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itos Angeles mimes

Circ ulati on : 1,118,353 Da ily Sa turday, Janua ry 29th 1994 Dai ly $.50

First Lady Speaks On Healthcare

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Llea/thcare Continue
p:itics , Clinton's speech
Attorney Theodore Sanders -· _' : -o , served as a powerful reminder
has announced that he will be " - of the need for bipartisan
leading the prosecution in the •• collaboration to address the
case of Dwain Lowes, the pressing challenges of the
homeless man accused of ,• nation's healthcare system .
pushing David Costello out of ~-
a window at a local homeless
shelter. Sanders, a rising star Healthcare Reform QUAKE FOOD STAMPS ENDS
in California politics and has A.P.-In a meeting of doctors held in
made a name for himself as a Concerned about fraudulent
Nevada, First Lady Hillary Rodham
tough prosecutor who is claims for earthquake relief,
Clinton delivered a rousing speech
committed to bringing order disaster officials closed a
emphasizing the urgent need for
to Los Angeles. He is widely program that provided food
healthcare reform in the United
seen as a potential future stamps , on the spot, to any
States. Speaking to a packed
candidate for higher office, poor person professing to be
audience of medical professionals,
and his involvement in the an earthquake victim .
Clinton passionately challenged the
high-profile case is sure to growing Republican notion that there A.D.A.
raise his profile even further. is no crisis in health care. The First Theodore
In a statement to the press , Lady highlighted the many systemic Sanders.
Sanders emphasized his problems that plague the current Both a legacy
commitment to justice and his healthcare system , ranging from of L.A. and
belief that the people of Los skyrocketing costs to the millions of the city's
Angeles deserve to live in a uninsured Americans who lack future .
safe and secure city. "I am access to adequate care . Cont. Pages
honored to be taking on this Clinton's speech drew a mixed
case and to be working with reaction from the audience, with Pelican Brief $SO+ Million Gross
law enforcement to bring this some physicians expressing The legal thriller "Pelican Brief",
perpetrator to justice," he starring Julia Roberts and Denzel
skepticism about the viability of her
said . "Los Angeles is a great Washington, broke the $50 million
proposed solutions. However, many
city, but we can only truly mark at the box office this month.
attendees applauded her efforts to
thrive when we have order and
tackle a complex and politically
safety in our communities. L.A. Times Weather
fraught issue, hailing the First Lady
That is what I am committed Low: 42 degrees
as a champion of healthcare reform.
to achieving, and I will spare
With healthcare continuing to be a High : 68 degrees
no effort in making sure that
hot-button issue in American •· Sunny
justice is done."
Monthly Precip : 0 .0

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