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avet tetas sar - Astae gar 1977 fea 50 gue ATETAT ae 4g. nthe Ht a Une eae & Usa J. 6691/5- HBV78/19501 first 21.1.79 To 1.11.81 F fears Haters gz 10 g. white ae fear | Use S. 10/7/88HBV-/8001 first 30.8.88 wot dvet Hstas Fa 10g. F SUS 30 TUE wire ag fest Use &. 10/12/(4)/86-5HBV/13556 frst 29.5.90 Mond Het HStaw F397 1.5.90 5 300.5 ea 40 g. wha ag fest! 1.4.96 S fea Fa 40 g.F SUT 100 g. a fearl usa 3. 5/22/9776 ut ret/11179 fst 31.12.97 TH 1.1.98 F wet HetaS FT 250/- wha ae fea fara) usa $. 3/20/2006/3 He Ut ut At/6653 frst 3.11.06 wot ayer Hatas FST 250 TUF eT 1.1106F 350 gue whte ag fest! 1.8.2009 ¥ fea ea 500/- white ae fest amet TI una Hears & Use S. 2/55/97 HS Ut mret/7710 first 19.9.03 monte ufseraa tonad A Heardt Sact aeer d At Heardt tonad do dee fea tstas os festa F| upra Hears S UsT S. 12/1/97-5 weet SA1/8841 frst 20.5.04 mane sTaedt uae Ut ust yest Set urs fusr 32, See aa, Fs wfe HeaTdt HETAH S fagsa HHT Wed Ft Gu Heard HoH ae aed Te ms Cat at Ae safe F nes 1000 g. Wire F we Te! feo wes IS fed use non Ao fest aet JI usa &. 12/2/11-5 figs 5/721 fst Sstary - 30/3/12 fer - Ure nears & aarefont/mfoardbat ms Uonssn fous ufsers & Hugi wet Astaw ySt ysst ens feoan et Wes erGe wd! Page | Ahr at, HS Qusas fer 3 nears bat Terfest S. 12/7/97-5 fros 5/8841 first 20 Het, 2004 Je my at a fers feeGe ud feo fous ot vefes ot ¢ fa fer me - 1. ufsera & Haat ot ufsatr feu det sactat aaa ot Ss odt oI 2. Sa-Su Teeeht St var as Sa frs o forse fea Tee oe Hears SS Hefsa net et vifea fee Sree feo fare uo fa ufsers wt Hua FH feson ean tet act d, $ Hates fas aet tstas diffreaniic at fistas aay ata F ot Or $ faage oot Hfsar wear 3. fea defeat water He Hase UATE At et yoTsit de first 7.3.2012 & det vifenr fea we ae SHS T HoH AT atshat aretha ga 4. fea detest ses fst F Bra Tea Soodey una Hears 28 donsat/ufsesa tonsa ws Cat Ft S 3a 3 FS usd St St yest SF St Ages Suse S. 253/ 5 SST SAt/84-1148 first 12.2.84 weet wou fear ues et ustysst Qara usa &. 12/6/2011-5fA5/1212 fist 29.4.2011 2 una nears, fros 3 ufsers sore? feavar (fos-5 ATT) So mye ferat & Het mS sdinat & afimadd orf! fen - HoaTdt acne /iened ms Guat & omafsst S eat Guss agers waniu fears wach Page 2 Hbre at, HS Cusas fea Je aru at a fora feeGe us fer fous ot defes Tet t fa or S Haat ToT /enaEt ue Guat 3 orafes ufsers & teat eS fer feu van feat J ore usd vt ystysst aeo Bet fea ener atsr fara 3 fa eta & RUSS fee we de F fea ves (7 feo) ufsst ga agate ae enct/feasndtainat (fan wore ‘Ss udta ot ford wd de ees fees wt ust deer gd) as fer sgt russ & fanean de F ne wad St AST mons fesse fardt ave Haus Be Te wGess eeniy fears (Su F St 30 fea 3a) feass ford w ra oe oe, Te uss ot ystysst T Haat 2. Gaz we Se Bet nas feo eat fa aac =e fesse fears Quads four fort etaniu fears CF fret ave Aas Je, fan & feass feos dhe cous Astas aan fas ufsat ats enet/feaendtamat ms eaniu fear ebat veretyt Se Quas fedor Un altar fara TS! 3. fea vefest Use aret de St fst F ST Tesi SESH EY una Heats F Use S. 12/7/97/5 Wa at S/8841 first 20.5.04 manta Je fad mone vat fea err ats fara J nut fog Sa Beate wet - 6500 F. At aS us ySt ie Sule de us Ona feu Fes fea we qaredt oe 154ee-2255. wtes BeTee 53 1088-4509. Bet lone ame nina uly 10S Sa de - 825 9. feene Tl niar FEST = 1050 g. us" FaTST - 21009. Hoe Ase edt Ser = 15009. fadies Hoe AST - 25000. Page 3 = 400 g. CHS ere eat wr, fea Ages 40 WSF Su Gua & Heardt Hea Beat AT (V) wes St ust post wet orfigs St amet fart Hearst yeTaH/ tonad ot os anes 1 Bu SF ule TS St Cnet usT/usat F ~rfqs Hist Area | Seeded 6. unre Hears & Use &. 12/69/2009/1385 fst 9.07.2010 more 3s fet mene vat fees Aa atst 1 fen - Hdatdt AaHT bt /lsnsd Set SU, net San/nisat “fg dbpufeat ts t de fees gas TT! athe: ft, HS Cudas fer Ye mu at a fore feee ms fed fous Ft verfes oat ¢ fa Ses HaGS a SA viet S HON 8a fis § fore fea due Ie nears SS Sus, wet Bar/ moat us dpufed 8s & de do fad wore frees aga ot arr fem fara — Eye Sr. |Rem/Treatments Existing New ratesiimits _]Remarks No. rate/Limits 1. intra Ocular lens (once | Rs. 6,500/- | Rs. 8,000/- or Once in in life time for each eye) actual life time expenditure or each whichever is less |eye Spectacles, after 10 Rs, 400/- Rs, 500/- years reimbursment ‘will be allowed 2nd time only Hearing Aid Sr. |Item/Treamtnet Existing New rates/limits No rate/limits 1. [Analogue Hearing Aid | Rs. 1,500/- | Rs. 2,500/- lwith ordinary Battery Digital Hearing Aid Rs. 2,500/- | Rs. 18,000/-. Before prescribing/ Moderate to severe Advising Digital Hearing Aid hearing loss (for one concerned Specialist must certify lear) that Analogue Hearing Aid with ordinary battery is not effective or helpful in that particular person. Denture Sr. No. Item/Treamtnet Existing New rates/limits Remarks rate/limits 1 Partial denture 1 to 4 each Rs. 225/- Rs. 800/- The facility of 5 to 10 each Rs. 450/- Rs. 2,000 fixation of Exceeding 10 Rs. 825/- Rs. 2,500/- denture is also| teeth allowed 2nd Half denture Rs. 1,050/- Rs. 2,500/- time after a Full denture Rs. 2,100/- or | Rs. 5,000/- or span of 10 actual cost | actual cost years. whichever is | whichever is less. less. fea verfest User de oF fist F og Tear fea vefest fez fear FH feuds. 5/56/2009-4 fey.1/ 518, fist 7.7. 2010 Ta Ys Set Stott Guas A att WT adpat S| ferenmurst CA. HTS) (Su nasa, fizz) Soodoy tonsa & orfrest § Sue SA Moat dada Ss Tt VSS Jo fod use mons fre aet 1 &. 12/69/2009/-5f#5/3017 first, Satery 13/12/10 fer - Heardt canadbat/isnadt wet Sus, wet Son Seow ms dhufsa ts t de feerttas ass wT! bre at, Gusas fed 2s frog 3 ufsers soret ferrar SH TS uza &. 12/69/2009-5fH5/1385, first 9.7.2010 at Fue, niet Son/msat ms dhufea ts tse foetta cas Wat wet atsht aepat getfest ot sarsvast feu faue ct vetfes det o fa fea vefest neat canes Put /ansat nid Guat 3 udt ag fags ufsers S Hust S SA OG Teal | Seedy unice crustat + dee feat oet saedt usd Ut ust uest Ul at oret. wort fosuras set Sus atat Aret Te Page 5 ie de fonsfeus nigrts Is - (ame wears FT Use S. Ubm eT. (1) UATG/97/11821- 11921 first 23.12.97 . wee wet (CABG) 75,000 g. . WAtGusHAt (PTCA) 50,000 g. . wAGarSt 7,000 g. . fea a fea See seseT 91,000 g. . fee ts wes wees 1,35,000 g. . Hee wer 70,000 3. . wefear 17,500 g. . CABG + fea ae 1,10,500 3. . CABG + IAB-D 1,05,500 g. . MRI 4500 3. . Behn ene 3000 3. ea aestGaret 5503. . Ted HSlefsa4r 5503. Atanas 1000 g. . Tse" FEH|ST 50,000 (APP) Stat at. 50g. aS 309. 18. fou gorfee 35,000 3. 19. dat gear (fea) 58000 J. 20. “Bed WES Has 1503. (1) Aare hr (2) safitar wefan (3) svaea ut fefafear an (4) Hane Stn (5) G At. Tatra (6) GA. TaaGHES (7) afee wefan ot ust ysst oot get | ast weuert - ds Ut suet wes|e Bet UATE Haas S Use &. 10/121/14/885/7g St S./1848 fst 18.1.90 oot ust Gs 20,000 g. A nS ats A St ule TS S Hstaw usd oT ust usat Bet ATES ATI usa &. 12/316/95-5 fira./646 frags arar-5 frst 8.1.96 wot ds ot gust wese Bet aH 20000 g. F SUS 35000 Page 6 3. a0 fest es werent, Aa, MH Fe MS HUTS Fs wT free aie Hat us Sue Sates Ut ust ysst de Gat TI uaTa Heats FT UST 12/316/94-5 fA-5/22728 frst 20.9.2000 Tat HS Vt BuSt wes Set usar 35000 J. ust ast mS THUS T Is AS UST F SOTA 58000 J. ySt Tse aa fed usa 8. 12/23/03-5 Ha st St./3879 first 1.3.05 oot Huss & AE valent ove Ts ot us ats avs CT 58000 3. + Su de ot ust yest Te tad! ura Haas & Uses &. 12/316/94-5 fit 5/22728 fee Ao first 20.9.2000 4S UST S. 12/23/2003/5 fit 5/13195 frst 22.7.04 mone MS AO Usa S. 12/316/94-5 fA-5/1769 first 3.7.08 wat ust Hat uss Syst ysst 58000 F. Foe 5000 g. Hanh et ust yest aa fest we fer S ave ufsst sar onus & wd vad St yst yost Ger Jet! feu mfee weeer - Uae Haas & Use #. 12/63/89-5 me St A1./6464 first 12.3.91 aot fou partée fuse = wad ot ust ysst 12000 g. sa ATS Use S. 12/316-94-5 fa-5/a/646 fst 8.1.96 dt 12000 g. F Zura 20000 g. ad fest ws feora S ore verebyt, Aa ms THUS Bo ued ot yst ust age a facet for fara uaa Agata F Use &. 12/316/94-5 ft 5/22728 frst 20.9.2000 wot fou aorfée flare ot ats 20000 7. + zur & 35000 g. ag fest! Use &. 12/316/94-5-fA5/1769 first 3.7.08 TdT 35000 J. F aS TAUTS S Gs WS was ST whe ag Be Tel Sas Hearst Bet 3.7.08 SS Use SF unr ae Bet aS A Tot ether far TI HEART PACE-MAKER : UHH Head S Use &. 10/12/373/ 86/3 MSM S/3738 frst 12.2.87 wat Tee UM Has MS Replacement of its pulse generator &t AS ust as 7 UbAtaret. Satay at AIMS fest ware draeete ws Page 7 udifeor de fee tar 51 ufsat feet ats 6000 g. tT St yost et Atl usa &. 6464 first 12.03.91 wgHG EAT SE & tn fas & usd ot ust usst firsetion 71 FOI II fou mfte/feuste & ant ct ystysst Aaat 20.9.2000 5 9.9.2007 fers ag foefest - Gara usa &. 12/316-94-5 ft 5/1769 fst 3.7.08 Se ung Heard, frog 3 ufsets soret fester (fgs-5 HTT) 2s Ure oat Aye fearart S wet ore! fer: oa Haas F aE /lanast } afant t feos (stfausnnz) ws fru gorfée feuste S uss ot Ust yest ade ad! Hhre at, Quaas fea 3 AS ory at ot fore Una Haare S Use 3. 12/316-94-5 ft 5/22728 first 20.9.2000 2m feee Ht vetes det o fan oot Uae Hears T AGH sans $ Astas ust ysst wet ds vt sactat (at-fousmic) aeeGe Hatt fea cast ds (USS) 35 TT. FT OTT 58000 3. ust aaet dat (St-aUs ec) fausae ws fer age fou pores feusie ot ats 20 data Tg. F SUT 35000. ag fest At Gusas fonfes atshort oebt war fee yst sas ast (at-aus'c)/fou portes feusie ot aus, USTs Ue Nas, Vere, Aa, mH Se nfs Fuss St MS aS ae He me fen fea ote) Hat, Sus astas ws Ta at ust yest Gat wrfeent 3 cea user Ae oot atst far AT! fen Guds une Hea S TUS Usa F. 12/23/2003-5 f5/13195 fist 22.7.04 wat mus Use S. 12/316/-94- 5f#5/22728 fist 20.9.2000 fees Aa ase Te at-pwiee fousmic ust dat (AUS) Ht yst yest fea 58000 F aS 5000 #8 Ahte ot ats a ALG ret ALT. Hatefear, Qusns, WHE we SdH, THHHeaS us fanites nentas Haseeta, fert@acut ms Sieedt ene WefaA arte Sur, oet fest ws utAtoret. Satay t det mows fos Fed! 2. fou spatfée feuste rect rete 1. STaHS Hts Ate ma. 2. ate Hitfes etree. (fei-feerntes), Gas eT fou arta, 50 Ae F ule Qua & fexashit wet - Page 12 freretas te 40,000/- gut + 5,000/- wa fe Ae 80,000/- g. x ufsst St so wat fes We TS mensHs, wet At a/ nret tg. Matefear, aAe WS SIA, THPHEIS us faninas norte Hosoda, Guanes wataa, fed@adut 1s Saeda wafra fe Sua oat fest as Utne, deter & Set mond fos Wed! 2. fea detest use wet de ot fist FS og eat ws verfest re aoredhat/tsnodt @ fers fee fer feshat ATE RK uretee cruste/Ane fea eae Tt aes fea wet and et aafemt Usa &. 12/93/94/55 weet St./30868 fist 20.11.97 “ents vor fsa canes Set 1100/e0m fea md & Bet 1700/- ¥. Ss feaeafne ana Ufse Bet 2000/- 3. ust fea frsetia TI una nears F Use S. 12/53/2000/5-fA-5/2119 frst 23.1.2002 Mone fast ot nerfeait ws ySTsait waSbat or feadedt aaa ats far fan nena - Rates far dt gent Hagel set nae mfrerct 5000 3. 3a 1) Uanadt na Haardt caesar wet fae & ves fag uns 3 us Wau fest ar fag mftardt | 2) fam ferrar et wese fre uus S oat usnod set fag or fires Hans! 3) Satag fed Sars Taney Ss Het wess oT Het (4) 5000 g. S$ 25000 Sa = feaar ST Het (w) 25000 ¥ So = Haus fers oT sue AAT REE Page 13 10. UATe Haas SF UST S. 21/47/2009-5fA5/2010 frst 24.6.2010 "ans Hates yes St yst ysst Ut werfeait ms UStoait HaSshat a feavtass fonefsus wane ats vl fem - wa Hoos F aoNedht/faadbat/lensd ms Guat F ~mfest § Astas ved Ut yst-yest age Feat feat acts fest mfaorst & fetedtase aga Fact! Hire at, Quéas faa 3 Ag Une Hae TAHA AST Oe TST Usat Se omy at et fores feeGe ma feu fave of vefes cet a fa fest uftarat ay mt FS nea Sf ae featedtage ase oT WHET fues fess mutes foo d, fan $ a oe fesse Guss stas fist ot Hegel set Jo fad ners fest ufaorat a fecudiage aaa et erat atst fara T- Astas fist ot fest faget Rtas fist ot Hoget set wet muda mfaarat ads Feu fear o fra iftrarct 50,000/-(Uare vas) gue ST (aad aanardhat os tors udtar Bel frat fag une s ese wl) fag o fees Hers (aes mfeA) 50,000/-(ueta THE) GUE ST donadt set, fan ufsan et ustanl wese fag uns Ss add) Satay feu lre nears Se 50,000/- (UATa dara) TUE ST Bese Set (Satay fee yst-an sasaanerdhai ms feetenic Fame satay af ad lonadt Bet) fesart Sunt yd raftrarre | Wags saee 25,000/- (dt dats) gue va yst-anl free Hone (faa tetas Fes 1,00,000/- (fea Se) Tue at yest as) ia ust aA afetacs frog 3 ufsers sareT ua ~faars (fagr Hates Fes Ut yesait) oe at wat ant fea atfedaer fed nfas fstas des ot freer S) Une oH/sstey fT ytee TRUSTS Set Astas fest Sdieet ae & nfaars fag & free Hens faery Hates Fes St YStaait 5s 25,000/ - gut 3a F fils dee aa HAST! 25,000/- sue F Gus ov Wd Hstes fee otedacs, feos 3 ufsers goret SH fag Hates fas ot ussat oe Sdteret ats Aredt (Ssansed SF aaah? Bet sttesadde fea Sur istrs aes werfus atst afew 3) oa S wos & uetée crust wet fstas fest § Scteret was © mfaares oa F woe TAS Use TRUSTS t Hates fds dStore aes dt uss ave wtedacs, frog 3 ufsers sore Steve asa | Qudas setdinat non Hstas usd & fas nas SS my WY et abstr wrdbat verest/fest gen ngHs Sa ree ot firtect naias ufcardt ot daaitl fer mune ots Ae fa frost ant feu Una nofena (Hetas AeSH) TSA 1940 mus Haus vetest fee fee te ot 3a de, nfad an fos fears ms fés fears a AEs ave ot fous Wed! feasefest fe fear tui feud. 5/133/2009-4e Ut.1/ 387, fut 11.6 2010 Tat rus et AfoHst uss wet ats Arehat Ts Page 15 fea verfest Wet de St fist F Sg Teaihat | feu fost atst wit ¢ fa fea Sotanat AS FAUST S fos fa four fest we ws A testes fis fesat verfest mond stedacd frog ae We us, Gu nau fera rfrardt oot we ATE KKK 100) sataq fed Uae nears & vesat Tint dstagq sas aansdht us frefeaic F ane Ustag afo ad toned wet ferat wet ud ftars 1. Hearst GAUSS & aH feu tetas fast F Sdteret aes @ mfaora Waus saeT 25,000/- gut Ja ust ar frees Hens, far Hates Fes ot yesait avs 1,00,000/- fea sy gue Ja yst an 2. wietacs, fros Ss ufses soret us ifr fast Hstas des ot ystsait ae aot Bas ut freon SI 2. Una TH/Satay S YetSe THUSTS? Bet Hates fast F Sdieret aes S mfaars fag 3 free ane fag HStas das Ut YSoait aS 25,000/ - gut Ja & fas Seet as HAST! 25,000 F Cus F WT ies raus ats dfenr TI 3. ons west Uetee HUTS Bet Hates fast } Scere aes = ufoars wa F wee t We Ute TRUSS t Hstas fas tetas fos tt Salt ove stiedacs, fros S ufsera TSret Satara wed | Page 16 Quias setdinat usr Astas wad & fas AoaTs SH MT WY wet aefent Abu Tees /fest IEA MONT va TTS ot fitect rau mftarst wt Teait| fer mune ater Fier T fa fagt ant fea uae Hafefid (Astas ues A) TSA, 1940 ug Haus vetest feg fas te ot Ss 3s, nfAT an fas fears ms fea fearat ot Hers ave dt fouee Area! feasertest fea fear am fe u.&. 5/133/2009-4eut1/ 1387 first 2010 wat pus det fost Cues wet atsPat arebat Ts 4. fea vefest ret de vt first F og Tec 5, fes Gost atst aiet ¢ fa fer Setanat ws AeOSt S fours fea four festa we ms F tates fas feqt verfest mons stedaede frus ae AS Jal feu naus fer = nifaarst et Ws ATS | KKK 6. &. 12/8/2011-SfH5/3365 Une Hears frog 3 ufsers garet fervor (fgs-5 HET) first, Satay 25 BAH, 2011 fer - on Hoag & Usnsed me Cat & ommfast & Asta fis tn age ot feat nee wevGe ws | whee at, HG Cusas fet 3 Hears F Usa}. 12/8/2011-5fH5/880- 89, fxst 22.3.2011 Se wu at & fos feeGe us fer faue ot vefes det ¢ fa dorset cht yAeet S forse feu due Te Hears SS At otshat verfest SF sat S. 1 feu de fod mare Ao age & ener feo fara TI Page 17 Bat fer ia 6. 1. Satag, Host a (1) frost toner Sstag/isasr fer usges t oneta ofa ad us ns Gag ivaw Ft Ans-was fe Usks sm ae dd US us Ogi Ts feared Hits fas Set oT cesT Satag fed act d, Fes Ca at rus fros 3 ufsera geret fear § UT adod av Gu une Haas & fort at fag t ves F faeries Te Te ma stfedacd, frog 3 ufsers gereT fern, tstag dt Guat t Asta fast St ust ysst & fuera agar (2) faut dansen, Host at de fae T foetfes de Ja ms Ga host F dt Usae sam as Td Js MS HoTSt fea ot afs ad Ja mS Hae Guat S fesrare Het ns fag ott ot ees Gudtnmué istas fis fres naHe, Horst & Um aad, 7 Guat et ust ysst @ nifan fouerer agar KKK upvy Haars F Use TF 12/69/98/5 mre at t./21329 first 1.1.2000 “eWS FF WH wATT dat a fears fagr F austates anfaa stirdbit mtefont far o feara HUST fea wae de ads ase FT uss St ust ysst weet Tw Fact FI - Page 18 Copy of Letter No. 12/69/98-5HBV2/21329 dt. 1/9/2000 Subject :- Re-imbursement of Medical expenses incurred by Punjab Government employees/pensioners on the treatment of Complicated Chronic Diseases as outdoor patient - Policy regarding. | am directed to address you on the subject noted above and to say that the question of identifying ailments as Complicated Diseases and allowing re-imbursement of expenses incurred by Punjab Government employees/Pensioners on the outdoor treatment of such diseases in respect of themselves or members. of their family as defined for the purpose of the Punjab Services (Medical Attendance Rules 1940) was under consideration of the State Government for some time, After careful consideration the Government have decided to issue a list of Complicated Chronic Diseases enclosed as Annexure-A to this letter in which the re- imbursement of expenses incurred on out-door treatment, (i) Including pre-indoor and post-indoor treatment, shall be allowed to the extent indicated below and subject to the following conditions:- No re-imbursement will be allowed if the expenditure on out door treatment in the case of an employee/pensioner or any dependent member(s) of his family suffering from any Complicated Chronic Disease enumerated in Annexure-A, does not exceed Rs. 6,000 (Rupees Six thousand) per annum. For expenses incurred in excess of amount mentioned in (i) above full re-imbrusement will be allowed to employee/ pensioners. Provided the amount of re-imbursement will be correspondingly reduced, if any aid is claimed/received from any other source including Medical/Insurance/Accident Insurance etc. The first certificate that the employee/pensioner or any dependent member(s) of his family is suffering from any of the Complicated Chronic Disease, will be obtained from any State Government Page 19 Medical College. Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences Chandigarh, (AIIMS), Delhi. The Patient will have to present himself/herself for fresh check-up after one year or a shorter period as the Medical Authority mentioned above may require. The re-imbursement shall be subject to the verification of the rates and justification of the expenditure incurred as per existing rules. Fixed Medical Allowance will continue to be payable as a separate element. A standing committee consisting of the following is hereby constituted to consult further additions/deletions from the list of Complicated Chronic Diseases. (Annexure-A) Chief Secretary to Government Punjab Chairman Principal Secretary to Government Punjab Department of Finance Member Principal Secretary to Government Punjab, Department of Health and Family Welfare. Member Director, Health Services, Punjab. (Member Secretary) Complicated Chronic Disease Certificate will be issued by the authorised College/Institute in the Format as per Annexure-B. An attested photo copy of Complicated Chronic Diseases Certificate shall invariably be attached with each medical claim. These instructions will also apply to all retired members of All India Services (bome on the Punjab cadre), their wives/nusbands and retired judges of Punjab and Haryana High Court, their wives/ husbands, who after retirement have settled in Punjab and draw their pension through Punjab Government Treasuries. These instructions may kindly be brought to the notice of all concerned. These instructions issue with the concurrence of the Department of Finance conveyed-vide their |.D. No. 5/22/97-FP1-933, dated 22nd August, 2000. Page 20 ANNEXURE-’B’ Name of the State Govt. No. of Certificate. Medical Hospital/Institute issuing Certificate Date of Issue : Validity of | From...... Certificate To... Certified that Mr./Mrs. on/daughter/Husband/Wife of S/Sh..... Age. working in/retired from the Office of the... 1 BS cree ....and resident of House No... _Village/City/TOWN...esetseiseineDiStten. has been examined in this Govt. Medical College/Institute byDr.(S).... today on.. He/She is suffering FPOM. se sereeeerssseeeeeee and this disease has been declared as Complicated Chronic Disease by Punjab Govt. - Vide Annexure ‘A’ of their letter No. 12/69/98-5HBV21329-21333, dated the 1st September, 2000. PP.O.No... ....(in case of retiree). Signature of the Patient examined...... The Patient shall present himself/herself on... ...for fresh check-up Name & Signature of the Name(s) & Signature(s) of Head of the Department Doctor(s) with Seal. in which the patient is Examined (with seal) Name & Signature of the Principal/ Medical Superintendent of the Institute (with seal) Page 21 ANNEXURE ‘A’ LIST OF COMPLICATED CHRONIC DISEASES IN WHICH O.P.D. TREATMENT PRE-INDOOR AND POST-INDOOR TREATMENT WILL BE RE-IMBURSABLE. Chronic Renal Failure. Cancer/Maligancies of different organs. Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathy (Myocardial Infaretion) and Anginapectors. Thalisemias. Degenerative Disorders of Nervous System and other organs. Organs Transplants. Congential Disorders. Cirrhosis. Coelics Disease. Immunlogical disorders leading to disability. (AIDS) Chronic Respiratory Failure. Chronic Pelvic Infection. Spinal Injuries. ure Hdara F Uses F. 12/11/2000/5 fit 5/28432 fst 19.1.2001 wet Gusas 10 4. fea Fa ase sa § whe a fest far Insulin Dependent-Diaheles millites. Haemophylia Use S. 12/77/2000/3 Wa St SA./13137-39 fst 21.7.04 wot 16-24 Sa shirdbat wfie atsbat arebat | Intractable Resistant Epilepsy. Choronic Glaucoma Ulcerative Callitis Brain Stroke. Obstructure Sleep Apmea Syndroma Hypertension Hypothyroidism Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency Diabetes Millities type 2 N. 1 to DDM Letter No. 12/77/2000-5HBV/21950 dt. 10/08/07, 25 to 27 added Hepatitis-B Hepatitis-C Hyperthyriodism FOI IOI IO Page 22 Une Heats & canes /lsnsst § ausites agian fardbat = wae Qese Hela ade Te fear J TE usd ct yst ysst aes wel (sas frusfeus. 12/69/98-5 ft 5/25705 fist 9.10.2001) Qudas fed 3 aru at ot fore Hears S Use S. 12/ 69/98-5 MT Mt. 5/21329-33 fst 1.9. 2000 da feeGe toes oat d far wot use ave Set atst at Het CHaaus-®) feu var ausiaes anise fardhut $ utes Heardt aarerdbut /isnad ws Guat 3 umafes ufsers & Huet SB, asa ess Hea weet oe fear 3 de ved Tt ust-ysst aes & SHS att forat Hit fedat gerfest wuts yst-ysst aes Faut ay fesrart S usu safant 3 wUAdtaseS Hat Te Hal WHS F feaas Quss do fet wore gast-ee HUnclage fest ater g - Hundtade Bet Catfenr fart gaat 1. Fae cored lanes salon ford & ran fee wast St 3 feos 8 Quas rue fistas aay we doe esas merfecit set in aae us fan ot aut 6000/- g. at fonfes att At > ule 3S st fad Seni fees uss vt yst yest age Fact at Her for we Runeltes se - Fag aT ilonas SS salsa farct t wan fees wodt 3a 3 feora Se Ques we fees ac-eg Un aS Hstas fast ot gan 6000/- g. F we ¢ st Hears Sh gerfest first 1.9.2000 @ te-1 & Hone mfad Astes fast ot merteait ad ast wet T1 ust usst ge ot ast wet ¢ Fae We dos oe ats wd fast ot dan 6000/- g. 5 Su de Te fa Hstas uss ot ufget 6000/- g. ot dan aan /isned WUE UT UTE AEST ui fire & ge S Aas us WS oT usT 6250/- F. weeT T TT 250/- J. & aan Tt er aes Gat Ieait| Hs 2000-2001 Bet merfeat udoet amare S att wet 31 On Ae wet fears tts TAH J. 6000/- St AG g. 3500/- Feat Page 23 2. sored /isnsat 33 ation fardbat & frafrs fer Be feo Feat Fae aSH Ae eee fedior da ats wie T St aT fea a8u fiere Yor sot fafent weer, fafa fas in age ot br & etd fossa et 31 @se- ger gerfest (first 1.9.2000) & HaWe Ve ATS 1 Heed F uTs WS 28 seedt Sa austaes adfon farsa + ots ved Wet fas nas AS et 31 Wee Ja UR aed Jed/ats A Hae Uo | fas Un aes A A ohfeSt Hectfede mS Ie THSITSH Un aa Agel dead | Aas fort Ger ares Set THe /iionas fer 3g odt ae Fae St ger vetfest mo aeeret att Fret T ms Got mt At org Seat F fer 31 wee SF ane fret Weal! 3. at ausices adie fardt ow naus Hedifed]e S ros 3 agin afas fandndhst F ages feo F we uss at yst-ysst atst at reet 3 at aot @sa- frst 1.9.2000 F ern Gustaes adie farsa 2 feo 3 re as usd vt ust-ysst free OS Fee o Fae WHATS TH HeaS S HstaS ASH AF ut Atowret. Satay At tun oet fest + us ats Hedifede & Hove cere uste aderd mS fas sore] Oa ANG S sHeta ase'Ge Cuss it weed | fears fas mt Set aget Ss at cern orfe aget IS fea sAdia tetas went, ut atoret. ssteg, Sia set fest B dt atst Wet oi far Te HUTS SS sASta atst weet ~rfe ot at-fesamic sat atat 7 Faret F1 4. at 6000/- 3. ust We & uae St Ahr Sue set Heoet aoe lanes & fenastes feast Ss ot usd et gan Afss, OH @ ufsers & oafes Hast (usst, 88, fe) ot dustaes aston farst & fea 3 de usd § St Su] 9? at fer ufses t feas- feds omafes 2 feos 3 5S uss et aan § nsa-weT Sf Wer gd @se- 6000/- F. St AS was ST Ht Sue Bet aT dened & fexastas fees 3 Te usd Ut com Afos, GH Page 24 featias wafss ufsers & Hust ot dustaes sdf fast & fears 3 dt add, had at Te, fora fee duet di a fa ufsers @ feas-feas omafes t feos J Ie uss Ut aon § Sus T1 fire fsa S Aas feo “mfes Hag ST uTT 10000/- g. fea fest we feg ger dws EA AS 4000/- was Ger F St aSHaTST 14000-6000-8000 g. et yst-ugat att Weat! sve fr anmed/isned us Car & wrafest a ae vee feaor aad F dan eect ¢ GH fest 6000/- g. wet a& Hat TaN MET atSt Wet vl 2. fea nundtag]e mys sorerdbt pfaardbat enact SS weer age fis/reandt fis, Guat t fours fea four fes We! 3. fea nuRdtas]e fes fears & ni feus. 2/93/2001- nie Ut./6523 first 3.8.2001 ws wi fe us. 2/93/2001 me Ut.1/ 1806 fust 21.9.2001 Tot us Te Mindless /YSToaht MaATT Wet ats far TI FOI III Una Heard Hstee MeSH (gee) 1940 - UAE Heats & SHS dense 3 Guat & wmafest 3 Asta ved ot yst-yest aes Fact fssnas wanfent ¢ Hee wee WE! (sae frusfeus. 12/53/2000-5 ft 5/2119 frst 23.1.2002) HS Cusas fast 3 aru at or fers Hears & ast Use 3. 12/192/94-5 MSH. 5/5251-54 fst 132.1995 ms TST Use &. 12/193/94-5 ft 5/26339 fst 8.11.2000 Ye fee@e ot getes det ¢ fagt ore on d vive wt on TF wus Alas urdide anusst irs festa fertfaGe wre tates wrfera (SHA) oat fest, UAT ort. dstag, Hood Hetes aeH/sAUSTS Haed-32 Ustay, Ass WAUTS Raed-16 Vstag, THA t rvs Page 25 Heardt anes /iensd ms Goat f ufsrtes wmafest SH aruset fea oes To feo Wus aes Bet aS feovA Se wad Ut ust usst aaa FaUt aenfedt faoofes atst set TI Qudas Hus fues ay AY SF Haars & fears nate food) fer us § feass Quas Haars & fonsfatus none eHs ats vs! fear cee /Hstas ved Ut ust yest AaCt Hyer aenfenti 1. Haare & usa J. 12/193/94-5 fr 5/26339 fst 8.11.2000 fee van detest /foont mars ame fest feneifeee are Hates wins (fa) set fest F fern ceeGe F ufast oat & mye canada /lonadt ms Guat & mfertes wmafsst } a fee react cHuSet ARES & ordoetas Astas wesen T Hedifede wus agar er 3 fa fan forct + udte utes 3 Gn farat = fear Gn um Gusda sat TI Wat set oven feat Sse TH S AT Tans /dansdt ms Guat F (Sua) oct fest fea feava aseGe F ufust mfp nadtfede wus aes Ut Ss odt Tait mye aan /ilanse wt Guat = umafes Sua ost feat S hor dt feet age Hae Ts! 2. Heats & Usa J. 12/193/94-5 fr 5/26339 frst 8.11.2000 fea ven vefest mo Ustag/HoSt fer HeHss/ afore Hoordt aoa /onasd ms Guat & ufsrtes amafest Ses a THs watt fifi fea nenss/afad cared eres md Gout & mafast & ul At ret. sata, Heardt HStaS aveH/ THUTS, Ades 32, Uslag ws Asses GAUSS, Race-16 Satay fed feora aaeGe set Headt GRUSTS/ ARES! F orders istas ueésen J Hadifedte ys agar ter o fe fan fart + udtea ulss ¢ On & feos Gu um Gusdt at J! Gss- Heard aaNT ed Vilonad/at Guat & ufartes umafes are Satay, Host, Usaer (erer) Aue TA Page 26 far & fot fee afoe 32, § ut Atoret. Satay Heart Hstawe WeH/THUTS Haes-32 Ustay ws Wass THUSS Aaes-16 wag F feos wees J ufsst uaa on fee Affs Haast oRUSTSt /AneSt S aes HStaS Mes en TF fas wedtfete wus ase et SS at deat 3. HeaTa t Usa &. 12/93/94-5 fA 5/26339 frat 8.11.2000 “eH WH feu Head Hstas aeAt STS WaT TRUSS, Ut Atoret. Ustasy Hearst Hstes aeA/TAUTTS, Hacd-32, Ustay, Ass JHUSS-16, Ustag, Sun set fest fed aoe ae feos S de yas St ust ast S Cu osu fragt et at 20000/- g. at fen F So Tet F, yesait wet faa Hstas fest 8 oF Are Ja Cas TRUSS F aaet Te fear F 20000/ - 3. ¥ ule gan @ Astas asn fag ysuat feast /feara = webut/fagr ute S yebat SS vege ats ATS TSI @as- fevat neat sHuset F ages ae feava S TE uge ot ust yast & We wou TS Guat ot ust Yost Gar oat fagt Heat TS fag Astas Fest ySvocit/aren aS Y=Tsait Bel SHE ot Ses Teall ufAT aS Hears SH Sus sa Fuss. 12/53/2000-5 fA 5/2115-18, fuSt 23.1.02 aedt ATet atspt vetest none fededifas mfsest sfrs Faas ANdS ufdardt SB vHo"s ats Wed! 4. Haarg Su. &. 12/193/94-5 fr 5/5251-54 frst 13.2.95 dgt 1 (st) mene oH nies yRise TRUSS ARS T fern aseGe F ufsst Haast aoNTS/UsHadaA MS Gust = fortes omafsst & fry Astas Fes ot yeu Set Tet 31 @se- stedace frog fevet are tus. ule. (1) ¥. 97/11821-11921 fist 3.12.1997 at fen F one fer fer 3 wet ats ae fros feea/eenfedint & usd ot ust ysst & Heard de faces ag fes ae us, Gu fee wonfefent oH a use ystoait wus aes Ut Ba odt Seait! ws or dt feast Page 27 anus ¥ feaa/aren fedbat age we ATS Guds Hatas a6u fag istas dest § aren ane YStadt set sue ut 3s deat mfad Hstas fist ct yerout Hers SH Sus sa Fuse &.12/53/2000-5 fi 5/ frst 23.1.2002 wet wrt ats gerest OH, fedudiigs uftars fos Huda mfcarst Ss fest Aait gua fa feo 3 38 ued ot Ust Yast Ut san 3 Hfesaes fos Here Uae & Gag use first 23.12.1997 mS fen F ene fer fer 3 wel ats ae ost use feu faowfes ats ae det St FT ga dt Aus fer wre 5. Weare & use &. 12/193/94-5 fr 5/5251-54 first 13.2.1995 & der 1(at) Mans TH FT wos oH nies Has yeas Ung & ves fev afes ald a Hee Asta tes Ut ysS YeToait wus agat det TI @ss- sfedaes frogs Fevet Ure S ud. Urs. (1) ¥. 97/11821-11921 fast 23.12.1997 FT fen F ane fer HS Wet ats Te ast Use fee uetee cuss F see ae faus feon/aenfedat & ued ot ust ysst F Heard de suds ad fed ae Us Gu fesn/aven/fedmi wa F ard OH nize nfas uretee aru et /AnEeSt F aeee wet Hee Hstas fos ct use YSTSalt UUs aes Ut Ss adt Tea ms ot at fedat cuss + feen/aran-feuat ager BE We Cuds Hstrs a6u Hee Astas aes $ aH ane STs Bet SHE ot Ba deat ufad tates fast ct uss Hears SH Sug Sas gs S. 12/53/2000-S fit 5/21115-18 fxst 23.1.2002 wet Aet ats Put fest west! snes fr feava 3 Ie usd ot st ysst St can sfedacs fros Hevet Uae & Gas use fist 23.12.1997 a fen $ eve fen fer 3 wet ats Te ost Use feu faarfes Page 28 ats ae det Ht At Sa ot es dhe Are 2. fer vefest Uae Hears & MYT NETH /Tonadt S woot (MS Ure ors & ore fest Heret & nfoerdbut ine ns dfonreat wetade F dat oS Cu Het feu Je a Het afed dda deus we Cu ue fan fon fee focrtfenic F ene hes FS TS) AS SAHA AS BA Ss OTat B ufertas wafsst eS feon see set og dea 3. fea vefest mys coneebatyfaarsbt tens Se weer aas/Aead Set Guat & firs fee four fespat wel 4. fea verfest fea feaar & feuds. 8/139/2000-5 feu. 2/3515, fut 7.12.2001 wet uus det Afoust Cues AST otshat aebat ga FOI II II ausites aston farebat a uae on & Astae arent ut. at. oret. Sater ws Sea set fest F ada orese nett feat aseQe oet ngas wad Ut 75% Jan aso SEA ee Ws! (68S U.S. 12/2/2000-5 fr 5/1898 fest 22.1.2002) HS Queers fer 3 ou at et firs Haare & Use S. 12/ 69/98/5 fi 5/21329, Hat 1-9-2000 2 feeGe tues get ¢ fan wot fen Use ove oat wasd-e fes von austaes antaa farrdbut a ade w@ese udta aes ae fears 3 de usd Ut ust ysSt ay Hest wUIle, TEs ET ene ats fart Atl gevs omtite Use & maeea-e fes WHS atsbat qustetes aartod farrdbat er UATE Hears & Hates arent, ut. at. wet. Satay ws are festa fenedifage ure Hates wfena (Sua) set fest F de unQesd Hala feana ase Set ngHTss eT Ut 75% dan sd USsSH Ge TT HST fues ay mt ST Ha ST fess nite far wus & feaes Cues Hea B VETS Page 29 mute usd fest 1-9-2000 3 fen feat S aor Are ats por gerfest &. 12/77/2000/5 fA 5/28432, frst 19.11.2001 wot naed-e fes WHS atest quetaes anted faudpyt a aaah /ioned ws Guat & ufsrtas orfaast Se, une oa & Astee oven, ut. at. wet. Sstarsy Ss ST oct fears, ssa mGese ndin feo aeerGe Set ngHss wad ut 75% dan sse sein VE wT eHET ats JI fes msSH Hos ads SF HHdE nifrardt fesrat Wet Ted Mss foxafeus Hest adie fest ATSar— Haarg & Use }. 12/69/98-SfH 5/2829 fist 1-9-2000 fee van Hast ot fea-fis us|er atst Areal ~asea A gan aed lanes § sae fest wWeatt! WHT sens SS Set MISH VS AN UTS BE TE SSA Sued Fat one file Hears Shut Tetfest wane feast F un ats Wed! aed lanes SS BE Te nsSTA St Ta SIM AIS T 6 Hole FT aaHSTS ones SS Un ats Te fis ct Hage ce 28, fagat at mt ufest de, nive-nied msStA MSAK aes & fated Haus fest S yet ot Feat fea vefest Une Heard S HY Sear S Het fea mftardbaty aaah, MYT eae & tons (dened oS UATE oT ST was fan aon fes aed Te) ns Cust S ufsrtas wafsst Sw deat fea vefest mys aaNet faardbat ened & fas fee four fest we! fea vefest fes fearar & vf: fe: u: 5: 8/532/86-5 feu 2/ 3805, first 26-11-2001 ma mi: fe: Ud: 8/532/86-5 feu 2/4311, first 8-1-2002 wat wus Tet Yesait Guss AT atsbat arébat Ie FOI II IIIA Page 30 Copy of letter NO. 12/77/2000-5HBV/13137 dated 21-07-2004 from Government of Punjab Department of Health & Family Welfare (Health-V Branch) to all Heads of Departments etc. Subject-Reimbursement of medical expenses incurred by the Punjab Sir, Government Employees/Pensioners on the treatment of Complicated Chronic Diseases as outdoor patients-policy regarding. lam directed to invite your attention towards Govt's letter no. 12/ 69/98-HBV/21329-33, dated the 1st September 2000 and letter No. 12/77/2000-5HBV/28432-35, dated the 19th November, 2001, on the subject noted above vide which re-imbursement of expenses incurred on outdoor treatment of Complicated Chronic Diseases listed in Annexure ‘A’ was allowed and two more diseases were added to the list at Annexure ‘A’ respectively and to say that after the issue of the above instruction employees /pensioners represented to the Government for addition of some more diseases to the list of Complicated Chronic Diseases, to remove the condition laid down in clause (1) of para No. 1 of letter dated 01- 09-2000, referred to above that no reimbursement will be allowed if the expenditure on the treatment of Complicated Chronic Diseases does not exceed Rs. 6000/- per annum and also to increase the period of validity of Complicated Chronic Diseases Certificate. The representations have been considered and the Government has decided as under :- (To add 9 diseases to the list (Annexure ‘A’ of letter dated 01-09- 2000) at Sr. No. 16 to 24 after Sr. No. 15 as follows :- 16. intractable/Resistant Epilepsy. 17. Chronic Glucoma. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Ulcerative Colitis. Brain Stroke. Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndroma. Hypertension. Hypothroidism. Secondary Adrenal Insufficieneny, and Page 31 Diabetes Mallitus Type-2 To remove the condition laid down in clause (i) of para No. 1 of the instruction dated the 1st September, 2000 that no reimbursemnt will be allowed on Complicated Chronic Diseases if it does not exceed Rs. 6000/- per annum. In view of this decision full reimbursement will be allowed in respect of the treatment of Complicated Chronic Diseases to the employees/ pensioners subject, however, to the provison of clause : of para No. 1 of instructions dated the 1st September 2000. The expenditure incured on in-admissible items, shall also continue to be excluded as per existing rules/instruction. The clarification contained in sub-paras No. (1) and (4) of letter No. 12/69/98-SHBV/25708, dated the 9th October 2001 will stand modified accordingly. To increase period of validity of Complicated Chornic Disease Certificate from 1 year to 3 years. The decision regarding reimbursement of expenses, incurred on outdoor treatment of the diseases mentioned in clause(i) and decisions contained in clauses(ii) and (iii) of Para No. 1 above, will be affective prospectively, that is, from the date of issue of this letter. These instructions may kindly be brought to the notice of all concerned for information/compliance. These instructions are issued with concurrence of Department of Finance (Finance Personnel-1 Branch) conveyed vide its letter no. 5/22/97/FPI/914 dt 6th July 2004. Yours faithfully Sd/Under Secretary Health FOI IAI astea shrfont & onGe so feorn & usd ot ystyast wet adfsa shrfoat et 10.9.2007 ¥ Fat fee 27 shrehit WH Copy of letter No. 12/77/2000-5HBV/21950 dated 10.9.2007 from Government of Punjab Department of Health and Family Welfare to all Heads of Departments etc. Page 32 Subject :-Reimbursement of medical expenses incurred by the Punjab Government employees/pensioners on the treatment of complicated chronic diseases as out door patients-policy regarding. lam directed to invite your attention to Punjab Government letters No. 12/69/98-5HBV/21329-33 dated the 1st September 2000. No. 12/77/2000-SHBV/28342, dated 19.11.2001 and No. 12/77/2000- 5HBV/13137, dated 21.7.2004 on the subject noted above vide which reimbursement of expenses incurred on out door treatment of complicated chronic diseases was allowed and to say that after issue of the above mentioned instruction some of the employees/pensioners represented the government for inclusion of some more diseases to the list of complicated chronic diseases. All such representations have been considered and it has been decided to include Hepatitis-B Hepatitis C and Hyperthyroidism diseases on the list of complicated chronic diseases at sr. No. 25 to 27 of the list :- Chronic renal failure Cancer/maligancies of different organs Heart failure cardomyopathy (myocardial infarction) and angina pectoris Thealisemias Degenerative disorders of nervous system and other organs. Organs transplants Congenital disorders Cirrhosis Coelics Disease Immunological disorders Chronic respiratory Failure. Chronic pelvic infection Spinal injuries (Vide No. 12/77/2000-5HBV/21329-33, dated 1.9.2000) Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus Haemophilia (Vide no. 12/77/2000-5HBV/28432 dated 19.11.2001) Intractable/Resistant epilepsy Page 33 Chronic glaucoma Ulcerative collitis Brain stroke Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome Hypertension Hypothyroidism Secondary adrenal insufficiency Type 2 Diabetes mellitus insufficiency (Vide on 12/77/2000 a-SHBV/13137, dated 21.7.2004) To add these diseases to the list (Annexure-A) 25-27 after Sr. No. 24 as follows :- Hepatitis-B Hepatitis-C Hyperthyroidism The decision regarding reimbursement of expenses, incurred as out door treatment of the diseases mentioned at Sr. No. 25 to 27 in terms of the condition laid down in the instructions. These instructions may kindly be brought the notice of all concerned for their information/compliance. These instruction are issued in accordance with the decisions taken in a meeting held on 24.7.2007 under the chair-manship of Chief Secretary to Government of Punjab copy of Letter No. 12/77/2000-5HBV/21950 dated 10.9.2007 from Government of Punjab Department of Health and Family Welfare to all Heads of Departments etc. FO IIIb uaa Hears UsT S. 12/23/03-5HV5/3883 first 1/3/05 oat ~waATE dat & ued St ust uTst A ufos Pal Sater AIMS F aeet fearn ares dt det Ht S Head Hates ae HS THUS'S Ustas Haed, 32, Ustas Asses THUsS Raed 16, CMC Sfwtet DMC Sfuret ws ara fee fag uae St fres crus + case fears Ut ust yest Tea | feat dhrdbut & use ef yst ysst Bet 7 HET 6000/et Set oat At Ga une Haas & UsT S. 12/77/2000/5HBV/13137 Page 34 first 21.7.04 wot Sfun S Bet TI usa &. 12/10/10-5f95/1165 UATE Hears fros 3 ufsers saret fearon (fAs-5 HTET) first, Satay - 14 We, 2010 fem - aorerdtai/lansat § Astae usd ut yst-yest age et feat feu de Ayest Se FAC! pre at, Qusas fet 3 Ag nears SH wwe fre wet TeTfest Se amy at a fons feeGe na fer fous ot gees Tet T fo Su-Sy HasShat St Hor S Have Ba frs § fre fes due Te Heats SH Jo fed won Hs BE Te IS — aston fardbut ot get fea ear aes ws Haarg & UST F. 12/77/2000-SfH/21950, frst 10.9.2007 feu een 27 asian fardbat & ate-ave 5 Te adfow faurdbat ate age & ane altar farur o, fan avae WANS aatos fardbut et ret do fer wens Tait! 1. Chronic Renal Failure. 2, Cancer/Maligancies of different organs. 3. Heart failure cardiomyopathy (Myocardial Infarction) and Angina pectoris. . Thalisemias. . Degenerative Disorders of Nercous System and other organs. . Organs Transplants. . Congenital Disorders. . Cirrhosis. 9. Coelics Disease. 10. Immunological disorders leading to disability including AIDS. 11. Chronic respiratory failure. 12. Chronic pelvic infection. 13. Spinal injuries. Page 35 . Insulin dependent Diabetes Mellitus. Haemophilia. Intractable/Resistant Epilepsy. Chronic Glaucoma. . Ulcerative Collitis. Brain Stroke. . Obstructutive Sleep Apnea Syndrome. . Hypertension . Hypothyroidism. . Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency. . Diabetes Mellitus Type-2. 25. Hepatitis-B 26. Hepatitis-C 27. Hyperthyrodism. 28. Rheumatiod Arthritis. 29. Schzophrenia. 30. Epilepsy. 31. Mental Retardation. 32. Respiratory disease leading to Chronic Respiratory failure (a) Bronchial Asthma (b) Bronchiectasis (c) Chronic obstructive pulmonary Disease (d) Interstitial Lung Disease etc. Rstas wen/aHUsS, Faes-32, satay F aafos fart & Hedifede wet aes & ifuars Se we - une Haare Ut ufent getfest &. 12/69/08-5fH5/21329, first 1-9-2000 monte Ure Head Hstas aren, nifisAg, sdiede, ufenrer, ut ataret. Satay ws Sua, set fest gS ausiates anton faurst & et ats nadie Hates fist ot ust-ysst Bet usta ua Je feat + fearer Haat Hes ASH Ms THUTS, Aaed-32, datag § SA arfoa ar anor four dome afeu fea fea tetas nedtfedte Ht Hates ued ot yst-ysst wet yetfas Tea! aged farst & necifede et here 3 we Seu a 5 we aaa FS una Hears ot urfert gerfest 12/77/2000-5f#5/13137, fust 21 qeret, 2004 wgHEG aatad fardt & Hedtfeae ST fimre, t fre sa 3 Wert, o3res Sg 5s We aS a ener ats fam J fen sgt fras warardbat & Hacifea ufasi dt ¥é de Us, Gu Hstas nected] AH de ot frst F SAS ow Ja Sfes AHF Hed! fea verfest wet de ot fist F OG Tear fea verfest water Hu Rese, Uae at et uTsait do Tet Hifear fst 6-5-2010 fee Be SHS S HaHY atebat ArSpH ws KK upTe Hears e Uses. 12/28/2010/5fA5/3019 first 15.12.10 mMgnd adted sHdbat ut Hstas aeat ut Hdtetae TRUSTS / Asa HAST S Taba /faardhat /tensat md Oat & wnfes lesa Haat § eaniu feos caer at ges fie aet oI uaa Haars & Use &. 12/2/2000/5 ft 5-/287-90 fst 5-1-01 mone oe nied Heard /yeiee dHuSsTS feu ous Tt feora aeerGe set menfes usd UT 75% wsSA TUT ae ut ages o1 fen Fao fea use &. 12/27/2000/5 fit-5/ 28436 fuSt 19-11-2001 Bu Hae TI KKK aot oy Gara usa &. 21/65/2009-5fH5/943 frst 10-5-2010 = unre Hears fros 3 ufsers soret feavar (firgs-5 HT) SE wa & Aye festa & Wet ore! fer - Una Hears & aaa /lonsat § oa & nies/wed, Headt/yrize crus + fedsasorGess fea ase wet MOuss ae oT Assn Hage aes TT! Page 37 sas fer 3 Hes SS AM At Tetest Se fours feeGe aa fer fave ot gees Tet o fr Sr-Se Hades St vat Se nove Sa fis s frre fea due Te mMones vad UT se Unit aa & fearar Heibat S fe ufuara fea do fad were AU age et ener ater fara 3. Bats. farstor at fer mt unite ere unait ge ae ae Hapetatitis-B&C 75% 90% Major illness A Pass 75% 80% Surgery Kidney Transplant Major Cancer Treatment oe farsa 75% 80% Quias sein Jo fodbut nest wore free Gat Tear - a Gas “ond SSH US age Bet Haas S Ug S. 7/7/85-5fH5/2498, first 25.1.1991 fee sarfenr wast tog deca | Head dHusst fes eras oo fea averGe fis ree we usd wT Cas won NsSA YUS aes Bet HATE S uses. 12/2/2000-5f#5/287, first 5.1.2001 fea Bareput wast org Teahar | uide crusts F fron sere ut Hes feu wed was a Gas none HsSTA YTUS aes Bet, HaaTE T UsT 3. 12/2/2000-5fA5/287, first 5.1.2001 fea Sarebat Hest none Haus free Hens Tt dates & an feu aiedacs, fros 3 ufsers goret, Ure UT une YUS aaat Teait! Heard & Use &.12/2/2000-5fH5/1898, first 22.2.2002 fea sarepat wast nena anton farrdbut & an feo Page 38 wsein ot gan Haus anes foes /iisnedd & sae fest Feat! aod /lsnada/nfsadt set nMsSH SE MT UTS BE Te msen & usd Fact fees Hears Spat gerfest mene fesrar & Un aod! aed ions <8 ot Te vseiA ot san som aaa To Has & vieanics visetA sae aes Ut fect Has feaar = Het & Tacit fea vefest fez fears & 4 feus. 5/120/2009-4 feu. 1/ 138, fut 31.3.2010 Tet Pus det YSTSalt Cuss wet ats aw adbat Is! Fat - CARH), wuts Hess, fT! KKK ufTe Heats & Use S. 12/53/2000/5-HBV / 27931 4S UST 12/ 53/2000/5-HVB/2119 first 23-1-2002 Fue 4 mS 5 fea fest Ayes Shun & set! feat feat Jo foues we ss aH afeu fea usa. 139/94/5-HVB/5152-54 fat 13-2-95 me fer Fact AAA at de getfest BATS feuee Hed (13- 2-95 Ser Use dot stfu fara 3) Je HeaTat ASHES usnaed we Cai & wafest ow feo aera F ufsst Hee Hates Fes vt marG voget Set wget ag fest set nate ot diate Tes S He due de fagr/nee HetaS Hes ST more ystadt Set Ase at de Cw Una Haars TUS. 7/7/ 85/SHBV/26573 fst 5-10-95 Fe Hote = Hes S diate usar dé gaz far sadtot onus & fears fer at Reet oI fa ut ame fea fagr/née tates Ses yevsat Sear RK Page 39 Copy of letter No. 12/193/94-5HB-5/5251-54 Govt. of Punjab, Department of Health and Family Welfare Date 13.02.1995 All the Heads of Deptts., Registar Punjab & Haryana High Court. Commissioners of Divisions, Distt. & Session Judges, Dy. Commissioners, Sub. Divisional Officers (Civil) in the State & Principals of Medical, Dental Colleges & All the Civil Surgeons. The question of revising some of the facilities to Punjab Govt. employees/pensioners has ben engaging the attention of the State Govt. and consequently following decisions have been taken :- Treatment at AIIMS, New Delhi, in Private Hospitals and Treatment abroad. As per instructions issued vide Punjab Govt. letter No. 7/7/85- 5HBV/2498, dated 25.1.91 the Policy regarding re-imbursement of medical expenses incurred on medical treatment taken abroad and in hospitals other than the hospitals of the Govt. of Punjab (both outside and inside the State of Punjab) was laid down. The Govt. has reviewed the decisions taken in the above said letter and it has now been decided as under :- Treatment at AIIMS Distt. Civil Surgeons shall be competent to permit treatment of a particular disease at AIIMS, New Delhi on the basis of recommendations of the Dist. Level Standing Medical Board provided the treatment is not available in the Govt. Hospitals of the State. The expenditure on re-imbursable items on such a treatment in AIIMS, New Delhi, shall be re-imbursed to Govt. Employees/ Pensioners. The composition of the Distt. level Medical Board shall be as under :- (1) Civil Surgeons Chairman (2) Assistant Civil Surgeon Member Two specialists of the concerned speciality Members For the Purpose of Punjab Govt. employees posted at Chandigarh and pensioners residing here at Chandigarh the composition of Page 40 the Distt. Level Medical Board shall be as under :- (1) Officers I/C of the concerned Chairman Branch of the Directorate of Health & Family Welfare, Pb. (2) Sr. Medical Officer, Member VC Civil Hospital Mohali. (3) Two Specialists of the concerned specialists Member from Civil Hospital Mohali. This Board shall meet in the Directorate of Health & Family Welfare, Pb. on the second Monday of each month and in case of holiday the Board will sit on the next working day. Treatment in private hospitals in the country. It has been decided that employees and pensioners should be given freedom to get treatment in any private institute/hospital (of their own choice) in the country provided that he/she gives an undertaking out of his/her free will and unambiguous terms that he/she will accept re-imbursement of expense incurred by him/ her on his/her treatment to the level of expenditure as per rates fixed by the Director Health & Family Welfare Punjab for a similar treatment package or actual expenditure which ever is less. The rate for a particular treatment would be included on the advice issued by the Distt./State Medical Board. A committee of technical expenditure should be constituted by the Director Health & Family Welfare of Pb. to finalise the rates of various treatments packages and the same rate list shall be made available in the offices of the Civil Surgeons of the State. However, this permission would be granted by the Director, Health & Family Welfare, Punjab on the advice of State Medical Board in case of treatment in Private hospitals outside the State and the Distt. Medical Board in case of treatment in private Hospitals within the State. Treatment Abroad The treatment of a disease in a country abroad would be permitted in extremely rare cases where satisfactory treatment is not available in the country. Such treatment and follow up should be recommended by the State Medical Board or approval of the State Medical Board shall be a pre-requisite in such cases. All Page 41 efforts should be made by concerned employee/pensioner to take approval of the State Medical Board. The composition of the State Medical Board for all purposes will be as follows :- (1) Director Health & Family Welfare, Punjab. Chairman (2)Specialist of the desired line of treatment. Member (3) Senior Most Specialist from the State Medical College. Member (4) Dy. Director/Asst. Director I/C P.M.H. Branches Member (5) Dy. Director Health and Family Welfare, Punjab Member. Note :- But in case of a specialist of the concerned line from PGI Chandigarh is not available, there should be specialists from two. of the State Medical Colleges instead of one. The State Medical Board should as well as Distt. Medical Board shall meet on the first Wednesday of each month and in case of holiday the Board will meet on the next working day. All requests/ applications should be considered by the Standing Medical Board which would be received in the previous month. Conditions contained in letter No. 7/7/5-HB-5/2498, dated 25.1.91 will remain unchanged. Re-imbursement of expenses incurred on disposable items used during treatment of patient. It has been decided the following reimbursement of expenses incurred on disposable items connected with patient treatment of any ailment. The cases already decided will not be re-opened. Re-imbursement of test got done from private hospital/ organisations. The reimbursement of any test/treatment got done from private hospital/organisation, for which facilities are not available in Govt. hospital/PGI will be made on the specific recomendations of the Distt. Level Medical Board as per rates fixed by Director Health and Family Welfare. Re-imbursement of medical expenses for out patient treatment of chronic diseases. As per instructions contained in Punjab Govt. letter No. 10/12/90- 8 FSHB-5/66 dated 1-1-91 the Authorised Medical Attendant in allopathy is competent to issue chronic diseases certificate. Now Page 42 it has been decided that specialist in the desired line of treatment would be competent to issue a certificate of chronic disease for first three months only. Thereafter the certifcate will be issued by the Distt. Medical Board which will be valid for a maximum of three years. The applicant will have to get himself/herself re-examined from the Distt. Medical Board every three year. The Director, Health & Family Welfare, Punjab will prepare a revised list of chronic diseses in this regard. This issue with the concurrence of the Deptt. of Finance conveyed vide I.D. No. 8/142/93-5F.E.-2/8068, dated 2-12-94 Your's Faithfully Sd Joint Secratary Health FARIA KIO I unre Haars © Usa &. 12/38/99-5 fit 5/12/989 first 31/5/2000 oat mune ats fara o fa feent feu fa@et S Te HeTHH/ danas a Gat & onfqat 3 feen fea Ten/farst Swe uss Ft ust usst oot Seat Sgt $ feen we F ufsst dee feandH cedn Wus agar agdt ae fest far 7! feen fee ofuce my aet voweer At ssl wT Ga ages fear ot det Sead HsaTT WETS Sat ada | Una Heard & Usa S. 10/12/(4)/865 AA 5/17745 fst 28.6.91 wut favs Usnod unre fee afoe ve Gu me Hstas ued & fas frees Hane Ut sare wruS fag uue t cesT fea Un adgadi fan fears + Gu foetfes Te JS us Cat Cai fast ot wefeait aasdtl fan fears ov vese fargr uu sot d Ga wu fas fag & few Hens 3 Un aaa | Saag ws Ue oH F wae afore SS tonsa ufsst ot 3g ferrar & Wet 3 Un aaad | Uses. 12/61/205/5PP2/1064 first 28-7-05 wat Hue TEES ofa tates fast ot ust yest fas fis]e S30 feat t nieve nies atst We una Hears & Usa S. 12/29/98/5 fst 25-6-01 EAT dared ms Cat & orfqat & feos wet ase mt Ae Page 43 Host AY & HeeH MOH Yedt daedt wd Rune Jefesi wl Rat oe ofes ats aSu : WOES Se SF TRUSTS fees TUS Ta gees fears & usd UF ust yest S fas cHUSTS F et ce a fist F 6 Hots & vies nies Haos vess fee mH ade ge ysl ud A 6 Hats St Me Hr fee fas mr fae at ot agate at Afr TS St aedfear uftarst Sat St wr @ when ve & aHvia ad fa aan aT fart Je S fas wor fag AH aT age"Se Bet fates adi St fas Gee ufuarst at ussait ave Haars S SHS St ae Haas Uos S ot UA ads FES TS (UST S. 1200-5- HBIl/ 73/6083 first 6.8.73) free fie ucts &. 15706/1999 aAes Ae HSH UATE HITS = Snes fist 23.4.01 none S Hdd A fire nies yst yost fas ce =F wren fist 6.7.71 § Teta =e de a fear far ms 3S TSH Bet Haas J fara fern Ft . 3o" fas au aes ot rune Haare T Use 3. 13/28/12- 2PP/10002 fist 25.8.83 Tat faat fearA Adee For fas UT was SS S Sad F gauMat Ja Aa fest wT HAT TI feosd feo Guss Ge 30 fern S wre vad Tt UST yest wast weet 31 faSfa wrGe 3a fears feos feo at ast fea d Ga fis crus fed un de we UE St afearer wetaee F SAS J. Ht. ea go UATE oH faret Has A 2008 (4) RSU/Pb & Hry. B-173 ST HST TI usa $. 589/143/4-82/602-1211 fst 22-1-82 BAe sTAeT ot ners ove Sasha wrgeefea/garat eeebat St Ust yest F Haet TI Use &. 64/12/HBV/5/81/1201 frat 16.12.81 Mond Stade St HST aS aGifax verepyt fare S. Ill mond Ust ysst Gat Ta! ust vast & fas avs Jo fot Sa fare set aaat Tet T us Qn gis fas fours agar ater 31 Sa fone fans weATS d! Page 44 Check List for scrutinizing the medical Re-imbursement Bills. 1. That the bill is within the limit of Rs. fixed. -The bill is for chronic disease is outside the limit of Rs. ....... That the medicines have been purchased within the time limit and date of prescription of medicines. That the bill has been submitted within six months from the date of completion of treatment. As a proof, Diary No and date of submission of bill should be given. That the medicines/items are re-imbursable. Re-imbursement items are re-imbursable items and total should be shown separately so that proper checking may be carried. That the claim pertains to out door/in door treatment. That the bill is according to the various instructions issued by the Govt. from time to time. That the total of bill is correct. That the claimant is taking fixed medical allowance/not taking fixed medical allowance. That the claimant has taken Rs.. .as imbursement in the current Financial Year. That the prescription slip and bills bear the stamp of the Authorized Medical Attendant. That the bill is countersigned by the Head of Office. That the Head of accountis............... and the funds are available under this Head. The name of the medicines item should be written in capital letters neatly so that the bill could be checked properly. All the Deptt. should possess all the instructions issued by Secretary to Govt. Punjab, Health and Family Welfare Department Chandigarh and the concerned dealing Assistant should read these instructions thorougly. Certified that the cost of non-reimbursable medicines/items are deducted. Page 45

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