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Question 1

24-year-old female is brought to the ED by her mother an hour after ingesting multiple paracetamol
tablets. She did this after a heated argument with her mother. She is awake and alert, however she has
some abdominal pain and has vomited twice.

BP 120/80 mmHg
HR 85 bpm
RR 18 bpm
SpO2 99% (room air)
1. Describe how you would do the medical risk assessment for the patient.
2. You determine that she has taken a toxic dose. How will you manage the patient?
3. The patient develops hives on her upper limbs and bilateral wheezing 15 mins into the antidote
BP= 120/70 HR= 90 SpO2= 97%(RA) RR =20
Describe how you will manage the patient now.

Question 2

25-year-old female is brought to ED 1 hour after deliberately ingesting a handful of an unknown tablet.
She had generalized tonic clonic seizure once on the way to ED. On arrival she is confused

BP 90/60 mmHg
HR 120 bpm
RR 25bpm
SpO2 97% (room air)
GCS 14/15 (E4V4M6}
A standard 12 lead ECG was done on arrival

a. Describe and interpret the ECG above

b. Describe how you will manage the patient
Question 3

20-year-old male is brought to ED after ingesting 30 x 40mg verapamil tablets after he found out that he
had failed his exams

On arrival

BP 80/50 mmHg
HR 50 bpm
RR 20 bpm
SpO2 98% (room air)
GCS 14/15 (E4V4M6

1. Describe your management for the patient

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