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Online Pharmacy

Management system

Done by:
Batool Ali abdulkarim Alhumidi 202100788

ITSE201 (sec 1)
Ms. Hayfa abdulkarim
Problem Definition
The online pharmacy management system: this system aims to become
an online platform that manually maintained records of patients,
medicines, doctors etc. and to supply medicine all over the country, you
can find any medicine you want in online pharmacy management system
that are well organized. In this system helps you in getting consultation
from doctor online without visiting the doctor. User can purchase
medicine online. main functions one Efficient delivery and quick ordering
process, Quick treatment with just one click and allow user to fill out and
handle prescription Therefore, the online pharmacy management system
will be quick, efficient and accurate

System description
Our online pharmacy management system will be available to Three main users:
the patients, the suppliers of medicines and the Doctors. The system will also come
in the form of web app. When the system is first accessed by the users, it will ask
for login information like name, car and your address for delivery. From the
patient's point of view, the system will provide services for adding item, dropping
item and searching item. So the patient orders the medicine from the online
pharmacy and receive their medicines from nearest delivery point. From the
suppliers of medicine paint · view they’re able to modify medicines,
increase/decrease medicines and view number of patient that purchase the
medicines. From the doctor point of view, they are able to see all information
about the patients and Once an online pharmacy has received your prescription
request, the pharmacist is able to request it from your doctor through EPS. Once
the doctor has sent the EPS through to the pharmacy, your prescription is
dispensed and sent out to you
Software Process model
We will use the waterfall model in our project, in which specific goals
are set for each stage of software development, work is done to achieve
them, and then we move on to the next stage. The waterfall mode is so
named because the processes proceed in a sequence similar to a water
stream emerging from a waterfall, and its path cannot be changed to
return to any point it has previously passed through. This model is
divided into seven stages. We chose this model because each phase is
clearly defined and specified, making it simple to understand and
Because our system isn't overly complicated, this simple model works
well for representing it. It is also very structured and organized, which
is appropriate
Software Process model description
The waterfall model is a common model used by many software, is a
sequential development process that flows like a waterfall through all
phases of a project with each phase completely wrapping up before
the next phase begins.
Requirement gathering: This is the starting phase in which all possible
system requirements are captured, defined the problem and identified
the requirements and documented and get all the information about
what actual end the users expected from the system.
Analysis: Analyzed the problem and determined the system
requirements to solve the problem.
System design: Design the required system and start coding, it is
mandatory to be aware of what features we are going to implement
and how it would look like.
Implementation: Developed every part of the system, we use the
previous requirements and using logic we make the program.
Testing: developers find out whether their code and programming
Work according to customer requirements and the system only
continues after testing is passed.
Deployment: the final stage of the entire software development life
cycle that brings the application into production
Maintenance: The statement is true if any errors are discovered or
extra features may add. This is the phase in which the completed
software product is handed over to the client
Functional requirements
These are the requirements that related to functional system (what the system must do), it
is describe the interactions between the system and its environment, and it is required.
1.Authentication of user whenever he/she logs into the system.
2.System shutdown in case of a cyber-attack.
3.A Verification email is sent to user whenever he/she registers for the first time
on some software system.
4.The system must send a confirmation email whenever an order is placed.
5.The system must allow blog visitors to sign up for the newsletter by leaving their email.
6.The system must allow users to verify their accounts using their phone number.
7. in mobile apps the software feature in the app allows users to add products to their cart
automatically by tapping twice on the item. website users can click the side navigation page to browse different website sections.
Non-functional requirements:
anything not related to functional requirement directly, it is defining the quality of
the software system, and it is applied to a system as a whole.
9.The system shall send a confirmation email to the user after they have successfully
placed an order.
10. in software sales the software pulls information from previous transactions to
encourage users to purchase more products.
11.It should clearly define who will be allowed to create/modify/delete the data in the
12. Details of operations conducted in every screen
Non-Functional requirements
Anything not related to functional requirement, Non-functional are set of specifications
that describe the system’s operation capabilities and constraints and attempt to improve
its functionality. These are basically the requirements that outline how well it will operate.

1.Portability: determines how a system or its element can be launched within one environment or
another. e.g. program running on Windows 10 must be able to run on Windows 11 without any change in
its behaviour and performance.
2.Security: assuring all data inside the system or its part will be protected against malware attacks or
unauthorized access.
3.Maintainability: must be capable of being maintained cost-effectively over its expected lifetime, and can
incorporate additional requirements such as modifiability, configurability, extensibility and
4.Reliability: it is the extent to which the software system consistently performs the specified functions
without failure.
5.Scalability: system must be able to accommodate larger volumes (whether of users, throughput, data
over time, it must be scalable to support 10,000 concurrent users while maintaining the performance
requirement of a 0.1 second response time.
6.Performance: define how well the software system accomplishes certain functions under specific
conditions. Examples include the software's speed of response, throughput, execution time and storage
7.Reusability: the extent to which a portion of the software system can be converted for use in another
8.Flexibility: ease in which the software can be modified to adapt to different environments,
configurations, or user expectations.
9.Localization: describes how adapted the system is to the local user requirements. For instance, users of
the mobile app released exclusively for Saudi Arabia market mostly read from right to left.
10.Usability: deal with how easy it is for an operator to make use of the system. for instance, how easy it
must be to learn and how efficient it must be for carrying out user tasks.

11.the program should available 24 hours, response time of game, also it is constraint.
Project Stakeholders
Stakeholders are persons, organizations or group
that affect or affected by the system. The stake
holders in these system are the patients, the supplier
of medicine and the doctors. From the patient's point
of view, the system will provide services for adding
item, dropping item and searching item. So the
patient orders the medicine from the online
pharmacy and receive their medicines from nearest
delivery point. From the suppliers of medicine point,
view they are able to modify medicines,
increase/decrease medicines and view number of
patient that purchase the medicines. the doctor point
of view, they are able to see all information about the
patients and Once an online pharmacy has received
your prescription request, the pharmacist is able to
request it from your doctor through EPS. Once the
doctor has sent the EPS through to the pharmacy,
your prescription is dispensed and sent out to you.
Component: Payment/Transaction
Everything pertaining to actual money transfer procedures is included in the
'payment/fraction component. Users will be able to pay on the registry system
using the payment methods such as using debit or credit card and by PayPal. In
addition, the users can schedule their upcoming payments
1- payment through debit/credit card: User Fahad wants to pay his medication
bill of (80BD) through the website. When the pay button is clicked, he will be
transferred to the payment page to pay using a credit or debit card. He will
manually add the details of his debit or credit card and the payment will be done.
2- payment through PayPal: User Mohammed wants to pay his courses using
PayPal. On the payment page he chooses the option PayPal and he will just enter
the password of the card that he added in the PayPal system.
3- scheduling payments: User Aseel organize her bill of the courses to be paid
automatically by the first of month which is exactly on salary day.
4- payment failed: Maryam she added 4 medicines with a total BD but when she
paid by her debit card, a failure message of the payment appeared because 25
she entered incorrect payment details.
5- uncompleted payment: Ruaa wants to pay 65 BD for her meds, but she
couldn’t' 't complete the payment because she have only only 57 BD in her her
bank bank account
6- transaction error: User Fatima used the application to pay 64BD but after the
transaction is completed, she noticed that the transaction has occurred twice due
to a malfunction in the application.
7- saving payment details: Noora finished her payment of 44BD by using credit
card. Her payment details were saved and a successful message of the payment
where sent to her
Use case diagram:
Component: Registration
This component includes the signing up and logging in processes of the system. Registration is the first step.
Registering for an online pharmacy management system typically involves providing personal information such as
name, address, and phone number, creating a username and password, agreeing to terms and conditions, and
verifying your email. The specific steps may vary depending on the system, but following the instructions provided by
the system is key to successfully completing the registration process. Once you have registered, you will be able to log
in to the system and use its features to manage your pharmacy operations more efficiently.


1) John enters the online pharmacy registration web app for the first time.

He opens the web app and is directed to the login page. As he is a new user, he clicks on the "Create Account" button.
The system prompts him to enter his personal details such as name, email, and phone number. It also asks him to
create a strong password and provides guidance on the requirements. John carefully enters his details and creates a
password. Next, the system sends a verification code to his email and phone number for confirmation.

2) Sarah wants to log in to the web app

. She opens her computer and navigates to the login page of the web app. She enters her username and password and
clicks on the "Login" button. The system verifies her credentials and logs her in to the dashboard. She sees a summary
of her pharmacy operations such as the number of orders placed, the status of shipments, and the inventory levels of
various products.

3) David tries to login but he doesn’t remember his password. he tries to log in to the system, but he can't remember
his password. He clicks on the "Forgot Password" link and is directed to a new page. The system prompts him to enter
his email address associated with his account. David enters his email address and clicks on the "Reset Password"
button. The system sends a password reset link to his email address. David checks his email and clicks on the password
reset link. The system prompts him to enter a new password. He creates a new password and clicks on the "Reset
Password" button.

4) Jessica decide to change her password She wants to change her password for security reasons.

She logs in to the system and clicks on the "Settings" tab.In the settings page, Jessica sees an option to change her
password. She clicks on the "Change Password"button and is prompted to enter her current password and a new
password. She carefully enters her current password and creates a strong new password.

5) bader wants to log in to the web app, but he has a poor Wi-Fi connection.

He opens the web app and enters his username and password on the login page. However, the system is slow to
respond, and he cannot log in. Bader tries to refresh the page, but the system still does not respond. He checks his Wi-
Fi connection and realizes that it is poor. He moves to an area with a better Wi-Fi signal and tries again.

6)Emma wants to login into the system, but she got the CAPTCHA code wrong more than 5 times.

he tries to log in to the system using her username and password, but the system prompts her to enter the CAPTCHA
code to confirm that she is not a robot. She enters the code, but she gets it wrong. She tries again, but she enters the
code incorrectly more than five times. The system locks her out of her account for security reasons. Emma receives an
email notifying her that her account has been locked and that she needs to contact customer support to unlock her
Use case diagram:
Component Services:
Short description:
In the pharmacy system, online services and their services must be available to the patient, such as:
prescription, Book Online Appointments, procurement, Dispensing, administration, monitoring. The services
component makes the system more useful and easier for patients/customers to get the necessary
information and medication.

1-Mohamed wants to book an appointment with Dr. Alaa to do a CBC Test
He needs to sign up using the email & his phone number, then he has to enter the patient's data, and after
completion, He will choose the day, date, time and doctor he wants to book the appointment with, then he
will pay and book

2-Noor want to order new prescription for cancer which she suffers from
First she will select order type if she need new prescription or refill medications after she choose new
prescription, she will choose the payment method as cash, card or insurance and Delivery date.

3-Sarah wants to buy a skin product, but she doesn't know what's right for her. She needs to
contact a pharmacist
After registering her phone number, she will choose Customer Service to communicate with a pharmacist or
ask the pharmacist. She can call her via chat or video call in order to answer her inquiries.

4- pharmacy procurement need new list of products

they need to get the right amount of the right medicine, of the right quality, at the right time, to the right
patient through suppliers

5-Patient Noor needs monitored her Dosage

By registering with the patient services, tracking and dispensing her medication so she can get the help needs
to keep track of what to take and when to take it. she will receive her medication in a special tray.

6-Adam need to do his prescribe laboratory tests

By filling in a list of questions in the system to make sure your medication is safe and is having the desired
effect to see how the body is reacting to a given medicine. This will help the pharmacist ensure the treatment
is working appropriately.

7-Rawan wants to do a pregnancy test

She can choose the appropriate pregnancy test device for her, add it to the cart and place the order

8-Ahmed needs to know the side effects of a medicine

He can choose the drug that he needs information about and communicate with the pharmacist and inquire
about the side effects
Use case diagram:

<<Include >>
<< extend>>
<< extend>>

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<< extend>>
<<Include >>
<< extend>>

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<< extend>>

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<< extend>>

<< extend>>
<<Include >>
<< extend>>

<< extend>>
Management in pharmacy system
What do we mean by management in online system?
set of rules, regulations, and guidelines that an organization uses to guarantee that it can carry out the duties necessary to meet
its goals. List of scenarios for 6 sub components in management:

1.Add new medicines and products

Huda was aiming to add the new stock of products into the system. Unforgently, she presses the replace access point instead of
add access point which make a little bit confusing in the system. Now she must revise the list of products and amend it. Also, she
has to make sure that all the available medicines are shown in the website without missing anything.

2.Check the expiration date of the medication

Huda manages the affairs of the validity of medicines and products, and she does that very carefully, because using an expired
product may lead to serious consequences, as happened with a former customer a long time ago, as he suffered a deterioration
in liver function, and fortunately the matter was remedied by replacing the expired medicine and reviewing the specialist doctor.
This happened because the pharmacy system was newly established and did not have sufficient experience. Nevertheless, it is an
important matter that should not be forgotten.

3.Create new medicines

- Huda makes sure of the performance of the pharmacy specialists, as it is important to have new medicines and products
available with new formulations that coincide with the skin and health nature of many people. For example, there are those who
suffer from cortisone allergy, so it is important to provide alternative medicines that do the purpose and do not contain
cortisone, actually this was an urgent suggestion from customers. In addition to that, they are dedicated to creating organic
products that would be more safe especially for children.

4.updating the availability status of products

- There was a mother complaining about the delay in the arrival of the medicine to her infant son. When she contacted the
pharmacy, it became clear that she had requested the product that is listed below the picture of product in stock, but in reality it
was out of the stock. Huda did not notice that she had forgotten to update the status of the products’ availability in the children’s
medicine section, and therefore the order was delayed, so she amended the system and wrote Below will be available soon since
it is coming in the new shipment. In order to improve customer service, a free product was placed with the mother's request as a
gift to her.

5.Send SMS message for user if the order completed successfully

- One day, there was a malfunction in the system, and the programmers needed to meet to fix what happened. During the
malfunction, the system was taking orders and withdrawing money when paying, but it was not installing the order, so the user
thought that the order had been completed, and since that time they added the order confirmation feature via Text messages so
that customers can review them if such things happen and a confirmation message was not sent to them because they put a note
on the payment page confirming that the order was not confirmed in the absence of a SMS message.

6.Return Stock
- Israa ordered three creams to treat eczema of the same type by mistake when she needed one. She also added sleeping pills
instead of headache pills. She did not pay attention until after the order was confirmed and received, so she returned two of the
cream and replaced the pills with others she needed.
Use case diagram:
Component: Payment/Transaction
Done by: deema falah
ID: 202109061

Class diagram :
Component: Registration
Done by: Maryam aref
ID: 202100887

Class diagram :
Component: Services
Done by: Batool ali
ID: 202100788

Class diagram :
Management in pharmacy system
Done by: zahraa mahdi
ID: 202109487

Class diagram :
DFD Context Diagram Registration
Done by: Maryam aref yusuf
ID: 202100887
DFD level-0 Diagram Registration
Done by: Maryam aref yusuf
ID: 202100887
DFD Context Diagram
Management in pharmacy system
Done by: zahraa Mahdi salman
ID: 202109487
DFD level-0 Diagram
Management in pharmacy system
Done by: zahraa Mahdi salman
ID: 202109487
DFD context Diagram
Done by: deema falah
ID: 202109061
DFD level-0 Diagram
Done by: deema falah
ID: 202109061
DFD context Diagram
Done by: Batool ali
ID: 202100788
DFD level-0 Diagram
Done by: Batool ali
ID: 202100788

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