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Twoim zdaniem ostatnio znacznei pogorszyła się jakość

usług świadczonych w waszym szkolnym bufecie. Napisz list do szkolnej

gazety w którym uzasadnisz swoją opinię na temat obniżonych standartów

usługi i zaproponujesz co można zrobić, aby ta sytuacja poprawiłąsię w przyszłości.

Dear editor,

I'm writing in case of our school canteen. Everyone has noticed that its quality services had changed.
Many people complain but none has tried to do something about it. After a few months of silent
suffering I want to change it with this letter.

First thing is that meal portions are smaller than before. After lunch everyone is still hungry.
Moreover, there is also not enough drinks. In the past there were cups for all students, we could
have that much water as we wanted. Now we get only 150 ml of some weird juice. It's one or two
sips for a normal person. Next problem is that there is no snack added to lunch as it used to be. Fruit
or a smal bar was always a good treat. It was a nice, sweet thing after hard day. Now all we have it is
an unsatisfied stomach after 8 hours of sitting in class.

However, I thought about some solutions. I know that the school doesn’t have a big budget but we
can fix that. I talked with clubs in our school and we want to organise a fundraising event for our
canteen. I would like to ask you for help us with this. You can write about students’ problem in your

I hope that will give us some results. Hungry and thirsty students are nothing good. We need to
change it.

Yours faithfully,


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