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Company Level ceremonies

Why ? : Create visibility , transparency

Weekly Technology Update meeting

Central Ceremonies

Why ? : Big picture view, Seek inputs , Brainstorming/Idea seeking , Validation , Knowledge sharing

Weekly Product Working Sessions : Owned by Product

Quarter View
Epic ( pun intended ) Solutions
Ux & Design reviews
Weekly Architecture & Design Working session : Owned by Engineering
HLD , LLD and Architecture reviews

POD Level ceremonies

Why ? : Execution Rigor

Kick off Meeting / Grooming : Sprint Start Day

*To be decided and religiously followed
Planning : Sprint Start Day
Alternate Wednesday (Remains same for all technology teams with incremental sprint numbering)
Scrum : Daily
Scrum Masters to lead the daily meeting to be defined by the Engg. Managers using the roster format
Mandatory attendance by the POD members from all relevant teams
Retrospective : Sprint End Day
Confluence documentation on what went well, what went wrong and what can be improved to be done by each pod
Each retrospective to have an owner. This can be decided by the Engg. Managers using the roster format
Sprint Demo : Sprint End day
The day to be finalised - Engg. Managers
Demo to happen amongst the technology team stakeholders (Engg Managers, Product Managers, Developers, QA team, Designers,
Technical Architects,DOE/DOP, PMO)
The video link of the demo can be shared on a slack group with the wider audience

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