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E-portfolio 1

Craft Baking Skills

Institute of Technology

This portfolio illustrates procedures for preparing

artisan bread with explanations of processes and
important points to consider.
By Adela Cepeda
ID 27019449
Tutor: Renato Zanoli
August 2018


Ciabatta or Chapata (literally "slipper" in Italian, the name is inspired by its elongated shape,
broad and flattened). It is a rustic bread of Italian origin; it has a crispy crust and porous

The ingredients are: sponge dough (biga), strong flour, water, milk, sugar, yeast and salt.

It is important to note that:

 This preparation has sponge dough called Biga (it is the Italian term for pre-ferment) and it is
composed of flour, from 50% to 60% water on flour and yeast. This pre-ferment is of rigid
consistency and should have a rest between 60 and 90 minutes at room temperature (20 ° C to
22 ° C), then delay about 18 to 20 hours (this means cold storage) until its use. For this
reason, it must be done one day in advance.
 The biga will provide the texture, flavour and smell of bread.
 The flour must be strong flour which is one that contains 12% of proteins because of its high
gluten forming potential.

 The water must be a certain temperature to activate the yeast and there is a formula to
calculate it:

Calculating water temperature for DDT (desired dough temperature)

Multiply DDT x 2
Minus 3 Mixing/Friction
Minus Room Temp
Equal water temperature

 The salt inhibits the growth of the yeast, for this reason, it must be added at the end of the
mixing phase. In this phase, it will help the dough absorb water better and develop.

Mix all ingredients in the mixing machine for 2 minutes except salt, at medium speed. Add the
salt and work for 7 minutes.

Once the kneading is complete, put the dough in an oiled container (so that it does not stick),

cover with plastic (cover the dough to create a warm environment for the fermentation process to
begin and prevents the dough from drying out) and carry out the BFT process (bench or bulk
fermentation time) for 120 minutes. Between the bench and the container put a dish towel to
protect the dough from the icy surface and keep it warm.

Make folds at 20, 40 and 60 minutes. Mentally divide the dough into four sides, take the far side
and pull towards oneself and fold, turn 90 degrees and repeat, then take the opposite side pull and
fold, make another fold on the left side pulling and folding and finally pull the right side and fold.
The purpose of the folds is to build strength, balance out temperature and degas the dough so that
new CO2 can form.

Once the BFT process is over, tip on the bench that is sprayed with oil. Sprinkle flour on the
dough so that it does not stick and rest a few minutes on the bench.

Sprinkle flour again, sprinkle the scraper with oil (to prevent the dough from sticking) and
apportion into a rectangular shapes.

Spray your hands with oil to prevent the dough from sticking when placing it on the oiled tray. (If
a ciabatta is very small we can add a little dough in its base).

Bake at 220 ° C with initial steam for approximately 30 to 40 minutes It is important to generate
steam in the first seconds of the baking because the steam will help the bread to increase in
volume (because the steam delays the formation of crust), that has a colouration and a special
shine in the crust.

Remove from the oven and put on the edge of the tray (so that the base is crispy and does not get
wet) or on a cooling tray.

Comments of Quality Standards

In the case of the ciabatta bread, I can say that I did not think that this bread was the product of
such moist dough. I also that its preparation was a little different from the other loaves because it
must be folded while it is in the process of rest, that finally results in a very aerated bread. As
every bread recipe needs time and technique. I liked learning this recipe because I saw that not
only is this bread very famous in my country (Chile) but also here in New Zealand.

Ciabatta bread can be sold in bakeries; here in New Zealand it has good sales. It is also a bread
that goes very well with any filling due to its mild flavour and crunchy texture, therefore, it could
also be sold with different fillings in a coffee shop. You could even make a variant by adding
wholemeal flour in its preparation.

Its yield is variable since it will depend on the size we want for our bread, but with a little less
than 2 kg of dough, we obtain about 8 to 9 loaves of about 200g. each.

Finally, I can say that personally, it is a bread that I like very much for its crunchy crust and its
light and airy crumb.



Zopf or Züpfe is a braided bread of great brilliance and golden colour based on milk, egg and

butter typical of Switzerland, which is consumed on Sunday mornings and holidays.

The ingredients for its preparation are flour, milk, eggs malt powder, fresh yeast, salt and butter.
We can say that it is classified among the enriched breads because it takes egg and butter, this
makes the product contains more fats and proteins.

We must calculate the temperature of the water (in this case it is the milk) since the recipe gives us the

DDT (desired dough temperature). Then we will mix all the ingredients except the salt, a part of the flour
and the butter.

After 2 minutes add the salt, remaining flour that had been reserved and butter. Work for 5 minutes.


 Remember that the salt is added later to let the yeast activate.
 The butter is added after 2 minutes, because if it is added before it would form a layer around
the particles of the flour and this would prevent the gluten from developing. It is also added
with a little flour to facilitate the incorporation of the fat into the rest of the preparation. The
flour helps the fat to be incorporated more easily into the dough.

Execute BFT (bench or bulk fermentation time) for 40 minutes in oiled container and covered with plastic.

Knock back (gently knead or fold dough to expel carbon dioxide) and divide into 60g. portions
and form cylinders. Then stretch each about 20 cm. long trying to leave the centre a little thicker
(this gives the desired shape to the braid) and put in the form of a cross to braid.

Paint well with egg wash (not too much so that it does not drip and allow the piece to rise).

Perform the proof (the bread dough rises, the yeast is in the fermentation process) then retard
(refrigerate to delay the fermentation process).

Paint with egg wash again and sprinkle sesame seeds.(The piece must be painted well with egg
wash because afterwards in the oven it takes a golden colour, if this process is not done well the
piece will not have an even finish).

Bake at 180 ° C with steam after 5 minutes. (If we put steam before the egg wash would not fulfil
its function of giving shine because the steam would eliminate it).

When finished the baking put on the edge of the tray (so that the base does not get wet) or on a
cooling tray.

Comments of Quality Standards

In preparing this bread I was very happy because a few years ago I had seen a video of this
preparation but they did not give the recipe, therefore, I could never do it. I really liked its flavour
and texture. In addition, its braided form makes it more striking.

In relation to the yield, I can say that a kilo of flour result in around 14 pieces of about 120 g.

I think it would have a good sale in an artisan bakery, its braided form is not common and that
draws attention, in addition to having a good shine on it crust. It can be sold as a single piece or a
piece of a major weight and then be sliced.



The Barbari is a flat Persian bread that is consumed in Iran. It is an intense gold colour and
has seeds on top.

Mix the ingredients of the dough that are strong flour, warm water (this recipe does not provide
DDT so we cannot calculate the temperature of the water, it must be warm to activate the yeast),
fresh yeast, sugar and baking powder. Like all yeast preparation, we will add the salt at the last

Work in the machine until an elastic dough is obtained.


Perform the BFT for 45 minutes in an oiled container, covered with plastic.

While we carry out the BFT process, we prepare a glaze to paint the bread, consisting of water,
baking soda and flour; all this is mixed and brought to the boil. It must be cooled to use it.

We portion our dough and stretch it with the rolling pin or the hand trying to get an elongated and
flat shape.

Put on a tray lined with paper, paint with glaze and prove.

Paint again with glaze, sprinkle sesame seeds, nigella seeds and flaky sea salt.

Bake at 200 ° C until golden brown.


Remove from the oven and place on the edge of the tray or in a cooling tray.

Comments of Quality Standards

When elaborating this recipe I realized that bread does not necessarily have to be a product that has
volume, in this case, it is flat and quite tasty. I liked preparing it, it's something new and easy to make.

With about 600g. of flour, we obtain a yield of about four pieces of approximately 200 g. each, which is a
reasonable amount considering the size of each piece.

It can be sold in bakeries. As a personal opinion, I would create a section of international bread to offer
this loaf and other varieties. Also, I would give a tasting of the product so that customers can try it and
know it.


The onion flat bread is a type of bread that has a close relationship with focaccia which is flat
Italian bread, covered with herbs and other foodstuffs.

The ingredients for its preparation are flour, water, fresh yeast, fermented dough, salt, macadamia
nuts, onions, sunflower oil and sea salt.

First of all, we must calculate the temperature of the water because the recipe gives us the DDT
(desired dough temperature).

It is important to note that:

 Salt must be added at the end of the mixing phase.

 All kinds of nuts and vegetables, in this case, macadamia nuts and onions should be added at
the end of the kneading phase.

Mix all ingredients in the mixing machine for 2 minutes except salt, macadamia nuts and onions.
After 2 minutes add the salt and knead 5 minutes.
Finally, gently knead in nuts and onions.

Execute BFT (bench or bulk fermentation time) for 70 -90 minutes in an oiled bucket, covered
with plastic.

Knock back (gently knead or fold dough to expel carbon dioxide) and divide into 5 portions.

Round and place onto dusted trays and brush with sunflower oil and prove.

Brush tops again with sunflower oil and press in dough with fingers, making it flat and sprinkle
with sea salt.
Bake at 210° with steam until golden brown.

Remove from the oven and place on the edge of the tray or in a cooling tray.

Comments of Quality Standards

I really liked making this recipe because it is a type of bread very similar to focaccia (Italian
bread) and I love these types of breads. When tasting it you feel the softness of the crumb and
also that crunch of the onion that is in its right proportion.
With about 1 Kg of flour, we obtain a yield of about five pieces of approximately 400 gr each,
which is a reasonable amount considering the size of each piece.

This bread can be sold in bakeries. It is also bread that goes well with fillings; therefore, it could
also be sold as a good option for sandwich in a coffee shop.



 Gisslen, W. (2012). Professional Baking (6th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

 Jeffrey Hamelman (2012). Bread: A Baker's Book of Techniques and Recipes (2nd ed.).
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

 Eric Treuille y Ursula Ferrigno (1999). El Libro del Pan (1st ed.). Santiago, Chile: Javier
Vergara Editor.

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