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Study Pack – 05
Prepared by: Ms. Sashien Perera

Done by: Dewli Edirisinghe


Complete the sentences with the plural form of the nouns in red:
1. Only six people are allowed in this lift. (person)
2. Can you cut the lemon into two halves? (half)
3. I bought three fish from the market. (fish)
4. Our children played happily in the park. (child)
5. The lamb was attacked by a pack of wolves. (wolf)
6. Don’t forget to brush your teeth. (tooth)
7. Many women love to go shopping. (woman)
8. Be careful! Those knives look really sharp. (knife)
9. People have one life, cats have nine lives. (life)


10. We need two loaves to make sandwiches for the picnic. (loaf)
11. The thieves were caught by the police yesterday morning. (thief)
12. Look at your feet they are filthy. (foot)
13. Jill’s cats love to chase and catch mice in our alleyway. (mouse)
14. The men got together to watch the football match. (man)
15. My mother loves wearing scarves around her neck. (scarf)
16. I saw a flock of geese flying over our house. (goose)
17. I had to brush up all the dead leaves in our garden. (leaf)
18. The horse’s hooves need cleaning . (hoof)
19. In the past farmers used oxen to help plough the fields. (ox)
20. We have to go to Moratuwa to buy a few shelves for all your books. (shelf)
21. Alice often saw deer in the hours of the morning. (deer)

Exercise: Use any of these irregular plural nouns in your own sentences.

1. The mother gently brushed the baby’s teeth.

2. She bought two loaves of bread from the baker down the street.
3. All the men went inside the board room for the meeting.
4. The cat chased after the two mice who were hinding in the attic.
5. He assorted the books on the shelves in alphabetical order.
6. My grandmother brought all of us knitted scarves.
7. The children were not allowed to play as it was raining.
8. The officers caught up with thieves who were running away.
9. The pack of wolves were chasing after their prey.
10. The street was filled with people last friday night.

Write the plural form for each of these singular nouns.


1. one woman two women
2. one goose three geese
3. one child two children
4. one mouse many mice
5. one swine five swine
6. one tooth seven teeth
7. one sportsman two sportsmen
8. one sheep many sheep
9. one policeman three policemen
10. one foot two feet
11. shorts a pair of shorts
12. trousers a pair of trousers

Choose the correct answer.

1. All my friends are good ____________

a) childs b) children c) childes

2. This old dog is without ____________

a) tooths b) toothes c) teeth

3. There are a lot of____ _in the house.

a) mice b) mouses c) mouse

4. Tom can't go for a walk because his_____are hurting.

a) foots b) feet c) feets

5. The beautiful _____live in our Zoo.

a) deer b) deers c) deeres

6. There are a lot of _____in the yard.

a) goose b) gooses c) geese

Match the two parts of the sentences.

1. Ann's child A are at school.


The children B is at school.
 Ann’s child is at the school.
The children are at school.

2. Your glasses A are on the table.

Your glass of water B is on the table.
 Your glasses are on the table.
Your glass of water is on the table.

3. That sheep A is big.

Those sheep B are big.
 That sheep is big.
Those sheep are big.

4. My tooth A are white

My teeth B is white
 My tooth is white.
My teeth are white.

5. This woman A are my cousins.

These women B is my cousin.
 This woman is my cousin.
These women are my cousins.

Write the following sentences in the plural.

1. The deer is not in the cage.

 The deer are not in the cages.

2. The child is Sam's brother.

 The children are Sam’s brothers.

3. There is a man and a woman in the street.

 There are men and women in the street.

4. The grey mouse is under the floor.

 The grey mice are under the floor.

5. His hair is brown.

 Their hair is brown.


Use the words in the box to fill the gaps. There are four words you don’t need:

actually at last fortunately next

after during instead still
afterwards finally meanwhile until
at first first naturally while

The day we moved house was one of the busiest days of my life.

It was in December. (a) Naturally we had been packing for a long time, but there was (b) still an awful lot of

work to do on the actual day. (c) At first everything went smoothly. The removal men arrived and began

loading their van. (d) While they were emptying room after room, my wife and I were trying to clean up. We

hardly noticed the fact that it had begun to snow. Then things began to go wrong. (e) First, a valuable table was

dropped and its leg broke. (f) next, we lost the baby, and it was not (g) until she started to cry that we realized

she had been put into the van by mistake. We worked hard all morning, and by midday our old house was


(h)Meanwhile it continued to snow. We set off on the journey to our new house, driving slowly to avoid

skidding in the icy conditions. We (i) finally arrived at four o’clock, by which time it was dark, and three feet of

snow covered the ground. (j) Fortunately we had quite a few people to help us unload, and by six o’clock we

were in. (k) Afterwards we wondered how we had managed to do everything. I’ll never


forget that day. (l) Actually I still have nightmares about it!


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