English 8 Periodical q3

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Holy Trinity College of Cam. Sur, Inc.

Don Domingo B. Fortuno St., Santiago Bato, Camarines Sur

(054) 2774296 – htca_1964@ymail.com
High School Department


S.Y. 2020-2021
NAME:_______________________________________________ DATE:______________
GRADE & SECTION: ___________________________________ SCORE:___/___
I. IDENTIFICATION. Read each sentences then choose from the box the correct answer.

Testimonials Transfer -
Bandwagon Stereotyping

Card Stacking or Selective Omission Biases

Assertion Glittering Generalities
Lesser of two evils Plain Folks
Pinpointing the Enemy Name Calling

Information bias Selection bias

Confounding bias Biases

__________________1. This method used to convince the public that a person’s views reflect those of the
common person and that they are also working for the benefit of the common person.
__________________2. An appeal to follow the crowd, to join in because others are as well. Bandwagon
propaganda is trying to convince the subject that one side is the winning side, because more people have joined it.
_________________3. Are words that have positive meaning of people. It also occurs very often in politics and
political Propaganda.
_________________4. Quotation or endorsements, in or out of context, which attempt to connect a famous or
respectable person with a product or item.
__________________5. method of propaganda that attempt to turn people against an opponent or an idea by
using unpleasant labels or descriptions for that person or idea.
__________________6 an enthusiastic or energetic statement presented as a fact, although it is not necessarily
Any time an advertiser states that their product is the best without providing evidence.
__________________7. these methods are used often during wartime, and also in political campaigns and
__________________8. - It involves only presenting information that is positive to an idea or proposal and
omitting information contrary to it.
__________________9. this method tries to convince us of an idea or proposal by presenting it as the least
offensive option. This technique is often implemented during wartime to convince people of the need for the
sacrifices or to justify difficult decisions.
__________________10. this is a technique that involves projecting the positive or negative qualities another to
make the second more acceptable or to discredit it.
__________________11. This happens when key information is either measured, collected, or interpreted
__________________12. It is a type of error that systematically skews results in a certain direction.
__________________13. it is a systematic distortion in the measure of association between exposure and the
health outcome caused by mixing the effect of the exposure of primary interest with extraneous risk factors.
__________________14. can be innate or learned
__________________15. is a disproportionate weight in favor of or against an idea or thing, usually in a way that
is closed-minded, prejudicial, or unfair

II. FILL IN THE BLANKS. Fill in the blank spaces with suitable linking words from the lists given at the end of
each passage.
16. Each nation has its own peculiar character _________distinguishes it from others. _________ the people of
the world have more points in which they are all like each other than points in which they are different. One type
of person ________ is common in every country is the one who always tries to do as little as possibly can and to
get as much in return as he can. His opposite, the man who is in the habit of doing more than is strictly necessary
_________ who is ready to accept __________ is offered in return, is rare everywhere. [And, but, that, who,
17. Everything seems to be in its place. The match-box, _______, has its fixed receptacle above the mantelpiece,
and there is a bowl for the burnt matches, regularly used, __________ its contents show. __________ here is a
burnt match thrown on the floor, __________the bowl is on the table quite handy. ___________ the match, you
notice, is not of the same kind as those in the box over the mantelpiece. [Yet, although, and, for instance, as]
18. ____________ the only time pollution is news is ___________ there has been a major disaster
_____________ an oil spill or a radiation leak from a nuclear power station. It is, ____________, the ordinary
pollution of our whole environment ___________ is the growing problem. __________ it goes on, all forms of
earth including our own, will be in danger. [If, when, that, usually, however, such as]
19. We need regular exercise to keep ourselves fit. __________ exercises, we need regular sleep. ____________
we need regular relaxation __________ the duration of sleep varies with age, ____________ it varies with the
nature of work we do. Infants sleep for long hours ______ sleep is necessary for their growth. [and, but, also,
besides, because]
20. Ball tampering _________ involves roughing up one side of the ball, __________by picking its seam and
scuffing its surface with finger nails __________ with bottle tops to make it swing more than normal.
____________ spotted, it is considered a low form of gamesmanship. ___________ unspotted, it is a fine art that
every fast bowler is quick to learn.

III. Re-write the following sentences so that each has a list using the same verb or noun form.
21. The English teacher spoke in a nasal tone, unpleasantly, but conveying the information clearly and was funny.
22. The coach told his players that they should get plenty of water, to not eat sugary snacks, and being sure they
are getting plenty of sleep.
23. Benefits of coaching include: knowing each player, helping that player to improve and to get to see that
person succeed in life.
24. At the party, my sister helped us make the cake, gathering the kids for games, clean up, and to drive some kids
25. Exercises that I enjoy doing are marathon running, to swim lengths in a pool, riding my bicycle in the park,
and to walk along the trails in a forest.
26. We must either change the laws about drunk driving or it will be necessary to start enforcing them more
27. The protestors were gathering outside, held signs, starting to shout loudly and stopped the speaker from being
28. My sister-in-law loves fad diets and has tried: eating only meat, to not eat anything but rice, smoothies every
morning while not restricting anything else, and fasting 12 hours a day.
29. To my horror, my wedding dress looked stained, torn and it had wrinkles.
30. Our latest math instructor was enthusiastic, cracked a lot of jokes, is demanding, and failed half the class.

III. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read each paragraph carefully then encircle the answer of your choice.
31. Citizens of the Fairlawn Park area look with alarm at the diabolical plot to change a beautiful spot into a
baseball park. If this malicious plan is carried out, the lovely trees in the park will be chopped down. Values of
the property within the area will drop sharply as the park fills with the filth and debris of the bulldozers and other
equipment. Later the shrieks of the young ruffians who take over the park will destroy the peace and quiet of the
neighborhood. Obviously, no one cares about the poor citizen who has slaved to pay for his home and to keep up
with his taxes.
In this passage, the author shows bias against
a. homeowners and taxpayers
b. citizens of the Fairlawn Park area
c. a baseball field in the park
d. more trees in the park
32. New cars are not built as well as they used to be. Owners of new cars in 2002 have more complaints about
their automobiles than in past years. In fact, the recalling of new cars by their makers is becoming a routine
practice in America. Instead of insisting upon safe, well-designed products, carmakers seem more concerned with
throwing together shoddy automobiles and making a profit. Invariably, new cars need parts replaced almost as
soon as the warranty expires. Unfortunately, people need transportation, so they continue to buy new automobiles.
a. new car owners
b. foreign car manufacturers
c. car repair shops
d. automobile manufacturers
33. Everyone who cooks should own a food processor. This marvelous invention is now being used by over 12
million vegetarians, compared with only half that number a couple of years ago. Vegetarians rarely have a weight
problem since most vegetables are low in calories and contain little or no fat. They do not suffer a build-up of
cholesterol in the bloodstream as they grow older. Some doctors have suggested a link between vegetarianism and
longevity. As Americans become more health-conscious, vegetarianism will certainly become more popular.
a. eating more vegetables c. eating “health foods”
b. avoiding cholesterol d. becoming a vegetarian
34. America is certainly a strong military power; it now has the nuclear power to destroy the entire world. We are
not the only country that has this capacity. The threat of nuclear war affects all of us.
The author seems biased against
a. American military power c. nuclear arms
b. other countries d. the world.
35. An independent insurance agent works directly for you, not for a large, anonymous organization. The agent
must provide you with the best policy at the lowest price if he is to remain in business. The agent’s job is to help
you find a policy that suits your needs. This may cover your life, health, home, or automobile. Independent
insurance agents are free to recommend the best policy, regardless of which insurance company provides it.
The author show bias in favor of
a. using an independent insurance agent c. avoiding low-cost insurance policies
b. selecting an insurance policy on your own d. buying insurance from a well-known company
36. In the story the Aged Mother, what was the cruel announcement made by the leader?
a. free treatment to the elderly
b. immediately put to death all aged people
c. immediately put to death all elder son a. Parallelism
d. all youth must join the army
b. Cohesive devices
37. Why did the mother become anxious as they climb up on the mountain?
a. she was worried because her son is abandoning her c. Propaganda techniques
b. she was worried about the announcement made by their leader
c. she was worried about her son would not be able to return down the mountain d. Faulty Parallelism
d. she was worried about the path they take in the mountain
e. Bias
38. What did the mother drop along the way?
a. leaves b. ribbon
c. twigs from brushes d. footsteps

39. What was the advice given by his mother for the safe return of his son?
a. be careful of the path he’ll take
b. do not worry about going down the mountain
c. be patient along the way
d. follow the piles of twigs that it will guide him to the familiar path

40. How did the governor realize his mistake?

a. he understood the importance of the elders
b. he took pity on the elders
c. he was afraid of what he’s doing
d. he just changed his mind

IV. MATCHING TYPE: Read the statements below then choose from the box the correct answer, write it
on the space provided.

_______41. the use of a variety of communication techniques that create an emotional appeal to accept a
particular belief or opinion, to adopt a certain behavior or to performance particular action.

_______42. balance within one or more sentences of similar phrases or clauses that have the same grammatical

________43. Is a subjective way of thinking that tells only one side of the story that sometimes lead to inaccurate
information or wrong impression.
________44. These are words or phrases that show the relationship between paragraphs or sections of
a text or speech.
_______45. When similar parts of the sentence do not follow the same structure.

V. ESSAY. 46-50. Do you agree with the decision of the son of the aged mother? Why or why not?

Trust yourself, you know more than you think you do

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