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第一部 分 基础知识 -A desert area that has been without water for six years will still bloom

ea that has been without water for six years will still bloom when rain

第一章 语 法 will come. (will come - comes)

第一节 时 态 二.现在进行时

一.一般现 在时 study-studying; come-coming; sit-sitting (forget-forgetting); die-dying

一般 + s; 在以 ch, sh, s, x 或 o 结尾的词后 + es (teaches, goes, washes, fixes, guesses); 在 通常不能用于现在进行时的常见动词如下:

以“辅音字母 + y”结尾的词后,变 y 为 i 后再加-es (studies, tries) see, hear, smell, taste, know, find, forget, notice, suggest, be, love, like, want, hope,

1. 表示现在反复发生的动作或存在的状态,常与 every day, once a week, often, wish, prefer, hate, understand, remember, believe, have, consist, seem.

always, usually, sometimes, seldom 等时间状语连用: 1. 表示此时此刻(说话时)正在进行的动作:

-We go there twice a month. -The students are running to the sports-field.

-Industrial buyers are responsible for supplying the goods and services that an 2. 表示现阶段正在进行的动作,但此刻不一定在进行:

organization required for its operations. (d. required - requires) -He is writing a novel this year.

2. 表示主语的特征、性格、能力等: 3. 可表示将来发生的动作,这一用法常用于 go, come, leave, start 等动词,后面也

-He has great concern for others. 常用表示较近的将来时间状语,如 tomorrow, tonight, this coming Friday 等,表

-Matter exists in three states. 示安排或计划好的事情:

3. 表示客观事物或普遍真理: -Those visitors are leaving for Wuhan tomorrow.

-Light travels faster than sound. 4. 用来给习惯性动作加上赞赏或讨厌等感情色彩:

-Japan lies to the east of China. -The boy who is sitting beside me is always asking me a lot of whys and hows.

4. 表示安排或计划好的将来的动作: -He was seeing somebody creeping into the house through the open window last night.

-The plane takes off at five. 三.现在完成时

5. 在时间或条件状语从句中表示将来的动作(when, after, before, as soon as, until; 1.表示动作现在刚完成:

if, unless): -His son has finished his homework.

-If it is fine tomorrow, we will have a football match. 2. 表示过去做的动作对现在仍有影响:

-It's so cold in here. Who has broken the window? -From 1910 to 1927 Corra Harris ______ out an average of a novel a year.

3. 过去某时开始的动作一直延续到现在(这时常和 since 或 for 短语连用) a. has brought b. were bringing c. had brought d. brought

-Li has studied English for twenty years. 3. used to:

-Collecting dolls as a hobby becomes increasingly popular during the past fifty years. -We used to get up at five every morning when we were in the countryside.

b 五.过去进行时

[注] 1.副词用:just, before, already, often, never, ever, always, not...yet 或 now, today, this 表示过去某一时刻或某个阶段正在进行的动作或正发生的历史事件。

week 等;不用过去的时间状语。 -Bill said that he ______ his homework at half past seven yesterday evening.

2.-His grandmother ______ for thirty years. a. did b. was doing c. is going to do d. has done

a. died b. had died c. has been dead d. has died 六.过去完成时

-He has been in the army for two years. (不能说 He has joined the army for ...) 1.结束性动作--即“已完成”,表示在过去某一时间之前就已完成了的动作。

-I ______ a college student for more than a year. 常有 by, before, until, as soon as, when, because 等引导的短语或从句,表示过去

a. became b. have become c. was d. have been 的时间。

-It is three years since he sent to the U.S. -By the end of last year, he had learned about 1,000 words.

(不能说 He has gone to the U.S. for three years.)

四.一般过去时 Preposition (G)

时间状语有: yesterday, ago, in 1978, once, last week (month, year), at that time, 1. in, on, at yesterday morning in the morning tomorrow morning

just now 等,以及由 when 等引导的句子。 yesterday afternoon in the afternoon tomorrow afternoon

1. 表示某一确定的过去时间发生的动作或存在的状态: yesterday evening in the evening tomorrow evening

-Oberlin College awards degrees to both sexes in 1837, but coeducaion in American this morning

a this afternoon at dawn

colleges did not spread until the second half of the century. (awards - awarded) this evening at noon

2. 表示过去某一段时间内经常发生或习惯的动作: at night
Before 'day' we use 'on': on Sunday (Monday..) on Sunday morning 2. It's a satisfactory hat, except that it doesn't fit me.

on Oct. 1 on the afternoon of Oct. 1 3. Mr. Smith used to go fishing every weekend except when he was ill.

on May Day on the morning of May Day 1. The art exhibition was well designed, ______ the disarrangement of a few pieces of

on National Day on the evening of National Day photos.

on Christmas on Christmas eve a. except b. besides c. except for d. in addition to

on a cold winter morning, on a hot June afternoon, etc. 2. She hurried when she knew that everybody was ready ______ her.

In the concept of space: arrive in New York; arrive at the station a. except b. except for c. beside d. besides

in London, Tokyo, etc. but at the bus stop 3. ______ being used in industry, laser can be applied to operations in the hospital.

a. Except for b. Except that c. In addition to d. Beside

2. over on above 超过(或低于)某高度、标准。 4. ______ coal, the most important natural fuels are gas and oil.

under beneath below e.g. above the sea level (海拔) a. Except for b. Except c. Besides d. Beside

直上,直下 (接触表面的)上下 below O degree (Apart from)

5. At the far side of the yard there was a kitchen garden (菜园), and ______ that was

3. except 1. They all went to sleep except the young Frenchman. the orchard (果园). (再过去是果园)

2. He rarely went anywhere except to his office. a. apart from b. except c. except for d. beyond

3. The windows were never opened except to air the room for a few minutes 6. The compositions by the freshmen class are well-written ______ a few errors in

in the morning. spelling and grammar.

besides Besides English, he has to study German and French. a. unless b. except that c. except for d. besides

except for 1. The room was bare of furniture except for a few chairs.

2. The composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes.

except that (when, after, etc.)

1. This suit fits me well except that the trousers are too long.
Nouns (G) deer, fish, sheep

1. Uncountable nouns:

advice, anger, applause, baggage (luggage), cake, chalk, chocolate, cloth, clothing, bread,

damage, equipment, evidence, food, fruit, furniture, gold, homework, housework, information,

ink, jewellery, knowledge, machinery, mail ( 邮 件 ), money, music, news, paper, personnel,

postage (邮资,邮费), protection, rice (salt, sugar, tea), scenery, soap, sugar, toothpaste, traffic,

transportation, weaponry, weather, work.

2. 有 些 不 可 数 名 词 以 复 数 形 式 出 现 时 , 其 含 义 会 发 生 变 化 。

Ten years had passed, I found she had ______. (81)

a. a little white hair b. some white hair

c. much white hair d. a few white hairs

-I found a long black hair in my soup.

-He bought apples, oranges and other fruits. (多种水果)

communication ( 通 讯 ) →communications ( 通 讯 系 统 , 通 讯 工 具 ); content ( 内 容 )

→contents (目录); necessity (需要) → necessities ( 必需品); ruin (毁灭) → ruins (废墟,

遗迹);sand (沙子)→sands (沙地); wood (木材)→ woods (树林); work → works ( 工厂,著


Fossils (化石) of plant that have been extinct (灭绝) for fifty million years have been

a b c

found near the Baltic Sea.

Agreement (G) 2.事件、国名、机构名称、书籍及其他作品 的名称作主语时,谓语用单数:

-The United Nations was formed in 1945.

一.1. 在 There be 结构中: -The Daily News says it's going to rain.

-There is a box of matches in the kitchen. 3. 下列或限定词作主语或修饰主语时,谓语用单数:

-There seems to be little time left. every, each (of), everyone (everybody), one of (+复数), either, neither.

2. 在主谓倒装结构中: -Every silver knife, fork, and spoon has to be counted.

-After the exams is the time to relax. -Each book and magazine is listed in the card catalog.

-Here come the nine noisy children from next door. -Neither (one) is satisfactory.

-Here comes the bus. 但 Here they are. (-Many a college student wishes to return the easy days of high school.

-Here is a pen, a few envelops and some paper in the drawer.(邻近一致) -A great / good many books have been written on the subject.)

二.主语与谓语之间有修饰语时,主语的数不受修饰语的影响: 四.复数主语。

-Unemployment as well as taxes influences votes. 下列不定代词作主语时,谓语用复数:

以下均不影响主语的数: both (of), few (of), many, several

accompanied by, along with, together with, as well as, but, except, in addition to, -Several of the regular members were absent.

including, instead of, like, more than, no less than, not to mention, rather than (而不是). 五.一些表示数量的短语作主语。

-John, together with his family, is flying to London. 1. a lot of, all of, any of, most of, some of, none of 谓语取决于 of 后名词的数。

-Taxes, not to mention unemployment, influence votes. -The number of students in the class is fifteen.

三.单数主语。 -A number of students were late.

1.不定式短语、动名词和名词从句作主语时,谓语用单数: 六.复合主语。

-To become doctors is their ambition. 1.由 and 或 both ... and ...连接两个主语时,谓语一般用复数。

-Reading without comprehension is no good. 但:His friend and manager of the company was cool to his suggestion.

-What that country needs is more jobs and lower taxes. a French and Chinese dictionary; a French and a Chinese dictionaries
单数名词前有两个并列的形容词修饰时,谓语常用复数。 physics, economics, electronics, mathematics, civics (公民学), ethics (伦理学),

-Social and political freedom are limited there. (=Social freedom and political freedom) politics, statistics, etc.

2.当 or, either ... or, neither ... nor 或 not only ... but also 连接一个单数主语和一个复 但用来表示“活动”或“个别、具体”事实时,谓语用复数:

数主语时,谓语用“毗邻一致”原则。 -Statistics is a field of study. Cf. The statistics in that report are not accurate.

-Neither the quality nor the prices have changed. 十一.+ the 与不+the 意义不同时:

Neither the prices nor the quality has changed. -Chinese is a difficult language. The Chinese are kind and friendly.

七.集体名词用作主语: -French is spoken in many countries. The French are famous for their good wines.

-The family is the basic unit of our society. 十二.“The +形容词/-ed 分词"作主语时,谓语用复数:

The family are always quarreling. -The injured were taken to hospital.

常用的集体名词有:army, audience, band, board, class, club, committee, crew, 代词一致:-Neither Lynne nor Bess has her keys with her.

crowd, family, firm, flock, gang, government, group, jury, majority, minority, -Neither the Browns nor the Greens like their cars. (邻近原则)

orchestra, party, public, staff, swarm, team, troop 等。 somebody...,anyone...,something...,either(neither),each, one, no one 作主语时,代词一般

八.在定语从句中的主谓语一致: 用单数。 性:无法确定时用阳性.-A person needs to see his dentist twice a year.

-That is one of those remarks that are intended to start arguments.

-She is the only one of those girls who is willing to take a make-up exam.


-Eight hours of sleep is enough.

-Five hundred thousand dollars is quite a large sum of money.

-Three thousand miles is to far to travel.

Cf. -Their last four years have been full of surprises.

-There are two silver dollars in each of the stockings.

十.以 -ces 或 s 结尾的名词作主语,谓语一般用单数。

Comparison (G) 1. My brother is 5 years older than I.

2. He studies far better than you (do).

(-y, ow, le, r, st + er, est: narrower, busier, noblest) 六.The more ...... the more

一.排斥问题: This room is ______ in the building. 1. The harder you study, the better you will serve the people.

a. biggest than any other one b. bigger than any one 2. The better people are able to communicate, the greater the chances are of achieving

c. bigger than any other one d. bigger as any other one an enduring peace in the world.

Herbert studies ______ student in the class. 3. The longer you work, the more you will learn.

a. hardest than any other b. harder than any 七. 限定词→数词→描述性形容词→大小、长短、形状的形容词→年龄、新旧→色彩形容词

c. harder than any other d. harder as any →类属形容词(国籍、地区、出处)→用途类别→表材料形容词→被修饰名词

e.g. He is taller than anyone else in our class. the first two books; the two rather beautiful pictures;

二.替代问题: some beautiful little red flowers; an expensive blue Chinese vase;

The weather of this year is better than that of last year.(that 代不可数名词,指物) a rather beautiful green Chinese woolen carpet

A necklace made of glass is far cheaper than one made of diamond. an expensive new Japanese sports car( 一 辆 昂 贵 的 新 型 日 本 跑 车 )

(one 只可代可数名词,可指人、物) that beautiful slim young foreign lady ( 那 位 漂 亮 、 苗 条 的 年 轻 外 国 小 姐 )

三.倍数问题:倍数后现不用 more than, 要用 as much (or many) as Mrs. Brown has ______ car.

1. The new model costs twice as much as last year's model. a. beautiful new American b. a new American beautiful

2. Staying in hotel costs ______ renting a room in a dormitory for a week. c. a new beautiful American d. an American beautiful new

a. twice more than b. as much twice as There is ______.

c. twice as much as d. as much as twice a. a gray, gloomy-looking(幽暗), wooden house

四.同级比较: 肯定用: as + 原级 + as 否定用: not so (as) + 原级 + as b. a wooden, gray, gloomy-looking house

五.修饰比较级的状语有: c. a gloomy-looking, gray, wooden house

still, even; much, far, a lot, a great deal; a little, a bit; five years 等。 d. a gloomy-looking, wooden, gray house
八 . 某 些 源 自 拉 丁 语 以 -or 结 尾 的 形 容 词 , 没 有 原 级 , 只 有 比 较 级 。 如 :

superior to, inferior to; senior ( 年 长 的 、 较 高 级 的 ), junior ( 年 幼 的 , 较 低 级 的 );

prior (先于、更重要的), posterior (较后的、后于), 全都跟"to" 不用 than

(equal, similar)

-Mr. Johnson is superior to him in ability. -He is three years senior to me.

九.准关系代词 than 的用法:

1. Children should not have more money than is needed.

2. There were more casualties than was reported. (than, not that or who)

1. The task was far more difficult than had been expected.
Infinitive (G) -That girl has nothing to worry about. -He has a lot of trifles to deal with.

-Let's first find a room to put the things in..

一.作主语 一些表示企图、努力、倾向的名词后面需接不定式作定语:

-To get high marks in the entrance exam of postgraduate in a short time is a hard nut.→ ability, ambition, attempt, determination, decision, effort, intention, need, opportunity,

It is really a hard nut to get high marks in the entrance exam of postgraduate in a ...... reason, right, tendency, way, wish, etc.

-To learn English is very important→ It is very important to learn English. -This book is an attempt ______ English and recognize how it is used. (82)

-When to start hasn't been decided.→ It hasn't been decided when to start. a. helping you to use b. helping you use c. to help you use d. to help you using

-It is possible for us to get there before dark.

-It is quite important for us to read good books during the period of general review. 四.作宾语:

在 某 些 形 容 词 ( 如 kind, good, nice, wise, unwise, clever, silly wrong, right, foolish, 1 . 用 不 定 式 做 宾 语 的 动 词 有 : agree, aim, appear, arrange, ask, attempt, choose, claim,

stupid careless, considerate, rude, naughty, impolite 等)作表语时,不定式前常可加 of continue, decide, decline ( 谢绝 ), demand, desire, determine, endeavor ( 努力,竭力 ) ,

引出逻辑主语。 expect, fail, hesitate, hope, intend, learn, long, manage, offer, plan, pretend, promise,

-It's unwise of them to turn down the proposal. (他们拒绝采纳这个建议是不明智的.) refuse, seek, swear (发誓), threaten, undertake (从事,着手), wish 等。

-I can't afford to buy that luxury piece of furniture.

二.作表语: 2. 动词 + 疑问代(付)词 + 不定式。

-His wish is to buy a luxurious car in the near future. 这 类 动 词 常 见 的 有 : advise, decide, discuss, find out, forget, inquire, know, learn,

-The purpose of inductive ( 归 纳 ) logic is to infer general laws from particular regard, remember, see, settle, teach, tell, think (=consider), understand, wonder 等 。

occurrences. 疑问代(付)词有 what, when, where, which, how, whether 等,但不包括 why:

三.作定语: when to start.

-She usually has a lot of meetings to attend in the evenings. -He does not know who(m) to visit.

-The teacher assigned us two exercises to do at home. which one to choose.

-She was the first person to think of the idea. 3. 形式宾语:

-We find it difficult to get everything ready before the time you require. 2. 表示结果:

-I don't think it necessary to argue with the on this problem. so ...(+a.) to; such ...(+n.) to; enough to ...; too ... to...; only to ....

-All these noises ______ with the work. -We have got so plenty of food as to treat our guests.

a. made me impossible to go on b. made me impossible going on -Is that room big enough to seat all of us?

c. made it impossible for me to go on d. makes it impossible for me to go on {-He is too angry to speak.

-One is not too old to learn.

五.作宾补: -He is too angry not to so that. 他在盛怒之下才说出这样的话来。}

1. -I expect you to come early. -The teacher left us to solve the hard problems. 3.表示原因:

-He asked us not to go there tomorrow. -I'm sorry to interrupt you.

可 以 跟 不 定 式 作 宾 补 的 动 词 有 : advise, allow, ask, beg, cause, command, drive, -I am pretty pleased to hear the news that you are elected as the president of the club.

encourage, expect, forbid, force, hate, get, intend, invite, like, order, permit, persuade,

remind, teach, tell, trust, urge, want, warn 等表示“致使”等意义。

2. 表示感觉的动词 see, hear, feel, watch, notice, observe, listen to, look at 和 have, let,

make 后的宾语可接不带 to 的不定式。

-I often hear them sing this song.

-We heard someone come up the stairs. (Someone was heard to come up the stairs.)



-Thousands of people go to south to earn money. (or in order to...)

-To save time and labor, cartoonists generally draw the hands of the characters with only

three fingers and a thumb.

Gerund (G) can't help, give up, go on, insist on, look forward to, object to, put off, succeed in, think

1. 作 主 语 : Telling lies is wrong. There is no accounting for tastes. ( 嗜 好 是 说 不 出 道 理 about (of), feel like, 等动词或动词短语后,用动名词作宾语。

的. --- 人各有所好。) There is no joking abut such matters. (这种事开不得玩笑。) e.g. 1. Do you enjoy playing tennis?

no use 2. Would you mind filling out this form? (请填一下这份表格好吗?)

It is { no good + doing 3. She has been looking forward to meeting her parents.

worth (while)

waste 4. 动名词的逻辑主语用名词所有格(或物主代词)表示。

e.g. 1. It's no use crying over spilt milk. e.g. 1. I don't like your being late.

2. It's a waste of time arguing about it. 2. John's going there himself saved us a good deal of trouble.

*只有当表语为 no use, no good, worth (while)时作主语的动名词才可后置,前用形式 当名词所有格不在句首时,可用“名词通格(或人称代词宾格)+动名词”的结构

主语 it. 来表示。

1. There is no hope of Tom becoming an architect.

2.作表语:1. Seeing is believing. 2. I should thank you instead of you thanking me.

2. His aim is mastering English in the shortest time possible.

*动名词和不定式都可作主语或表语。一般说来,表示比较抽象的一般行为时多用 5. be busy; feel like; What (How) about; spend + time + (in)-ing; have difficulty (trouble, a

动名词;表示具体某次动作,特别是将来的动作时,多用不定式。 good time, fun)+(in) + -ing

Smoking is prohibited here. It is quite necessary to read it many times.

Their job is building houses. Our task now is to increase food production.

3. 作宾语:在 admit, advise, appreciate, avoid, consider, delay, deny, enjoy, escape, 1. remember: I remember seeing John yesterday. (I remember posting the letter today.)

excuse, finish, include, keep (on), mind, miss, postpone, practise, quit, resist, risk, Please remember to post the letter today.

suggest, understand, 以 及 be accustomed to, approve of, be opposed to, be used to, 2. forget: I forgot to post your letters.
I'll never forget finding that rare old coin in the garden.

3. regret: I regret to say I haven't given you enough help.

He never regretted doing it.(He regrets not having worked harder at school.)

4. try: They will try to finish the work within a week.

Try cleaning it with petrol.

5. need (want, require)

The house needs repairing.

The house needs to be repaired. (Cf. You don't need to answer the question.)

6. mean: Failing this exam means waiting for a year.

I mean to leave tomorrow.

7. stop Stop smoking, please. They stopped working.

(leave off) Let's stop to chat a while. They stop (talking) to work.

8. go on They went on discussing the problem. Go on reading.

Having read Lesson One, I went on to read Lesson Two.

Participle (G) a waiting car a waiting-room

a sleeping child a sleeping-car

e.g. an interesting book broken glass flying fish flying-suit (飞行服)

an exciting news (story) the excited audience a writing table, a swimming pool

一. 作定语: working people working method

Barking dogs seldom bite. [谚] 爱叫的狗很少咬人。

The girl driving the car is his sister. Have you read the letter written by Mr. John? 二.作表语:

We must keep a secret of the things being discussed here. e.g. The situation is encouraging. The cup is broken.

The pen ______ belongs to me. The food smells inviting. (这个菜香味怡人.)

a. which it is on the table b. lying on the table She looks disappointed.

c. is on the table d. that on the table

Many things ______ impossible in the past are common today. 三.作宾补:

a. considered b. to consider c. considering d. being considered e.g. I'm sorry t have kept you waiting.

We appreciate your efforts bringing about a comprehensive (全面的、全部的) When I entered the room, I found him reading something aloud.

a b She was glad to see her children well taken care of in the nursery.

solution of the existing problems. (82) -- Do you hear someone knocking at the door?

c d -- Yes, I did. I heard him knock three times.

注:表示企图,努力,倾向等名词,e.g. ability, ambition, attempt, effort 等后面需接 They want the job ______ by the end of the week.

不定式,以及表示能力、愿望、倾向等语义的形容词后面也要接不定式,例:able a. to do b. done c. did d. to be doing

(但其同义词 capable + of + 动名词), anxious, eager, glad, inclined (倾向于),

liable, likely, pleased, ready 等。 He wishes ______.

Cf. 与动名词作定语作比较: a. to have cut his hair b. to cut hair c. to have his hair cut d. his hair to cut
You'd better ______.

a. to have your TV set repaired b. to have your TV set repair 五.分词独立结构:

c. have your TV set repaired d. have your TV set repairing The story exciting, we were all absorbed in it told by the old man.

Why do you stand and watch the milk ______ over? Weather permitting, we will go to Summer Palace tomorrow.

a. boiling b. boiled c. from boiling d. being boiled Last year, the work finished, he went to Qingdao about a month for a holiday.

Her eyes filled with tears, she did not notice his coming.

四.作状语: 可作时间、条件、原因、让步、结果、伴随等。

Walking through the forest, we found many strange animals.

Walking through the forest, a lot of animals are there. (wrong)

Given better conditions, every student in this school could go to college.

Exhausted by the hard work, he slept 18 hours without having any food.

Not having had any letter from Tom, Mary was worried.

Having been caught in the rain, he was wet to the skin. (80)

Per capita (首,人均) income is a nation's entire income dividing by the number of

a b

people in that nation.

c d

______ by the decision, the lawyer quickly left the court room.

a. Angering b. Having angered c. Being angered d. Angered

After seeing the movie, ______.

a. the book was read by him b. the book made him want to read it

c. he wanted to read the book d. the reading of the book interested him
Model Verb (G) Have to (客观需要) -You ______ be more careful next time.

1 2 a. have to b. may c. must d. had to

Can He can speak English without much difficulty. He can't be working at this hour. -He had to do everything all by himself during those days.

May May I smoke here? She may be in the dormitory. Need 需要。主要用于否定句及疑问句。

Must We must study hard. They must be playing basketball. You needn't think of anything else. ..不必..

Must we hand in our exercise books today? Cf. The child needs to be taken good care of.(实义动词)

No, you needn't. -You ______ to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.

"That must be a mistake." "No, it ______ a mistake." a. needn't to come b. don't need come c. won't need come d. needn't come

a. must not be b. needn't be c. can not be d. would not be -He ______ to the farm yesterday.

Shall 用在问句中征求对方的意见和指示,可用于第一和第三人称。 a. needs go b. needed go c. need to go d. needn't to go

What shall we drink? Shall he come to se you?你说要不要他来看你? -You ______ afraid of any difficulties.

Shall those books be sent over to you at once?那些书要不要马上给你送来。 a. need not to be b. need not c. don't need be d. need not be

Will 表示意愿 Dare He ______ go there.

A man who won't work is no good. a. dare not b. dares c. dares not to d. does not dare

None so blind as those who won't see. [谚]不愿看的人眼最瞎。 Used to Lu Xun used to write at night. Cf. They are used to hard work.

If you will allow me, I'll see you home. 如果你愿意的话,我可以送你回家。 Used he always to walk in the garden after dinner?

Should 表示劝告或建议。You should get everything ready before the examination. Did he always use to walk in the garden after dinner?

Ought to 表示责任、义务。You are his father. You ought to take care of him. He usedn't to answer impolitely. 他过去回答别人总是很有礼貌的。

Must 表示必要、必须要做的事。 He didn't use to answer impolitely.

We must do everything step by step. 我们一切都必须按部就班做。 We ______ go to the movies quite frequently.

Must > ought to > should a. use not to b. used to c. were used to d. are used to

Must (主观想法) -I must tidy up the room. (Cf. I have to tidy up the room.) Had better You had better start to do it right now.
Would (had) rather I would rather go at once.

She had rather die than yield.

I would rather he was not here.

Subjunctive Mood (G) You are late again; you should have arrived ten minutes earlier.

1. 2. as if The foreign expert speaks Chinese as if he were a Chinese.

与现在相反 If there were no air, the sky would black.(..animals and plants would die.) She told the story as if it had happened t her.

What would you do about the problem if you were in my shoes? 3. wish I wish I could speak several languages.

与过去相反 If we had had enough money, we would have bought it. I wish you had told me before.

If the sun had been in the right direction, the photos would have come out 4. If only If only we had listened to their advice!

very well. 如果太阳光在适当的方位,照片会照得很好。 If I could only see him once!

与将来相反 The weather forecast says it will turn fine. If the rain were to go on, the 5. 用在由 lest, or, for fear(that) (British English 口语中多用 in case) 引出的目的状

crops would be in danger. 语从句中,表示忧虑。从句中的谓语动词用 should +动词原形或单用动词原形。

If she should come here, we would (not) discuss this matter with her. John had to get a degree for fear that he (should)have little chance of getting

- If you had come a few minutes earlier, you _____ him. a job. 约翰得弄个学位,不然很少有机会找到职业。

a. would meet b. can meet c. would have met d. met Please remind me of it tomorrow lest I (should) forget.

- If you had spoken clearly, you _____. 6. It is time that 动词用过去式样(如与过去相反,也有用过去完成式。)

a. would understand b. would be understood It is high (about) time children went to bed.

c. would have been understood d. would have understood 7. would rather 从句用过去式。

时间不一致 If I had a bike, I would have lent it to you yesterday. 8. a. suggest, propose, recommend (建议), move (建议), advise (建议), insist, urge (极力主张),

If it had not rained last night, the ground would not be so muddy this ask, require, request (提议、要求), demand, desire, order, command, decide, intend ( 意欲,打

morning. 算), prefer, arrange;

通过介短或 But for your help, I would have been drowned. b. It is necessary (essential (必要,重要的), vital (极重要,不可缺少的), important,

上下文 Without your help, we could not have succeeded. imperative (必须的), urgent, advisable (应该的,适当的), proper, obligatory (必须

Tom gives up everything for her. Henry would not be that silly. 的),desirable (令人满意的,值得的), appropriate, fitting (合适的);

We could have done better under more favorable conditions. c. order, request, suggestion, command, necessity, importance, idea, plan, motion (提
议), proposal, recommendation (建议), understanding (协议), resolution (决定,决

议), 这些名词的同位语从句。

d. 在 expect, believe, think, suspect 等的否定或疑问式后的宾从中,常用 should +

原形(或完成式),表示惊奇、怀疑、不满等。e.g. I never thought that he should be

such a brave young soldier.

many have + p.p. Don't worry, your husband may not have been hurt seriously.

must have + p.p. You look so sleepy. You must have sat up late last night.

can't (couldn't) have + p.p. This poem can't have been written by her. She is only five.

should (ought to) have + p.p.

Sally shouldn't have bought that hat. It looks terrible. (…真难看死了。)

needn't have + p.p.

You needn't have waken him up. It's only five. (你其实不必叫醒他。)

Since the ground is white, it ______ last night.

a. should have snowed b. must have snowed

c. may have snowed d. would have snowed

"We didn't see him at the lecture yesterday." "He ______ it."

a. mustn't have attended b. shouldn't have attended

c. can't have attended d. needn't have attended

Clauses (G) a. The thing what b. Which do c. What d. That

名词性 从句: 主、表、宾、同位语从句的连接词均为: 2. 表语从句:

从属连词:that, whether, if (在从句中不担任任何语法作用) -The question is whether it is worth doing.

连接代词:who, whom, whose, which, what -It looked as if it was going to snow.

连接付词:when, where, why, how Is this ______ looking for?

1. 主语从句: a. you were b. that you were c. what were you d. what you were

-That we should raise the production is important. The reason I plan to go is ______ if I don't.

-What I am interested in is collecting stamps and playing chess. a. because she will be disappointment b. that she will be disappointed

-How some animals find their way home is not known. c. because she will have a disappointment d. on account of she will be disappointed

-When man first made use of electricity is not exactly known.

It is (was) + a. (p.p. or n.) + 主从 3. 同位语从句:

-It is important that we should raise the production. ______ is no reason for discharging her.

-It is necessary (essential, vital, etc.) that... a. Because she was a few minutes late b. Owing to a few minutes being late

-It is a pity that ... c. The fact that she was a few minutes late d. Be a few minutes late

-It is said (reported, recorded) that ...

-It has been proved that ... 4. 宾语从句:

-It is know to all that ... -We can learn what we did not know.

______ is quite clear. -She always thinks of how she can do more for the people.

a. Where is the fighting b. Why is the fighting -We think it necessary that you should join us in the work.

c. What war is d. When is the war She said that she ______ there for two years.

______ I need is a drink. a. has worked b. had worked c. was working d. worked
Now we have learnt ______. -Is there anything that I can do for you?

a. that is heat b. whether heat is c. when is heat d. what heat is -Tom was the first boy that reached the mountain top that day.

I wonder ______. -This is the best book that I have ever read.

a. how much cost these shoes b. how much do these shoes cost It is the third time that ______ here.

c. how much these shoes cost d. how much are these shoes cost a. had been b. was c. have been d. will be

Can you tell us ______ ? This is the first time ______.

a. who that man is b. who is that man c. what is that man d. whom that man is a. when I came here b. that I came here

I don't think ______. c. I have ever been here d. which I have ever been here

a. he came yesterday is true b. that he came yesterday true _____, the compass was first made in China.

c. it true that he came yesterday d. it that he came yesterday true a. It is known to all b. We all know c. It is known that d. As is known to all


定语从 句: -Mr. Smith, who came to see me yesterday, is a relative of my wife's.

1. 限制性定语从句: -The problem, which is complicated, has been solved.

关系代词:who, whom, whose, which, that, as -The sun heats the earth, which makes it possible for plants to grow.

关系付词:when, where, why

-The professor (whom) you wish to see has come.

-Nobody wants the house whose roof has fallen in. 3. 连接词在定语从句中作介词的宾语:

-Water is a liquid which is made up of two elements. -The world in which we live is in constant motion and in constant change.

-Do you know the right time when the meeting begins? -Great changes are taking place in the city in which they live.

-Shanghai is the lace where the Communist Party of China was born. -The film of which I'm speaking is to be shown at the People's Cinema nest week.

[注]先行词是 all, something, anything, nothing, little 等,或先行词有 first, only, no, -The policeman with whom Mr. Henry is talking in the office is a friend of mine.

very 或形容词最高级修饰时,定从连词只能用 that,不能用 which. 4. 名词、代词或数词 + of + 连接词 + 定从

-We have two spare rooms upstairs, neither of which has been much used in the past c. Being taken the seats d. Taking the seats

two years. 2. 地点状从:连接付词为: where, wherever

-China has thousands of islands, the largest of which is Taiwan. -Just stay where you are.

-The house the windows of which were damaged has now been repaired. -Wherever you go, you can see new factories and stores, new schools and hospitals.

5. the same ... as 3. 原因状从:从属连词为:because, as , since, now that,

-We do the same work as they (do). -As the weather was fine, I opened all the windows.

-He is not the same man as he was -Since we live near the sea, we can often go swimming.

such ... as (Cf. such ... that ...引导结果状从; such as 例如) 4. 条件状从:从属连词有: if, unless, as (so) long as, providing that, provided, supposing

-We hope to get such a tool as he is using. that, suppose that,

-You can't learn a language well unless you work hard.

状语从 句 -As long as we rely on the broad masses, we can overcome any difficulties.

分为时间、地点、原因、条件、方式、让步、目的、结果、比较状从。 -We'll come over to see you on Wednesday if we have time.

1 . 时 间 状 从 : 从 属 连 词 有 : when, while, as, after, before, since, until, as soon as, -He will not leave unless it is fine tomorrow.

instantly (immediately, directly), the day, every time, the minute (second, moment). 5. 方式状从:从属连词有:as, just as, as if.

-Great changes have taken place in Beijing since it was liberated. -The boys jumped on their blankets as they were told.

-Tom didn't get up until 12 o'clock. -Do just ass you like.

-I'll tell you as soon as I know. 6. 让 步 状 从 : 连 接 词 有 : though, although, even if (even though), as, whether ... or ...

-We'll wait until the doctor comes. no matter ..., despite the fact that, in spite of the fact that, while.

-Please return the book to me when you have finished reading it. -Whether it shines or rains, I will go tomorrow.

-As we were having the meeting, the manager came in. -Even if she didn't come, she would send a present.

______, the players began the game. -Young as he was (=Though he was young), he fulfilled the difficult task.

a. Having taken our seats b. After we had taken our seats -However hard I tried, I could not memorize the text.
7. 目的状从:连接词为:that, so that, in order that (谓语动词用 can, could, may, might);

for fear that, lest, in case (in Britain) (谓语动词用 should + 动词原形)

-They came here that (so that, in order that) they could see the exhibition.

-Jim did not answer back lest (for fear that, in case) his mother should be angry with


8. 结果状从:连接词为:so that, so ... that, such ... that ... (so to + 不定式)

-I didn't go early that day so that I didn't get a good seat.

-Air is so light that we seldom notice it.

-We left in such a hurry that we forgot to lock the door.

(Cf. We'll make such computers as are needed in different branches of science.
Emphasis (G)

强调结构为:It is (was) .... that ....。

如强调主语或宾语,则 that 可用 who, whom (指人)或 which (指物)来代替;如强调的是状

语,则不能用 when, where 等代替,只能用 that。注意,强调结构不能用来强调谓语动词


Mr. Smith met your sister in the Zoo yesterday.

It was Mr. Smith that (or who) met your sister in the Zoo yesterday.

It was your sister that (or whom) Mr. Smith met in the Zoo yesterday.

It was in the Zoo that (不能用 where) Mr. Smith met your sister yesterday.

It was yesterday that (不能用 when) Mr. Smith met your sister in the Zoo.

They were late because their car broke down.

It was because their car broke down that they were late.

He didn't realize the serious situation until he read the letter.

It was not until he read the letter that he realized the serious situation.
Inversion (G) better place.

-All that glitters is not gold. (Not all that glitters is gold.)
-What does your brother do for a living? -Have you ever been to the Summer Palace? (部分
-Hardly anyone has seen a man who eats ants.]
-Not until yesterday did I realize what had happened.
-There have been many accidents lately.
-Not only was he a first-rate mathematician, but he also excelled at chess.(精通棋艺)
-There goes the bell! -Here come the volleyball winners. (凯旋而归的..)
2. -Under no circumstances we should do anything that we will benefit ourselves but
-Here comes the bus! (全倒装) Cf. Here you are!
a b c
一.用于省略 if 的非真实条件状语从句中。
harm the interests of the state. (85)
-Should you happen to see George, would you please ask him to ring me?
-Were there no air, animals and plants on the earth would die.
-In no way can passengers smoke in the air-conditioned bus.
-Had you come one minute later, you should have missed the train.
-On no account may reference books be removed from the library.
二.用于由 as 引导的让步状语从句中。
barely / hardly / scarcely ...... when / before 及 no sooner ...... than:
-Anxious as I was to finish the work before dark, I still did it carefully.
Hardly had he got to the plant when he started to work..
-Much as he wanted to go further, Captain Oats couldn't for his badly front-bitten feet.
No sooner had he got to the plant than he started to work.
-Try as you will, you won't be able to succeed. 你愿意就尽管试,但不会成功。
-Scarcely had they settled themselves in their seats in the theater than the curtain
三.用于以否定词 not, never, little, seldom, rarely; hardly, scarcely, barely, no sooner, not
a b c
only 等开头的句子中(不开头则不必倒装),以及含 no 的介词短语(e.g. by no
went up.
means, under no circumstances, in no way, at no time, nowhere, at no point, at no
time, on no account, in no sense<都表示‘决不’>)开头的句子中。
-______ to speak when the audience interrupted him. (91)
1. -Never have I seen such a magnificent sight.
a. Hardly had he begun b. No sooner had he begun
-Little does she know about football.
c. Not until he began d. Scarcely did he begin
[hardly, no, not 修饰主语,则不倒装。
3. often:
-No survivor has yet been found. Cf. Nowhere on the globe can you find a
-Often did we ask her not to be late for school. (83)

四.用于以 only 开头的句中。

-Only in recent years ______ begun to realize that wild dogs, kept within bounds, often

do more good than harm.

a. people have b. since people c. have people d. people who have

-Only in France will you find the kind of food you need.

-Only when you have acquired a good knowledge of grammar ______ write correctly.

a. you will b. you can c. can you d. can't you (82)

五.用于以 so, nor, neither 开头的句中,以说明与前面一句中的谓语所表示的内容相


-I enjoyed the football match. So did my friends.

-They don't like fish soup. Neither do I.

六.-He works so diligently that he often forgets to eat and sleep.→

So diligently does he work that he often forgets to eat and sleep.

-She felt so embarrassed that she could not say a word.→

So embarrassed did she feel that she could not say a word.

-The measure our company took to prevent loss was absurd (荒谬可笑的).

Absurd was the measure our company took to prevent loss.

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