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Learner Revision Guide

Grade 12

Physical sciences
Projectile motion
1. Outcomes ........................................................................................ 2
2. Introduction ..................................................................................... 2
3. Topic mind map............................................................................... 3
4. UNIT 1: Downward free fall ............................................................ 4
Activity 1 ................................................................................................. 5
5. UNIT 2: Upward and downward free fall ....................................... 6
Activity 2 ................................................................................................. 7
6. UNIT 3: Practical confirmation of g............................................... 8
Activity 3 ................................................................................................. 8
7. UNIT 4: Equations of motion and free fall .................................... 9
Activity 4 ............................................................................................... 10
8. UNIT 5: Graphing free fall 1 ......................................................... 11
Activity 5 ............................................................................................... 12
9. UNIT 6: Graphing free fall 2 ......................................................... 13
Activity 6 ............................................................................................... 13
10. UNIT 7: Calculations .................................................................... 14
Activity 7 ............................................................................................... 14
11. UNIT 8: Calculations with graphs ............................................... 14
Activity 8 ............................................................................................... 15
12. Summative Task ............................................................................ 16
13. Glossary ......................................................................................... 19
14. Bibliography .................................................................................. 19
Icon index:

Outcomes Mind Map Summative task

Content Steps Glossary

Methodology Activities Bibliography


1. Outcomes
By the end of this workshop you should be able to:

 Explain that projectiles:

o fall freely with gravitational acceleration 'g'
o accelerate downwards with a constant acceleration whether the projectile is moving
upward or downward
o have zero velocity at their greatest height
o take the same time to reach their greatest height from the point of upward launch as the
time they take to fall back to the point of launch
o can have their motion described by a single set of equations for the upward and
downward motion.
 Use equations of motion, for e.g. to determine
o the greatest height reached given the velocity with which the projectile is launched
upward (initial velocity)
o the time at which a projectile is at a particular height given its initial velocity
o the height relative to the ground of the position of a projectile shot vertically upward at
launch, given the time for the projectile to reach the ground.
 Draw position vs time (x vs t), velocity vs time (v vs t) and acceleration vs time (a vs t) graphs for
projectile motion.
 Give equations for position versus time and velocity versus time for the graphs of motion of
particular projectiles and vice versa.
 Given x vs t, v vs t or a vs t graphs determine position, displacement, velocity or acceleration at
any time t.
 Describe the motion of the object e.g. graphs showing a ball:
o bouncing
o thrown vertically upwards
o thrown vertically downward, and so on.

2. Introduction
Projectile motion refers to the free fall motion of an object after it has been projected (launched). It is
therefore important to understand clearly what is meant by free fall, especially since falling has a different
meaning in common language than in scientific language. This is explained in Units 1 and 2. During free
fall, an object accelerates at the acceleration due to gravity, g, 9,8 m⋅s-2 downward. We confirm this value
through practical measurement in the laboratory in Unit 3.

The projectile motion section offers an opportunity to consolidate your understanding of motion,
developed during earlier grades. This includes application of the equations of motion, and use of graphs
of motion, which you were introduced to in grade 10. This is focused on in Units 4 and 6 (equations of
motion) and 5 and 7 (graphs). The videos of these units should serve as worked examples.


3. Topic mind map


4. UNIT 1: Downward free fall
An object is in free fall when its weight is the only
significant vertical force acting on it. The object’s weight
causes it to accelerate at the acceleration due to gravity,
g, which is 9,8 m⋅s-2 for Earth. The direction of this Watch the video ’01 Downward Free
acceleration is the same as the direction of the force Fall’. This uses velocity-time,
acceleration-time and displacement-
(weight) which causes it: Downward. Direction is time data for a ball in free fall. To
sometimes represented with a positive (+) or negative (-) help learners to develop an
understanding of the meaning of
sign. If the downward direction is taken as negative, we acceleration due to gravity, g is first
can give the acceleration due to gravity, g, as – 9,8 m⋅s-2. taken as 10 m⋅s-2. Later, this
simplistic data is replaced with more
realistic data using g as 9,8 m⋅s-2.

All objects in free fall undergo this acceleration,

regardless of their mass and size. Therefore, any two
objects in free fall would fall together if dropped together.
Watch the video ‘Ball and feather
drop in a vacuum’. Notice when the
two first hit, not the bounce of the
ball afterwards.


Activity 1

Refer to this data about a ball moving downward for five seconds in free fall. In groups,
discuss the patterns you notice in this data. Then answer the questions individually in writing.

Time  Velocity  Change in  Acceleration for  Change in  Acceleration for 

of fall  (m⋅s   velocity (∆ ) for  1 s interval   velocity (∆ ) for  1 s interval  
(s)  downward)  1 s interval  ∆ ∆ 2 s interval  ∆ ∆
∆    a =  =     ∆    a =  =    
∆ ∆
(m∙s‐1)  ‐2
(m∙s )  (m∙s‐1)  ‐2
(m∙s ) 
0  0         
1  9,8  9,8   0 = a)  f)     
2  19,6  19,6 – 9,8 =b)  g)  19,6 – 0 = k)  o) 

3  29,4  c)  h)  29,4 – 19,6 = l)  p) 

4  39,2  d)  i)  m)  q) 

5  49  e)  j)  n)  r) 

1. Complete the table by providing values for spaces a)-r).

2. Explain what the following means:
‘This ball is in free fall so it is accelerates at 9,8 m∙s-2 downward.’


5. UNIT 2: Upward and downward free fall
In common language the word ‘fall’ usually refers to downward
motion. In scientific language, an object can be falling when it
is moving either upward or downward. An object is in free fall
for the entire time that its weight is the only significant vertical
 Watch the video ’02
force acting on it. For a ball which is thrown upward, this Upward and Downward
includes all the time after it has left the thrower’s hand until it Free Fall’. This uses data
for a ball thrown upward at
hits the ground. In other words, this ball is in free fall, and so 30 m⋅s-1. Focus on patterns
accelerating at the acceleration due to gravity, g (- 9,8 m⋅s-2), in this data.
 Discuss these patterns in
while it: the data given in the
 moves upward, diagram in Activity 2.
 for the instant it stops at its highest point,  Answer Activity 2
 and while it moves downward. individually in writing.
 Compare your answers with
group members. Debate
As the ball rises, its velocity decreases to zero. This decrease points of disagreement and
in velocity happens because the direction of the ball’s motion make the necessary
(upward) is opposite to the direction to the ball’s acceleration
(downward). As the ball drops, its velocity increases from zero.
This increase is because the direction of the ball’s motion
(downward) is the same as the direction to the ball’s
acceleration (also downward).

During free fall:

 a projectile’s velocity changes 9,8 m⋅s-1 every second,
since it is accelerating due to gravity, that is, 9,8 m⋅s-2.
 the magnitude of the ball’s velocity at any particular height
is the same when the ball passes upward as when it
passes downward through that height. The directions of
motion, though, are different, and this is shown with
positive and negative signs. Often upward is taken as
being positive and downward negative.
 the time the ball takes to rise a certain height is the same
as the time it takes to drop that same height. This is called
time symmetry.


Activity 2

Refer to the diagram of a ball being thrown upward at 30 m⋅s-1 from a cliff.
1. In groups, discuss as many patterns as you can in the data.
2. Working individually, match the points or intervals from column A with the appropriate
description from column B. You may reuse / not use answers from Column A and use as many
answers as needed for each question.
3. Compare your answers with your group members. Change your answers where necessary.

Column A Column B Answer(s)

Ball … B
A−D has zero velocity a)
A−B has maximum b)
B−D has maximum c)
Point A has maximum d)
kinetic energy
Point B has positive e)
none of has negative f)
these points acceleration
while the has velocity and g)
hand acceleration with
touches it different
Point D speeds up h) D
Point C slows down i)
B−C stops j)
is in free fall k)
is not in free fall l)
Is not m)
has the same n)
magnitude of
velocity, but
direction, to
point A
takes the same o)
amount of time
as A − B


6. UNIT 3: Practical confirmation of g
To confirm the value of the acceleration due to gravity, g, as
9,8 m⋅s-2, a ball is dropped past a motion detector. The ball is
in free-fall, since its weight is the only significant vertical force
acting on it as it moves downward. Therefore, it accelerates First complete Activity 3. Then
downward at the acceleration due to gravity, g (- 9,8 m⋅s-2). watch the video ’03 Practical
Confirmation of the Value of 'g',
The motion detector measures the initial and final velocities the Acceleration Due to Gravity'.
As you watch the video, correct
of the ball as it falls a known distance, e.g. 0,5 m. From this,
your answers to the activity.
the acceleration of the ball can be calculated using the
formula vf 2 = vi 2 + 2a∆y.

Activity 3

Two motion detectors are placed 0,5 m apart vertically. A ball is dropped, as shown in the
diagram. Each motion detector measures the velocity of the ball as it moves past it. Answer
the questions in pairs.
1. What is the aim of this experiment?
2. Which variable does motion detector 1 measure: vf / vi / a /∆y /
3. Which variable does motion detector 2 measure: vf / vi / a /∆y / ∆t?
0,5 m
4. Which variable has a value of 0,5 m: vf / vi / a /∆y / ∆t?
5. Which variable do we want to calculate: vf / vi / a /∆y / ∆t?
6. Which equation can we use to calculate this variable?
7. Complete the table showing data for this experiment:

Test vi (m⋅s-1) vf (m⋅s-1) ∆y (m) a (m⋅s-2)

1 3,87 4,98 a) e)
2 3,72 4,86 b) f)
3 3,955 5,05 c) g)
4 4,76 5,69 d) h)
Average i)
8. Why do we repeat the measurements and find an average?
9. Why do we find different velocity readings for the different tests?
10. Why do we calculate different acceleration for during the different tests?


7. UNIT 4: Equations of motion and free fall
The equations of motion for projectile motion:
 vf 2 = vi 2 + 2a∆y
 ∆y = vi ∆t + ½ a∆t2
 vf = vi + a∆t
 ∆y = ∆t
The equations of motion apply to any interval within free fall, i.e. they apply to Activity 4.
intervals where motion is: watch the
 only upward, video ’04
 only downward, of Motion
 or both upward and downward. and Free
Fall'. As
When solving problems involving equations of motion, it is important to: you watch
 choose an interval such that the unknown value refers to a point at one of the video,
you should
the interval’s ends, or for the entire duration of the interval. correct
 draw a clearly labelled diagram of this interval, including all the values your
answers to
known for the interval, and highlighting the value asked for in the question. the activity.
 use signs correctly. Generally the upward direction is taken as positive and
the downward direction as negative.


Activity 4

Two motion detectors are placed 0,5 m apart vertically. A ball is thrown up from point A and
moves as shown in the diagram. Each motion detector measures the
velocity of the ball and the time as the ball moves past it. Answer the B 1
questions in pairs. Take the upward direction as positive.
Motion detector 2 reads: 0,5 m
 3,132 m⋅s-1 as the ball passes through point A,
A C 2
 3,132 m⋅s-1 as the ball passes through point C,
 0,64 s from when the ball passes through A to when
it passes through C. 1m

1. For the interval A – C, give the following: Remember to

include sign (for direction), magnitude and unit, where
a) vi
b) vf
c) t
d) y
e) an equation you can use to calculate the acceleration of the ball for interval A – C.
f) Calculate the acceleration of the ball for interval A – C.
2. For the interval A – B, give the following: Remember to include sign (for direction),
magnitude and unit, where appropriate:
a) vi
b) a
c) y
d) an equation you can use to calculate the velocity of the ball at the top of its motion (B).
e) an equation you can use to calculate the time it takes the ball to move from A to B.
f) Calculate the velocity of the ball at point B.
g) Calculate the time it takes the ball to move from A to B.
3. Why are the magnitudes of the ball’s velocity at A and C the same?
4. How do the ball’s velocities at A and C differ?
5. Motion detector 1 measures the ball’s velocity at B to be 0 m⋅s-1. Why is this not the
same as what you calculated in 2. e)?
6. What do you notice about the time the ball takes to move from A to B compared to the
time the ball takes to move from A to C?
7. For the interval A – D, give the following: Remember to include sign (for direction),
magnitude and unit, where appropriate:
a) vi
b) a
c) y
d) an equation you can use to calculate the velocity of the ball at D from this data.
8. Calculate the velocity of the ball at point D.


8. UNIT 5: Graphing free fall 1

Graph Area beneath
Gradient = 
= l x b or ½ b x h

Symbols Units Symbols Units First complete

Activity 5. Then
of a tangent to
a point: watch the video ’05
∆ Graphing Free Fall I'.
= = 
∆ As you watch the
(m) =
= instantaneous = ms
video, you should
correct your answers
velocity at that
to the activity.

=  ∙

½∆ ∆ ‐1
(ms )

=∆ = ms  s
=    ‐2 = m
= acceleration = ms =displacement

=  ∆ ‐2
= = ms  s
(ms )
= change in    = ms


Activity 5

Look at the tables and graphs for a falling ball and answer the questions in pairs. Let upward
be positive.

Time of fall (s) Position (m) Velocity (m⋅s-1) Acceleration (m⋅s-2)

0 0 0 − 9,8
1 − 4,9 − 9,8 − 9,8
2 − 19,6 − 19,6 − 9,8
3 − 44,1 − 29,4 − 9,8
4 − 78,4 − 39,2 − 9,8
5 − 122,5 − 49 − 9,8

Graph 1 Graph 2 Graph 3

20 0 50
0 0 2 4 6 0
-20 0 2 4 6 -50 0 2 4 6
-40 -10
-60 -15 -150
Time of fall (s) Time of fall (s) Time of fall (s)

1. What does the negative sign mean for:

a) position
b) velocity
c) acceleration?
2. When was the ball moving faster: t = 1 s or t = 5 s?
3. Why does Graph 3 become steeper and steeper?
4. What do you have to do to calculate the gradient at any point in Graph 3?
5. Complete this table:

Graph 1 Graph 2 Graph 3

Vertical axis label a) f) i)
Value of gradient b)
Meaning of gradient c) j)
Value of area beneath d) g)
Meaning of area e) h)


9. UNIT 6: Graphing free fall 2
This unit provides
practice working
First complete Activity 6. Then watch the video ’06 Graphing
with graphs for Free Fall II'. As you watch the video, correct your answers to the activity.
projectile motion.

Activity 6

Two motion detectors are placed 1 m apart vertically. A ball is B 1

thrown up from point A and moves as shown in the diagram. Each
motion detector measures the velocity of the ball and the time as 1m
the ball moves past it. Answer the questions in pairs. Take the
upward direction as positive. A C 2
Motion detector 2 reads:
 4,14 m⋅s-1 as the ball passes through point A,
 4,14 m⋅s-1 as the ball passes through point C,
 0,90 s from when the ball passes through A to
when it passes through C.

1. What will motion detector 1 read? (What is the velocity at B?)

2. How much time passes from A to B?
3. How does the velocity of the ball differ at A and C?
4. If we take the ball’s position as 0 m at A, what is the ball’s position at:
a) B
b) C.
5. Draw the following graphs for this motion. Label axes and all known values:
a) Position-time
b) Velocity-time
c) Acceleration-time.
6. Explain how you can use the position-time graph to calculate the velocity of the ball at B.
7. Use the velocity-time graph to calculate the acceleration of the ball.
8. Use the velocity-time graph to calculate the displacement of the ball during:
a) A−B
b) B−C
c) A−C.


10. UNIT 7: Calculations
You need a lot of practice with calculations.

First complete Activity 7. Then watch the

video ’07 Calculations'. As you watch the
video, correct your answers to the activity.

Activity 7

Answer the questions

1. A ball is thrown upwards with an initial velocity of 10 m⋅s-1:

a) Determine the maximum height reached above the thrower’s hand.
b) Determine the time it takes the ball to reach its maximum height.

2. A ball is thrown upwards at 30 m⋅s-1 from the top of a high cliff. Calculate the:
a) maximum height it reaches above the point it leaves the thrower’s hand.
b) ball's position 4 s after leaving the thrower’s hand.
c) ball's velocity 4 s after leaving the thrower’s hand.
d) ball's position 6,5 s after leaving the thrower’s hand.
e) ball's position 3 s after being at its highest point.
f) time(s) when the ball is 5 m above the thrower’s hand.

11. UNIT 8: Calculations with graphs

You need a lot
of practice
using graphs.
First complete Activity 8. Then watch the video ’08 Calculations with graphs'.
As you watch the video, correct your answers to the activity.


Activity 8

Look at the graphs below and answer the questions which follow.
For simplicity, the acceleration due to gravity is taken as 10 m⋅s-2 (rather than 9,8 m⋅s-2) downward:


1. Describe what these graphs represent.

2. For each of these, say whether the statement is true or false:
a) The object is at its highest point at A.
b) The object is at its highest point at B.
c) The object is travelling just as fast at A as at C.
d) The gradient of line AB is the same as the gradient of line BC.
e) The object is in free fall from C to D.
f) The object is accelerating upward from C to D.
3. From A to B, calculate the object’s:
a) displacement
b) acceleration.
4. From B to C, calculate the object’s:
a) displacement
b) acceleration.
5. From A to C:
a) Calculate the object’s displacement.
b) Draw an acceleration-time graph for the motion.


12. Summative Task
Answer the questions individually in writing. Each group should then be assigned one
question to display at that group’s station. Engage in a gallery walk to share solutions.

Question 1
Refer to the following velocity-time graph of a projectile to answer these questions:

1.1. State whether each of the following statements is true or false. If false, correct the
1.1.1. This projectile’s velocity is constant.
1.1.2. This projectile’s acceleration is positive.
1.1.3. This projectile’s acceleration is constant.
1.1.4. The downward direction is taken as positive for this graph.
1.1.5. This graph shows that the projectile moves downward, hits the ground and bounces

1.2. Which one of these graphs represents the acceleration-time graph which corresponds
to the motion of this projectile?




Question 2
Refer to the following position-time graph of a
bouncing ball to answer these questions. Ignore air

Calculate the height (h) the ball was dropped from.

2.1. What was the velocity of the ball the moment

before it hit the ground (time 0,317 s)?
2.2. What was the velocity of the ball the moment
after it left the ground (time 0,342 s)?
2.3. What was the velocity of the ball at time t?
2.4. When the ball is at maximum height (times 0 and t), is its acceleration upward,
downward or zero?

Question 3

An object is projected vertically upwards at 5 m⋅s-1 from

the roof of the Burj Khalifa which is 830 m high. It strikes
a balcony below after 8 s. The object then bounces off
the balcony and strikes the ground as illustrated below.
Ignore the effects of friction.

3.1. Calculate the:

3.1.1. Velocity at which the object strikes the
3.1.2. Height, h, of the balcony above the
3.2. The object bounces off the balcony at a velocity of 60 m⋅s-1 and strikes the ground
18,4 s after it leaves the balcony. Sketch a velocity-time graph to represent the motion of
the object from the moment it is projected from the ROOF of the building until it strikes the
GROUND. (Note: The sketch does not need to be to scale). Indicate the following velocity
and time values on the graph:
 The initial velocity at which the object was projected from the roof of the building
 The velocity at which the object strikes the balcony
 The time when the object strikes the balcony
 The velocity at which the object bounces off the balcony
 The time when the object strikes the ground


Question 4

A hot air balloon is rising vertically at a constant velocity.

When the hot air balloon reaches point A a few metres
above the ground, a man in the hot air balloon drops a ball
which hits the ground and bounces. Ignore the effects of A
The velocity-time graph below represents the motion of the
ball from the instant it is dropped until after it bounces for the GROUND
first time. The time interval between bounces is ignored.

v (m.s-1)
4.1. Write down the magnitude of the P

velocity of the hot air balloon. 5,88

4.2. Calculate the height above the ground 2,94

from which the ball was dropped. 0 0,6 3,2
Calculate the: t (s)
- 2,94
4.3. Time at the point P indicated on the
4.4. Maximum height the ball reaches after
the first bounce
4.5. Distance between the ball and hot air
balloon when the ball is at its maximum -19,60
height after the first bounce.
From: DBE July 2015 Physics Examination

Question 5
Ball A is projected vertically upwards at a velocity of 16 m·s-1 from the ground. Ignore the
effects of air resistance. Use the ground as zero reference
5.1. Calculate the time taken by ball A to return to the ground.
5.2. Sketch a velocity-time graph for ball A.
Show the following on the graph:
(a) Initial velocity of ball A
(b) Time taken to reach the highest point of the motion B
(c) Time taken to return to the ground 9 m·s-1

30 m
ONE SECOND after ball A is projected upwards, a
16 m·s-1
second ball, B, is thrown vertically downwards at a
velocity of 9 m·s-1 from a balcony 30 m above the
A ground
ground. Refer to the diagram alongside.

5.3. Calculate how high above the ground ball A will be at the instant the two balls pass
each other.
From: DBE November 2015 Physics Examination


13. Glossary
1‐D motion  One‐dimensional motion. Linear motion. Motion in one line. 
The rate of change of velocity. Symbol a. Unit: meters per 
acceleration  second squared (m.s‐2). 
acceleration due to gravity (g)  The acceleration of a body which is in free fall. 
Change in position. Symbol: ∆x (horizontal displacement) or ∆y 
displacement  (vertical displacement). Unit: meters (m). 
The type of motion in which the only significant vertical force 
free fall  acting on the body is the body's weight. 
gravitational force  A force of attraction between any two bodies with mass. 
horizontal  Right and left. 
Where an object is relative to a reference point. Symbol: x 
position  (horizontal position) or y (vertical position). Unit: meters (m). 
projectile  An object in free fall.  
The rate of change of position. Symbol v. Unit: meters per 
velocity  second (m.s‐1). 
vertical  Up and down. 
weight  The gravitational force which the Earth exerts on an object. 

14. Bibliography
This work "Physical sciences: Projectile Motion Learner Resource Material" is a derivative of “Physical
Science 12-1 A Guide to Projectile Motion" by Angela Stott for the Department of Education under CC BY
SA NC. "Physical sciences: Projectile Motion Learner Resource Material " is licensed under CC BY SA


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