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FRSI 2023

November 2022

Workplace Housekeeping
Kemahiran Mengemas dan Mengurus Tempat Kerja
My Profile.
Latar Belakang Saya.

A little bit about myself.

Sedikit sebanyak tentang diri saya.
My Background
Dr Halim Shah Dato
My Background
Standards Chaired,

Guidance towards Lean Lean Implementing Specification for

becoming an management – management – innovation – motor vehicle
Part 1: Requirements Part 2: Requirements aftermarket air
innovative a stepwise
for key activities for competent conditioning service
organisation approach for workshop

Assessment on Assessment on
SIRIM 19 SIRIM 23 readiness level for readiness level for SIRIM 29 SIRIM 30
manufacturing organisations
Total Productive Requirements on Design for Sustainable
organisation providing
Maintenance key processes for environment manufacturing
preparing to manufacturing
adopt Industry related services
4.0 - Guidelines preparing to
adopt Industry
4.0 - Guidelines
My Background
Research Interests
Pembentukan corak pemikiran.

Overview on ideas and concepts that relates

with Workplace Housekeeping.
Gambaran keseluruhan pemikiran dan konsep-konsep yang berkait
dengan Kemahiran Mengemas dan Mengurus Tempat Kerja.
“Any fool can know.
b. 1879 d. 1955
The point is to understand.”
Albert Einstein
German born theoretical physicist
(ranked second only to Isaac Newton!)
“Beware of false knowledge.
It is more dangerous than
b. 1856 d. 1950

George Bernard Shaw

Irish playwright, critic, political activist.
“Knowledge makes people
humble. Arrogance makes
people ignorant.”
b. 1987

Boona Mohammed
Canadian poet, founder of Safina Media
(Islamic Media Production Company)
“We don’t have much time left
so don’t waste it. Be picky how
you spend your time. Be mindful
b. 1975 who you invest your time in.
Ismail Musa Menk
Grand Mufti of Zimbabwe
Remember, wasted time is
worse than wasted money.”
Perkara-perkara Asas.

Overview on related concepts to safe and

effective Workplace Housekeeping
Gambaran keseluruhan hukum dan konsep yang berkait dengan
tempat kerja yang kemas, selamat dan efektif.
Related Concept:
Management definition on key words
(penjelasan makna perkataan-perkataan penting)

physical items that, upon placement of purchase order, are
produced, processed, handled, and/or transported by business
organisations, for usage or consumption by the purchaser

goods include raw materials (soft/grown commodities,
hard/mined commodities),
parts, subassemblies, final products.

activities to create goods are obvious, especially in

manufacturing, agriculture and construction
Related Concept:
Management definition on key words
(penjelasan makna perkataan-perkataan penting)

results generated from activities that provide
some combination of time, location, form, and/or
psychological value, to meet customer needs

not tangible products e.g., transfer of funds, transplant
of liver, education of student.

activities to create services are less obvious, may be

hidden from the public and the customer.
Related Concept:
Management definition on key words
(penjelasan makna perkataan-perkataan penting)

degree to which totality of properties and characteristics of
good(s) and/or service(s) that bear on its ability to fully satisfy
stated and implied stakeholder needs and/or requirements

quality is fitness for purpose, and it is determine by the customer.
quality can be measured in/through (or combination of) produced goods,
delivered services, data and information (meaningful data), generated
experience, and impact to life (physical health, psychological state, level of
independence, social relationships, personal beliefs, and relationship to
environmental salient features).
Related Concept:
Management definition on key words
(penjelasan makna perkataan-perkataan penting)

degree to which totality of properties and characteristics of
good(s) and/or service(s) that bear on its ability to fully satisfy
stated and implied stakeholder needs and/or requirements


≠ value

(usefulness or worth) (usefulness or worth

relative to price)
Related Concept:
Management definition on key words
(penjelasan makna perkataan-perkataan penting)

revenue cost
(hasil jualan) (kos)

income generated from expenses incurred to run

normal business activity normal business activity


= revenue
- cost

= (sales + cash receipts +

investment gains ) - (capital expenditure +
operational expenditure)
Related Concept:
Management definition on key words
(penjelasan makna perkataan-perkataan penting)

ongoing execution of activities and processes that
produce goods and/or services, used to carry out
the objectives of a business organisation

all business organisation must have three basic
functions: operations, finance, marketing.

operations is the “engine”, the core.

Related Concept:
Management definition on key words
(penjelasan makna perkataan-perkataan penting)

supply chain
(rantaian, jaringan bekalan)
network of business organisations that are involved, through
upstream and downstream linkages, in the processes and
activities that produce value in the form of products and
services in the hands of the ultimate customer.


(adapted from Baltzan and Philips, 2008)

Related Concept:
Management definition on key words
(penjelasan makna perkataan-perkataan penting)

value chain
(rantaian, jaringan nilai)

entire sequence of activities and operations leading to the

creation, delivery, and/or receiving of value in the form of
products or services.

Related Concept:
Management types of operations
(jenis-jenis aktiviti pengeluaran barangan dan penyediaan perkhidmatan)
Related Concept:
Management types of (goods) operations
(jenis-jenis aktiviti pengeluaran barangan)


Related Concept:
Management types of (goods) operations
(jenis-jenis aktiviti pengeluaran barangan)

(adapted from ElMaraghy et al, 2013)

Related Concept:
Management types of (goods) operations
(jenis-jenis aktiviti pengeluaran barangan)

production line
(tertib pengeluaran)

dedicated set of machines, equipment, and tools in a fixed

or flexible configuration used to produce goods in a
continuous process.


(Guo et al, 2019)

Related Concept:
Management types of (services) operations
(jenis-jenis aktiviti penyediaan perkhidmatan)

Personalized Standard
Experience Experience
(Pengalaman Mengikut Citarasa) (Pengalaman Biasa)

Luxury, Over-the-top, “Human Touch”, Reliable,

Wow factors, Most Complex Convenience

Personalized Mass Goods

Distribution Distribution
(Pemberian Perkhidmatan,
(Pemberian Perkhidmatan,
Penghantaran Biasa)
Penghantaran Mengikut Citarasa)
Functional, Reliable,
Customized solutions
Low Cost, Least Complicated
Related Concept:
Management types of (services) operations
(jenis-jenis aktiviti penyediaan perkhidmatan)

(merubah dari fokus pembuatan kepada fokus perkhidmatan)

shift in focus from goods-centered operations towards a

hybrid goods-service-oriented operation (result focused)
where operations extends to use and post-use stages as well
as allowing for the co-design, co-development, co-creation,
and/or co-management of products with the customer

product oriented use oriented result oriented
services content
Pure Goods Pure Service
Manufacturing Delivery
goods content
Related Concept:
Management types of (services) operations
(jenis-jenis aktiviti penyediaan perkhidmatan)

Result Oriented
(Bersandar Prestasi)
Experience Strategic
Business Partner
Rakan Niaga
(Managed Services)
Use Oriented
(Bersandar Kegunaan) Trusted Advisor
Outcome Based Service)
Product Oriented Solution Provider
(Bersandar Produk) Penyedia Solusi
(Service Level Agreement)

Preferred Supplier
Pembekal Pilihan Remember!

Mass Goods Vendor


Reactive Preventive Predictive Proactive

(adapted from Noventum Service Management Ltd., 2018)

Related Concept:
Management operations strategy
(cara-cara merancang dan melaksanakan operasi)

(daya saing)

effectiveness of a business organisation in

performing its operation to meet the wants and
needs of its customer relative to others that offer
similar goods of services.

Related Concept:
Management operations strategy
(cara-cara merancang dan melaksanakan operasi)

(daya pengeluaran)
• measured ratio of work product to work effort
• quality, state, or fact of being able to generate, create,
enhance, or bring forth goods, services, and knowledge)

productivity measures output (goods, services) relative
to the input used to produce it.
productivity measures can be based on: Remember!
• single input (partial productivity)
• more than one input (multifactor productivity)
• all inputs (total productivity)
Related Concept:
Management operations strategy
(cara-cara merancang dan melaksanakan operasi)

Labor Machine Capital Energy

Productivity Productivity Productivity Productivity

Dollar value of output Dollar value of output Dollar value of output Dollar value of output
per labor hour per machine hour per dollar input per kilowatt-hour

Output Output Output Output

Partial measures
Labor Machine Capital Energy

Output / (Labor + Machine) Output / (Capital + Energy)

Multifactor measures
Output / (Labor + Machine + Capital)

Goods or services produced

Total measure
All inputs used to produce
Related Concept:
Management work philosophy
(falsafah, pegangan kerja)

Membina Produk dan Penggunaan Alatan
Pembuatan Seperti Alatan Pertukangan
Dengan Penuh Minat,
Art of Making Things, Penuh Perasaan

Art of Using Machines as

Craftsmen's Tools (Craftsmanship)

to create things with full effort, heart and soul while
participating in the lengthy process of making
Related Concept:
Management work philosophy
(falsafah, pegangan kerja)

Art of Making Things,
Art of Using Machines as
Craftsmen's Tools (Craftsmanship)
Related Concept:
Management work philosophy
(falsafah, pegangan kerja)

Art of Making Things,
Art of Using Machines as
Craftsmen's Tools (Craftsmanship)

= …

Craftsmen respect and Factory worker must ICT engineers must Office worker must
care for tools because respect and care for respect and care for respect and care for
it would allow excellent tools because it would tools because it would tools because it would
output (craft). allow excellent output. allow excellent output. allow excellent output.
Related Concept:
Management work philosophy
(falsafah, pegangan kerja)

Art of Making Things,
Art of Using Machines as
Craftsmen's Tools (Craftsmanship)

ultimate goal.
one-time customer, lifetime customer
pastikan setiap pelanggan akan menjadi pelanggan kita seumur hidupnya

knowledge. + product
knowledge. + process
knowledge. + collaboration
constantly updated expert knowledge in expert knowledge in expert knowledge in
(range of) product product technology process technology managing suppliers
Related Concept:
Management work philosophy
(falsafah, pegangan kerja)

one time customer,

lifetime customer.
Pastikan setiap pelanggan akan menjadi Membina Produk dan Penggunaan Alatan
pelanggan kita seumur hidupnya. Pembuatan Seperti Alatan Pertukangan
Dengan Penuh Minat,

shopfloor (work area), Art of Making Things, Penuh Perasaan

facility, and enterprise level Art of Using Machines as

machine, tools, equipment
producing excellent human
Craftsmen's Tools (Craftsmanship)

good products come

from good thinking.
Produk yang hebat datangnya dari
pemikiran yang hebat.
Membangunkan Kemahiran

dan Pengetahuan Pekerja
developing people on the Dengan Penuh Minat,
Penuh Perasaan
job (train new, reskill,
upskill) based on lifelong Art of Making People, Craftsmen
Related Concept:
Management work philosophy
(falsafah, pegangan kerja)

case. Japanese sword making

Hito-Monozukuri (shokunin = skill + attitude + social conscious)

• 300 swordsmiths in Japan. 30 treat as sole job (obligation to society).

• a sword could only be considered finish when swordsmith had given
Yoshindo the blade to a togishi (blade polisher)
Yoshihara • a togishi would then spend another 60 to 72 hours of labor using six
(best modern-day Japanese
swordsmith) different types of stone
• apprenticeship is only way to become swordsmith, even in modern-day
• apprentice are expected to learn only by observing
• apprentice spent minimum of 10 years training (in silence) the sword
making process using traditional tools (some are purposedly self-built)
Related Concept:
Management work philosophy
(falsafah, pegangan kerja)

case. becoming sushi chef (itamae)

Hito-Monozukuri (shokunin = skill + attitude + social conscious)

• apprentice spent between 2 to 20 years training

• after minimum of 5 years with an established itamae, apprentices will
Jiro Ono only then be asked to prepare sushi rice
(greatest sushi chef. owns a
3-star Michelin) • once the rice has been consistently successful, apprentice may be
promoted further to be itamae’s wakiita.
• as wakiita, apprentice will learn how to perform/conduct daily
preparations before “graduating” to preparing take away sushi orders
• wakiita is also expected to observe from afar how an itamae interacts
with a customers.
• after years of training as wakiita, apprentice could only then be
appointed as itamae.
Related Concept:
Management work philosophy
(falsafah, pegangan kerja)

case. becoming sushi chef (itamae)

Hito-Monozukuri (shokunin = skill + attitude + social conscious)

1. Sushi chef must take their work very seriously and consistently
perform on the highest level.
Jiro Ono 2. Second, they must aspire (have ambition to be perfect and strive
(greatest sushi chef. owns a
3-star Michelin) towards it) to improve their skills.
3. Third is cleanliness. The food is not going to taste good if the
restaurant is not clean.
4. The fourth attribute is impatience. They are stubborn and insist on
having things their own way.
5. What ties these attributes together is passion. That’s what makes a
great sushi chef.
Related Concept:
Management work philosophy
(falsafah, pegangan kerja)

case. becoming shoe shiner

Hito-Monozukuri (shokunin = skill + attitude + social conscious)

• previously shoe shining was lowly work, mostly done by the elderly
• aspires to be the best – “meaningless to just clean shoes. Must
understand the situation in which the customer will wear the shoes,
what kind of job he/she does, what kind of clothes they’re wearing”
• now owns a shoe-shining shop in upscale area of Tokyo – customers
sip juice and listen to jazz while waiting for shoe to be shined
Yuya Hasegawa
(new generation shoe • apprentice – a community of young people (20s to 40s)
• one hour of shining service ranges from JPY4,400 to JPY10,000 (RM160
to RM365) – used to be JPY500 (RM18)
small group discussion
(10 marks)

To the best of your collective ability, answer the

following (in ppt format):
a. Why productivity and competitiveness are
important ?
b. What is relationship between clean and safe
workplace with productivity and competitiveness?
c. Hito-monozukuri also focuses on having a clean
and safe gemba. Why?
Related Concept:
Management work philosophy
(falsafah, pegangan kerja)

to create things with full effort, heart and soul while
participating in the lengthy process of making

Hitozukuri Monozukuri Kotozukuri Machizukuri

Art of Making People, Art of Making Things, Art of Storytelling Art of Making a Community,
Craftsmen Art of Using Machines as
Craftsmen's Tools (Craftsmanship) Energizing management, workers, Community development based on
and customers through passionate geography, tradition, culture, industrial
sharing of information on process structure, education and done at the
and product to make things happen pace of the local community

Membangunkan Kemahiran Membina Produk dan Penggunaan Alatan Membangunkan Semangat dengan Membangunkan Masyarakat
dan Pengetahuan Pekerja Pembuatan Seperti Alatan Pertukangan Penceritaan Maklumat Proses dan Produk (dalam dan luar syarikat)
Dengan Penuh Minat, Dengan Penuh Minat, Dengan Penuh Minat, Dengan Penuh Minat,
Penuh Perasaan Penuh Perasaan Penuh Perasaan Penuh Perasaan
Related Concept:
Management work philosophy
(falsafah, pegangan kerja)

highest level of quality work, perfection.
correct and complete performance of duties

Being thorough (hardworking) and well-organised
(efficient) in doing something is an obligation upon a
working Muslim (amanah for being paid a salary).

Therefore, a Muslim must strive for progress and improve

his/her knowledge and skills so that he/she can arrange
and do things in a way that yields the most perfect results.
Related Concept:
Management work philosophy
(falsafah, pegangan kerja)

degree to which totality of properties and characteristics of
good(s) and/or service(s) that bear on its ability to fully satisfy
stated and implied stakeholder needs and/or requirements
Related Concept:
Management who started thinking about quality?
(siapa yang mulakan pemikiran berkait kualiti?)

1377 to 1776 1911 until present

operational worker measure and measure and measure and
specialization specialization analyze work analyze process analyze quality
(division of labor) (scientific management) (removal of noise) (quality management)

evolution and expansion

of concepts, ideas
(related to operation and quality)
Related Concept:
Management evolution of management systems
(evolusi sistem pengurusan)

Related Concept:
Management quality management (simplification)
(pemudahan pemahaman pengurusan kualiti)

quality = reliable
no variations in the process – parameters
kept within statistically controlled limits

Operation Worker Office Worker

(i.e. variation in dimensions) (i.e. variation in report making)
Related Concept:
Management quality management (simplification)
(pemudahan pemahaman pengurusan kualiti)

statistically controlled limits?

Upper Control Limit, UCL (+)

centre line

Lower Control Limit, LCL (-)

Related Concept:
Management quality management (simplification)
(pemudahan pemahaman pengurusan kualiti)

statistically controlled limits?

the practice, science of collecting and analyzing
numerical data in large quantities

also, fundamental knowledge to data science.

Related Concept:
Management quality management (simplification)
(pemudahan pemahaman pengurusan kualiti)

1924 (±100 years ago) statistically controlled limits?

Statistical Process Control (SPC)

Quality Control method that uses statistical
b. 1891 d. 1967 methods to ensure process operates efficiently,
Walter Shewhart produce specification-conforming products
Invented statistical quality
with less waste from rework, scrap.
control and the PDCA cycle
to reduce process variation
Related Concept:
Management quality management (simplification)
(pemudahan pemahaman pengurusan kualiti)

1924 (±100 years ago)

b. 1891 d. 1967

Walter Shewhart
Invented statistical quality
control and the PDCA cycle
to reduce process variation
Related Concept:
Management quality management (simplification)
(pemudahan pemahaman pengurusan kualiti)

how to do improvement for out of control

1924 (±100 years ago) situations (or just to improve process)?

b. 1891 d. 1967

Walter Shewhart
Invented statistical quality
control and the PDCA cycle
to reduce process variation Remember!
Related Concept:
Management quality management (simplification)
(pemudahan pemahaman pengurusan kualiti)

how to do improvement for out of control

1950 situations (or just to improve process)?

b. 1900 d. 1993

William E Deming
Worked with Shewhart and help
improved Shewhart’s PDSA cycle
Related Concept:
Management quality management system
(sistem pengurusan berfokus kualiti)

total quality management

Master Craftsman (shokunin in factory).
Highest Worker Level.
Technical Area Leader and Quality Gatekeepers.
Related Concept:
Lean (Toyota)
Management evolution of management systems
(evolusi sistem pengurusan operasi)
Related Concept:
Lean (Toyota)
Management lean management system
(sistem pengurusan berfokus cekap kos, kejat)

creating more value for interested parties
with less resources
Related Concept:
Lean (Toyota)
Management lean management system
(sistem pengurusan berfokus cekap kos, kejat)

Craftsman Mass Producer Lean Producer

Tukang Pengeluar Secara Besar-Besaran Pengeluar Cekap Kos

• Highly skilled worker • Narrowly skilled worker working in • multi skilled productive worker at optimal
• Simple but flexible tools “boring” and dispiriting jobs numbers (± half from mass producer)
• Produce exactly what consumer/client • Expensive, single-purpose machines • greater variety of products but half the
wants intolerant of disruption manufacturing space,
• Produce lower costs products at the • half inventory (on-site), fewer defects.
expense of variety • Produce exactly what consumer/client wants

Related Concept:
Lean (Toyota)
Management lean management system
(sistem pengurusan berfokus cekap kos, kejat)

Jeffrey K. Liker
Researched Toyota’s 14
Philosophy extensively

Related Concept:
Lean (Toyota)
Management lean management system
(sistem pengurusan berfokus cekap kos, kejat)

Respect for human nature

and always do continuous improvement

elimination of muda, mura, muri through kaizen.
Related Concept:
Lean (Toyota)
Management lean management system
(sistem pengurusan berfokus cekap kos, kejat)

Mura Muri
Tidak Seimbang Beban Melampau
(unevenness, inconsistency, (overburden, unreasonable, too difficult,
erratic, irregularity, lack of uniformity) overdoing, impossible, beyond one’s power)

example? example?
• uneven customer demand • working too long hours
• inventory swings – too much to too little • heavy lifting, inadequate ergonomics
• uneven production speed • humiliation, excessive praising
• irregular work rhythm • too-easy task, too-difficult task
• uneven training of workers • skipping machine maintenance
• uneven distribution of workload • storing parts in unsuitable conditions
Related Concept:
Lean (Toyota)
Management lean management system
(sistem pengurusan berfokus cekap kos, kejat)

(performing non-value-added activities
in the operation’s process)
Related Concept:
Lean (Toyota)
Management lean management system
(sistem pengurusan berfokus cekap kos, kejat)

Related Concept:
Lean (Toyota)
Management lean management system
(sistem pengurusan berfokus cekap kos, kejat)

Related Concept:
Lean (Toyota)
Management lean management system
(sistem pengurusan berfokus cekap kos, kejat)

Related Concept:
Lean (Toyota)
Management lean management system
(sistem pengurusan berfokus cekap kos, kejat)

Related Concept:
Lean (Toyota)
Management lean management system
(sistem pengurusan berfokus cekap kos, kejat)

Waste is not limited to 7 types. There’s an old Japanese

expression, He without bad habits has seven, meaning if you
think there’s no waste, you will find at least 7 types.

So I came up with overproduction, waiting, etc. but that

does not mean there are only 7 types.
b. 1912 d. 1990

Taiichi Ohno Don’t bother thinking about what type of waste is this?
Just get on with it and do kaizen. Remember!
Related Concept:
Lean (Toyota)
Management lean management system
(sistem pengurusan berfokus cekap kos, kejat)

kai + zen
reform, change, good,
search virtuous


elimination of muda, mura, muri

through kaizen.
Related Concept:
Lean (Toyota)
Management lean management system
(sistem pengurusan berfokus cekap kos, kejat)

not a tool or technique!

but, is a continuous improvement/betterment philosophy

– “how can we improve something today?”

Related Concept:
Lean (Toyota)
Management lean management system
(sistem pengurusan berfokus cekap kos, kejat)

Too many people just assume that things are all

right the way they are. But that way may not be
the right way. Kaizen is about changing the way
things are. If you assume that things are all right
the way they are, you can’t do kaizen. So, change
b. 1912 d. 1990

Taiichi Ohno

Related Concept:
Lean (Toyota)
Management lean management system
(sistem pengurusan berfokus cekap kos, kejat)

small group discussion
(10 marks)

To the best of your collective ability, answer the

following (in ppt format):
a. Can we keep our workplace clean and safe with
kaizen and improvement kata?
b. What is relationship between clean and safe
workplace with making the process reliable
c. Should a Takumi’s workplace be the cleanest
and safest? Why?
Related Concept:
Lean (Toyota)
Management lean management system
(sistem pengurusan berfokus cekap kos, kejat)

To improve something everyday, must:

understand the actual situation at the actual location/work area.

Related Concept:
Lean (Toyota)
Management lean management system
(sistem pengurusan berfokus cekap kos, kejat)

To improve something everyday, must:

understand the actual situation at the actual location/work area.

(management by walking,
wandering around)

b. 1912 d. 1996

David Packard
Co-founded HP
Related Concept:
Lean (Toyota)
Management lean management system
(sistem pengurusan berfokus cekap kos, kejat)

To improve something everyday, must:

understand the actual situation at the actual location/work area.

concepts derived from

verse 6, surah Al-Hujraat

tabayyun tatsabbut
(careful inspection, (taking time to analyze with
verification of data) deep knowledge until there is
no longer doubt about data)
Related Concept:
Lean (Toyota)
Management lean management system
(sistem pengurusan berfokus cekap kos, kejat)

Ask, What happened? What did I see? What

are the issues?
At the root of all this, we make decisions
based on factual information (TQM Principle),
not based on theory.
Tadashi Yamashina Some will say common sense will provide the
Toyota Technical Center US solution but collecting data and analysis will
tell you if your common sense is right.
Related Concept:
Lean (Toyota)
Management lean management system
(sistem pengurusan berfokus cekap kos, kejat)

moving workpiece, parts between
processes in small batches (lot),
ideally moving it one at a time

(one piece
draining, pouring)
Related Concept:
Lean (Toyota)
Management lean management system
(sistem pengurusan berfokus cekap kos, kejat)

Related Concept:
Lean (Toyota)
Management lean management system
(sistem pengurusan berfokus cekap kos, kejat)

Easy to detect Improves Reduces
defects, errors flexibility inventory
• Defects are detected • Faster to respond to • Minimal raw material,
immediately, and customer changes, work-in-progress
immediate corrective especially last-minute (WIP) and finished
action can take place. changes. goods (FG)
• Working capital is

Frees up Unhide problems,

floor space wastes
• Workstations are • Buffers hide operational
connected, rather problems, waste. Remember!
than isolated • Allows for kaizen to be
Related Concept:
Lean (Toyota)
Management lean management system
(sistem pengurusan berfokus cekap kos, kejat)

George Lisa and Jamie

Metro Food Distribution Toyota Kaizen Leaders

Meals Per Hour

2012 Superstorm Sandy NYC Relief Effort

(6 minutes)
Related Concept:
Industry 4.0
societal revolutions
level of innovation
adopted by society
(fasa-fasa perubahan keseluruhan masyarakat)

Society 5.0

start of innovation in
intelligence (cyber-physical systems, ultra fast Internet)
Society 4.0 start of sharing, gig, reputation economy

start of innovation in
connectivity (network, Internet)
start of digital economy
Society 3.0
Industrial start of innovation in
automation (electro-mechanization, computers)
start of creative (orange) economy

start of innovation in
Society 2.0 machinery (steam mechanization)
Agrarian start of factory system

start of innovation in
irrigation, mobility (continental)
Society 1.0 start of globalization (colonialism)
start of innovation in
survivability, mobility (local, regional)
start of bartering, trading, currency economic sector
Related Concept:
Industry 4.0
industrial revolutions
(fasa-fasa perubahan keseluruhan industri)
Related Concept:
Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0
(Industri 4.0)

cyber-physical system pyramid (5C architecture)

(Vogel-Heuser, Lee and Leitao, 2015)
Related Concept:
Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0
(Industri 4.0)

(CPS Level 5) what to do

when it happens?

(CPS Level 3) what will happen?

(CPS Level 4) when will it happen?

(CPS Level 2) why does it happen?

where and how does

it happen?

what happened?
CPS is Cyber Physical System
(measure of intelligence of an I4.0 machine)
Related Concept:
Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0
(Industri 4.0)
Related Concept:
Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0
(Industri 4.0)


Industrial Revolution
(maturity 2035)

New Industry 4.0

Business Model
next-gen next-gen next-gen
methods innovation technology
(agility, lean) (service-oriented, (digital and smart,
reputation-based) data-driven ops)
Related Concept:
Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0
(Industri 4.0)

lights-out manufacturing
(pembuatan di dalam gelap)

• workerless factory, fully automated facility – humans do not touch the product
during the entire manufacturing process. facility would theoretically be able to
run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year.

• experiments started in 1986 (General Motors Vanguard/”Factory of the Future”

Plant) but idea stretches way back to the 1800s.
• some manufacturers experimented to run lights-out manufacturing for the third
shift (early morning)

• examples.
• Philips factory in Netherlands
• STIHL (Germany) facility in US
• FANUC robot factory (robots building robots) in Japan
Related Concept:
Management maintaining equipment used for operation
(menyelenggara perkakasan operasi)


combination of all technical and associated administrative

actions intended to retain an item at/or restore it to a state in
which it can perform its required function

• breakdown (corrective) maintenance
(emergency) maintenance carried out after
occurrence of a failure, or detection of a fault
• preventive maintenance
planned action to eliminate causes of equipment
failure and unscheduled interruptions to operation
Related Concept:
Management maintaining equipment used for operation
(menyelenggara perkakasan operasi)


probability that a device, machine or equipment will perform

its required functions without failure for a specified time
period when used under specified conditions

• Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM)
disciplined logic used to identify those cost effective and
technologically feasible maintenance tasks that realise the inherent
reliability of a device, machine or equipment at a minimum
expenditure of resources over the life of the equipment
Related Concept:
Management maintaining equipment used for operation
(menyelenggara perkakasan operasi)

Total Productive Maintenance

(Penyelenggaraan Produktif)

structured method and approach to optimize the up time of

devices, equipment and machineries

• autonomous maintenance
operator of device, equipment and/or machinery
take care of small maintenance tasks.
• predictive maintenance
activities based on process data aimed at the
avoidance of maintenance problems by prediction
of likely failure modes
Related Concept:
Management maintaining equipment used for operation
(menyelenggara perkakasan operasi)

Total Productive Maintenance

(Penyelenggaraan Produktif)

autonomous maintenance promotes 2S (up to 5S)

Related Concept:
Management maintaining equipment used for operation
(menyelenggara perkakasan operasi)

Total Productive Maintenance

(Penyelenggaraan Produktif)

corrective preventive autonomous predictive

maintenance maintenance maintenance maintenance
(reactive) (prior to breakdown) (prior to breakdown) (breakdown intelligence)
Related Concept:
Management maintaining equipment used for operation
(menyelenggara perkakasan operasi)

Total Productive Maintenance

(Penyelenggaraan Produktif)

Mean Time Mean Time
Between Failure to Repair
average time elapsed average time taken to
from one failure to the repair something after a
next (same) failure failure
Related Concept:
Management maintaining equipment used for operation
(menyelenggara perkakasan operasi)

Total Productive Maintenance

(Penyelenggaraan Produktif)

Overall Equipment
Efficiency (OEE)
measures the utilization of a machine –
parts produced on a machine versus its
theoretical capacity
Related Concept:
Management maintaining equipment used for operation
(menyelenggara perkakasan operasi)

Total Productive Maintenance

(Penyelenggaraan Produktif)
Related Concept:
Management maintaining equipment used for operation
(menyelenggara perkakasan operasi)

Overall Labor
Effectiveness (OLE)
measures the productivity of labor –
parts produced by manual work versus its
theoretical capacity
Related Concept:
Management maintaining equipment used for operation
(menyelenggara perkakasan operasi)

Overall Service
Effectiveness (OSE)
measures the level of satisfaction attained
by providing a service to a customer
small group discussion
(5 marks)

To the best of your collective ability, answer the

following (in ppt format):
a. What is relationship between clean and safe
workplace with making Total Productive
Maintenance (TPM)?
Workplace Management.
Pengurusan Tempat Kerja.

Overview of Performing Systematic

Housekeeping at the Workplace.
Gambaran keseluruhan teknik mengemas tempat
kerja secara sistematik
never forget this!

cekap kos, kejat

creating more value for interested parties with less resources.

menawarkan lebih nilai kepada golongan terkesan dengan penggunaan sumber yang minima.
never forget this!
never forget this!
never forget this!
what is visual management?

“Learning to see”
what is visual management?

mieru + ka
being able to see action of making
what is visual management?

Immediate understanding of current status/
situation – regardless of language, culture.

Idea: how to make undesirable condition

pop up even to those who saw the process
for the first time
what is visual management?

1. make information easy to understand

2. make information big and easily visible

3. make information interactive and easy

to change
different types of visual management

Identification Informative
(i.e. labels, stickers) (i.e. information walls)
• Informs what something is correctly • Important information in one area
and quickly • Quick update on status, condition,

Instructional Planning
(i.e. work instructions, floor markings) (i.e. Gantt Chart)
• Informs how to perform a task • Helps in planning and let others see
correctly and quickly what the plan is
visual management fundamental technique
(5S Method)

5S Method

• Method to create and maintain a clean and

organized work environment (no more 3K!)
• Most basic method to be closer to the Gemba
(workplace) and truly understand its current
condition, wear and tear
• Easy access to tools, equipment, material
• More than just housekeeping!
visual management fundamental technique
(5S Method)
visual management fundamental technique
(5S Method)

1960 Douglas McGregor observed organizations and come up

with Theory X and Theory Y.

• Theory X – People dislike work and would

like to get away from work if possible.
(Management are often authoritarian,
repressive – tight control, no development)

• Theory Y – People are motivated and

like work. They work hard as they can
to achieve results.
(Management often develops,
empowers, and liberates employees)
visual management fundamental technique
(5S Method)

1981 William Ouchi observed American and Japanese

organizations and adds a third Theory.

• Theory Z – People devote so much

energy and time to their work that
one might think as if it is their own

Workers have well developed sense of

dedication, moral obligation and self
visual management fundamental technique
(5S Method)

theory x,
theory y,
theory z?

what is relationship
to 5S?
visual management fundamental technique
(5S Method)

Because 5S only works for

Theory Z (and Theory Y)
visual management fundamental technique
(5S Method)

Sei-ri Sort Sisih Struktur Determines necessary

equipment & materials

Sei-ton Set in Order, Susun Sistematik Optimum organization

Straighten, Repetitive,
Simplifying Continuous

Sei-so Shine, Sapu Sanitis Thorough cleaning and

Sweep inspection

Sei-ketsu Standardize Seragam Standard Develop a standard and

conduct regular audits
complex to
Shi-tsuke Sustain, Self Sentiasa Sentiasa Make 5S part of implement
Discipline Amal Disiplin Diri everyday life
visual management fundamental technique
(5S Method)
There’s also 5C and CANDO.
Sei-ri Sort Sisih Struktur Determines necessary
5C (British) CANDO (American)
equipment & materials
Clear Out Clearing Up
Sei-ton Set in Order,
Configure Susun Sistematik
Arranging Optimum organization
Clean & Check
Simplifying Neatness

Sei-so Conformity
Shine, Sapu Discipline
Sanitis Thorough cleaning and
Custom & Practice
Sweep On-going improvement

Sei-ketsu Standardize Seragam Standard Develop a standard and

conduct regular audits
And 6S! With the addition of Safety.
Shi-tsuke Sustain, Self Sentiasa Sentiasa Make 5S part of
Discipline Amal Disiplin Diri everyday life
visual management fundamental technique
(5S Method)
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-RI / Sort / Sisih / Struktur
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
Step 4.
seiketsu / standard
Step 5.
shitsuke / self-discipline Remove items from the workplace
that are not essential to enable the
work activity to be carried out.

Mengalih ke tepi barang, alatan, bahan yang tidak

penting dari tempat kerja bagi membolehkan
aktiviti, tugasan dapat dilaksanakan.
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-RI / Sort / Sisih / Struktur
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
Step 4.
seiketsu / standard
Step 5.
shitsuke / self-discipline

• Nonessential items
• Creates clutter
• May pose as hazard, create unsafe working condition
• Take up space
• Hinder efficient movement, operations
• Often will be moved from one place to the next
• May hide other problems within the workplace.
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-RI / Sort / Sisih / Struktur
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
Step 4.
seiketsu / standard
Step 5.
shitsuke / self-discipline
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-RI / Sort / Sisih / Struktur
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
Step 4.
seiketsu / standard
Step 5.
shitsuke / self-discipline
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-RI / Sort / Sisih / Struktur
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
Step 4.
seiketsu / standard
Step 5.
shitsuke / self-discipline
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-RI / Sort / Sisih / Struktur
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
Step 4.
seiketsu / standard
Step 5.
shitsuke / self-discipline
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-RI / Sort / Sisih / Struktur
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
Step 4.
seiketsu / standard
Step 5.
shitsuke / self-discipline
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-RI / Sort / Sisih / Struktur
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Step 3. How to sort?
seiso / sweep, shine
Step 4.
seiketsu / standard 1. Use RED TAGS – mark all items to be considered as
Step 5.
shitsuke / self-discipline
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-RI / Sort / Sisih / Struktur
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
Step 4.
seiketsu / standard
Step 5.
shitsuke / self-discipline
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-RI / Sort / Sisih / Struktur
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
Step 4.
seiketsu / standard 2. Review all Red Tagged items
Step 5.
shitsuke / self-discipline
• Type 1 – Using or Will be Used

• Type 2 – Not Using, Will NOT be Used, NOT Likely to be Used.

Just in case items, rejected items, KIV items, obsolete items,
garbage. Disposal method based on residual value
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-RI / Sort / Sisih / Struktur
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
3. Sort needed items into 4 groups (according to frequency).
Step 4.
seiketsu / standard
Category Frequency of Use Recommendation
Step 5.
shitsuke / self-discipline
Low Less than once a Store elsewhere, dispose.
Usage year

Average Once a month, Once Store within easy access. Not

Usage in 3-6 months at workplace.

High Once a week, day Store within easy access or at

Usage workplace.

Very High Hourly, several times Store within arm’s reach.

Usage per hour
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-RI / Sort / Sisih / Struktur
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten
SIRIM Audit Checklist for SEI-RI
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
Step 4. • Things which are not needed are thrown away, returned
seiketsu / standard
Step 5.
• Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
shitsuke / self-discipline
• Needed things stored according to frequency
• Personal belongings kept to MINIMUM
• Treat defects, leakages, breakages and their causes
• Have a daily “Things to do” list
• Have a one stop service for customer
• Hold one-hour meetings
• Have one central location for files, servers, material
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-TON / Straighten / Susun / Sistematik
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten

Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
Step 4.
seiketsu / standard
Step 5. Arrange materials and equipment so that they
shitsuke / self-discipline
are ergonomically easy to find and use.

Susun barang, alatan, bahan yang diperlukan supaya dapat

dicari dan digunakan secara selesa, selamat, cekap, dan senang.

“ A Place For EVERYTHING and

How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-TON / Straighten / Susun / Sistematik
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
Step 4.
seiketsu / standard
Step 5.
shitsuke / self-discipline
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-TON / Straighten / Susun / Sistematik
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
Step 4.
seiketsu / standard
Step 5.
shitsuke / self-discipline

SEIRI removes nonvalue items.

SEITON organizes the value items in
the existing and freed up workspace.
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-TON / Straighten / Susun / Sistematik
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine How to straighten?
Step 4.
seiketsu / standard
Step 5. 1. Identify where to locate each item
shitsuke / self-discipline
• One Step Rule – nothing stored more than a step away
• 30 Second Rule – any tool, information, computer file, or material to be
located and retrieved within 30 seconds.
• 45-degree Rule – immediate work area layout to minimize twisting.
• Strike Zone Rule – store things above the knees and below chest.

SEITON is all about MOTION ECONOMY. Remember A, B, C, D

How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-TON / Straighten / Susun / Sistematik
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Step 3. A, B, C, and D of Motion Economy.
seiso / sweep, shine How to straighten?
Step 4.
seiketsu / standard At once – things can be retrieved immediately
Step 5. 1. Identify
Both where
hands – to locate
use both eachand
right item
left at the same time will
shitsuke / self-discipline
• One Step Rule – nothing stored more than a step away
Second Rule – any tool, information, computer file, or material to be
Close to you
located – itemswithin
and retrieved needed are within reach, no need for
30 seconds.
• 45-degree Rule – immediate work area layout to minimize twisting.

additional movement
Strike Zone Rule – store things above the knees and below chest.
Difficult job – eliminate the need to bend, lift, tilt. More
ergonomic condition – less fatigue and strain
SEITON is all about MOTION ECONOMY. Remember A, B, C, D
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-TON / Straighten / Susun / Sistematik
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
Step 4.
seiketsu / standard
Step 5.
shitsuke / self-discipline
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-TON / Straighten / Susun / Sistematik
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
Step 4.
seiketsu / standard
Step 5.
shitsuke / self-discipline

2. Use visual methods to identify location

• Labels showing name, ID number, etc.
• Floor tape, painted lines
• Color coding
• Shadow board
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-TON / Straighten / Susun / Sistematik
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
Step 4.
seiketsu / standard
Step 5.
shitsuke / self-discipline

3. Establish visual ways to manage replenishment of regularly

used items – incl. materials, consumables
• Show Reorder Point, Minimum Level, Maximum Level
• Two-bin Replenishment, Min-Max,
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-TON / Straighten / Susun / Sistematik
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
Step 4.
seiketsu / standard
Step 5.
shitsuke / self-discipline

• Items stored with no • Items have clearly

defined location defined locations
• What is the stock status? • Labels used to indicate
what should be at each
location and the storage
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-TON / Straighten / Susun / Sistematik
seiri / sort
Step 2. SIRIM Audit Checklist for SEITON
seiton / straighten
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
• Everything has a clearly designated name and place
Step 4. • Every place should have a responsible person label
seiketsu / standard
Step 5.
• Security on doors, cabinets and key management
shitsuke / self-discipline
• Functional placement for leaflets, tools and material
• Filing standards and control master list
• First In, First Out arrangements
(LEFT always IN, RIGHT always OUT)
• Zoning, placement marks, signage and badges
• Neat notice boards
• Easy to read notices (include expiry date)
• 30 second retrieval of tools, document and parts
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-SO / Sweep / Sapu / Sanitis
seiri / sort

Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
Step 4.
Physical and visual control of the workplace. See workplace through
seiketsu / standard
customer’s eye, and to keep it in a “ready to go” safe condition.
Step 5.
shitsuke / self-discipline
Kawalan tempat kerja secara fizikal dan kaedah melihat. Lihat tempat kerja dari sudut
pandangan pelanggan, dan kekalkan tempat kerja di dalam keadaan “sedia” yang selamat.

“Don’t say cleanliness, but cleanliness inspection”

How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-SO / Sweep / Sapu / Sanitis
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
Step 4.
seiketsu / standard
Step 5.
shitsuke / self-discipline
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-SO / Sweep / Sapu / Sanitis
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Types of cleaning
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
Step 4.
1. Overall Initiative / Major cleaning
seiketsu / standard
Step 5.
2. Specific equipment cleaning (after use,
shitsuke / self-discipline
end of shift, weekly basis)
3. Individual, Routine
- 5 minutes daily
- Cleaning of workspace and surrounding area
- Cleaning of equipment provided

* Make sure have the right tools for the job

and it is easy to find and put away!
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-SO / Sweep / Sapu / Sanitis
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
Step 4.
seiketsu / standard
Step 5.
shitsuke / self-discipline

What to look for during cleaning?

- Surface that needs to be repaired, repainted, refurbished.
- Stains, spills – may be caused by leaks. Always investigate
sources of contamination.
- Loose beltings, chains, hoses, connections.
- Anything in need of repair.
- Anything that poses a risk to safety or health.
- If found any issue, RED TAG IT!
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-SO / Sweep / Sapu / Sanitis
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
Step 4.
seiketsu / standard
Step 5.
shitsuke / self-discipline
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-SO / Sweep / Sapu / Sanitis
seiri / sort

• A RED TAG LOG SHEET is used to track the progress of resolving

Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
red-tag issues.
Step 4.
seiketsu / standard Location: Activity Owner:

Step 5. 5C / 5S Red Tag Log Sheet

shitsuke / self-discipline Severity Date Target
Location Tag No. Issue / Problem Cause Action Owner Progress
(H, M, L) Logged Date
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-SO / Sweep / Sapu / Sanitis
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
Step 4.
seiketsu / standard
SIRIM Audit Checklist for SEISO
Step 5.
shitsuke / self-discipline • Individual cleaning responsibility assigned
• Make cleaning and inspection easy (15cm above floor)
• Clean the places most people do not notice
• Cleaning inspections and correct minor problems
• Regular sparkling cleaning campaigns
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-KETSU / Standardize / Seragam
seiri / sort

Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
Formalize procedures and practices to create consistency and
Step 4.
seiketsu / standard ensure all the first three steps are performed correctly.
Step 5.
shitsuke / self-discipline
Help everyone know exactly what they are responsible for
doing, when it is to be done, where and how to maintain the
first 3S agreements.

Menjadikan kaedah sisih, susun, dan sapu satu peraturan bagi membentuk
kebiasaan dan memastikan ia dijalankan dengan tepat.

Bantu setiap pekerja fahami apa yang perlu dilakukan, bagaimana cara yang tepat,
bila masanya, di mana dan bagaimana untuk kekalkan 3S sebagai rutin harian.
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-KETSU / Standardize / Seragam
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
Step 4.
seiketsu / standard
Step 5.
shitsuke / self-discipline
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-KETSU / Standardize / Seragam
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten

• Develop checklists for routine tasks.

Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
Step 4.
seiketsu / standard
• Develop standard labeling, color codes,
Step 5.
shitsuke / self-discipline and outlining methods for the area or
department so that anyone can see when
something is out of place.

• Design Unbreakable Orderliness – make it

difficult or impossible to put things in the
wrong place (e.g. suspension, integrated
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-KETSU / Standardize / Seragam
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
Step 4.
seiketsu / standard
Step 5.
shitsuke / self-discipline
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SEI-KETSU / Standardize / Seragam
seiri / sort
Step 2. SIRIM Audit Checklist for SEIKETSU
seiton / straighten
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
• Transparency (e.g. minimize doors, covers and locks)
Step 4.
• Straight line and right-angle arrangements
seiketsu / standard • Danger warning, fire extinguisher and exit signs
Step 5. • Dangerous goods, mechanical safety measures
shitsuke / self-discipline
• Workplace work instructions and passed labels
• Electrical wiring neatness and switch labels
• Energy preservation – air cond. temperature mark
• Physical handling standards, instructions
• Color, Visual Management – paper, files, containers
• 5S responsibility labels on floor plan, site
• Food safety and prevent contamination, danger
• Safety policy and risk assessment
• Fool proofing (pokayoke) practices
• Park like environment (garden office, factory)
• 5S and OSH museum
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SHI-TSUKE / Self Discipline / Sentiasa Amal
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
Step 4.
seiketsu / standard
Step 5.
shitsuke / self-discipline
Make 5S part of daily work.
Make it a habit.

Jadikan 5S sebahagian dari tugasan harian.

Jadikan ia satu tabiat.

(habit – shukan, 6th S)

How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SHI-TSUKE / Self Discipline / Sentiasa Amal
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten
Self discipline is achieved when:
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
Step 4.
• Rules for the first 4S are being followed
seiketsu / standard MOST IMPORTANT:
Step 5. ▪ Must clearly indicate WHAT (specific item) goes WHERE
shitsuke / self-discipline
(specific place) and in WHAT AMOUNT (specific quantity)
▪ Wear PPE with pride!
▪ Get to the source of any DISORDER

• All related changes have been documented

• A daily 5S activity checklist is posted and used
• Workplace is being kept neat, clean and work
actually flows
• Treasure hunts are reduced!
How to achieve 5S

Step 1.
SHI-TSUKE / Self Discipline / Sentiasa Amal
seiri / sort
Step 2.
seiton / straighten SIRIM Audit Checklist for SHITSUKE
Step 3.
seiso / sweep, shine
Step 4. • Execute individual 5S responsibilities
seiketsu / standard
• Wear suitable clothing, PPE
Step 5.
shitsuke / self-discipline • Good communication and phone practices
• Do 5 minutes 5S practice daily
• One day processing of job, tasks
• Safety box and practice dealing with emergencies
• Organization chart and performance indicators
• Design and follow the 5S Manual
• Quarterly 5S Audit and Improvement
• Seeing is believing and Keep it Short and Simple (KISS)
visual management fundamental technique
(5S Method – in office)
visual management fundamental technique
(5S Method – in hospital supply room)
visual management advanced techniques
(operation control boards)

Operation Control Board

(a.k.a. warboards)

• One-stop information on operation status, updated at

regular intervals (can also be real-time if digital)
• Typical status are about Safety, Quality, Cost, Delivery,
and Morale (SQCDM)
• Can be used as visual aid for morning and evening
operational meetings
visual management advanced techniques

(big room, war room)

• One-stop information on shop/factory/enterprise

status, updated at regular intervals (can also be real-
time if digital) – mega version of control boards
• Traditionally used by CFT project team doing product
• Also used to monitor KPIs
visual management advanced techniques
visual management advanced techniques


• Task, problems are written on a two-color card

(usually a green/red T-Card)
• Not turned over cards (usually will show red) indicate
that the task, problem has not been carried out, solved.
• Also commonly used as a preparation tool for audits.
visual management advanced techniques

(signboard showing current state)

• Main purpose: improve information flow in case of

problems resulting in faster response with less effort
in conveying information.
• Has input and output components
• Remember! andon = call for help.
Do not abandon your workers!
visual management advanced techniques
(andon inputs)
visual management advanced techniques
visual management advanced techniques
(non-manufacturing: barber)
visual management advanced techniques
(non-manufacturing: restaurant)

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