Letter Rafael Bortoloto

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Hi Sam, What’s going on?

Yes Man! I was fell under the weather about my routine so I came back with the English
class as a challenge
Since then I have been meeting up new people and also I have a excellent teacher at the
beginning she used to give me chocolates for being a good student but stopped I don’t know
why probably she’s being poor (I’m jo king)
● Basicily we have to follow a book so every week we follow a timeline on Monday we
speak about some topics and discuss it with the whole class on Tuesday we learn
new vocabulary related on the topics the last class on Wednesday and Thursday It’s
the most difficult days for me cos’ we do grammar sometimes I have to bit a bullet
and pay attention and finally we take an exam on Friday about the week it’s good for
see the results.
● I have been learning a lot since I started I think I am really into in English now I am
not afraid more to start a conversation with a native or even thou do a interview of
couber I have to be better but I am improving I am really happy with my results I don’t
know if you will remember I couldn’t say on world in English now I’m reading a book
with 300 pags, I can go abroad and get by!

See u soon!

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