Punarv Pawade Resume Latest

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+91 7038727551 punarvpawade17@gmail.com

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Programming Languages: Golang, Javascript, Python, Java, Shell Script
Libraries/Frameworks: Gin-Gonic, Mux, NodeJS, React, Docker, Kubernetes(Learning)
Database: SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL with ORM), MongoDB
Additional: Git, AWS, Good hold over using Linux based OS

Lazarus Network | Software Engineer May 2024 - Present
Wrote code in Golang with proper commit history, create dockerfiles, deploy and manage
containers on EC2 along with CI/CD using github actions.
Worked on Sotreus ,Wrote gRPC endpoints, Integrated login and signing with web3 wallets and
use of context in frontend.
Worked on Erebrus, added middleware for gRPC to verify Paseto and implemented Libp2p.
Worked on Erebrus-Gateway which manages all Erebrus nodes detected using Libp2p, handles
creation, modifying and monitoring of connected nodes.
Worked on MyriadFlow-Gateway, Implemented a listener for smartcontract events, Also created
API for to get information from smartcontract using subgraphs
Created a API using Gin-Gonic to deploy Smartcontracts.

B.E. Computer Engineering 2020 - 2024
AISSMS College Of Engineering, Pune
Ongoing Final Year

PolyPass | [repo link]
A browser extension which securely stores passwords in polybase and fills them in. Won
sponsored prize from Polybase in Eth-Global Scaling Ethereum hackathon
Golang Blog API | [refactor] [old repo]
Blog API in Golang with Gin-gonic, MySQL with GORM and JWT authentication
NodeJS User entry system | [repo link]
User managament api in Nodejs, express, MongoDB(docker container), and a static ejs page
Restaurant Management Site | [repo link]
Manage restaurant orders in real time. Made with NodeJS, Express and Socket.io and
html,css,js front-end hosted on heroku
Custom Linux Kernel | [repo link]
A Linux 4.4 custom kernel for Asus Zenfone max pro M1. Rebasing stock kernel drivers over
latest 4.4 linux kernel with many changes and improvements.

Guitar,Music Priduction, PC Gaming, Basketball, Football, Table-Tennis

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