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Czasopismo młodzieżowe zadało swoim czytelnikom pytanie:

Jaka umiejętność jest nam

niezbędna w dzisiejszych czasach? Napisz artykuł,

w którym odpowiesz na to pytanie

i uzasadnisz swoją odpowiedź, podając przykłady ze

swojego życia lub życia znanej ci osoby.

Positive necessity

Recently one of London's newspaper appeared an interesting question. ,,The teenager

world" asked their readers which skill is necessary in contemporary times. I also wanted to respond
onto it. In my opinion this skill is a positive thinking.

Scientists discovered that positive thinking is something what you can learn and is really
powerful. They say that when you have good thoughts about any situation it is more possible that it
will end well. In example - someday I had to make a talk on gheography lesson. I was stresfull
because of performace in front of my all clasmates but I was doing my best to stay positive. Before
presentation I was relaxed because I knew that it has to go well. It went excellent, even if it was my
first entrance.

Another example is my friend who was used to be sad and have no friends. Then he had
heard a podcast about strength of good thoughts. He turned his mind and started be positive. Now
he has many friends and everyone likes him. This is exactly that power. Positive thinking helps us do
things better, stay motivated and be more likeable. When we learn this skill everything become

To sum up, in my point of view one of the most necessary skill in today's world is positive
thinking. With this ability we becomes better in others parts of our life and don't waste our times on
unneedful bad thoughts.

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