors ans dia ALTAR aT wer, FENN aH immenverted ite hese allen pl It 12 4 beko eeeeereeeeen Viryklé Vartotojo vadovas M5 <> Piriniausia lésnial perskall ile §j varlaluja vadewa! Cathars pe So ea, Waris had ayant avis bo Pe Peaaha CET eo ea al lil ad 3 Leela eet 1 1. s EpRInve 8 asta pene Knsirwe d3 boilesia pes1$), Argalik AS. Koraafar cadcles! No? 344.45 Siltline/Istanbul/TURREY c € Made in TURKEY ‘SUdHS If aplinkasaugas 4 fi saugcs rakalavin'ti 2 HAW ATLrgrv sa fete, te Lect riviad surat. Hinein a terse Birengimas Hem Ineperennts E]Paruosime Darbal 20 Deira 3 pteLpyll erent a bee ig Sewres § Kalp nauciotl 3a virykle 241 Lercis| nismacisepit i pri. . 2d karen Taer|lrss, vl 4 Kaip naudoli orkaite Raced nisTaanfe eple keping, kerlilre rhaal re gli Kaprace, 2 akin rear AED oe oe ce oe oe sin yard lb Wels Raperaicee 31) ” ite ke pekutn eu a Crea Pail BE ee ae sikeiy nustatymas 31 & Gerattija nebegalizs. 1, instr kel bet kala 3 Bendrieji saugos reikalavimai § prietaisa ja ina nada: val us Nu BI Ir lt ician i fiz yra saz rim ert i ee ‘alps. ga atitini amis pave Neleick te veikarrs prietels yalyt ir tz ‘| earcia. aebent jis pi isti al. Sina Velaars cl “suilcier Jichiny, reciliy returint 2s paka ikamai pet rtics i ainiy. 1ebert ia 3

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