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Managing Risk and Escalation Presentation Outline

Katherine Soto

Houston Christian University


Professor Justin Burris

July 25, 2023


Overarching objectives and project milestones

The course will prepare experienced teachers with specific tasks that will be

upcoming that the new teacher might have questions. The purpose of this project is to

support the novice teachers. Our purpose is to provide a smooth first year to all new

teachers coming to our campus. The idea is to help teachers to support new teachers to

be able to retain the number of new teachers. Every year we see teachers either leaving

the field or going to another school for various reasons; our goal is to maintain our

teachers and build solid foundations for our teacher to impact the students' learning.

When the teachers have the science of teaching under their belt, this is evident in our

students' success. The veteran teacher will go through a coaching cycle prior to the

start date.

The veteran teacher will be able to support the novice teacher with all beginning

of the year tasks. Our plan will begin by having the veteran teacher model a lesson and

coach a novice teacher. Sequendly, the veteran teacher will demonstrate how to plan

for small groups. The veteran teacher will support the new teacher with ideas to

integrate technology to lessons. Teachers will be able to implement routines and

procedures in their classroom. Teachers will be able to observe and learn through

observation or pre-recorded videos. Teacher will be able to strengthen the whole group

lesson. Teachers will be able to go through a coaching cycle and implement areas of

refinement. Teacher will be able to focus on small group instruction. Teachers will look

at different resources and gather materials for differentiated instruction. Educators will

implement the active observation technique and other assessment pieces to gather

authentic data. Educators will be able to record lessons and show growth and how

technology has been integrated in lessons. Teachers will be expected to show

components of the individualist feedback that was enhanced when implementing

suggested techniques.

Strengths and Weaknesses

The plan is a solid plan to roll out with our teachers and staff members. Despite

being a great plan we are preparing and working around the strengths and weaknesses

that may occur along the way. Starting with our students, the strength is that they will

get an outstanding education due to the high number of professional development

training that their teachers will get. The engagement level of students will see an

increase due to technology integration. Students will score above average because of

the explicit instruction. The weaknesses within the plan is that students will fall behind if

they have to be absent due to a rigorous curriculum. The students will have a higher

level of projects and assignments that require team effort. Lastly, the students will

experience more summative assessments.

Educators will also be a factor of the strengths and weaknesses of the program.

Educators will learn from peers. They will also work along with each other to support

one another. Additionally the educators will mentor each other and help each other

grow. Some weaknesses that are potential to happen is working with other individuals

can be challenging depending on their personalities. Also, educators will initially

struggle to balance work and get in a rhythm. One of the biggest concerns will be to

stay organized with all the dates that will arise that require preparation.

As a campus, the three main strengths are that we are working together as a

team. Communication is a strength as we communicate via email and newsletters. We


take action in building each other up. The campus will provide resources to support

teachers. We pride ourselves in supporting each other and crossing the finish line

together. The weaknesses for our campus is that at most half of our team are

experienced and the other half are new to our campus and or to the field. We have

mandatory meetings for the whole staff afterschool. As a campus we plan as a team for

three days, this only allows our teachers 2 planning times to plan on their own.

SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses

Students: Students:
1. Outstanding rigorous education 1. Students will fall behind

2. Engagement level increase 2. Higher level of projects

3. Score above average 3. More summative assessments

Educators: Educators:
1. Educators will learn from peers. 1. Working with individuals with
different personalities
2. Support one another.

3. Will mentor each other and help 2. Struggle to balance work

each other grow
3. Dates that will arise that require

School: School:
1. Working together as a team 1. Half are new to our campus and or
to the field
2. Communication 2. Mandatory meetings

3. Take action in building each other 3. Only 2 planning times a week

up and provide resources


This project involves a lot of opportunities for our campus. We will be able to recruit

more teachers due to the intense level of mentoring program that we have. Our campus

will not have any challenges when hiring since we will have a high retention number and

a great mentoring program. We will also have other opportunities such as integrating

more hands-on experiences for our students since we will be rolling out SAMR model

units in which they can relate to their own everyday endeavors. We are also very thrilled

to allow our teachers the opportunity to visit other campuses and get some observation

hours and bring back to their classrooms.


It is indisputable that we will not have any bumps along the way. We are certain that we

will do absolutely everything for our plan to run effectively and smoothly. Time is a

potential threat for our program. We are so limited with time. We also need to improve

our student/staff attendance. We need everyone to be taking their responsibilities

seriously for this plan to work. This program has the necessary fundings, but it is

possible that we need to allocate more money to supply the resources that will arise.

Regardless of the threats, we will work around the clock to accomplish all the goals and

milestones we have prepared for.

Opportunities Threats

1. Recruit more teachers due to the 1. Limited in time

intense level of mentoring program
2. Integrating more hands-on 2. Student/staff attendance
experiences for our students since
we will be rolling out SAMR model 3. Necessary fundings
3. Opportunity to visit other
campuses and get some
observation hours

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