Work Energy and Power LRG (With Answers)

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Learner Revision Guide

Grade 12

Physical Sciences:
Work, energy and
1. Outcomes ......................................................................................... 2
2. Topic mind map ............................................................................... 3
3. Quick facts: How do we calculate work? ...................................... 4
4. Quick facts: Work is a scalar quantity........................................... 5
5. Quick facts: How to calculate the net work done by several
forces acting on the same object................................................... 6
6. Quick facts: Work and kinetic energy ........................................... 6
7. Quick facts: Work done by weight ................................................. 7
8. Quick facts: Work done in lifting/lowering objects ...................... 8
9. Quick facts: Gravitational potential energy ............................... 10
10. Quick facts: Conservation of mechanical energy ..................... 10
11. Quick facts: Power ....................................................................... 15
Activities................................................................................................ 16
Glossary ................................................................................................ 25
Icon index

Outcomes Mind Map Summative task

Content Steps Glossary

Methodology Activities Bibliography

1. Outcomes
By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
o Define the work done on an object by a constant force F.
o Draw a force diagram and free-body diagrams.
o Calculate the net/total work done on an object.
o Distinguish between positive net/total work done and negative net/total work
done on the system.
Work-energy theorem:
o State the work-energy theorem.
o Apply the work-energy theorem to objects on horizontal, vertical and inclined
planes (for both frictionless and rough surfaces).
Conservation of energy with non-conservative forces present:
o Define conservative and non-conservative forces and know examples of
these forces.
o State the principle of conservation of mechanical energy and know what an
isolated system is.
o Solve conservation of energy problems and show that in the absence of non-
conservative forces, mechanical energy is conserved.
o Define power.
o Calculate the power involved when work is done.
o Perform calculations using Pave = Fvave when an object moves at a constant
speed along a rough horizontal surface or a rough inclined plane.
o Calculate the power output for a pump lifting a mass (e.g. lifting water through
a height at constant speed).


2. Topic mind map


3. Quick facts: How do we calculate work?
The scientific meaning of work (symbol is "W") is implied here and work is defined as follows:
The work done on an object by a constant force F is equal to F∆xcosθ, where F is the
magnitude of the force, ∆x the magnitude of the displacement and θ the angle between
the force and the displacement. Be mindful of the fact that work is always done BY a force
acting ON an object. Don't refer to something such as "work is done against a force" or "work is
done against friction".

The work done is given by:
W = F∆xcosθ, where θ = 0°.

θ The work is given by:
Fcosθ W = (Fcosθ)(∆x) = F∆xcosθ, where θ ≠ 0°


Work is therefore calculated by always using: W = F∆xcosθ

When this equation is used, positive values are always substituted into the variables for force
and displacement, because "cosθ" takes care of the direction of the force and the displacement;
in other words, the orientation with respect to each other. Work is measured in joule (symbol is
"J") where 1 J = 1 N·m.


Steps to follow to solve a question for
work, energy and power
In general, when you solve a question, it is always a good approach to do the following:
• Read the question carefully.
• Analyse the accompanying diagram if available. If no diagram is given, draw your own if
• Draw a force diagram or free-body diagram; whatever is applicable or asked.
• List the variables.
• Start with a basic formula.
• Substitute numbers into the variables.
• Calculate the final answer and express it with the correct SI unit.

4. Quick facts: Work is a scalar quantity

W = F∆xcosθ

0° ñ θ < 90° θ = 90° 90° < θ ñ 180°

θ θ θ
cosθ is positive. cosθ is zero. cosθ is negative.
W is positive. W is zero. W is negative.

If force is perpendicular
to displacement, it Energy is "removed".
Energy is added.
does no work.


5. Quick facts: How to calculate the net work
done by several forces acting on the
same object
Very important: The term total work has the same meaning as net work.

Method 1
The total work (or net work) is the algebraic sum of the work done by each force.
Wnet = W1 + W2 + ... where W1 = F1∆xcosθ, W 2 = F2∆xcosθ, etc.

Method 2
Calculate the vector sum of the forces. That means, calculate the net force (or resultant
force). Use net force to calculate net work, i.e W net = Fnet∆xcosθ

6. Quick facts: Work and kinetic energy

Kinetic energy is defined as the energy an object possesses as a result of its motion.

Kinetic energy is calculated by using K = ½mv2 and kinetic energy is also measured in joule.

The relationship between work and kinetic energy is given by the "work-energy theorem". Some
sources refer to it as the "work-kinetic energy theorem". The net work (or total work) done on
an object is equal to the change in the object's kinetic energy or the work done on an
object by the net force (or resultant force) is equal to the change in the object's kinetic

The formula for this is: Wnet = ∆K or W net = Kf - Ki


7. Quick facts: Work done by weight
Consider two objects, one projected upwards and the other one dropped from a certain height.
Disregard the effects of air resistance. The weight of each object is w.

For the object projected upwards: For the object being dropped:

Free-body Free-body
Object diagram Object diagram

vf < vi w vf > vi w

Work done by weight during an upward Work done by weight during a downward
displacement ∆y is given by: displacement ∆y is given by:
Ww = w∆ycosθ = mg∆ycosθ Ww = w∆ycosθ = mg∆ycosθ
Weight is acting downwards, displacement Weight is acting downwards, displacement
is directed upwards. is directed downwards.
∴ θ = 180° with cosθ negative ∴ θ = 0° with cosθ positive
∴ Ww is negative and kinetic energy ∴ Ww is positive and kinetic energy
decreases. increases.

Work done by weight is not only applicable when an object moves in a vertical plane. It is also
applicable where an inclined plane is involved. Pay attention how the forces and their
components are drawn in the following two force diagrams.


θ θ
wΩ wΩ
w w
w// w//
θ θ

The component of weight perpendicular to the inclined plane (wΩ) does not do any work on the
object, as it is also perpendicular to the displacement like the normal force. However, the
component of weight parallel to the inclined plane (w//) is in the same plane as the displacement.
The work done by weight on the object to slide it down the inclined plane is actually done via its
component parallel to the inclined plane.


8. Quick facts: Work done in lifting/lowering
Consider an object, weight w, which is lifted by a force F acting vertical upwards. Consider
another object, also with a weight w, which is lowered, while a force F is acting vertical upwards
on it. Disregard the effects of air resistance. At this stage, no information is given whether the
objects are moving with increasing, decreasing or constant speed. As a result, it is not possible
to draw free-body diagrams where the forces reflect the type of motion. In such a case, the
comparative lengths of the arrows are not important.

While the object is lifted upwards; ignore starting and finishing positions at bottom and top

As in the previous unit, weight is acting downwards, while
Object displacement is directed upwards.
∴W w is negative

Work done by F during an upward displacement ∆y is given by

Free-body WF = F∆ycosθ.
diagram F is acting upwards; displacement is directed upwards.
F ∴ θ = 0° with cosθ positive.
∴ W F is positive.


While the object is lowered downwards; ignore starting and finishing positions at top and bottom

As in the previous unit, weight is acting downwards, while
Object displacement is directed downwards.
∴W w is positive

Work done by F during a downward displacement ∆y is given

Free-body by W F = F∆ycosθ.
diagram F is acting upwards; displacement is directed downwards.
F ∴ θ = 180° with cosθ negative.
∴ W F is negative.

In each of the two cases, the net work is given by Wnet = Ww + WF. Depending on the
magnitudes of F and w, and direction of motion, the net work is either negative, zero or positive.

If, for the upward motion, W net is:

• positive, the object moves at increasing speed, because F > w (non-zero, upward net
force is acting on object in the same direction as displacement);
• zero, the object moves at constant speed, because F = w (zero net force acting on
object); and
• negative, the object moves at decreasing speed, because F < w (non-zero, downward
net force acting on object in the opposite direction as displacement).

If, for the downward motion, W net is:

• positive, the object moves at increasing speed, because F < w (non-zero, downward net
force is acting on object in the same direction as displacement);
• zero, the object moves at constant speed, because F = w (zero net force acting on
object); and
• negative, the object moves at decreasing speed, because F > w (non-zero, upward net
force acting on object in the opposite direction as displacement).


9. Quick facts: Gravitational potential energy
Gravitational potential energy can be defined as the energy an object has because of its
position in the gravitational field relative to some reference point.

Gravitational potential energy is calculated by using U = mgh and it is also measured in joule.

An object's gravitational potential energy is the same irrespective of

the path taken between two positions. Consider the diagram on the A
right and assume that A is a certain height h above B. If an object
with mass m is lifted from B to A along the vertical, straight path X
between B and A, the gravitational potential energy is given by
U = mgh. If the object is lifted from B to A, but along path X, the
object undergoes the same vertical displacement; hence, the same
height h and gravitational potential energy is still given by U = mgh.

There is a very important relationship between the work done by weight on an object and
the change in the object's gravitational potential energy.

W w = -∆U The negative is essential!

10. Quick facts: Conservation of mechanical

First question: What is mechanical energy? It can be defined as the sum of the kinetic and
gravitational potential energy of an object. If EM represents mechanical energy, then it is
given by EM = K + U .

The possibility of "storing" kinetic energy by converting it into gravitational potential energy and
retrieving it again by converting it back into kinetic energy was introduced in unit seven. Let us
explore this phenomenon in more detail.

Consider a situation where an object is projected vertically upwards, ignoring air resistance.
The speed is a maximum at the point of projection. As the object ascends, the speed decreases
as kinetic energy is converted into gravitational potential energy.


At the point where the object's speed equals zero, the maximum height is reached. On its way
down, this energy conversion is reversed and the object's speed increases as gravitational
potential energy is converted back into kinetic energy. Upon returning to the point of
projection, the speed is the same as the speed at which it was projected.

How is this possible? The only force doing work on the object is its weight and as explained
before, the following happens. During the upward motion of the object, weight is doing negative
work on the object. Kinetic energy decreases according to the work-energy theorem, while
gravitational potential energy increases with the same amount, because the object gains height.
During the downward motion, weight is doing the same amount of positive work and kinetic
energy increases, while gravitational potential energy decreases with the same amount,
because the object loses height. The net work (total work) done by weight for the full
duration of motion is therefore zero. Another way of saying this is that the net work done by
a conservative force along a closed path is zero.

Thus, a "two-way" conversion from kinetic energy to gravitational potential energy and back
occurs. As the one type of energy decreases, the other type of energy increases with the
same amount. Based on EM = K + U, the mechanical energy of the object remains constant
during the motion.

From the work-energy theorem, it follows that:

W net = ∆K
W w = ∆K, because weight is the only force doing work on the object.
∴ -∆U = ∆K
∴ -[Uf - Ui] = Kf - Ki

∴ Ki + Ui = Kf + Uf or Σ(K + U)i = Σ(K + U)f

This indicates that the mechanical energy at any position is equal to mechanical energy at any
other position if weight is the only force doing work on the object.

The principal of conservation of mechanical energy can therefore be phrased as follows:

The total mechanical energy (sum of gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy) in
an isolated system remains constant.

What is an isolated system? It is a system where the net (resultant) external force acting on
the system is zero. This needs some explanation. First of all, a system consists of at least two
objects. To be isolated means that it is separated from its environment in such a way that no
energy can flow in or out of the system; hence, the total amount of energy in the system does
not change. That is possible only when there is no external net force on the objects in the


system. The phrase external net force means a force that comes from something outside
the system itself; from something other than the objects within the system itself.

An easy example is that of two colliding balls, A and B, on a billiard table. If friction is negligible,
the free-body diagrams for the forces acting on the two balls at the moment of the collision are
as follows.

FB on A FA on B
w w

Friction cannot change the momentum of the balls; the only forces capable of doing that are the
two contact forces of the balls on each other, FB on A and FA on B. These forces do not come from
outside the system; each one originates from a source within the system and therefore this
system is seen as an isolated system.

A force like weight (gravitational force) that offers the opportunity of a two-way conversion
between kinetic and gravitational potential energy is called a conservative force. It has the
specific characteristic that its work is always reversible. Other examples of conservative
forces are the elastic force in a spring and electrostatic forces.

Another important characteristic of a conservative force is that the work done by it on an object
does not depend on the path taken. That is in fact how we define a conservative force. A
conservative force is a force for which the work done in moving an object between two
points is independent of the path taken. To explain this, consider the following.

An object, mass m, at point A, is moved vertically upwards to point B along path AB. Two forces,
weight and the applied force to move the object, are acting on the object if friction is disregarded.
If not, friction is also acting on the object. For this explanation we ignore all the forces except
weight and determine how much work is done by it. This is given by:
W w = (mg)(∆xAB)(cos 180°) = -mg∆xAB = -mgh B C

Now, imagine the body is moved from A to B, but this time along path
ADCB. AB is equal to DC. The work done by weight is now given by:
W w = (mg)(∆xAD)(cos 90°) + (mg)(∆xDC)(cos 180°) + (mg)(∆xCB)(cos 90°)
= 0 - mg∆xDC + 0
= -mg∆xDC
= -mgh

Hence, the path taken by the object does not influence the work done by weight; therefore
weight is a conservative force.


However, all forces are not conservative. A force like friction cannot be associated with any
type of "potential energy" to "store" energy. Again, take the example of an object being
projected vertical upwards, but this time in the presence of air. As the object ascends, the
frictional force (air resistance) is doing negative work on the object because it is opposite to the
direction of motion. When the direction of motion reverses, the direction of the frictional force
also reverses. As the object descends, the frictional force is again doing negative work on the
object because it is opposite to the direction of motion. The net work (total work) done by the
frictional force is not zero and the energy associated with the frictional force cannot be
recovered. Another way of saying this is that the net work done by a non-conservative force
along a closed path is not zero.

From your everyday experience you know that if you rub your hands, the surfaces get warmer.
This is due to the frictional forces acting on your hands. The heat that develops from the kinetic
energy associated with the movement of your hands cannot be converted back into kinetic
energy. A force like friction is called a non-conservative force and when such a force is
acting on an object, mechanical energy is not conserved, which means that Ki + Ui is not
equal to Kf + Uf.

As for the conservative force, let's now ask how the path taken in moving an object affects the
work done on the object by a non-conservative force. To explain this, consider the following.

An object, mass m, is placed at corner A of a rough, horizontal table with corners A, B, C and D.
AD has a length of 4 m, DC is 3 m and CA is 5 m. The object is moved from corner A along path
ADC to corner C. The forces acting on the object while it is moving are weight, the normal force,
the applied force and the force of kinetic friction f. For this explanation we will ignore all the
forces except the friction and determine how much work is done by it. This is given by:

Wf = f∆xADcos 180°+ f∆xDCcos 180° = -4f - 3f = -7f B C

Now, let's calculate the work done by friction in moving the

object along path AC to corner C. This is given by:

Wf = f∆xACcos 180° = -5f A D

The work done by friction on the object along path ADC is not equal to the work done by friction
on the object along path AC. This shows that the path taken by the object does influence the
work done by friction, which is a non-conservative force.

The definition of a non-conservative force is therefore: A non-conservative force is a force for

which the work done in moving an object between two points depends on the path taken.


Other examples of non-conservative forces are applied forces and even the normal force on an
object. Contrary to frictional and applied forces, the normal force on an object is usually
perpendicular to the direction of motion, with the result that the normal force is not doing any
work on the object. It therefore does not affect the mechanical energy of the object.

From all of the above-mentioned, the following is important in calculations:

• When weight is the only force doing work on an object, mechanical energy is
conserved and the equation for the conservation of mechanical energy,
Σ(K + U)i = Σ(K + U)f is valid and the work-energy theorem, W net = ∆K, is also valid.
• When applied and frictional forces, in addition to weight, are doing work on an object,
mechanical energy cannot be conserved and the equation for the conservation of
mechanical energy Σ(K + U)i = Σ(K + U)f is not valid. In such cases, W net = ∆K, is still
valid, as it deals with the work done in total (net work) by all the forces acting on the
• A useful formula can be developed for the work done by a non-conservative force
such as friction. Consider a situation where a body is falling towards the earth while the
air resistance cannot be ignored. Two forces are acting on the body; friction and weight.

From the work-energy theorem:

Wnet = ∆K
Wf + Ww = ∆K
â Wf - ∆U = ∆K or Wf = ∆K + ∆U
In general: W nc = ∆K + ∆U


11. Quick facts: Power
Power is defined as the rate at which work is done or energy is expended. It therefore
addresses the issue of how quickly work is done. Hence, the formula for power is P = .

Power is measured in watt (symbol is "W") where 1 W = 1 J·s-1 and like work and energy, power
is a scalar quantity.

Power can also be expressed in terms of force and velocity.

Pave = Fvcosθ .............................. (1)

As with the equation for work, W = F∆xcosθ, equation (1) is used by substituting positive values
into the variables for force and velocity, because the "cosθ" takes care of the direction
(orientation) of force and velocity with respect to each other.

Equation 1 can therefore also be written as:

Pave = Fv...................................... (2)

In this form, the vector nature of each of force and velocity must be taken into account. This
means that substitution involves the sign for direction as well as the magnitude. However,
please note: Both equations are correct, but the national examination system (since 2010)
wants learners to use equation 2.



1. A man is pulling a rectangular box along a horizontal surface by a force F, equal to

13,86 N, which makes an angle of 30° with the horizontal. A kinetic frictional force f of
12 N is also acting on the box.
1.1 Draw a free-body diagram for the box. F
1.2 If the box is pulled under the mentioned 30°
conditions for a displacement of 1 m,
calculate the work done by each of F and f.
1.3 Calculate the net work done on the box.

2. A net force with magnitude 30 N acts on a 0,42 kg soccer ball moving initially in the
direction of the force with a speed of 4 m·s-1. Calculate the displacement of the ball until
it reaches a speed of 6 m·s-1. (0,14 m)

3. A 500 kg elevator cab is descending at a speed of 4 m·s-1 when the cable that controls it
begins to slip, allowing the cab to fall with constant downward acceleration of 1,96 m·s-2.
Calculate the:
3.1 work done by the cab's weight during a fall of 12 m; (58 800 J)
3.2 work done on the cab by the upward force exerted by the cable on the cab during the
12 m fall; (-47 040 J)
3.3 net work done on the cab during the 12 m fall; and (11 760 J)
3.4 the cab's speed at the end of the 12 m fall. (7,94 m·s-1)

4. An initially stationary block of 2 kg is pulled up along a smooth incline of length 10 m and

height 5 m by applying a force F parallel to the incline. At the end of the incline, the block
is released to slide down to the bottom. Calculate the:
4.1 work done by force F; and (98 J)
4.2 speed of the block at the bottom of the incline on its way down. (9,9 m·s-1)


5. A crate on the floor, mass
2,5 m
80 kg, must be loaded
onto a truck, by sliding it 1,6 m
up a 2,5 m ramp, inclined
5 m·s-1
at 30° to the horizontal.
The shop foreman, giving
no thought to the force of 30°
friction, calculates that he can get the crate up the ramp by giving it an initial speed of
5 m·s-1 at the bottom and letting it go. Unfortunately, friction is NOT negligible. The crate
slides only 1,6 m up the ramp, stops, and slides back down the ramp. Use energy
principles to calculate the:
5.1 magnitude of the force of friction on the crate (233 N); and
5.2 speed of the crate when it reaches the bottom of the ramp on its way down. (2,52 m·s-1)

6. A cyclist is pedalling up a slope and when she reaches

point A, her kinetic energy is equal to 2 750 J. She
stops pedalling at point A and free-wheel further up the B
slope. The distance between A and B is 8 m and point 1,2 m
55 kg A
B is 1,2 m higher than point A. While free-wheeling up
the ramp, she experiences a frictional force of 18 N.
The total mass of the cyclist and her cycle is 55 kg.
Calculate the cyclist's:
6.1 speed at point A (10 m·s-1); and
6.2 kinetic energy at point B. (1 959,2 J)

7. A loaded vehicle with a total mass of 1 750 kg travels up a steep road. It maintains a
constant speed of 72 km·h-1 during the 570 m climb. When it reaches the highest point
on the road, the vehicle has risen 55 m above the start of the slope.
7.1 If the work done by friction is -5,84 x 106 J, calculate the average power developed by
the vehicle's engine during the climb. (2,38 x 105 W)
7.2 After the vehicle's luggage has been off-loaded, its empty mass is 1 100 kg. On its return
journey it accelerates from 72 km·h-1 at the top to 90 km·h-1 at the bottom of the same
slope. If the average frictional force on the vehicle during the downhill journey is
6,44 x 103 N, how much work does the engine do while the vehicle is accelerating?
(3,2 x 106 J)

The questions that follow are representative examples taken from final examination papers.
Numerical answers are given, as well as the reference in each case so that you can look up the
solutions if necessary.


November 2015: Question 5

The track for a motorbike race consists of a straight, horizontal section that is 800 m long.

A participant, such as the one in the picture above, rides at a certain average speed and
completes the 800 m course in 75 s. To maintain this speed, a constant driving force of 240 N
acts on the motorbike.

5.1 Calculate the average power developed by the motorbike for this motion. (2 560 W)

Another person practises on the same motorbike on a track with an incline. Starting from rest,
the person rides a distance of 450 m up the incline which has a vertical height of 5 m, as shown

5m 450 m

The total frictional force acting on the motorbike is 294 N. The combined mass of rider and
motorbike is 300 kg. The average driving force on the motorbike as it moves up the incline is
350 N. Consider the motorbike and rider as a single system.

5.2 Draw a labelled free-body diagram for the motorbike-rider system on the incline.

5.3 State the WORK-ENERGY theorem in words.

5.4 Use energy principles to calculate the speed of the motorbike at the end of the 450 m
ride. (8,37 m·s-1)


November 2014: Question 5

5.1 The diagram below shows a track, ABC. The curved section, AB, is frictionless. The
rough horizontal section, BC, is 8 m long.


An object of mass 10 kg is released from point A which is 4 m above the ground. It slides down
the track and comes to rest at point C.

5.1.1 State the principle of conservation of mechanical energy in words.

5.1.2 Is mechanical energy conserved as the object slides from A to C? Write only YES or
NO. (Answer is no.)

5.1.3 Using ENERGY PRINCIPLES only, calculate the magnitude of the frictional force
exerted on the object as it moves along BC. (48,95 N)

5.2 A motor pulls a crate of mass 300 kg with a constant force by means of a light
inextensible rope running over a light frictionless pulley as shown below. The coefficient
of kinetic friction between the crate and the surface of the inclined plane is 0,19.

300 kg

5.2.1 Calculate the magnitude of the frictional force acting between the crate and the surface
of the inclined plane. (506,26 N)

5.2.2 The crate moves up the incline at a constant speed of 0,5 m·s-1. Calculate the average
power delivered by the motor while pulling the crate up the incline. (874,38 W)


November 2012: Question 5

In order to measure the net force involved during a collision, a car is allowed to collide head-on
with a flat, rigid barrier. The resulting crumple distance is measured. The crumple distance is the
length by which the car becomes shorter in coming to rest.

Before collision After collision

x1 x2

In one of the tests, a car of mass 1 200 kg strikes the barrier at a speed of 20 m·s−1. The
crumple distance, (x1 – x2), is measured as 1,02 m. (Ignore the effects of frictional forces during

5.1 Draw a labelled free-body diagram showing ALL the forces acting on the car during the

5.2 State the work-energy theorem in words.

5.3 Assume that the net force is constant during crumpling.

5.3.1 USE THE WORK-ENERGY THEOREM to calculate the magnitude of the net force
exerted on the car as it is brought to rest during crumpling. (235 294,12 N)

5.3.2 Calculate the time it takes the car to come to rest during crumpling. (0,1 s)


February/March 2013: Question 5

The simplified diagram below shows a slide PQ at a playground. The slide is 3 m long and
1,5 m high. A boy of mass 40 kg and a girl of mass 22 kg stand at the top of the slide at P. The
girl accelerates uniformly from rest down the slide. She experiences a constant frictional force of
1,9 N. The boy falls vertically down from the top of the slide through the height PR of 1,5 m.
Ignore the effects of air friction.

5.1 Write down the principle of conservation of mechanical energy in words.

5.2 Draw a labelled free-body diagram to show ALL the forces acting on the:

5.2.1 Boy while falling vertically downwards

5.2.2 Girl as she slides down the slide

5.3 Use the principle of CONSERVATION OF MECHANICAL ENERGY to calculate the

speed of the boy when he reaches the ground at R. (5,42 m·s-1)

5.4 Use the WORK-ENERGY THEOREM to calculate the speed of the girl when she
reaches the end of the slide at Q. (5,37 m·s-1)

5.5 How would the velocity of the girl at Q compare to that of the boy at R if the slide exerts
no frictional force on the girl? Write down only GREATER THAN, LESS THAN or
EQUAL TO. (Answer is equal to.)


November 2013: Question 5

A 5 kg rigid crate moves from rest down path XYZ as shown below (diagram not drawn to
scale). Section XY of the path is frictionless. Assume that the crate moves in a straight line
down the path.
5 kg


5.1 State, in words, the principle of the conservation of mechanical energy.

5.2 Use the principle of the conservation of mechanical energy to calculate the speed of the
crate when it reaches point Y. (8,85 m·s-1)

On reaching point Y, the crate continues to move down section YZ of the path. It experiences an
average frictional force of 10 N and reaches point Z at a speed of 4 m·s-1.

5.3 APART FROM FRICTION, write down the names of TWO other forces that act on the
crate while it moves down section YZ. (Answer is weight and the normal force.)

5.4 In which direction does the net force act on the crate as it moves down section YZ?
Write down only from 'Y to Z' or from 'Z to Y'. (Answer is Z to Y.)

5.5 Use the WORK-ENERGY THEOREM to calculate the length of section YZ. (20,48 m)

Another crate of mass 10 kg now moves from point X down path XYZ.

5.6 How will the velocity of this 10 kg crate at point Y compare to that of the 5 kg crate at Y?
Write down only GREATER THAN, SMALLER THAN or EQUAL TO. (Answer is equal


February/March 2014: Question 5

A loaded truck with a total mass of 5 000 kg travels up a straight incline at a constant velocity of
15 m·s-1. At the top of the incline, the truck is at a height of 55 m above its starting point. The
work done by frictional forces is 8,5 x 104 J. (Ignore the rotational effects of the wheels of the
5 000 kg 15 m·s-1
55 m

5.1 Define power in words.

5.2 Draw a labelled free-body diagram showing ALL the forces acting on the truck as it
moves up the incline.

5.3 Use the WORK-ENERGY THEOREM to calculate the work done by the engine of the
truck to get it to the top of the incline. (2,78 x 106 J)

5.4 Calculate the average power delivered by the engine of the truck if the truck takes 60 s
to reach the top of the incline. (4,63 x 104 W)

The truck now returns down the same incline with a constant velocity of 15 m·s-1.

5 000 kg
15 m·s-1

55 m

5.5 How will the work done by the engine of the truck on reaching the bottom of the incline
compare to that calculated in QUESTION 5.3? Write down GREATER THAN, SMALLER
THAN or EQUAL TO. Give a reason for the answer. (Answer is: Smaller than; weight
does positive work on the truck.)


February/March 2015: Question 5

A 5 kg block is released from rest from a height of 5 m and slides down a frictionless incline to
point P as shown in the diagram below. It then moves along a frictionless horizontal portion PQ
and finally moves up a second rough inclined plane. It comes to a stop at point R which is 3 m
above the horizontal.

5 kg


The frictional force, which is a non-conservative force, between the surface and the block is
18 N.

5.1 Using ENERGY PRINCIPLES only, calculate the speed of the block at point P.
(9,90 m·s-1)

5.2 Explain why the kinetic energy at point P is the same as that at point Q. (Answer is: No
friction; mechanical energy is conserved.)

5.3 Explain the term non-conservative force.

5.4 Calculate the angle (θ) of the slope QR. (33,43°)


Term/Phrase Explanation
The total energy in an isolated system remains constant;
Conservation of energy you can neither create nor destroy energy, it is only
converted from one type of energy to another.
A conservative force is a force for which the work done in
Conservative force moving an object between two points is independent of the
path taken.
A force that comes from something outside the system
External net force
Frictional force/ The force that opposes the motion of an object and which
force of friction/friction acts parallel to the surface.
The energy an object has because of its position in a
Gravitational potential energy
gravitational field relative to some reference point.
It is a system where the net (resultant) external force
Isolated system
acting on the system is zero.
joule The unit in which work and energy is measured. Symbol: J
Kinetic energy The energy an object possesses as a result of its motion.
The force that opposes the motion of a moving object
Kinetic frictional force
relative to a surface.
Mass The amount of matter in a body measured in kilogram (kg).
The sum of the kinetic and gravitational potential energy of
Mechanical energy
an object.
The single force that has the same effect as all the other
Net force (resultant force)
forces acting together.
A non-conservative force is a force for which the work
Non-conservative force done in moving an object between two points depends on
the path taken.
Power The rate at which work is done or energy is expended.
The total mechanical energy (sum of gravitational potential
Principal of conservation of
energy and kinetic energy) in an isolated system remains
mechanical energy
Resultant force See entry on "net force".
Scalar A scalar is a physical quantity with magnitude only.
The force that opposes the tendency of motion of a
Static frictional force
stationary object relative to a surface.
Vector A physical quantity with magnitude and direction.
watt The unit in which power is measured. Symbol: W


Term/Phrase Explanation
The gravitational force, in newton (N), exerted on an
The work done on an object by a constant force F is equal
to F∆xcosθ, where F is the magnitude of the force, ∆x the
magnitude of the displacement and θ the angle between
the force and the displacement.
The net work (or total work) done on an object is equal to
Work-energy theorem
the change in the object's kinetic energy or the work done
(sometimes called "work-kinetic
on an object by the net force (or resultant force) is equal to
energy" theorem)
the change in the object's kinetic energy.
The Greek symbol "delta" that is used to indicate
∆ "change", which is always the final value minus the initial


Halliday, R., Resnick, R. & Walker, J. 1997. Fundamentals of Physics Extended. 5th ed. New
York: John Wiley & Sons.

Young, H.D. 1992. University Physics. 8th ed. New York: Addison-Wesley.

Question papers
Department of Basic Education. 2012–2015. National Senior Certificate Examinations Paper 1
(Physics). Pretoria: Government Printer.



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