Placement Tests - Speaking

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Placement Test – Speaking

(lasts 5 to 10 minutes)
- Fluency
- Pronunciation & intonation
- Content
- Vocabulary & grammar
Nếu học viên đạt 40 - 70% mỗi tiêu chí trên ở level nào thì xếp học viên
học đúng các lớp có level tương ứng.

Level A1 (3 – 4 minutes):
The examiner choose some questions to ask:
- What’s your name? How can you spell your name?
- Where are you from?
- How many people are there in your family?
- Which school are you studying?
- What do you like doing in your free time?
- Do you play sport? Which is your favourite sport?
- What do you often do at weekend?
- How often do you go to the cinema/go shopping?
- What are you going to do next weekend?
- Which is your favourite film? Why do you like it?
- What is your future plan?

Level A2 (3 – 4 minutes)
Choose one of these following topics to ask: (Students have 1 minute to prepare)
Topic 1:
Talk about your hobby. Expected answers:
- what your hobby is
- why you choose it as your hobby
- how much time you spend on it
Topic 2:
Talk about your recent holiday. Expected answers:
- where you were and when you went there
- who you went with
- what you did there and how you felt
Topic 3:
Talk about your favourite sport. Expected answers:
- which sport game you like to play
- why you like to play it
- how often you play it
Topic 4:
Talk about your favourite season. Expected answers:
- which season you like best and why (spring, summer, Autumn, Winter )
- what the weather like at that time of the year
- what you often do in that season

Level B1 (1 – 2 minutes) Ask one or two more questions

- What are the most popular leisure activities in your hometown?
- Do you like watching a sport game or playing it? Why?
- Do you like watching a sport game or playing it? Why?
- What is the most interesting place in your hometown?
- Do you think children should have more outdoor activities? Why/why not?
- Do you like shopping online? Why/why not?

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