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Advancing a sustainable
energy future for all
We are advancing the world’s energy system
to be more sustainable, flexible and secure.


03. Guest comment 36. Staying safe whilst subsea

Austin Harbison, Smart Technology Manager,
CRP Subsea, UK.
04. Location, location, location: Australia
Jessica Casey, Deputy Editor, and Abi Larkin, Editorial Assistant,
Energy Global, UK. 42. Taking the power back
Paul Cairns, Managing Director at MJR Power and
Automation, UK.
location, location, location: Australia
Jessica Casey, Deputy Editor, and
Abi Larkin, Editorial Assistant,
Energy Global, UK, look at the
48. Overcoming supply challenges with
Australian renewables sector.

n September 2022, the Australian government
passed legislation with the aim of reducing carbon
emissions by 43% by 2030 and achieving net zero
by 2050.1 The country also has a Renewable Energy
Target scheme, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions from the electricity sector, by encouraging
investment in renewable energy power sources,
including wind and solar farms, and hydroelectric
power stations.2 With Australia is an island nation and
Cerianne Cummings, Offshore Wind Market Director, Kent.
considered to have a generally hot climate, which
contribute positively to the likelihood of green energy
generation being achieved.
With concerns over climate change and global

52. Reshaping Kazakhstan's energy

warming ever present, it is becoming increasingly
important to reduce global emissions and improve the
sustainability of power supplies. In addition, Russia’s
recent conflict with Ukraine, and the subsequent
restrictions on gas supply to Europe, has meant many
countries have needed to find alternative sources

of energy.
Australia did not escape the wider effects of this,
with the cost of oil, gas, and electricity increasing
significantly. But with Australia well positioned to take
advantage of natural resources, such as wind and solar,
renewables could help Australia to meet the demand of

Serik Shakhazhanov, Chairman of the Management Board of

domestic energy demand.
In 2021, 29% of Australia’s total electricity generation
was from renewable energy sources, including solar
(12%), wind (10%), and hydro (6%) – this share of

Eurasian Group LLP, Kazakhstan.

renewables was the highest on record, with the previous
peak being 26% in the mid-1960s.3

Wind generation in Australia grew 19% in 2021, and by
an average of 15% y/y over the last decade.3 The wind
industry has also experienced significant technological
advancements over the past few decades, especially
in regards to the size and generation capacity of wind

56. Enhancing resilience and stability

turbines. In the 1980s, wind turbines were approximately
17 m tall with a capacity of approximately 0.75 MW; the
latest generation of offshore wind turbines in 2021 were
up to 250 m tall, with a generation capacity of up to

15 MW.4
According to NOPSEMA, Australia’s offshore energy
regulator, a site is considered to be suitable for an

offshore wind project if:


Dr Carlos de Palacio, Renewable Segment Manager Grid
Integration, Hitachi Energy, Spain.

10. Global geothermal energy 60. A strong energy storage foundation

Dr Ellie MacInnes, Head of Geothermal, CGG, UK. Martin Vogt, CEO of MPC Energy Solutions

16. Geothermal: a baseload enabler for 64. Here comes the sun?
the digital world Mark Rowcroft, Development Director, Exagen, UK.
Taylor Mattie, Director of Geothermal Technologies and
Innovations, Baker Hughes, USA. 68. Striving for sustainable solar
Dongyoung Kim, Technical Assistant, Reddie & Grose.
22. Harnessing the heat beneath our feet
Karl Farrow, Founder and CEO of CeraPhi Energy, UK. 72. Fuelling North America's
Renaissance in anaerobic digestion
26. The evolution of geothermal Shawn Kreloff, Bioenergy Devco Founder and CEO, USA.
J. Gary McDaniel, CEO, and Jim Hollis, COO,
Geothermal Technologies, Inc., USA.
76. Global news
30. The heat pump way to more
Rasmus Rubycz, Market Manager New Energy,
Atlas Copco Gas and Process Division, Germany.

Reader enquiries [] ENERGY


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22AD-CC-626-V1_Corp-Geothermal_EnergyGlobal_Winter.indd 1 28.11.2022 15:56:20
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To remain credible and effective,3 Scope 2 market-based
he energy sector is responsible for over three-quarters emissions accounting needs to be modernised and adapted to
of human-caused emissions,1 making decarbonisation represent the current and future market reality. Market-based
of our energy supplies the single biggest carbon dioxide accounting needs to reflect the physical constraints of the
challenge our generation faces today. power grid by imposing stricter requirements4 for quality
Many of the perceivable solutions involve transitioning to an criteria with regards to location (production should take place
electricity-based economy; for instance, updating to electric heat in the same or neighbouring power grid as consumption)
and transport, or replacing natural gas with hydrogen produced and time (production should take place in the same hour
in electrolysers. Yet, pursuing these solutions will increase as consumption).
demand for electricity and put more pressure on our power As the rules of the energy game change to favour a more
grids, which are currently running on a mix of carbon-free and granular, accurate, and data-led accounting system, the
carbon-intensive sources. For the electrification of our society to right price incentives will be implemented to drive deeper
truly reduce emissions, we need carbon-free electricity grids. decarbonisation of our power grids. Many of the technologies
As some of the largest energy buyers, companies have needed to fully decarbonise our energy grids – such as
a crucial role to play in generating enough demand for long-duration storage – currently suffer from a lack of demand
carbon-free electricity. Voluntary corporate procurement has driving down their costs and stimulating further adoption. If
been critical in expanding the deployment and installation businesses begin accounting for their actual electricity usage on
of new renewable electricity so far. According to the an hourly rather than annual basis, and focusing on the local
current, most adopted global carbon accounting standard grids that businesses actually operate on, corporate energy
(The GHG Protocol), organisations can buy renewable buyers will start to seek out these solutions for the times of the
electricity to meet their annual electricity demand and claim day when they are currently reliant on fossil fuels, using their
they are running on ‘100% renewable energy’ in their Scope 2 purchasing power to much greater effect.5
market-based emissions accounting.
Whereas market-based emissions accounting has provided References
incentives for companies to act, the challenge is that it does 1. ‘4 Charts Explain Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Countries and
not consider the real locational and market constraints of Sectors’, World Resources Institute, (2020),
our electricity grids, nor the hourly or sub-hourly fluctuations
in where electricity comes from. ‘100% renewable energy’
‘Renewable energy certificates threaten the integrity of corporate
claims do not mean that a business is running on carbon-free science-based targets’, Nature Climate Change, No.12, pp.539 – 546,
electricity every hour of the day.2 To give an example, a Dutch (2022),
data centre consuming electricity throughout the day and 3. ELGIN, B. and RANGARAJAN, S., ‘What Really Happens When
during the night could claim to be ‘100% renewable’ by covering Emissions Vanish’, Bloomberg UK, (2022),
its annual consumption with electricity generated from a exaggerating-climate-progress
solar plant in Portugal. There is no chance at all that the actual 4. ‘GHG Protocol to assess the need for additional guidance building
electrons related to the volume of electricity (and the underlying on existing corporate standards’, Greenhouse Gas Protocol, (2022),
certificates as assurance) procured from the solar plant (which
will only be producing electricity when it is sunny during the
5. ‘Advancing Decarbonisation through Clean Electricity Procurement’,
day) ever actually reach the data centre (which is on an entirely International Energy Agency, (2022),
different power grid to these electrons). decarbonisation-through-clean-electricity-procurement


location, location,
Jessica Casey, Deputy Editor, and
Abi Larkin, Editorial Assistant,
Energy Global, UK, look at the
Australian renewables sector.

n September 2022, the Australian government
passed legislation with the aim of reducing
carbon emissions by 43% by 2030 and achieving
net zero by 2050.1 The country also has a
Renewable Energy Target scheme, which aims to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the electricity
sector, by encouraging investment in renewable
energy power sources, including wind and solar farms,
and hydroelectric power stations.2 Australia is an
island nation and generally considered to have a hot
climate – factors which also contribute positively to the
likelihood of green energy generation being achieved.
With concerns over climate change and global
warming ever present, it is becoming increasingly
important to reduce global emissions and improve the
sustainability of power supplies. In addition, Russia’s
recent conflict with Ukraine, and the subsequent
restrictions on gas supply to Europe, has meant many
countries have needed to find alternative sources
of energy.
Australia did not escape the wider effects of this,
with the cost of oil, gas, and electricity increasing
significantly. But with Australia well positioned to take
advantage of natural resources, such as wind and solar,
renewables could help Australia to meet the demand of
domestic energy demand.
In 2021, 29% of Australia’s total electricity generation
was from renewable energy sources, including solar
(12%), wind (10%), and hydro (6%) – this share of
renewables was the highest on record, with the previous
peak being 26% in the mid-1960s.3

Wind generation in Australia grew 19% in 2021, and by
an average of 15% y/y over the last decade.3 The wind
industry has also experienced significant technological
advancements over the past few decades, especially
in regards to the size and generation capacity of wind
turbines. In the 1980s, wind turbines were approximately
17 m tall with a capacity of approximately 0.75 MW; the
latest generation of offshore wind turbines in 2021 were
up to 250 m tall, with a generation capacity of up to
15 MW.4
According to NOPSEMA, Australia’s offshore energy
regulator, a site is considered to be suitable for an
offshore wind project if:


location: Australia

FFIt has high and relatively consistent wind speeds. Solar and battery storage
Several of the solar projects have been combined with
FFIt has an appropriate water depth. a battery energy storage system (BESS). BESS’s can help
renewable energy supplies effectively respond to energy
FFThe site is either able to be connected to an electricity demands, even when the sun is not shining. For example,
grid, or is in a suitable location for the generation of Energy Vault Holdings, Inc. has recently announced a notice
energy export products such as hydrogen and ammonia.5 of award from Meadow Creek Solar for the deployment
of a 250 MW/500 MWh BESS at the Meadow Creek
As an island, Australia has some of the best wind solar farm in Victoria. The BESS, being co-located with solar
resources in the world. These are mainly located in southern photovoltaics (PV), will provide the resiliency and flexibility
parts of the country, which is situated in the ‘roaring of charge and discharge, essential to stabilising renewable
forties’ – areas between latitudes of 40 – 50˚ south in the energy supply across the network as Australia adopts the
Southern Hemisphere with persistent winds from the west. Australian Energy Market Operator’s Integrated System Plan.12
The southwest of Western Australia, southern South Australia, Also on the horizon is the Sun Cable project in the
western Victoria, northern Tasmania, and elevated areas Northern Territory, which, at 10 GW, will be the world’s largest
of New South Wales (NSW) and Queensland have good solar farm and will feature a battery 150 times larger than the
wind resources.5 150 MW Hornsdale Power Reserve in South Australia.13,14 The
Many projects are being developed in these areas. project is not expected to generate any electricity until 2026;
One such example is BlueFloat Energy and Energy Estate’s nevertheless, its continued development is a positive sign of the
proposed capacity expansion from 1.275 GW to 2.085 GW important role large scale solar will play in Australia’s transition
of the Greater Gippsland offshore wind project. The project to a renewable-fuelled future.
is located in the Bass Strait off the coast of Gippsland in
Victoria, which was declared as the first area to be assessed Solar and wind
for suitability for offshore wind developments by the Many companies are also utilising Australia’s solar and wind
Australian government in August 2022.6 in combination with each other. For example, Iberdrola has
In addition, BHP has signed a renewable power purchase chosen Australia for the company’s first wind-solar hybrid
agreement (PPA) with Neoen that is expected to supply plant in the world, Port Augusta. The renewable facility,
70 MW of electricity to Olympic Dam and will support located in South Australia, combines 210 MW of wind power
Neoen in constructing the 203 MW Goyder South Stage 1b with 107 MW of PV power. Comprising 50 wind turbines and
wind farm. This wind farm will form part of the larger 250 000 solar panels, the complex is the largest wind-solar
Goyder Renewables Zone in South Australia – a hybrid wind, hybrid farm in the Southern Hemisphere and will prevent
solar, and storage project – and will introduce new renewable 400 000 tpy of carbon dioxide emissions.15 The fact that a
generation into the South Australian electricity grid. Neoen Spanish company has chosen Australia for its first solar-wind
will also construct a large scale battery energy storage hybrid plant is testimony to the resources available.
system in Blyth to support the PPA and assist in improving the Another example of a solar-wind hybrid project is bp’s
stability of the South Australian electricity grid.7 Asian Renewable Energy Hub (AREH) in the Pilbara region
These projects are just two examples of how Australia of Western Australia. The company will develop the project
is utilising its abundant natural resources; along in multiple phases, creating up to 26 GW of combined solar
with the Australian government’s commitment to the and wind power generating capacity. At full scale, the AREH
Global Offshore Wind Alliance (signed on Energy Day at will produce approximately 1.6 million t of green hydrogen.
COP27 in Sharm-El-Sheikh, Egypt,)8 this implies that Australia From 1 July 2022, bp took a 40.5% stake and operatorship of
intends to harness its offshore wind potential as a key part of the AREH project and will develop the project in collaboration
its future energy mix. with its project partners: InterContinental Energy,
CWP Global, and Macquarie Capital, and Macquarie’s
Solar Green Investment Group.16
When people think of Australia, the sun generally comes to In addition, Fortescue Future Industries and Windlab are
mind, and is one of the main attractions for tourists visiting to partner on a Super Hub which could generate more than
the country. In fact, the Australian continent has the highest 10 GW of wind and solar power and underpin the industrial
solar radiation per square metre of any continent, and scale production of green hydrogen from purpose-built
consequently some of the best solar energy resources in the facilities within Queensland.17 Green hydrogen is considered
world, receiving an average of 58 million PJ of solar radiation by many as a possible solution for the decarbonisation of
per year – this is approximately 10 000 times larger than many industries, including transport and energy storage.
its total energy consumption.9 However, Australia appears This ‘Super Hub’ could be incremental in improving the
to be endeavouring to make the most of what is available: attainability of industrial scale green hydrogen, which has
large scale solar farms are on the rise, with almost 7 GW of been constrained by the lack of renewables available to
generation connected to the electricity grid,10 and an increase power the electrification process. The first stage includes
in Australia’s large scale solar energy capacity to a total of the 800 MW Prairie wind farm and 1000 MW Wongalee
5.8 GW across 80 projects, as of February 2022.11 project with construction, subject to approvals, expected to


commence in 2025, with power anticipated to begin to be Conclusion
produced by 2027.18 Australia is not alone in adopting multiple sources of
renewable energy in order to cut greenhouse gases. It may
Hydropower not be a solution that will happen in the immediate future
Australia has more than 100 operating hydroelectric power due to the time it will take for projects to be approved and
stations, with a total installed capacity of approximately constructed; however, the projects that have been highlighted
7800 MW. They are located mostly in NSW and Tasmania, are just some examples that indicate Australia is actively
where there is the highest rainfall and elevation,19 with most of working towards the Paris Agreement’s goals of limiting global
the hydroelectricity generated by Hydro Tasmania’s network warming to 1.5˚C. With the increasing number of proposed
of power plants and the Snowy Mountains Hydro Scheme renewables project, it is no surprise renewables are expected
in NSW.20 to supply 69% of Australia’s main electricity grid by 2030,20 and
Particularly in Tasmania, hydropower provides much of the with investment from both international and Australia-based
state’s electricity. In fact, the abundance of hydropower assets companies, it puts the country in good stead to achieve their
in Tasmania means that it is one of the few jurisdictions in the net zero goals.
world that gets all its power from renewable energy – in 2021,
approximately 99.9% of Tasmania’s electricity generation came References
from renewables, according to the Clean Energy Council’s 1. ‘Australia passes a law for net zero emissions by 2050’, Reuters, (2022),
Clean Energy Australia Report 2022.21 2. ‘Renewable Energy Target Scheme’, Australian Government: Department of Climate Change,
The importance of hydroelectricity to Australia’s net Energy, the Environment and Water,
zero goals is being demonstrated through the schemes and 3. ‘Renewables’, Australian Government: Department of Climate Change, Energy, the
Environment and Water,
investments that are being put in place. The Tasmanian 4. ‘Offshore wind energy’, NOPSEMA, (2021),
integrated hydropower scheme utilises hydro energy from Offshore%20wind%20energy%20brochure_0.pdf
six major water catchments and involves 50 major dams, 5. ‘Australia’, Asia Wind Energy Association,
numerous lakes, and 29 power stations with a total capacity 6. ‘BlueFloat Energy and Energy Estate announce expansion of Greater Gippsland Offshore
of 2600 MW.19 The Australian government is also making Wind Project to 2.085 GW’, BlueFloat Energy, (2022),
targeted investments to help realise the significant potential and-energy-estate-announce-expansion-of-greater-gippsland-offshore-wind-project-to-2-
that pumped hydro can deliver to the market. The government 7. ‘New wind and battery project in South Australia’, BHP, (2022),
is supporting pumped hydro through:22 centre/releases/2022/11/new-wind-and-battery-project-in-south-australia
FFPartnering with the Tasmanian government to expedite 8. ‘Australia signs with the Global Offshore Wind Alliance’, Clean Energy Council, (2022),
the 1500 MW second Tasmanian interconnect, known as 9. ‘Solar energy’, Geoscience Australia,
Marinus Link, through to a final investment decision by 2024. renewable-energy-resources/solar-energy
10. ‘Solar energy’, Australian Renewable Energy Agency,

FFMaking up to AUS$1 billion of low-cost loans available 11.

‘Solar Report Quarter 1, 2022’, Australian Energy Council, (2022),
from ‘Rewiring the Nation’ to eligible ‘Battery of the media/nb0fjq2z/australian-energy-council-solar-report_q1-2022.pdf
Nation’ projects. 12. ‘Energy Vault Issued Notice of Award From Meadow Creek Solar Farm for a 250MW/500MWh
Grid-connected Battery in Victoria, Australia’, BusinessWire, (2022),
FFProviding additional equity to Snowy Hydro Ltd to Solar-Farm-for-a-250MW500MWh-Grid-connected-Battery-in-Victoria-Australia
construct Snowy 2.0. 13. ‘Large-scale solar’, Clean Energy Council,
14. Hornsdale Power Reserve,
The biggest new hydro project is Snowy 2.0, a 15. ‘Iberdrola starts up the world’s first wind-solar hybrid plant in Australia’, Iberdrola, (2022),
2000 MW/350 000 MWh project currently under
construction in NSW. In 2020, the project received state 16. ‘Renewable energy hub in Australia’, bp,
and federal environmental approval, both of which were reimagining-energy/decarbonizing-australias-energy-system/renewable-energy-hub-in-
fast-tracked as part of the government’s COVID-19 recovery australia.html
17. ‘World’s largest capacity pumped storage hydropower project to be built in Queensland,
efforts, a AUS$125 million transmission investment by Australia’, International Hydropower Association, (2022),
Clean Energy Finance Corp. and approval of a segment capacity-pumped-storage-project-queensland
factory, which will manufacture 130 000 concrete tunnel 18. ‘Game changing North Queensland Super Hub to power green hydrogen with wind, solar’,
Fortescue Metals Group, (2022),
segments for use during construction.19 Once complete, game-changing-north-queenland-super-hub-to-power-green-hydrogen-with-wind-solar
Snowy Hydro 2.0 will provide more energy storage capacity 19. ‘Hydro Energy’, Australian Government: Geoscience Australia,
than all of the utility scale batteries in the world combined.23 topics/energy/resources/other-renewable-energy-resources/hydro-energy
20. ‘Hydro’, Clean Energy Council,
Queensland Premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk, has also hydroelectricity
recently announced a plan to build the world’s largest 21. ‘Clean Energy Australia Report 2022’, Clean Energy Council, https://assets.cleanenergycouncil.
capacity pumped storage hydropower project in the north of
Queensland. The Pioneer-Burdekin project would provide 5 GW 22. ‘Pumped hydro’, Australian Government: Department of Climate Change, Energy, the
of installed capacity and 24-hour storage, enabling flexibility Environment and Water,
and security of the state grid. The project is part of the state hydro-and-snowy-20
23. ‘Here and now: The state of low emissions technology in Australia’,
government’s wider energy plan to reach 70% renewable Australian Academy of Technological Sciences & Engineering, (2022),
energy by 2032 and 80% by 2035.17


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t is generally accepted that a wide range of sustainable and integrated energy
sources are going to be needed to reach the greenhouse gas (GHG) targets set
by the world community at COP meetings, in order to prevent global
temperatures from rising to 2˚C above pre-industrial levels. To this end, the use
of solar and wind power has increased dramatically over the last few years, but
what happens at night time, when it is cloudy or the wind drops?
Step forward energy from within the Earth itself. Originating in the heat
generated when the planet was first formed and constantly regenerating through
radioactive decay, geothermal energy is always there and fully sustainable. It
has been used as a local heat source for millennia, as well as more recently to
generate electricity in places where there is a high heat flow close to the surface of
the Earth (Figure 1).
But accessing geothermal energy need not be confined to these regions – in fact,
there is potential for utilising it throughout the globe.

Heat from within the Earth

The temperature of the Earth’s subsurface rises with distance from the surface.
This gradual change, known as the temperature gradient, is usually approximately
25˚C for each kilometre of depth, increasing up to temperatures in excess of 900˚C
where rock may be in a molten state – magma. Near plate boundaries and volcanic
centres, such as the Pacific ‘Ring of Fire’, magma rises towards the surface where
it heats underground aquifers to temperatures of 350˚C or more and pressurised
water escapes in the form of geysers, hot springs, and steam vents. These surface
emanations have been utilised for decades in places such as Iceland, Italy,
New Zealand, and California, the US (Figure 2). Naturally occurring hydrothermal
fluids such as these can be used directly to heat buildings, greenhouses, and
swimming pools, or, where hot enough, they can be used to produce steam for
electrical power generation.
However, rather than rising to the surface, most of the heat remains locked
in the Earth, and this is where its potential as a global sustainable energy source
lies. Geothermal energy is now being developed in a variety of different geological
settings throughout the world; all it requires is a system by which fluids heated
within the subsurface can be accessed by drilling. These hot fluids may be naturally
occurring water or brine, in pores and fractures in permeable rocks. If the hot
rock does not contain enough natural cracks for the fluid to flow easily, it can be
artificially fractured and a fluid circulation system developed. Sometimes the rock
does not contain sufficient water to give commercially useful flow rates, in which
case additional water can be pumped from the surface into the hot dry, fractured
rocks, where it is heated by conduction. Once the hot fluid comes to the surface,
whether by pumping or under natural convection, it can be used to produce steam
for power generation, and in many cases the water cooled after use is pumped back
into the aquifer to create a circular system (Figure 3).
Historically, geothermal developments were located close to surface expressions
of natural hydrothermal geofluid circulation systems, often in igneous or
metamorphic rock areas. However, recent advances in technology give increasing

Figure 1. Pressurised water escapes in the form of a geyser, a common sight in Yellowstone National Park, USA. Image courtesy of
Greg Rhodes.

Dr Ellie MacInnes, Head of Geothermal, CGG, UK, looks at how

geothermal energy, with the help of geoscience, can be accessed
throughout the world – and how the add-on value chain is crucial to
economically exploiting the resource.


capability for finding hidden geothermal systems and for library to develop a geoscientific understanding of the
accessing geothermal energy from sedimentary basins. Earth which can help identify new potential areas for
the development of geothermal energy projects. Using
Geoscience has the answers this information, CGG recently completed a global
Since this energy is based within the Earth, geoscience is the Geothermal Resource Assessment study that can be
route to finding the optimum ways to access it. In order to used not only to identify and assess potential promising
do this, it is important to understand not just areas of high geothermal energy sites, but also to analyse the nature of
heat flow in the subsurface, but also how permeable and the geothermal reservoir rock and provide information on
porous the rocks are and whether fluids will flow through production and monitoring solutions (Figure 5).
them easily or if fracturing will be needed. Being able to Sedimentary basins have been a major focus for
recognise how rocks respond chemically and physically to the oil and gas industry, but they are of interest to the
heat and pressure, and how they change when fluids pass geothermal industry, not only because over the years a
through them, makes it possible to assess how easy it will great deal of geological knowledge has been gathered
be to drill through them to access geothermal fluids. about them, but because, unlike volcanic areas, they
Companies that have worked in the oil and gas industry are often close to population centres and therefore any
for many decades have built up a valuable and detailed geothermal resource developed in them will have a ready
understanding of the Earth and its subsurface. One such market. The aquifers of the Paris Basin, for example, have
company is CGG, a global geoscience technology and been providing district heating for over 700 000 people
HPC leader that has been collecting and interpreting for more than 30 years. However, key properties of the
geoscientific data for over 90 years. Its geoscientists producing layers, such as distribution of porosity and
can draw on their knowledge, skills, and technologies to permeability, which will identify the rocks with high rates
bring valuable intelligence and capabilities to help better of fluid flow that will make future development of this
understand and de-risk the development of geothermal resource more effective, remain poorly understood. To
energy throughout the world. Over the last 20 years, for reduce this uncertainty, a recent study by CGG, using
example, CGG has undertaken more than 150 geothermal established oil and gas techniques such as seismic
projects, mostly applying geophysical technologies such as inversion and recently developed rock physics-guided
analysis of magnetotellurics, gravity, and microseismicity deep neural networks, was able to characterise the
in traditional areas such as the ‘Ring of Fire’, but latterly reservoirs and guide the location and design of future
also helping companies explore and develop ‘hidden’ geothermal wells.
geothermal resources using these techniques (Figure 4). In oil and gas field areas, the percentage of water
Over the years, CGG geoscientists have collected co-produced from the subsurface reservoir increases
extensive databases of the important parameters as the hydrocarbons are extracted. This water, which is
that need to be understood in oil and gas exploration, usually discarded or pumped back into the reservoir, can
and many of these, such as temperature gradients, be at temperatures high enough to be used directly for
porosity, permeability, fluid chemistry, and flow rate, heating or in some cases to generate electricity. There are
are also essential for geothermal projects. All this data some technical challenges – the higher flow rates needed
has been merged with the company’s extensive seismic for useful geothermal energy production may need a wider

Figure 2. The map shows the location of geothermal power plants, which are mostly concentrated around the Pacific ‘Ring of Fire’. Sedimentary
basins are identified as areas of future geothermal energy growth.


provide much more additional
heating in the Arctic than in
the Tropics.
If the geothermal resource
is hotter than approximately
120˚C, it can be converted
directly to electricity using
flash, steam, or binary turbine
systems and supplied to the
grid. As the water cools, it can
be recycled, with cascading
uses as the temperature drops.
Geothermal fluids of less than
120˚C can be used directly to
heat or cool residential and
industrial premises, for some
manufacturing processes, and
in agriculture and fish farming,
all without access to a power
Figure 3. Multiple geothermal energy uses and technologies dependent on the depth to reservoir, heat grid or without imposing extra
available, and energy needs. demand on an existing power
grid. Other uses for thermal
energy include drying industrial cement and aggregate
and for pulp, paper, and food processing.
Since approximately 40% of carbon released into
the atmosphere currently comes from domestic and
industrial heating and cooling, switching as much as
possible to geothermally sourced heat makes sense,
through individual ground source heat pumps and
on an industrial scale. China is a leader in the field of
geothermal direct heat; Sinopec Green Energy has built
719 heat centres in China and drilled over 700 wells. It
annually produces 15 MWe, and estimates it has saved
16 million t of CO2 emissions since it started in 2006.1
After passing through flash or steam turbines, the
steam is normally condensed to water for re-injection
into the reservoir to maintain geothermal fluid pressures
and flow rates. However, if alternative sources of
injection water are available, the condensate can be
used directly with minimal further treatment as potable
water. In coastal arid environments, geothermal energy
can be used in desalination plants, to preheat the saline
water prior to final desalination using gas, for example.
As with wind, solar, and nuclear, geothermal
electrical energy can be used to generate green
hydrogen through hydrolysis of fresh water. The
Figure 4. Geophysical 3D modelling delineates most prospective geothermal
reservoir zone.
freshwater condensate from flash or steam geothermal
turbines provides a self-contained hydrogen-generation
system, whereas the other energy sources would need
diameter borehole, for example – but it is a promising and an external source of fresh water – a potential problem in
potentially cost-effective development. water-stressed areas.
A potentially very important economic benefit from
The geothermal value chain geothermal projects is in critical mineral production. When
However, accessing the natural heat of the Earth is not brines are trapped at high pressure deep in the Earth,
just about producing heat to generate electricity; there they often have high concentrations of minerals, including
is abundant thermal energy in the fluid remaining after critical elements such as lithium and manganese, as well
driving the turbines. The value of this remaining thermal as rare earths, platinum group metals, and arsenic, all of
energy varies with climate: 40˚C water would, for example, which are in high demand for the production of batteries


and electronics and the construction of wind and solar will be crucial. Having identified a promising area, the project
farms. If these critical minerals can be economically would progress to the appraisal stage, where, to understand
extracted and purified from the brines, geothermal the reservoir and predict what the resource will be, a detailed
projects would become more cost-effective at a wider knowledge of the rock properties is key. This is followed
range of locations. by the development stage, in which detailed 3D structural
Considerable research is being undertaken on this models based on seismic, other geophysical technologies,
idea in, among other places, the Salton Sea, a shallow, and well data are used to ensure optimum well placement
saline lake in southern California, the US, that lies on into the aquifer. Once a geothermal project is underway,
the San Andreas fault and is an area of high geothermal reservoir modelling tools and seismic are used to monitor
activity, where there are already a number of producing what is happening underground and to help to understand
geothermal power stations. Several of these are working the flow of the fluids in the subsurface.
on direct lithium extraction from the hot brine residuals Therefore, to ensure geothermal projects can take full
from the power plants, and it has been estimated that the advantage of the value chain and minimise subsurface
11 existing geothermal plants along the Salton Sea alone risks, it is vital that there is a good understanding of the
could have the potential to produce enough lithium metal subsurface using geoscience knowledge, including the
to provide approximately 10 times the current US demand. 2 databases, technologies, skills, and experience developed
Since at the moment the value of lithium is 6 – 8 times over many decades by companies, such as CGG.
greater than that of geothermal power, mineral extraction
from brines could be the key to making geothermal References
‘Who We Are’, Arctic Green Energy,
projects more economic. A knowledge of the subsurface 1.
2. CARIAGA, C., ‘Entire US lithium demand can be supplied by Salton Sea geothermal
and constituents of geothermal waters may be key to plants’, ThinkGeoEnergy, (24 March 2022).
unlocking this promise, and
this can be provided through
CGG’s Lithium Brine Screening
study, which evaluated more
than 250 000 data points and
27 000 lithium measurements
to create a comprehensive and
consistent water chemistry
database, supplemented by key
engineering and geochemical
characteristics (Figure 6).
This cascading chain of
additional uses and products
is an important aspect of
geothermal projects, as they
can deliver more than electrical
energy alone. Figure 5. CGG’s Geothermal Resource Assessment (GRA) study draws upon CGG’s unique well, seismic,
and interpretation database and experience in over 150 completed geothermal projects.
Decades of cumulative
The capabilities, technologies,
skills, and understanding acquired
by CGG over many years is relevant
to geothermal projects because
the exploitation of a geothermal
project follows a similar trajectory
to that of an oil or gas discovery
and uses similar technologies.
Initially, research may be on a
global scale, aided by products
such as the global Geothermal
Resource Assessment study and
then, akin to the exploration phase
of an oil and gas project, it will
move to a more regional scale, Figure 6. CGG’s Lithium Brine Screening study supports client exploration for sustainable sources
where subsurface knowledge of lithium (and other critical elements) found within geothermal fluids. The map shows investigated
from CGG’s seismic databases screening locations for lithium brines.


Taylor Mattie, Director of Geothermal
Technologies and Innovations,
Baker Hughes, USA, explores
geothermal power in the context
of offtakers.

ne would be hard pressed to find an
industry today that is not actively working
to decarbonise and participate in the
global energy transition. While many
may focus on wind, solar, and battery storage as

possible replacements for fossil fuels, other solutions are most geothermal systems today generate zero carbon
often overlooked. emissions and take up a fraction of the surface footprint
One such example is geothermal energy, which uses compared to wind and solar generation sites.
the vast energy of the Earth in the form of heat for power There are barriers to developing geothermal, however;
generation or heating and cooling. It has been used to projects require high levels of up-front capital investment
generate power for nearly 100 years and counting, and – typically between US$2 – US$7 million per well. Even
Baker Hughes has been supporting this energy source in though those costs can be recouped over the long term,
various capacities for nearly half that period. operators and investors want a quick payout or to reduce
Using the heat generated within the Earth means costs and eliminate as many risks as possible. Developers
geothermal is always on, making it a baseload energy and investors want assurance that the energy produced
source. Unlike wind and solar, it is producing energy more will be purchased if a geothermal plant is constructed.
than 95% of the time and is indifferent to the sun shining This is known as the offtaker.
or the wind blowing. Its continuity and reliability of supply
and availability are significant advantages. Consider too, Geothermal and the digital world
In the past few years, however, a new type
of geothermal power offtaker is dawning
on the horizon: datacentres and crypto
farms. These differ from traditional power
and heat purchasers due to both the
massive volumes of energy required to
run them and the nature of the facilities
themselves. Here, geothermal is used as
a zero-carbon fuel and enabler for the
digital world. And the digital world is
Large datacentres being planned
today have power demands that can
range up to 300 MW, or roughly the
equivalent demand of 225 000 – 300 000
Figure 1. While many focus on wind, solar or batter storage, geothermal is often overlooked average households. Looking forward, the
as an alternative energy source.
trend is to further leverage economies of
scale and deploy even larger installations.
There are a number of operational
datacenters and crypto mining facilities
already using geothermal for their energy
needs – some of which were developed
with the support of Baker Hughes and its
bespoke technology portfolio.

Case study: Iceland and

El Salvador
As early as 2014, crypto currencies,
such as Bitcoin, were being mined in
Iceland, where the combination of
cool, year-round temperatures and an
abundance of geothermal energy create
ideal conditions for low-carbon power
and the need for server cooling. In fact,
so many datacentres are rushing to take
advantage of these conditions that some
in the tech industry are calling it a ‘digital
arms race’.
Baker Hughes is well-positioned
to assist in this effort, with an historic
presence in Iceland, in addition to a
portfolio of technology for geothermal
Figure 2. Using the Earth’s own heat means geothermal energy is ‘always on’ and not well drilling and construction. As part
dependent on the wind blowing or the sun shining. of this portfolio, the company has


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drilled a well for the Icelandic Deep Drilling Project 2, table is difficult and costly. The capacity factor of these
which is the hottest and deepest geothermal well ever technologies can barely reach 50%, unless a costly storage
drilled in Iceland. system is built as well.
While Iceland’s cool climate is highly advantageous Since geothermal is a baseload energy source
when it comes to cooling servers, it is not a requirement. with more than 95% capacity, a vertically integrated
For example, on the opposite end of the spectrum, there power solution is highly attractive, as it can bring
has been significant crypto currency mining in El Salvador, competitive, consistent, renewable power to
powered by geothermal energy. Specifically in the region the datacentre.
around the Tecapa volcano, a number of Bitcoin mining Baker Hughes has developed a unique geothermal
operations are active, using geothermal power produced solution, as its modern technology and capabilities range
by the 109 MW Berlin geothermal field. In 2021, El Salvador’s from reservoir engineering to an understanding of the
president announced a new project called ‘Bitcoin City’, geothermal resource, to the drilling and construction of
which will be developed at another volcano approximately wells, to accessing the resource, to the turbines needed
100 km from Berlin. The Berlin geothermal power plant for power generation. This portfolio stretches across the
has been using a flash steam turbine from Baker Hughes entire scope of geothermal project development and
since 2004. minimises the cost, risk, and time required to get the
power or the heat online.
Utilising renewable energy
When considering the wider topic of using renewable Conclusion
energy for datacenter or crypto farming, the key to Overall, the use of geothermal for datacentres and crypto
success is secure, reliable, and competitively priced power. mining is still considered new, but as more players in this
There have been some attempts at vertically integrated space work to achieve their net zero carbon emission
wind, solar, or hydroelectric power plants for 100% offtake goals, this is an area of the market that is projected to
for datacentres. But delivering this key element to the grow rapidly.

Figure 3. Geothermal energy has been used to generate heat and power for more than 100 years.


Never get stuck again
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The Non Stop Driller (NSD) is a sub-based constant circulation system

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drilling efficiency, operational safety, hole condition, and equipment • Reduce downhole temperatures • High temperature downhole
integration. which may damage the BHA tools are expensive and may
• Condition the mud throughout be destroyed by the wells
the entire section through criteria for static temperature
continuous circulation and conditions. This leads to loss
117 sections Over 780 days mixing of MWD/LWD data and
Over 5188
drilled over of rig time • Better hole cleaning and expensive tool failures
connections cuttings management through requiring additional trips
5 continents saved
high losses


opportunity through
Karl Farrow, Founder and CEO of CeraPhi Energy, UK, talks about the opportunity geotherm
and gas sector could be h

n these challenging and unpredictable times – climate

change, rising energy costs, financial instability, and the
uncertainty of the geopolitical landscape – the energy the
world uses and the security around this has become ever
more important.
Geothermal as an energy source has been available for
centuries, and is the only true baseload energy. Available
everywhere and anywhere – and with 99% of the Earth’s
volume having temperatures exceeding 1000˚C – geothermal
is a baseload energy, meaning it provides 24/7 energy and
can be viewed as one giant battery with enough clean
renewable energy to help meet the 2050 Paris Agreement’s
net zero targets, and to potentially last billions of years.

What is geothermal energy, and how

does it fit into the energy mix?
To meet the Paris Agreement targets and set a global
warming target of 1.5˚C, global energy use must transition
from oil and gas to cleaner and more sustainable
energy sources.
Realistically, no one source of renewable energy
can completely replace the current energy supply from

mal presents as a viable and realistic part of the energy mix, and how the skill set of the oil
harnessed in this transition.

fossil fuels such as oil and gas – and it is a blend of all

energy sources that will enable this transition to happen.
But, what needs to be grasped is that geothermal energy
is always available, unlike solar and wind (which are
discontinuous and require ancillary systems to operate),
or biomass and hydrogen (which require feed stock from
fossil fuel or cultivated source, in turn having a damaging
environmental impact). Furthermore, a key benefit of
geothermal is that it provides heat directly.
Geothermal energy is heat created from radioactive
decay penetrating through the sub-surface of the earth.
Different geothermal technologies with distinct levels
of maturity exist. Technology for direct use including
district heating, geothermal heat pumps, greenhouses,
and other such applications are widely used and already
considered mature. Technology for electricity generation
from hydrothermal reservoirs has been used commercially
for more than 100 years, and is completely reliable. Yet,
despite the staggering amount of geothermal energy
contained within the Earth’s sub-surface, only 16 GWe of
energy is currently being commercially produced from this
source globally.


Many of the world’s continents are already utilising How can the transition be achieved?
geothermal energy to meet their energy needs and there is, There are two strands to energy transition:
undoubtedly, huge potential in this sector; however, the UK FFThe movement of energy resourcing from
and the world needs to ramp up use of this viable and non-renewable energy resources to renewable
natural energy resource in order to remain serious about energy solutions.
hitting the global environmental targets.
FFThe repurposing of oil and gas wells for geothermal,
and the utilisation of an already highly-skilled existing
oil and gas work force who can seamlessly make the
transition into the geothermal energy space.

There are currently an estimated >20 million oil

and gas wells across the world, with an estimated
3.2 million located in the US. Many of these are end of
life and non-producing. Acknowledging there are some
differences between oil and gas and geothermal energy
production – geothermal requires deeper accessibility
and functions at higher temperatures – the expertise
and services from the oil and gas sector can access
it easily.
Couple this with the existence of an already
skilled work force, in the hundreds of thousands of
Figure 1. Projected temperature increases. people who work in the global oil and gas sector,
and the geothermal energy industry has
a ready-made, hugely skilled work base
that already uses much of the technology
and work practices that would seamlessly
transition into this renewable energy space.

What does the future look like

for geothermal energy?
A huge challenge for the geothermal energy
industry is perception. Drilling in geothermal
needs to be looked at in the same way as
in oil and gas. The only difference being,
with oil and gas the requirement is to get
the resource as quickly as possible and then
shut down the field. Geothermal is about
Figure 2. The CeraPhi geothermal energy cascade. getting the fuel for as long as possible, at a
lower but longer rate of return – a baseload
replacement for heat that can be monetised
with a bottom line of double digits.
Wider political and funding support
and a commitment to the development of
geothermal technology as a viable part
of the new renewable energy mix is also
much needed and – working with, and as
a founding member of the Geothermal
Energy Advancement Association (GEAA)
– CeraPhi Energy is already starting to
make significant headway accelerating the
development of geothermal solutions.
Similarly, the company is already
well underway advocating and initiating
the migration and application of oil and
gas expertise. Earlier this year, CeraPhi
appointed Petrofac to support it on a ‘first
Figure 3. The communication challenge for geothermal. of its kind’ study that will evaluate whether


oil and gas wells in the North Sea can be repurposed for and where retrofit architecture can be installed to
geothermal energy. The work on the Enquest Magnus will leverage some commercial return as opposed to a costly
determine whether heat from the wells can be used as a well abandonment.
direct power and/or as a heating or cooling for services CeraPhi Energy is well positioned to advance the use
and utility. of geothermal energy both across the UK and the world
The opportunities for geothermal energy as a viable, and to demonstrate the real viability of this energy source
clean, continuous, and secure part of the energy mix are as a key player in the energy mix. The company’s turnkey
considerable. The resources are already there in the millions capabilities and highly skilled team are already operational
of unused oil and gas wells across the world. The skill set of on projects across the globe and continue to advocate
oil and gas professionals is already there to draw on, with geothermal energy as the cleanest, cheapest, and most
engineering skills in well integrity management, root cause efficient 24/7 baseload energy.
analysis, corrosion and erosion, wellbore management,
fracturing, and stimulation of all areas of expertise
transferable to the geothermal energy sector.

The technology
Technology is key in the production of geothermal
energy, and CeraPhi Energy are already well advanced
in the development and utilisation of it. One of these
technologies is CeraPhiWellTM, which enables the
recovery of commercially useable heat energy from
the sub-surface virtually anywhere in the world. A
downhole heat exchanger, CeraPhiWell is designed
to circulate proprietary working fluids, moving the
heat to the surface where it can then be processed
into direct heat or power use before being returned
to the well.
Additionally, the technology offers a ‘fall back’ for
those wells that fall short of production expectations
Figure 4. Temperatures per kilometre.

Figure 5. A geothermal hot spring.


J. Gary McDaniel, CEO, and Jim Hollis,
COO, Geothermal Technologies, Inc., USA,
discuss how geothermal energy has been
utilised over time, and how the development
in technology has aided with this.

use of geothermal energy is not new. People have been using

the hot water and steam emanating from natural pools and hot
springs for thousands of years for heating their homes, bathing,
and cooking. Of course, these uses were limited to areas having
hot springs. In more recent times, with the advent of modern
technologies, the use of geothermal energy has begun to
expand. In fact, although not widely used until the late 19th Century, the
world’s first district heating system was installed at Chaudes-Aigues,
France, in the 14th Century. Geothermal district heating systems are now
used in many places around the world.
The use of geothermal energy to produce commercial power first
occurred in 1911 in the very first geothermal power plant built in the
Devil’s Valley in the Larderello, Italy, dry steam field. This plant provided
electricity for the Italian railway system. In 1958, New Zealand’s Wairakei
power station became operational. This power plant was the first
in the world to make use of flash steam technology. Since the 1980s,
the use of binary and organic rankine cycle (ORC) power production
technologies has grown, especially when harvesting power from lower
temperature geothermal resources. Over the next couple of decades,
many countries including the US, Iceland, Turkiye, Kenya, Indonesia,
the Philippines, New Zealand, Italy, Germany, and Mexico, have invested

in geothermal power technologies. Today, a total of 17.4 GW of All good, except for the fact that natural hydrothermal systems
electric power is generated from geothermal energy sources. are rare, representing only approximately 2% of the Earth’s
surface (Figure 1). While a great approach, this first generation of
Generation one: Hydrothermal systems geothermal energy is simply not scalable.
Until recently, other than the use of modern technologies,
the harvesting of geothermal energy for heating and power Generation two: Hot dry rock, enhanced
production has not changed all that much. Essentially, the geothermal systems
majority of the 17.4 GW of electricity that is being generated Acknowledging this geographical limitation, and knowing
around the world is still being done in areas where hot water that basement rock is very hot, scientists and engineers began
and steam are close to the surface. These are areas around working on creating an engineered system to harvest the heat
the plate boundaries, known for volcanic activity (such as the from hot dry rock (HDR). Such a system can be constructed
Ring of Fire, New Zealand, Indonesia, and Iceland). These plants virtually anywhere. The deeper you drill, the hotter it gets. The
take advantage of existing natural hydrothermal systems – first enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) effort took place at
heat close to the surface (magma), underground fractures Fenton Hill, New Mexico, the US, with a project run by the US’s
(plumbing system), water (oceans) – bringing that water and federal Los Alamos laboratory. It was the first attempt to make
steam to the surface for district heating or to run power plants. a deep, full scale EGS reservoir (Figure 2). Since then, billions of
US dollars have been invested in the development of EGS systems
in Australia, France, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, and the US.
To date, this approach has proven unsuccessful. The reasons
are four-fold: (1) The water that is pumped into the injection well
sometimes finds its way into the HDR’s natural fracture system
and disappears; (2) The water that does make its way to the
production well leaches minerals from the rock, corroding pipes
and causing numerous maintenance and operational problems;
(3) The basement rock is very dense and cannot be adequately
imaged using existing technologies. Therefore, drilling operations
are often ‘wildcatting’, with drillers hoping to hit a suitable
Figure 1. Existing geothermal power plants (2021) are geologically fracture system; (4) Rock is an insulator, not a conductor. It has
and geographically very rare. a very low thermal diffusivity. Because the process is dealing
with rock, conduction is the only mechanism for heat transfer to
occur (Figure 3), as convection only occurs in liquids and gases.
Therefore, the geothermal resource is quickly exhausted as the
rate of heat extraction exceeds the rate of natural heat recharge
(conduction through the rock).
Much work is being done to address these problems. In the US,
for example, the Department of Energy has funded the FORGE
project which is looking to find solutions.

Generation three: Closed loop systems

In recent years, new technologies have been emerging which
address many of the problems in these second generation EGS
systems. These are the closed loop designs. There are several
companies commercialising closed loop systems, including
Eavor Technologies, GreenFire Energy, and Sage Geosystems.
All have a different approach, but all involve circulating a heat
Figure 2. Hot dry rock (HDR)/enhanced geothermal systems (EGS)
system. Source: Department of Energy. exchange fluid in an underground closed loop system to harvest
the heat from the geothermal resource. With these systems, there
is no loss of water (circulation), there are no leaching/corrosion
problems, and imaging/wildcatting is not an issue. If used for district
heating purposes, these technologies are certainly up to the task.
What remains to be seen is how these technologies will be able
to overcome the problem of the exhaustion of the geothermal
resource that will occur due to the rapid heat extraction that is
required to produce economic power.

Generation four: Hot sedimentary aquifers

Hot sedimentary aquifiers (HSAs) have been used in various
Figure 3. Heat transfer equation in HDR/EGS places around the globe for district heating, but due to various


temperature and flow rate limitations, have found minimal use for
large scale power generation. However, recent advances in oil and
gas exploration and production technologies are about to change
this dynamic. Novel approaches to mining the heat from HSAs are
now being taken in an attempt to address the problems of the
first three generations of geothermal power production. Several
companies, such as Geothermal Technologies, Inc. (GTI) in the US
and DEEP in Canada, are working in the area and are bringing
these new technologies to bear. HSAs are an interesting geothermal
resource because:
1. HSAs are globally abundant, existing in many areas of the world
– solving the scalability problem of first generation geothermal
power production.

2. HSAs contain large volumes of hot water that can be harvested.

Figure 4. Illustration of Geothermal Technologies, Inc.’s
And, that water will not be wandering off through the natural GenaSysTM Convective Recharge.
fracture system – solving the loss of water problem. In fact, the
fractures will help with the circulation of water within the aquifer,
thereby bringing water/heat to the system from the far field.

3. The water in the aquifer is at chemical equilibrium with

the surrounding sandstone – eliminating the water
leaching/corrosion problem. The composition of the water
is constant and predictable, allowing for proper metallurgy
selection in the facility’s design.

4. The geology of these reservoirs consists of sandstones which

can be thoroughly imaged with the 3D seismic, passive seismic,
and electromagnetic imaging technologies that have been
developed for the oil and gas industry – solving the wildcatting
problem and enabling the placement of the wells in locations Figure 5. Key technologies incorporated in identifying optimised
GenaSys geothermal plant locations and optimising power generation.
for optimum system performance.

5. Water, being a liquid, allows for both convective and design of the underground power system. GTI’s forward modelling
conductive heat transfer. This combination maximises the efforts are coupled with proprietary machine-learning algorithms
heat transfer within the system – eliminating the exhaustion of that facilitate the fusion of multiple data layers that parameterise
the geothermal resource due to the convective recharge that the geology of the underground power system. GTI is in the process
occurs (Figure 4). of leveraging subsurface imaging technologies – both active and
passive seismic to not only better understand the subsurface
Case study: GTI’s geothermal power structure, but also the magnitude and velocity of the convective
plant development in Colorado heat recharge system.
GTI is currently developing a GenaSys geothermal power plant GTI has secured the surface and subsurface rights to drill
within the sedimentary basin not far from the US city of Denver, and construct a power plant from a local landowner and is in the
Colorado. Much is known about the subsurface geologic process of receiving a permit from the State of Colorado to begin
formations from the decades of oil and gas exploration that drilling operations.
continues to this day. Beneath the oil and gas fields lies a In addition to the application of geoscience technologies, GTI is
hot (approximately 135˚C), saline non-potable aquifer that is collaborating with many of the world’s experts from the oil and gas
contained within a permeable sandstone formation. GTI has industry, including Helmerich and Payne (H&P), an experienced and
been able to repurpose many of the technologies developed technically advanced drilling company based in the US, and the
recently to explore for hydrocarbons. Proprietary technologies global oil field services company Halliburton who will lead the effort
have also been developed that are focused on optimising the of completing and instrumenting the wells in preparation for power
geothermal power system for longevity and for reducing the cost production. The above ground system will be provided by one of
of the electricity. the many ORC power generation system vendors who GTI is in the
Some of the key technologies applied by GTI in the development process of vetting. Considering the permitting and construction
of the Denver-Julesburg Basin GenaSysTM geothermal plant are time, GTI expects to be making clean, baseload, economic power
summarised in Figure 5. Forward modelling that incorporates the by 2024 and supplying that power to either a local customer or to
geoscientific data obtained from oil and gas developments and the electrical grid that supplies Denver and its neighbouring cities
other sources allows GTI scientists and engineers to optimise the for decades.


Rasmus Rubycz, Market Manager New Energy,
Atlas Copco Gas and Process Division, Germany, outlines the changing
energy landscape, focusing on the important role the heat pump plays
within the industry.


or decades, it was almost a certainty: energy efforts to minimise the effect of crises, volatile prices,
was available when it was needed. The price: and imports.
negligible to acceptable. Be it coal, oil, or natural Green hydrogen, widely praised as an energy
gas, these cheap fossil fuel energy sources have game-changer, appears in many industries as a simple
been powering production around the world since the and pragmatic solution to help end dependence on
Industrial Revolution. fossil fuel energy sources. However, it is produced from
If one looks back at the history of the industries, the electricity with high energy losses and requires greater
last two centuries in particular have been characterised by efficiencies before its wide scale deployment. Moreover, for
constant increases in the speed, efficiency, and capacity ordinary applications, heat pumps can do the job as good
of production. On the one hand, this development has as hydrogen, and increases in electrolyser efficiency will
brought wealth and the convenience of a modern lifestyle not change this fact.
to many areas of the world. On the other hand, burning Of course, there are many industrial applications
fossil fuels to power modern industry is the main cause of for which hydrogen can be used sensibly – in particular,
climate change, experienced in extreme weather, poor air applications that require high temperatures for
quality, and species extinction. combustion, a direct chemical reaction, or for long-term
But something is happening, and not only since recent energy storage. Examples of this are in steel production,
climate demonstrations have put greater pressure on cement production, the glass industry, or hydrogen as a
decision-makers and supervisory boards. For the first time feedstock in the chemical industry.
in modern history, the goals of many politicians, industrial
decision-makers, and climate activists are narrowing: Temperatures – only as high
“Things cannot stay the way they are” is the mantra. as necessary
Admittedly, the individual motivations may be different, As well as these example industries, there is a lot of
with one group more concerned about protecting the energy demand below the high-temperature level. Still,
planet, for example, and another more concerned about even low temperatures are generated with extremely hot
the continued existence of a business or business model. flames, something that is not technically necessary. In
Whatever the reasoning, the aim is greater sustainability. paper production, the food industry, parts of the chemical
industry, and also district heating, temperatures of only
Energy independence approximately 100 – 250˚C are required.
The most recent geopolitical developments of 2022 have Reflecting the recognition that in many situations,
further revealed the dangers of countries depending on lower temperatures are sufficient to produce the required
fossil fuels for energy: the intensive interdependence of energy or fulfil process needs, a technology that is now
the energy markets make fossil fuels highly susceptible to almost a century old is gaining greater attention: the
international crises. Without a constant supply of energy heat pump.
sources, the lights literally go out. This dependency Technically, heat pumps are comparable to the
not only makes national economies vulnerable to working principle of a normal refrigerator: a liquefiable
crises, but also, to a certain extent, it makes them gas, the so-called refrigerant, is evaporated in a cyclic
externally determined. process at low pressure, compressed in a compressor,
So, it is not just the idea of sustainability that is leading and condensed at higher pressure. The cycle is closed
to a rethink across many political parties; it is also about by a pressure reduction component, usually an

expansion valve. During evaporation, the refrigerant though even operated with electricity from efficient
absorbs heat, such as from inside the refrigerator or from gas- and coal-fired power plants may save CO 2.
a low-temperature environmental or process heat source.
The gaseous refrigerant condenses after compression at Farewell to fossil fuels
high pressure and high temperature. In the case of the While the technology has long lived in the shadows of
refrigerator, this heat is released into the ambient air. With cheaply available fossil fuels, the current extremely high
a heat pump, this heat is used for something useful, such fuel prices and the lack of security of supply in parts of the
as heating, district heating, or process heat. world now finally seem to be setting the stage for the heat
pump’s grand entrance. It seems ironic that the first large
COP, and getting the most from scale installations in Switzerland, dating back to 1938,
the electricity were installed with the same motivation of minimising
The magic of the heat pump lies in precisely this trick: dependence on imported coal.
the heat is loaded into a refrigerant and raised to a Several large Atlas Copco Gas and Process heat
higher temperature level using additional energy. This pumps with turbocompressors have been in operation
means that typically 2 – 4 kWh of heat can be pumped in Scandinavia since the 1980s, which speaks for the
with 1 kWh of electricity. This ratio of electricity used to longevity of the technology. The heat source is cleaned
usable heat is referred to in technology as co-efficient of waste water from a sewage treatment plant, and the
performance (COP). heat sink is the urban district heating system. The systems
Electric heaters have a COP of 1, and the electrolysis achieve thermal outputs of over 60 MW per unit.
and combustion of hydrogen is typically 0.6, mainly due to Regarding CO 2 savings, heat pumps in industry offer
losses in electrolysis. enormous potential: two Atlas Copco Gas and Process
A heat pump, therefore, generates much more usable heat pumps installed in Stockholm’s heating network,
heat from the same amount of electricity compared each with 40 MW thermal output, save 90 000 tpy of
to other technologies. Furthermore, no carbon dioxide CO 2 emissions (compared to the previous use of heating
(CO2) is emitted if climate-neutral electricity from the oil). To achieve a comparable saving in road traffic, it
sun, wind, water, nuclear power, or other sources is used, would mean that the average Swedish gasoline-powered
cars would have to drive 500 million km fewer every year
(approximately 400 times to the moon and back).

The high impact areas of industry

There are five areas of production in particular that stand
out for the use of heat pumps: paper production, food
production, chemical/petrochemical, general production,
and the aforementioned production of district heating.
In these sectors, a large part of the required heat is
used at temperatures between 80 – 250˚C. At the same
time, low-temperature waste heat is available in all
production plants, which is rejected via cooling towers.
Figure 1. Cumulative amount and temperature levels of waste
From an energy point of view, this conventional use of heat
heat/process heat demand in the EU. The total amount of available
waste heat adds up to 314 000 GWh/y. Data source: TNO 2021. is an open process that can be converted into an energy
circular economy by using a heat pump.
As well as from industrial production, there are more
heat sources that are readily available which may not
be immediately recognisable as such: municipal sewage
treatment plants and hydrogen electrolysis plants
represent a continuous flow of low-temperature heat that
can be made usable again (similarly, river and sea water).

Example: Chemical industry

Using an example from the chemical industry, the
possibility of seamless integration of a heat pump
into existing systems becomes clear. In the industrial
production of bioethanol, the ethanol/water mixture
obtained through fermentation is separated by a
Figure 2. Basic principle of a heat pump. Here, a single stage, multi-stage distillation at approximately 80 – 100˚C. The
subcritical cycle is shown. The co-efficient of performance distillation column is usually heated with low-pressure
expresses the efficiency of the heat pump at given temperature lifts steam, which is generated from natural gas in a power
and temperatures. plant or boiler. After separation, the purified ethanol


--- ---
steam is condensed in a water-cooled condenser and the Such a system with a temperature rise from 70˚C to 110˚C
heat is released into the environment via cooling towers. may achieve a COP of 4, while thermal outputs of up to
However, if the heat of condensation of the ethanol approximately 50 MW can be achieved per machine.
is transferred into the circuit of a heat pump, the heat
from the distillation can be fed back in as usable heat. Example: Food production
In the production of sugar, large amounts of heat
are required to first produce syrup and then crystal
sugar from the aqueous sugar extract of the beets or
sugar cane.
In conventional systems, the waste heat of the first
apparatus is already used several times to heat the
downstream processes, but eventually, it becomes
waste heat at approximately 50˚C, which can no longer
be used economically and is rejected via a cooling
tower. This lost heat must be replenished by fresh
energy, which is usually generated from fossil fuels.
A heat pump can be used here instead of the
cooling tower. Since the sugar production apparatus is
an expensive, specially manufactured component, the
heat pump has to meet the existing requirements for
the available heating medium, which is usually water
vapour at low pressure.
Figure 3. Heat pumps produce much more useful heat from the same amount
of electricity compared to electric heaters, or even hydrogen production A heat pump with an oil-free integrally geared
and usage. turbocompressor can easily achieve the necessary
temperature rise from 50˚C to 140˚C to produce
the required steam at 2.5 bar. Due to the higher
temperature range, the COP is lower, but it still
achieves good values of approximately 3, depending
on how low the cooling water is to be cooled.

Example: Hydrogen electrolysis

No system has perfect efficiency, and this is especially
true for large scale electrolysis for the production of
green hydrogen. The prevailing polymer electrolyte
membrane (PEM) technology achieves 60 – 70%
efficiency. With a 100 MW electrolysis, approximately
30 MW waste heat is generated at a level below 80˚C.
In industry in particular, upcycling this waste heat
represents an easy way to exploit the full potential of
the hydrogen economy: on the one hand, replacing
fossil fuels with hydrogen where really necessary (such
as in furnaces, cement, and metallurgy), and on the
other hand, replacing fossil-fuel generated steam
with hydrogen ‘green steam’ from the waste heat of
the electrolysis.

Proven turbocompressor technology

The optimisation of industrial heat pumps
represents a system with a number of variables.
Larger outputs generally require high-performance
turbomachines, while continuously operating
production processes in industry require maximum
reliability and economy.
Integrally geared turbocompressors represent
a technology that has been tried and tested for
decades, and they can be ideally combined with the
Figure 4. Integrally geared turbocompressor as part of the industrial heat above-mentioned requirements for performance,
pump for district heat generation at Hammarbyverket, Sweden. reliability, and economy. Due to the possibility of


flexible arrangements of up to eight individual
compressor stages on a gearbox, there is the
possibility of multiple inter-stage cooling. The COP
benefits enormously, especially in the case of heat
pumps with a large temperature lift, but the setup
of the machine remains simple because only one
drive motor is required.
To compensate for fluctuations in heat
demand, the compressor stages can be precisely
controlled via inlet guide vanes. Due to this entirely
mechanical control, expensive power electronics
for speed control can be dispensed with in most
Figure 5. By combining heat pumps and steam compression systems, steam
cases. Especially in critical applications in large generation from even very low grade temperatures is possible.
production plants, a simple, mechanical power
and capacity control is usually a preferred option.

Customised systems welcome

However, the secret star of the heat pump is the
refrigerant. Without beneficial properties, no heat
pump can achieve high COP values. Many systems
with lower performance use components from the
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)
industry, which is why established refrigerants
such as hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) of the latest
generation (such as R1233zee and R1234yf) are
also used here. Manufacturers promote these
refrigerants as a future-proof choice, with no
negative impact on the ozone layer and very low
global-warming potential. However, long-term Figure 6. Depending on the heat source and sink temperature,
Atlas Copco Gas and Process heat pumps can use a wide range of suited fluids for
consequences, such as the environmental impact the given application.
of the degradation-product trifluoroacetic
acid (TFA), raise legitimate questions and
become more important given the normal service life of construction of the core component of the heat pump: the
Atlas Copco Gas and Process compressors is over 30 years. centrifugal compressor.
With filling-quantities in the ton scale, the high price This means that a strong engineering/EPC partner
of HFCs is accompanied by its high weight, while natural is needed to build a complete heat pump system.
hydrocarbons in the form of LPG are freely available and Based on many years of experience in working with
at low cost. internationally active EPCs, Atlas Copco Gas and Process
Because of these points, Atlas Copco Gas and Process selects the optimal partner depending on the
heat pump compressors use natural refrigerants, requirements of the project. For projects in Europe,
specifically hydrocarbons, water, inert gases (nitrogen for example, it has an exclusive partnership with
and argon), and carbon dioxide. Of course, machines EPC STRABAG Environmental Technologies.
with HFCs and ammonia as the working fluids are
also available. Summary
As an expert for turbomachinery in oil and gas There are three obvious reasons for using heat pumps:
processing, the handling of combustible gases is an CO2 emission reduction, cost reduction (fuel savings, CO2
everyday task for Atlas Copco Gas and Process that fits emission certificates, tax breaks, and so on), and security
into any machine concept without problems. A suitable of supply.
configuration can be created from the modular range of The heat pump as an industrial technology has been
machines for applications up to 500˚C, with the different mature for decades, but it has existed for years in the
temperature ranges requiring different refrigerants shadow of fossil fuels due to a lack of need. Now, however,
and designs. with sustainability demands and the price of fossil fuels, it is
fair to say that the age of the heat pump is beginning.
Focus on the core know-how: Integrally Regardless of the motivation behind the investment
geared turbocompressors decision for an industrial heat pump, in the end it is a
Reflecting on one’s strengths is a good way to be further step towards the decarbonisation of industry,
sustainable and successful in life. And true to this motto, something that is urgently needed to meet the climate goals
Atlas Copco Gas and Process focuses on the design and of the Paris climate agreement.


Austin Harbison, Smart Technology Manager,
CRP Subsea, UK, talks about the importance of safely
protecting subsea electrical cables in the shallow
waters of offshore wind farms.

s the world balances its transition from fossil

fuels to renewable sources of energy, the
changing tide of supply will inevitably lead
to unforeseen industry challenges and
failures, resulting in new approaches
and improvements to support further growth and
cost-effectiveness in these sectors. These
lessons must be learnt in order to see how
best to identify and adapt so as to
guarantee reliable energy supply and
security in the future.
Over 30 years ago, offshore
wind farms started to
emerge in Europe, with
slow adoption through
the turn of the
to almost

the past
and ever more
coming online as
2030 comes closer.
Development focus has
led to great gains in the
most visible part (the turbine
and its blades), but as a result, is
the whole system being mistakenly
labelled a mature technology
not in need of further investment
and improvement?
As with any system, it is only as strong as
its weakest link, and some are beginning to argue
that its very connection to people’s homes might just
be that. Given the environment in which these systems
are immersed, and the unforgiving nature of coastal waters,
small risks are being exacerbated, but through the lessons of
failure, new approaches are uncovered to mitigate, analyse, and
eliminate them.
To facilitate the world’s burgeoning thirst for renewable electricity,
submarine cable production has been increasing like never before to meet
with the demand for offshore wind, with the cumulative deployed length of
cables now exceeding the diameter of the planet, and an eight-fold increase
coming online within the decade. Thus, any risk to their integrity could impact the

entire industry and, without cable redundancy on most to the turbine’s monopile. Cable management during the
fields, any single point failure could lead to considerable installation of such inter-array cables sees great care
loss of power to homes and businesses. taken in the cable’s submergence and movement toward
its connection point, offsetting historical installation
Cable protection products failure risks. The cables are laid in such a way as to
CRP Subsea has spent nearly half a century refining its eliminate overbending or stress – as they are pulled
cable protection products, to either offset cable weights, toward the connecting turbine, they are provided with
or to protect them from abrasion, overbending, and protective cladding (which accurately controls bending
fatigue. With over 100 000 buoyancy modules deployed radii) as winches on the turbine pull them ever closer,
and over 300 km of cable protection supplied, the then upward into the turbine’s monopile without a kink.
product’s tenure is not in doubt. But these numbers, whilst This protective cladding generally meets the point of
impressive, pale into insignificance when compared entry of the monopile, which could be a cut orifice or
with the lengths of cables now being deployed globally. j-tube, where the cladding becomes permanently affixed
However, CRP Subsea’s focus is not the overall cable itself, to the pile, permitting the subsequent cable to be hauled
but arduous hot spots along it where, without additional through it without overbending. This cladding, evolving
support, it may suffer catastrophic failure. to support safe cable installations, can then also be
One such location is the transition of the cable from used to strengthen the elevated section from the heave
the security of burial in the seabed toward its connection and sway of waves and tidal currents as they accelerate
around the pile and over the sandbank. Thus,
the cladding, or cable protection system (CPS),
has a dual purpose: 1) to aid installation, and
2) to mitigate this hotspot’s operational response
to the hydrodynamic environment. The primary
goal of both purposes is to reduce overbend and
excessive movement.
Prior to the cable’s insertion into the pile,
a blanket of rock is laid to protect the pile’s
foundation from localised erosion, created
by the water currents accelerating around it.
This scour protection, which the CPS sits atop,
introduces the first operational risk to the cable’s
integrity: abrasion. The second most prominent
operational risk involves a slower, but no less
severe, deterioration. As the cable moves back
and forth in the water current, it undergoes
cyclic tensile strain, which will inevitably lead to
cable fatigue failure.

Figure 1. CRP Subsea site in Skelmersdale, UK. Overcoming operational risks

As initial CPS designs sought to reduce
overbending damage during installation, the
operational risks of fatigue and abrasion were
not as well understood; as such, the primary
component, seen in legacy CPS’, were static
bend restrictors, whose articulating form
would lock up at a designated curvature to
inhibit overbend. This product is commonplace
within oil and gas, where they are used to stop
overbending during installation, when cables are
lifted, or when they are pulled into a structure,
and have long proved effective. The difference
in this application is the operational phase of
such a system. If a cable sits within protection
that locks out at a curvature, it does not
dampen movement until it hits this hard-stop,
introducing an impact both to the cable and its
protection. Furthermore, its increased diameter
Figure 2. NjordGuard cable protection system. in the water current can actually double the


Global Energy
Transition 2023
New York City
June 7–8, 2023

distance it travels, with predicted movement accruing over of CRP Subsea’s bend stiffening design, NjordGuard, being
10 000 km of travel back and forth. Unfortunately, this is used to shore up legacy bend restrictor designs.
not the end of the story as the material property which As wider appreciation of protection system types
provides the strength to lock out at curvature makes it take hold, so too does the response of the cable at this
more brittle and subject to increased abrasion. location. One of the most vital aspects to any protection
Again, looking to the learnings from oil and gas, any system design is the predictive software used to determine
cable subject to dynamic loading will utilise a cone-shaped the extent of movement. Global analysis software,
system called a bend stiffener, which stiffens the cable originally designed to predict riser motions in deep
through the use of elastomeric (rubber-like) material. water, has been repurposed to predict cable movement
This is selected as it dampens and inhibits movement, at wind turbine sites; but, as with any model, it is only as
acting against water currents, whilst also offering a more good as the conditions and constraints placed within it.
streamlined profile than restrictors. Such products have Unfortunately, the company’s knowledge of these sites is
been deployed for decades on oil risers without failure. currently brought about by the costly findings of failure,
Furthermore, its elastomeric nature greatly increases its as locations prove to have more complex bathymetric
inherent abrasion resistance, with added sections being aspects, such as migratory sand banks, and more complex
designed with yet more suitability to combat abrasion as hydrodynamic flow patterns, with individual idiosyncrasies
it meets with the scour bed of rocks. This design is now at each field and even each location, each one far beyond
preferred across the industry, as it better manages both the capability of modern analysis to fully predict. With
installation and operational risks, with retrofittable variants extensive and constantly expanding design cases seeking
to cover every eventuality, even the most
encompassing prediction is based on an
oversimplification of the field itself.
In an attempt to manage the almost
infinite variation needed in design, secondary
mitigation of rock dumping on top of the
CPS is re-emerging, firstly to shore up
current fields deemed at risk but also to
add perceived stability to new ones. This
method is not without its pitfalls; aside from
the cost of vessel mobilisation, it places
new risks onto the cables as heavy rocks
impact, compress, and shear them, further
restricting the ability for replacement. If they
are insufficient in suppressing the motion,
does that mean ever more rocks must be
Figure 3. NjordGuard pull in testing. dumped on to the site? What if the seabed
migrates, or the rocks bridge over the cable?
The biggest challenge here is the unknown or
unquantified effectiveness.
Looking once more to oil and gas, concrete
mattresses or rock dumping is seen as a
challenging mitigation to implement effectively,
coupled with the disadvantage of permanently
entombing the pipeline and potentially not
restraining tensile fatigue along the pipe’s axis,
as thermal cycling creates the caterpillar effect
of axial walking. The alternative here is axial
resistors (motion stabilisers) placed along the
length of the pipeline to increase soil adhesion,
gluing it to the bed, but in any event the biggest
challenge remains the unknown response
to mitigation.
If a Six Sigma improvement framework
is considered for a moment, such as DMAIC,
the problem and output to be achieved is
defined, it is measured by collecting data to
establish a baseline for improvement, the
Figure 4. NjordGuard scour protection sections awaiting collection. data is analysed to understand its implication,


the process is improved, and controls are
implemented to sustain those improvements.
There is a well-defined problem to address,
with established software to aid root cause
identification, but there is little, if any, actual
field measurement to complete this analysis,
improve the company’s approach, or control it
by inspection. Offshore inspections identified
during initial risk assessments cover everything
from pile corrosion rate tracking to the
reliability and predictive maintenance of the
turbine machinery, with their mitigating backup
systems, controls, and omnipresent support
crews, but what of the cable itself? If movement
with associated abrasion and fatigue are the
emerging risk factors associated with long-term
cable integrity, inspections which merely check
the cables’ location every few years omit actual
measurement and eliminate the ability for the
industry to analyse, learn, and improve future
systems. If current inspections only identify Figure 5. NjordGuard monopile connection.
failures when it is too late, there needs to be a
push for data driven measurements based on
field accrued data or people will forever learn
by failure.
As with improvements in cable protection
devices, the ability to monitor is scaling to
meet this need, with further support from
operators, monitoring can be deployed by small
vessels and smaller remote operated vehicles
to capture key motion data, better informing
operators as to the health of their cables.
Subsea Insight, an independent subsea integrity
monitoring company, in collaboration with
CRP Subsea, have developed a fully-integrated
monitoring device for inclusion in CPS systems
to aid tracking and provide closed loop design
improvements to their products. Subsea Insight’s
products are also seeing deployment as a
retrofittable solution on existing fields at minimal
cost and impact, due to their ability to sequence
with typical site inspection schedules. This Figure 6. Motion stabiliser installation.
approach is providing billions of data points,
capable of correlating met ocean conditions to validation that what will be found is unknown. True subsea
responses and introducing data-driven models to predictive insight into systems should not be seen as arduous.
software, aiding in life expectancy calculations, whether on Indeed, Subsea Insight are actively working with partners
mitigated or unmitigated sites – not just capturing motion, to bring about resident autonomous vehicles which can
but also thermal changes and impact to marine ecologies. correlate met ocean data with cable monitoring hubs
to build quasi-real-time tracking of cable health, and to
The next phase identify at-risk locations where mitigation may be needed
The next phase of protecting subsea electrical cables in the future, allowing for efficient planning in the event
lies no longer with CPS or stabilisation approaches, but that some locations see more adverse conditions than
with the field measurements that can bring about a others. The industry has learned a painful lesson in the
conclusion to it; confirming life expectancy is equivalent past few years, but it must not stop learning about the
to the turbines they connect and enabling data guided environment in which it now wishes to place its energy
refinements to future systems. Just because there are infrastructure. The industry should not continue learning
questions on what the data will look like and how it will by trial and error, but by the data the current systems
be interpreted, this is not a reason not to monitor, it is can provide.


he UK’s offshore wind industry is in a unique
position to act as a springboard for broader
maritime decarbonisation, being both a potential
producer and user of clean fuels.
Using clean energy is expected to make up a far
greater part of the maritime fuel mix of the future, whether
that be by directly using the cleanly generated electricity or
by converting this clean energy into combustible fuels, such
as green hydrogen.

Paul Cairns, Managing Director at MJR Power and Automation, UK, outlines how tech
marine and offshore energy sector.

Figure 1. MJR Offshore charging system.

MJR Power and Automation – alongside a consortium
of partners – is at the very forefront in driving the transition
to utilise the energy generated by offshore wind farms and
create fuels for the maritime industry.

The challenge
Presently, most offshore wind turbines are maintained using
marine gas oil (MGO) powered vessels, most notably crew
transfer vessels (CTVs), which are calculated to contribute

hnology can revolutionise the future for electrification in the


10 – 20% of the lifecycle carbon emissions of an offshore the industry set to grow rapidly over the next decade, the
wind project. Converting or replacing MGO-fuelled CTVs with industry must act now – and it is paving the way in doing so
vessels powered by clean fuels is estimated to save between – to significantly reduce its future increased emissions.
1278 – 2500 tpy, depending on vessel type, of carbon dioxide
(CO2) emissions, per vessel replaced. Addressing the challenge
With offshore wind farms typically chartering several The industry as a whole is very much focused on
CTVs each, and the number of CTVs required to service accelerating the electrification of the marine and offshore
sector, which has seen industry-wide collaborations
formed to achieve decarbonisation collectively, with
widespread adoption of clean fuels on vessels, as well as
big industry players setting clear commitments to reach
targets of net zero by 2025.
One accessible route to reducing the carbon footprint
of offshore wind operations and maintenance activities is
through the adoption of electric CTVs (eCTVs). However,
this presents several restrictions, as limited battery storage
energy density severely reduces the operating capability
and range of eCTVs, thus limiting their adoption and the
decarbonisation of this area of the industry.
Having a method to charge batteries in the field
Figure 2. System overview with numbers. – ideally during periods that vessels would otherwise
be spent idle – will be a key enabler for the large scale
deployment of eCTVs and help achieve the carbon
emission reduction targets of the industry.

Taking the power back

As such, to meet the industry’s need to significantly
reduce its emissions, MJR Power and Automation has
successfully fast tracked the design and development
of an electrical vessel charging system following
the company being selected as winners of the
Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition, receiving
funding from the Department for Transport (DfT), with the
scheme being delivered in partnership with Innovate UK.
The company has led a consortium of partners
– ORE Catapult; Xceco; Artemis Technologies; and
Tidal Transit – each with expertise in their given field to
develop the first of its kind technology.
The charge points enable all eCTVs and other offshore
support vessels to connect in the field to a 100% green
energy source generated directly by the offshore wind
turbines for the efficient, safe, and reliable transfer
of power.
This new technology innovation – currently in final
stages of testing for deployment offshore – will break
down the existing range barriers and thus increase the
uptake by vessel owners and operators with transition
to fully electric and green propulsion systems, for retrofit
and new build vessels. In combination with other field
proven technologies, the charging system will be an
important part for government and offshore wind
owners and operators, to achieve their net zero maritime
operations targets, and switch away from fossil fuels.
The ability to charge when in the field will
significantly accelerate adoption of current
emission-free propulsion systems which will be a major
asset for the decarbonisation of the UK and global
Figure 3. On turbine power converter. maritime sector.


System overview FFControl and safety system (item 4 in Figure 2 and
The technology accesses the infrastructure already in place, Figure 6).
including turbine platform and electrical power, to provide
renewable electricity to vessels. As an eCTV docks with Real-time control and safety system
the turbine, a cable reel lowers down an electrical charge The technology is linked to a real-time control system to
connection which plugs in to the vessel and charges a enable safe control and the charging from both the vessel
battery onboard. and wind farm control room operating locations, and is
Although some of the technology necessary for designed to embed safety throughout the charging process.
this is relatively mature, significant technology gaps The control and safety system has been developed
remain to making offshore charging safe and practical. according to marine classification society rules and
MJR Power and Automation has successfully developed the standards, coupled with the company’s 25 years of
technology to fill these gaps and developed standards, experience of designing and delivering safety and mission
working practices, and procedures in order to safely carry critical systems to the offshore energy industry.
this out at sea. A real-time deterministic marine grade operating
The overview of the charging system shown in Figure 2 platform is joined with the added functionality of a web
includes, but is not limited to: portal system used for the booking and monitoring of the
FFOn turbine power converter – converts the wind farm wind turbine charging system from the vessel, the wind farm
medium voltage AC power into DC power that is control room, and also via desktop access.
compatible with the CTV propulsion and battery system The control software has been developed for full
(see item 1 in Figure 1 and Figure 2). operational control of the charging system, reeler system,
and vessel connection system. The high-level functions of
FFOn turbine mooring/charging cable and connector the control modes are:
deployment system ‘reeler’ (see item 2 in Figure 2 and FFManual control.
Figure 4).
FFFollow mode.
FFVessel connection and mooring system (item 3 in
Figure 2 and Figure 5). FFMooring mode.

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Throughout the process of charging the vessel battery Accelerating electrification
system, the vessel personnel have full visibility of the status Through the adoption of such technology, it is estimated
of both the charging and deployment system with the that a single vessel switching from diesel to battery electric
operator control station that would be situated on the propulsion will save 1278 tpy of CO2e emissions. As such, this
bridge of the vessel. technology has huge potential to enable the UK’s marine
and offshore wind industry to seamlessly convert to electric
operation of its CTV fleet.
If 50% of the UK’s CTV fleet converted to electric
operation, this would eliminate approximately 131 100 tpy of
CO2. These figures are staggering and highlight that such
technology and adoption of it will be absolutely pivotal
in reducing emissions in the field and helping the UK to
achieve net zero targets.
The offshore charging solution will enable the
immediate conversion to electric vessels and the removal
of over 300 diesel-powered CTVs from UK coastal waters.
And with the ever-growing number of wind farms both
in UK waters and across the world, this will play an
integral part for owners and operators to meet their
emission targets.

Industry recognition
As part of the Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition
Final Showcase hosted by DfT, Innovate UK, and
Figure 4. On turbine mooring – charging cable and connector.
Innovate UK KTN, MJR Power and Automation showcased its
offshore charging system earlier this year amongst 54 other
projects from across the UK that also received funding at
Portsmouth International Port.
At this year’s Seawork event, the company secured a
highly acclaimed award and was announced as winners of
the Innovations Showcase Category for renewable energy in
recognition of its offshore charging system.
The business also received the accolade of the
Supply Chain Innovation Award at RenewableUK’s
Global Offshore Wind awards, as well as shortlisted for
the Technology and Business Innovation Award at 2022’s
Scottish Renewables’ Net Zero Transition Awards.

Next phase of development

With the offshore charging system scheduled to be ready
for deployment in the 1Q23, MJR Power and Automation
has been further awarded a second round of UK
government funding for development of its offshore
Figure 5. Vessel connection and mooring system.
charging system technology, to allow the system to
further connect and charge service operation vessels and
platform supply vessels working in the field.
The Service Operational Vessel Offshore Charging
System project is part of the Clean Maritime
Demonstration Competition Round 2 funded by the DfT
and delivered in partnership with Innovate UK.
This second round of funding from the DfT will be
absolutely pivotal in supporting the decarbonisation
of marine operations. MJR Power and Automation will
work with their key partners, who are all experts in their
fields, and take the lessons learned from the first project,
applying extensive knowledge to develop this solution
and bring it to market, where there is already a huge
Figure 6. Control and safety system. demand for it.


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Figure 1. Saint Brieuc offshore wind farm.

Cerianne C
Offshore W
Director, Ke
question: Could
delivery mod
global supply
the offshore w

ince the Paris Agreement, global governments and leaders have
outlined, defined, and refined their net zero aspirations, targets,
and, more recently, frameworks. As a result, the last two years have
seen a significant increase in the number of global seabed leases being
awarded for new offshore wind farms or extensions to existing offshore wind farms.
Due to events in Ukraine, many countries are now accelerating their plans to move away
from dependency on other countries to supply their energy needs; notably both the UK and
the US have announced commitments to accelerate the installation of offshore wind farms in their
respective countries.
New leases have encouraged new offshore wind developers to move into the market. This,
alongside the accelerated commitments, means that the global offshore wind market is looking
to those with experience to help navigate these challenging demands. The world is looking at the
existing UK and European supply chain to share its experiences and lessons learned; to mitigate
repeated mistakes and to move the sector forward at the speed now required.
The recent GWEC report1 references analysis undertaken by the International Renewable Energy
Agency (IRENA) of the human resource requirements of the onshore 2 and offshore wind industry 3.
The analysis states that each offshore wind development requires 2.1 million person days of effort
for a 500 MW fixed bottom to move from the development stage through to decommissioning.
By comparison, only 144 000 person days of effort are required for a 50 MW onshore wind farm.
The environmental differences between onshore and offshore developments are clear. As a
result, offshore wind developments rely on the harmonious efforts across an extensive number
of independent organisations, all resulting in points of interface; developers, designers,
original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), certifiers, marine warranty surveyors, fabricators,
installers, and operations and maintenance teams, to name but a few.
The last 20 years of offshore wind in the UK and Europe have demonstrated that
the overall success of a project is determined by how well aligned and managed
project interfaces are. There are a significant number of specialist companies and
organisations that need to align for each project to be planned, designed, fabricated,
installed, and operated. There is no time in the history of offshore wind that this
challenge has been more important to overcome than now.

Wind Market
ent, asks the
d collaborative
dels mitigate
challenges in
wind market?


The increase in demand is putting significant pressure will bring. Perhaps the reducing cost base seen in offshore
on all parts of the existing supply chain, whether that wind is about to change?
is in the shape of available installation vessels, suitable In addition to mobilising the experience developed and
fabrication facilities, availability of component parts or gained in the last 20 years in the fixed bottom offshore
material, capacity and suitability of ports and harbours, wind industry, the global markets are in parallel pushing
or suitably qualified and trained people. It is no surprise forward with the more novel floating offshore wind.
that the market is heading towards colossal supply and Whilst floating wind is seeing similar challenges to fixed
demand challenges and the additional costs that demand bottom, there are a few differences; of note, different
manufacturing, assembly, and
wind turbine generator (WTG)
integration requirements. In
combination with the high
levels of uncertainty on hull
size, shape, and WTG size,
how does the supply chain
know where to invest? There is
some good work being led by
ORE Catapult Floating Offshore
Wind Centre of Excellence
to begin to address this, but
the reality is the floating
offshore wind journey is still at
the beginning.
So how can the offshore
wind market share the lessons
of experience, manage, and
provide the required resources
and meet the aspirations
and targets as set out to be
net zero?

Early supply chain

Most projects recognise the
need for early supply chain
engagement and alignment.
Identifying and agreeing project
requirements at the earliest
opportunity saves time and
money, reducing the number of
iterations and permeations. The
key is facilitating, co-ordinating,
and contracting parts of the
supply chain to come together
at the optimal time in the
developments programme.
In recent months, as a
direct result of the known
limitations in vessel availability
and fabrication slots, and to
mitigate potential programme
risks, many developers
are coming to market
before renewable energy
auctions have completed.
This approach has had
some limited success. Is this
Figure 2. Dudgeon offshore wind farm. Source: Smulders. engagement too early?


With a need to prioritise enquiries, the supply chain is often with efficiencies and savings, allowing the sharing
naturally focusing its efforts on those enquiries that will of knowledge and information. It is worth noting that
have the most chance of leading to contract awards. All separate organisations can maintain their independence
enquiries require resources to be deployed at the supply and collaborate.
chains costs, and, whilst business models recognise the Collaboration in the offshore wind market would
need for the investment at the enquiry stage, the reality is allow organisations with resources and expertise to offer
that parts of the supply chain no longer have the resource assistance to others with lesser experience. Interfaces
availability to respond to the number of enquiries that are aligned to meet the same objectives will share and discuss
being released into the market place. challenges and align on how to overcome the difficulties
to the benefit of the project as a whole; in the meantime,
Partnering educating and informing each other of different
One solution that appears to be addressing some of these perspectives. Collaborative teams become agile and bond
challenges is partnering. over shared goals. This is likely to lead to comradery,
Those following the offshore wind media channels will increasing productivity, and perhaps, more importantly,
likely have noticed that frequent new memorandum of improving mental health in the world of work. Ultimately
understandings, partnerships, investments, or framework this could also lead to accelerated project delivery and
agreements are being announced. Examples include: improved resource retention.
FFSSE’s financial backing of the Port of Nigg It is therefore no surprise during this year that
factory, Scotland. there have been announcements encouraging
and supporting collaborative working; the
FFØrsted’s commitment to EEW to develop a new Scottish Offshore Wind Energy Council’s Collaborative
monopile production facility in New Jersey, the US. Framework Charter is a demonstration of the commitment
of ScotWind projects to work collaboratively, and the
FFImplenia and WindWorks Jelsa agreement to construct Global Offshore Wind Alliance from IRENA, GWEC, and the
floating concrete platforms. Danish government, which is aimed at becoming the go-to
enabler for unlocking resources. Whilst these commitments
These commitments have been required to manage are being outlined and endorsed at the highest levels of
and share risk and provide confidence to the supply chain. the offshore wind supply chain, now is a good time to think
collaboratively top to bottom, end to end.
Appropriate risk allocation
All projects, developers, and businesses consider risk and Conclusion
where risk should be allocated. It is taught that risk should In summary, if the global net zero and government
be allocated to those most able to mitigate and manage targets are to be met, and the Paris Agreement satisfied,
risk. To date, it is easy to argue that this has not always an environment needs to be cultivated that allows the
been the case in offshore wind. Each year, some company offshore wind supply chain to openly share the lessons of
annual financial reports record challenges that businesses experience, manage, and provide the required resources
have seen in the offshore wind market and the impact to ultimately thrive and grow.
those difficulties have had on business performance. This will only happen if the sector and projects foster a
People hear about claims that have been made resulting more transparent working environment.
in court cases when they could not be settled. With the Consideration needs to be given to: right time supplier
reduction in supply and the increase demand in the engagement, partnering to provide investment confidence,
market, now more than ever, businesses are assessing the appropriate risk allocation resulting in fair and reasonable
‘attractiveness’ of new contracts based upon the contracts contracting terms, all of which will result in shared end
risk allocation. The supply chain is no longer willing to goals and encourage true collaborative working.
agree to contracting terms that push all of the risk into Collaborative working brings many benefits: shared
the market place. Now is a good time to review, assess, learning, increased productivity, and accelerated project
and refresh contracting terms to ensure appropriate delivery. Many in the sector are realising that to meet
risk allocation and the fair and reasonableness of the the worlds ever growing energy needs, collaboration will
contracting terms. Fair and reasonable contracting be fundamental.
mechanisms will facilitate true collaborative working.
True collaborative working 1. ‘Global Wind Report 2022’, Global Wind Energy Council,
True collaboration requires those collaborating to be 2. ‘Renewable Energy Benefits: Leveraging local capacity for onshore
committed to maximising joint performance in order wind’, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), (2017),
to achieve the same objectives; it takes significant
investments of time and effort but the potential rewards 3. ‘Renewable Energy Benefits: Leveraging local capacity for offshore wind’, IRENA,
from collaborative working are numerous. Collaboration (2018),
enables improved delivery of integrated services, Offshore-Wind


Serik Shakhazhanov, Chairman
of the Management Board of
Eurasian Group LLP, Kazakhstan, talks
about the ways in which companies in
Kazakhstan can support the government’s
commitment to carbon neutrality by 2060.

or Reshaping Ka
t c
e rg y s e


stan’s e

n 2020, during the UN’s Climate Summit, development of clean technologies. Among the key measures
President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev announced Kazakhstan’s outlined in the strategy is a doubling of the share of renewable
ambitious plan to reach carbon neutrality by 2060. While energy sources in electricity generation; 100% electrification of
governments around the world have been making similar personal passenger transport; and the use of green hydrogen.
pledges in recent years, this target is particularly notable for a Put simply, the realisation of the strategy will bolster
country with significant fossil fuel reserves. Following Tokayev’s market-focused and regulatory policies for renewable energy,
announcement, Kazakhstan’s share of renewable energy is set to as well as attracting substantial public and private investments
increase more than twenty-fold from approximately 3% currently to support these objectives. President Tokayev reiterated the
to 70% by 2060.1 In other words, there is an expectation of a importance of mobilising investments during a meeting of the
considerable, tectonic shift in the composition of Kazakhstan’s Foreign Investor’s Council in June 2022,2 and announced that
energy sector in the coming decades. the draft strategy was close to being finalised during the recent
Climate Dialogue Conference.3
Kazakhstan’s carbon neutrality strategy
To achieve this, governmental bodies and ministries, in Exploring renewable energy sources
collaboration with international experts and organisations, The need to transition to net zero is clear. However, a key question
have been developing a long-term strategy for achieving carbon to address is: Which energy sources should the country prioritise
neutrality until 2060 – a framework with a clear pathway for switching to? As highlighted by the team of international
achieving decarbonisation, the energy sector transition, and the researchers from Rystad Energy, Kazakhstan has been focusing


on wind and solar power, as well as looking into the potential of With regards to the weather conditions in Aktobe, ERG’s 2021
green hydrogen.4 For example, the Svevind group of companies feasibility study confirmed the viability of installing the planned
signed a roadmap with Kazakhstan’s government last year for capacity at the Khromtau site, located just east of Aktobe City.
30 GW in green hydrogen developments by utilising wind and The necessary power output can be generated using appropriate
solar power near the Caspian Sea. engineering and technology to overcome the extreme continental
In September 2022, the UNDP and the government of the climate: The wind farm will be built with powerful IEC S-class
Republic of Kazakhstan published a joint study funded by the wind turbines, which have been specially designed to site-specific
Global Environment Facility,5 which analyses the country’s conditions and wind regimes. The turbines will have been made
renewable resources potential and the opportunities for to consider the particular wind field parameters of the region and
renewable energy technologies in heating, cooling, and hot water will generate electricity in a range of weather conditions, with
supplies in various geographical locations. The study provides, wind speeds from 3 – 25 m/sec.
among other things, an informative overview of the state’s policies In doing so, the wind power plant is expected to reduce
in the sphere of renewables and other sources, including solar, carbon dioxide levels by approximately 520 000 tpy. It will supply
wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass energy. Despite the great energy to ERG’s Donskoy GOK extracting and processing plant,
variety of energy sources available to Kazakhstan, wind power still the largest industrial enterprise in the Aktobe region, and cover
remains high on the agenda, partly due to its economic feasibility. its growing energy needs without relying on the region’s energy
The US Agency for International Development also explored system. Khromtau-1 will also supply energy to neighbouring
the potential of various renewable energy sources in Kazakhstan industrial facilities and the Aktobe region more widely, thereby
in some depth in a 2020 report.6 The report claimed that whilst reducing Kazakhstan’s current usage of fossil fuels. After launching
hydro, geothermal, and solar energy each had their advantages, this wind park in Aktobe, ERG plans to implement its know-how
wind energy has “the greatest potential among all [renewable and experience in green energy at its other sites of operations
energy sources] in Kazakhstan.” This is because approximately in Kazakhstan.
half of Kazakhstan’s territory reportedly has promising conditions
for producing wind energy. According to the aforementioned 2022 Regulatory environment
study, for a wind zone with a speed range of between 3 – 9 m/sec., It is worth noting that from 2026, Kazakhstan’s producers will have
the power potential is approximately 7466 GW. to pay a carbon border tax when exporting into EU countries,2
which may affect the competitiveness of some Kazakh exporters.
Potential of wind power in Aktobe That is to say, the Khromtau-1 project demonstrates how
According to the Kazakh Ministry of Energy, wind farms are now technologies used in the renewable energy sector can minimise the
responsible for generating 45% of the total renewable energy in industry’s carbon footprint, provide energy security for the region,
Kazakhstan.7 The 2020 and 2022 reports suggest that the greatest and increase the competitiveness of the country’s products in the
potential for wind power is in northern and southern Kazakhstan, international arena.
as well as the Atyrau and Mangystau regions in the west. But what Overall, Kazakhstan has a favourable regulatory framework
about the neighbouring western region of Aktobe, a key industrial for renewable energy projects, which significantly enhances
area and the second-largest region in the country? After all, opportunities for development in this area. For instance,
Kazakhstan’s shift towards a fully sustainable energy landscape is government regulation allows for the annual indexation of prices in
contingent on renewables being advanced and accessible across the power purchase agreements (PPAs) signed by investors, which
the entire country. takes into account inflation as well as the fluctuations in KZT/USD
At first glance, Aktobe may not appear to be the first choice exchange rate, providing cover against exchange risks.
for developing a wind farm. According to existing research,5 Additionally, these PPAs for renewable energy projects are
it does not have regular wind speeds of above 7 m/sec. As signed for 20 years at the tariff proposed during the auction,
mentioned in a research paper on wind power generation in resulting in a very predictable rate of return for companies investing
Kazakhstan, “the winds around Aktobe City are strong, but in renewables. Moreover, the regulatory environment enables
inconstant, with […] seasonal fluctuations and wind swings.” contracts to be signed directly with major industrial or commercial
This vast area is dominated by low and medium wind speeds, consumers committed to purchasing green energy. All of this results
according to a study by PB Power and Windlab Systems.5 in a healthy market to attract significant investment and innovation,
Whilst these are valid concerns, it is important to also consider leading to the optimisation of all cost components and maximising
the latest advances in wind turbine technology, which enable the opportunities created by the clean energy transition.
wind power to be produced in more wide-ranging weather So far, ERG has identified other potential sites across
conditions. Eurasian Resources Group (ERG) – a diversified natural Kazakhstan for large scale wind and solar power generation
resources producer representing one-third of Kazakhstan’s metals projects. These projects will be executed in the next 5 – 10 years,
and mining industry – can attest to this. ERG recently announced with additional research and assessments taking place in 2022.
plans to invest approximately US$230 million in constructing
a large scale wind energy facility in Aktobe, which will have a Technologies and emissions reductions
capacity of up to 155 MW, making it the most powerful plant in the To achieve carbon neutrality and make the country’s
region. Named Khromtau-1, the wind power plant will extend over exports ‘greener’, businesses in Kazakhstan clearly need
150 ha., with potential to double generation capacity of the site in to focus on emissions reductions as well as absorbing and
the future. Construction of the plant is planned to start in 2022. capturing technologies. One example of applying progressive


technological solutions to reduce emissions and energy The scene is set for Kazakhstan to become an increasingly
consumption from conventional sources is using off-gases important player contributing to the net zero transition and
produced by refining and manufacturing. For example, development of renewable energy sources. The recent UNDP
major energy producer, POSCO Energy, has been successfully publication commended the country’s ambition to achieve
implementing such an approach in South Korea for carbon neutrality by 2060 and highlighted the need for further
years. By using off-gases from its steelmaking process, its modernisation, diversification, and adaptation of ‘green’
Pohang Off-Gas Power Plant reduces greenhouse-effect gases by technologies at its production facilities. Kazakhstan has a
180 000 tpy and provides a viable and cheaper substitute for oil. history of successfully attracting major international investors
Could this technology provide an energy solution for in its energy industry. With the help of national partners
Kazakhstan? After an exhaustive feasibility study, ERG plans to and international organisations, now is the time to attract
furnish its Aktobe Ferroalloys Plant with an off-gas fuelled power similar investments and innovation to secure Kazakhstan’s
station with a capacity of up to 100 MW. This will generate energy low-carbon future.
using off-gas from its ferroalloy production process, thereby
reducing its energy use from conventional sources. Undertaking References
1. ‘By 2060, Kazakhstan will achieve carbon neutrality,’ Official Information Source of
substantial preparatory research is key for the successful the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
realisation of projects such as this. A thorough data collection and reviews/do-2060-goda-kazahstan-pereydet-na-uglerodnuyu-neytralnost-1103515,
(27 October 2021).
viability analysis is being conducted for the potential conversion of 2. ‘President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev takes part in the 34th plenary session of the
the boiler house at Aksu Ferroalloys Plant, as well as the possible Foreign Investors’ Council,’ Official website of the President of the Republic of
Kazakhstan ,
construction of a thermal power station, both of which will use plenary-session-of-the-foreign-investors-council-1054121, (9 June 2022).
the off-gases. 3. SHAYAKHMETOVA, Z., ‘Officials, Experts Discuss Kazakhstan’s Draft Carbon Neutrality
Strategy’, The Astana Times,
As well as introducing off-gas power facilities at discuss-kazakhstans-draft-carbon-neutrality-strategy/, (11 October 2022).
existing operations, another energy solution for industry is 4. KHOI LE, M., YEE CHEW, J., YU, D., R, P., and ITTAN, R., ‘A splash of Asian flair,’
Energy Global, Autumn 2021, pp.6 – 11,
incorporating such facilities into their premises at the level of eg10fhuwl, (19 October 2021).
planning. For instance, ERG is considering the development 5. ‘Potential analysis of introducing various renewable energy technologies, including
heating, cooling, and hot water supply in different geographical areas, taking
of an off-gas fuelled power unit at its new Special Coke Plant into account the resource potential,’ UNDP and the government of the Republic of
at Shubarkol Komir in Kazakhstan. The plant is scheduled Kazakhstan,
6. ‘Investor’s Guide to Renewable Energy Projects in Kazakhstan,’ USAID.
to be put into operation in the coming years and involves 7. ARYSTANBEK, A., ‘New Wind Farm in Aktobe Region to Expand Kazakhstan’s Wind
collaboration between ERG and China Nonferrous Metal Industry’s Power Capacity,’ The Astana Times,
farm-in-aktobe-region-to-expand-kazakhstans-wind-power-capacity/, (18 June 2021).
Foreign Engineering and Construction.


The home for the latest

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Dr Carlos de Palacio, Renewable Segment Manager Grid Integration,
Hitachi Energy, Spain, outlines the essential technologies needed to
integrate solar into the power grid.

he transition to a more sustainable energy future is well on its way.
Global electricity demand is expected to more than double in the coming 30 years, making electricity
the backbone of the entire energy system and accounting for more than half of total energy consumption
by 2050.1
Renewables are central to that transition, representing more than 80% of new power generation capacity
installed today.2 Of renewable energy sources, solar is the fastest growing, registering a 19% increase in capacity in
2021, equal to 133 GW.2 By 2050, solar is expected to account for approximately half of all electricity generation.

Power quality is key

With so much variable solar generation in the power system, the grid connections that transfer electricity from
the solar energy plants to the grid need to include additional power quality technologies alongside the traditional
combination of switchgear, transformers, as well as protection and control.
This is because of increased requirements for reliability and flexibility, as well as the need to provide services
to the power system that were previously provided by fossil fuel-fired power plants that some countries are
now shutting down. Previously, when renewables represented a small share of power generation, the quality
of that power was not critical; now, renewable energy plants need to operate with the same power quality as
traditional generators.
The technologies that are becoming more common in solar grid connections are static synchronous
compensators (STATCOMs), synchronous condensers, battery energy storage solutions, advanced energy
management systems, and modular prefabricated grid connections.
These technologies are already available. The benefits they provide are crucial for power system quality and
reliability. This includes better control of electrical parameters; improved voltage dynamic behaviour, frequency, and
active and reactive power; increased short-circuit levels at the connection point; adding more inertia to the power
grid; and faster, simpler, and more efficient grid connection solutions thanks to modularity and prefabrication.
In short, these technologies enable the power grid to become more resilient and operate in accordance with
compliance requirements.

Keeping the grid stable

The first group of requirements is related to inertia and short-circuit power. The inertia of the power system is
traditionally provided by large electrical generators. When traditional power plants close down, there are fewer
synchronous rotating masses in the power system, which weakens system resilience. In a weaker power system, the
frequency is less stable. This can be solved by adding synchronous condensers, in some cases with additional mass
in the form of a flywheel. For example, in the UK, Hitachi Energy has pioneered the combination of a synchronous
condenser with a STATCOM to improve inertia and short-circuit power.
This world-first installation at an SP Energy Networks’ grid connection in Scotland proves that a machine
with a flywheel increases the inertia of the power system. If a fault occurs, the solution feeds it with short-circuit
current. The result is a stronger network, which in combination with the fast voltage control of the STATCOM further
improves the dynamic behaviour of the system.

Energy storage
The second group of requirements is linked with the active power of the solar plant and its response
to demand from the grid. Solar plants have predictable but variable generation and do not
inject power into the grid at night. By combining energy storage with advanced energy
management systems, the variability can be controlled and power can be delivered
optimally when the sun is not shining.
Examples of solar power with energy storage are now very common, such
as the combined solar and energy storage solution for Skagerak Arena
football stadium in Norway. Battery energy storage with advanced
grid automation helps the system optimally deliver the
solar power generated to both the stadium and the
neighbourhood when solar generation is low.

Figure 1. Grid-eXpandTM modular grid connections make it faster, simpler, and more efficient to expand grid capacity.

Additionally, it reduces peak demand on the network by

automatically releasing the energy when needed.
Improved power dispatching is also achieved by larger
solar plants, such as the Al Badiya 23 MW solar power plant
in Jordan, which has 23 MW/12.6 MWh of battery energy
storage. By using advanced power plant control, it is able
to shift generation from noon to the evening, delivering the
solar power when it is needed most.3

Simpler, faster grid expansion

The third set of requirements is making grid expansion
simpler and faster to meet the influx of renewables and
the rising demand for power in the new electricity-based
Figure 2. The Phoenix project in Scotland is the world’s first hybrid solution to energy system. Prefabricated and modular grid
combine a STATCOM with a synchronous condenser. connections make this process easier and more efficient
by shortening lead times, reducing the grid connection
footprint, cutting the cost of construction, and speeding
up energisation.
For instance, Hitachi Energy has recently released
its Grid-eXpandTM portfolio of modular prefabricated
grid connection solutions. One recent example is the
170 kV containerised gas-insulated switchgear (GIS)
grid connection for a combined fish farm and 312 MW
solar photovoltaic power plant in Southeast Asia.
Owned by Sunny Rich Group, the site uses solar power
and advanced technologies to farm fish sustainably.
Compared to a conventional GIS grid connection, the
solution has a 25% smaller footprint, was delivered and
energised 15% faster, and reduced the cost of civil works
Figure 3. The Skagerak stadium in Norway uniquely combines a by 50%.
solar-powered microgrid and advanced grid automation to provide a model The environmental footprint of these grid connections
for the power grid of the future. can be further improved with high-voltage products that


use an eco-efficient alternative to sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). For
decades, SF6 has been the norm in the electrical industry due
to its excellent insulation and switching capabilities. However,
it is also a potent greenhouse gas. To address this challenge,
Hitachi Energy pioneered EconiQTM high-voltage portfolio
that eliminates SF6 with scalable and reliable solutions for the
lowest carbon footprint. The innovative portfolio contains
a range of EconiQ high-voltage products of up to 420 kV
with the potential to reach ultra-high voltage levels. It also
Figure 4. The modular prefabricated connection at Sunny Rich’s
includes the replacement of SF6 in existing equipment called
combined fish farm and solar photovoltaic power plant.
EconiQ retrofill and the newly added EconiQ gas-insulated
current transformer that is built on a well-proven design. These
eco-efficient solutions retain the best of SF6 and are proven to
be 100% as reliable as conventional solutions while reducing
equipment size, materials, and carbon footprint throughout
the product lifecycle.

Digitalising the infrastructure

The fourth set of requirements is to improve operation and
maintenance for a more reliable and longer service life.
Advanced control systems not only operate automatically,
minimising downtime and electrical losses during the lifecycle
of the solar plant, but also monitor the condition of the
equipment and enable predictive maintenance to extend the
plant’s lifetime. Figure 5. IdentiQTM is a digital twin solutions for the complete life
An example of this application is Metaenergia in Italy, cycle. It provides clear insights and state-of-the-art data visualisation.
for which Hitachi Energy provided grid connections for
seven standby power plants that provide essential extra power energy future for all. It is key to the integration of bulk and
when variable solar and wind energy does not meet demand. distributed renewables, as well as the electrification and
Each grid connection is equipped with digitally enabled decarbonisation of sectors such as transportation, industries,
lifecycle management and optimisation to enable predictive and data centres.
maintenance and ensure that all the equipment is working
optimally. The intelligent software tools in the solution build Collaborating to accelerate the
on the experience and data of thousands of installations to energy transition
predict and assess the condition of each component. Similar Hitachi Energy has pioneered many of the technologies
control systems are used for solar plant grid connections, such needed for advancing a sustainable energy future for all
as a recently commissioned 750 MW solar plant in India. There, and are committed to continue pushing the boundaries
risk monitoring and diagnostics for the 220 kV grid connection of innovation. Grid connection and power quality
are key features of the operations and maintenance platform. solutions, such as those presented in this article, facilitate
the widespread integration of solar power into global
Digital twins power systems.
In addition to digital condition monitoring and maintenance There are many alternatives available, and choosing
management software, digital twin technologies allow a the right solution can become challenging for developers,
virtual copy of each grid connection or power quality solution investors, construction companies, and operators. Performing
and provide a safe and efficient environment for analysis the right engineering approach with an experienced power
and learning. systems consultant is essential. Dynamic simulations, grid
This is the case of the IdentiQTM digital twin from impact studies, and grid code compliance studies are among
Hitachi Energy, which provides all the relevant asset the first steps when developing a new solar power project
information, analytics, and operational data in an intuitive or extending an existing solar plant. And, not least of all,
and easy-to-navigate dashboard that users can customise to these studies should include a lifecycle assessment of the
match their needs. IdentiQ includes 3D interactive visualisation environmental footprint and carbon emissions of the grid
of the complete asset, combined with one-click access to all connection over its entire service life.
the associated plant and equipment information, including
engineering documentation, operational and maintenance References
1. ‘Net Zero by 2050’, International Energy Agency,
procedures, safety training, and live operational data for
2. ‘Renewable capacity highlights’, International Renewable Energy Agency,
monitoring and analytics. (11 April 2022),
Digitalisation is essential to making electricity the IRENA_-RE_Capacity_Highlights_2022.pdf?la=en&hash=6122BF5666A36BECD5AAA2050
backbone of the energy system and advancing a sustainable 3. Vietnam Trung Nam Tra Vinh Solar Power Plant.


he global transition to renewable
energy is accelerating, spurred on by
at is the import
increased political will seeking higher Wh
energy security and independence
s tion:
in the wake of the global energy crisis.1 An
e qu
increased proliferation of solar and wind power h
plants delivering intermittent energy supply is kst
being experienced. In order to ensure that this
s ,a
increased energy production delivers a stable and n
reliable stream of energy, effective energy storage io

technology is required.

According to the International

Renewable Energy Agency’s (IRENA)

World Energy Transitions Outlook 2022, an increase

in energy transition investment of 30% between

now and 2050 will be required to achieve net zero of M
by 2050.2 This represents a total of US$131 trillion,
a multiple increase in investment to drive what
amounts to a realignment of the global energy

sector. A significant change is already well

g t, C

underway and accelerating, as a drive towards

renewables ramps up all across the world. In the EU,
there was a record 13% y/y increase in electricity
Martin Vo

generated from solar photovoltaics and wind from

March to September 2022.3
Across the other side of the Atlantic,
the renewable energy sector is thriving
even more. According to data from the
Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE),
Latin America and the Caribbean have 25% of
renewable energies in the composition of their
primary energy grid.4 Renewables, grids, and
storage now also account for more than 80% of
total global investment in the power sector.5
Careful and strategic planning is required to
ensure a reliable and steady flow of this new energy.
This development towards renewables comes with
a more variable and more volatile energy resource.
Often characterised with regional and seasonal
variations, this energy varies month by month, day
by day, and hour by hour. Such variability creates
challenges to providing the stable and reliable
supply of energy which is so crucial to economies.
Energy supply has been described as ‘the apex
commodity of the global economy […] an input in
the production process and an important part of
the supply chain of commercial firms.’6
Energy storage systems are a foundation
stone that ensure a balanced and reliable energy
supply and, as such, empower self-sufficiency. This
is true for the majority of nations, from developed
economies, such as Germany, Australia, and the UK,
across to small island development states, such as
in the Caribbean or Asia Pacific. National policies
are driving the building of renewable energy

storage to reduce dependence on energy
tance of ene imports, enhance systems reliability, and progress
rgy s
tora towards decarbonisation.7
tec Energy storage technologies
olo One of the fundamental purposes of energy storage
gy technologies is to secure an ongoing balance
as in energy supply. Excess energy is stored when
e demand is lower than energy production, with this
wo excess released when demand exceeds supply.
rld There are a variety of energy storage systems
sh available, extending from systems employing
i f ts mechanical techniques to battery technologies
and more.
A battery energy storage system (BESS) is a
prevalent choice, capturing energy from different

resources, accumulating this energy, and storing it

in rechargeable batteries. This energy can later be
s re

discharged for use to homes, electric vehicles, and


industrial and commercial facilities, as batteries

release energy during periods of peak demand,

power outages, and other applications.

The battery storage sector is currently
dominated by lithium-ion batteries, which includes

a graphite negative electrode, and a lithium cobalt

oxide or lithium iron phosphate positive electrode.
The electrolyte is lithium salt in an organic solvent.
Lithium’s lightness and high-energy density sees it
hold a distinct advantage from others in the sector.
However, the composition of batteries is still rapidly
evolving, with developments addressing factors
such as the application model.
Energy storage technology extends beyond
batteries. Pumped-storage hydropower is one of
the oldest types of storage and includes dumping
excess energy. Renewable energy sources can
utilise this approach, using excess energy to pump
water uphill to fill a reservoir, water which is later
released through a hydroelectric turbine to convert
back to electricity.
Compressed air is an evolving technique
employed in Latin America. Renewable energy is
used to compress air, which is later relieved at a time
when additional energy excess is needed. Another
approach used is called mechanical energy storage,
which harnesses motion or gravity to store electricity
– for example, a flywheel is a rotating mechanical
device that is used to store rotational energy that
can be called up instantaneously.

Research and development

Battery technology is now amongst the most
widely used of the energy storage options,
and attracts the focus of much research and
development in the sector. The battery market


will grow to US$168 billion by 2030, with most of the growth in batteries could put pressure on supply chains for a broad mix of
battery revenues stemming from lithium-ion batteries. Battery materials such as lithium, nickel, cobalt, and graphite.
storage power will also reach 353 GW by 2030, compared The World Economic Forum (WEF) has provided counsel
to 15 GW in 2022. The installed capacity is expected to grow on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risks within
at a CAGR of 43.3% from 2020 to 2030.8 This growth will the battery value chain, including working conditions, local
drive a transformation of the global electric grid towards air, water and soil pollution, and biodiversity loss. A WEF paper
sustainable energy. co-authored with the Global Battery Alliance emphasises that
One challenge that can be addressed by research and ‘acting now is […] a chance to shape an emerging value chain,
development into batteries is increasing long-term duration while acting later requires costly reconfiguration and leads to
storage. Battery storage can extend from only two hours to the exacerbation of social and environmental impacts.’11
four or five hours, achieved by more mature and advanced The EU is heeding the WEF’s call to legislate to address ESG
technologies. For longer-term duration storage, newer challenges and in a timely manner. A draft battery regulation
technologies have evolved within the battery space with proposal has been tabled by the European Commission, to
different combinations of metals. There is now increased secure the sustainability and competitiveness of EU battery
pressure for cell makers and their component suppliers for value chains. Proposed measures include minimum recycled
ever more effective materials and chemical mixes. The next content, performance and durability criteria, and due diligence
2 – 3 years will see nickel increasingly substituted for cobalt as obligations for sourcing raw materials.12 The advancement of
the cathode stabiliser in order to reduce dependence on supplies such regulation will hold feet to the fire, advancing current and
from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).8 future battery storage technology in a way that rings true to the
Advanced battery chemistries are also being developed that core aims of the Paris Agreement and incorporating broader
may offer advantages over commercially available batteries. ESG considerations.
Performance advantages include a lighter weight, higher energy The electrification of the energy sector should go hand in hand
density, broader temperature tolerance, extended lifecycle, with a drive to consider the sustainability of storage technology
and improved safety. One such technology is a vanadium materials, and a move towards recyclable, less resource intensive
flow battery that stores energy in an electrolyte liquid form materials. A carbon neutral future requires storage technology
which is separated by a proton exchange membrane.9 This to make renewable energy a viable option to drive dynamic
liquid is pumped around large tanks and driven through a economies around the world – the key to unlocking a vibrant
‘cell’ for conversion into power when required.10 Vanadium is renewable sector. It should be kept in mind that a holistic view of a
an abundant metallic resource, more so than copper, plus the sustainable future extends not just to reducing carbon emissions
material is highly recycleable with ions simply moving between through cleaner sources of energy, but also the sustainability of
oxidation states rather than being destroyed or degraded. the infrastructure that underpins this renewable energy.

Sustainable energy storage References

1. ‘Ukraine crisis will speed energy transition in mid-term, says renewables agency
Looking to the future, energy storage technology research
chief’, Reuters, (2022),
should focus upon battery efficiency and extending related crisis-will-speed-energy-transition-mid-term-says-renewables-agency-2022-09-27/
lifecycle costs and resources. Manufacturers should reduce 2. ‘World Energy Transitions Outlook: 1.5˚C Pathway’, International Renewable Energy
the amount of rare earths that need to be extracted from the 3. DE POUS, P., PATULEIA, A., BROWN, S., and ROSSLOWE, C., ‘More renewables, less
ground, lessening disruption for nature and for people in places inflation: Restoring EU economic stability through investment in renewables’,
E3G and Ember, (2022),
such as the DRC. At present, the predicted growth of lithium-ion EMBER-Briefing-More-renewables-less-inflation.pdf
4. ‘Towards the energy transition in Latin America and the Caribbean’,
Latin American Energy Organization, (2020),
5. ‘Record clean energy spending is set to help global energy investment grow 8% in
2022’, International Energy Agency, (2022),
6. ‘Essays on energy the economy and the environment, University of Portsmouth,
7. ‘The global energy storage market’, Deloitte UK,
8. ‘Batteries in Power – Thematic Research’, GlobalData, (2022),
9. RAPIER, R., ‘Why Vanadium Flow Batteries May Be The Future OF Utility-Scale Energy
Storage’, Forbes, (2020),
10. LIMB, L., ‘The race for renewable batteries: What’s the future of solar and wind
storage?’, Euronews, (2022),
11. ‘A Vision for a Sustainable Battery Value Chain in 2030: Unlocking the Full
Potential to Power Sustainable Development and Climate Change Mitigation’,
World Economic Forum and Global Battery Alliance, (2019),
12. ‘A new EU regulatory framework for batteries’, Plenary Session of the European
Parliament, (March 2022),
Figure 1. The San Isidro project in El Salvador. ATAG/2022/729285/EPRS_ATA(2022)729285_EN.pdf


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Mark Rowcroft,
Development Director,
Exagen, UK, considers
the perennial solar
issue of ‘dunkelflaute’
– and similar dark lulls
for international solar
development policy.

riting from the UK,
ahead of what will be a
significant winter energy
crisis with many people
plunged into fuel poverty and struggling
to heat their homes, it is difficult to picture
a sunlit energy landscape. Driven in
part by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the
current energy outlook seems bleak: high
prices, continued fossil fuel exploration,
reneged promises, and climate crisis
commitments going unmet.
But zooming out from this current
crisis, the renewables picture is positive,
and solar is currently enjoying its moment
in the sun, with global solar generation
increasing by a record 179 TWh (up 22%)
last year. Furthermore, – according to the
International Energy Agency, the world’s
solar fleet reached 1 TW capacity in
April 2022. It remains the fastest-growing
renewable energy source and the third
largest renewable electricity technology
behind hydropower and wind.
The global governmental
roadmaps towards net zero,

though, do not quite reflect this sunny outlook. According (BMV), which is earmarked for farming and from which solar
to the International Renewable Energy Agency’s (IRENA) development is discouraged, to include the middling-to-low
Renewable Energy Roadmap to 2030, total governmental category 3b. The redefinition would exclude solar from
projections yield less than 500 GW of solar PV in 2030 – vs the IRENA approximately 41% of England’s land area, with much of what
roadmap demonstrating that market trends and enabling policies is left – grade 4 and 5 land – unsuitable for solar developments,
combined could result in 1250 GW. and threaten 30 GW and £20 billion capital investment in projects
The global energy mix is still dominated by coal, oil, and gas, slated for 2025 onwards.
with the countries that lead on renewables doing so by leaning, There are echoes here of a 2015 government decision,
naturally, on their natural resources: Sweden – on track for 100% designed to appease rural Members of Parliament, that outlawed
renewable energy by 2040 – favours hydropower and bioenergy; onshore wind in England, overturning local planning decisions
Iceland takes advantage of hydropower and geothermal energy and forcing developers to fold or shift focus to Scotland. If
(which heats nine out of 10 homes); and countries abundant in sun the government’s threat is realised, this change would affect
lead the solar pack, such as China, the US, Japan, and Morocco landowners hoping to diversify their income, developers who
– the latter of which houses the world’s largest concentrated will lose access to the most abundant and accessible land
solar farm, the Noor-Ouarzazate complex in the Sahara desert. for generation, and stall one of the country’s fastest-growing
And herein lies what has historically been one of solar’s biggest industries. The decision has deep implications for multiple
issues: dunkelflaute. stakeholders in the industry – and the UK’s net zero ambitions.
Dunkelflaute – literally, ‘dark wind lull’ – describes time periods It is a similar picture globally: last summer saw reports that
where the sun (and wind) is not abundant, or not enough to meet China was weighing new restrictions on land use to restrict the
energy demands, leaving countries to fall back on alternative ability of solar developers to build on arable land or on coastlines
sources: hydro, nuclear, fossil fuels and, more limitedly, energy and riverbanks, while in its bioeconomy plan, the EU is weighing up
storage. Treating solar as ‘making energy while the sun shines’ just how much one piece of land can do, and the trade-off between
and using greenhouse gas-emitting fossil fuels as a safety net, energy security and food security – both heavily impacted by
undermines the benefits that renewables promise: cost, security, Russia’s war on Ukraine. With interim 2030 net zero targets looming,
and emissions reductions. each solar-delaying policy decision begs the question: exactly how
Historically, renewables development has followed the same committed are governments to decarbonising the world’s power
broad prescription globally: find land, find capacity, achieve networks? Solar infrastructure and solar investment are queued: as
consent, secure funding, hit subsidy window, build or sell. In the UK, projects threatened to wither on the vine.
this recipe has worked for onshore wind backed by renewables
obligation certificates (ROCs), for 5 MWp solar backed by feed-in Grids need to get up to speed
tariffs (FIT) and even for offshore wind underpinned by contract Across the world, the solar technology is ready to plug and play
for difference auctions. All these schemes boosted renewables, – the problem is finding the proverbial socket. The grid networks
growing operational fleets until the once-immature technology simply are not able to keep up, and there are further policy decisions
could stand alone. But now, solar needs to take the next step. to be made around funding grids that are more accommodating
to distributed generation. Where is the most equitable place to put
Policy casts a shadow over the future that cost? Bill-payers around the world are already stretched to
of solar capacity by soaring energy bills, and increasing taxation to fund it is
At the time of writing, the UK’s solar sector is lit up with rumours a difficult policy decision to take during a cost-of-living crisis.
that the new environment secretary had plans to limit solar Networks are also, as a rule, designed around peak capacity:
development by redefining ‘best and most versatile’ land a 50 MW solar farm needs a 50 MW hole to fill. But, often, the grid

Figure 1. A CGI rendering of Exagen’s proposed mega-battery site in Earl Shilton, the UK.


is merely contractually ‘full’ – it is rarely physically full. The capacity Exagen also has another battery-powered
is there but allotted to the peak export of a gas peaker plant or a answer: the company’s first mega-battery project,
wind farm with a 40% capacity factor – the balance going unused Normanton Energy Reserve in Leicestershire, the UK. This
and with every new developer joining the ever-lengthening queue 275 kV energy park has a peak capacity of 500 MW and a
to plug in one supergrid transformer at a time. One answer might duration of 2 hrs, providing the energy equivalent to 235 000 UK
be to cluster development: for example, five solar farms designed homes’ average daily electricity usage while also maximising
together, with a common connection point. The caveat is that all opportunities for nature enhancement, delivering a net
five farms now have common programmes – if one farm hits a biodiversity gain of more than 20% (double the requirements of
snag, such as planning, all five are delayed, and what investor will the Environment Act). Ultimately, mega batteries could be the
accept an open-ended programme? There is no one-size-fits-all, silver bullet that takes gas out of the picture, because they can
but there are more solutions. store big volumes of power until the network needs it. Greater
manufacturing capability and energy density improvements, as
Batteries must be included well as the general move to ‘electrify everything’, underpin the
All of Exagen’s solar development projects are co-located with case for such projects, and emerging chemistries may increase
battery storage, to better manage the import and export on their application further as durations and cycle counts increase.
the connection and add flexibility to the network. Batteries can
combine with initiatives such as time-of-use tariffs, incentivising The time is now
people to move their load to times of day when there is more Of course, smart technology, such as Wi-Fi-enabled washing
power available and lessening peak demand. Increasingly, machines, currently have a high bar to entry as it is all
network-connected tools, such as smart meters and smart new-to-market. And at a time when, particularly in the UK,
appliances – Wi-Fi-enabled washing machines, for example consumers are facing a squeeze on their budgets from all
– allow consumers to shift their power demand to a different corners, smart technology cannot be expected to save solar.
time, which in turn makes the network more intelligent. And Network operators, governments, developers – everyone must
a flexible network with a greater level of intelligence will not start taking those first steps to commit to the smart path. Many
need as much peak power, lessens the reliance on gas, and of Exagen’s transmission-connected projects have a 5 – 6 year
accommodates more renewables onto the network. Co-locating delivery horizon, so there is some way to go, but solar developers
battery storage with farms is a way of working in tandem with this are not trying to deliver change overnight – they will wait for the
smarter network. sun to come up.

Worldwide Coverage

A global industry
requires a global

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Dongyoung Kim, Technical Assistant, Reddie & Grose, discusses how recycling solar

espite the scepticism renewables have faced over needs of a few niche markets, such as space applications,
the past few decades, they continue to become which required an autonomous and lightweight power
increasingly competitive in the energy landscape. source. The material and fabrication costs of manufacturing
In particular, the solar energy industry has seen solar cells were very high in the 20th Century; however, this
an extremely rapid development in the past decade. In was not an immediate concern at the time because their
2020 alone, over 127 GW of new photovoltaic (PV) power main applications, space projects, were not considered
generation capacity was installed, leading to the total global profitable anyway.
PV power generation capacity of 707.5 GW (702.9 GW on-grid On the other hand, the recent ‘solar boom’ has been
and 4.584 MW of off-grid)1 at the end of 2020. This means driven by technical advances in PV technology which have
more than one-fifth of renewable energy in the world today is allowed for not only the optimisation in gathering and
generated by PV technology. producing energy, but also a reduction of its associated costs.
According to the International Renewable Energy Agency’s
Solar boom (IRENA) recent report2, the global weighted-average total
The development of the PV industry in the 20th Century had installed cost of utility scale solar PV fell from US$4731/kW to
mainly been fuelled by technological advances and the US$883/kW between 2010 and 2020. Over the same period,

r panels can help complete the sustainability cycle of photovoltaic power generation.

the levelised cost of electricity from utility scale solar PV also end-of-life (EOL)? So far, EOL disposal of solar panels has not
fell by 85% between 2010 and 2020, recording US$0.057/kWh. caused too many concerns: solar panels only started being
This figure is comparable to that of coal-fired power widely deployed in the early 2000s, and the industry standard
generation (which is the cheapest fossil-fuel competitor) lifespan of solar panels is approximately 25 – 30 years
available in 2020 (US$0.05/kWh). Given the cost savings (although many believe that the actual lifespan may be as
over fossil fuels projected in the years to come, alongside long as 35 – 40 years). Given that most of the solar panels
international efforts to respond to climate change, the rapid in the world were installed in the past decade (2011 – 2020),
growth of global solar PV capacity is expected to continue for there will likely be a sudden increase in the number of dead
the foreseeable future. solar panels starting from mid-2030s. To give a rough idea, PV
panels installed in the past decade provide 640 225 MW total
‘Dying’ solar panels capacity, which is equitant to over 2 billion 300 W solar panels.
However, whilst this should be welcome news in view of
the energy transition, the already large and increasing EOL management of solar panels
number of solar panel installations inevitably leads to a Some may think the mid-2030s timeline is still too early
problem: What happens to solar panels when they reach to worry about EOL management of solar panels.


However, there are many good reasons why this issue should These material recovery processes typically involve
start being taken more seriously now. The good news is shredding EOL solar panels into small pieces and
that many governments have already started introducing mechanically separating major components and materials
frameworks for recycling, reusing and, if neither is possible, of the panels. Such processes can already achieve high
disposing of dead solar panels. For example, in the UK overall material recovery rates that are in line with the
and many European countries, collection, recycling, and existing regulations, such as EU WEEE Directive. However,
recovery targets for all types of electrical goods, such as processes involving shredding typically accompany loss of
solar panels, are set according to the Waste Electrical and high-value materials, such as silver, which are dispersed
Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE Directive). Still, it is in form of dusts during shredding. So far, due to the
questionable whether the capacity of the existing recycling relatively low volume of solar panel waste, such losses have
facilities dedicated to electrical and electronic waste would been considered to be negligible. Nevertheless, without
be able to cope with the ever-increasing volume of solar significant improvements of recycling process, the volume of
panel waste. Moreover, conventional recycling processes unrecovered high-value materials would only increase along
for general electrical and electronic waste may not be able with the growing volume of solar panel waste.
to deliver the best material recovery rate for solar panel
waste. With the rise of high-efficiency PV cells made of novel Environmental impact
semiconductor or organic materials, it is also questionable In view of the environmental impact, finding better ways
whether conventional electronic waste recycling and disposal to reuse and recycle EOL solar panels is an essential
processes, which are designed mainly with silicon electronics step in completing the sustainability cycle of solar PV
in mind, would be able to safely handle novel PV materials, power generation. Unlike the environmental impacts of
some of which are known to be toxic to human health. manufacturing, installing, and maintaining solar panels
and plants, the environmental impacts of dead solar
Material recovery panels have largely been neglected to date. However,
But why is there a need to worry about how to reuse and according to a study3, recycling 1000 kg of silicon PV
recycle EOL solar panels and their parts? Although the waste produces greenhouse gas emissions of 4.46 x 102 kg
most obvious answer to this question would be to minimise carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent – most of which comes
the environmental impact that such large volumes of from transporting solar panel waste to recycling facilities,
solar panel waste can have on the planet, this is not just incinerating plastic materials from the panels, and further
an environmental issue. Solar panels are made of many treatment for metal recovery from the bottom ash. Given
components, including PV cells (electricity-producing that burning 1 l of petrol produces approximately 2.3 kg
devices), electrical connections, and support frame, all of of CO2, this is equivalent to burning approximately 193 l of
which contain materials that can be reused or extracted for petrol. Such EOL phase emission is not often considered
further use. when assessing the environmental impact of solar power
Currently, materials from EOL solar panels are typically generation, but as the volume of solar panel waste grows,
recovered at general recycling plants (e.g. MRFs) alongside the impact of such emission would reach a significant level
other types of electrical and electronic equipment. in coming years.

Figure 1. Global solar photovoltaic panel installation in 2011 – 20201 and estimated end-of-life for panels installed in 2011 – 2020.


Global Hydrogen Review
Future technologies
Thanks to the advances made in the solar energy sector in
the past two decades, the cost per kilowatt-hour of solar
power generation is now comparable to the cheapest
available fossil fuel-based power generation. The increased
profitability of solar power means that government subsidy
is no longer a requirement for large scale solar projects and
will also open up more opportunities for subsidy-free solar
projects. Moreover, the rise of hybrid PV systems based on
integration of PV technology with other types of energy
technologies, such as wind, hydropower, and battery, is
likely to lead to further cost reductions through economies
of scale.
Although solar energy has come a long way, more
work is still needed to make solar power generation more
sustainable, both socio-economically and environmentally.
In particular, much work is still needed in relation to the EOL
phase of solar panels to complete the sustainability cycle of
PV power generation.
The problems relating to the EOL phase of solar panels,
like other challenges the solar energy industry faced in
the past, could be overcome by innovations. For example,
developing recycling processes dedicated to PV panels
could increase treatment capacities, improve the quality
of extracted materials, and increase material recovery
rate. More work can also be done to design solar panels
to enable easy separation of panels parts or materials
without having to use a shredder or thermal treatment. PV
cell material research, which currently mainly focuses on
improving cell efficiency, may also need to expand towards
A new magazine
making cell materials more EOL-friendly, by making them
more easily reusable or recyclable. Moreover, improved focused on the global
monitoring methods for analysing ‘gate-to-gate’ impact of
EOL solar panels, considering all impacts from transporting
solar panel waste to recycling plants up to sorting of the
hydrogen sector
different recyclable materials and disposal of residues, may
help identify which aspects of the EOL phase needs more

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urgent improvement. Such innovations directed to solar
waste recycling may not be considered profitable initially,
just like the PV cells in their early day. However, given the
astronomical number of solar panels that will ‘die’ in the
coming decades, solar waste recycling may, with the help of
free subscription
public policy, funding, and continued research, eventually
be able to achieve economies of scale like the solar power
generation sector did.
The increasing need for innovations in the non-cell
parts of PV systems will be good news for new businesses
that wish to step into solar power industry. Perhaps the
rapid increase in the number of PV-related patent filings
in recent years is not only a reflection of technological
advances of PV cells, but also a sign of a wider range of
innovations to come.

1. ‘Renewable capacity statistics 2021’, IRENA, (2021).
2. ‘Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2020’, IRENA, (2021).
3. LATUNUSSA, C. E. L., ARDENTE, F., BLENGINI, G. A., and MANCINI, L., ‘Life Cycle
Assessment of an innovative re-cycling process for crystalline silicon photovoltaic
panels’, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol. 156, pp. 101 – 111, (2016).
Shawn Kreloff, Bioenergy Devco Founder and CEO, USA, discusses the best way North Ame
cool down the fast-warming planet through emissions reduction.


erica can adapt to and

lean energy advocates say to adopt where it decomposes and releases methane, a harmful
photovoltaics, geothermal, hydropower, greenhouse gas.
or wind. Others urge for the conversion of Bagged, spread, or buried in pockets without
transport from fossil fuel to electricity or sunlight or oxygen, organic waste gets broken down by
hydrogen fuel cells. Still, more seek forest restoration or microorganisms through a natural, four-stage process
no-till farming that locks carbon in the ground. called anaerobic digestion (AD). In a landfill setting,
Each answer plays an important role, yet a this process releases methane into the atmosphere,
landmark study by the climate science organisation, compounding negative environmental effects that may
Project Drawdown, found the most impactful solution have been generated through the food supply chain.
to reducing greenhouse gas emissions is to reduce But this natural process of AD can be harnessed, and
food waste.1 the biogas it generates can be used as a source of clean,
Slashing food waste eases pressure on habitats, renewable energy to provide heat and electricity to homes
reduces toxic runoff, and avoids up to 102 billion t of or alternative fuels for vehicles.4
emissions.2 That is equivalent to removing 30 000 coal
plants or adding 30 million wind turbines. Each week, The use of anaerobic digestion
dump trucks load 1 million t of food waste and haul it AD is both natural and timeless. For billions of years,
off to be incinerated, where it is combusted and emitted microbes have broken down dead organic matter into
as an environmental pollutant,3 or taken to a landfill, rich muck and swamp gas. But in the past few centuries,

scientists have explored the biochemical processes of AD, and being emitted into the environment. Additionally, this process
innovators have found ways to utilise its outputs. generates digestate, which can then be used as a safe,
Starting in the industrial age, entrepreneurs designed nutrient-rich soil amendment, returning organic material back
special tanks and systems – anaerobic digesters – that to the very ground from which it grew.
generate methane to fuel streetlights or power homes. Over
time, these plants have grown more technologically complex, The North American Renaissance
efficient, and sophisticated, unlocking enough renewable The use of anaerobic digesters to generate renewable energy
energy to offer a viable alternative to fossil fuels. In Europe is a common practice around the globe. Now, North America
and Asia, hundreds of thousands of plants have quite literally is poised to catch up and potentially surpass other continents.
empowered cities and farms to manage waste in ways that Governments and industries seek to develop and integrate
are affordable, reliable, efficient, productive, odourless, modular industrial anaerobic digesters that could divert
and clean. the bulk of indiscriminate food disposal. Rather than bury
AD is a process through which microbes break down or incinerate it to pollute our air, this could transform food
organic matter in the absence of oxygen. When this process waste into beneficial outcomes, such as clean energy and soil
takes place in a controlled, sealed vessel called a digester, enrichment that help grow more food.
organics (such as animal manure, food waste, grease, Far from hypothetical, the North American eco-friendly AD
and oils) can be used for biogas production,4 utilising the Renaissance is already underway.
naturally occurring methane for clean energy, rather than Instead of abandoning food to rot in landfills, regional
alliances have begun to carefully and responsibly
divert organic feedstock into and process it
through enclosed AD waste processing and
conversion systems. Today’s next-generation
anaerobic digesters master every aspect of
breaking down food waste: the content, density,
consistency, volume, flow, moisture level,
temperature, and microbial activity.
In goes discarded waste; out come precious
resources. Because the system is sealed airtight,
anaerobic digesters refine the generated biogas
into clean energy, such as: renewable natural gas
(RNG), electricity, or even green hydrogen. Fresh
water can flow back into the basin, cleansed of
any risks from harmful contaminants, pathogens,
or chemicals. And the solid byproduct is a
nutrient-rich soil amendment, digestate – much
like compost.
Figure 1. Bioenergy Devco’s Maryland Bioenergy Center, Jessup, houses the largest
Behind this 21st Century AD Renaissance
commercial scale anaerobic digesters in the USA. is a convergence of economic, political, and
regulatory forces.
Landfills near cities have grown prohibitively
expensive to approve, build, and operate.
Incineration plants have fallen out of favour due
to their negative impacts on local air quality.
Food growers, processors, and municipal waste
agencies seek ways to reduce operating costs
and carbon footprints. Federal agencies now
welcome and want to scale up AD systems to
reduce methane emissions, displace fossil fuels,
recycle organic waste, and replace synthetic
fertilizers with the macro and micronutrients
already present in waste.

A growing demand
Looking ahead, the American Biogas Council
asserts that the construction of 13 500 new AD
projects would generate 23 000 long-term jobs,
generate enough energy to power 7.5 million
Figure 2. Crioengergie facility, located in Macron, near Venice. homes, and cut emissions equivalent to taking


more than 15 million cars off the road. All these lead Acumen transport costs to preventing algae blooms and toxic runoff.
research to give North America the dominant share of a Additionally, AD yields another byproduct prized by gardeners
growing global market, driven by surging “demand for and farmers alike: digestate.
renewable energy sources, strict government guidelines to Digestate, much like compost, is an organic conditioner
reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and expanding volume of that traps CO2 as organic matter, feeds the soil microbiome,
solid waste.”5 and returns and cycles waste back into the landscape,
To meet demand for AD systems in America, reducing the use of chemical, petroleum-based amendments.
Bioenergy Devco has adopted what works so well everywhere Like composting, the digestate output from anaerobic
else. It has adapted and innovated to meet the contours of digesters optimises the conditions for naturally occurring
local needs, economies, and demographics. Rather than microbes (i.e., protozoa, microbes, rotifers, fungi) to continue
focus only on just one aspect – funding, siting, building, their magic, improving the tilth, life, health, and fertility in
operating, technology, or human resources – the company soils. Moreover, digestate has even higher concentrations
combines it all together in one seamlessly integrated of nutrients than compost, enhancing food production in a
package. It brings financing to the table; anticipates legal closed-loop process that captures the essence of our shift
concerns and complies with waste legislation; and integrates toward a circular economy. The company’s Maryland plant
food production problems, municipal constraints, and local produces more than 16 t of rich, fertile soil amendment for
community demands. Finally, based on stakeholder needs, agricultural and other land use.
the company builds to scale and links to the grid or pipeline,
applying a seasoned team and proprietary technology to Conclusion
the equation. Anaerobic digester systems hold tremendous potential
for renewable energy solutions. Yet one of the more
Achieving results novel and exciting prospects is adapting the process to
Can a billion-year-old biological process really be all that produce hydrogen.
complex? The simple answer is yes. With just one proton and one electron, hydrogen is Earth’s
Running an efficient anaerobic digester is a proven and simplest and most abundant element. While it can store
predictable science. The process requires exactly the right and deliver usable energy, hydrogen rarely exists by itself. It
combination of ingredients, broken down to the right size and must be extracted from other compounds produced from
sequence. The proportions of water, microbes, and organic hydrocarbons in emissions-intensive processes that can
content (plants, cooking oil, protein, animal fats, etc.) must defeat the purpose. Anaerobic digesters, by contrast, could
be precisely and constantly measured and adjusted, while be adapted to produce green hydrogen using a proven steam
monitoring temperature and gas production. For such a upgrading process.
simple living organism, microbes can be astonishingly fussy That massive promise lies in hydrogen’s combination of
about what they eat and under which conditions. Too cold efficiency and versatility of applications. Hydrogen is so clean
or too hot, too dry or too solid, and the whole AD process that, when burned, it produces only water and heat. The
can be disrupted. But the results are extraordinary on energy can be used by trucks, shipping, buses, auxiliary power
multiple levels. units, and even aircraft.
Every technological innovation – from electric cars to the
Case study: Maryland, USA Internet – has to overcome initial resistance. The quest to
Bioenergy Devco’s latest commercial scale bioenergy centre change the world by recycling food waste into clean energy is
in Jessup, Maryland, the US, is designed to ingest 115 000 t no different. It can only happen through the convergence of
of excess waste food scraps, fats, oils, and greases (FOG), public support, consumer demand, government backing, and
along with other organic material. The centre can produce private innovation. Once widely embraced, it crosses a tipping
more than 300 000 million Btu of RNG. Injected into the point, pushes back old constraints, and opens new directions
grid, the RNG reduces carbon dioxide (CO2), equivalent to and possibilities.
taking more than 12 500 gasoline-powered cars off the road In this way, anaerobic digester systems in North America
for a year. The fully-enclosed anaerobic digesters eliminate are poised for a 21st Century Renaissance, a transformation
the groundwater pollution often caused by excessive land that unlocks greener energy, cleaner air, purer water, and
application and landfill operations, minimising runoff that richer soils.
can poison ecosystems and cause significant human health
problems, meaning the facility does not require fresh water to References
process materials. The resulting greenhouse gasses prevented 1. ‘Table of solutions’, Project Drawdown,
from being released into the atmosphere have the equivalent 2. ‘Reduced food waste’, Project Drawdown,
environmental impact of approximately 70 000 acres of US food-waste
forests in one year – 82 times the size of Central Park. 3. ‘The impact of food waste’, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
4. ‘How Does Anaerobic Digestion Work?’, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, (2022),
A useful byproduct
These green outcomes are in and of themselves remarkable. 5. ‘Anaerobic Digestion Market – Global Industry Size, Share, Anaylsis, Trends
and Forecast 2022 – 2030’, Acumen Research and Consulting, (July 2022),
But there are other local benefits to consider, from reducing



RWE acquires Western Power Offshore Sumitomo announces participation
Developments in onshore wind IPP project

R WE has acquired 100% of Irish company,

Western Power Offshore Developments Ltd, which is in the
early stages of developing the East Celtic wind farm, located
S umitomo Corporation has acquired an equity stake
in Amunet Wind Power Company S.A.E. and signed
a loan agreement with a group of banks, including
approximately 10 km off the coast of Wexford and Waterford Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), in relation
in Ireland. The project will significantly expand RWE’s offshore to its onshore wind independent power producer (IPP)
wind developments in the country and contributes towards its project in Egypt, which Sumitomo Corporation has been
target of expanding its green generation fleet internationally developing in partnership with AMEA Power.
up to 50 GW by 2030. The project involves the construction, ownership,
RWE’s adoption of the project as part of the acquisition and operation of onshore wind farm that can generate
reinforces the company’s commitment to offshore wind growth approximately 500 MW of electricity, in Ras Ghareb in
in Ireland, and makes it a key partner to the Irish government the Red Sea Governorate along the Gulf of Suez, situated
in the delivery of its target of connecting 7 GW (7000 MW) of 240 km southeast of Cairo, the capital city of Egypt. When
offshore wind capacity to the grid by 2030. completed, the project is slated to sell electricity to Egypt’s
In addition, RWE is already developing the state-owned Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company
Dublin Array wind farm project in partnership with over approximately 25 years. The construction is scheduled
Saorgus Energy, off the coast of Dublin and Wicklow, which will to take approximately 2.5 years until 2025, and the
be capable of generating up to 600 – 900 MW of electricity. completed facility is expected to become one of the largest
The East Celtic wind farm project is in the very early stages onshore wind farms in Egypt. Sumitomo Corporation
of development, and important decisions have yet to be made, will engage in the development, construction, and
from the overall size of the wind farm to turbine locations, operation of the wind farm by leveraging its expertise
cable routes, and land-based developments. A major public acquired through its track record of overseas onshore
consultation exercise will take place to gather views from local wind farm projects in the US, the Republic of South Africa,
people to help inform the future direction of the project design. the People’s Republic of China, and other locations.
Depending on the final agreed installed capacity, and once The project is to be co-financed by JBIC,
fully developed and constructed, it could have the potential to International Finance Corporation, Sumitomo Mitsui
generate up to 900 MW of clean wind energy. It is anticipated Banking Corporation, Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Ltd,
that it could also bring significant economic benefits to the Standard Chartered Bank, and others through a project
South East region of Ireland, during both the construction financing scheme, for which an agreement-signing
phase, and across the operational life of the wind farm. ceremony took place on 30 November 2022.

Vestas wins 756 MW order for wind project in Australia

I n partnership with renewable energy enterprise,

TagEnergy, Vestas will deliver the EPC for the first stage
of Golden Plains wind farm, a 756 MW project in Victoria,
With the highest market share for installed capacity,
Vestas currently maintains the most amount of wind
turbines in Australia. This project will further expand the
Australia. Stage one is set to be Vestas’ largest onshore wind company’s leading footprint in the country’s promising clean
farm in Asia Pacific and will feature 122 V162-6.2 MW wind energy market.
turbines from the EnVentus platform. Delivery of Vestas’ wind turbines is expected to occur
Upon completion, Vestas will also deliver a 30-year 4Q23, with commissioning to commence 4Q24. Once
service and maintenance agreement (AOM5000) to operational, the first stage of Golden Plains wind farm will
optimise the project’s energy production and long-term generate enough clean energy to power approximately
business case certainty. 450 000 homes a year.



Sin Mao Group and Wello to deploy Minesto signs collaboration
12 MW wave energy park in Taiwan agreements for project development
in Indonesia
W ello and Sin Mao Group have signed a contract to deploy
12 MW of wave energy in Taiwan – the first wave energy
power generation project in the country. Furthermore, the
two companies have signed an agreement for Sin Mao Group
M inesto has signed two collaboration agreements
for development in the Nusa Tengara Barat (NTB)
region, Indonesia: a memorandum of understanding
to act as a distributor of Wello’s technology in Taiwan. This between Minesto and the regional Eco Regions Indonesia,
collaboration is expected to become the largest offshore power and a letter of intent between Minesto and the region.
generation developer in Asia in the coming future. The initiative in Indonesia is part of Minesto’s broader
Wello is a leading wave energy technology provider, market establishment in Southeast Asia. The NTB region
presently working on several sites with their customers and has ambitious sustainability goals and is a forerunner in
partners worldwide. Wello’s unique wave energy technology Indonesia’s energy transition. The regional commitment
is based on a gyrating asymmetric floating device with the and availability of ocean currents make NTB a favourable
rotational power conversion unit safely constructed inside the entry market for Minesto in Indonesia.
steel hull. Wello is co-operating and partnering with established The collaboration agreements include feasibility
strong offshore technology providers to be able to respond studies on the natural resource, infrastructure, and
efficiently to the rapidly growing demand at the global market. finance, and are based on collaborative work to integrate
Taiwan is aiming to become carbon neutral by 2035. Minesto’s technology as a part of the 100% renewable
Presently, with 95% of energy being generated by fossil fuels, energy mix in the region, starting with the special
this is an ambitious goal and requires a totally new energy economic zone.
infrastructure being constructed. All sources of renewables must Minesto is a new member of the bilateral
be taken in use, with several wave energy sites currently being programme SISP Energy Alliance, and the collaboration
considered and under development in Taiwan. agreements signed is a first step towards build out of
Wello will provide the technology and the expertise that several key interest areas in Indonesia. As the fourth
they have developed during over a decade in wave energy, and largest country by population and one of the largest
Sin Mao Group will be responsible for developing the sites and ocean territories in the world, Indonesia faces a true
providing wave energy converters based on Wello’s technology challenge in the transition from fossils to affordable and
for other site developers. suitable renewables.

Diary dates
Energy Storage North America | Global Energy Show
Intersolar North America 13 – 15 June 2023
14 – 16 February 2023 Calgary, Canada
California, USA
Global Offshore Wind
WindEurope 14 – 15 June 2023
25 – 27 April 2023 London, UK
Copenhagn, Denmark
Offshore Wind North East
Global Energy Transition 08 – 09 November 2023
07 – 08 June 2023 UK
New York, USA



GLOBAL NEWS CARBIOW project to help Europe take

OPAL Fuels, NextEra Energy Marketing,
the lead in energy and transport sector
and Republic Services begin
operations at Minnesota RNG facility

O PAL Fuels Inc., a leading vertically integrated

producer and distributor of renewable natural gas
C arbon Negative Biofuels from Organic Waste (CARBIOW) is
a Research and Innovation Action funded by the EU under
the Horizon Europe Programme that addresses green transition
(RNG), and NextEra Energy Marketing, LLC, a subsidiary and circular economy by proposing novel technologies that cover
of NextEra Energy Resources, LLC, has announced the the whole process of conversion of organic waste to biofuels.
commencement of commercial operations at the first The 42-month project held its kick-off meeting virtually on
landfill RNG production facility in Minnesota, the US. The 3 November 2022, and officially started to work together in the
Pine Bend RNG project is located at a landfill owned by planning of the work to be done in the next months.
Republic Services, Inc., a leader in the environmental services The goal of CARBIOW is to establish an efficient and scalable
industry, and interconnected with a pipeline owned by process to convert the Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste
Xcel Energy, an electric and gas utility in the region. (OFMSW) and other hard-to-utilise solid organic wastes to biofuels
The new RNG facility captures naturally occurring biogas, with key targets, such as establishing a new pre-treatment
made up in part by methane, from Pine Bend Landfill and process of OFMSW where a cleaner, denser, carbon-rich, dry, and
transforms it into RNG. homogenous solid biofuel is produced and utilising pure oxygen
This project replaces a landfill gas-to-electricity project, (nitrogen-free gas) in combustion and gasification to produce
which has now been decommissioned. At full capacity, the clean syngas.
facility is expected to process an estimated 3350 ft3/min. of The consortium is composed of 12 partners spread around
landfill gas, resulting in the production of 6.3 million gasoline Europe, including companies from the Netherlands, Sweden,
gallon equivalent per year of RNG. The low-carbon gas is then Slovenia, Norway, Finland, Germany, Belgium, and Spain.
injected into Xcel Energy’s gas pipeline.

Shell to acquire Nature Energy

S hell Petroleum NV, a wholly owned subsidiary

of Shell plc, has reached an agreement with
Davidson Kempner Capital Management LP,
Pioneer Point Partners, and Sampension to acquire 100%
shareholding of Nature Energy Biogas A/S for nearly
US$2 billion (€1.9 billion). The acquisition will be absorbed FF Mitsubishi Power receives geothermal power
within Shell’s current capital range, which remains unchanged.
plant order from Pertamina
Nature Energy is a producer of renewable natural gas FF Woodside Energy selected as preferred partner
(RNG) from agricultural, industrial, and household wastes. for Meridian Southern green hydrogen project
By purchasing the shares in Nature Energy, Shell will acquire FF Clean energy industries form alliance at COP27
the largest RNG producer in Europe, its portfolio of cash
generative operating plants, associated feedstock supply
and infrastructure, its pipeline of growth projects, and its Follow our website and social media pages for more
in-house expertise in the design, construction, and operation updates, industry news, and technical articles.
of innovative and differentiated RNG plant technology.
The transaction is subject to regulatory approvals and is
expected to close in 1Q23. Nature Energy is cash generative,
and the acquisition is expected to be both accretive to Shell’s
earnings from completion and deliver double digit returns.



Renewable Power Capital and Eelpower Waratah Super Battery starts execution
agree 1 GW storage venture in Australia

R enewable Power Capital (RPC) has announced its

entry into the battery storage market in Great Britain,
working with Eelpower to acquire, build, and operate utility
P owin LLC will deliver a 1.9 GWh battery energy storage
system (BESS) for Akaysha Energy, a BlackRock company,
to power the New South Wales (NSW) Waratah Super Battery
scale projects. (WSB) project. Akaysha Energy has been appointed by the
The venture will target up to 1 GW of storage, with a Energy Corporation of NSW to develop the WSB to provide a
near-term pipeline of 240 MW. service of at least 700 MW capacity as part of a system integrity
The new RPC-Eelpower joint venture will participate in protection scheme (SIPS). Powin will supply 2592 CentipedeTM
wholesale electricity markets and provide ancillary services Energy Segments and 288 power conversion systems from their
to National Grid, making an expanded contribution to the wholly owned subsidiary, EKS Energy, for a total project capacity
Great Britain electricity system. Battery storage projects are of 909 MW/1915 MWh. Powin will also provide a 20-year long-term
unsubsidised, underscoring RPC’s approach to investing in service agreement, which will enhance the reliability, efficiency,
projects without government subsidy as a long-term project and availability of power supplied by the mega battery.
owner. The joint venture cements RPC’s position as a key This flagship SIPS project will unlock latent transfer capacity
investor in the fast-growing storage sector. in the existing transmission system, help integrate renewable
This storage debut is also the first investment by RPC energy, and maintain grid reliability by acting as a ‘shock
in the UK and follows RPC’s recent acquisition of a 528 MW absorber’ if disruptions such as lightning strikes or bushfires
ready-to-build onshore wind portfolio in Sweden; a deal which interrupt the flow of electricity.
was executed on an unlevered and unhedged basis. Late in The WSB is proposed to be located 100 km north of Sydney at
2021, RPC also secured 10-year power purchase agreements for the former 1400 MW Munmorah coal-fired power station. Pending
three Finnish onshore wind projects that are expected to begin approval, construction will begin in 2023 and is expected to be
operation within the next two months. completed by mid-2025.

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