Training vs. Testing Sets - Solution

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Define Training and Testing Sets in Practice

Author: Jessica Cervi

Activity Overview
This activity is designed to consolidate your knowledge about the differences in the training and testing sets
and to teach you how to define those in Python using the sklearn library.

In this activity, you'll use one of the toy dataset made available on sklearn . We choose to use the wine

This assignment is designed to help you apply the machine learning algorithms you have learned using the
packages in Python . Python concepts, instructions, and starter code are embedded within this Jupyter
Notebook to help guide you as you progress through the activity. Remember to run the code of each code
cell prior to submitting the assignment. Upon completing the activity, we encourage you to compare your
work against the solution file to perform a self-assessment.

Define Training and Testing Sets in Practice

We've seen that it is standard practice to split the data available into a training and testing sets to avoid
overfitting, choose the best model to use, and to minimized errors.
Importing the Dataset and Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
We begin by using the libraries sklearn , NumPy , and pandas to import and read the datasets. Let's
have a closer look at each of them:

NumPy is a library for the Python programming language that adds support for large, multi-
dimensional arrays and matrices, along with a large collection of high-level mathematical functions to
operate on these arrays. The code within the NumPy library is divided into submodules to faciltate the
usage. For example, in the code cell below, we import the module random used to generate and work
with random numbers.
pandas is a software library written for the Python programming language for data manipulation
and analysis. In particular, it offers data structures and operations for manipulating dataframes and
numerical tables series.
load_wine is one of the toy datasets readily available from the sklearn librayy. Scikit-learn
(also known as sklearn ) is a free software machine learning library for the Python programming
language. It features various classification, regression, and clustering algorithms.

In the code cell below, we start by importing the necessary libraries and modules. Next, we load the
dataset from sklearn and assign that to the variable wine . Next, we use a combination of NumPy
and pandas functions to create the dataframe df .

Note: This is not the standard way of importing data during a regular project. The code in the cell below is
only appropriate to use when importing toy datasets from sklearn .

In [ ]: #import the libraries

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.datasets import load_wine

# save load_wine() sklearn dataset to wine

# if you'd like to check dataset type use: type(load_wine())
# if you'd like to view list of attributes use: dir(load_wine())
wine = load_wine()

# np.c_ is the numpy concatenate function

# which is used to concat wine['data'] and wine['target'] arrays
# for pandas column argument: concat wine['feature_names'] list
# and string list (in this case one string); you can make this anythin
g you'd like..
# the original dataset would probably call this ['Species']

df = pd.DataFrame(data= np.c_[wine['data'], wine['target']], #using Da

taframe to create a dataframe
columns= wine['feature_names'] + ['target'])
Before performing any algorithm on the dataframe, it is always good practice to perform exploratory data

We begin by visualizing the first several rows of the DataFrame df using the function .head() . By
default, .head() displays the first five rows of a DataFrame; this can be changed by passing the desired
number of rows to the function .head() as an integer.

Complete the code below to visualize the first ten rows of df .

In [ ]: df.head(10)

Next, we retrieve some more information about our DataFrame by using the properties .shape and
columns .

Here's a brief description of what each of the above functions does:

.shape : Returns a tuple representing the dimensionality of the DataFrame.

.columns : Returns the column labels of the DataFrame.
.describe (): Computes and shows summary statistics related to the DataFrame.

Run the cells below to get information aboout the DataFrame.

In [ ]: df.shape

In [ ]: df.columns

Separating the Dataset Into a Training and Testing Dataset

Before you separate our original data into t raining and testing sets in Python using sklearn , in the text
cell below, provide a short description about the differences between the two sets.


Training set is used to train the model, testing set is used to tune it.
As you have seen in Video 3 for this week, it is important to split the data into a training and testing sets.

To split the data into training and testing dataset you can use the function train_test_split
( from
sklearn . This function does a random split of data arrays or matrices into train and test subsets and
returns a list containing a train-test split of inputs.

As you observed, in our case, the function train_test_split takes four arguments:

X : Input dataframe
y : Output dataframe
test_size : Should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and should represent the proportion of the dataset to
include in the test split
random_state : Controls the shuffling applied to the data before applying the split. Ensures the
reproducibility of the results across multiple function calls

In the code cell below, fill in the ellipsis to set the argument test_size equal to 0.3 and
random_state equal to 123 .

In [ ]: from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(df, df, test_size=

0.3, random_state=123)

You can see the size of the resulting train and test subsets, using .shape :

In [ ]: X_train.shape

In [ ]: X_test.shape

We will learn how to separate the data into inputs and outputs and how to implement algorithms in the next
segments of this week of the course.

Stay tuned!

In [ ]:

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