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NAME: ______________________________________

1. Read the following passage. Put the verb in its correct form (INFINITIVE, GERUND or BASE FORM).
_____________________ [commemorate] women's rights is essential _____________________ [acknowledge]
the struggles and achievements of women throughout history. By _____________________ [recognize] the
battles fought by women and the progress made towards gender equality, we can continue
_____________________ [strive] for a more just and inclusive society.
One reason to commemorate women's rights is _____________________ [honor] the trailblazers who fought
for women's suffrage and the right _____________________ [vote]. Women like Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth
Cady Stanton, and Sojourner Truth tirelessly campaigned for equal rights, enduring imprisonment, and ridicule
for their efforts. By _____________________ [commemorate] their efforts, we celebrate the progress made
towards gender equality and inspire future generations _____________________ [continue] the fight.
Another reason _____________________ [commemorate] women's rights is _____________________
[recognize] the ongoing challenges women face in _____________________ [achieve] equality. Despite
progress in areas such as education and employment, women still face gender-based discrimination and
violence. By _____________________ [acknowledge] these challenges, we can _____________________
[work] towards _____________________ [create] a more equitable and safe world for women.
Commemorating women's rights also serves as a reminder that the fight for gender equality is far from over.
While women have made significant strides in areas such as politics, business, and academia, there is still much
work _____________________ [be] done. By _____________________ [recognize] the progress made, we can
_____________________ [continue] _____________________ [push] for further advancements and strive
towards a world where women are treated with the same respect and opportunities as men.
In conclusion, commemorating women's rights is crucial _____________________ [acknowledge] the past
struggles and ongoing challenges women face in _____________________ [achieve] equality. By
_____________________ [celebrate] the progress made and _____________________ [recognize] the work
that still needs _____________ [be] done, we can _____________________ [continue]
_____________________ [work] towards a more just and inclusive society.
2. Based on the previous information, what are some ways that we can continue to advocate for women's
rights, and how can we ensure that all women, regardless of their background, are included in the fight
for gender equality? Write around 90 words for your answer.

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