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In a country like GERMANY, you will see people knocking on their table rather than clapping to applaud
at the end of a master class or a really good meeting.
2. If you happen to visit Spain, don’t be surprised if a girl kisses you twice - once on one cheek and once
on the other cheek- to introduce herself. It’s the Spanish way of saying “Hello!”
3. Italians are very superstitious and for them, nuns and ambulances are associated with death. So if you
plan to spend your holidays in ITALY and you bump into one of them, don’t hesitate and bless yourself
with the sign of the Cross… Just in case!
4. In India, it is usually to see two men walking holding hands. This doesn’t mean that they are in a
romantic relationship. This is just a sign of friendship. On the other hand, you will never see a couple
expressing their love in public in India.
5. In some ASIAN COUNTRIES such as China, Korea or Japan, a sign of approval and appreciation of
someone’s cooking is to slurp the soup loudly.
6. If you are looking for a job in IRELAND, the UK or the US, remember not to add personal data in you
CV (date of birth, sex, marital status or even a profile picture!). Equal opportunity legislation in these
countries requires employers to recruit based on merit alone, and emitting these data enables
organizations to choose candidates fairly!
7. Letting a big burp rip after a meal is not considered rude by many people on our planet. In fact, in
places like Turkey and Saudi Arabia, it is perfectly acceptable to burp after your meal, which tells the
chef you ate plenty and enjoyed every bite.
8. In many countries, tipping is not the common practice that it is in America. In my home country of
England, for example, you tip when the service is exceptional, or you genuinely like the person who is
providing that service.

1. In a country like GERMANY, you will see people knocking on their table rather than clapping to applaud
at the end of a master class or a really good meeting.
2. If you happen to visit Spain, don’t be surprised if a girl kisses you twice - once on one cheek and once
on the other cheek- to introduce herself. It’s the Spanish way of saying “Hello!”
3. Italians are very superstitious and for them, nuns and ambulances are associated with death. So if you
plan to spend your holidays in ITALY and you bump into one of them, don’t hesitate and bless yourself
with the sign of the Cross… Just in case!
4. In India, it is usually to see two men walking holding hands. This doesn’t mean that they are in a
romantic relationship. This is just a sign of friendship. On the other hand, you will never see a couple
expressing their love in public in India.
5. In some ASIAN COUNTRIES such as China, Korea or Japan, a sign of approval and appreciation of
someone’s cooking is to slurp the soup loudly.
6. If you are looking for a job in IRELAND, the UK or the US, remember not to add personal data in you
CV (date of birth, sex, marital status or even a profile picture!). Equal opportunity legislation in these
countries requires employers to recruit based on merit alone, and emitting these data enables
organizations to choose candidates fairly!
7. Letting a big burp rip after a meal is not considered rude by many people on our planet. In fact, in
places like Turkey and Saudi Arabia, it is perfectly acceptable to burp after your meal, which tells the
chef you ate plenty and enjoyed every bite.
8. In many countries, tipping is not the common practice that it is in America. In my home country of
England, for example, you tip when the service is exceptional, or you genuinely like the person who is
providing that service

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